Beatbs BLOUGH Suddenly, on August 8. 1916, Wilson R., in his 54th year at his late home at Dauphin. Pa. Funeral services will be held at tne above address on Thursday atternoon at 1 o'clock, to which relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Automobiles will be at the Dauphin Station to meet rela tives and iriends for the train arriv ing at 12 o'clock. Burial in tne East Harrisburg Cemetery. Card of Thanks CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Endress and mother. Mrs. * ranees Elder, use this method in express ing tneir hearttelt thankg to the many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted and sent flowers In their late bereavement ol their »on and grand son. Frapk Paul Endress. Lost and Found LOST A bank book, last Monday, Julv 31st, between the uauphln Deposit Bank and Cameron street; reward if returned to 25 i\orth Cameron street. LOST Gold watch with crystal broken, a small pin attached; liberal reward if returned to Mrs. HosKins, White Hill. LOST On jitney car, between Sixth and Broad ana 2156 Nortn Seventn, a gold-handled umbrella with Initials S. A. Valuea as gift. Kindiy return to 2156 North Seventh street. FOUND —Bicycle in Steelton; owner can have same by properly identifying and paying expense. Apply between t and 9 p. in., H. Dormer. 473 South Sec ond street. Steelton. Help Wan tea —Male WANTED A boy, 17 or 18 years old, having experience at soda foun tain. Appiy, L. Silbert, 1742 North sixth street. WANTED Edge trimmer for wo men's, misses' and children's shoes. Ap ply, Harrisburg Shoe Manufacturing Co., Vernon street, Harrisburg, Pa. SALESMAN or manufacturers' agent wanted on new line electric lamps; strictly repeat commission Dasis. E-2217 Lana Title Building, Philadel phia. WANTED 3 moulders and 3 ma chinists, steady work, and no trouble. Apply, Lewistown Foundry and Ma cinne Co., Lewistown, Pa. WANTED First-class machinists and tool makers. Apply, Pullman Mo torcar Company, York, Pa. TaiLOR WANTED Must be a re liable, all around man. Phone 171, Steelton. AN opportunity is open for a young man as correspondent in sales depart anent of one of Harrisburg's largest manufacturers. Applicant must have experience either as correspondent or stenographer. The salary to start will be mode.'ate. The opportunity to de velop into a responsible position that •will mean a sucessful future is great. In your reply give full account of ex perience and teii why you can make good at writing sales letters. F., 5144, care of Telegraph. WANTED An experienced head barman. Apply Columbus Hotel, and bring reference. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar ried men under age of 35; Citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Of ficer, Bergner Bldg., 3rd & Market Sts., Harrisburg. ' WANTED 4 good-appearing men to work on a proposition that will yield $2 to $4 per day; steady work for live wires. Call, 409 Patriot Building, 8-9 u. m., 4-6 p. m. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER Wanted Must be good at figures; good chance for advancement. Apply at once to auditor. Swift & Co., Seventh and North streets. WANTED Slack barrel coopers. W. R. E. King, Cumberland, Md. WANTED Two good bench men. One good moulding machine man. One good cutter for frames. Apply Com mercial Sash & Door Co., Beaver Falls, Pa. WANTED Baker for second hand work. Apply S., 5140, care of Tele graph. WANTED Men to work in Soft Drink Department. Experienced bot tlers preferred. Apply The D. Bacon Co., South Cameron street. WANTED MOULDERS AND CORE MAKERS. American La Franco Fire Engine Co., Elmira, N. Y. WANTED Two good men to bale waste paper and rags. Good paying proposition. Call Capital City Junk, Tenth and Walnut. WANTED A large corporation has exceptional opportunity to offer three live salesmen. Salary to those who qualify. 32 North Court street. LABORERS WANTED For either contract or day labor. Attractive wages. Apply at Quarries of Hoffman Bros. & Wilson. Twenty-third street and P. & R. Railroad. CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARIES are needed everywhere; really a new pro fession; uncrowded field; salaries large; exceptional opportunities advance ment; the Young Men's Business Insti tute. to open in Harrisburg about Sep tember 1 will be principally a secre tarial school, preparing acceptable young men to become private secre taries- the principal, a Princeton Uni versity man and an educator with years of experience, knows how to train you; typewriter furnished each student. Foi particulars address Box G, 5127, care of Houses For Rent CITY 924 Ash Ave., 2 8. f.. 6 r. $lO 259 Sayford Ave.. s. f„ 5 r ...$lO 1230 N. 7th St.. 3 a. b.. 8 r. b. ... si« 1531 Wallace St., 3 s. b., S r. b., sl7 302 S. 2nd St., 3 s. b., 8 r„ b. ... #25 1824 State St. (furnished) S3O 2005 Green St.. 3 s. b., 9 r. b. ... $35 1859 Market St.. 3 s. b„ 10 r. b ' #4O 2005 N. 3rd St., 3 s. b.. 13 r. b„ 'sloo 911 N. 2d St.. 3 s. b.. 14 r., 2 b... .SIOO SUBURBAN Halulyn (Aldinger Cottage) $«o Laivnton 2 % -story frame lO rooms—bath—stable. Lot 100x220. r SUMMER COTTAGES * 35 Mlddletown Ferry, "Dixie Cottage" by the week «j' 0 Perdlx "Philadelphia," from Sept 1. frame, 4 rooms Fox Cliane "Spion Kop" 2-storv frame (furnished) SSO APARTMENTS 825 N. 6th St., 2 rooms and bath s2l 204 Locus* St.—lst floor 5 rooms and bath, $35; 2d floor, 5 rooms and two baths jjjo 30fl N. Second —(First floor), 5 rooms and bath; city steam heat ... #SO 7 S. Front St., (3d floor) 3 r. and b. unfurnished, $35; furnished.. .SSO WAREHOUSE 457-430 Strawberry Ave. large 3- story frame building, suitable for light manufacturing. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Bonda Locuat and Court Streets TUESDAY EVENING, SELL IT NOW! TEAT USED CAR. SELL IT MOW 1 Help Wanted —Male SALESMANAGER WANTED to handle a superior line of Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Paper In Eastern Pennsyl vania. Big returns assured a live wire. No Investment. Add rem "Manu facturer," care of Telegraph. WANTED Two cement finishers. Apply, sylvan Heights Orphanage. AMERICAN STEEL FOUNDRIES CHESTER, PA. Men wanted for all depart ments ; Molders, Core-Makers, Furnace Men, Chippers, Grinders, Machine Hands, Pattern Makers, Electricians, Machinists and Gen eral Labor. Good Wages. Ap ply or write Employment Agent. WANTED Young man to work in office. One preferred who has had ex perience In newspaper office. Give par ticulars and references. Address P., 1904, care of Telegraph. TYPEWRITER FREE—To eacn stu dent enrolling for a course In the Young Men's Business Institute, Inc., to open in Harrisburg. Pa., about September 1, 1916; will be given the choice of an Underwood, Remington or any standard machine; shipped direct from factory. The Young Men's Business Institute, principally a secretarial school, will prepare acceptable young men for spec ial positions of trust in private and business life. The principal, a Prince ton College man, has the endorsements of the largest corporation in the U. S. Entrance requirements; enrollment lim ited. For particulars address Box R, 6071, care of Telegraph. CIVIL, SERVICE POSITIONS Mr. Depue, of the interstate Civil Service Bureau, of Washington, D. C., can be seen at Columbus Hotel regarding ex aminations for Railway Mail Clerk, Post Office Clerk, etc.. soon to be held in this district. Full particulars as to requirements, cost of preparation, etc. Address Box A. 6070, care of Telegraph. WANTED —4O able-bodied men for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED First-class outside cut ters on Ladles' shoes. Good wages and steady employment. Utz & Dunn Co., 37 Canal street. Rochester, N. Y. MEN Young, wanted to work In automobile repair shop; our school is overflowing with repair work, there fore it gives our students a clhtnce u» obtain practical repair work on all ma chines. We pay SO cents an hour as soon as competent. Take advantage of summer rates. Auto Transportation School. 29 North Cameron street. Help Wanted—Female WANTED Girl with experience on power machine. Apply, Devlne & I'ungel Shoe Mfg. Co., 16th and State street. WANTED—Ladies for easy embroid ery, home work. Call from 8 to 4, 102 Calder street. FOR SALE FOR SALE New and practically new household furniture. Entire lot, Including new Franz-Premier electric vacuum cleaner, at a bargain. Just the thing for parties starting to house keeping. Reason, leaving town. In quire 414 Woodbine street. City. EXPERT TRAINING. RESULT a student secured a position in a Jersey Public School at S9OO. Will start work September 1. Harrisburg Shorthand Scnool, 31 North Second street. WANTED—One reliable, experienced white woman to wash. Iron and clean two days of each week. Call Bell phone, 559-W, morning 9 to 12. WANTED Washwoman; regular weekly place. Call 1717 State street. WANTED Girl; must be able to work; city reference required. Apply, between 7 and 8 o'clock evenings, at 229 Forster street. WANTED Young woman for gen eral house work. Apply, 1217 Market street. WANTED Experienced waitresses for restaurant and lunch counter. Ap ply, Menger's, 113 Market street. WANTED Girl to learn bookbind ing in new plant of Hershey Printing Company. Opportunity for bright gin who wants to iearn a good trade. Ad dress Hershey Employment Bureau, Hershey. Pa. EXPERT TRAINING, RESULT a student secured a position in a Jersey Public School at S9OO. Will start work September 1. Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second street. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED, AT ONCE Sewing ma chine operators. Experience not neo esaary. Pressers also wanted. Blough Manufacturing Co, WANTED Olrls experienced on powar sewing machines. Apply Har lisburg Shoe Mfg. Co, Vernon street. HarrisDurg. Pa, Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN of Forcefulness Wanted —Men capable of earning large in comes preferred. Joseph F. Buckley Co., 601 Ferguson Block, Pittsburgh, Pa. Help Wanted— Male and Female WANTED—IO neat appearing men and ladies at once. Apply, 8 North Market Square, Rooms SO6-307 between 7 and H p. m. Situations Wanted—Male CHAUFFEUR wishes a position driv ing Cadillac 8 or Ford car. Call 2691-J1 Bell phone. WANTED Colored • pianist desires position in moving picture theater or in dancing school or club. Address Wesley Hill, 644 Broad street. Phone 375 M. WANTED Position as foreman in toolroom or machine shop; general all round mechanic; reference furnished; 10 years' experience. Address, No. 1731 Apricot avenue. FIRST-CLASS colored chauffeur In need of work. Call or write, Alexan der Lues, 1112 Grape 6treet, city. WANTED A position as watchman and janitor for work of any kind. Re liable man. Call 1337 North Second street. Situations Wanted—Female WANTED White woman wishes position as cook in private family; city preferred; good wages; can furnish ref erence. Address 0., 5143, care of Tele graph. WANTED A young woman desire* position as chambermaid, or dining room work. Address, or apply, 235 Cranberry street. City. WANTED Day's work by a young white woman. Address, M. K„ 218 South River street. Situations Wanted —Male WANTED Widow would like prac tical nursing. Address 0., 5129, care of Telegraph. WANTED By a woman, day's work of any kind; call or write to 5 Sherman Row. WANTED A reliable colored wo man would like to have day's work of any kind. Apply, or write, to 1424 Marlon street. Harrlaburs, Pa. Situations Wanted —Female GIRL would like position as general housework. Apply, 706 North Seventh street. WANTED Colored woman wants day's work of any kind, except wash ins; references- Call Bell phone 40W. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE New frame house; 8 rooms and bath; hardwood lloors; steam heat; large pantry in kitchen; open stairway; cement cellar; porches; large farden; granolithic walks. Address, jj. '. Hench, Shell street, Progress, Pa. Bell phone 1692-Jl. PARK STREET HOUSE FOR SALE —1847; 3-story brick house; modern improvements; a good property In a desirable location. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE l6 South Fifteenth street; 3-story brick house in good condition; all improvements; will be vacated soon. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—Two-story dwelling, full lot of ground extending to alley, corner Erie and Market streets. Dauphin, Pa. F. L. Schneider, Executor, Estate of Margaret S. Poffenberger, Deed. Ad dress P. O. Box 357, York, Pa. SNAP for some one—l62o North Sixth street, elegant large brick house, cor ner Clinton. Large porches, large rooms, high ceilings, Well built, good condition; suitable for doctor or den tist; could be altered, for apartments, must be seen to be appreciated. Price. 11,000. This house contains everything that goes to make a high-class home. Inspect. Apply at above address. FOR SALE You can buy desirable 7-room house, with improvements, within walking distance of Square, at S2OO reduction, if you are quick. Cor ner house. Hill district; paved streets, porches. Large part of purchase price may remain as mortgage. Big bar gain. Address Box S, 4410, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE A house, 2332 North Sixth street. Nine large rooms and bath, porch and large yard. Price rea sonable. Inquire 249 Wyoming avenue, Enola, Pa. Bell phone 3086J-S. FOR SALE Two-story house, front and back porches, all improvements, side entrance, hot water heat; built two years. Price $2,050. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply, 674 Schuylkill street, Bell phone 17«7-W. Desirable brick dwelling for sale at Lemoyne; bath, gas, electric light; steamheat, cemented cellar, front porch; lot 28x150; garage on property. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ANOTHER CHANCE to purchase, 1829 North Sixth street; 9 rooms, bath, gas, furnace, house now vacant; key at our Office. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. PAXTANG KELSO ST. 2%-story brick house, built In pair. Lot, 30x125. This property has all modern improve ments; steam heat and laundry. Rear drive. Can be sold at the bargain price of $3,150. H. C. Brandt, 86 North Third street. FOR SALE Desirable build* ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A sple**?id opportunity lor builder, inquire or address, F. K. Oyster, trustee, care of iiarmburg Telegraph, city. FOR SALE Attractive, new, three* story brick house, aignt rooms <uiU bath, finished in oak, hardwood floors, vapor heat, porches, iaruu yard, grano lithic walks, iron lences, laundry and all other modern improvements, gooa location. Will sell on payments 01 Thirty 1530.u0) Dollars per month. MacWIULIAMS CONSTK UCTION CO„ BUILDERS AWJ DiiSiUiNEKS, 2160 N. FIFTH. ST, Harj isourg, fa. VAUGHN One acre plots; will sell half acre: also lots, 92x230 leot along M. T. trolley; 1 Vic tare to all parts of nar rlsburg and Steeltou; beautltul and healthtul; ground enough tor poul try and vegetables; price only flfijl per half acre. C. B. Caro, Car a s grocery Store. Linglectown, Pa. H«. bcriptiuu at 409 Market Street. City, .Real Estate For Kent FOR RENT l4 North Eighteenth street, corner property; all conven iences; immediate possession, S2B. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR RENT Nos. 503 and 509 Cum berland street, newly renovated, con taining eight rooms, kitchen and bath. Immediate possession. Apply Common wealth Trust Company, Harrisburg, Fa. FOR RENT 747 South Tewenty flrst street; three-story brick; all im provements; eight rooms and a bath; large yard. Apply, A. L,. Mlchener, 747 South Twenty-nrst street. * FOR RENT No. 1507 State street, modern three-story brick house In the best of condition, Immediate posses sion. Rent. $35. J. E. GIPPLE, Apartments For Kent 1409 NORTH FRONT STREET Seven large room apartment; every modern improvement; hardwood floors, sound-proof; open fireplaces; vacuum cleaning system. Inquire E. Flowers, 1822 State street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT With all conveniences; hardwood floors, cut glass fixtures; with two porches oi» second floor. Apply, L. Silbert, 1742 North Sixth street. FOR RENT A line room, second floor apartment, with all conveniences. Apply at 1408 State street. —_—i ONE FURNISHED housekeeping apartment, four rooms and bath, kitch en appurtenances complete. Address. L-5146. care Telegraph. ONE FURNISHED housekeeping apartment, four rooms and bath, kitcn en and locker, immediate possession. Pennsylvania Realty and Improve ment Co., 132 Locust street. SECOND ST., 1700 ii'ive uiid six rooms with porch; most pleasant and open surroundings In city. Rooms For Rent FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms for rent; rent reasonable. 1338 North Third street. FOR RENT One large room, wltn balcony, on second floor. Steam heat electric lights and phone service. Ap ply at 125 Pine street. FOR RENT One furnished room, second floor, not front; with stationary washstand, electric lighting; bath to every two rooms; reference required. Apply, 218 Pine street. ROOMS Neatly furnished, light and cheerful, second and third floor front with modern conveniences. Apply, il3 South street, near Front. FOR RENT Two front rooms, wa ter with sink; furnished for light housekeeping. All conveniences. Use of phone. Gas for cooking. Apply. 925 North Sixth street. Bell 610-W. HAHRISBURG TELEGRAPH Rooms For Rent FURNISHED ROOMS Dingle or en suite. Rooms are large and airy. IJso of Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth. NORTH ST., 410 Second and third floor front rooms, nicely furnished, fac ing Capitol Park; hot and cold running water. electric lights, large bathroom. Bell phone. FOR RENT Unfurnished, attrac tive. single, double or three-room housekeeping apartments. Running water in kitchen, range and cabinet, gas, strictly private, direct entrance. Phor.e and bathroom privileges. For location and prices. Inquire 429 Broad. 10 to 11 A. M. FOR RENT—Newly-furnished rooms for ladies and gentlemen. Running hot and cold water. A phtne in every room. $2.50 per week. Special rates, two In a room. Metropolitan Annex, 518 Mar ket street. FOR RENT All newly furnished rooms: all conveniences; use of bath and phone. Apply 107 South Second street. Bell phone 4358 J. FOR RENT Two large, well-fur nlahed front, second floor rooms; all conveniences; use of phone. Apply 813 North feecond street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, singly or ensuite; all convenienses; phone, etc.; references required. Apply H'lS North Front street. W anted—Miscellaneous WANTED To store a good upright piano with some reliable family for its use. Address P. O. Box 29. _ HOUSES WANTED OUR rental department is receiving dally calls t.or houses which we're un able to supply. The general satisfac tion given owners is our guarantee that It will be to your advantage to place your houses and other rental properties in our charge. Miller Brothers & Co.. L.ocust and Court Streets. Board and Rooms WANTED Two or three unfur nished rooms convenient to Third street car line with conveniences. Address, H-5145 care Telegraph. ROOM WANTED Permanently by gentleman with strictly private family; references exchanged. Address, P. O. Box 424, giving terms, etc. BOARDING ANf UOOMt Can ac commodate a few more boarders; rea sonable rates, with the best the market affords. 123 South Second streoL For Sale—Miscellaneous FOR SALE Store fixtures, shelv ing, counters, small partition, slools, floor and wall cases. Call, 513 Walnut street, S. Meltzer. 1 FOR SALE One fine riding horse, fine runabout buggy, Jenny Lind, Ger man undercut carriage, 2 sets sliver mounted harness. Single set harness and set buggy harness. One window frame sash and shutters complete, best condition. Apply Brownstone Stable, fepper and Logan streets. FOR SALE To make room for our new cases, the following is for sale: One 11-foot wall case; IS-foot wall case with lsrrge mirror in center; 16-foot wall case 10-foot full French plate glass floor case; three 6-foot floor cases; one 4-foot floor case; 2 cash reg isters; 2 umbrella stands; one waicn sign; one optometrical examining chair; one Underwood No. 5 typwriter and desk; one roll top desk; one ceiling fan. Apply Claster Jewelry Store, 302 Market street. STEAM Ferryboat Susquenanna for sale. Price S4OO, newly repaired and painted. Address, West Fairview and Harrisburg Steam Ferry Company, Box 214, West Fairview, Pa. NEW and Second-hand rugs for sale at reduced prices. Apply to Keystone Rug Co., 1115 Montgomery street. FOR SALE Parlor suit, sideboard, walnut bedroom suit, parlor table, Brussels carpets. Apply 610 Boas street. FOrt SALE, at Gable's. 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence. Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware. Planter Board. Upson Wall Board, Compo-Board, Doors, ba«h, Shutters, Mouldings, Porch Posts, Pumps, eto. FOB SALE Diamond and Good rich Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases, Harness and Leather Goods made to order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings. HARRISBURG HARNESS & SUPPLY CO.. SECOND AND CHESTNUT 6TS. FOR SALE Six Fox Beagle 12- week-old pups. Can be seen at Qla Heistor place. River Road. Call H. F. Herahey, Bell phone. HEALTHY, WHITE ESQUIMO DOGS FOR SALE. Call on Bell phone 3069 J. FOR SALE CARDS on sale ax ihd Telegraph Business Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured c.t the Telegraph Business Office. AT GABLE'S. 113, 116 and 117 South Second street. 6,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme tiuallty. All the full lino of the Acme mako. AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street, 6,000 sets new sash. SxlO. 12 L primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set .'Uso other sizes. Also doors and shut ters. For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR RENT—Otiices suitable (or a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third 6treet. Business Opportunities WILL SELL PLANT complete or will consolidate or lease. Harrlsburg Em bossing Plant, manufacturers of steel die embossed stationery. Established three years. 4 North Firth Street. FOR SALE Restaurant and board lnghouse, doing a good business, In good locality. Terms reasonable. Ad dress R.. 5139. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE An old-established moving picturo show. Guaranteed to do good business. Reason for selling will be explained. Apply to Box R, 5136. care of Telegrapn.l FOR SALE Small retail Cigar Store, doing good cash business, locat ed near Thirteenth and Market streets. Price right. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. BEFORE BUYING a rebuilt BICYCLE elsewhere, inspect our stock and prices. Special bargains and prices for summer months. J. B. Murray. 1011 James street. ANY Intelligent person can earn ROO4 income corresponding tor newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for pai ticuiar». Press Syndicate. 793 Lock port. N. T. Business Personals LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit cases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices In the city. Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting gooas at low prices. COHEN & SON. Reliable Pawnbrokers. 431 Market street, at subway. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of deteotlva work handled—one eye always opto. BELL PHONE 127 W. Hauling ana Moving GENERAL HAULING One and one-half ton to two-ton truck for hire. Prompt attention to moving. Truck parties solicited. H. G. Carman, Mot rins'* Garage. Both phones. SHORT INTEREST FORCED TO COVER Prices Harden in All Quarters; U. S. Steel and Rails Improve By Associated Press New York, Aug. 8. Prices hard ened in all quarters during the fore noon, the short interest Being again impelled to cover on the apparent scarcity of stocks for speculative purposes. TJ. S. Steel assumed its former place as the most active issue and was freely taken at a fractional advance. Kails also improved, al though Reading and Union Pacific were the only representative issues to show substantial gains. Marine pfd., the Mexicans, Beet Sugar and some of the war and semiwar des criptions rose a point or better, with as much for Third Avenue. Bonds were Irregular. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1838 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, Aug. 8. Open. Clos. American Beet Sugar ... 86 % 87 % American Can 55 55% American C& F 58% 58% American Cotton Oil . .. 54 54 American Ice Securities . 27 27 American Locomotive .. 68% 69% American American Sugar 109% 109 American T & T 129% 129% Anaconda 79% 80% Atchison 102 102 Badlwin Locomotive ... 71% 71% Baltimore & Ohio 84% 84% Butte Copper 64 64% Canadian Pacific 175% 175% Central Leather 57% 55 Chesapeake & Ohio .... 60% 60% Chi., Mil. & St. Paul ... 94% 94% Chicago, R. I. & Pacific .18% 18% Chino Con. Copper ... 48% 48% Col. Fuel & Iron 43% 43% Consol. Gas 139% 140% Corn Products 13% 13% Hauling and Moving HAULING R. A. KARTMAN. National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general hauling. W. IL Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. Musical EMERSON upright piano, in good condition, for $65. Call at 1319 Derry street. FOR SALE Strictly nigh grade GKAND PIANO. Used short time Will sell at a bargain. Address Box D. 4311, care of Telegraph. HAVE your VICTROLA, RRAFANOU or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR ED by an expert. Bell phone 3242 J. Write, or call, at 316 Broad street. Money to Loan MONEY advanced to houseiceepcr* at legal buslne&y confidential. Profit Sharing L#oan Society, Room 7. Spoonor Building. V North Market Hquar«i Storage FIREPROOF STORAGE. ~Prlvat» rooms for household Roods. J2 per month and up. We invite inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broaa street, house hold goods and merchandise. Private rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents per month. D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. bummer Resorts and Cottages FOR RENT Maplehurst cottage, furnished, between Accomac and Wild Cat Fine location. A. L. Resch, Marl etta. Pa. AutomoDiies FOR SALE Autocar delivery truck in good condition. Will sell cheap. Address, G. P. Sheaffcr, Box 124, Pen brook, Pa. FOR SALE Late model Ford Road ster. Good tires, one extra. Just over hauled. Speedometer, shock absorbers. Selling account of moving. $235. Also Cadillac Roadster, in good condition. Two extra tires. Price, 5275. Apply 421 Reily street. Bell 2281 W. FOR SALE A lot of second-hand roadster and touring cars; all in Very good condition; some good as new; all we ask is a reasonable offer. George B. Zech, Buick and Chevrolet Agents City Auto Garage. SECOND-HAND CARS One b-pas senger De Cambel, one &-passeiiKer*l»l4 Ford, iiewly painted. !n excellent con dition; one 6-passeuger 1915 Ford, good as new; one 1912 Ford delivery, with new body; one 1908 Overland. Cars for sale at Fold Garage, Mlddletown. Pa. E. M. Snavely, Manager. WB WANT AUTOMOBILES of any kind. If you cannot sell your car, why not consign It or exchange It with us lor a better one. Our charges for sell ing are 6 per cent. only. No storage charges If car Is not sold. Auto Trans portation Exchange Department. 26-2J North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710. 1911 fire-passenger Regal; good shape: new tires all around; big bar gain for quick buyer. 1911 five-passenger Pullman, com pletely overhauled; A 1 good upholstering; good top and tires; big bargain. MILLER AUTO CC„ C» South Cameron St Bell phone 41HJ. Motorcycles and Bicycles MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES AND PARTS Bought for highest cash S rices. Write, phone or call. Dayton ycle Co., 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 J. Legal Notices NOTICE NOTICE-is hereby given that appli cation will be made to The Public Ser vice Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the approval of a contract between the Borough of High spire and Harrisburg Light & Powei Company for lighting the streets, high ways and public places of said Bor ough. The public hearing on which will be held in the rooms of the Commission at Harrisburg on the 21st day of August, 1916, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when and where all persons in interest may appear and be heard If they so desire. C. H. BERGNER. J. E: B. CUNNINGHAM, Solicitors. Harrisburg, Pa. THE regular stated meeting of the W. U M. C. No. S5. Will be held at our new meeting place, F. O. E. hall, cor ner of Sixth and Cumberland street, on Wednesday evening, August 9th, 1916. All members wishing to remain an beneficial members, are urgently re quested to be present as important business will be transacted. All offi cers are hereby notified to be present and bring all books, papers, and other property of the circle, to the meeting place. (Signed 1 ) MRS. JENNIE HOLSTEIN, Chairman of Trustees. AUGUST 8, 1916. Crucible Steel 68% 68% Crucible Steel, Pfd. ... 116 116 Distilling Securities ... 44 44% Erie 35 85 % Erie, Ist Pfd 52% 53 General Electric Co. ... 169% 169% Goodrich, B. F 71 71% Great Northern, Pfd. .. 117 117 Great Northern Ore, s. 34% 34 Inspiration Copper 48% 48% Interboro-Met 16 16% Kennecott 46% 46% Lackawanna Steel 70% 71 Lehigh Valley 77% 77% Maxwell Motors 77% 79% Merc Mar ctfs 26% 27% Merc Mar ctfs pfd 88% 93% Mex Petroleum 96% 97 Miami Copper 33% 33% Mjsouri Pacific 4% 4% National Lead 63% 63% New York Central 103% 103% NY N H and H 58% 58% NY O and W SG% 26% Nor and West iZB% 128% North Pacific 110% 110% Pacific Mail 20 20% Pa Railroad 55% 55% Pressed Steel Car 4 8 48 % Railway Steel Spg 43% 44 Ray Coh Copper 22% 23 Reading 94% 94% Republic Iron and Steel. 46% 46% Southern Pacific 97% 97% Southern Ry 23% 23% Southern Ry pfd 67% 67 Studebaker 125 125% Tennessee Copper 25% 25 Third Ave 64% 64% Union Pacific 138% 138% US I Alcohol 107 107 U S Rubber 53% 54 U S Steel 86% 86% U S Steel pfd 178 175% Utah Copper 78 78 Virginia-Qarolina Chem. 39% 39% West Union Telegraph. . 93% 93% Westinghouse Mfg 57 57 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE MARKET Philadelphia, Aug. 8. Wheat „ N :°- ®P ot and August $1.3101.35; No. 2 Southern, red, $1.29 @1.32. „ Corn Higher; No. 2, yellow, local, 94(??>95c; steamer. No. 2, yellow, local 93© 94c. Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 51® 51% c; No. 3, White, 50<8>50%c. Bran The market is firm; rltv mills, winter. i>ei inn (16,0; « c i ern, winter, per ton. $26.50; solt, winter, per ton, $24.50®25.00; Spring, per ton, $23 50@24.00. Refined Sugars Market unsettled; powdered, 7.35@7.75; line granulated, 7.25@7.6a; confectioners' A, 7.15@7.55. Butter Thj market is steady; western, creamery, extras, So®3lc; nearby prints, fancy, 33c. Eggs The market is higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby ~rsts. free cases, SS.IO -per case: do., current receipts, free cases $7.65@57.95; west ern extras, firsts free cases, $8.40® 8.70 per case; do., firsts, free caue», $7.80 ©S.IO per case. Live Poultry Market Bteady; fowls, 20@21c; roosters, 14®)15c; bpring Chickens. 18t»22c; do., broilers, Spring' chickens, IBffl2sc; do., broilers, 30@38c; ducks. 15@17c; geese. 14fti)16c. Dressed Poultry—Firm; fowls, fancy 22%@23c; do., good to choice, 21% @ 22Q;22%c: do., good to choice, 21@21%e; no. smalt K17.0», 180/20'- »id ru<>»t>*r9. 15 %c; broiling chickens, nearby, 27tf»34c; do., western, 2@27c; roastlni? chickens, western, choice to fancy, 22® 34c; do., fair to good, lo®18c; Spring Potatoes The market Is firm; ducks, nearby, 19®20c; do., western, 11 v l»o, gees", neurliv 1 no *«•»' Eastern Shore, No. 1. per barrel. No. 2, do., 75c@51.00; do., culls, do., $1.00; Norfolk. No. 1. per barrel, $1.60(781.75; do., No. 2, do., 750; Jersey, per basket, 40®>45c. Flour Quiet, but firm; winter. Straights, $5.75@6.25; do., patents, $6.25 @6.50; Spring, firsts, clear, $5.35®5.75; do., straights, $6.00@6 40; do., patents, $6.30@7.00; do., favorite brands, $7.25® '.'.75. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET Chicago, Aug. 8. Cattle Receipts, 7,000; weak. Native beef cattle, sfi.9o(<i) 10.45; stockers and feders, $0.00@7.85; cows and heifers, $3.50@9.25; calves, s9.oo<ffi> Sheep Receipts, 15,000; steady. $7.50® 11,50. Hogs Receipts, 13,000; strong. 10c above yesterday's average. Bulk. $9.40 ® 10.10; light. $9.65® 10.20; mixed; $9.20 @10.25; rough, $9.10@9.30; pigs, $7.90@ 9.50. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKETS By Associated Press Chicago, Aug. 8. Close: Wheat September, $1,355?); Decem ber. $1.37. Corn September, 83% c; December. 70^ c ' Oats September, 43% c; December. 46 %c. Pork September. $25.82; Decem ber, $22.75. Lard September, $13.12; October, $13.12. Ribs September, $13.97; October, $13.72. Persistently Reported That Cargo For Bremen Is Being Stored at Boston By Associated Press Boston, Aug. B.—While it was gen erally conceded that, one guess was as good us another, those who argue that the German submarine Bremen will find refuge in Boston harbor were en couraged to-day by persistent reports that an outgoing cargo for the merch antman was being assembled here. Ac cording to these reports which could not be traced to a definite source, the cargo will consist of nickel and rub ber which are being brought to town in a way to escape observation. Germans Reported to Have Discovery For Manufacturing Paper From Cotton Stalks Berlin, Aug. 8. The royal mate rial testing office at Gross-Lichter felde, a suburb of Berlin, announces the interesting discovery that paper can be manufactured from cotton stalks. , The discovery is not considered of much Importance for Germany, which produces no cotton, but is pointed to as of vast importance to the United States, the greatest producer of cot ton jn the world, because of the short age of paper reported in that country. The discovery was made, it is stated, by a German institution while carrying out a commission from an Egyptian firm, given before the war. A ship ment of stalks, which had arrived from Egypt before the opening of hos tilities, was used for the experiment. The stalks were cut and ground, boiled and bleached, and the paper making then proceeded after the usual methods. New York, Aug. 8. Lincoln B. Palmer, manager of the American Newspaper Publishers' Association, said to-day: "If the Germans have solved the problem of making paper from cotton stalks they will hd\o rendered the United States a valuable servioe, and it ought to bring millions to the in ventor of the process." 18 IN FAVKTTEVILLK CAMP Eighteen small boys are now in camp on a big farm near Fayettevllle, Frank lin county, which has been opened by John lates, general secretary of the Asociated Aid' Society. The boys are all in poor physical oonditlon and are in ,such ftnanc-iai circumstances as would prevent their recuperating in the open air in any other, .way. CATHERINE MILLER TUNIS Little Daughter of Former Represents tivo and Mrs. Wm. S. Tunis Dead Catherine Miller Tunis, ninetcen< months-old daughter of Former Rep resentative and Mrs. William S. Turns, died at the home of her parents, 621 Briggs street, this morning at ll:30 t The little girl, who became 111 of in testinal troubles, last Wednesday, was thought to be on the road to last Saturday but suffered a relapse. The funeral will be held Thursday 'afternoon. Mr. Tunis is proprietor of the Tunis book store in North Third street. MOTOR CLUB OUTING PLANS The annual orphans' outing given' by the Harrisburg Motor Club to needy children of the city will be held at Herehey Park Wednesday, August 23. About 300 children will be taken to the park by the club. The autow mobiles will report at Market Square at 10:30 o'clock where the children will He assigned to the different cars. The return trip will leave Hershey at j 5 o'clock; after arriving in the city, the club will have a short automobile ; parade over the downtown streets. MRS. MARY DURBUROW COOK Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Durburow Cook, aged 64, who died at her home, Oak Lane and Derry street, Friday night, were held this afternoon. She is survived by her husband, Charles P. Cook. Burial was made in the Paxtang cemetery with the Rev. H. B. King, pastor of the Paxton Presbyterian Church, officiating. j niIBBER STAMfin B&U SEALS & STENCILS UW |J MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWGRKS ■ |G 8 I 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. V For Rent ;! Remodeled, small, com- i; !» fortable houses on South *! street, within a stone's !| !j throw of Front street, river j| ! [ view, hardwood floors, !! ;! steam heat, electric lighting, j; I j Apply !; Commonwealth Trust Co. Harrisburg, Pa. ! U»WWWWI»WIWW«MM«W>I»| PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1916. The undersigned. Executors of th« will of Edward Brough. deceased, will sell at public sale on the premises, the farm situated In Butler township, Adams county, Pennsylvania, adjoining the Borough of Biglerville, and on the State Highway from Shippensburg to York. Pa. This farm contains ISO acres mora or less and Is Improved with a brick; house, bank barn and other outbuild ings. There are 200 bearing apple trees on the farm and about the same number of young trees. The place la well watered and in a good state of cultivation. Being convenient to town, and upon a main highway. This Is an exceedingly desirable property. Any one desiring to see the property can do so by calling on the tenant Sale to begin at 2 p. m., when terms will be made known by W. E. BROUGH, EDW. A. BROUGH. r —-> 8-Room House For Sale 138 North Thirteenth street, near State, 3-story brick house, 8 rooms and bath, hot and cold water, furnace, porch, side en trance, good location. Price, $3,500. M. A. Fought 272 NORTH STREET HUGHES&DIER Members Chicago Board of Trade GRAIN Wheat, Corn, Oata, Provisions Carried on Favorable Terms. Continuous Quotations Posted in Our Board Boom. Large or Bmall Orders Will Always Beceive the Same Prompt Attention. V Itc for Our Dally and Weekly Graia Letters j 1435 Walnut St. Philadelphia ——————— \ nilOD If own or con uUKlEi template buying any wwaaa* 0{ the following I CYrtfPIP I ?? 01as se 8 o£ Curb U I ULi liu Stocks, you should have a copy or our | Market Digest of August 4. 1916. Low Priced Coppers Tonopahs We have given liberal space in our Market Digest to these issues. Irre spective of how the big stocks go. there Is a wonderful opportunity to make money In the purchase of the low-priced Coppers at present prices. Expert opinion Is very bullish on the Low Priced Coppers, represented by the Tonopahs and Cobalts. The real situation in Goldfleld is clearly shown in this issue. D'orvit be fooled by present low prices. Goldfield will rise, phoenix-like, to greater glories than ever before. We believe that the investor or speculator who will be guided by this Market Digest will profit hand somely. Sent free upon request. Houjjjia A RHJETTfa, Land Title Building Philadelphia Nephonen Spruce 4410 » Brett* M, > KMS ISO New io 15
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