HOW HARRISBURG WOMEN tfAY KEEP THEIR HAIR SOFT AND BEAUTIFUL Dandruff must be removed and the hair roots nourished to stop railing hair and itching scalp. It is unneces sary to have thin, brittle, matted, wispy or faded locks. No matter how unsightly the hair, how badly it is falling, or how much dandruff, Paris ian Sage rubbed into the scalp is all that is ever needed. The hair roots are nourished and stimulated to grow new hair, even all dandruff is re moved with one application, and Itch ing scalp and falling hair cease; the hair appears more abundant and is always soft, fluffy and radiant with life and beauty. Parisian Sage, a daintily perfumed liquid, is one of the most pleasant, in vigoring and refreshing hair dressings known, yet perfectly harmless and in expensive. After the first application you will be surprised nnd delighted with Parisian Sage, for there is noth ing that will so help to double your present attractiveness as luxuriant, glorious hair, and this tonic treatment is all that can possibly be desired. Be sure to get Parisian Sage from H. C. Kennedy, or at any drug or toilet counter, as there is no other so effective. Got Rid of My Corns With Magic "Gets-It" Simplest Corn Cure in the World —No Pain, No Fuss. New, Sure Way. When corns make you almost "die with your boots on," when you've soaked them and picked them and sliced them, when corn-swelling salves, and tapes, •Vlijr H»t«I Corn* At AH Wh«n "flet»-lt" ICciiuTatTlMni the Kan,l)enil..Suro Way t bandages, and plasters that make corns pop-eyed have only made your corns grow faster, just hold your heart a moment and figure this: Put two drops of "Gets-It" on the corn. It dries at once. You ran put your shoe and stocking on right over It. The corn Is doomed. It makes the corn come off clear and clean. It's the new, easy way. Nothing to stick or press on the corn. You can wear smaller shoes. You'll be a Joy-walker. No pain, no trouble. Accept no substitutes. "Gets-It" is sold by druggists every where. 25c a bottle, or sent direct by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111. NEW WAREHOUSE FOR TENTH STREET Capital City Junk Co. Plans Modern Five-Story Structure; Realty Values Improve Heal estate values in South Tenth street will be given another good boost in Uie near future by the Capitol City Junk Company, which is now having plans drawn for a large five-story warehouse to be built near Mulberry street, in South Tenth. M. I. Kast. "22 Market street, is the architect, and the plans call for a o building 75 by 65 feet, slow-burning construction. A number of other in terests, aside from the Capitol City Junk Company's business, which is now located in North Tenth street, will locate In the proposed building. Within recent months real estate values in the vicinity of the new ware house have been greatly improved. Since the fire which swept this dis trict, wiping out the storage houses of Montgomery <fr Company, several modern buildings have been started for this vicinity. Montgomery & Com pany have already started work on their new fire-proof warehouse and several other buildings are said to be in contemplation. Kxecutlve Committee Sleets.—The Executive Committe of the Harrisburg eal Estate Roard met this afternoon at the office of Herman P. Miller, of Mil ler Brothers & Co.. president. Several matters of interest to the profession were discussed. - _ . ; THE NEWESi FOB Backache, Rheumatism and Dropsy. Kidney. Bladder and Uric Acid trouble.3 bring misery to tnany. When the kidneys lire weak or diseased, these natural filters do not cleans© the blood sufficiently, anc 1 the poisons are carried to all parts of tho body. Thero follow depression, aches and pains, heaviness, drowsiness, irrita bility, headaches, chilliness and rheu matism. In some people there are sharp pains in the back and loins, distressing liladdcf disorders and sometimes obstin ate dropsy. The uric acid sometimes forms into gravel or kidney stones. When the uric acid affects tho muscles and joints, it causes lumbago, rheumatism, gout or sciatica. This is the time to try "Anuric." During digestion uric acid I« absorbed Into tho system from meat eaten, and oven from somo vegetables. The pool kidneys get tired and backache begins. This is a good time to take "Anuric," the new discovery of Dr. Pierce for Kla nev trouble and Backache. Neglected kidney trouble Is responsible for many deaths, and Insurance Company examin ing doctors always test the water of an applicant before a policy will be Issued. Have you ever set aside a bottle of water for twenty-four hours? A heavy sedi ment or settling sometimes Indicates kid ney trouble. The true nature and char acter of diseases, especially those of the kidneys and urinary organs, can often be determined by a careful chemical an alysis and microscopical examination— this fs done by expert chemists of the Medical Staff of tho Invalids' Hotel. If you wish to know your condition send a sample of your water to Doctor Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.. and de scribe your symptoms. It will be ex amined without any expense to you, and Doctor Pierce or his Staff of Assisting Physicians will Inform you truthfully. KNOW THYSEI.F ! Read all about yourself, your system, physiology, anatomy, hygiene, simple home cures, etc., In the "Common Sense Medical Adviser." a book of 1008 pages, fiend to Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.. three dimes or thirty cents In one-cent clamps for a cloth-bound copy. THURSDAY EVENING, STEELTON NEW WOULD EXTEND POLICE CALLS Chief Longnaker and Manager Kane Inspect Locations For Proposed Signals Stcelton's red-light police-call sys tem, which has proved a big asset to the borough's patrolmen, will be ex tended to cover a large part of the borough, if present plans are favor ably acted upon by council. While the lights at present give good service there are not enough of them, the officers say, and the de partment will request council to place additional call iamps at Third and Washington streets, Second and t-lof fer, Harrisburg and Lincoln and Tre wick and Frederick streets. With a view to determining the cost of placing these additional signals, Chief of Police H. P. Longnaker, M. J. Kane, local manager, and several men from the Harrisburg Light and Power Company, today made an in spection of the proposed locations for signals. The light company officials will work up an estimate of the cost of Installation for submission to coun cil at its next meeting. Watch For Davis. —W. Walley Da vis, superintendent of the Semet-Sol vay Company's plants here and at Lebanon, was presented with a hand some gold watch by employes yester day. The presentation address was made by C. E. Lewars. Mr. Davis goes to Chicago, 111., as manager for the Bi-Product Coke Corporation, and will be succeeded by Mr. Lewars. Changes at Plnnt.—By an order is sued yesterday F. D. Dornblaser was made steam engineer in charge of all boiler plants in the West End mills; L. P. Light was made lubricating en gineer and S. K. Varnes experiment ing engineer In charge of investiga tions and research work. Red Men to Meet.—Paxtang Tribe, I. O. R. M., will mee this evening to fill vacancies in the degree team, prep aratory to taking part In the conven tion at Malianoy City June 12 to 15. Dr. Mocker to Preach.—The Rev. Dr. M. P. Hocker, superintendent of the Emaus Orphans' Home, Middle town, will preach at St. Mark's Luth eran church, Sunday morning and evening. Announce Birth.—Mr. and Mrs. George R. Cover, 329 Locust street, announce the birth of a daughter, Marjorie Elizabeth, Monday, May 29. Mrs. Cover was formerly Miss Eliza beth Mellinger, Shippensburg. New By-I/aws Here.—The Trans portation Relief Association has re ceived copies of the new by-laws. They are being distributed to mem bers at the headquarters, 144 North Front street. Steel Makers Predict Another Year of Plenty The Iron Age, in its weekly review to-day. says: "Steel manufacturers in the past week at the largest gathering the In dustry has known, agreed that high prices and full operation will continue through the year, arid many count on a straight year of to-day's prosperity. One year ago al a like meeting a 75 per cent operation was found to be the rule. "It appears that as the pressure of new domestic business at premium prices relaxes foreign inquiry in creases. The fact is that buyers abroad, apart from those placing war orders, want to restock, but not at famine prices. "Track fastenings have figured on a large scale in Western railroad con tracts, a single line having taken 35,000 tons of angle bars, tie plates, bolts and spikes." Appeals From Rellstab's Decision in P. S. Co. Case By Associated Press Trenton, N. J., Jtine I.—An appeal to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Third district, has been taken from the decision of Federal Judge Rellstab, dismissing a tempo rary restraint In the proposed sale of the Pennsylvania Steel Company of New Jersey to the Bethlehem Steel Company for $31,000,000. Clarence H. Venner, of New York, a holder of common stock of the Pennsylvania Steel Company, applied to Judge Rellstab for an order to re view his decision by appeal. OBERLIN OBFRLIN PERSONALS Miss Naomi ITanshaw has returned to her home here, after spending sev eral months with relatives In Phila delphia. Mrs. Calvin Brlghtblll, of Philadel phia, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Harry Hanshaw. Miss Jeannette Wise is visiting rela tives in Shippensburg. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rrehm and daughters, Rena nnd Pearl, attended the funeral of Mrs. Brelim's brother, Joseph Cramer, at Shippensburg, Mon day. Mrs. George Lebo, daughters Mil dred and Grace, of Harrisburg, and Miss Florence Brehm, of Boiling Springs, were entestained at the home of William Landis several days this week. William Chambers, of Philadelphia, spent the week-end with his family in Chambers street. Mrs. William Siders and daughter margaret of Philadelphia are the guests of the Misses Nora and Grace Eshenaur, at their home near here. Henry Bagger, of New York city, was the guest of Faber Stengle over Memorial Day. They motored to Get tysburg. The Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of Salem Lutheran Church will meet In the lecture room of the church. Saturday afternoon. The leader wll be Mrs. John Zell and a paper on 'A National and Integrat ing Force" will be read by Miss Rena Brehm. Mr. and Mrs. William Hushower and son, Aaron, of Lancaster, have re turned home after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hushower, Main street. Misses Mary Zoll and Olivia Stengle are attending the commencement, ex ercises at Irving college, Mechanics burg. REPUBLICAN CLUB ACTIVITIES The members of the Harrlsburg Re publican Club will enjoy a hard sheel crab supper, tendered by Senator E. K. Beidleman at the clubhouse, 26 North Second street, to-morrow even ing. A meeting of the Eleventh Ward Republican Olty committee was held Tuesday evening, may 30, for the pur pose of organization. Dr. R. L. Per kins was elected chairman and H. A. Douglass, secretary and treasurer, 'by La unanimous vute. JSxx&mai g# Founded 1871 Bell—l99l—United Lowest-in-The-City Prices On Tires Mr. Tire User, we're handing you a price list of Tires that is of vital-interest to you, for you are going to save many dollars on well-known brands Kelly-Springfield Goodyear Our entire stock has been revised to make certain that on each size and grade our price is absolutely the lowest in the city. This applies to tubes also. No Waiting On Adjustments—Here Guarantees are strictly adhered to, and in the majority of claims adjustments are made right on our floor. If the tires must be sent to the factory for adjustment, we loan you an emergency tire. / om^ete ^ n °f this, MV. Tire User, your big opportunity. Provide now JxS&f? Tff k^ 6 °^ er 11 ° 6Se ma^erscan °^ er —^is year ' e WW - IN ORDERING BY MAIL specify rim, whether Clincher, Q. D. Clincher, or straight Side(Dunlop). Cut out price list for future reference. PRICE LIST Kelly-Springfield Goodyear New Castle Capitol Guaranteed— _ , ~ (■ / U ( W )« Plaln 5,000 miics Guaranteed: 3,500 miles Guaranteed: 4,000 miles Guaranteed: 3,500 miles /HJAngC \1 c^V>\ K " nt Ford sii®# 8 ' 000 m ' leS S,7P PUUn Non-Skid Tubes Si*e Plain Xon-Sltld Size Plain Non-Skld JSt&fe \l Plain ° 6.000 miles 28x3 * B - 52 * 9 - 98 8219 28 * 3 28x3 $7.59 $8.03 \| (C^L! Kant Slip .... 7,500 miles 80x3 8921 *10.77 $2.28 80x3 18.92 $9.38 30x3 SB.OB $8.47 80x3 % $11.95 $13.96 $2.59 30x3% $11.52 $12.09 30x3% $10.37 $10.94 II 1 Slase Plain Kant-SUp Tubes 81x3% *12.57 $14.71 $2.67 81x3% $12.04 $12.66 31x3% SIO.BB $11.41 fn x » IJI'SI SJHI 32x3% $13.66 • $16.04 $2.71 32x3% $13.23 $13.88 32x3% $11.96 $12.53 MJk v 30x3% sl6 84 $lB 30 $351 34x3Vi 81651 * lß ' l4 8284 34x3 * 814 - 80 * l6 - 52 34 * 3 H $13.32 $14.03 $ / HI 31x3% 32x3% $17.97 $21.45 $3.77 82x4 $18.59 $21.71 $3.68 32x4 slß.ll $18.98 32x4 $16.72 $17.56 \h ' 34x3% $20.97 *23.46 84 J> 2 83x4 $19.56 $22.91 $3.77 33x4 $18.87 $19.81 33x4 $17.47 $18.31 111 3*l WC M 32x4 $22.99 $28.27 $4.54 34x4 $20.04 . $23.42 $3.85 34x4 $19.25 $20.16 34x4 $17.78 $18.62 \CB 'Sli 33x 4 34x4 $25.11 $30.60 $4.80 36x4 $21.26 $24.83 $4.03 36x4 $20.32 $21.34 36x4 $ 18.79 $19.76 \\SIl \ Wg g (fc* £J 36x4 $26.67 $32136 Is;®? 84x4 % $26.57 $31.08 $4.81 34x4% $24.91 $27.06 34x4% $23.31 $24.49 V^X^gMWos/i , 34x4% $30.90 $35.89 $6.04 35x4% $27.79 $32.45 $4.90 35x4% $26.74 $28.09 35x4% $24.75 $25.94 WSffrM jkjtpfP 35x4% $31.60 $36.97 $6.11 36x4% $28.21 $33.00 $4.99 36x4% $27.09 $28.43 36x4% $25.00 $26.11 52*1$ f2l-1? 37x4% $29.32 $34.31 $5.12 37x4% $28.09 $29.50 37x4 % $25.94 $27.22 ♦ OMf 35x5 $38!00 86x 6 37x5 $38.99 $48.48 $7.62 87x5 $32.87 $41.10 $6.09 37x5 $32.00 $33.61 37x5 $29.52 $31.00 N^. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor STEELTON SENIOR OFFICERS AND SPEAKERS * ~~ MSM ' '^mbkDb f! PIH !■*«•■ EJ iL * *** f!i!|lj '< aL*r In \^"JB UE|f **9 w MAN'S FOOT CRUSHED While working this morning at the open hearth furnaces of the Central Iron and works, Dode 1 vanoff, aged 38, 434 Main street, Steelton, sustained a crushed right foot when a heavy piece of steel fell and struck him. Ivanoff was treated at the Har irlsburg hospital. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Potos by Musser. Honor students who will speak at the commencement exercises this evening and officers of the Senior class are shown above. Heading from left to right, they are: Top row—Harry Paul Hooker, salutatorian and vice president. of class : Laura Esther Keim, Harry Edward Trawitz, treas urer, and Henrietta Catherine Porr; second row—Florence Christine Fin ger, George Edgar Wolf, Esther Reah Lau and Lillle May Zimmerman: bot tom row—Azalea Wlgfield. valedic torian; Harry Devore Sellers, class president, and Lydla Kay Weaver, sec retary. HOLD PICNIC JUNE 20 Final preparations for the annua! Sunday school picnic of the Christ Lutheran Sunday school to be held June 2Q, at Hershey have been made. The trip to the park and return will Ue made in automobiles. WILL GRADUATE 52 HERE TONIGHT Impressive Ceremonies to Mark Completion of High School Career Fifty-two Seniors in the Steelton High school laid aside their books this mqrnlng for the last time as public school students. To-night, amid the Impressive ceremonies of the thirty second annual commencement exer cises, they will receive the sheepskin rolls that signify the successful com pletion of their years of effort. From early this morning tho High school auditorium was the scene of feverish activity. School, college and class pennants, potted plants and flow ers were placed in profusion about the big room in preparation for to-night's event. Here and there in corners of the room and from the stage grave faced and dignified Seniors quietly re- TO TAKE OFF FLESH AND REDUCE WEIGHT Eat Plenty of Wholesome Fowl, But Breathe Deeply and Try a Little Oil of Korein With Meals Some people seem to be able to eat whateve- they please without Its In l creasing their weight to any degree, while on the other hund other folks, ln riined to stoutness, try to eat lightly I to the socalled fleshmaking foods but keep gaining weight all the time Such , a condition is both unnatural and ' dangerous but can often be quickly overcome by practicing deep breathing in the open air. The blood of the aver age overstout person seemingly falls to accept enough oxygen to consume the excessive fatty material In the food. But frequent open air deep breathing forces additional oxygen into the system, largely overcoming this defect and preventing further increase in weight. Then if this deep breathing plan Is. accompanied by the use of a I little oil or korein, taking a few drops I in a capsule with each meal and again before going to bed. It becomes pos sible to greatly reduce the weight even I In a very few days. The best feature of this reducing aiethod !■ that It la absolutely safe and JUNE 1, 1916. | hearsed the essays with which they will enlighten the big audience this evening. As the last event of their r. school life these same Seniors will tell to-night what should be done in [ Mexico, with Germany, and in many of the other exigencies of internation al, national ano private life. To-morrow they'll start forth to ex r eeute these plans. I Exercises this evening will com mence at 8 o'clock. The High school orchestra will play, and Dr. A. C. Rothermel, principal of the Kutztown Slate Normal school, will be the prin cipal speaker. Child Dies.—Joseph Mlkoni, aged 2, died at tin home of his parents, 208 s Frederick street, this morning. Fu c neral services will be held to-morrow e with the Rev. Anthony Zuvlch, of St. Mary's Catholic church, officiating. Burial will be made in Mt. Calvary " cemetery. i Steelton Personals Mrs. Cora Gruber, of Detroit, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. John Hoopes and daughter Beatrice, of Harrisburg, 11 spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. f W. May, Lincoln street. :1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoy have re - turned to their home in Elmira after e spending a few days with Mrs. Grace s Taylor, Pine street. f Dr. William J. Middletown, Second - and Pine streets, has returned from - Atlantic City. unlike so many flesh reducing: systems, produces no weakening effects. In fact there are those who have tried It who say It almost seemed that they Rained in strength with every pound of excess fat they lost. The use of oil of koreln is intended to eliminate the need of weakening purgatives, sweating processes, dang erous drugs, starvation diets or the various forms of violent exercises which so manv use In a vain effert to reduce flesh. Instead, oil of korein operates In a natural and wholly harmless way to gently reduce the excessive accu mulations of fat wherever they exist on your body while the oxygen you are breathing into your system from the pure out door air *iot only helps the action of the Korein but 1H helpful in preventing a return of Ihe unnatural fat. Tt Is a good plan l to weigh yourself once a week so as to keep close check on what weight you are losing and do not skip s single dose until your weight i Is down to normal. Any druggist can 1 supply you with these capsules, 4 ' BANK ROBBER GETS 10 YEARS i i By .'ljsocialcJ Press ' | Washington, Pa., June 1. Thomas 11 H. Talbot, who last week was convict ■ I ed of robbing the First National Bank, of Houston, Pa., of $16,000, was to day sentenced to serve not more than ten years nor less than eight years in the Western Penitentiary- BANK TEMPER KII.IjS SfcLF By Associated Press Kaston, Pa., June I.—Herbert A. Buss, aged 27, telier of the Second National bank, Nazareth, committed suicide this moraine- by shooting him self through the heart with a revolver in the barn at tho rear of his father's home. No reason is given for the man's act. Yesterday National Bank Examiner Burrows visited the bank, but at the bank it was said nothing was wrong with Buss' accounts. \ HIGH-GRADE LAWN MOWERS i The "Pennsylvania" Is considered ( the best in quality, easy running, I cuts clean and true. We have them !j from $2.75 to $20.00 Sold on a guarantee that counts. SHARPENER for The simplest yet most valuable I little article —puts a perfect edge on the blades and makes an old mower cut like new—just slide it back and forth over the knives. each Brass Fountain Spray Nozzle I Fits on end of hose and makes a •! soft rain-like spray. 25 £ Circular Fountain Lawn Sprinklers , j Throws a beautiful fountain | spray from 4 feet to 20 feet wide. ■ I Attach to end of hose and lay it 11 on lawn. 75<* each ; I It is surprising to see the many , valuable and convenient Uwn and Garden Appliances we have. i! Schell's Seed Store Quality Seeds 1307-1309 Market Street 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers