14 \V ==s=aas!!Biaßa ' aaßßga^Cßa!gSi^=agsaasaaaaßaaaKßamgaßßßgaaHßgaaggg»ggB B B H!B -p M aß g== B ß=-B=~~-- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart These Specials Offer Liberal Compensation For Friday Shopping v4\r s r No Friday Specials Women 5 Women s Neckwear • Drapery News Art Goods Specials Black Dress Goods Undermuslin C o n lvyi *1 Handkerchiefs A large assortment of 50c oiled window shades; 50c children's dresses; 59c mohair; 42 inches C oent C. KJ. D. or Mail Silk Crepe de Chine with styles; slightly mussed; val- in different sizes and colors ; stamped to embroider. Spe- wide. Special Friday only, opeciais _ , rolled edges in pink, blue, ues to 50c - Special Friday handmade. Special Friday cial Friday onlv 170 yd ". .490 Nainsook gowns in low or rhone Orders lavender, nile and rose; 19c on, y 190 ,'- A " , , . , ~ neck st . vle And kimono vain«»c Cnp,.;:,! p r ;j.„ _ . and nOc scarfs and ]>il- 85c serge; 42 inches wide; sleeves: embroiderv edtre Filled. on]v JgwJ * ? c Orientall lace vestecs; D '-»• p T °^ d ro^ or ste -» rt - low tops, stamped to cm- all wool. Special Friday trims neck and sleeves. Spe •' patterns in white and ecru. ' broider. Special 1-ridav only, only, yd <590 cial Friday only 350 * *■ J 5c one corner embroider- Special Friday 0n1y,..250 100 to 190 . .. )0 . t \ ed hemstitched handker- r>i i ... 1 wool poplin; 08 inches Muslin drawers with cam- Drug Sundries chiefs. Special Friday only, white"and ecru • °vafucs t" Men's Pajamas and ' n '" T°hTrd ro fi*r te " ait " wide. Special Friday only, b r ic ruffle and hemstitched c 3 for ' 10> white and ecru values to » r • u . v • yd hem. Special Friday only, 2.ic bottle peroxide. Spe- 1U ? :Oc. Special Friday only. Boys Four-m-Hands _ . , , 15,* cial Friday only, - 250 ~ , i ii/i •, r. \\r SI.OO I nestley s Tanama; . , 350 kerrhiefl Sniiai vm* Mcn 8 ?1 -°° two-piece »Vhlte Dress Weaves 42 inches wide. Special Fri- Extra size cambric draw -n , , f kerchielL. . pecial rula} Dives. Ponnroy A Stewart. stripe pajamas; all sizes. 19c white voile • W inches day onlv, vd.,.. H'te crs ; with tucked ruffle or 50c arge wool sponges for only, 12 for 200 street Floor. c • i n- j t unite \oiic. ofs inuies ""v,." 1 -' ""t auto cleaning fecial Fri- Special Friday only, . .850 wide . Special Friday onlv, «, „ lArtr „. r n ■ , embroidery trimming. Spe auto leaning. . ] cuai in Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. , \9\/a sl.2:> serge, .->() inches cial Friday only, 250 day only, lot* street Floor. _ Boys silk poplin reversi- vara 1 wide. Special Friday only, 15c and 25c talcum now- Colored Dress Goods ''! c . four-in-hand . l 'esl in ,Wc gabardine; 3h inches yd sl.lO Se?ind 0 'Fioo?. te ' , ' art ' der. Special Fridav only, { T\ " * 7; Pi*'" colors. Special Friday wide; for skirts . Special Dives. Pomeroy a Stewart V ' 5* llmbroidery and . /:ic shepherd checks; 42 only <>o Friday onlv, vard 250 street t ' loor - r \ Munvon's witch hazel Laces inches wide. Special Friday DlveSi Pomerov * st( .wart " . ." * , * " ' Girdles and Bags iviunvon s \Mtcn nazei L,aces only, yd., 550 Men's store. SI.OO imported stripe soap. Special I-riday only, Cambric and Swiss cm- r 0 ' , • , 0 . . V ' crepe for dresses. Special 50c to $1.50 white kid gir broiderv edges and inser- •, c ° k \u• inc, . ies Friday onlv, vard 500 Dress Linings dies. Special Friday only, 50c greaseless cold cream. tions; values to 10c. Spec- ?n!Sal SUItS ' f JVI ' U «, • . 35c black satine; 36 inches 250 Special Friday 0n1y,,..150 ia l Friday only, yd .50 SpCCial fnday ° nl - v ' Men 8 Furnishings $1.25 nainsook; 36 inches wjde . tn d ] hs SLOO and $1.25 silk and Rrnnprs T-Tpvacrnn c • u -j n * For Friday's Sale wire, .pet i a iu i ' '"- v ' Special Friday only, vd., 180 velvet bags. Special Friday Kenners Hexagon Swiss embroidery flounc- 85c serge; 42 inches wide • iur i riuay t jaw yard 1 - Y on]v h 45i Special Friday onlv, T<*; 4 j n jr ; 27 inches wide; values all wool Snecial FYiHnJ c panel stripe wash- . , . 75c black surf cloth; 33 in f°r 250 to 29c. Special Friday only, onlv vd able four in hand ties. Spe- • remnants of white c ] ies w ide. Special Friday Linen and leather travel er white ivorv manicure - vd .190 ' cial Friday only. 3 for. .250 S°ods regardless of former on , d .",0 lers* .slippers. Special Fri wc white ivory manicure SI.OO cream mohair; 44 in- - n , ~ P nc f»- Special Friday only, - - day only 49^ sets, special Friday only. Laces in Cluny, shadow c he« wide W.-ial •" ,0c s t n P e percale negligee yard 100 Dlves - Pomeroy & Stewart. ' 150 and Valenciennes: values to on | v vr | shirts; sizes 14 to 17. Spe- . v street Floor. -q c purses Special Fri- Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. 13c. Special Friday only. * cial Friday only :«>0 , law ?" S P cc i a J day only 250 street Floor. vf i $1.25 sersre; 46 inches lida) onl\, \<nd .>0 , A ' ' _ wide. Friday only, yd.,980 20c pad garters; satin pad. Dive». Po.neriy & Stewart. Basement Wash Stewart. , . Dlvee. Pomeroy ft Stewart. J J T Special Fridav 0111y,...140 | Street Floor. „ . «■ Umbrellas and V Mr ° e ' M "" r $1.50 cream serge; 54 in- - () , ' ' Goods umbrellas and ch«l wide. Special Friday ' 2o«' woven tissue in fast R «! S-l- ' Parasols / , \ only, yd. sl.lO Shirt, frenth tuffs. Special Grocery News co i or snipes and checks specials Piece dved taffeta silk and Women s White ... . , Friday only {4O i 9 Snecial Friday only vd ' 52.50 Victor lawn edge cotton umbreHa' for men CU $1.2, silk and wool poplm; Dive.. Pom.roy 4 steward Special Friday only, tel. trimmers. Friday only, cotton umnreiia.. tot mtn ohoes 40 inches wide. Special Men s store. M $l9B and women. Special Friday Fridav onlv, yd.... *" ' ~.>c s cang coin 12'/^c dress gingham; 32 , . . t. . only #1 49 »dd sizes of high and low - - '.y a 3 ,a„s ~e„„s H 5, jnches wjde s^a , 19c steel garden hoes. Fri ... . ... white shoes, formerly $3.00, ' VCB, &et%ioor S,ewart - 'T 3 canl c P iam Snl- , m ] v v d | oo day only 100 W omen s $2.00 silk para- $3.50 and $4.00. Fridav Sport Corduroy in a J; «..«>, no, onl - v ' > d 1U ? „ b , ~. . .. . sols in green; assorted han- o nly, $1.48 p•1 , r , 12 cake" i^ e & Qsoap Mo 10c organdie in floral de- H-.V .nU lOf dies. Special Friday only, / v rriday Clearance 10 oakea Prine soap -3<- si'ms on white grounds. $1.49 1 s P tr'ee^ 0 Kron t t! uarU AA/ash Dress Weaves 89c sport corduroy, in sal- one Jay syrup ......T I»<• Special Frida\ r onlv, yd., -'-piece carving sets. Dives. Pomerov a Stewart. ' "?c madras shirtine •33 in mon. peach, green and bat- ?Th.? a beans na '° e ". 1!i!!!!!!! w" ' ?Kao Friday only 190 Street Fl °° r - , , dies wide; white grounds tlMfijp. 30 inches wide. 3 !>-; f Damask and Towels I with colored stripes.'Special Special Friday only, yard 2 ill.; [[[y::::: white grounds. Special Fri- boilers, extra large size. Fri- Women's Pumps 3S C mercerized table dam only, yard ... 150 •'** g day only, yd (i/ 4 0 day only, 980 and Oxfords Special Fridav onlv. Remnants of wash goods, SL2S sport stripe cordu- °Z 6-4 c grey prints. Special 7 rolls 5c crepe toilet pa vd ' •>!> in lengths from to 5 yards : ro - v " Special Friday only, One bag Kagie flour .. no Fridav onlv. yd SUO per. Friday only .... 210 r» . , t. j .1 .*"•> iiuiu _lO jams, . " 0 . H lb. shredded cocoanut ... 15c - * J Patent colt and gun metal .. , including voiles, poplins, silk * S?,f , lb u Cocoa iv. Im * •)«, „„ ,i„, 29c tine crimp wash nnmns zitifl narrow honev comb towels of ,• , , . . . * hole ham. lb. «ik' —oc woven vtjiles in coloi- , 1 p■ . • . , pumps ana oxioras, nairow -•«. »>»«:y t-omu toweis 01 muslins and madras for shirt S 1 50 snort strinp rorHn Shoulder, ib i« c .. boards. Fridav only,. I<o widths, formerly $4.00. Fri- extra large size. Special , vaists R er i m . pH 1, 7" sport stripe corrtu- sliced him, lb ed stripes on white grounds; - - ' _ dav onlv '......91.00 Friday only, Fridav onlv ?Vr/V ? WK J e «»« assorted Sunshine bib- fast colors. Special Friday $2.00 economy bread mix y* cia ' Friday only, vd., $1,.»9 choice of any ioc package," 3 "or only, yd 100 er. Friday only $1.25 Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, n iv«« tv...,*..,... * c. . -Sv Street Floor. Front. Street Floor. ' street Pino, Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives, Pomerov & Stewart. Pomeroy & Stewart. - Street Floor. Basement. Basement. Basement. vv v > 1 J « — J) "Safe and Sane" Fourth Orders of Police Chief Th» Fourth of July will be "safe and sane" in Harrisburg, according to 1 Chief Of Police Thomas J. ZeII. Out- ' side of sparklers and red Are, there ] Catarrh Cannot Be Cured I.OCAL APPLICATIONS, as tbey cannot reach lb* heat of the disea>.e. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure It you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surtaccs. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was pre scribed b.v one of the bejt physicians In this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the host tonics known, com bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful results la curing catarrh. Bend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY &' CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold bj Druggists, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation* Purify the Complexion Eo not be troubled with gy complexion ills. Keep blemishes concealed J while you are treating them. You can do this instantly without detection by using _ Gouraud's |3 j Oriental Cream f J* assist you to overcome "those I ! ,,s at the same time if they do not orig inate internally. Renders to the skin a I soft, pearly-white appearance. Non-greasy. ■ rrnn 1 00. for trial lll« Bringing Up Father ® # # # By McManus ] | I I 1 TWTLL DO YOU \ I I CAU'bE-IF I ' <iOT «,TUN<, V/HEH OAMns,rs OF A KNOW n ISNT I SURE? . , TA , NT . | M THURSDAY EVENING, will be nothing doing in the way of I pyrotechnics for th~ small boy'and ( sirl. Chief Zeii said: "There will be no special orders. It i is up to us *o see that the ordinance prohibiting fireworks and shooting of i firecrackers is enforced. There is also | a State law prohibiting the use of toy 1 i pistols. Revolvers are barred. Pa trolmen will be notified to give close | attention to stores and see that noth > ing is sold contrary to the law. Tliev are acquainted with the provisions of the ordinance and will be expected to make arrests when violations occur." j President Wilson Defies Attempt of Hyphenated to Levy "Blackmail" in Speech Special to the Telegraph Washington, D. C.. June 15. AI en;, rge that foreign citizens of the United States are trying to levy polt-' tical blackmail and to undermine the | influence of the national government ! I was made by President Wilson in a I Flag Day speech here late yesterday, j I His assertion sounded the keynote of ont of the foremost issues on which ! he will go before the country for re- 1 election, and touched upon a "platform | declaration which will be submitted l>y the administration to the St. I„ouis I j convention. The President spoke before a crowd of thousands gathered at the foot of tlie Washington monument after he; had reviewed for five hours a great preparedness parade at the head of which he himself had marched down Pennsylvania avenue. In his speech the President declared i that not since the Civil War had it | ! been tested as it -now is being tested i 1 whether the Stars and Stripes stood j for any one united purpose. Disloyalty Must Be Crushed I "There is disloyalty active In the | United States and it must be absolute ly crushed," declared the President, speaking emphatically. "It proceeds from a minority, a very small minority 1 but a very active and subtle minority. "It works underground, but it also shows its ugly head where we can sec it: and there are those at this moment who are trying to levy a species of po- j litical blackmail, saying, "Do what we wish in the interest of foreign senti ment or we will wreak our vengeance I at the polls.' "That is the sort of thing against which the American Xation will turn | with a might and triumph of sentiment j which will teach these gentlemen once j for all that loyalty to this flag is the ! ■ first test of tolerance In the United ! j States." j The President's words were taken as ian open challenge to foreign-born ! Americans who he had learned from | foreign language newspapers and : j other sources are opposing him for j j re-election. Officials close to him said he was 1 ] outlining his stand on what he had 1 | determined to make a predominant issue in his campaign. Majority Are Loyal Continuing along parallel lines the I President further said: | "I believe that the vast majority of these men whose lineage Is directly" de j rived from the nations now at war are just as loyal to the flag of the United States as any native citizen of this ; beloved land, but there are some men of that extraction who are not, and i they, not only in past months, but at the present time, are doing their best I to undermine the influence of the gov ernment of the United States in the interest of matters which are foreign to us and which are not derived from ! the questions of our own policies." I HARRISBURG %!£sss TELEGRAPH MAO CAT TRUPI.E TKRROK Attacks WOman. (ilrl and Man With Awful Ferocity Special to the Telegraph Washington, Pa., June 15.—Attack ed by a mad cat that had been a! household pet for years, Mrs.'W. H. ! S. McAdoo, of Independence town-: ship, was so frightfully clawed and • scratched that to-day she was re moved to Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, tor treatment. So furious was the 1 creature that it practically tore Mrs. i , McAdoo's clothing from her body, j . leaving it hanging in shreds. When Miss Joanna Miller, 15. went ' j to the rescue of Mrs. McAdoo the cat] ! turned on her, and she climbed a tree to a point of safety. John Hanna. a' j neighbor, happened by and clubbed I the cat to death, but not before he had been scratched on the hands and { • legs. The cat had been acting strangely, • and Mrs. McAdoo shut it up. As she | opened the door to-day it leaped upon ! i her. ELSIE FERGI'SOX, ACTRESS. MARRIES NEW YORK RANKER Special to the Telegraph New York, June 15. Elsie Fergu- i ! son and Thomas B. Clark, Jr., were, married yesterday afternoon at the Hotel St. Regis in the presence of a, fev close personal friends. Miss Ferguson is one of the most popular actresses in America and Mr. Clark is j \ a banker and son of Thomas B. Clark, : art connoisseur and collector. Miss 1 jFerguion was attended by Mrs. Car-j j roll Brown and Mr. Clark's best man j | was Frank Ti. Polk, counselor of the j I State Department. Miss Ferguson will continue on the stage and will appear next Fall in a I new comedy yet to be selected. I Finds Brother She Hasn't Seen For Thirty Years Assisted by western friends, Mrs.: i Robert Hawk, 60S North Eighteenth j street, was successful in locating her j brother, George W. Schell, whom she litis not seen for 30 years. Mrs. Hawk I received information from friends in j ; the west last week that her brother i was in Denver, Colo. She left at once | | and began a search for him in thai ; city and found him working in the J railroad shops at that place. Brother | and sister are now enjoying a reunion, j and according to word received by her neighbors Mrs. Hawk intends to I remain for several weeks. ! At the age of 15, while the family lived in Lykens, the brother left for | the West and has lived there since. ; He. kept In close louch with his sister | until 15 years ago, when he ceased I corresponding. Mrs. Hawk has made | a country-wide search for him. FRANCE MOVES CLOCKS AHEAD! By Associated Press Paris, June 15. - Following the example of England, Germany, Italy I :ana the Scandinavian countries, all! clocks in France were set forward one j hour at 11 o'clock last night in ac-: ' cordance with Ihe daylight Having i | bill. The new method of calculating i time will be continued until October 1. ' BIGLERVILI.E CONVENTION Special to the Telegraph Biglerville. Pa., June 15.—Yenter- j ! day afternoon the annual convention ! ! of the Christian Endeavor Association j I of Adams County opened its sessions j with the registration of delegates, j Routine work of the meeting was ! I started this morning. JUNE 15, 1916. PCM——xnwa—— ■■ II WIIIMB3—Off 'si MMKR SCHOOL OI*K\S .Jt'LY 24 Will Assist Students In Need of Tutor ing or Rack With Studies The Harrisburg Academy summer ; school will open this year on July 24,' j prepared to accommodate all students | lof this city or elsewhere who need j j special tutoring for back work or in j ipicparation for college examinations.! The period of work will continue for 1 j six weeks under the cure of Senior j j Master I. omwake and H. Elmore I | Smitl). Other instructors will be J added when needed. The speclflcattQn* 'or tin 1 new build- Pale, Sallow Checks show that the blood is impoverished and that the stomach is not prop erly assimilating its food. In fact a woman's physical condition always shows in her face. Paleness, blotches, pimples, sallowness or dull eyes all Tell the Need Of Beecham's Pills. Women who are subject to these conditions should not fail to avail themselves of their prompt and beneficial effect Beecham's Pills are prepared to furnish the necessary relief. They clear the system of impurities, gently stimulate the liver, regulate the bowels and tone the system. Their mild and thorough action quickly rid the skin of blemishes, improve the circulation and help the digestion. Every woman should know the comfort, and experience the help of Beecham's Pills Sold by druggists throughout the world. In boxes* 10c., 25c. Directions of Special value to Women with Every Box. r IMIIIIII——IMIIW——— I ing to be erected south of the mait building are expected to be in th< hands of the trustees in a day or so and if all goes well the new dormltorj : wilt be completed in the early part oi I November. 10(1 GRADUATE AT STATE Special to Hie Telegraph State College, Pa., June 16.—With i impressive ceremonies and commence j ment exercises in the auditorium here j to-day 480 young men and womer j graduated from the Pennsylvania State I College. There were 2,000 visitors present during the day.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers