16 REAL ESTATE NEW PARKWAY IS ACCEPTED TODAY Commissioner Gross Settles With Contractor For Con struction of Drive Harrisburg's newly-completed park way drive that encircles the city from the terminus of the Cameron Exten sion to Reservoir Park was formally accepted to-day by City Commissioner E. Z. Gross, Superintendent of Parks nnd Public Property, when he paid President F. B. Bosch. Central Con struction and Supply Company, the contractor, the final estimate of sll,- 555.41 on the job. The splendid driveway which winds through the environs of Harrisburg, a section which is rapidly being de veloped into pretty suburban home lots, was begun two years ago and is one of the big improvements to the park system which was paid for from SIOO,OOO park improvement loan. The road is a splendid example of highway construction, in the opinion of engineers and contractors, although the work was more than ordinarily difficult because of the great "cuts" through limestone which had to be made by the contractors. Much to the regret of the Park De partment officials, however, the sec- Riibber stamqo II SEALS &. STENCILS I# V " MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS ■ if 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. II HUGHES & DIER Members Chicago Board of Trade GRAIN Wheat, Corn, Oats. Provisions Carried on Favorable Terms. Continuous Quotations Posted in Our Board Room. Large or Small Orders Will Always Receive the Same Prompt Attention. Y.'rito for Our Dally ami Weekly Grain Letters 1435 Walnut Si, Philadelphia Norh Fiftht Stree Homest Located at 2311-13-15-17 N. Fifth Street EASY TERMS FRED C. MILLER, Builder »213 Walnut St., Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 797-M Estimates Furnished H. W. HUMMER Contractor and Builder Special Attention Given to Jobbing:. 1423 Liberty St., liarrl*t»iirf(, Pa. Hell Phone 4420. For Rent About Au{|. 1, 1916 HOLLAND APARTMENTS No. 25 South Front St., Hanisburg, Pa. Location, select, modern, central; three floors, one entire floor for each apartment. Servant rooms on fourth floor, hardwood floors, gas kitchens, city steam heat, modern plumbing and tile bathrooms. For further information, make appointment with RETTEW & RUSHNELL, Agents \ No. 30 Chestnut Street, Steelton, Pa. i Frame Dwelling—All Improvements Central Location Quick Sale i Price Very Reasonable Call at once on I M. R. ALLEMAN 1 145 N. FrontJSt Steelton, Pa. | 10 Lots on Market St. NEAR 24th STKEET SOUTHERN EXPOSURE |SO ft. x 201 ft. SIOOO each OUTLOOK Reservoir Park | IN REAR Bellevue Park IN FRONT Restrictions: One house to each lot. Building must remain 15 ; feet back of building line. For particulars, call or phone 2930 654 R. JOHN B. MacDONALD Real Estate 1319 MARKET STREET HAKRIHBUBG, PENNA. ******** SATURDAY EVENING, tlon of the roadway leading; from Cameron's Extension to the Paxtang subway, is closed to traffic at Puxtang by the closing of the subway by the Harrisburg Railways Company. The subway is a private right of way. TJhe only outlet is the contemplated sub way beneath the Philadelphia and Reading tracks about 800 feet east of the Paxtang crossing and park anil other city officials are awaiting eagerly some definite action on the part of the railroad company which will per mit this work to be proceeded with. The entire cost of the road was $20,097.97. Just 23.907.8 yards of ex cavation were necessary to complete the highway. Pomranning to Build New D. P. & S. Warehouse Over Ka&*'s Plans The contract for the erection of the big Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart ware house, to be built at Dewberry anil Strawberry streets, was awarded to day to Joseph W. Pomeranning. Work will be started early next week and the structure will probably be finished by November. M. I. Kast, the architect for the building, submitted plans for 'a flve | story, brick and reinforced concrete ; structure, according to specifications. The warehouse wil be entirely fire proof, as no wood will be used In its construction. A large freight ele vator will be Installed, also. Although the cost was not announced. In real estate circles an approximate esti mate of $50,000 has been made. 1 STEEL COMPANY DEED IS COUNTY'S RECORD BREAKER The biggest deed filed in many years in the County Recorder's office was the transfer yesterday of the Pennsyl vania Steel Company property to the Penn-Mary Steel Company, as a part ot' the Bethlehem plant. The con sideration was • $10,167,297. Other transfers recorded to-da.v Included: George W. Alehr to Lovina Hen ninger, Upper Paxton, $150; D. A. | Fry to Henry Abramson, GOS Herr I street, $1,750; W. D. Matheson to Mld dletown Cemetery Association, Middle town, $l7B, and these properties for $1 considerations: Middletown Ceme tery Association to Louis Zaeks. Mid dletown; Harry M. Hershey to Jennie Stevick, Penbrook; Dan C. Becker to W. H. Cumbler and Allison Lape, Steelton; J. A. Singmaster to W. H. Rife, Seventeenth and Boas streets. SELL 182S X. SECOND FOR $5,100 At a trustee's sale conducted yester day afternoon on the courthouse steps by Job Conklin. trustee, the property. No. 1523 North Second street, owned by Harry L. Finklestlne was sold to Elizabeth White for $5,100. Great British Writer Sees Europe Near Bankruptcy London, July B.—Francis W. Hirst, ! the prominent financial writer, in his valedictory, resigning the editorship of ; the Economist after a tenure of nine i years, says: "In my view the financial fabric of wester Europe is in imminent peril, and in a few more months it will no longer be possible to disguise ' the bankrupt condition of several great nations." "That peace is desired by all bel ligerent nations I feel certain, and the fact that the circulation of the Economist has touched its height dur ing the last few weeks may serve to indicate the feeling of our business men." GYPSIES PASS THROUGH About noon to-day a large touring car bearing a Maine license tag on its way to New York State, passed up Front street. The car was loaded to i its capacity with a band of Gypsies | and their equipment. SPREADS TO HOBOKEN Hoboken, N. J., July B.—This city ! registered its first case of infantile ' paralysis to-day. ONE IN FALL RIVER Fall River. Mass., July B.—One case of infantile paralysis is under treat i ment here. FINNEY'S MEN TO LEAVE TOMORROW Eighth Regiment Recruitment Was Closed at Gretna Today Recruiting of the Eighth regiment was ended this morning and Fourth Brigade headquarters announced at Mt. Gretna this afternoon at 2:30 that no more men could be received as the rolls had to be closed. Last night and early to-day a num ber of men were recruited for the sliort companies of the/'Elghth and Colonel Finney will leave Camp with over 1,100 officers and men to-mor rcw. Every company will have over 6 7 men and maybe more, all depend ing upon the results of medical ex aminations. The Eighth regiment wll leave to morrow night, but may not come through this city. Announcement of the details for the proposed camp for recruits to be es tablished at Jit. Gretna after the Guardsmen, now under tents, leave for the border will not bp made until in formation Is received from the War Department regarding the scope of the work to he undertaken. Whether the camp will be opened or not next week could not be stated at the Cap itol to-day. Until further information Vs received there will be no appoint ments of quartermasters' corps officers to administer the camp. The general belief h6re is that there will be no provisional National Guard organized. If any units are formed they will only be for the period until the Guardsmen return and only in such places where the State owns armories. The designation of the Governor's BANK STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE CONDITIONOP THK UNION TRUST COMPANY OK PENNSYLVANIA, of Harrisburg, No. 20 North Second Street, of Dauphin Coun ty, Pennsylvania, at the close of busi ness, June 30, 1916: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $49,975 80 Due from Ap proved Reserve Agents 149.976 52 Nickels and cents 489 37 Checks and cash items 53,700 81 Due from Banks and Trust Cos., etc., not reserve,. . . . 16,528 22 Securities pledged for bills payable 64,393 10 Assets held free, viz: Commercial paper purchas ed: Upon one name $40,761 82 Commercial paper purchas ed: Upon two or more name 5,360,360 72 Loans upon call with col lateral 127,283 39 Time loans with col lateral 41,311 19 Loans secured by bonds anil mortgages 7,471 00 Loans without collateral... i 145,262 2b Bonds, stocks, etc 73,581 25 Mortgages and judgments of record 103,345 03 Office building and 10t,.... 191,500 00 Other real estate 51,791 98 Furniture and fixtures 7,300 00 Overdrafts, 174 6o Other assests not included in above 80 00 Total J1.485.256 n LIABILITIES . Capital stock paid in $250,000 00 Surplus fund. 100,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, .. 28,610 01 Individual deposila subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav ings) 623,676 45 Time Certificates of De posit (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings) 108,754 96 Deposits, saving - fund (Ex clusive of Trust Funds), 366,281 98 Deposits, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania .... 10,000 00 Deposits, municipal 30.000 00 Due to banks, Trust Cos., etc., not reserve 23,553 82 I Treasurer s certified checks outstanding, 13.808 2s Bills payable on demand, .. 10.000 00 Bills payable on time 19,000 00 Other liabilities not includ ed in above 2,600 t>6 Total $1,485,286 11 Amount of Trust Funds invested $91,649 76 Cash balance 4,198 76 Overdrafts 89 57 Total Trust funds $95,938 09 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (i. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Company as -Trustee to secure is sues of corporate bonds, ! including Equipment l Trusts $2,292,000 0> I I Total amount of securities | deposited by Corpora tions with the Company as Trustee to secure is sued of Collateral Trust Bonds 477,800 00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin. ss: I. E. S. Kinsley. Treasurer of the ! above- named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true I to the best of my knowledge and be- 1 lief. (Signed) E. S. NISSLEY, j Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Bth day of July, 1916. (Signed) RAYMOND G. STOVER, Notary Public. TNotarial Seal.] Commission expires February 3, 1919. Correct—Attest: (Signed) E. E. BEIDLEMAN, (Signed) Wm. B. McCALEB. (Signed) ARTHUR D. BACON, Directors. I tt~ ************ I Condensed Report of the Condition of the [Merchants' National Bank HARRISBT7RG, PA. To the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C., at the Close of Business, June 30, 1916. ► RESOURCES Loans and Discounts, $625,715.78 Overdrafts 13.93 K United States Bonds, 100,000.00 ► Bonds, Securities, Etc., 377,162.25 ' Real Estate, (Banking House and Equipment) .. 48,000.00 Due from Banks 36,338.04 y Cash and Reserve, 139,303.75 ► Redemption Fund With (U. S. Treasurer) 5,000.00 ► ► $1,331,533.75 ► LIABILITIES Capital Stock $100,000.00 Surplus and Net Profits (earned) 273,262.75 National Bank Notes outstanding, 98,300.00 ► Due to Banks 20.18 ► Deposits General and Special, 859,950.82 t ► $1,331,533.75 , OFFICERS W. M. noXAI.DSOJi, JOHN F. DAPP, H. O. MiI.I.BR, ► Prenldent. Vlce-Prealrient. Cashier. i DIRECTORS I.oula Drllonr. Win. H'ltnian, P. H. Vaughn, Jno. V. Dnpp. Christian W. Lynch, " • L. Stoc», DavlU E. Tracy, H. O. Miller. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Troop as Troop B of the First Cavalry was an error, it was stated at the Cap itol to-day. The Sheridan Troop which Is its senior, is to be known as Troop B and the Harrisburg cavalrymen will be Troop C. The Fourth Infantry, which is to leave Mt. Gretna late to-day, is ex pected to pass through Harrisburg. TWO CARS COLLIDE A Ford car driven by Herman P. Miller of Miller Brothers and Com pany, real estate Arm. was badly damaged when It was hit by a large touring car at Front and Cumberland street this afternoon. The wheels of the smaller car were badly damaged and the windshield was broken. Both drivers escaped injury. BANK STATEMENT HKPORT OF THE CONDITION of the j EAST KXD BANK, of Harrisburg. Thirteenth and Howard Streets, of Dauphin County. Pennsylvania, at the close of business. June 30. .1916.• R ESOU RC ES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $33,008.00 Due from Approv i ed Reserve \Kents ........ 4<,404.17 ' $80,462.17 Nickels and cents I _ Checks and cash items 9,036.9.1 Assets held free, viz: Bills discounted: ' Upon one name,. $24,259.00 IBi 11 s discounted: I Upon two or I more names, ... 162,076.07 Time loans with collateral... 5,444.75 Loans on call with collateral. 08.001.9. Loans on call upon one name, 54,300.48 | Loans on call upon two or I more names 00,.35.00 j Loans secured by bonds and ! mortgages ij'};?'?} [Bonds, stocks, etc ' 5,161.-5 Mortgages and judgments of ; record 53,9 98.4f Office building and lot 1i,000.00 Other real estate 13.7 15.00 Furniture and fixtures 3,450.00* Overdrafts 40.10, Miscellaneous assets, <B6.ab | Total $750,374.42 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $60,000.00 ' Surplus fund 50.000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid 5,528.08 Individual deposits subject to check, $266,812.86 Time Certificates of i Deposit 249,083.62 Savings fund de posits 115,495.39 Deposits. Munici pal 10,000.00 Certified checks, . . 217.92 Cashier's checks outstanding, .... 3,164.65 Miscellaneous liabilities, ... 71.90 j Total $750,374.42 j State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau j phin, ss: I, Al. K. Thomas, Cashier of the : above named Bank, do solemnly wear that the above statement is true to* the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) AL K. THOMAS. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of July, 1916. (Signed) R. I. DEIHL, [Notarial Seal] Notary Public. My commission expires end of next session of Senate. Correct—Attest: (Signed) E. A. HEFFELFINGER, (Signed) JOHN K. MAY, (Signed) E. M. SIBLE, Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the SIXTH STREET BANK, of Harrisburg, No. 2100 North Sixth Street, of Dau phin County, Pennsylvania, at the close I of business, June 30. 1916: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $29,062.85 Due from Approv ed Reserve Agents 44,368.53 Nickels and cents 528.31 Checks and cash Items 4,418.67 Securities pledged for special deposits 7,000.00 Assets held free, viz.: Bills discounted: Upon one name.. $5,075.00 Bills discounted: Upon two or more nameß .... 11,582.86 Time loans with collateral.. 4.300.00 Loans on call with collateral. 11,783.05 Loans on call upon one name, 360.00 Loans on call upon two or ' more names 45,729.30 ! Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 183,456.00 Bonds, stocks, etc 331.782.45 Mortgages and judgments of record 44,522.50 Office building and lot 23,400.00 Furniture and fixtures 5,600.00 Overdrafts 4.95 Total ' $752,964.47 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $50,000.00 Surplus fund 25,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid ... 8,405.51 Individual deposits subject to check, $208,505.66 Time Certificates of Deposit 46,251.21 Savings fund de posits 386,869.79 Deposits. U. S. Pos tal Savings .... 348.34 I Deposits, Munici j pal 26,799.99 Certified checks .. 51.51 Cashier's checks outstanding .... 1,698.96 Dividends unpaid 133.50 Total $752,964.47 State of Pennsylvania, County of 1 Dauphin, ss: I I. F. L. Albert Froehllch, Cashier of | the above named Bank, do solemnly swtear that the above statement Is true I to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) F. L. ALBERT FROEHLICH. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this sixth dav of July, 1916. (Signed) H. B. MUMMA, [Notarial Seal] Notary Public. Correct—Attest: (Signed) J. A. DONALDSON, (Signed) LEWIS BALSER, (Signed) JOHN LAPPLET, Directors. Moose Plans Complete For Their Carnival „ Ata nieeMng held last night by the •t. ar B Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, at their lodge rooms, final de tails were completed and all arrange ments made for their week of fun and frolic opening Monday night and con every afternoon and evening. The Moose have this year engaged the famous Levitt-Taxicr shows unit ed, traveling in its own specially constructed train of twenty-six cars I with forty-nine big wagons using five BANK STATEMENT BANK STATEMENT t Statement of the DaiqjlmiDepositTnist Co, llarrisbnrg,Pa. June 30th, 1916 RESOURCES Cash $149,559.44 Due from Banks 615,289.35 United States Bonds (4% at par) 150,000.00 Loans and Investments 2,685,987.23 Building ; 50,000.00 Overdrafts 51.87 $3,650,887.89 LIABILITIES Capital $300,000.00 Surplus 300,000.00 Undivided Profits 21,827.63 DEPOSITS 3,015.899.12 Due to Banks 13,161.14 $3,650,887.89 Trust Funds $644,141.85 ROBERT McCORMICK, Treasurer-Secretary. J. A. GRIESHABER, Asst. Treasurer. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY 222 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Condensed Statement, June 30, 1916. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Cash and cash items.s 147,586.64 Capital stock $ 250.000.00 Due from banks 302,000.52 sumi,,,, f llI1( i s„n nnn nn l-oans and investments 1,865,282.30 ~ ", . ' „ .>00.000.00 Real estate and bank Undivided profits 42.097.23 building 268,112.30 Deposits 1,766,636.45 Overdrafts 10.13 Due to banks 10,104.72 Miscellaneous 375.10 Miscellaneous 14,438.59 $ 2,583,366.99 $ 2,583,366.99 rrust Funds, which arc kept entirely separate and apart from the assets of the Company $4,541,487.54 OFFICERS William Jennings, Warwick 31. Ogelsby, William H. Metzser, President. Vice-president and Sec'y and Treas. Trust Officer. W. Grant Ranch, Asst. Sec'j & Treas. DIRECTORS Charles E. Covert, W. O. Hickok, in, Warwick M. Ojjelsby, Henderson Gilbert, William Jennings, Harry C. Ross, R. C. Haldeman, Christian W. Lynch, Thomas W. Smallwood, William M. Main, William H. Mctzgcr, A. C. Stamni, Francis J. Hall, Robert H. Moffitt, John Fox Weiss. CONDITION OF THE Harrisburg* Trust Co. June 30, 1916 Resources Loans $1,824,019.17 Bonds and Stocks 452,810.22 Real Estate 147,800.00 Overdrafts 56.04 Cash and Reserve 829,291.86 $3,253,977.29 Liabilities Capital $400,000.00 Surplus 400,000.00 Undivided Profits 78,092.76 Dividends Unpaid 245.00 Deposits 2,375,639.53 $3,253,977.29 Amount of Trust Funds $3,608,673.70 Corporate Trusts $24,046,400.00 Directors Edward Bailey, H. 1.. Hrraher, J. Wm. Bowman, ;V »• Mathenon, . „ . . . E. J. Mnckpolp, A. Kortenhaugh, Harvey K. Smith, It. (a. GohlMboroiiffh, K. Z. Wallower, K. S. Herman, Geo. W. Holly. CONDITION OF THE Harrisburg National Bank June 30, 1916 Resources Loans $1,134,742.30 U. S. Government Bonds 253,000.00 Stocks, Bonds and Securities. 304,153.23 Real Estate 87,292.37 Due from Federal Reserve Bank 40,000.00 Cash • 732,186.12 $2,551,374.02 Liabilities Capital Stock $300,000.00 Surplus 350,000.00 Undivided Profits 114,314.01 Circulating Notes 206,000.00 Due to Banks . 119,993.17 Deposits 1,461,066.84 $2,551,374.02 L JULY 8, 1916. auto trucks to haul them to the grounds. Fifteen attractions of over one hundred novelty entertainers are included. The merry-go-round and Ferris wheel, the newest of all riding devices, "The Whip," which is like the roller coaster, shoot the chutes, scenic railway and roulette wheel rolled Into one and better than any one or all of them, will give amuse ment to young and old. The commit tee of the Moose has been untiring in its efforts to have everything in readi ness on Monday night and to look af fer the comfort and welfare of their patrons they have arranged for special police every afternoon and evening. BANK STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE HAItKISBUHG NATIOKAI, BANK, at Harrisburg, In the State of Pennsyl vania. at the close of business, on June 30, RESOURCES I. a Loans and discounts,sl, 134,742 30 3. 11. 8. bonilan a U. S. bonds d e p o sited to secure c lrculatlon (par value), .. .(206,000 00 b U. S. bonds pledged to secure V. 8. dep o b its (par value) ... 36,000 00 e U. S. bor.ds loaned ... 11,000 00 Total U. S. bonds,. 253,000 00 4. Rooda, securities, etc.i a Bonds oth er than U. S. bonds pledged to secure U. S. deposits. 13,000 00 b Bonds oth er than U. S. bon d 8 pledged to secure postal sav ings depos its 12,000 00 e S e c urlties other than U. S. bonds <n o t In eluding stocks) owned un pledged. .. 255,32$ 23 Total bonds, se curities, etc 280,328 23 5. Stocks, other than Fed eral Reserve Bank stock 4,325 00 6. a Subscription to stock of Fede r a 1 Re s e rve Bank $39,000 00 b Less amount unpaid ... 19,500 00 — 19,500 00 7. a Value of banking house (if unencum bered) 44,000 00 9. Real estate owned other than banking house,. 43,292 37 *O. Net amount due from Federal Reserve Bank 40,000 00 11. a Net amount due from ap pr oved reserve agents In New York, Clilc ago, and St. Louis, ... $44,702 87 b Net amount due from a p proved reserve agents in other re serve ' cities 115,745 46 12. Net amount due from banks and bankers (other than included in 10 or 11) 247,982 94 13. Exchanges for clearing house, 78,699 05 14. Other checks on banks In the same city or town as reporting bank 8,859 68 15. a O utslde checks and other cash items $6,313 07 ' b Fractional c u rrency, nickels, and cents, 1,168 65 16. Notes of other national banks 29,250 00 18. Federal Reserve notes,.. 9,625 00 19. Coin and certificates,.. 150,279 40 20. Legal-tender notes, ... 29,260 00 21. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treas urer 10,300 wo Total $2,551,374 02 LIABILITIES 25. Capital stock paid in,.. $300,000 00 26. Surplus fund, 350,000 00 27. Un d I vided profits. .. .$138,00? 13 c Less current e x penses, Int e rest, and taxes paid 23,693 12 28. Circulating notes out standing 206,000 00 31. Net amount due to banks and bankers (other than included in 29 or 30) 119,Sxfc 17 32. Dividends unpaid, 10S 00 Demand deposit*! 33. Individual deposits sub ject to check 1,084,446 63 35. Certified checks 1.436 SS 36. Cashier's checks out standing 6,097 67 37. United States deposits, 17,936 61 38. Postal savings deposits, 6.451 74 Total de mand de- Foslts, te m s 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38. 39, and 40 $1,115,402 53 41. Certificates of deposit,. 345,664 3t Total of time de fosits, tems 41, 42, and 43,5345,664 31 Total $2,551,374 02 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin, as: I, Wm. L. Gorgas, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly (wear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. WM. L GORGAS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of July, 1916. CLINTON M. HEIISHEY, Notary Public. My commission expires January 25 1919. Correct—Attest: A. S. McCREATH, THOMAS T. WIERMAN. ROSS A. HICKOK, Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Pennsylvania Surety Company Of Harrisburg, No. 14 South Second I Street, of Dauphin County, Pennsyl- I vanla, at the close of buainess, June 30, 1916: RESOURCES Due from Banks and Trust Cos., etc., not reserve.. $25,486.17 Loans upon call with col lateral 20,000.00 Bonds, stocks, etc 398,516.00 Mortgages and Judgments of record 43,500.00 Premiums being collected, 9,342.73 Total $496,844.90 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In ....$250,000.00 Surplus fund 100,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid.. 118,677.52 Premium Reserve 15.567 38 Loss Reserve 11,000.00 Reserve for claims pend ing—Fidelity 1,700 00 Total $496,844.90 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dauphin, ss: I, J. R. Henry, Assistant Treasur er of the above named Company do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. (Signed) J. R. HENRT Assistant Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of July. 1918. (Signed) R. E. STEEVER. [Notarial Seal] Notary Public. My commission expires February 21. 1919. Correct—Attest: (Signed) EDWARD BAILET. (Signed) GEO. W. RBILY, (Signed) A. FORTENBAUGH. Directors.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers