12 <T Sjv Dives,Pomerop & Shop Early Tomorrow For the Store Closes at Noon oent L*. or IViail gj 25 j un i or stripe voile Ji J / / * /f A knee length. Special Friday 29c rice stripe voile, 36 * or 'Phone Orders dresses with organdie collar. f if Si J /If) JfjAj morning 350 inches wide ; floral designs. , Wide belt, bolero effect; sizes v Dives, pomeroy & Stewart, Special Friday mornine Filled. 14 and 15 years. Friday * L Street Floor, Rear. . J s * k morning only, 750 w * J V <m ->- i'u •« lir ' 69c voile; 44 inches wide; , : >. dresses in h'ncv -m w/LTvZv d' "T '° 7 "'T tllat wil j. be b 7° nd criti- Men's Union Suite ' and all-over designs. Men s Tennis colors; voile collars and cuffs ci&m. \\ e tr> ery day to supply our trade with merchandise which is abso- SI.OO and $1.50 peeler and Special Friday morning. Oxfords edged with '* ce: sizes 6to lutely dependable and worthy. Egyptian cotton and lisle yard, 29? 14 years. Friday morning _., . , , union suits sleeveless and • 65c black canvas tennis only * 95e ut ri day is the day set apart for clearing out odd lots and assortments. short sleeves, broken lines. -5c voile; 36 inches wide; ber°soles V '' h SpeciaI It *FHda > v «* children's plaid ging- We cannot emphasize too strongly the opportunities here presented on Special Friday morning, 89<- tripe, ta Iragtto 4S)e ham white Friday mornings for the saving of money. In every department "Friday Spe- , "fef child's dress or a shirtwaist. D 1 r'eet°Floor, ReaV. wart ' years. Friday morning only, cials" means a splendid chance to secure seasonable merchandise at less than Special Friday morning, v 'i 35c regular prices. s yard 12y 2 $ —__ $2.98 white lingerie _J Women's Union 10c batiste, white and col- Boys' Tennis mTsseTin Fri- / _ Suits ored grounds, neat styles. , oxfordS lenni- Z™*T'™"'J" P°rchFurniture Boys' Shirt* I Men's Lisle Drawer.] ""t* 60c black can\ as tennis Women S Wash The following pieces will Boys 39c Amoskeag blue 75c white lisle drawers, length. Special Fridav oxfords with cemented ruo- be offered to-morrow morn- chambray shirts, collar at- knee and ankle lengths. morning 35? Semi-made sport skirts. ber soles, fecial Friday 3kirtß ing: tached. military and flat col- Special Fridav morning. D 1 ''''' black, helio, green and blue morm " S 4 "° ~s-'.98 oyster white linen $2.50 to $5.00 porch chairs. Friday 35* . stripes. Special Fridav Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, flare skirts; patch pockets, c J,,. mg, ooc; 3 for jpl.oo m v ' . , ~ 0 1 street Floor. Rear. Special rridav morning Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, morning, yard 98? V ' button trimmed. Friday onlv SI.(X) Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, i street Floor. Rear. _ morning only sl.«a 7 Men's store. N -/ o i • • 59c gabardine sport stripes ' 7T: "~;"T $3 98 white linen skirt* $6.50 to $8.50 mahogany Suit Linings jn bUck s Women S lennis V , , „ * fl chairs and rockers. Special _ i , r-v r> , o9c cream A. B. C. silk, c- j , . }n^ Oxford. 3S-SS Silk Outing Hal. 1 SSRCg ja%ssjat ~ . '«s jsbwbss a swss?* -at *<**-»«•«- »»"***• ber soles. Special Friday $6.50 velvet rose corduroy cial Friday morning only ors and stripes. Special Fri- " wide, 2to 3 yards Special Friday morning, yard, 39* morning 49c skirts; flare models; welted * 4 9,) day morning 390 . 7ac Shepherd checks 42 Friday morning only, yard Divs, Pomeroy * Stewart, Dockets belt effect bound in Brown fibre settees. Spe- «.'*♦» inches wide. Special Friday street i-ioor Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, poCKeis. Deu ene>.l DOUntl 111 . . » Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. mornino- onKr c-1 street Floor. Rear. white silk braid Fridav cial Friday morning only. Men s store. morning only DiveSi Po merov & Stewart N ' 7 , ffi'2 q; v .. ... Street Floor morning only 83.00 >9c mixed su i t ing s . 42 f t v f c*u \x/ •«. Brown fibre rockers. Spe- \ inches wide. Special Friday Basement 'Wash Women's White J Waists Cial Friday morning onlv Stamped Gowns I morning only, 49* c<ll ~ r» J C *1 cl 53.95 Crepe de chine #1.9.> «;«!,♦„«= <m ->c , , , Silk Dress Goods Cioods Specials Shoes waists in ric-V. t . stamped night gowns, $1.25 serge, good shades, ... r 8 , ready made. Special Friday 46 inches wide. Special Fri- SI.OO white plisse crepe, 25c wash suiting, neat col an^?umPr sligh.lv sod." KrX mZng onTv, day morning onl/.... » 8f Winches wMe Special Fri- ored checks. Special Friday broken sizes. Special Fri- $5 50 Crepe de chine lace ' = 7~, \ o """'fhSSTioV"""' $1.25 silk poplin. 40 inches day morning only, yard. 69« morning, yard 11? day morning <oC and Georgette crepe waists Personal Items ' __J wide. Special Friday morn- . 89c black habutai, 36 20c poplin; solid shades D 1 sfree P t°Ffo r o o r, Rear ewart ' in ivory rose' flesh, pearl Kleinert-s 50c baby pants. mg only, 89* mornfng'only, PCa . a ... and neat fi^ures - S P ecia! V grey, white and maize; not special Friday morning Soft Collars Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Friday morning, yard, 120 all colors in each style; sizes only, 25C , L street iMoor $1.25 cordurov; 36 inches — , from 36 to 40. Extra special v . . . , .... Broken line of men s and wide Special Friday morn- 9c Lancaster gingham in Women S White Friday morning only, *2.98 aOc Naiad bolero shields. boys 12j4c soft collars. Spe- ing only, 650 lengths of 2to 9 yards. Spe with or without net sleeves. cial Friday morning, 3 for TVl_l ¥• "Ti -„icj j Shoes Women's Silk Suits Special Friday morning • 100 Table Linen, Towels div„. s»„„ Friday morning, yard $3.50 white Nubuck but- R 1,,„ 1 ° nl y Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. and Table CoVerS V /2^ ton shoes high toe lasts ,* n k, 50c and SI.OO silk girdles. 6c white twilled toweling challies, Persian de with welted soles and Cuban Actual $30.00 navy blue, Soecial Fridav mornine with reH heels. Special Friday morn- grev and black taffeta suits N P •. . rder Special Bleached Sheets j n g. Special Friday morn ing..... 81.50 in styles representing Raffia Hats Friday morning only, yard 85c bleached hemstitched ing yard. ........Z. TjS, Pomerov & Stewart Spring's latest develop- 59c strap purses. Special , , » . sL sheets, 81x99 inches. Spe- 0 , . . , street Floor! Rear. ments; sizes 36, 38 and 40. Fridav morning only, ..35c j ra^ ia ? r outing 3? c table damask, c j a j Friday morning only _Bc lawns in plain shades, v Extra Fridav morn- ' and tennls - Special Friday inches wide. Special Friday r u 70L Special Friday morning, ing only $16.50 SI.OO net brassieres with morning, 35C morning only, yard. ... 250 yard 50 " iir t ni l 1 ' shields. Special Friday a _ . 49c bleached sheets, with 1C , . . , Women S Black Div.s Pomeroy & Stewart. morning only, 50c *' \ sc Pjam gingham; 32 J u li e t ß '"' ' ' Divc ; Pomerov . stewart V spreads. Special Friday Special Friday morning ,nches w,de " Special Friday Juliets Dives. Stewart morning only $1.85 only each ... 390 morning,-yard 90 $1.25 black kidskm Tuliets, , s V— ——flT , \ _ , . , 4 . tipped and plain toes, rubber heels. Special Fridav morn- * UriVmg Bovs* $1 00 khaki flannel Fnday m ° rmng ° nly ' —— - c" a ' ld , black grou"ds ing 93* Gloves White Dress blouse waists. Special Fri- 12/ ac Turkish towels. y^!... . .TTsI Dives. Pomeroy & stewart, $2.00 lisle back auto and Materials day morning 790 Special Friday morning .. ~ c . . Street Fioorf Rear. driving gloves. Special Fri- 29c whitc check lawns 33 Dlves pomeroy & stewart only, 10c Muslin Specials Dives, Pomeroy* Stewart. _ da> ' m ° rnmg 9159 inches wide. Special Friday 85c hemstitched and seal- « , ""bleached mushn; 39 V Ti7ITT . i $2.50 lisle back driving morning only, yard, ... 150 loped table covers. Special 'nches wide bpecial nday White Mary Jane glov«. Special Friday morn" 95c , |oth sU| ' , ■ ■ , V Friday morning only, 550 morning only, yard. .. Pumps rng #1.95 Friday morning only, 10 nan S oes 75c fancy Turkish towels ■ bleached muslin; 36 Valenciennes lace edges Misses' and Children's $2.98 Mocha palm silk yards G9<* 7jc white canvas shoes with mill imperfections. Spe- inches wide. Special Friday and insertion, one inch wide. SI.OO white canvas Mary back driving gloves. Special 2 c .. .. ~s ' and black kidskin slippers, cial Friday morning only, morning only, yard, .. values to Bc. Special Friday Tane pumps, leather soles Fridav morning, ... $2.19 .*7 c ■, r- incli es broken sizes. Special Fri- Dives. Pomeroy & stewart. morning yard, 80; bolt of 12 ind low heels. Soecial Fri- _ ' 8 w,de - . S P ec,al Fnda y m ? r »- day morning 390 ' L Basement. vards , Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. ing Only 1-tC Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart > J day morning «.>e . ' olveß, K°^o r Stewart - I Venise lace insertions, 2/, D1 8?r«^ 0 Fioo 0 r y RefJ ewart -0c whittlawn;4s inches V . n r . to 4-inches wide in white, N wide. Special Friday morn- Black Dress Goods values to 75c. Special Fri _____Basement Specials mg on v W ' /J 0 Umbrellas Groceries 85c all-wool serge ; 42 I I day morning, yard, ... 250 I MUsfV Rlark 98c floral cut fruit bowls, r 9c dotted batiste and 10 lbs. sugar. ?80, with inches wide Special Friday Dives. Pomeroy & stewart Misses Slack stnpe vol i e Special Fridav 52 00 piece-dyed taffeta 11" morning only, yard, ... 690 street Floor Oxford, 59c nest of 6 vellow It -ruing only .«e 59c mohair; 36 inches ' leather b ' blucher 3o oxfords* whi« UM. ftsgft*,- n~. | ing : «t.4» 10 cakes P. &G. soap. -41? Women'. Silk Hose' Special Friday morning. _ 69c hand-nainted china I ""KHif" 10 cakes Ivory soap, 41« 73 c mohair; 50 inches $1.25 fancy silk hose, as- S W cake plates 45c 1 '0 cakes Fels Naptha wide Special Friday morn- , patterns. Special Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Silver Ware Specials V soap 410 ing only l vard ..... 690 pnday morn ing, 9>o Street Floor. Rear. 89c oak bread boxes; large DiUl : 5 ex t, .1 * ' size file 51.25 German silver me,h Ribbons 3 cans corn I.H $1,25 all-wool serge, 50 and wlii.e Soedai rrr ; ~ —; * 25c fruit press or potato ba S s - Special Friday morn- Remnants of 3to 5-inch 3 cans peas inches w'de. Fr qai Friday morning 37< Women S Neckwear r j cers !4 C ing onlv . 49<> ribbons, values to 20c. Spe- 3 cans beans 250 morning, only, yard, .. 980 FmhrnirWH laundered C,al " lor ning. yard. Divee, Pomeroy & Stewart D,VCS ' & o. SteWart coHars. Special Fridav 32 25 10 - qt - aluminum 25c rose beads. Special 100 - bags salt 90 street Floor > 1- morning water buckets $1.49 Friday morning only. . 150 Moire Ribbons. 4 I A to On jar syrup 90 Windsor Ties. Special tachabkh^ndTeT 5 Gold plated hat pins and morSng?'. '4 lb. tea 13c ~ ' Infants' Socks Fridav morning 50 beauty pins. Special Fridav - cans salmon 210 Boys Wash Suits cotton socks in nn T- ... • . Dlvea, Pomeroy & Stewart, „, . . _ , , , , . ~ Dives Pomeroy & Stewart $2.00 Economy bread mix- morning only 10<J % street Floor. 3 packs Mother's Oats, SI.OO wash suits in latest black and tan, small sizes. ' """" ' a «» *»-S5 , 5c whi(t ivorv (rames ' . _ _ styles, sizes 3to 8 years. S P« ial "ridty morning, s<i t ' Special Friday morning f 777 ; >1 One pack Post Toasties straight trousers. Special D,v *"-SSS^lfor 8 """" I r IT , 1 . __J onlv 1Q ! Women S Friday morning 790 ~ Upholstery Specials on, y' o J1 ...l:./ 3 packs Elbo Macaroni, ' s v ft Lengths of line satine in \ $1.25 and $1.50 sterling nandkerctlietS $1.50 wash suits, gray m i ; 77 2to 5 yards for comfortables Porch Screens I I silver and cloisonne belt , ' C °, r " e f r . embro,d ered One pack Puffed Rice, striped percale and madras S Hose II and draperies. Special Fri- $6.00 green porch screens, pins. Special Friday morn- cTa" Fridav morni^Tf and tan linene; short and fine ribbed cotton ft day morning, - hose, seamless. Special I<ri- || $1.39 plain linene couch and pulleys *3.98 • Initial handkerchiefs in Sunshine BisCuiU ers, latest styles, sizes 2K-to day moriung, .. ~.. 80 covers with green border. Dives, Pomeroy t Stewart, Odd pieces sterling ware. white, some have colored in- Sunshine beautv wafers 8 years " S P ec,al F"day es> suee^FW tewart Special Friday morning, L '''""e" ' Special Friday morning itials. Special Friday morn- lb. . . 2* > <ft morning 950 ' ——■ only, 100 ing, 6 for 250 ' . -a u •. ui A . in . . ... 7 6 v One lb. assorted biscuit, wash suits, blue and .. . __ V 19c plain cream and white pi_ $2.25 to $5.00 toilet and Silk crepe de chine hand- 190 tan striped galatea, sizes 2y 2 Men S Silk Hose mnrn?n«T in ~- . • , c Military sets. Friday morn- kerchiefs with colored rolled Digestive biscuits made of to 5 years. Special Friday 50c fibre silk fancy clocked Special Friday morning, , ng only Specia! Friday wheat and hran, speoial, mor J„ g Special Friday mor. Banter™"- Dlv "- Kvi?„f. sitw * rt ' Dlv "' »««. '-w »«».„. L...issufßsg' t l Street Floor. Basement. street Fir>«r 11 I, • THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 20, 1916.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers