4 CASTORIA t|ou.K For Infants and Children. ft CASTORIi otliers now That IV HHHyi Genuine Castoria flgliS Alwatra # « similar in§ the FootfamJßcgula -n-lWayS / * p&ntj ole Stomachsandßowdsof t> f (\f f\\9 pißears the /JO» Kt| v Promotes DigpstfonJChceify- SiffllßitUTQ f M * is^ ■?lf ness and Rest.Contains neither /(V f\ T_r 1*26 OpiunuMorphine nor Mineral. nf / \\. IT Kbu Not Narcotic. jx iSsJjj £ta~peoS(l'dllrSil<UirnUim IJ\ Mill : FbmpkLl S*J- - llf \ ill '- jU.'i.Seana * I || S Id'; AddeSJtt- I lA m i ®-( ft JS' ln * | J|L y * || i*2o Aperfect Remedy for Consßpf AVf Alt II X R £&,<•» tion, Sour Storaach.Diarrhoca I ll Q' Mill 1 "Wonus,ConvulsionsJevcrishr ; ■ ltf _ _ L-p| nessandLoss OF Sleep. \ M Lftf HUPP fop; 14 Facsimile Signature of IUI UV 0I WSfffi''' at 1 \m 6 Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMI „«« u » ■■■—l ■!■!—■ —IBII—— !■—lM—Ml—■! II BMM II ■ ■■ ■!■ ■■BOBBS KING OSCM 5c CIGARS and get that cigar enjoyment that comes only from uniform high qual ity, This 25-year-old quality brand is pleasing thousands of smokers daily. Why not you, right now? JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. Harrisburg, Pa. r — ——— • Special Prices on Guaranteed These are the Blackstone Perfect Traction Tread Tires, a great many of which have been sold by us in this city and used for a year without a single, one coming back for adjust ment. 30x3 $8.89 34x4 $17.48 31x4 $15.98 32x4 $16.49.36x454 $25.40 33x4 $16.98 37x5 $31.98 ALFRED H. SHAFFER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES 100 SOUTH CAMERON STREET * —__J § Absolutely No Pain I My lateat Improved appli- J /- ancea, Including an oxeytsen lied air apparatus, niakri J extracting and all dental JBr \Jw k work positively pnlnlru and la perfectly harm leas. (Ase ao objec^w^^^^r EXAMINATION FREE V AW > Fllllnsa In allver alloy BOc Reglitered Gold crown* und Graduate bridge work SS, M, #5 A.a«latanta * Office open dally 8:30 22K «rold crow n. . .SS.OO to « p. M.i Hon., Wed. and Sat., till 8 p. m.t Sun- daya. 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. ▼" BELL PHONE 3323-R. AT • EASY TERMS OF 4m PAYMENTS \ Harrisburg, Pa. i t didn't hurt ■ bit | Try Telegraph Want Ads Try Telegraph Want Ads TUESDAY EVENING, INQUIRY INTO COMPENSATION i State Wants to Know Whether Persons Injured Are Getting What Law Demands A State-wide investigation to as certain whether compensation pay- i ments are being made to every In jured worker, entitled to receive such payments, under the Workmen's Com pensation Act, is being conducted un der direction of Commissioner John Price Jackson of the Department of j < I-.abor and Industry. |< Although hundreds of individual j < cases have been found where Injured \ J workers should be receiving compen- | < sation, the investigation has dlsclos- I , eifr that, with few exceptions, em- j * ployers are endeavoring to comply < with the provisions of the Compensa- '' tion Act. In most instances, lack of !, knowledge of the provisions of the j ' law has been responsible for delayed j ) payments. , Wilson's Blunders Will Cost Senate, Woods Says • Special to the Telegraph Washington, D. C., Aug. I.—lndi- ] cations that the chief issue of the . Republican party would be this ad- > ministration's foreign policy artd the ' absolute control by President Wilson | ] of foreign matters, Representative ] Frank P. Woods, chairman of the Re- , publican congressional committee, in j < an interview yesterday predicted the! l ! election of Mr. Hughes and the re- j' | gaining of control by the Republicans I' of the Senate. J McCormick Sees Wilson on Committee Selections l Special to the Telegraph Washington. D. C., Aug. I.—Vance C. McCormick. Democratic national committee chairman, conferred with ! President Wilson yesterday on final selections for the Democratic cam paign committee and on details of the special work to be done in various States. Mr. McCormick also talked with several Senators, Representatives and Cabinet members. Mr. McCormick announced that Senator Walsh, of Montana, would be in charge of the Democratic head quarters at Chicago, and said that, he and the Senator expected to go there later this week to organize the work and get in touch with the Middle Western situation. Bandits Suffer Losses in Fights With DeFacto Troops By Associated Press Chihuahua City. Mex., Aug. I.—Two clashes between Villa bands and gov ernment t'3ops in both of which the bandits suffered heavy losses were re ported to General Jacinto Trevino. One report was from Colonel Lopez at Santa Rosalia, the other from General Miguel Auguirre at Tepehuaues. FORM BATTALION' OF ENGINEERS By Associated Press El Paso, Tex., Aug. I.—Upon the dis covery that there are twenty-nine civil engineers among the members of Com pany F, Fourth Pennsylvania infantry, orders have been issued incorporating the company, commanded by Captain Archbald of Pottsville, into the Penn sylvania Battalion of Engineers. The company will be known, it was an nounced to-day as Company C. engi neers. and will be put to work imme diately building roads about the Seventh Division Camp. MEXICAN" LABORERS STRIKE By Associated Press San Antonio, Tex.. Aug. 1. —A gen eral strike of all affiliated labor unions in Mexico City, occurred Sunday morn ing. according to messages received yes terday by Mexican Consul Beltran. The men are demanding pay on gold basis inasmuch as all business houses are op erating on a gold basis. I "The tramways, electric light and power and mining district" employes are out and operations are suspended," the message said. HELPED FIGHT BANDITS By Associated Press Washington, Aug< 1. Major Gen eral Bell directs attention to the co operation of Carranza troops in the tight with bandits on the American side of the border yesterday near Fort Hancock, Texas, in his orticial report to the War Department made public to-day. The Mexicans sent a detach ment of eight men to the American side where they joined six men from the eighth cavalry who were engaged with the bandits. HAS SUPERIOR RIGHT By Associated Press Washington, Aug. X.—A statement was issued by the War Department to ! day pointing out that a recent de cision of Federal Judge Waddill, at I Norfolk, Va., holding that the govern ment's Interest in a youth under 18 years old. who enlisted in the District of Columbia Ntional Guard was su perior to that of the parent, sustains an opinion on that point, rendered by the Judge advocate General. GUARDSMEN CAN VOTE By Associated Press Trenton, N. J., Aug. I.—The 5,000 New Jersey national guardsmen on the Texas border can participate in . the primary and general elections if ' they remain on duty until election time without any enabling act by the Legislature. Governor Fielder and other state officials after a confer ence to-day announced that a special session of the Genera; Assembly would not be necessary to enact legislation permitting the guardsmen to vote. Tennis Tourney Starts; Preliminary Play On Due to the time required in register ing the players in the Greater Harris burg Tennis Tournament a few matches were played off up to 2 o'clock this afternoon. Those in the men's singles were: G. Trump defeated M. Kay, 6-1 and 7-5; N. Shrelner defeated B. Roberts in three sets, 7-9, 6-3 and 8-6; W. Denny of Carlisle won from C. Sauers by default. Men's Doubles (prelimin aries) C. Fager and D. Fager defeated H. Fink and J. P. Senseman, 6-4 and 6-2. FATHER AND SON HURT A peculiar combination of accidents caused Peter Bamiller, employed in I the locat yards of the Pennsylvania Railroad to be sent to his home, 1617 ! North Third street, with a badly j crushed foot, and several hours later ; his son, William, of the same address, 1 employed as a car inspector in the ! same yards, to be sent to the Harris burg hospital with a broxen nose and a badly lacerated left hand. The father was driving a truck when his accident occurred. The front wheel - passed over his right foot, he was taken to a nearby physician's office and later removed to his home. The ! son fell over a pile of coal In a car. j HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH (August Furniture Sale I i S| An Annual Event of Unmatched Values in Good Furniture | I Furniture of Art and Character at the 8 I LOWEST PRICES to Be Found in the City fj H This Store Has a Reputation For Low Prices. This Sale Offers Even H 5 GREATER VALUES Than Ordinarily. Compare Quality y g and Price—You WUI Buy Here. « | This Wm. and Mary Tlu 4-pt Ad« W Row. Sail. 1 II jLhnmg Mahogany, Ivory or American Walnut || f| 10 Pieces; Solid Mahogany Regular sloo.oo value. b Regular $193.00 value. August Sale Price, H* *■ &|j August Sale Price, . . gThis 4-pc. Mahogany g Poster Suite This Adam Dining Suite H I Regularsloo.oovalue. CCQ 10 pes. in Solid Oak, Fumed Finish H tt August Sale Price, Regular SIOO.OO value. |' This Colonial Dining I H Suite, Quartered Oak This Colonial Quartered a tt 60 in. Buffet, Massive China Closet, 48 in. Table and tJ6(t K.OOIII O ♦♦ 5 Side, 1 Arm Chair, Leather Seats, Serving Table. ♦♦ 10 pieces, as illustrated. • , k _ tt I .JttSgSr $95 j! H This 3 Piece Oak Fumed |Pggg|\ S H Living Room Suite, S H Genuine Leather, Automobile Seats, 60 in. This 3 Piece Mahogany jj I „ ™™ f avenpor ' A _ _ _ Parlor Suite, || U Regular $56.50 value. $>49.75 Genuine Leather « tt Au S usl - We Pme Value $75.00. <£4,o 7 tt ugust Sale Price, « 50 Pound, 100% All Pure S H Felt Mattresses, 150 Brass Beds 1 ♦♦ Roll Edge, Fine Art Tick. One to a Customer, take place in this sale at y 3 off regardless of g H A regular $12.00 mattress. the great advances in price. p H August Sale Price, i . * «-* Beds like cut, S tt 100% All Pure Silk Floss Mattresses, O T' $18.00 values. "1 /l, *7 ♦< ♦♦ Ito a Customer. Sale Price . . . t> August Sale Price, . ...y "*■'* t< ♦t ♦< n A Large Selection of Rugs Are Put on Sale at Prices That 2 | Will Save You at Least 20% a « ■ t: g " The House That Save* You Money" t 1 |-| CH AS. F. J3 I j| FURNITURE COMPANY |j I 1417-19 N. Second St. J AUGUST 1, 1916.
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