j lew's the Time to Rent That Cottage of "Bungalow Tin A Wait AdJ Card of Thanks MR. AND MRS. U. G. FREIDMAN de sire to express their deep appreciation to the friends and neighbors lor their kindness and sympathy during their recent bereavement. Lost and found LOST ln Jitney, umbrella having gold handle, engraved with initials M. E. D. Finder kindly return to 250 Ma- street, or Commonwealth cigar tore. No. 5 South Market Square, and receive reward. , *BOOK LOST On Second street, be tween Market Square, Pennsylvania j'reight Station and Vine street; valu able to owner only. Reward for re- Mim M. L Morgan, 400 South second eueet. LOST lf party who found package containing seven music rolls on street car. Saturday night, will kindly return same to Stieff's Piano Store will be greatly appreciated. LOST Sunday, between State Fair Grounds and Hershey Park. Silk Moire Coat. Finder please return to 1232 Market street. ! Help Wanted —Male WANTED A good LINIMENT AUE.NT. Special proposition, can be tween 1 and 6 P. M. W one Medicine Co., 133 Sassairas stieet. cn>. AUTOMATIC vu Cleveland. Gridley and Seiui- Automatic Machines. GRINDERS BALL HAMPER MEN LATHE HANDS Engine and turret hands on Jones A; Laiuson, Pottor As Jounson. and \\ arncr j 6 Swasey Machines. GENERAL .MACHINISTS TOOL MAKERS LABOKEKS Good opportunity tor learners We ha\» excellent positions tor experienced men. Night anu day work. Highest wages pain. Address, stating age and expen- [ ence, or call at Employment Bureaus. Standard Roller Bearing Co.. Forty-ninth and Merion Ave., or Fiftieth and Merion Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. j WANTED Two oven men to bake pretzels. Good opportunity. L'p-to aate bakery. Address The Becker Bak ing Company, West Bootn street, Baltimore, MO. WANTED First-class shoemaker. Steady work. Good wages. Apply Greek-American Shoe Repair Shop, sou North Third street. I TYPEWRITER FREE—To each stu dent enrolling for a course in the Young Men s Business Institute, Inc.. to open , in Ha?risburg. Pa., about September 1, 1916; will be given the choice of an Underwood, Remington or any standaid machine, shipped direct from factory. The Young Men's Business Institute principally a secretarial school, will prepare acceptable young men for spec ial positions of trust in private and business life. The principal, a Prince ton College man. has the endorsements of the laigest corporation in the L. S. , Entrance requirements; enrollment lim ited. For particulars address Box R. 5u71, care of Telegraph. ! YOUNG MEN WANTED To work , in automobile repair shop. Our school i is overflowing with repair work. Therefore it gives our students a chance to obtain practical repair work on all machines. We pay thirty cents j per hour as soon as competent. Take advantage of summer rates. Auto Transportation School. 25-29 North Cameron street. LABORERS WANTED on concrete work, 22 cents per hour. Ix>ng job. Apply to Robert Grace Contracting Co.. Forester s Island, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Several young men to work at Philadelphia Quick Lunch. Ap ply 307 Market. ♦ WANTED First-class outside cut- ' ters on Ladies' shoes. Good wages and steady employment. Utz & Dunn Co. I 37 Canal street. Rochester. N. Y. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar ried men under age of 35; Citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Of licer, Bergner Bldg.. 3rd & Market Sts., Harrisburg. CAN YOU FILL THIS POSITION? Here is a splendid opportunity for an energetic, active man to take up a per manent. profitable business. No invest ment required; immediate cash return. Health and Accident Insurance. This may be your chance for bigger and bet ter things. National Casualty Co.. De troit. Mich. CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS Mr. Depue. of the Interstate Civil Service Bureau, of Washington, D. C, can be seen at Columbus Hotel regarding ex aminations for Railway Mail Clerk, Post Ofiice Clerk, etc.. soon to be held in this district. Full particulars as to requirements, cost of preparation, etc. Address Box A, 5070. care of Telegraph. WANTED MOLDERS for both light and heavy floor work; also brass molders. We run open shop. We had a strike of union molders in April last, but over ninety per cent, of our old molders have returned to work. We want to increase our force by adding a night turn. We offer; Best wages. Best working conditions. High grade work. Steady employment. Apply by letter or in person. THE WESTING HOUSE FOUN DRIES. TRAFFORD. PA. A Suburb of Pittsburgh, Pa. WANTED YOUNG MEN to learn to become practical chauffeurs. We give our unlimited course fcr SSO. easy piyraents. and guarantee JOc per hour •s sen as competent. We have SO car* to overhaul during the Spring. AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL Z5-27-2) North Cameron street. WANTED —4O able-bodied men for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. ♦ .i. ♦ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ♦ : j j Steelton Property i ♦ 41-43 NORTH FRONT STREET ! ♦ . * We're offering for quick sale this* J desirably located property. * « Store room (with cemented cel-J liar) now occupied by a good tenant.* First and second floors—Office t «ten rooms and bath. ' J J Third floor—Housekeeping apart- * * ment with six rooms. ♦ Two-«tory brick building on rear» 7 of lot. • 4 j • Just right for store and residence « • or store and renting the other three ♦ ♦ floors. Entire property occupied ♦ Jat this time. ♦ j MILLER BROTHERS&CO.: REAL ESTATE « Insurance Surety Bonds ♦ ; ! Locust and Court Streets | ♦~,, , ♦ j THURSDAY EVENING, Help Wanted—Male LABORERS WANTED For either contract or day labor. Attractive wages. Apply at Quarries ot Hoitinan Bros. & Wilson, Twenty-third street and P. & R. Railroad. SALESMANAGER WANTED to handle , a superior line of Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Paper in Eastern Pennsyl ; vania. Big returns assured a live wire. No investment. Address "Manu tacturer." care of Telegraph. Help Wanted —Female WANTED Two young women to : travel with Illusion Show. Experience unnecessary. Travel South in winter. Call at Miracle Show, Firemen's Carni val. Eleventh and Mulberry streets. WANTED Experienced store dem onstrator. Give reference, salary and experience. Miss McCasland, General Delivery. Harrisburg. WANTED Woman typist and stenographer; must be familiar with Remington and have had at least some office experience. Address, stating full particulars and lowest salary, A. C. 1 Young, Real Estate, 26 North Third | street. EXPERT TRAINING. RESULT a student secured a position in a Jersey Public School at S9OO. Will start work September 1. Harrisburg Shorthand School. 31 North Second street. WANTED White woman to do family washing at home. Call 1915 Zarker street. WANTED A woman between age 135 and 40. for housework; a good home for right party. Call 1566 Swatara street, between 6 and 8 o'clock. WANTED A girl for general house work; family of two; reterence requir ed. Address Box 24 Paxiang. Pa. WANTED Chambermaid. Apply at ; Columbus Hotel between one and five ' o'clock. i WANTED Several bright, steady girls to work in laundry. Apply Tro> Laundry. 1520-26 Fulton street. WANTED A bright, steady girl to take charge of flat work depart ment. Must be some one who can man age girls. Apply Troy Laundry, 1520- 26 Fulton street. WANTED Woman for general : housework. Must be good, plain cook. No washing. Two adults. Reference required. 326 North Front street. Steel- I ton. WANTED Two experienced cigar packers. Steady work guaranteed. Ap ! ply Central Cigar Co.. 323 South Cam- | • eron street. WANTED Several strong, steady j girls to work in starch room. Apply Troy Laundry. 1520-1526 Fulton street. WANTED Laundry girls at Palace Laundry. 2103 Logan avenue. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, J Filler and Binder strippers. Wei tare looked after by trained nurse. | Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED. AT ONCE Sewing ma- | chine operators. Experience not nec essary. Pressers also wanted. Blough Manufacturing Co WANTED Girls experienced on powsr sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co.. Vernon street. HarrisDurg, Pa. Situations Wanted—Male WANTED Situation wanted by j tinsmith and ironworker. Apply, or address. 74S South Nineteenth and One half street. Harrisburg. WANTED Middle-aged white man wants work as janitor or timekeeper; good references. Apply 1735 Market street. WANTED A young man wants po sition as assistant to a photograher. Small wages. Chance to learn the business. Apply A 4321. care of Tele graph. WANTED Young man desires posi tion as motion picture operator. Has had four years' experience. Can fur nish best references. Guy Diffendert'er, No. 209 South Market street. Mechanics burg. Pa. WANTED Young man wishes work out of town; willing to go anywhere, familiar with automobiles and track ; work. Box M, 5066, care of Telegraph. WANTED Work of any kind, by j young man 17 years of age; can fur nish reference. Address 0., 5065, care j of Telegraph. WANTED By colored man, posi- I tion washing and cleaning windows. Address 17128 Walnut street. Situations Wanted —Female WANTED By a young, colored girl, ' work as child's nurse or work around the house. Write, or call after 6 o'clock i in evening, 349 Reily street. WANTED Young woman desires ! clerical position; can furnish best ot references as to experience and ability. I Address C„ 5074, care of Telegraph. " I WANTED Young woman, six years' actual experience, desires position as stenographer. Address 0., SoBS, care of Telegraph. WANTED . Oman wants washing and ironing to do, or day's work, or ] office work. Apply No. 1512 Drum- I mond street, Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED—Experienced housekeeper wishes position as housekeeper for widower in city. Call 707 North Nine- 1 teenth street. WANTED Girl wishes light house- i work. Call, or address. 620 Forster ! street. _ WANTED Position as nurse or housekeeper by colored woman. Ad- ; dress 1207 Apple avenue. | ) WANTED Day's work of any kind. Apply 1107 North Sixth street. WANTED Colored woman wants washing and ironing, or day work, to i do' 'at home. Call 124 Liberty street. Real Estate For Sale 1611 REGINA STREET Three-story ! brick; all improvements; end property; ' paved alley in rear; price right. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. VIOLET AVENUE. 534—This 3-story S-roomed frame dwelling, with bath, range, assessed at SBSO, renting for $12.50. will be reduced $5.00 weekly un til sold or withdrawn by owner. Listed July 10 at $1,550. Price this week, sl.- | 545. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. NORTH FIFTEENTH STREET, 27 I This 3-story frame dwelling. 9 rooms lot to alley in rear, is the place you are j looking for. Good locality and a real j investment at $2,250. Backenstoss I Bros., Russ Building. $1,700 WILL BUY a 7-room house, all improvements, side entrance, drive aliey in rear, on a good street. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street WALLACE STREET. 1206 Three- i i story frame dwelling; 7 rocms; lot, 26x 63. This property could be remodeled for business. Price. $1,700. Backen- , stoss Bros.. Russ Building. Real Estate For Sale ! PEN BROOK. HERR STREET NEAR ] TWENTY-EIGHTH 2%-story frame dwelling. 8 rooms; bath; lot. 60x112; large porches. One inspection of this property will satisfy. Price, $2,950. | Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. EARLIN'GTON Corner plot of ground on Harvard Avenue, 113x120. Bargain at $500.00. Also corner plot on Dickinson Avenue. 80x120, at $525. Vale ! Avjnue. corner plot, 30x120, at $300.00. j Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building.- I FOR SALE seven-acre fruit, truck and poultry farm. Good house and all necessary outbuildings. Good water. Possession at once. Bargain if sold at once. Bell phone 1695J-4. A. B. Davis, | 2436 Camby street, Penbrook. ; FOR SALE Lot located on trolley i line, on plot known as Oak Lane Ter race, between Middletown and High i spire, size 192x200. Price right. Brin i ton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut 1 streets. FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in : blocks or the whole. A splendid | opportunity tor builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. FOR SALE Attractive, new, three story brick house, e'ght rooms and , bath, finished in oak. hardwood floors, vapor heat, porches, large yard, grano lltnic walks, iron tences, laundry and all other modern improvements; gooa location. Will sell on payments oi Thirty Dollars per month. Mac WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO.. BUILDERS'AN'D DESIGNERS. 2150 X. FIFTH ST. Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE 2 %-story frame dwell ing. located on Market Street. Camp Hill; lot. 40x240; 6 rooms and attic; water and gas. Price. $2,800. Brin ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE An ideal property; con taining 6 acres; located in Cumberland County; 4 miles from city; 10 minutes' walk from trolley; improved by elegant 2 4-story frame dwelling; large bank barn; considerable fruit and shade trees; spring and running water. Prlcu, $3.500.0u. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. —— FARM. 4 ACRES; ALL NEW BUILD INGS. HUNTER'S RUN, Cumberland County. Pa.; ideal for chicken and trucK ! farming, also desirable for country summer home; good tiain service on Reading Railroad. L. Elliott Middle town. Boiling Springs, Pa. A description of this property at 409 Market Street. C. B. CARE, Harris burg. THREE HOUSES IN DUNCANNON— One suitable for dwelling or boarding house; all modern improvements, and stoieroom on first floor. One double house. 6 rooms each. Lots, 150 ft deep, 60 ft. frontage. Address Mrs. Josephine Millar, Duncannon. or W. M. Seibsrt. Attorney, New Bloomfield. FOR SALE Chicken Farm, delight ful location on trolley line. Hard road to market. Accommodates 1,500 chick ens Doing good business. Modern house, all improvements. Everything first-class. Also several desirable build ing plots both in city and suburbs. Bungalow sites. A. C. Mead. Eighth 1-loor Union Trust Co. Building, Har risburg, Pa. ACRE TRACTS FOR SALE SOLOMON NISSLEY FARMS adjoin ing W. K. Alrlcks farms, one mile northeast of city. In .small tracts of one acre or more. Ground level and adapted to trucking purposes; beauti ful building sites; $125.00 to $250.00 per acre. Farm buildings with number oi acres to suit purchaser HARRY WALMER, Penbrook, Pa. I. B. SWARTZ, Attorney, 108 North Second Street Harrisburg, Pa. VAUGHN One acre plots; will sell half acre; also lots 92x230 feet along M. T. trolley; 7V4c fare to all parts of Har risburg and Steelton; beautiful and healthful; ground enough for poul try and vegetables; price only $169 per half acre. C. B. Care, Care's Grocery Stcre, Linglectown, Pa. De scription at 409 Market Street City. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT One new corner house, 1235 Cameron street; all modern im provements; 6 rooms and bath; $16.u0 per montn. Apply Gordon s Grocery etore, three doors above. SPLENDID business corner and resi dence. now being improved, and will make additional improvements to suit your business. Large lot. o 4x200, goes wiih the property Apply to the owner. A. C. Young. 26 North Third street FOR RENT Three-story brick; ten rooms; all improvements; electric lights; good garage; Main street, Me chanicsburg. Moderate rent. Happle <sc swart*, Mechanicsburg, Pa. FOR RENT 2 H-story stucco house on Paxtang avenue; eignt rooms and bath; hardwood floors; lot, 45 ft. by 155 ft. Possession given August l. Address 207 Paxtang avenue, Paxiang, Pa. FOR RENT Furnished house, 280 Briggs street. Apply Mecnanics Trust Co.. Thira and Market FOR KENT SUBURBAN HO.VIE 207 Paxtang Ave.. Paxiang—new 2Va-story stucco — S rooms oath steam heat. Lot 45x150 ft Miller Brothers ic Co., Lo cust and Court Sts. YORK AVE. Warehouse, between Cowdcn and Pennsylvania avenue; 4Ux 5o leet; suitable for garage or ware house. Inquire at Metropolitan Hotel. FOR RE-NT 2005 N. TH.uD ST.—Three-story dwelling l3 rooms bath steam heat—large porches—delightful shade— plot, 126x204 ft— pleasingly located at the southeast corner Third and Ueiger Sts. Miller Brothers & Co., Locust and Court Sts. HOUSE FOR RENT AT OVERVIEW —Three-story brick; ten rooms, includ ing oath; running water, electric light, telephone and all modern conveniences, live-cent tare from Harrisburg; speci ally adapted for railroad employes, in quire Room 209, Commonwealth Trust tfuitding, or address P. O. Box 563. FOR RENT 1836 State street; 3- story brick house with all Improve ments; immediate possession. Apply to S. Friedman, Real Estate, Kunkel Building, or 217 Peffer street FOR RENT No. 1507 State street, modern three-story brick house in the best of condition. Immediate posses sion. Kent. $35. J. E. GIPPLE, Farms A DESIRABLE Poultry Farm of six acres in Cumberland County, six miles from Carlisle. Good eight-room house, stable, other outbuildings. Good soil. Fruit. Good water. Price, $1,500. Ad dress Box X, 5075, care of Telegraph. Apartments For Rent THIRD ST., N., 210—Newly furnished apartment, two rooms and kitchen, communicating bath; rent reasonable. Apply Second Floor, front FOR RENT One furnished apart ment—four rooms and private bath; central location; choice neighborhood. Address 0., 5072, care of Daily Tele graph. FOR RENT Three unfurnished sec ond story rooms, with privilege of bath, heat and gas furnished, located at 410 Crescent street. Rent sl6. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Apartments For Rent APARTMENTS FOR RENT Well furnished, pleasant apartments, one on floor and one on the second floor. ■ with board, city steam heat and elec j tricity. References. Call 513 North ■ second street, between 11 and 12, 5 and < 6, if possible. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Locat ed at the corner of Sixth and Kelker streets. Newly built. Five rooms and bath, with all conveniences. Hard wood floors and cut glass fixtures, with I and back porches. Apply to .u. ! Gilbert. 1742 North Sixth street. Rooms For Rent i FOR RENT Four furnished rooms, first floor. One or two on second. All ; improvements. City steam, good lo cation, opposite Capital Park. Call M. A. Fought, 272 North street. : —— , FOR RENT Second floor front | room, nicely furnished; lady preferred. | Apply 923 North Second street. ROOMS FOR RENT— With first-class board by meal, day or week. Meal Ticket, $4.00. Call and see us. Prices reasonable. Mrs. Annie E. Hoffman, Proprietress, 1001 North Second street. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT Unfurnished, attrac tive, single, double or three-room housekeeping apartment. Running water in kitchen, range and cabinet, gas, strictly private, direct entrance. Phone and bathroom privileges. For location and price, inquire 429 Broad. 10 to 11 A. M. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1928 Park rtreet. Use of bath. Apply on premises. FOR RENT—Newly-rurnished rooms for ladies and gentlemen. Running hot and cold water. A phone in every room. #2.50 per week. Special rates, two in a room. Metropolitan Annex. 518 Mar ket street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms. Bell phone ISO6J. FOR RENT Well-furnished rooms overlooking Capitol Park, centrally lo cated with all conveniences, $1.50 to $3.00 per week. Apply 32S North street. FOR RENT Second floor front room; newly furnished, for gentleman; bath, etc.; convenient to Capitol, Post Office; quiet location. 265 Briggs street. Bell phone 127SR. FOR RENT Second-story front room; newly furnished; electric light; phone service. Apply 125 Pine street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished, ' up-to-date rooms for light housekeep ing; also one separate room; use of bath: hot and cold water. 24 North. Fifth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 1 singly or ensulte; all conveniences; phone, etc.; references required. Apply 1015 North Front street. FURNISHED ROOMS Single or en 6Ulte. Rooms are large and airy. Use j of Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth. Rooms Wanted WANTED By two gentlemen, one large or two unfurnished rooms, with private bath, first floor front, within five blocks of Market Square. Address P., 5064, care of Telegraph. j W'anted—Miscellaneous WANTED A Christian home for girl 13 years, for boarding and cloth ing. Also two nice unfurnished rooms for rent. Call 1609 Derry street, or Bell phone 3753 R. j WANTED, YOUR ATTENTION Carpets and Rugs scoured at reducea rates during the months of July and August. Keystone Rug Co., 1115 Mont gomery street. WANTED A Christian home to • rear girl three years of age. Address Box A, 5078, care of Telegraph. WANTED, TO BUY Second-hand j Ford touring car. Must be late model and reasonable in price. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. WANTED, HORSE City broke, | about 1200 to 1400 lbs. in weight. Must be sound. State age. color, where can be seen and lowest cash price. Address , P. O. Box 318, Harrisburg. Board and Rooms TWO furnished, second floor rooms, with board; corner house; all conveni ences; prefer two married couples. Ap ply R. M. liodenhiser. No. 8 South Six- 1 tecnth street. BOARDING AND ROOMS Can ac commodate a few more boarders; rea sonable rates, with the best the market affords. 123 South Second street ___ For Sale —Miscellaneous FOR SALE —Saddle or driving Ken tucky mare, single footer and pacer. Sell cheap. Can be seen any time. Ad dress, Box HSOSS, care Telegraph. FOR SALE lce cream, pastry and confectionery store. AiJply Thirteenth and Swatara streets. WE SELL. Balzac, Dumas, E. P. Roe, Conan Doyle and many other standard and classical sets of books; also Dic tionaries and Encyclopedias at one lourth regular prices or less. Build up your library with good books at low cost, cash or small payments. Open evenings. Aurand's Book Store, 913 North Third. FOR SALE 25 shares Merchants Ice Company of Harrisburg stock. Bell phone 3056 W. FOR SALE Two complete stave mills, with power, now operating in Miftling Township, Cumberland County; also about 125 telephone poles, 30 to 50 feet in length, at the same location. Box Nd. 574. Willlamsport, Pa. CHICKS—Four ana eight weeks old, Barred Rocks, Leghorns and White Rocks, 200 in all; bargain to close out Call Bell 1695J-4. A. B. Davis, 2436 Camby street, Penbrook, Pa. FOR SALE One reed porch swing and two chairs (green) at a bargain. Address 8., 0067, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter New machine Just from factory. Cheap for cash. Box S, 5069, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE Two horses for deliv ery purposes, and one wagon, suitable tor light delivery. Apply at 1801 North Sixth street. FOR SALE Will sell all kinds of second-hand furniture, carpets and stove at lowest reduction price on ac count of moving. Now is your chance. Will move to 324 Reily street. Apply Frank Cohen, 607 State street. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence, Field Fence. Gates, Poultry Netting. Building Hard ware. Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board, Compo-Board, Doors, Sash, Shutters. Mouldings. Porch Posts. Pumps, etc. FOR SALE Diamond and Good rich Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases, Harnetß and Leather Goods made to order. Cole Leather and Shoe Findings HARRISBURG HARNESS & SUPPLY CO.. SECOND AND CHESTNUT STS. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. AT GABLE'S. 11*. 115 and TIT South Second street. 6,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed f>n!nt. Acme quality. All (ha lull line at the Acta* make. For Sale —Miscellaneous AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street. 6,000 sets new sash. SxlO. IX L primed and glased, at $1.30 per set Also other sizes. Also dour* and shut ters. FOR RENT Desirable office In Telegraph Building, size 14xl>. 'nqulra Superintendent Room 100. FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. Business Opportunities FOR SALE Cigar and Pool Parlor, reasonable to quick buyer. Address D., 5040, care of (Telegraph. BEFORE BUYING a rebuilt BICYCLE elsewhere, inspect our stock and prices. Special bargains and prices for summer months. J. B. Murray. 1014 James street. ANY Intelligent person can earn Rood Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for pat tlculars. Press Syndicate. 793 Lock port. N. Y. Business Personals LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit cases (drummers' samples! positively at the lowest prices in the city. Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting gooas at low prices. COHEN (L SON. Reliable Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at subway. CARPETS AND RUGS Icoured ~a.t~re duced rates during the months of July and August. Keystone Rug Co.. 1115 Montgomery street WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bids. — All kinds of detectlTe work bandied—one eye always open. : BELL. PHONE 127 W. HEMSTITCHING FANCY AND PLAIN, done on short notice: 10 cents a yard up; colors a specialty. Information given freei MCDOWELL IOSA MARKET STKEET. Hauling ana Moving GENERAL HAULING One and one-half ton to two-ton truck for hire. Prompt attention to moving. Truck parties solicited. H. G. Garman, Meh ring's Garage. Both phones. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN. National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general hauling. W. H. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 250SR. PIANO MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. Money to Loan MONET advanced to nousekeepcrs at legal rotes; buslnust confidential. Profit Sharing Loan Society. Room 7. Spooner Building, a North Market Square. Storage FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods. $2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, house hold goods and merchandise. Private rooms, J1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. Musical FOR SALE Strictly high grade GRAND PIANO. Used short time Will sell at a bargain. Address Box D, 4311, care of Telegraph. HAVE your VICTROLA. GRAFANOLA or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR ED by an expert. Bell phone 3242 J. Write, or call, at 315 Broad street. Summer Resorts and Cottages FURNISHED COTTAGES WAYNE COTTAGE. PERDIX, five rooms and sleeping porches; three min utes' walk to station and river. Special inducement for remainder of season. Apoly to A. C. Young, 26 North Third street. Bell phone. FOR RENT Maplehurst cottage, furnished, between Accomac and Wild Cat. Fine location. A. L. Resch, Marl etta. Pa. Automobiles JITNEY BUS FOR SALE Seats twelve to thirteen; uphol stered in green plush, electric lights, window curtains. Pay as-you-enter model. Just over hauled, and has brand new tires. Big bargain to quick buyer. Call 1933 State street. . TOURING CAR Recently over hauled, in perfect running condition. Will accommodate seven passengers. Price low. Can be seen this evening between 7 and 8 o'clock. A. J. Kline, 114 Evergreen street. FOR SALE Touring car, In flrst class condition. New tires. Climb any hill. Cheap if sold quick. W. F. Knecht, Tower City, Pa. FOR SALE Chevrolet roadster, 1916 model, fully equipped; first-class con dition; five tires. At a sacrifice to im mediate buyer. Call 125 Pine street. Bell 3576. FOR SALE Two-cylinder Maxwell, in good running order. Bargain to quick buyer. White Hill Garage, White Hill, Pa. FOR SALE One late model touring car, in good condition. Will sacrifice. The partv that acts quick gets the bar gain. Dealers need not apply. Apply 1330 Derry street. FOR SALE Metz Roadster. 1915 model, 22H-H.-P. Will demonstrate after 5:3u P. M. and will sell for J275. A car witlj very small up-keep. Bell phone 3805 J. FOR SALE Regal Touring car. 4- cylinder, 40-H.-P. Good condition. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply to Lester Lerch, East Emaus street, Mld dletown, Pa. SECOND-HAND CARS One 6-pas senifer De Cambel, one 5-passenger 1914 Ford, t>ewly painted. In excellent con dition; one 6-passenger 1915 Ford, good as new; one 1912 Ford delivery, with new body; one 1908 Overland. Cars for sale at Fo;d Garage. Ulddletowo. Pa. E. M. Snavely. Manager. FOR SALE—lnternational Runabout, in first-class condition. Heavy enough to be converted into light delivery at small expense. Inquire J , 5076, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One half-ton truck; entire body enclosed; number one condition; suited for de livery or trucking; will sell or exchange for automobile, late model. One Ford runabout, newly painted, good condi tion. Call West Fairview Garage, West Fairview, Pa. WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of any kind. If vou cannot sell your car. why not consign H or exchange It with us for a better one. Our charges for sell ing are 6 per cent only. No storage charges if car is not sold. Auto Trans portation Exchange Department. 2S-2J North Cameron street Bell phone 1710. JULY 20, 1916. WALL STREET IS VERY UNSETTLED Marines Drop, Alcohol and Specialties Are Similiarly Affected By Associated Press New York, July 20.—Trading be came more unsettled during the fore noon Marine preferred, falling back i points after a two-point rally with a decline of for the common. Al cohol, after an extreme advance of 4\, r f c ®ded other speciaities were similarly affected, through In more moderate measure. Baldwin and Crucible developed re actionary tendencies, with Beet Sugar and Tennessee Copper. Rails display ed increasing heaviness, Canadian Pa cific losing two points. There were some gains to counter balance these losses, but mainly in issues of minor Importance. Bonds were irregular. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New lork and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street, New York, furnish the following quotations: New York. July 20. ain , Open. Clos. Allis Chalmers 20>4 20*4 American Beet Sugar .. SS% 87% American Can 55% 55% American C& F 66% 57% American Cotton Oil ... 53% 53% American Locomotive .. 64% 63% American Smelting .... 93% 93% American Sugar 93% 93% American T & T 129% 129% Anaconda 80% 80% Atchison 104% 104% Baldwin Locomotive ... 70% 71% Baltimore & Ohio 89% 89% Butte Copper 67 66% California Petroleum ... 19% 19% Canadian Pacific 179 177% Chesapeake and Ohio .. 61% 61% |Central Leather 53% 54% i Chicago, Mil and St Paul 96% 96% [Chicago. R I and Pacific 20% 20% Chlno Con Copper 47% 47% Colorado Fuel and Iron. 44 43% Corn Products 14 14% iCrucible Steel 68% 69 Crucible Steel pfd 114% 114% Distilling Securities .... 44% 45% Erie 35% 35% General Electric Co .... 165% 165% Goodrich B. F 73% 72% Great Northern pfd .... 118% 118% Gt Northern Ore subs .. 35% 35 Inspiration Copper 48% 48% Interboro-Metropolitan. . 16% 16% Kennecott 45% 45' Kansas City Southern .. 25 25 Lackawanna Steel 69 "0 Lehigh Valley 78% 78% Maxwell Motors 77% 76% Merc Mar ctfs 23% 23 Merc Mar ctfs pfd 85 83% Mex Petroleum 99% 100% Miami Copper 34% 34% Missouri Pacific 7 6 % New York Central 103% 102% NY N H and H 60% 60% Nor and West 128% 128% North Pacific 111% 111% Pacific Mail 22 22 Pa Railroad 57 56% Pittsburgh Coal 26 26 Pittsburgh Coal pfd 101% 101% Pressed Steel Car 47% 47% Railway Steel Spg 45 45% Ray Con Copper 22% 22% ; Reading 97% 97% j Republic Iron and Steel. 44% 46 Southern Pacific 97% 97% i Southern Ry 24% 23% j Southern Ry pfd 68 68 Studebaker 128% 127% Tennessee Copper 26 25 % Union Pacific 137% 137% US I Alcohol 112 114% U S Rubber 53 53% H S Steel 85% 85% I S Steel pfd 117% 117% Utah Copper 76% 76% Virginia-Carolina Chem. 38 38 | West Union Telegraph.. 94 93 % Westinghouse Mfg 56 55% FHII.AOEI.PHIA STOCKS By Associated Press | Philadelphia, July 20. Wheat Higher; No. 2. red. spot and July, $1.13 fj1.15; do., No. 2, Southern, red, sl.llto 1.13. ! an? 0 ! I ]., — Steady; No. 2. yellow, local, j 90 Vj» (fjiyic; steamer. No. 2, yellow, local, I 89 90c. i o„ ats ~r Un £ han Sed; No. 2. yellow, 48% @49c; No. 3. white, 46@47c. Bran Market quiet, but steady: n«y mill*. nunc. . ... so ern, winter, per ton, $26.50; soft, winter, per ton, $23.50@24.50; Spring, per ton, $22.00 @ 22.50. Refined Sugars Market dull; powdered, 7.75 c; fine granulated. 7.66 c; confectioners' A. 7.55 c. : Butter Market firm; western, creamery, extras. 20t030c: nearby ! prints, fancy, 32c. Eggs The market is steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, j free cases. $7.65; per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $7.20®7.50 per case; | western, extras, firsts, free cases, $7.80 @i.95 per case; western, firsts, free cases, $7.20@7.50 per case. Live Poultry—The market is steady | fowls, 20Ci21c; roosters, 13@14c; [fowls, 19©19% c: roosters. 13(ti>14c: Spring chickens. 21®28c; do., broilers, liO&JHc; ducks 14@16c; geese, 14@16e. 1 Dressed Poultry—Steady; fowls,fancy ] % do., good to choice, 20% @ 21c; ! (10.. B-iial. Mlua. iXlui'l c OIU luuMe[«. j 15c; broiling chickens, nearby. 306> 36c; do., western, 25<g50c; roasting 20c; do., fair to good, 15@18c;' Spring [ducks, nearby. 19@20c; do., western, 12 : U-'lfcc, jjt'Bse, neari»> . «(• (fcjrjuc. «i«« trti 1F» 4tt 1< c. Potatoes Market dull and weak; • ? - 1. Per barrel. $1.50Ol,io; No. 2, do., 76c; do., I culls, do., $1.00; Norfolk. No 1. per barrel, $1.40(91.60; do., No. 2, do., 75c; Jersey, prime, per basket, 40@50c. , Hour—The market is quiet; western, straights. $4.90(&,5.15; do., patents. $5.15 "56.40; Springs firsts, clear, $5.35®5.75; i < J O -'-sL t r a| S h "' $5.3005.60; do., patents, : *5.75@6.00; do., favorite brands, $6.25® 6.50. Hay The market is dull and weak; Xo. 1. large bales, $21.50 Automobiles 1 , FOR SALE Hupmobile touring car; I first-class condition. Price only $450. | Inquire 1423 North Third street. 1912 five-passenger Regal; good shape: new tires all around; big bar gain for quick buyer. 1911 five-passenger Pullman, com pletely overhauled; A 1 conditio.;; good 1 upholstering; good top and ttrea; big bargain. MILLER AUTO CO.. 68 South Cameron St Bell phone 411»J Motorcycles and Bicycles MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE One ; 1915, two-speed Dayton, fully equipped, [ $150; one 1914 Indian, two-speed, fully 1 equipped, $150; one 1914 Excelsior, S9O. Come see them. Harrisburg Motorcycle Exchange, 1302 North Stxtn street. FOR SALE Bicycle In excellent condition can be purchased cheap; used four months. Apply 20 North Seven teenth street. City. Pawnbrokers' Notices NOTICE is hereby given that all over due Pledges will be forfeited and sold, unless renewed or redeemed in the next five days. JACOB TAUSIO'S SONS. Loan Office, 520 Market Street. , ®22.00; medium bales, $21.00@21.50; No. 2, do., SIB.O0 :i 4 20.00; No. 3. do.. sls 00 @16.00; light mixed. $17.50 18.00; No. 1. do., sl6.oo(rf 17.00; No. 2, do.. $14.0u«- 15.00. CHICAGO CATTI.E Chicago, 111., July 20. Cattle Re ceipts. 3.000; weak. Native beef cattle. $6.80(5)10.75; stockers and feeders. $5.20 @8.15; cows and heifers, $3.35@9.30( calves, $8.50® 11.75. Sheep Receipts, 13,000; weak, i Wethers, $6.75©8.30; lambs. $7.00# 10.40. Hogs Receipts, 15,000; unsettled. . Bulk of sales, $9.50<3!10.05; light. $3.30 @10.05; mixed. $9.20® 10.15; heavvy, $9.10® 10.20; rough, $9.10® 9.35; pigs, sß.oo® 9.35. New York Firas Are Undecided as to Action on British Blacklist By Associated Press New York. July 20. Business and banking firms here have not yet de cided just what they will do regarding the action of the British government in placing them upon Its trade black list. Many of them have put their oases in the hands of the Merchants' Association, and the secretary of that organization is now in Washington conferring with government officials. A number of merchants expressed the opinion that the list as made pub lic contained only a rew of the Ameri can firms and foreign firms with Am erican affiliation which have fallen under British official displeasure. It was suggested that the list was put out as a "feeler" to see what effect it would have on American sentiment. Some of the men on the list express ed resignation. They said they had expected this action for several months and since they have long been unable to do business with their clients in Germany it would be useless to make further protest. A new aspect of the stiuation was disclosed by R. L. Dunn, head of the Pan-American Association, which in cludes several hundred concerns doing business in South America. He said that an attempt had been made to keep American firms with British affiliations from having business rela tions with the blacklisted houses. "In our association," said Mr. Dunn, "there are about 25 British firms that have come here since the opening of the war. Many of these have Ameri can capital invested. They employ British labor and to all intents and purposes they are American firms. The head of one of the biggest of these concerns told me of this blacklist more than a month ago. He said he had been warned not to do business with any of the firms on the list." F. AND M. OUTING AUGUST 12 The fourteenth annual outing of the employes of the Harrisburg Foun dr yand Machien Works will be held at Willow Grove Park, Philadelphia, on Saturday, August 12. It is ex pected that several thousand employes and their friends will take the trip. TRAFFIC VIOLATOR FINED On the charge of driving an auto mobile around a wagon in the Market street subway. Samuel Lehrman, of Steelton .was fined $lO in police court by Alderman Deshong. LODGE 2fl YEARS OLD The members of Washington Camp, No. 8, Patriotic Order Sons of Amer ica, celebrated the twenty-ninth an niversary of their lodge last, night by a smoker in Clark's Hall. A. G. Lehman led the round table talk. niIBBER STAMfip HI! SEALS & STENCILS ■ J MFG.BYHBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ |jS 11 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. If Real Estate For Sale 2136-2138 Penn Street —two 3-story brick Houses, 8 rooms and bath, each; hot and cold water, furnace, porch, cemented cellar, chestnut finish. Price, each, $2,600; now rented at sl7. M. A. FOUGHT 272 North Street * * : Dauphin County Bonds I j The undersigned solicits pro- f ; posals for the sale to It, at not i exceeding par and interest, of • sufficient i Dauphin County 3% Bonds ? due 1931 ; to permit the investment of * $22,577.64 for the benefit of tha * sinking fund established for the T Issue of January 1, 1901. I Proposals pursuant to this no- I tice should be sealed and plainly '• marked "Proposals for the Sale • of Dauphin County Bonds due * 1931," and received by the un- | derslgned not later than four I o'clock p. m., August 3, 1916. I The right is reserved to reject 4 any and all bids, in whole or in | part. ; Commonwealth Trust Company 1 TRUSTEE I Harrisburg, Pa. i r > f\ Our weekly Mar- | Conner*® l Digest, dated VU rr C ' July 14. is a thorough P • I review of the pres- el >t copper situation. k/}«vviu< It featureß . Copper dividends for the first half 1916, $63,515,683; earnings, $152,181,000 (this exceeds any full year in the history of the copper industry). London copper metal market a Joke; —Influence of peace on the copper stocks. The tax on copper. These developments are fully explained and treated in detail. O'l _ The Influence of Silver China on the silver market. Quotations C. I 25 years ago and to 310CKS day.) compared. Year ly production of 7 of our largest silver mines. We are very bullish on the active silver stocks and our Market Di gest. In addition to the abovt topics, mentions several stocks that are conservative purchases around present price levels. If you are interested, either actually or prospectively. In cop per or ullver stocks, you should have a copy of this Market Di gest. It will be forwarded, gratia, upon request. HBJiZfIBBAWavTCa Land Title Building Philadelphia 11
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