j SELL IIS THAT USED) AUTO SELL II!" ' | s)eatbs> jo years. 6 months and is class. Funeral services on triday eve ning, | at 8 o'clock, at her late ' eß ' d «"i«'»nH 1 Horner street. Kutther serviceß and burial at EflioUsburg, P«y rounti, l'a., Saturday. The r , e , la „ l i ! friends are invited to attend without and New Bloomfteld I papers, please copy. j [OTTMAN On Tuesday, J ""®. ISI 1916, Mrs. Emma S. Cottman died at the home of her son-in-law, Joseph j L. Paxson, No. 213 Emerald funeral services at the above addtess Thursday evening. at i .30' ° ilocK. Hody will l>e taken to Hillside^- terv, Montgomery couunt>, l a., ai 10:30 Friday morning, where burial will be made. Relatives and friends I are invited to attend without further notice. 11, 111 Kit—On June 15. 1916. Nelson H. itetber. aged 53 years. ! Relatives and friends and all organi zations of which he was a member are invited to attend the ser%Jces on j Monday afternoon, at 1 o clock, fiom liis late residence. 3201 North touith street. _____ j I'OI.WU On Wednesday. June 14. 1 y 1«. Harold E. Toland. at the home , of his parents, 1922 Green street. , Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at - o'clock .from his late home, 19-.. Green street. The relatives ana friends are invited to attend with out further notice. Burial private. _I,ESS —On June 13, 1916, Charles H. . Cless, aged 44 years. i.«n Funeral on Friday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock, from his late residence. 104 , Brick Church Koad Enola, Pa. The . relatives and friends are lnv'ted to : attend without further notice. Burial , Paxtang Cemetery. | Lost and Found LOST Collie dog, four white feet; i ip of tail and neck white; bee s.wax on ■nd of nose. Lost in vicinity of , <watara street. Ljiberalrewardif le arned to Hotel Elscheld. Fifth and. Strawberry. kqST French Poodle, answering 0 the name of "Teddy." Reward if re urned to 14 North Eighteenth street. Help Wanted —Male "WANTED —White boy, over 16 years; j rood chance for advancement; reference •equlred. Apply Room 6, 204 Market street. WANTED Two first-class plumb- MS. Herre Brothers, 3235 North Fourth. WANTED Machinists; good wages; steady work. For particulars, see Mr. Dunn at Hotel Plaza, between hours 1 to 10 P. M. to-night. j WANTED Boy in barbel shop. Must 1 nave experience. Apply 130 i North j Sixth street. j WANTED, PAINTERS No one but good men need apply. Good wages paid. Call at 1612 Reglna street. WANTED Steam drill runner, at puce. Martin Stone Quarries, West Fairview, Pa. MACHINISTS WANTED i Steady work for good men, first :lass shop, located out of town; 10 war stuff. Give street address | ind also telephone number if any. Address Box A 5093, care of Tel sgraph office. j W ANTED Laborers for j ivork about band and skelp mill. Apply Box 248, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' WANTED —Stickins and men familiar with hoop band and rkelp mill work. Apply Box 248, Pittsburgh, Pa., stating experi ence, etc. WANTED First-class Toolmakers, Lathe and Turret Operators, Milling Machine Hands and Floorman. High est wages paid, no trouble, eight hour shop. Best conditions. Replying by mail, state what experience and what class of work wanted. Apply Driggs-Seabury Ordnance Company. Sharon, Pa. WANTED YOUNG MEN to learn to become practical chauffeurs. We give our unlimited course for S6O, easy payments, and guarantee 30c per hour as scon as competent. We have 30 cars to overhaul during the Spring. AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL. 25-27-29 North Cameron street. WANTED First-class Pattern makers. Address, stating experience. Box A, 5099, rare of Telegraph.' WANTED First-class outside cut ters on Ladies' shoes. Utz & Dunn Co., 37 Canal street, Rochtster, N. Y. WANTED 4O able-bodied men between 21 and 40 years of age for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. Help Wanted —Female WANTED—Cook for Dauphin County Almshouse. Apply to the steward. J. W. Early, or at office of the Directors of the Poor, in Courthouse. WANTED White woman for gen eral housework. Apply at once, 116 Chestnut street. WANTED Reliable nursemaid. Ap ply to 122 Woodbine street. WANTED An experienced sales lady, one who understands skirt altera tions preferred. Address A., 5033, care of Telegraph. UNDERWOOD CERTIFICATES again granted to a number of students, the result of our touch method and Indi vidual Instruction. Enroll for the sum mer. Harrisburg Shorthand School. 31 North Second. WANTED Experienced feeders and folders and mangle; sfi to start. Apply Sanitary Family Washing Co., Sixteenth and tilm. <- ■* | RKAL ESTATE FOR SALE Camp Hill Lot Big Bargain Gilt-Edge Location This lot is 50x160 ft., located at jthe southwest corner of Oyster's Point Avenue and Logan street two squares from trolley and a Ave cent fare to Harrisburg. I'rlee, 1400 nnil 1910 tn»K. Do roil know of another huburban lot the equal of this one In location nnd ile*lrahllltr at anything near as low n Itguref MILLER BROTHERS & CO. HEAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Bond* Locust and Conrt Streets I ' THURSDAY EVENING. Help Wanted —Female , WANTED Stenographer in law | office; experience desirable. Reply In i own handwriting, P. O. Box 4093, Har risburg, Pa. t j WANTED Two ladies for order de partment. Salary, $9.00. Gi I ve use. | church, present otcupatlon. Addresß i. i J., care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced white wo man to cook and do general house work In small family; references re quired. Address C., 5031, care of Tele graph. WANTED A girl for general house work; family of two; must come recom mended. Apply P. O. Box 305. Harris burg, Pa. WANTED A girl to strip tobacco. Apply 200 Market street. WANTED, AT ONCE Sewing ma chine operators. Experience not nec essary. Blough Manufacturing to. WANTED A competent white wo man for general housework. Call » to 12 A. M. or 2 to 4 P. M., Room 1. 14 South Market Square. WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply . Har " lisburg Shoe Mfg. Co.. Vernon street. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Girls over 16 to j strip tobacco. Also experienced i Rollers, Bunchmakers, Padkers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wei tare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany. 500 Race street. Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN WANTED For attrac tive quick-selling devise. Call, or ad : dress. R. C. Wallower, Telegraph Build | ing. Annex. Situations Wanted —Male WANTED Office work, by young man 24 years of age; three years' ex- ; • perience. Address 945 North Seventh | j street. City. • WANTED A Tech boy, aged 16. \ I wishes light work during the summer months. Address 1512 Hunter street, or | call 150&R Bell phone. WANTED Married man wishes position of any kind; have had five years' experience in shoe business. Ad | dress H., 4214, care of Telegraph. WANTED Three brothers (middle aged, whtte) would like to have post- ] tions of any kind. Not afraid of work, j Address 13u8 Wallace street. Situations Wanted —Female WANTED Work by the day or week. Cull at 1235 Cowden street. WANTED White woman desires ! washing to do at home. Call, or write, ! E. M. Kissinger, 1242 Herr street. WANTED Middle-aged colored wo man wants general housework. Ad i dress 649 Cumberland street, City. ' WANTED Washing and ironing to |do at home. Apply 823 Susqueiianna street. City. j WANTED Young colored gin i wants light housework or nursing. Ad j dress 1730 North Seventh street. j WANTED Washing to do at home |or day's work of any kind. Apply 1320 | North Front street. WANTED Position as housekeeper by a middle-aged whtte woman. Address 328 North street. City. ! WANTED Graduate stenographer desires position; can furnish excellent references. Address K„ 5024, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two young girls desire housework of any kind. Address 858 | North Front street, Steelton, Pa. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE 2%-story stucco house on Paxtang avenue; eight rooms and !bath; hardwood floors; lot, 45 ft. by 155 | ft. Will sell on easy terms. Address | 207 Paxtang avenue, Paxtang, 4>a. HAINTON ON Llnglestown Road, -story resi dence. View superb—twenty mihutes' from Square. Good car service. Fine .state road. Be wise. Don't build. Buy now. (Quantity of land with building i optional. Terms easy. Many fruit trees . coming. For terms address Rev. J 'Simpson Stansfleld, Jersey Shore, Pa or call Bell phone 2026, C. V. 589, City. FOR SALE '1943 Rudy street $1,200 946 South Twenty-first street.. $2,u00 JOHN C. ORR. 222 Msrket Street. FOR SALE Two-story cottage at Paxtonia. In first-class condition. Lots of fruit trees on premises. Special price it sold before June 12. C. B. CARE. I Care's Grocery, Llnglestown. Descrip tion at St. James Hotel, 405 Market Street, Harrisburg. FOR SALE—Market St., No. 1857—At .la bargain. S. Nineteenth St., No. 21—2 V4-story | brick. Seneca St., No. 610—2-story brick Eellevue Park—Fine residence; price reasonable. H. C. BRANDT, 36 North Third Street, ! VALUABLE MT. UNION REAL ES TATE FOR SALE Fronting 100 feet I on south side Market street and 160 feet on west side of Division street, contain ■ ing four frame dwellings. Would make an Ideal business coiner. Inquire of C. iB. Roberts, 306 Division Street Mt i Union, l'a. FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph ,i c J2: ■ THIRD ST., N., 1401-1403 One of ; the finest corner locations in the city for apartment houses; frontage on :: Third of both house 43 feet, depth on Calder street 94 feet 8 Inches; open on three streets. D. J. TITTLE. EMMA BECK. Executors. Apply 300 Calder Street. ■ PLOT 80x135 lor sale Rear alley 19 feet wide drilled well with force pump concrete foundation walls built small chickenhonse. Price only sooo. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build- I ing. THE NEW BUNGALOW An entirely new type of Bungalow Houses now being built on Fifth street. This particular type of house has never beer> built in this city and offer* mcny nw advantages In Bun galow architecture In Ideal Houses. Seml-brlck and Kellastone construction; slate roof 3; til* porches (English); dust proof cellars, laundry, parquet floors; new system of plumbing; scien tific lighting; using only solid brass and silver iixtures; quar tered oak and African Clrca sian walnut Sterling laminated flush doors (the finest mad* door in the world). Houses Fully Equipped Built Under Personal Supervision. Price, $5,600.00. MacWILLI AM S CONSTRUCTION CO., Designers and Builders. t 2105 N. sth Street. Harrisburg. Real Estate For Sale THREE BRICK HOUSES, all im provements, yielding a monthly rental of $49.50. Can be bought for $6,000. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE 622 Mahantongo Street; 3-story brick dwelling: 7 rooms, bath and furnace; lot. 13x105. Price, $2,- 100.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. $l,lOO WILL BUY No. 2024 Kensing ton street frame bouse with S rooms. \A e offer also other cheap property In other sections of the city. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. NO. 1215 SWATARA STREET has just been reduced In price 9 rooms and bath all improvements porch front. Particulars at Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. COUNTRY HOME Corner Close i to Reservoir Park Large lawns and j garden beautiful hedge and shade fruit garage—s3,ooo. Edgar B. Le rew. 4 North Fifth street. SEVENTH AND SCHUYLKILL STS. —Bungalow, seven rooms and bath, elec tric lights, modern and convenient; 18x 96 feet. Call Bell phone 2562. FOR SALE ll4B-1150 S. Cameron Street; 2H-story frame dwellings; 6 rooms each with lot 51x160. The rental Income makes this a good investment. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. $2,800 WILL BUY a frame house with 8 rooms and bath ■— gas furnace porch side entrance lot, 20x120 to drive alley. Only S3OO cash needed. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT No. 1736 Herr St SIB.OO No. 2020 Kensington St 11.50 Fireproof Garage 4.00 J. E. GIPPLE, Farms FA IIM of 62 acres. Dauphin County, \ close to trolley, 8 miles from City; good | buildings, woodland, meadowland, run ! ning water. Price, $4,000. H. G. Pedlow, j 110 South Thirteenth street. j SMALL FARM FOR SALE Six i acres, 7-room house, large barn, 5-year \ old horse, 80 fruit trees, grapes, 180 ; lcying hens, 3 large chickenhouses, 2 | seres wheat, 2 acres corn, 2 acres grass, j running water, good well, two miles north of Hummelstown, Pa. Immedi ate possession. Handy store, church and • school. W. D. Balwin, R. F. D., No. 2, , Hummelstown, Pa. VAUGHN Very beautiful. healthful suburb j along the "L" trolley; lots 100x175 feet; fertile ground, enough for vegetables j and chickens; price only $169; easy pay ments; see these lots. C. B. CARE ] Care's Grocery. Llnglestown, Fa., or | 409 Market street. Apartments For Rent FOR RENT Third floor apartment, i three rooms and bath; no children. | Rent. sls. Apply 27 North Thirteenth I street. ! FURNISHED APARTMENTS Five J rooms and bath; all conveniences. Only ! rented until September 15. Kent rea sonable. Apply Louis Apartments, Sixth ! and Herr streets. i APARTMENT FOR RENT In Sixth Street Bank Building. Immediate pos [ session. Inquire Sixth Street Bank. Bell phone 1566. FOR RENT One of the most de sirable apartments in the city; Ave \ rooms, bath, front and back porches; I $32.50. Reason for leaving, illness, ln | quire of Box J, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS and office for a physician (.first floor) five rooms and bath city steam heat. Particulars at office of Miller Brothers & Co.. Locust and Court Streets. i ■■■ Rooms For Rent FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all conveniences; an excellent location; refined neighbor ! hood: rent reasonable. Apply 305 South Front. FOR RENT Two second floor j rooms for light housekeeping; gas, ! heat, bath; ten minutes' to business j district; beautiful location; reasonable rent. 1432 Berryhill street. Bell 1012 R. FOR RENT Neatly furnished j room; board if desired; all conveniences; i up-to-date; attraction rate for summer I months; use of Bell phone. 426 North street. THE MORRELL. 212 Locust street —• One minute from P. O. High-class fur nished rooms with all conveniences, hotel service included. Bell phone 2642 J. -FOR RENT Two furnished rooms' for light housekeeping, with use of bath. Inquire 273 Hamilton street, or call Bell phone 3374 W. FOR RENT Large, well furnished ! second floor room for rent, all conveni- i ences and use of phone. 813 North Sec ond street. FOR RENT Two large, light and airy second-story front rooms; use of Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, singly or ensuite: all conveniences; phone, etc.; references required. Apply 1015 North Front street. ROOMS FOR RENT \vlth flrst-class board by meal, day or week. Meal i tickets, 21 meals, for $4.00. 1001 North i Second street. FOR RENT Two rooms, nicely fur- j nished, second floor, one large; electric lights and telephone service. Apply 125 j Pine street. Board and Rooms BOARDING AND ROOMS Can ac commodate a few more boarders; rea sonable rates, with the best the market affords. 123 South Second street. Wanted —Board—Room s FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED For delegates attending Penn sylvania. Retail Coal Dealers As sociation convention, June 20 and 21; should be within ten blocks of Market Square; please list location, rooms available and rates, at HARRISBURG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Kunkel Building. WANTED Somewhere in the neigh borhood of Second and State streets, boarding by two young men. Plenty to | eat and willing to pay for it. Address , L.. 5029, care of Telegraph. For Sale —Miscellaneous WHITE enamel baby coach. Good condition. Cheap to quick buyer. Cost *3O when new. Also white wicker go cart, $lB when new. Must sell before June 30. Address 917 North Seven teenth. or call 1104 J. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS SIO.OO up L. C. Smith, Underwood, and Remington rebuilt and second hands. Attractive prices. Typewriters exchanged, bought and repaired. Geo. P. Tillotson, 211 Locust street. Opp. Orpheum. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH For Sale —Miscellaneous FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. AT GABLE'S. 113. 115 and 117 South Second street. 5,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint, Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L. primed and glazed, at $1.30 per a«t. Also other sizes. Also door* and shut ters. FOR SALE Circular Saw Mill. No. 4. A friction feed cable drive in good condition. For particulars address J. C., care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Late Cabbage Plants, 20 cents per hundred; Giant Pascel Cel ery, White Plume Celery and Golden Heart Celery, 25 cents per hundred. 2804 Herr street. Penbrook. Pa. THEOLOGICAL BOOKS We pur chased many deceased ministers li braries and offer these choice books i low. Aurand's Book Store. 913 North Third. FOR RENT Typewriters bought, sold or rented. Harrisburg Typewriter and Supplv Co., 40 North Court street FOR SALE Baby coach, in excel lent condition. Price reasonable to quick buyer. Inquire 2234 Penn street. FOR SALE Forty-five IS-incli 48%-lb. sec tion, Bethlehem I beams, 54-foot lengths. Immediate delivery. No drilling or punching. Also 8 15-inch 42-Ib. Carnegie beams, 60-foot lengths. ROBERT GRACE CONTRACTING CO. FOR SALE Old Town Ca noe, Charles River model. In ex cellent condition. Seventeen feet long. Full brass keel. Paddles and back rests. Newly painted. Owner desires to sell on account of leaving the city. giv ing price you are willing to pay and gating when I can see you. Box S-5094, care of Telegraph. BOOKS FOR SALE Complete set Second Geological Survey of Pennsyl vania and complete set Archives cf Pennsylvania. Aurand's Book Store, 913 North Third. FOR SALE Pair of glass panelled sliding doors, heavy, suitable for Gar age. Address 308 Telegraph Building. FOR Diamond and Good rich Automobile. Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases, Harness and Leather Goods made to order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings. HARRISBURG HARNESS & SUPPLY CO., SECOND AND CHESTNUT STS. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be j secured at the Telegraph Business Office. UNITED STATES ARMY hats, shoes and coats. Bargain prices. All sizes. Best kind of material for workinginen. Money back if not satisfied. S. Meltzer. j 513 Walnut street. FOR SALE Water motor in good ) condition, suitable for operating Pipe I ! Organ or similar machinery. C. Syl- I vester Jackson, 402 Telegraph Building, i Bell phone 441. FOR SALE, at Gable's. 111-117 South Second street, Lawn Field Fence. Gates, Poultry Netting. Building Hard ware, Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board, i Compo-Board, Doors. Sash. Shutters, Mouldings, Porch Posts. Pumps, etc. For Rent —Miscellaneous FOR RENT Desirable oiflce In Telegraph Building, size 14x19. 'nqulre, , Superintendent, Room 100. FOR RENT Store room, 1212 "Mar i ket street, newly finished, 21 feet wide, i corner property. Will be equipped to. suit tenant. Apply to L. Mfnter, 1167 Market street, or phone Bell 4282, Unit ! Ed 563 W. STORE ROOM FOR RENT—Suitable for piano store, confectionery, furniture or any other kind of a large store; rea sonable. Apply. 1101 North Sixth street. FOR RENT—-Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street Wanted—Misceilaneous WANTED Five-room apartment, ; second floor, desirable locality, two | adults. Address Room 208 Arcade Building, 219 Walnut street. WANTED Unfurnished room, with > board, by business woman, city or coun- I try; must be reasonable. Address H., ! 5032, care of Telegraph. WANTED Four nice men roomers in a fine private family. Apply 1912 North Third street, after 6 P. Al. Phone No. 2560 J. Business Opportunities BIGGEST BARGAINS ON EARTH IN THE NOVELTY LINE FOR SALE I HAVE the greatest and most attrac tive novelties ever seen anywhere. More than twenty kinds. They make I everybody look. I will sell at a sacrifice to any person that calls to see them. Buy them and beat all other novelty ! and trick makers. I have besides the | only comb cases that are made right; I none on earth like them. I will sell invention cheap. Cost from 10 cents |to $25 to make them. I have many \ other novelties that beat the world. Always making something new. 1 make thousands of designs for ornamental work, such as cash registers, furniture, ' brackets, etc. 1 have easels, any size; wall pockets, comb cases, mantel shelves and sceneries (large) that are more attractive than any others in ex istence. More than 1,000 are for sale; many kinds can be carried in the pocket. I am out of work, and will go anywhere except to Europe and the North Pole. Works of arts and toys, lots of trick novelties also. BENTON BOWMAN, MILLERSBURG, DAUPHIN COUNTY. PA. FOR SALE Automobile and wagon shop, centrally located, with a full set of tools and supplies to run the busi ness. This Is a money maker and ts offered at the right nrice; owner leav ing town; low rent. brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Tobacco and confec tionery store; old established stand; good reasons for selling. Address W., 5026, care of Telegraph. UP-TO-DATE Automobile Tire Repair Equipment For Sale All machinery In good condition and for sale at very low price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS;" ANY qantity of Ashes free. Team or Rail. Apply Lalance and Grosjean Mfg. Co., Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspaper*; experience unnecessary. Send for pai tlculars. Press Syndicate, 798 Lock port, N. Y. FOR SALE Retail Cigar and Tobacco Store, weir located and doing good business. Quick sale desired re gardless of price. J. E. Gipple, 1261 Alarkst street. Business Personals LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit cases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices in the city. Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting goods at low prices. COHEN & SON, Reliable Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at subway. HEMSTITCHING FANCY AND PLAIN, done on short notice: 10 cents a yard up; colors a specialty. Information given free. MCDOWELL, IOSA MARKET STREET. THE CENTRAL SHEET METAL WORKS, Harry H. Koenig 316 Black berry avenue, Harrisburg, Pa. Cornices, Skylights, Rooting and Spouting. Job bing a specialty. Bell phone 1679 W. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detective work handled —one eye always open. BELL PHONE 127 W. PAINTING in all <llß branches, also paperhanging. Only first-class work done. Prices always right. A trial Job will convince you that there is a dif ference in painting. D. W. BIXLER, 2130 SUSQUEHANNA STREET. Bell phone 4006 J. CASH PAID for good cast-off Ladies' and Men's Clothing, Shoes; also Furni | ture Carpets. Please give description of goods you want to sell. SEND POS TAL TO 636 HERR STREET. Hauling and Moving AUTO TRANSFER FUR.NITURE and general hauling bv large 1 % to 2-ton truck; picnics, day or night parties a specialty; reasonable Yates. E. E. FIESE, 311 S. Front St., Steelton. Bell phone 19W. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN, Boarding Stable I and National Transfer Co. Movers ot lplanos, safes, boilers and general haui- I Ing. W. H. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and I Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. ! 2503 R. MOVING I WE move pianos carefully. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. I ===================== Money to Loan MONEY advanced to housekeepers at legal rates; business confidential. Profit Sharing Loan Society, Room 7. Spooner Building, 9 North Market Square. READY MONEY for Individuals pressed by lack of funds to meet immediate necessities in amounts of sls to S3OO, at legal rates. Payments and time arranged to suit your convenience. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut St. Storage FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We invite inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Poultry and Livestock POULTRY FOR SALE 5OO Barred Rock Pullets and Cockerel, February and march hatched. Camp Hill Poultry Farm, Camp Hill, Pa. FOR SALE lB head of young and healthy bulls and heifers. Apply at Jednota Farm, R. F. D„ No. 3, Middle town. Pa. Musical RECORDS RECORDS Used Disc Records at from 10c up; two and four-minute wax cylinder rec ords, SI.OO dozen; blue Amberola at 3 for $1.00; ten-cent sheet music, 3 for 10c; eight music rolls, $1.00; a new disc machine with a dozen records, $7.98. 315 Broad street. $25 PHONOGRAPHS for sll[ slb ! Phonographs for $lO. Now's your op j portunity If you love good music. Come i in—hear your favorite selection. 325 | Market stregt. DeRIVAS and HARRIS art case, slightly used piano. Good buy. Wm. F. Troup & Son. 908 North Third street. Automobiles FOR SALE One five-passenger Regal touring car, in first-class condi tion five tires. Cheap to quick buyer. Call 125 North Cameron street. WANTED Second-hand five-pas senger auto. In good shape. Will pay SIOO cash, balance SSO per month. Ad dress Box S„ 5092, care of Telegraph. MR. AUTOMOBILE OWNER, AUTOS SOLD at reasonable rates. No sales, no pay. KEYSTONE GAP.AGE. 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385J-1. ~WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of any kind. If you cannot sell your car, why not consign it or exchange it with us for a better one. Our charges for sell ing are 5 per cent. only. No storage charges if car is not sold. Auto Trans portation Exchange Department, 25-29 North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710. 1912 five-passenger Regal; good shape; new tires all around; big bar gain for quick buyer. 1912 five-passenger Pullman, com pletely overhauled; Al condition: good upholstering; good top and tires; big bargain. MILLER AUTO CO.. 68 South Cameron St. Bell phone 4119 J. FOR SALE, CHEAP Five-passenger Reo touring car, in good condition. In quire 2220 Logan street. FOR SALE Good Ford delivery car, equipped, Bach needle. Apply 1614 Re gina street. HUDSON TOURING CAR. good condl tlon, $100; Buick touring car, $250; Maxwell runabout, $100; Reo roadster, 1913 model, electrically equipped, $325; Stoddard-Dayton, good condition. $375; Marathon roadster, in fine condition, $350; Argo touring and roadster, new, 1916 model, fully equipped, S4OO and $375. Conover &■ Mehring Garage. 1713 North Fourth street. Bell phone 595-J. Motorcycles and Bicycles MR. MOTORCYCLE OWNER lf you have a motorcycle which you desiro to convert quickly into ready cash, call or see us. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385-Jl. BICYCLES BICYCLE PARTS BICYCLE FRAMES Bought for high est cash prices. Phone 385J-1, or drop postal and Buyer will call. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. FOR SALE 1912 model Indian mo torcycle, with tandem and Prestolyte; twin cylinder; good running order. Cheap. Call Bell phone 3455 R. Notice I WILL pay no bills contracted by my wife, Mrs. W. A. Eveler. MR. W. A. I'IVELER. Legal Notices Estate of E. R. Helsey. late of the City of Harrisburg. Pa., deceased LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted there to are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to GEORGE R. HEISEY, Administrator, Telegraph Building, Harrieburg, Pa. JUNE 15, 1916. BONDS OF ALLIES TAKE BIG DROP Anglo-French s's Liquidated to Extent of $1,000,000 Down to 95 1-4 By Associated Press New York, June 15. Uncertain tendencies developed before the end of the first hour, mainly in conse quence of heavy selling of Anglo- French ss, which were liquidated to the extent of $1,000,000 down to 95%, an overnight, concession of %. Steel Reuding and other leaders were var iable, with pronounced improvement in Mexicans. Bonds were irregular. NEW YOLLK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street, New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, June 15. Open. Clos. Allis-Chalmers 20% 26% American Beet Sugar .., 92% 91% American Can oSVi 57 American C & F tiO 00% American Cotton Oil ... 57 Vi 57 '/t : American Ice Securities . 30*4 29% | American Locomotive .. 72 St 72% American Smelting .... 97% 97% American Sugar 112% 112 American T & T 130% 130% Anaconda 86% 85% Atchison 100% 106% Baldwin Locomotive ... 89 89% Baltimore & Ohio 91% 91% Bethlehem Steel 440 442 B F Goodrich 77% 77% Butte Copper 94% 92% Canadian Pacific 177 % 176% Central Leather 55% 55 % Chesapeake and Ohio .. 65% 64% Chicago, Mil and St Paul loovs 100% Chicago, R 1 and Pacific 20% 20'/* Chlno Con Copper 55% 54% ! Colorado Fuel and Iron. 44% 44% j Consolidated Gas 138% 138% I Corn Products 20% 19% I Crucible Steel 85% 85 Vi | Crucible Steel pfd 119 119 Distilling Securities .... 49 48% Erie 38% 38% Erie Ist. pfd 54% 54 Great Northern pfd .... 121% 121% Great Northern ore s .. 38% 38% Inspiration Copper 50% 50 j Interboro-Metropolitan. . 18% 18% I Kennecott 53% 52% ! Interboro-Met. pfd 75% 75% I Kansas City Southern .. 26% 26% Lackawanna steel 71% 71% j Lehigh Valley 82% 82% Legal Notices In the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy, No. 3187 ln the Matter of L. Finklestlne. Bankrupt. I'LIBL-IC SALE OF HEAL ESTATE THE undersigned Trustee will expose at public sale, in front of the Court House, Harrisburg, Pa., on FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1916, at 2 O'CLOCK P. M„ ' the following described real estate: i All that certain lot or piece of land, | situate in the Sixth Ward, of the City jof Harrisburg, aforesaid, bounded and | described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the eastern side of North Second Street 20 5-10 feet north of the northeast corner of Second Street and Dauphin Avenu6; thence eastwardly along the side of property, now or late, of Wilson R. Blough, and through the center of e brick partition wall between this and the adjoining house 87 feet, more or less, to the west ern side of a 3 feet wide private alley; thence northwardly along the western 1 side of said 3 feet wide private alley ! 21 feet, more or less, to a point at land, now or late, of Lawrence A. Faunce: thence westwardly along the side of last mentioned property, being through the center of an 8 foot space between 1 this and the adjoining house 87 feet, \ more or less, to the eastern side of North Second Street; thence southward ly along the eastern side of said Second Street 21 feet to line of property, now or late, of W. R. Blough, the place of beginning. Having thereon erected a three-story yellow brick dwelling house, numbered 1823 North Second Street. The above described real estate will be sold free and clear of all incum brances. TERMS— IO per cent, on day of sale, and balance thereof on confirmation by the Court. JOB J. CONK LIN. Trustee. Estate of Ann Eliza Swab, late of EMzabethvllle Borough, Dauphin Co., Pa., deceased. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted there to are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, residing at West Fair view, Pa. I. W. MATTER, Administrator. GEORGE R. HEISEY. Attorney. Telegraph Building. Harrisburg. Pa. NOTICE To Bondholders of Penna. Milk Pro ducts Co.: NOTICE is hereby given that holders of Mortgage Bonds, numbers 213, 9, 27, 21 1. 20, 12 33, 25, 212, 11, 21, 32. 210, 22, 26, 31, 209, and 24, shall present them to the Union Trust Co. Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pa., Trustee, for payment, July 1. 1916, after which date Interest will cease on above mentioned bonds. PENNA. MILK PRODUCTS CO.. Harrisburg. Penna. To the Stockholders of the Harrisbur s Foundry & Machine Works: YOU are hereby notified that the Board of Directors of said Company has by a resolution called a meeting of tho stockholders to convene at the gen eral office of the Company. Seventh and Curtin Streets, in Harrisburg, Pa., on the 18th day of July, lUI6. at 10.30 o'clock A. M., to take action on the ap proval or disapproval of a proposed in crease of the Indebtedness of the Com pany from $300,000 to $600,000. B. E. TAYLOR. Secretary. In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County No. 309, January Term. 1916 ln Divorce Caroline S. Nye vs. Robert J. Nye. To Robert J. Nye: YOU are hereby notified that the above-stated action in divorce in which you are respondent will be heard by the above-named Court at the Courthouse, Harrisburg. Dauphin County. Pennsyl vania, on Monday, June 26, 1916 at ten (10) o'clock A. M„ at which place and tlnn- you may appear in person or by counsel and make defense thereto if you see proper so to do. F. J. SCHAFFNER. Attorney for the above libellant. June 15, 1916. In the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Pennsylvania No. 146, October Term, 1912 A. B. Greenshields et al. vs. Union Telephone Company of Erie, et al. THE undersigned Receiver of the Union Telephone Company of Erie, Pennsylvania, in accordance with the order of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Penn sylvania, hereby gives notice that he has filed his account as Receiver of the Union Telephone Company of Erie, In the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, at Seranton, Pennsylvania, and that the said account will be confirmed and the Receiver dis charged on the 12th day of July, A. D. 1916, unless exceptions are filed to the said account in the meantime. THEODORE A. LAMB, Receiver of the Union Telephone Com pany of Erie. Maxwell Motors 87 *54 87% Merc. Mar. ctfs 26 25 % Mere. Mar. ctfs. pfd. ... 96% 95% Mex. Petroleum 103% 105 V* Miami Copper 36% 36% Missouri Pacific 6% 6% National Lead 68% 68% New York Central 107% 106% N. Y., N. H. and H 63% 63% Nor. and West 134 133 North. Pacific 115% 115 Pf.. Railroad 58% 58% Pittsburgh Coal 28% 28% Press Steel Car 49 50% Railway Steel Spg 46% 44% Ray Con Copper 23% 23% j Reding: 105% 104% Republic Iron and Steel. 47% 48% ! Southern Pacific 99% 99 l Southern Ry 23% 23% | Southern Ry pfd 69% 69% iStudebaker 142 141% Tennessee Copper 47% 45 | Third Ave 64% 64% Union Pacific 138% 138% USI Alcohol 159% 159 U S Rubber 55% 55% U S Steel 86% 86% U S Steel pfd 118 118 | Utah Copper 84 83% | Virginia Carolina Chem. 43 44% j Westinghouse Mfg 61% 61% CHfi.ADKi.i'fin I'lionuca By Associated Press Philadelphia. June 15. Wheat Lower; No. 2, red. spot and June. sl.Ol @1.03; No. 2 Soutnern, r>'d, 99c%51.01. | Corn Higher; No. 2. ellow, local, ; K2tfi 83c; steamer, No. 2, ellow, local. 81 ©B2c. Oats Steady No. 2, white, 47® 47% c; No. 3 white, -II % @45He. Bran Market quiet, but steady; city mills, winter, per ion. $26.50. wen ern, winter, per ton. $1!6.50; Spring, per ton. $23.50<?r>24.00. Refined Sugars Market steady; | powdered, 7.75 c; fine granulated, 7.65 c; i confectioners' A, 7.55 c. ' Butter Market steady; western, j creamery, extras, 30@31c; nearby i prints, fancy, 33c. i Eggs The market is • steady; j J'nui.T../• am • and ..lie . I free cases, $7.05 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.60@6.75 per case; | western, extras, firsts, free cases, $7.0 > I per case; western, firsts, free cases. | $6 60if/;6.90 per easa. ! Live Poultry—The market Is steady; i fowls. 20<?7>2i1%c; roosters. 13f»14c; Spring chickens, 22<3>30c; do., broilers, 30«38c: ducks, 14@ltic; geese, 14(fi)16c. I Dressed Poultry—Easier; fowls.fancy, 22@22%c- do., good to choke, 21@21%c; j do., small sizes. 18iu20c- old roosters, I 15c; broiling chickens, nearby, 35@ ,66c; do., western, roasui.rf chickens, western. chole« to fancy, I ?2c: do., fair to K -<.o<l. ;G®lßc; j ducks, nearby, 20@21c; do., western, 12 I (frtlSc; geese, tieuruy. ii>(U'-uc. u\l. , v trn 15 tit 17 c. Potatoes Steady, fair demand; 'white, Pennsylvania, per bushel $1.30 <®1.35; New York, per bushel, $1.25® 1.30; western, per bushel, $1.25@1.3u, Florida. No. 1, per barrel. $5.50<9>5.75; Florida, No. 2, per barrel, $4.0(ra>4.50; Norfolk, No. 1, per barrel, $4.25@4.40; Norfolk, No. 2, per barrel, s2.6o<ft 3.00; North and South Carolina, No. 1, per barrel, $4.00@4.25; North and South Carolina. No. 2, per barrel. $2.50@8.00; Eastern Shore, No. 1, per barrel, $4.50® 4.75; Eastern Shore, No. 2, per barrel, $3.00(3 3.50. Flour The market is dull; winter, straights, $4.85®5.15; do., patents. $5 23 ®5.50: Spring firsts, clear, $5.35f7 5.75; do., straights. $5.20(fi'5.40; do., patents. $5.40©5.75; do., favorite brands. 56.25 6.50. » Hay Market steady No. 1, largo bales, $25.00@25.50; No. 1, medium bales, $21.00©23.00; No. 2. do., s22.ooffp 23.00; No. 3, do.. sl7.ooiff 18.00. Clover mixed, light mixed, s22.ooff}> 23.00; No. 1, do.. $20.00®21.00; No. 2. do.. $17.00® 18.00. CHICAGO CATTI.B •-v Associated I'ress Chicago, 111., June 15. Hogs Re | ceipts, 20,000; strong. Bulk of sales, $9.75® 9.90; light, $0.30® 9.U0; mixed, I $9.50® 9.95; heavy. s9.4ofii 9.05; rough, 1 $9. lofi 9.55 ; pigs, $7.50®9.15. J Cattle Receipts. 5.000; weak. Na tive beef cattle. $7.85®11.40; stockers and feeders, $6.00®8.80; cows and heif ers. sl.oo® 10.00; calves. $5.50®11.7n. Sheep Receipts, 14.000; weak. I Wethers, $7.20® 8.10; lambs, s7.so <iu 10.20; Springs, $8.00" 11.40. CHICAGO BOARD OK TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., June 15.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat—July, 1.03; September, 1.05. Corn—July, 72' A; September, 71 'i. Oats—July. 39%; September, 38 V 4. Pork—July, 22.75; September, 22.17. Eard—July, 12.75; September, 12.90. , Ribs—July, 13.05; September, 13.12. Commencement Argus Is Dedicated to Miss Evans The annual commencement number I of the Central High School Argus has i just been issued. It is cne of the finest editions issued in the history of the i school. The issue is dedicated to Miss I Eorena <l. Evans, a teacher in the High I School for twenty-five years, who has j retired. ! The staff which had charge of the promulgation of the edition included: | Editor-in-chief, Howell Bccht; observa j tions department, Homer E. Kreider; art depuartment. Miss Helen Ferguson and Harry Mell; assistant of observa tions, Marlln C. G. Geiger; alumni, George A. Slothower; social, Miss Eu cile E. Smucker; exchange. Miss Mar garet G. Wingeard; sports. H Gray bill; business manager, Arthur H. jZweifel; assistants, Thomas D. Cald well, Albert Goho and William L. Kay. G. A. R. EXTENDS THANKS At meetings last night held by the G. A. R. Memorial and encampment committees respectively, votes of thanks were tendered the citizens of Harrisburg, press and various orders, and aid in making both Memorial Day and the G. A. R. Encampment a success. IXTHKIt M. STONER Luther M. Stoner, aged 24, died at Ti lk home, 907 West College avenue, York, yesterday. Funeral services will he held to-morrow at 2 o'clock. Several survivors reside In this city. miBBER STAMQft UEI SEALS A STENCILS |#V !II MFG. BY HBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ | J SI 130 LOCUST ST. HBG. PA. 1# MOTOR Supplements SUPPLEMENT have be come a rec ognized authority on these active issues. Our Supplement of June 9 treats in detail on the new Wlllys-Durant merger, also the new Motor Products Corporation. ELEVEN of the most active Mo tor Stocks are thoroughly re viewed. fOPPRR Tuesday, June 6, was ~ one at the brightest STOCKS days in the annals of the Copper industry. Seven of the leading Copper pro ducers raised their dividend rate. The history of Copper shows no such parallel record. Our Weekly Market Letter covers the Copper Munition thor oughly. The Tonopahs, Zinc, OH nnd Industrial atoekx ore also adequately reviewed. Copies of our Market I.et ter and Motor Supple ment will he forwarded free upon request. HotUARQ&RILEYAta Land Title Building Philadelphia Telephone*: Cprtiee 4410 89 Bread H, Race ISO New toft _ 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers