12 Firestone Makes Thirty- Eight Per Cent. Increase An Increase of 3S per cent, in vol- j .ime of business is announced in the lew and striking newspaper adver- j AUTOMOBILES | FOR SALE % 1914 4S Packard Touring Car $13,i0 S 1913 Cadillac Touring Car 86(10 C 1911 6-40 Kline-Kar S.'iOO ' f Martin Truck Chassis Offers # Packard Motor Car Company K of Philadelphia ' | j 107 MARKET ST.. HARRISBURG, PA. I ( % __ MAUUTACTUMT) BV - APPERSON "BROS, AUTOMOBILE CO. The Apperson Roadaplane is the new est self-propelled sensation. It is to road travel what the aeroplane is to the sky and the hydroplane to water. Sixes, $1750.00 Eights, $2000.00 Seven passenger touring car and Seven passenger touring car and / the famous four passenger the famous four passenger Chummy Roadster. Chummy Roadster. E. L. COWDEN Central Pennsylvania Distributor New Display and Sales Rooms 108 MARKET STREET R. J. CHURCH, General Salesman. 1' _J I I I I > » f f y ~—_ ~—_ ► - - - ---- - -T_T_T_T_T_T_ T _T_T^ ► . < Keystone Motor Car Co. ►. . < V Distributors of '< E CHALMERS : DODGE BROS. : : PEERLESS CARS : ' < K < I [ CALL OR PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION | < 1017-1027 Market Street < < I Open Evenings Both Phones ] *■ < . * * * A A A A'A A A A A A A A A rfi A A /> A <S A a j—* Bringing Up Father® # # f t S3SJ[ 1 I TSSc'h u "1 ' I 111 11 I OH! -*VT I i OF' I "1 1 LUCK>- NiCHT VOUbE per' 1 °" , J t > j ' -'T JUVT CA* t FROM ME COTE! ? FN ~6 \ MI ! J JV6«V II WINNFR I I That , J >«— l j °E*U » HAO "O wait until. J . , I eN UP - j J j PLEADED ■ i n SATURDAY EVENING. ! tisements being put out by the Fire-! j stone Tire and Rubber Company. How many people realize the signifi cance of this? j The Firestone people do a volume of I around twenty-five million dollars j yearly. For such an industry a yearly i increase of even 5 per cent, to 10 per cent, would seem a splendid showing In their newspaper advertising the Firestone people point out, and right ly. that such an increase means the delivery of genuine quality. It is an argument the mind of the business man understands. When one realizes the new competi tion brought Into the tire industry by the development of new companies and the growing demand of tire con sumers. it strikes us as mighty good advertising to tell of this Firestone 3S . per cent, increase in volume of busi ness. , SWAB BUILDIXG OX HII.L CHANGES HANDS FOR 545.00(1 Chief among to-day's important realty transactions .was the transfer of the Swab building property at Thir teenth and' Market streets and several other properties in that section. The Swab building.- the office and storeroom structure, at the 'southwest corner of Market and Thirteenth, was sold to Harry H. Hess for 145,000 bj the East Harrisburg Realty Com pany. In turn Mr. Hess sold th< property at 1264 Market and 114-li North Summit street to the realty com pany for $12,000 and for $4.50* respectively. Other transfers included Byron S Behney to Charles J. Lundy 225! North Fourth street. SI: Charles Bals haugh to Albert Garrett. Derry town ship, $325: Elizabeth Freeburn t< 1 Mollie M. Lack. 620 Cumberland I $2,600. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH WAILING ABOUT MATERIAL PILES Highway Department Receives Complaints of Infringements by Building Contractors Vigorous complaints against the ac tions of some building contractors, who occupy entirely too much of the streets for piling their materials have , been received by the city authorities during the last few days. City Commissioner \V. H Lynch, j chief of the bureau of highways and City Engineer il. B. Cowaen had an informal conference on the subject this morning as the weight of the complaint has been made to the street commissioner on the ground that the right of way is being infringed upon. Investigation of the lega: pnuses of the problem show that a city ordinance , permits the use of not more than "one third of the street" for the purpose. Six feet is the distance permitted for lanes and alleys. While the law doesn't specifically say, city officials hgure that the "one-third" requirement refers to the frontage of the abutting! property owner. One of the flagrant cases-to which the highway department's attention had been called was on a main thor oughfare in the west end. For weeks a , pile of bricks and otHer materials eaght to ten feet high and extending a dis tance of fifty feet or more, has par tially blocked the street as well as! j the view of the residents in the ; i vicinity. Review of Important Racing Events of Season A review of the important automo bile races during 1916 to date shows lightning speeds to have become the fashion. On March sth at the Ascot speed way in Los Angeles. Pullen in a Mer- j cer took the 100 mile honors at over! 6$ miles an hour over a loose screen surfaced macadam track which was unusually hard on tires. O'Donnell In a Duesenberg. two weeks later on the same track won a ] 50 miles race at over 69 miles an hour. On April Sth at Corona. Cal.. O'Don nell again plucked the highest honors in a 301 mile race at 86*4 miles an hour without a single stop for tires. The record for this course of BT-S miles per hour was made in 1914 by Pullen in a Silvertown-tired Mercer. Prior to the last race, however, six cars C'.'i better than 102 miles per hour in tiyouts. Again at the Ascot speedway on 1 April 16th, O'Donnell took the 150- mile thrilltr at C 5.6 miles per hour. Hughes in his Omar Special at . Blakersfield. Cal., on May 7th. trav eled the century over a dirt track to the tune of 61-6 miles per hour with out a tire stop. At Sheepshead Bay, Xew York, on May 13th, Aitken drove a Puegeot 20 miles at over 106 miles an hour, with three other drivers behind him each' doing better than 104 miles. In the 50-mile, Mulford in a Peugeot made nearly 105 miles an hour without tire, trouble, while Rickenbacher in his, Maxwell did the 150-mile event at over 96 miles per hour without stop ping. Indianapolis, on Decoration Day. 1 saw Resta in a Peugeot cover 3001 miles on a brick track at over 83, miles an hour, while D'Alene in a j Duesenberg and Mulford in a Peugeot ; j followed hot at his heels. ! Resta on June 11th at Chi-! cago. took the 300-mile event over a 2-mile board track, at close to 99 miles' per hour with but one stop. The next eight drivers in this classic, none of whom did under 90 miles an hour, all j rode Silvertowns. At Dee Moines on June 24th—De j Palma In his Mercedes traveled a one-mile board track 150 times at ; nearly 93 miles an hour, while Rick i enbacher in Maxwell took the 50 mile race at over 9 4 miles per. |; De Palma at Minneapolis drove his j Mercedes home, the winner in the; | 150-mile brush at 91 miles per hour.: The latest races have been those! at Sioux City, la., on July Bth. where; | D'Alene in a Duesenberg garnered the' | money in the 10-mile race in 7 min- i j utes. 31 seconds, while Wilcox rodei : a Premier to victory, in 15 minutes, ! | S seconds for 20 miles, and also ne ! gotiated the half century in the space of 41 minutes lacking one second, and ; 1 at Omaha, July 9th, where five new world's records went on record on the mile and a quarter track. Resta driving a Peugeot, hung up 110 miles an hour for 5 miles as the mark for others to aim at. while Rick enbacher maue the Maxwell hum 1 around the oval at a speed that shat i tered all previous 10. 15, 20 and 25 I mile records, his average for the lat | ter being 103 miles per hour. Silver , towns were the only tires used by anv j of the drivers. It is interesting to observe that the j winners each time have been those ! whose tires were Silvertown Cord, j which has indeed been the case since I 1914. As all racers are required to pay ! ca3h for Silvertowns. the obvious de-; duction is that no other tires possess the same staying qualities, or they would be used, especially as they may often be had free by racers. HURT IX EXPLOSION By Associated rrcss Kenvil. X. J., July 22. Seven em ! ployes of the Hercules Powder Com j pany were injured early to-day in an I explosion at the plant's "dry" house. lAll the injured will recover. REAL ESTATE HIPPLE CLOSES ; DERRY ST. DEAL Has Sold Majority of Block of Houses; Realty Men Much Interested I In the sale of fourteen of the twenty ; houses now being completed by Con traotor Harold Hippie, In Derry street, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty j sixth streets, one of the largest build , ing operations of the year Is nearing completion. Deals for the sale of six of the dwell ings were completed to-day and title transferred by Contractor Hippie. | The brick, stone and stucco home, corner Derry and Twenty-fifth street, has been sold to Anthony F. Kramer, news editor of the Patriot, for 53.100. Five of the other properties in the operation have been sold to David L. Kauffman. a Highspire attorney. These | homes include 2512-14-16-1S and 20 Derry street. The prices paid by Mr Kauffman is understood to vary be tween $2,850 and 52.900 for each! home. The sale of eight of the other homes in the operation has already j j been noted here. Sir. Hippie Is Just completing work ion the operation and the plasterers ! h a v e not yet left the job. so the sale of : four-fifths of the houses before the i remainder is completed is an accom j plishment that local real estate men I have watched with interest. The - homes i present modern ideas in mod-1 erate-priced dwellings and are a valu- ; able addition to a growing section of Harrisburg. QIIBBER STAMQfI j yy SEALS & STENCILS |#V || " MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS • if 8 I 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. II i ; Suggestions and Estimates lilven Free J. M. SMITH Hard Wood Floors LAID AND FINISHED OLD FLOORS RENOVATED CTAIRS COVERED WITH HARDWOOD FLOORS KEPT IX CONDITION Bell Pbiaci 1301 M. KZI& Brooknond St. Harrisburg, Pa. North Street Located at 2311-13-15-17 N. Fifth Street EASY TERMS FRED C. MILLER, Builder 213 Walnut St.. Harrisburg;, Pa. Bell Phone 797-M V ———————— || Special Sunday II || Dinner ij (11 A. M. to BP. M.) II ! 50c jl ;j|| NewPalaceCafe II Xo. 2 South Fourth St. ' : JI Soijps ]! Cream Chicken with Rice ![ j . |! Puree of Tomato ![ J! Green Olives |i Cold Slaw ' ]> Sliced Tomatoes ' J! Roast Turkey ! | I' Roast Stuffed Young Chicken !' ■ Jl New Green Peas String Beans in Cream |! ]! Mashed Potatoes !> Pudding Pies or Ice Cream |! !; Hot or Ice Tea Coffee Milk !> ! | ••The Palace—of Things Good ! I to Eat." . j | "i f Ambulance Service Prompt and efficient service tor the transportation of patients to and troui Louies, hospitals, or the R. R. stations. With speclul care, experienced attendants and nonil aa I charges. ; Emergency Ambulance Service 1745 N. SIXTH ST. Be LI Phone 2423 United 272-W JULY 22, 1016. ) Big Steelton House Bargain | To Quick Buyer » 41 S. Second Street, Steelton, Pa. € 9-room house—all improvements—y 2 ' t block from post office exceptionally i good location. I I Big bargain if purchased quickly. ( I Get in touch at once with M. R. ALLEMAN ' 145 North Front Street Steelton, Pa. < — s FOR SALE OR RENT—PAXTANG A 3-story frame dwellinghouse. corner Derry St. and Paxtang Ave., 16 rooms; all improvements; electric lights, steam heat; large porches and stable; lot 180x250. Apply of A. H. 11AII.KY, (ill-tils NOKTII ST. or I*. O. Box 305. Hurrisburg, Pa. ' 1 ——— / Used Car Sale; P Going Along Most Successfully < Nearly a Dozen Cars Sold in Two Weeks < A number of good cars, including a Ford, very i cheap, that would pay for themselves as jitneys in a i very short time. i $125 UP NOTHING MISREPRESENTED < Must be sold within a few weeks. No reasonable < offer refused. Packard National Ford <! 3 Chalmers Pullman Inter-State < 1 Haynes Mitchell Electric i < Everett Regal Cadillacs y TRADED IN ON CADILLACS < I Crispen Motor Car Co. < I 413-417 S. Cameron St. < "£L /-PHE PRESTIGE OF A MOTOR :< E I CAR no longer depends upon a ifS -**- mere name, surrounded by a flc- |fe' titious atmosphere of aristocracy. IfS .£§l The only aristocracy in motor cars, Isg' now, is an aristocracy of merit. igEl It is true that the ownership of a yS Cadillac carries a distinct social value jsS 1 Sg in every community. But ic is the character of the car £33 which sheds luster on the Cadillac L£ij| name—not the name which confers f&J luster on the car. |g?j Each year the number of those amply .tig able to pay more, but who prefer the gS. «S| Cadillac because of what the Cadillac Spit !2ja is, has rapidly increased. Each year the lure of a mere name ga has grown less. It is the age-old process at work. : jSip Neither u. man, nor a motor car, can ; live on a name alone. 3$ The world demands deeds from the =<€^ one, and performance from the other. 35, In the working-out of that process, gv the world has bestowed greater and greater distinction upon the Cadillac. aji Crispen Motor Car Co. Ki 413-417 S. Cameron Street p"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers