16 fr ' 1 V Oives, Pomeroy & Stewart Opens To-morrow With Extraordinary Savings J The °f August is Clearance month and the Buyers' Sale calls particular attention to the Merchandise that is fresh and new this season and in good style must march out simply be- J K A&3pL IHUHM " cause the calendar proclaims the arrival of the time for the adjustment of mid-summer stocks. AB&|||^ MfRHfR And withthis announcement, you are assured that no matter what the family needs the August Buyers' Sale will afford you mnm , Additional News of Great Values in the Buyers' Sale Will Be Found on Page 6 Wvlj M iWm In the Final Clearance of Summer Footwear OCIK ™ T> ?C< 1 JfM TVIP Buyers' Sale Claims Manv of Sllk S P ecials m the Buyers Sale 4/W B XjUyCIS Ocll(3 lVlaliy OI Our Silk Buyer announces some of the best values of the season for this final OU-I* BeSt "V3/lU.OS Summer clearance event. The opportunity may not come again in a long while to WSI \ By Approximately 1500 pair of shoes and oxfords of the dependable kind go into the wM Buyers' Sale at season-end prices. Uncommon savings are indicated, as these items buy such good styles and qualities at these low prices. ®| SB* 600 pair women's $3.00 to $4.50 high-grade Women's $5.00 French kid pumps and Co- , n , » <m ->s a. -n ,<• . -®> vm^m • white pumps in canvas, linen and Nubuck; lonials in bronze and gray. Buyers' Sale pttce, $1.23 and $1.50 Stripe and ] sl—s ,sport silks, self color- jfSVJk MB Louis XV and Cuban heels. Buyers' Sale price. women's $4 00 srav and chamoarne numw qheck suitings, including a very I ed stripes Copenhagen and 7Cp E $2.65 Saie price . PS choice lot of small check suit- \ (QC myrtle, 36 inches wide. Buy- \ .DC JM 200 pair women's $3.50 and $4.00 pumps 100 pair women's pumps and oxfords in ings; all 36 inches wide. Buy- J ers' Sale Price, yard J ?aie gU p n ric m e etal "* COH " ' TOW ,I '°° ers * Sale Price ' yard * J}* white Crepe de Chine, "j K jMHM ■ Women's $V!oo jrrey and 'ivory kid pumps pair men's $4.50 black and tan oxfords 89c Shantung ( Suiting fine finches wide. Buyers Sale I gC)^ s■*"l W® and Colonials, made by Laird & Schoeber. 180 pair mens $5.00' ton and 'black oxfords. Sard ) st/C Dives. Pome'roy'& Stewart,' '"J Buyers' Sale price $3.95 Buyers' Sale price, $3.09 yard Street Floor, Front. | i mMHHmmr Attractive table damask values will go into the , Icnn ui.-i, ..... a P 1L f* x I a. ; Homespun table damask in black and stripe Values up to $2.00 No Mail Orders. f edged wlth lace- Extra special in the August Buyers' «v patterns - Buyers' Sale Price, yard 750 A fortunate purchase for the Buyers' Sale of fine rock i n ,,i*'J i •■• ■• ■ $7 - 5 ® BK; L 3 SLO ° mercerized scalloped table covers; 64x64 I yStal , and S eometrical deigns as shown. Every piece perfect. sizes for misses an C d^v^o e M inches. Buyers Sale Price 890 Many ,anc y shapes. VM® maining Summer stock of desirable colors and styles. |^HLgv m i _„ j T)_ J V 5? ern d ' sh .f- n 5 Uning. Vases in many styles. Butter dishes. IpLJ U Extra special in the August Buyers' Sale $5.50 lowels and Jjed opreads ® ra P* ru , T .'J Cheese and cracker Six rruit saucers. |J(j| - ' Handled celery hold- dishea. Ovar trays. r!|l H|[l $25.00 and $30.00 white Crepe de Chine and lingerie 1B&, £, c Turkish towels. Buyers Sale price, 25c gw V ill ers - Six water tumblers. Celery trays jIjH voile dresses. Extra special in the August Buyers Sale, 10 ° ' luc ' c towe ' s w Sth border. Buyers' Sale price, AijJ •!ets U^ar &n crcam Salad and fruit Comports. .nn fIHUI 4 for 2oc Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement.°° tC S " Regular $22.50 to $37.50 voile and net dresses. Extra }' 15c extra heavy buck toweis with red border. J* SPeC,a AUgU6t B^ er " o Sale $18.50 h° C Tur ' c ' s^l towels; extra size'and weight; all 1 eguiar $18.50 white net dresses Vn sizes for misses [ l the Buyers' Sale at SI.OO wiii save a Tidy sum j The^u,;,k hnntrht ... , . . ... , + , ad rtc nt^iched u pnfow cases, 45x36 In a Sale of Several Thousand Garments lhese new waists were bought specially for this sale and introduce the inches. Buyers' Sale price 12V&C | || MIIIII ""J latest effects in lingerie styles. inches. W Beers' to'ie^price. 868 '. "sic Ever y shirt entering the Buyers' Sale is of the desirable kind, and every one • < • * l ' oo bleached Sheets, 81x90 inches, of them is a genuine bargain. Right out of regular stock they represent the best BEfeH T"M i'''JHPRk j The materials are organdie and voile trimmed with pin tucks, openwork Bu y e " l ' Sal® pri o®. 0 ®. ...... »0c Q { our season's selections. smmKMEr vti.> r r 7c bleached Muslin. 36 inches wide. . . . . , k<VQr.. .JU , , K . , .• ... , , Buyers' Sale price, yard «%c' Priced mighty low, so come in good time to-morrow. * ißm t.M JK. embroidery fronts or combination lace insertion, tucks and embroidery. g c bleached Muslin a« tnVhM »<<?» w • E-i j Buyers' Sale dHm yard 7 ' $2.50. $2.98 and $3.50 sllk and silk-and- SI.OO tan and cream mercerized negligee MUM % J}' ' r ' M Deep collars trimmed with lace edge or PETTICOAT SPECIALS 10c Outing Cloth; des'irabie shades linen negligee shirts with soft fold dj 1 Off shirts with collar attached. Buyers' CQ .mW allover embroidery collar; long sleeves trim- r H! .irvr,n r. to ~ Buyers' Sale price 8c cuffs. Buyers' Sale price 01,00 Sa!e P rice : |_ • |&M t ' lSg d oriace tU edge Ck Chofc® P lalte< l flounce; wistaria, navy. Copen- wide® ^ 8 * l5O flne woven stripe picardy weave BOYS' SHIRTS AND BLOUSE WAISTS <*>• of .1.00 hagen. gray, tan and black 2 style. "S»I.ST® ?.*.!?& Sj£" U S'lV TuySXf. p°£. $1• 19 jj'j, ■APTP^ t fcs*. ] SI-00 TO g1.50 WAISTS AT 50c 11.95 value. Buyers' Sale price. . .$1.40 28c bleached Sheeting. 214 yards nHce Buyers Sale 39c IT Lot of odd waists in voile, madras, striped . wlde - Buyers' Sale price, yard, 25c SIOO percale coat shirts with laundered v Hiwlr'. >1 | dimity and black batiste; semi-tailored **.•><> aiue. Buyers bale price, ..91.05 Basement. cuffs; hand laundered and matched stripes; SI.OO sport blouse waists with silk strine ■ styles wth long sleeves; formerly SI.OO to Extra size petticoats in black satine, tai- T . . ZTZ- : . , sizes 13% to 17. Buyers' 7Qr madras collar. Buyers' Sale />C _ $1.50. Special in the Buyers' sale 50c , j , . JJIDITIO" VlPrPT'inl'3 Sale price « *7C nrice OOC * Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. lored and plaited flounces— billing IVldltil ldlb " Price fXC Second Floor. $1.25 value. Buyers' Sale price, . .SI.OO . "cand 25c satine, 36 inches wide. SI.OO Panama rep and doucteyne cloth 50c sport shirts in plain white and stripes. WWaMBMBMiaiMm lengths of 1% to 3 yards. Buyers' negligee shirts; with soft fold cuffs. *7 A _ Buvers' Sale on S Atmnv mnrcp cprmi n » Jl ' 9s valu ®- Buyers' Sale price, ..$1.49 Sale price, B%e Buyers' Sale price I H:C . 39C ' |, , W** >ITDDY BLOUSE SPEClAL—Basement BUVM.' R«t» n ,l« a. o- 19c black Satine, 36 Inches wide. Price... ■B'". 4 , |Hg All white Middy Blouse or white with y price, ..91.90 Buyers' Sale price, 16c SI.OO and $1.19 sport shirts in plain pon- SI.OO sport shirts with long and elbow r'M 1/ ; Copenhagen, rose, na\"y and red collar and Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. _ ®sc black Satine, 36 inches wide. | gee and white allover stripes; some with sleeves; striped collar and allover *J A 18BP wSm cuffs. Buyers' Sale price 49c Second Floor. Bu >'c r s' Saie price 29c j sport ties at watch. Buyers' gQ strtpes Buyers' Sale price WMyT- J)y|| stieet Floor | Sale price Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store. HH . xjj| y.'l Women ' s Gl ° VeS Down Clearance of Women's Skirts, Coats, Dress Goods Kk .1 ymM and Summer Dresses in the Buyers' Sale Zmr°ThaTmnSa^m^ s cZ' long silk gloves in colors, in a broken range of Regular $4.95 oyster white linen, blue-and-whitc gabardine sport linen skirts and stripe Sil- From everv section of the woolen dres^ mm&mmmsm ® izc . s ' will b f e Sold in the f Au « ust Buyers' Sale. in various sizes, Extra Special in the August Buyers' Sale ............ $3.50 goods department we've gathered items for the Cgnj^Ml beginning to-morrow at, AQn r K .sS ular s 7 ' s ? im P or ted white gabardme and black-an-white novelty stripe skirts; in sizes Annual Buvers' Sale that are-bound to win » ifl pair Retufar^ . Extra f , speCia J the A u gust Buyers'Sak $5.50 many praises from thrity women who are! Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. Kegular natural linen skirts with envelope pockets finished with genuine pearl buttons. hanHv with a Warn \ Extra special in the August Buyers' Sale - S3 50 \T- u -J . w : I I®.. Mm'l n n J - 4.U ■ R ?S»'"» 98 , "hite L«„ skirts, with Urge pock«s and peart button rtmminitta bLT] Mc" !L7 ! " Si' «W-' l\p «Whlte Dress Goods in the »"» "» 24 to 34 inch«a Extra special in ,h= August Buyers' Sale |1.98 wideVin wan^ f Salp Chinchilla Sport Coats Regular $20.00 rose and natural pongee sport stripes. Buyers' Sale Price, yard ' f | - griflflf ■ 17c lawn checks; 27 inches wide. Buyers' misses and women we have included our en- ... . crs Sale Price, yard 49$ BWT Sale Price, yard 12 l / 2 $ tire remaining stock of finest grade stripe chin- Regular $30.00 sport suits in sizes 16, made SI.OO silk poplin ;40 inches wide, l]/ 2 to 29c check batiste; 32 inches wide. Buyers' chilla coats; sizes range from 16 to 38. Actual fi nes t quality imported shantung that y lengths. Buyers' Sale Price, yard .. 49<: Sale Price, yard 15$ $15.00 and $16.50 garments. Extra special in has been brought into the country this year; n f v y mohair; 50 inches wide. Buyers' I?''^JPP V §3 „ lc Poplins; 36 inches wide. Buyers' Sale the August Buyers' Sale $7.50 the skirt is of solid color and the coat is of yard r ' *•••••••••••••.•• 49$ timfrußSs v l Price, yard 2os $18.50 white Worumbo chinchilla coats with „ n \A -„j ,_j r u . , $1.20 silk poplin; 40 inches wide; in new sl-25 longcloth; 10 yards for 98$ blue or rose collars; in sizes for mTssesTnd g ° ld a " d natU " l and Co P enha & en and natural. Fall 'shades. Buyers' Sale Price, yard .. 95$ HmHL j $139 longcloth. Special in the Buyers' Sale, women. Extra special in the August Buyers' August buyers Sale $15.00 $1.25 serge; 42 inches wide. Buyers' Sale "Ji 10 yards for $1.19 Sale $12.50 Regular $9.50 natural Palm Beach suit in Pr io C A/ ar ? • 98$M^^*«*M| ■POL- JM $1.50 longcloth. Special in the Buyers* Sale, T o • , size 36 Buvers'Sale «7 $2.00 silk jersey cloth; 40 inches wide. <#- « WOfm MlO yards $1.25 Sport Drcßßes » Linen Smts and Cream JO ' August " uyers ba,e * * 7 -°° ers' Sale Price, yard $1.451 Wm $1.75 longcloth, 38 inches wide. Special Serge Suits Regular $30.00 white gabardine sport suits $2.00 navy serge; 56 inches wide. Buyers' Hi A/m Buyers' Sale Price, 10 yards ... $1.49 SIS 00 rnmhinatinn *~va I in sizes and ,38 ' with trimming of blue Sale Price, yard $1.49 WLjXm 10 $ ; a W loth - Spedal BuyerS> Sale jfi P I ri % sport'dresses of pongee in natural with'rose' fai, , leßUk ' Extra s P ccial in the Buy- Sak'Sicf va'rd^' 10yar D,v."p«™„v s ;;«;v.;; r 8 34 *si-S crs t 'V WMO ij bpecial in the August Buyers Sale ... $9.50 Dlves - Pomeroy & Stewart, second Floor. S a j e p r j ce y ar d , # 59^ WT%tS°S2 A Sale of Men's Handkerchiefs Ml|| ers* Sale pfice, -yard ...... SI.CK) Dlres. Pomeroy e & StJwart.' for C ! S '.. B .?. Cre . . 5 . a1e .f.?. 6 45$ A Stewart! Men-i "stowf __J J TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 8, 1916.
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