| Wow's the "Time t« Rent flat Cuttage or" Bnngaiow Thrh A Want Id | Deaths VMBERGER On July 7. 1916. John Albert Umbergsr, at his late real dence. 3208 North Sixth street, aged 61 years. „ Funeral on Monday a f '*riwon, at - o'clock, from Riverside M. E. Church. Third and Lewis strets, Riverside. The relatives and friends and all o'J*?'" 1 " nations of which he was a ; are invited to attend without further notice. Burial Linglestown ceme tery. BROOKE On July 6. 1916. Doshia Brooke, aged 61 years. „ Funeral on Monday *f te rnoon « o'clock, from her late r ®® lden^f' J Susquehanna street. The and friends are invited without further notice. Burial Last Harrisburg Cemetery. Lost and Found LOST Black and tan Fox Hound, 24 Inches high; collar with 1915 License No. 35. Return to Deny and Evergreen, or 1505 Swatara stree . FOUND Blue straw hat on River Road. Roekville. Owner can have same by identifying it and paying for this aa. Communicate with J. D. Malehorn, Dauphin, Pa. > LOST Masonic Pin. on July £®V sibly in vicinity of Second and Walnut. Reward if returned to this ofnee. Help Wanted —Male WANTED Several lathers. Apply Front and Market. $2.00 per thousand. J. Lerew. WANTED For all students to meet at the Transportation fcchool tnis week, without fail, to ments for a touring trip, or a outing, so as to receive long route ex perience. The Auto Transportation School. 27-29 North Cameron street. PLUMBERS WANTED —At 231 Chestnut street. Coatesville, Pa. James D. Scott & Son. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodied. unmar ried men under age of 35; Citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language, vox information apply to Recruiting Of ficer, Bergner Bldg., 3rd & Market Sts., llarrisburg. GOV El'-NMENT EXAMINATIONS Thorough instruction, $5. Returned If not appointed. Particulars free. Ameri can Civil Service School, Washington, D. C. WANTED. AT ONCE One practical slater; also one tinner, call at w. xi. Snook, 534 Kelker street. WANTED Meat cutters. Must be clean, reliable and not afraid to work. Steady position and good wages. Buen ler Bros., 1507 Eleventh avenue, Al toona. Pa. CHAUFFEUR Experienced, whlte| wanted at once; one who is tamiliai with Cadillac car; steady employment; must state experience and give reler ence. Address M., 4301, care of lele graph. WANTED Second porter, colored. Address Hotel Wabash, Gettysburg, Pa. WANTED Three good house painters, one good paperhanger. Only tlrst-class mechanics need apply. Ad dress H. R. Foose, Wormleysburg. WANTED Experienced butcher. Must have reference. Apply 226 Chest nut street. WANTED A white waiter at Van deran's Restaurant, at once, Chambers burg, Pa. WANTED YOUNG MEN 10 learn to uecome practical chauffeurs. We i fijive our unlimited course tor S6O, easy Payments, and guarantee 30c per hour us aeon as competent. We have 30 cars to overhaul during the Spring. AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL. 25-27-3* lMorth Cameron street. CARPENTERS. HELPERS AND RIG- Oi-.KS HELP JURIS WANTED on concrete arch bridge work. Wages, 25c per hour, IJOIIK job. Apply Kobert Grace Con trading Co., Harrisburg, Pa. MACHINISTS AND MOULDERS WANTED Good wages and steady employment. Apply to Downlngtown Mfg. Company, Downlngtown, Pa. WANTED Good laborers. 25c per hour. Good bunk houses supplied free. Will pay salary of cook. Address Box S, 4261, care of Telegraph, tor further information. WANTED MOLDERS for both light and heavy floor work. We run open shop. We had a strike of unioti molders in April last, but over ninety per cent, of our old molders have re turned to work. We want to increas« our force bv adding a night turn. We olfer: Best wages, Best working conditions. High grade work, Steady employment. Apply by letter or in person. THE WESTING HO USE FOUNDRIES. Trafford, Pa. A Suburb of Pittsburgh, Pa. BARBER Good, reliable work man. Steady Job. Good wages. Six chair shop. Apply at once. Harry S. Adams, Mt. Union, Pa. Box 85. WANTED —4O able-bodied men for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Suburban Lots 50x150 ft., near Colonial Country ' Club on Jonestown Road ... SOOO Market St., near Rupp. Camp Hill , —loox3oo ft., of level ground, foi only ti»oo Four Lota, (120x90 ft.) —at Pleas ant Hill Terrace—between Penbrook and Progress southeast corner Zoar street and Hillside avenue. Price of the four 9300 ft., at the northwest corner of Walnut street and Moore avenue. This large tract of ground for 91400 60x180 ft., at Glenwood, near Penbrook. for 9225 Wormleynburg, lot 25x150 ft. east side of Second, near Poplir street H350 100x150 ft., a fine plot of ground on the west side of second street.. Wormleysburg.' Only 910 a front f'X>t. • 920 a front foot for a nicely lo cated plot 52x128 ft., on Fourth street. Riverside. Near Rockvllle trolley. Perdlx lot 75x184 ft.—never-failing spring of water large shade trees —on State Road. Low price of 9225 9200 tor a 30x120 ft. lot on Dick inson avenue. South Earllnirton Camp Hill. ' Waalilnarlnn Heights— 6oxl2s ft on Lincoln street 9000 MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets SATURDAY EVENING, Help Wanted—Male PUDDLERS WANTED Sober Puddlers to work in Columbia, Pa. STEADY WORK. See B. B. Stevenson, Hotel Plaza, Monday. 5 to 11 P. M.. or Tuesday, 9 to 11 A. M. WE want middle-aged man to show our line to home owners. Permanent position. Give age and experience. First National Nurseries, Rochester N. > Y. MEN Beat this sl6 salary or 50c hour for spare time immense suc cess introducing guaranteed hosiery. Cheaper than stores No experience. Write quick. International Mills, Dept. 37, Norristown, Pa. IF you want to make a change, write us. Steady work. Weekly pay. Perma nent. First National Nurseries, Ro chester, N. Y. AGENTS Cooper made $314 last month, s9l last week selling "Kant leak" Raincoats. New proposition. We deliver and collect. Sample coat free. Comer Mfg. Co., 929 Delco street, Day ton, Ohio. LOCAL MANAGERS WANTED S2OO a week made by good men; life opportunity; clean, taking proposition involving stocks, bonds, and the fur nishing of money to erect buildings, exclusive territory; commission only. Address, stating experience, Associated Building Companies, 58 New street, New York. EARN $15.00 weekly writing names and addresses, spare time, no canvass ing. Particulars for stamp. G. C. Smith, Little Rock. Ark. WANTED Twenty-flve men for work on track. Good wages. Steady work. Apply at Hershey Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. WAN iED Men, IS to 45 years of age. for good paying factory jobs. Steady work and chance for advance ment. Apply at once at Hershey Em ployment Bureau, Hershey. Pa. WANTED Boys, from 16 to 20 years of age, who do not intend going back to school, for factory work. Good wages and steady work and clian.ee for advancement. Apply at once at Her shey Employment Bureau, Hershey. Pa. BARBER WANTED Steady posi tion. Good wages. Apply Ross R. Potts, 1400 Market street. WANTED First-class wireman, with tools. Apply Columbia Electric Co., Thirteenth and Market streets. WANTED A young man for waiter at the Colonial Country Club. One who has had experience in a pri vate family. Apply at once. LiBORERS WANTED For either contract or day labor. Attractive wages. Apply at Quarries of Hoffman Bros. & Wilson, Twenty-third street ana P. & R. Railroad. SALESMANAGKR WANTED to handle a superior line of Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Paper In Eastern Pennsyl vania. Big returns assured a live wire. No investment. Address "Manu facturer," care of Telegraph. Help Wanted—Female WANTED A fairly-trained white girl for general housework in an apart ment; three in family; no children; must be good cook, waitress and ironer; ref erences required. Apply Mrs. Snow, 1909 North Front street. WANTED Persons to color srt pic tures at home. Easy work, no experi ence, good pay, sample free. Wheeler Co., 337 Madison, Chicago. Sc.. ERAL ladies to travel, demon strate our goods and sell dealers. S2O to S4O weekly. We pay railroad fares. Experience unnecessary. Duchess Co., Dept. 166, Minneapolis, Minn. EVERY STUDENT PLACED The' reason—Expert training, individual in struction and a personal Interest in each student. Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second street. WANTED Ton waitresses for Park Restaurant for summer work only, 16 to 25 years of age. Good pay. Apply at once at Hershey Employment Bu reau, Hershey, Pa. WANTED Ten white waitresses. Long season. Good pay. At once. Hotel Lexington, Atlantic City. WANTED A white woman to do cooking by the day. Must be clean and honest. Address A.. 5049, care of Tele graph. » WANTED A white girl for general housework. Call 124 Walnut street. WANTED Girl for general house work in Western Pennsylvania; small family; will pay railroad fare. Ad dress, with recommendations, S., 4287, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young, white girl for general housework; no washing. Ap ply 48 South Harrisburg street, Steel lon. Phone 122 Y. WANTED A girl for downstairs work. No washing. 1813 North Second street. WANTED—White chambermaid, also white cook. Address Hotel Wabash, Gettysburg, Pa. WANTED Washerwoman for Mon days. Must take work home. Call 120 Market street. Third Floor. GIRL. White. 15 or 16 years old. for light housework—no washing. Ap ply ISIS Bellevue Road. WANTED ln small family, middle aged white woman as cook. Also din ingroom girl. Address Box B, 5047, care of Telegraph, or call 1708 North Second atrtet. WANTED Middle-aged woman for general housework in family of four. Only one child. No outside work to do. Call D. & M. Junction, or address H. W. Beam, R. F. D., No. 1. Dillsburg, Pa. WANTED White girl for general housework. Mrs. Paul G. Smitl), 2432 North Second street. Bell phone 4187. EVERY STUDENT PLACED The reason—Expert training, individual in struction and a personal interest in each student. Harrlaburg Shorthand School. 31 North Second street WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street WANTED, AT ONCE Sewing ma chine operators. Experience not nec essary. Pressers also wanted. Blough Manufacturing Co WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har Agents Wanted . L. AGENTS—Free Catalog and Samples, new goods, quick sales, big profits, make $a to $26 dally; no experience; world's greatest specialties. Cruver Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chicago, 111. BIG PAY and automobile free to agents placing samples of new neces sity with automobile owners; no sell ing. collecting or delivering. Orolo Mfg. Co., Louisville, Ky. Agents Wanted GET your share of prosperity. For tunes now being made. Get in busi ness for yourself with our help and fac tory privileges. At home, all or spare time. No canvassing; experience un necessary. %Vrite to-day for free book. Mail Order Success. Pease Manufactur ing Co., Inc., Dept. C-27, 68 Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. HURRY! Sell GASO-TONIC, the mys tery of motordom. Equals gasoline at 3c gallon. Eliminates carbon. Dol lar an hour profit. Sales guaranteed. Beware of imitators! GASO-TONIO stands alone. Has no equal. Chemists baffled at Its composition. Details free. The Whits Mfg. Co., Dept. 40, Cincinnati, Ohio. LIVE AGENTS Men and women; excellent proposition; salary or com mission; send at once for free descrip tive booklet and terms. Stanley Merchandising Company, Medix Run, Pa. v DISTRIBUTING AGENTS Steady work. $12.50 distributing 100 free pack ages. Perfumed Laundry Starch. No money or experience required. Honesty only. 3145 Blumer Building, Lincoln and Roscoe. Chicago. AGENTS—NEWEST INVENTION! '•INKSPOQN ' MAKES EVERY pen a fountain pen. Fastest Office seller; large profit. Exclusive territory offer ed. Money-baok proposition and sample j free. Marul Co., 31 Broadway, N. Y. AGENTS A winner. High-class article. 'Fast seller. 100 per cent, profit. Nearly every phone subscriber needs one. Write Skillicorn Sales Co., 35 Charlotte avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED to sell household necessity. In daily use in every home. Send for free particulars. The Reeves ; Company. 101 E. Chelten street, Phila delphia. Pa. I LIVE AGENTS WANTED to handle | new fast seller. Double your income, agents. Particulars free. New Era Agency, Box 162, Harrisburg, Pa. AGENTS Send for free particulars fastest selling agent's specialty on mar ket. An easy sale in every home. The Hugo Feiks Company, 1164 Broadway, New York. QUIT EXPERIMENTING in mail order business. There's a right way proven. Full particulars free. Address Geo. J. Reiff. New Freedom, Pa. Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, earn while you lea--n. Write for large list of openings and testimonials from hundreds of our stu dents who earn SIOO to SSOO a month. Address nearest office, Dept. 244, Na tional Salesmen's .Training Association, Chicago, New York, San Francisco. SAL.ES MANAGER WANTED—Some thing new. Business necessity. Re tails $5 to SIOO. Enormous profits. No competition. Exclusive territory. Free samples. Sayers Co., 457, Wainwright, St. Louis. Situations Wanted —Male WANTED Middle-aged man desires work; handy with tools; first-class rer erences. Address Box 44, West Fair view, Pa. WANTED Young, married man, .» years, wishes position with gent's fur nishing or clothing store; best of ref erences; three years' experience; capi tal to invest. Address A., 5048, care ot Telegraph. WANTED Young man wants a po sition driving a Ford car. Call 2691J-1. Can give good reference. WANTED Young man, experienced In clerical work, wishes work; refer ences. Address H., 42&5, care of Tele graph. WANTED Young man desires posi tion as stenographer and general office work; good references. Address W. F. G.. 1415 Liberty street. Situations Wanted —Female WANTED Young woman, aged 18 years, desires clerical position; can furnish best of reference as to experi ence and ability. Address F., 4288, care of Telegraph. WANTED Widow wants chamber work, or any kind of work. Apply 621 Reily street. WANTED A good, reliable Vir ginia cook would like a position; can furnish reference. Call, or write. No. 1424 Reese street. WANTED AVashing and ironing to do at home. Phone, 4030R, or 638 Har ris street. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE An ideal summer place within 10 minutes' walk trom trolley line; 4 miles from City; located south of Camp Hill; elegant buildings; fine stream of water runs through property. Price, $3,500.00. Brinton-PacKer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE 2H-story frame dwell ing located on North Bowman Avenue, Camp Hill; 7 rooms and bath; sewing room; all modern improvements; front ami rear porches. Lot, 55x140. Price, $3,u00.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE A Bellevue lot, located on corner of Hillside and Bellevuw Road; 98 feet on Hillside; 105 feet on Bellevue Road; 160 feet deep. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE—THREE LOTS, THIRD AND EMERALD STREETS, 60 feet by 160 feet, fronting 75 feet on Susquehanna street. Must be sold at once. Very reasonable figure. Inquire 23 South Second street. THIRD ST.. N„ 1401-1403 One of the finest corner locations in the city for apartment houses; frontage on Third of both houses, 43 feet, depth on Calder street, 94 feet 8 Inches; open on three streets. D. J. TITTLE. EMMA L BECK, Executors. Apply 300 Calder Street. BUNGALOW FOR SALE—Five rooms and bath, large plot, located near the Linglestown trolley; would exchang:'. for city property; price, only $2.1C0. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE FULTON STREKT. No. 1841; three-story frame; rent, sl4. Price, $1,500. BRIGGB STREET. No. 410; large thr«se-storv brick; suitable for rooming house. Price reasonable. FOR SALE 2726-2727 BUTLER STREET, PENBROOK, 2 H-story frame houses, eight rooms each. Also two vacant lots corner of Twenty-eighth and Butlsr streets. Total frontage. 120 x 150. Make me an offer for these prop erties. H. C. BRANDT, 36 NORTH THIRD STREET. Bell Phone 3267. FARM. 4 ACRES; ALL NEW BUILD INGS, HUNTER'S RUN. Cumberland County, Pa.; ideal for chicken and truck farming. also desirable for country summer home; good train service on Reading Railroad. L Elliott Middle town. Boiling Springs, Pa. A description of this property at 409 Market Street. C. B. CARE. Harrls burg. THREE HOUSES IN DUNCANNON— One suitable for dwelling or boarding house; all modern Improvements, and storeroom on first floor. One double house, 6 rooms each. Lots, 150 ft. deep, 60 ft. frontage. Address Mrs. Josephln* Millar. Duncannon. or W. M. Seibert, New Bloomfield. SWATARA ST.. 2040—2 V, -story frame house, six rooms and bath. gas. fur nace, porch front, chickenhouse; price reasonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Real Estate—For Sale PENN STREET, 2029 An inspec tion of this dwelling will prove to you that it is a real bargain, an Ideal home and a good locality. Price reduced to $2,500. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Build ing. REILY STREET, 644 This 3-story brick dwelling, with all Improvements, can bo bought at a very reasonable figure. LOOK it over carefully and come to see us. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. FOR SALE Attractive, new. three - story brick house, e'ght rooms and bath, finished In oak, hardwood floors, vapor heat, porches, large yard, grano lithic walks. Iron fences, laundry and all other modern improvements; gooa location. Will sell on payments or Thirty ($30.00) Dollars per month. Mac WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO., BUILDERS AND DESIGNERS, 2150 N. FIFTH ST. Harrisburg, Pa FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder, inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. VAUGHN One acre plots; will sell half acre; also lotfc 92x230 feet along M. T. trolley; 7He fare to all parts of Har risburg and Steelton; beautiful and healthful; ground enough for poul try and vegetables; price only $169 per half acre. C. B. Care, Care's Grocery Store, Llnglestown, Pa. De scription at 409 Market Street, City. Real Estate for Rent FOR RENT A White Hill house, with all improvements. Rent reason able. Call at W. H. Snook, 33il Kelker street. FOR RENT Two 9-room houses with all modern conveniences, includ ing steam heat, electric light, electric bells, etc. Situated No. 249 and No. 251 Susquehanna street, Enola. Rent, $16.00 month. Apply No 541 Seneca street, Harrisburg, Pa. STABLE 630 NORTH STREET, near Seventh, suitable for garage or any purpose; 25x115; entrance two sides. Inquire Levin Cohn, 1004 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Furnished house, all improvements, electric lights; long or short lease. Apply 1614 Beuryhill street, City. FOR RENT 1836 State street; 3- story brick house with all improve ments; immediate possession; rent, $22.60. Apply to S. Friedman, Real Estate, KunKei Building, or 217 Pefter street. FOR RENT No. 1607 State street, modern three-story brick house In the best of condition. Immediate posses sion. Kent, $35. J. E. GIPPLE, • 1251 Market Street. Farms $2,500 WILL BUY a 25-acre farm, l'/4 miles S. E. of Middletown; house, sum mer house, bank barn and all other re quired buildings; well and running water; considerable quantity of fruit and cherries. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Jiuilaing. Apartments For Rent APARTMENTS FOR RENT Locat ed at the corner of Sixth and Kelker streets. Newly built. Five rooms and bath, with ail conveniences. Hard wood floors and cut glass fixtures, with front and back porches. Apply to L* Silbert, 1742 North Sixth street. MacDANIEL/S FAMILY APART MENTS Furnished complete, light housekeeping. Two large rooink, kitchen, £as range, private meter, bell, letter box, stationary wash tub, porch. 1417 Market street. Phone 897 J. FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR HOUSEKEEPING three rooms and bath at 825 N. Sixth St. Price reason able. Miller Brothers & Co., Locust and Court Sts. 130 LOCUST ST., Furnished Apart ment, four rooms, tiled bath, complete in every respect. Rent reasonable to party furnishing reference. Apply Ofrtce. 132 Locust street. FOR RENT Third floor apartment, 23a North street, 5 rooms, tilted bath, pantry, all hardwood floors; all mod ern conveniences; large Bide and rear porches Apply 239 North street. City, First Floor. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS and office for a physician (first floor) five rooms and bath city steam heat Particulars at office of Miller Brothers A Co.. Locust and Court Streets. Rooms for Rent FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with board, if desired. Call, or address, 929 North Third street. Bell phone 1136 R. FOR RENT Two large, unfurnish ed rooms, suitable for liglit housekeep ing, third floor; light, heat and gas for cooking furnished; good location. Ap ply 1429 Market street. FOR RENT Unfurnished built ex clusively for light housekeeping; strict ly private; all outside, with or without kitchenettes; stoves furnished free; laundry; phone and bathroom priv ileges. Inquire Janitress, 429 A Broad street. Room 6. FOR RENT Attractive three-room housekeeping apartment; running water in kitchen, range and gas; also cabinet; strictly private; direct en trance; basement lockers. Inquire 1323 Wallace street, First Floor. LARGE SECOND FLOOR front room, suitable for man and wife, or two gen tlemen; well furnished; all conveni ences; board If desired. Call, or ad dress. 1411 Market street. x FOR RENT Furnished rooms, singly or ensuite; all conveniences; phone, etc.; references required. Apply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT Furnished suite rooms for light housekeeping; gas, and bath adjoining. 114 Chestnut street. Bell 1725 R. FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms; use of bath; hot and cold water. 24 North Fifth street. I'OR RENT Attractively furnished front room for gentleman, In private home of refinement, on Allison Hill. Jls per month, Including breakfast and laundry; conveniences. Address 0.. 4284. care of Telegraph. NORTH ST., Two-room suite with large, private porch; newly fur nished; Ave minutes' from station; all conveniences, including shower bath and phone. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Rooms completely furnished—hot and cold water and bath. Good location. Apply to No. 20 North Seventeenth street. City. FOR RENT Second floor front room; newly furnished, for one gentle man (two if agreeable): close to Capi tol; quiet location. 266 Brlggs street. Bell phone 1278 R. ONE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, with all conveniences, or 3 unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping. Call at 1730 Susquehanna street, City. LARGE, COMFORTABLE, well-fur nished room, with bath, telephone, with a private family. Apply 800 North Sec ond street. NORTH ST., 410 Second and third floor front r*oms, nicely furnished, fac ing Capitol Park; hoi and cold running water, electric lights, largo bathroom and use of Bell phone. Rooms For Rent FURNISHED ROOMS Single or en sulte. Rooms are large and airy. Use of Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth. THE MORRELL 212 Locust street One minute from P. O. High-class fur nished rooms with all conveniences, hotel service included. Bell phone 26 4 2J. , FOR RENT Large, well furnished second floor room for rent, all conveni ences and use of phone. 813 North Sec ond street. Wanted—Miscellaneous WANTED Old false teeth In any condition. Will pay best prices. Mall to Hyman E. Slobodkln, 39 Upham street. Maiden, Massachusetts. WANTED, DESK —Second-hand roll top desk wanted. Address Box E, 4291, care of Telegraph. Board and Rooms BOARDING AND ROOMS Can ao commodate a few more boarders; rea sonable rates, with the best the market affords. 123 South Second street. For Sale—Miscellaneous CHOICE SUMMER READING, maga zines, 2 for sc; novels, sc; $1.25 Action, 25c. Open evenings. Aurand's Book Store. 913 North Third. PIGEONS Excellent mated pairs of large Swiss Mondaines, silver or blue; Carneaux, in solid, rich dark red. Also singles and squabs. Apply 221 Twenty nlnth street. Penbrook. Bell 4038 J. SHETLAND PONY Harness and Wagon for sale, cheap. Address L B„ Box 247, Mllleraburg, P_a. FOR SALE Oliver visible type writer, in good condition. Apply 1144 Derry street. FOR SALE—Mahogany-leather three piece parlor suit. Call at 1147 Berry hill street. HAY FOR SALE Twenty tons of timothy and clover, cut in the swath. Market and Twenty-seventh Streets. Buyer to rake and haul. In quire of MILLER BROTHERS AND COMPANY, phones; Bell, 1595; C. V., 190 FOR SALE One Bloch baby car riage, in good condition, at reasonable price. Call soon to 2325 North Sixth street. City. , FOR SALE Reed Daby coach, in cluding windshield, in excellent condi tion. Call mornings. 931 North Sec ond street. FOR SALE Dictaphone, Reproduc ing and Record Shaving Machine, all electrically driven. Only used short time. Two pedestals and 30 cylinders included. Guaranteed good as new. Owner will not need above after July 15. Address Manager, 429 South Sec ond street, Harrisburg. FOR SALE Late model Roaster for peanuts and coffee. Complete with elec tric motor. Motor or Roaster can be bought separately at bargain. 324 Muench street. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence, Fietd Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware. Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board. Compo-Board, Doors, Sash, Shutters, Mouldings. Porch Posts, Pumps, etc. FOR SALE Diamond and Good rich Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases, Harness and Leather Goods made to order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings HARRTSBURG HARNESS & SUPPLY CO., SECOND AND CHESTNUT STS. BRICK FOR SALE at building Court and Cranberry streets. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured tt the Telegraph 9 Business Office. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS SIO.OO up L. C. Smith, Underwood, and Remington rebuilt and second hands. Attractive prices. Typewriters exchanged, bought and repaired. Geo P. Tillotson. 211 Locust street. Opp Orpheum. AT GABLE'S. 113. 116 and 117 South Second street. 6,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street, 6,000 sets new sash. Bxlo. 12 L. primed and glased, at $1.30 per set. Also other sizes. AIBO doors and Bhut ters. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR RENT Desirable office in Telegraph Building, size J4xlS. 'nqulra, Superintendent. Room 100. FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street Business Opportunities FOR SALE Cigar and Pool Parlor, reasonable to quick buyer. Address D.. 5040. care of Telegraph. Business Opportunities IF you have $3,000 to $5,000 to invest in your locality, with your services, we have an attractive business to offer. We solicit investigation. Ryede Spec ialty Works. Rochester, N. Y. UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES MAN capable of being sales manager wanted by large manufacturer; open office; manage salesmen. S2OO to S7OO capital necessary. Expenses paid to Chicago if you are man we want. Rix ford, 1827 Lytton Building, Chicago. ASSOCIATE WANTED A compe tent, young or middle-aged man, to be associated with Interstate Educational Bureau, of Washington, D. C., about to open offices in Harrisburg. Must fur nish references and invest S6OO cash. Address' Box E, 4290, care of Telegraph. ANT Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for pai - tlrulars. Press Syndicate, 79S Lock port. N. Y. ON account of leaving Steelton, I am offering for sale my interest In the DUNKLE & KNODERER UNDERTAK ING COMPANY,- No. 124 North Front Street. Steelton, Pa., consisting of one of the finest, up-to-date undertaking equipments in the State. Pair of flne black horses, white and black hearses, open and closed wagons, embalming buggy, harness, stock cf caskets, trim mings and hardware, office furniture, embalming table, cooling boards, rugs, chairs, trucks, pedestals, flower racks, etc. Doing a good business. For further information address A. W. DUNKLE, Steelton, Pa. JULY 8, 1916. Business Opportunities A GOOD business proposition at a ssor'flce. Inquire of A. W. Swongel, 219 South Thirteenth street. Business Personals CUT this out for luck; send oirth date and 10c for wonderful horoscope of your entire life. Professor Raphael, 499 Lexington avenue. New York. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detectiT* work handled—one eye always open. BELL PHONE 127 W. HEMSTITCHING FANCY AND PLAIN, done on short notice; 10 cents a yard up; colors a specialty. Information given fre*. MCDOWELL, IOSA MARKET STREET. LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit cases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices In the city. Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting goods at low prices. COHEN &.SON, Reliable Pawnbrokers. 431 Market street, at subway. Hauling and Moving HAULING R. A. HARTMAN, National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general hauling. W. H. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. PIANO MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co.. 28 North Fourth street. Money to Loan MONEY advanced to housekeepers at •egal rotes; business confidential. Proflt Sharing Loan Society, Room 7, Spooner Building. 9 North Market Square. Storage FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We invite inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, house hold goods and merchandise. Private rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents per month. D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. Musical • HAVE your VICTROLA, GRAFANOLA or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR ED by an expert. Bell phone 3242 J. Write, or call, at 315 Broad street. FOR SALE ssso JACOB DOLL PLAYER PIANO, in good condltloo, with records. Owner needs room foi business purposes. S2OO cash, or wilt consider part payment and note. La France Shop, 316 Chestnut street. City. $25 PHONOGRAPHS for sl6. sls Phonographs for $lO. Now'c your op fiortunlty if you love good music. Come n—hear your favorite selection. 325 Market street. Automobiles i FOR SALE Hupp 20, completely overhauled and repainted. Price, S2OO. Inquire Paul D. Messner, 1118 James street. CASE "40." $2,300 5-passenger touring car, used 8,000 miles; new tires; excellent condition; modern equipment, best of everything throughout; $750 buys it; a real bargain; not a traded-ln car. J. I. Case T. M. Company. 1 FOR SALE 1915 Ford Touring car, flrst-class condition. New tires. Ex tras. Run 6,500 miles. Price, $375. Paul W. England, 208 North Third street. SECOND-HAND CARS One 6-pas senger De Cambel, one 5-passenger 1914 Ford, newly painted, in excellent con dition; one 5-passenger 1915 Ford, good as new; one 1912 Ford delivery, with new body; one 1908 OveiVand. Cars for sale at Ford Garage, Mlddletown, Pa. E. M. Snuvely, Manager. WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of any kind. If vou cannot sell your car, why not consign it or exchange it with ua for a better one. Our charges for sell ing are 5 per cent only. No storage charges if car is not sold. Auto Trans portation Exchange Department, 25-29 North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710. 1912 five-passenger Regal; good shape; new tires all around; big Dar gain for quick buyer. 1912 five-passenger Pullman, com pletely overhauled; A 1 condition; good upholstering; good top and tires; big bargain. MILLER AUTO CC.. 68 South Cameron St. Bell phone 4119 J. Motorcycles and Bicycles FOR SALE lndian motorcycle, cheap; single cylinder, clutch, 4%-H.- P., good tires. Apply 1812 Swatara street. ONE HARLEY-DAVIDSON, for quick sale. Running order. A good, service able machine, *SO. ONE 1912 INDIAN, fully equipped. Just overhauled. Tires like new, *IOO. ONE 1912 INDIAN. Good running order. *9O. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 912 North Third Street. Bell phone 385 J. Summer Resorts and Cottages FOR RENT Rart of a comfortable cottage in the Chautauqua Grounds. Siutable for two people. Address "Cottage," Box 7, Mt. Gretna, Pa. IF you want a nice chicken and waffle dinner, Sundays, come to New port, only 30 miles from Harrisburg. A nice, pleasant run. Meal hours from 12:15 to 1:30. Write or telephone. Mingle House. Newport, Pa. FOR RENT, AT PERDIX, WAYNE COTTAGE, furnished. Will accommo date ten people. Special rate for re mainder of season. A. C. YOUNG, 26 North Third Street. FOR RENT. AT PERDIX, POINT BREEZE COTTAGE, furnished. Special terms for remainder of season. A. C. YOUNG, 26 North Third Street. THE CHELSEA, STOVERDALE Furnished accommodation for ten. Will rent week, month or balance of season from July 16. Twenty-eight foot front porch. Call 716 Capital street, or Bell phone 575 W. BOILING SPRINGS Lake View Cot tage, opposite park, is now open for summer. Excellent table. L B. Allen, Boiling Springs, Pa. Box 32. Legal Notices PKOPOSA-j FOR REBUILDING BRIDGE, OFFICE OF THE BTATE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS STATE CAPITOL BUILDING. HAR RISBURG, PA. Sealed Proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings at his office In the Capi tol Building;. Harrisburg, Pa., untl! 2 o'clock P. M.. Tuesday, July 11. 1916, for furnishing all labor and materials to rebuild orldge across the North Branch of the Susquehanna River at Athens. Bradford County. Pa., as called for In the plans and specifications as prepared by David A. Keefe, Consulting Engineer for the Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished to prospective bidders by applying to the Superinten dent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Bulldin^arrlsbur^^ Superintendent 17 RENEW PRESSURE ON WAR STOCKS New York, July B. —Renewal of the recent pressure against prominent war stocks, which yielded 2 to alrtiost 4 points, was the feature of to-day's dull and contracted session. Weakness was most pronounced in issues of a speculative character, such as Indus trial Alcohol, Motors and Locomo tives, Airbrake, copper and Zinc shares. Rails held their ground, except Nickel Plate, which fell 4 points. United States Steel and Lackawanna Steel were firm, with some hesitation in Mexicans and shipping shares. Short covering contributed to the par tial recovery later. The closing was Irregular. Bonds were lower, with large offer ings of Anglo-French ss. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, July 8. Allis Chalmers 22 22 Amer Beet Sugar 93% 93 American Can 54 53% Am Car and Foundry Co 52 52% Am Ice Securities 28% 29% Amer Loco 65 64 Amer Smelting . 92% 92% Amer Tel and Tel 129% 129% Anaconda 82% 81% Atchison 105% 105% Baldwin Locomotive .... . 69% 69% Baltimore and 0hi0.... 89% 89% Bethlehem Steel 449 % 449% Butte Copper . 63 63% California Petroleum ... 21% 21% Canadian Pacific 180% 180% Central Leather 56% 56% Chesapeake and 0hi0... 62% 62% Chi Mil and St Paul.... 98% 98 % Chicago R I and Pacific. 22% 22% Chino Con Copper 48% 48% Col Fuel and Iron 44% 44% Corn Products 14% 14% Crucible Steel 70% 70 Distilling Securities .... 44% 43% Erie 36 % 36% Erie Ist pfd 54% 54% Goodrich B F 75 75% Great Northern pfd .... 119% 119% Great Northern Ore subs 36% 36% Inspiration Copper .... 51% 51% Interboro-Met 17% 17% Konnecott 47% 47% Lackawanna Steel 70% 70>4 Lehigh Valley .. 80 80 Maxwell Motors 80 79% Merc Mar ctfs 24% 24% Merc Mar ctfs pfd 89% 89 Mex Petroleum 103% 103% Miami Copper 34% 34% Missouri Pacific ~% 714 National Lead 65 65 New York Central 104% 104% Norfolk and Western... 131% 131% Northern Pacific 11414 114% Pacific Mail 21 21 Pennsylvania Railroad.! 57% 57% Pittsburgh Coal 28% 28% Pittsburgh Coal pfd 103 103 Pressed Steel Car 4 6 46% Ray Con Copper 22% 22% Reading 100 ' 99% Southern Pacific 98% 98% Southern Ry 24% 24% Southern Ry pfd 69% 69% Studebaker 135 135 Tennessee Copper 34% 34 u Third Ave 66% 66% Union Pacific 139% 139% US I Alcohol 129 128% U S Rubber 53% 53 % U S Steel 86% 86% US Steel pfd 117% 117% Utah Copper 77%, 77% Virginia-Carolina Chem. 40% 40% Westinghouse Mfg 56% 56% PHILADELPHIA s'I'IKKS Philadelphia, July 8. Wheat—Un changed: No. 2, red. spot and July. *1.04 @1.06; No. 2, Southern, red, *1.02@ Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local, 89 steamer, No. 2, yellow, local, 8 8 8872 C. ,«,?, ats *r~ „ Firn ? : No - 2 - white, 46% @47c; No. 3. white. 44@45c. Bran The market is quiet; city mills, winter, pel- ion, J2t>.io; »»i em, winter. Der ton, *26.60; Sprins, per ton, $22.00@22.50. P Refined Sugars—No market. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extras, 30 @ 32c; nearby, prints, fancy, 33c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, *7.50 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, *6.'J0@7.20 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, *7.50 per case; western, firsts, free cases. *7.05 @7.35 per case. Live Poultry—Firm, fowls higher; fowls, 20@20%c; roosters, 1314 c; fowls, 19@19%c; roosters, 134i)14c: Spring chickens, 21@30c; do., broilers, 3u@3Sc. ducks, 14 lyu i,c. McgJloc. Dressed Poultry—Steady; fowls, fancy 22%@23c; do., good to choice, 21%@23c, do., smali sizes. IX<<i>2oc old roosters. 15c; broiling chickens, nearby, 30@ 38c; do., western, 28@32c; roasting i iin k<-iu, woßirin iioi fan*.. 20c; do., fair to good, 15@18c; Spring ducks, nearby, 19@20c; do., western, 12 U'lbc, ucui uo.. kVu»L. em, 16@li*u. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT New York, July 8. The statement of the actual condition of Clearing House Banks and Trust Companies for the week shows that they hold *53,546,- 060 reserve in excoss of legal require ments. This is a decrease of *35,747,55u from last week. The statement follows: Actual Condition Loans, discounts, etc., *3,261,363,000; decrease. *38,772,000. Reserve in own vaults (B). *385,- 855,000; Jecrease, *49,189,000. Reserve in Federal ReEerve Bank. *155.075,000: decrease, *2,657,000 Reserve in other depositories, *56.- 127,000; decrease, *1,146,000. Net demand deposits, *3,162,307,000; decrease, *97,946,000. Net time deposits, *176,860,000; de crease, *1,681,000. Circulation, *31,650,000; decrease. *95,000. (B) Of which *835,992,000 is specie. Aggregate reserve, *597,057,000. Excess reserve, *53,546,060; decrease, *35,747,880. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Philadelphia, Jtly B.—Stocks closed irregular. General Asphalt 35 General Asphalt. Pfd 69% Lake Superior Corporation llii Lehigh Navigation 75 Lehigh Valley 79% Pennsylvania Railroad 67% Philadelphia Electric 28 % Philadelphia Company 39% Philadelphia Company. Pfd 38 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 19^ Reading 99% Storage Battery 63 Union Traction 43% United Gas Improvement 87 % U. S. Steel 86 >4 CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago. 111., JuN 8. Hogs Re ceipts, 11,000; weak. Bulk of sales, 19.S8 ® 10.10; light, nJ9.60@10.10; mixed, 9.55®10.20; heavy *n.f>o@lo.26; rough, 9.60@9.65; pigs. *8.15@9/ltO. Cattle Receipts, 600; steady. Na tive beef cattle. *7.80@11.20; Rtockers. and feeders. *s.6o<k 8.66; cows and heif ers, *3.75@9.76: calves, *8.50@12.00. Sheep Receipts. 5,000; steady. Wethers, *6.50@8.00; lambs, *7.50@ 10.85. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, 111., July B.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat July, 1.06; September, 1.08. Com—July, 77%; September, 74%. Oats—July. 89%; September. 39%. Pork—July, 25.60; September, 24.87. Lard—July, 13.27; September. 18.40. Ribs—July, 18.70; September, 13.72.
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