10 EAT HOLSUM BREAD SCHMIDT'S BAKERY BELT, MOTOR CARS 4-cyllnder "SO," $775 Half-ton delivers- cars, all steel panel top S7BO Flare Board Body $735 XV. J. MARKS, 00 S. Cameron St. Open Territory—Excellent Proposi tion for Dealers. Bell Tel. Bed Phone NlB UuHrd Phone 33 Eby Chemical Co. X'P| Chemists Physicians' Supplies 28 SOUTH FOURTH STREET Afnta to r O. F. Schmld Chemical Co. Gately & Fitzger ald Supply Co. FAMILY CLOTHIERS AM) HOME FURNISHERS 29 to 33 South Second Street Stores In Seventy-four CfttM to the United State* F. R. DOWKBT, TT**. CASH OR CREDIT NORTHEASTERN BOTTLING WORKS On Top Ginger Ale ALL KINDS OF HIGH-GRADE CARBONATED DRINKS DOTII PHONES HARRY S. LUTZ PLUMBING and HEATING 211 BROAD STREET Camp Curtin Dairy 1,. B. SMITH, Propr. PASTEURIZED OH RAIV MILK Delivered Dnily 2«8 DELAWARE STREET Phone: Rrll 1455-.I BRIGHTEN UP THE Ryder Hardware Stores BNTVELY RYDER. Proprietor GLASS, PAINT. OIL AND VARNISH 1218 NORTH THIRD STREET 5 NORTH 13TH STREET Harrisbnrg. Pa. SUMMERDALE PARK DANCING Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings. BUNGALOW AND COTTAGE SITES FOR SALE H. M. HORNER AT PARK PAVILION F. H. Bomgardner Bricklayer nnd Contractor 450 S. SEVENTEENTH ST. HARRISIII RG, PA. Bell Phone ZEDRICK'S BEAUTY SHOP SHAMPOOING, HAIR DRESSING, MANICURING, MASSAGING— WALKER SYSTEM 1101 CAPITAL STREET Phone Cleaning. Pressing, Dyeing and Repairing for Ladles and Gents V. F. SALERNO CUSTOM TAILOR 27 NORTH SECOND STREET ALL WORK GUARANTEED Mac Williams Construction Co. Screen Doors and Window Screens. The Best In the World. 2100 NORTH FIFTH STREET United Phone 18BX Frank J. Harro CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER No. 7 STATE ROAD North Lemoyne Bell—3lD2-B. The • •••A tlVit • • Pennsylvania Steel Company STEELTON, PA. Steel Manufacturers, Fabricators and Erectors lif Builders of the Largest Bridges MONDAY EVENING, Lumber Co. Wa carry the largest stock In the city of all kinds of lumber, mill work, stucco board, wall board and roofing. Estimates furnished on request. North Sixth Street BOTH PHONES AUTO SPRINGS WELDED One year guarantee. We ar« equipped to do forging of any auto parts. Also heavy forging and high class tool work. B. C. MURRAY Forging and Toolmaklng 10 Jonestown Road Near 11th and Market. Bell Phone, 308W EAT YOUR BREAKFAST AT Manhattan Restaurant 317 MARKET STREET and feel right the rest of tlve day. Here you get THE BEST FOR LESS The Perfect Protection Policy Takes care of you In event of sickness; of your family in event of your death, and of your old age with a monthly Income. Sold only by reliable Life Insur ance Company, of Pittsburgh. J. C. SANTA MARIA, General Agent 710-711 Kunkcl Building, Hnrrtsbnrg, Pa. Bell Phonp 813 R W. Y. BRESTEL GENERAL UPHOLSTERER Awnings, Window Shades. Denier and Reftnlshor of Antique Furniture Moving and limiting of All Kinds Picnic and Pleasure Parties a Specialty, DAY OR NIGHT William H. Dare HESIDENCE 1453 VERNON ST. Bell Phone 3517-J. Dr. H. C. Spragg DENTIST 1 N. SECOND STREET HAJUUSBURG, PA. Bell Phone Menger's Surburban Inn CAMP HILL, PA. •Special attention to antolsts. Chicken aud Waffle Supper, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Sunday Dinner, 12.30 to 3 p. m. JOHN N. K. A FRED H. MBNGER Both Phones CLOTHES that leave a fcood Impreiilim wherever you KO, are marie by A. J. SIMMS TAILOR 22 NORTH FOURTH STREET ESTABLISHED 1801 Fisher Bros. Plumbing, llentlng and Tinning 1001-03 Capitol Street Phone 2208 W. L. Dowhouer ELECTRICAL REPAIRING MOTORS A SPECIALTY 21 N. FIFTH STREET Bell Phone i Office, 282-W. Resi dence, 1342-J. Auto Trans. Garage 27-31 N. CAMERON ST. Bell Phone 1710 Fire-proof garage, open day and night. Auto storage, rates reason able. ftUICK REPAIR SERVICE. Bell Phone 2041 ESTIMATES FURNISHED R. J. FLOWERS Registered Plumbing and Steam Heating Jobbing Promptly Attended To 113 SOUTH THIRTEENTH ST. n. F. BARKEB TiOW GOOD Points or HATSKS CARS •The of the old cars that hair« answered the Inquiry of the riajrn«a Automobile Company for the oldest fTaynen cior running In America has served l to Indicate that a well-con structed automobile will run indeflntte :ly with only a reasonable amount of oare," says B. P. Barker, of the Miller ! Auto Company, distributor for the j Haynse "Light Six." "One four-cylinder Haynes ear, that ! lsft the factory in 1909, has run up a j mileage of 300,000, in all sorts of j weather, and In pleasure and passenger aervioe. A comparatively large num j her of the two and four-cylinder cars j have averaged in the neighborhood of 100,000 miles, and in many cases a share of this mileage represents slow going | delivery work and trucking, j "In the Instance of the older two | cylinder automobiles some of which have been running fourteen years or more, it Is very hard to obtain definite figures. The cars were manufactured before reliable speedometers were known or even made. In some instanoes, the speedometers have been removed, particularly after the car had ceased to operate for pleasure purposes. | "These old Haynes cars have been in praotlcally every town and village that American roads reach, crossing deserts, fording rivers, threading mountain trails, pulling through the mud of the plains, as well as seeing lighter service •on streets and boulevards. Only the care with which thay were built can 1 account for their remarkable durabll i ity. | "Revolutionary factory methods, how ever, have enabled manufacturers of better grade automobile* to offer care j fully constructed cars at prices that ; are one-half or one-third the figures of I ten years back. j "Dollar for dollar the automobile ■ buyer gets twice the mileage and many ! times the comfort of his neighbor • Whose purchase is ten or even five years i old."—Advertisement. TII,E PROVES POPI'LiAR FOR USE IX RESIDENCIES Many persons building homes to-day do not feel that the house is complete without the nee of tile In some place or another. Tt was only a few years ago, however, that the only tile work found was around the fireplaces. From here it worked its way to the bathroom tloor, and then to the walls; after a short time people began to use ! the tile floors in the vestibules. Dur ; inx the past few years a great many homes have been equipped with tile j floors and tile base in the kitchens, and j real estate dealers, building to sell, I have found this investment one that brings better prices for the houses and I quicker sales. It is only within the last three years | that the use of tile has become so ex- I tensive in the better class of homes. A 1 contract was started this weke by W. S. Cunkle & Son, the mantle and tile j concern, located at 1 79 North Fifteenth i street, which calls for the floors throughout the first floor of the house with the exception of the kitchen arvd : pantry; the porches are tiled and also | the bathrooms. The Cunkle concern has been rushed with orders during the past month for tile work in some of the finer resi dences that are now being erected, j Some houses require tile on porches and bathroom: others are being | equipped with tile floors in the bath room, lavatory, porch and vestibule; and several stores are having the en trance laid with mosaic tile with the owner's name inserted. Taken all to gether, it shows that tile is cotning ; more into general use every day. and ! if you are contemplating building or I making alterations it might be well to I call on W. S. Cunkle & Son for sugges tions in this line.—Advertisement. C. B. Care Real Estate and Insurance 409 MARKET ST. HAKRISBI RG. PA. Care's Grocery, I.IXGLESTOWS, PA. Bell Phone 1704 V lilted Phone 883-Y John H. Gates Coal Co. WHOV.ESALE AND RETAIL COAL AND WOOD OFFICE! 10TH HKI.OW MARKET THE Royal Laundry Formerly the Imperial V.aumlry KLEMM & JONES Proprietor* 1344-1854 HOW ARD STREET Moth I'honea David W. Fisher SHEET METAL WORKER 1340 North Third Street BELI, PHONE Atticks & Atticks RAKERS OF Good Pies and Cakes 217 BROAD ST. Roth Phone* I. R. Lyme Plumbing and Heating Harrisburg, Pa. L. H. Parthemore Pianos and Player-Pianos 712 North Third Street Crown Optical Co. 210 MIRTH THIRD STREET SECOND FLOOR HARRISBURG, PA. See Ua For First Clans Work at Reaaonahle Prteea HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A (WORK THAT REPRESENTS ITS WARES TO BE JUST WHAT THEY ARE j A little stain and varnish on some ! kinds of furniture covers a multitude of shortcomings in the builder. Two! pieces that quite closely resemble each ! other in general apppearance ma" be j widely distinct in real worth, cost'and | value. Both kinds are always sold at j the furniture store of Mr. A. Gerber. | located at 424 Reily street, but no bujer need fear being imposed upon by having the poorer article offered him when he thinks he is buying ihe! best. ' j Mr. Gerber says that this is the! .strongest element in the success of his 1 business integrity—honor between : j seller and buyer. He says that he i | likes to carry all grades of furniture j | in stock for the reason that he does I business with all classes of people and j where one person may be interested in j old, rare and valuable pieces of ma- j | hogany, another customer may prob- i ably want a piece of finely polished I birch, mahogany finished, as very few | people can tell the difference. In such other lines as curtains, rugs, 1 pictures, etc., Mr. Gerber keeps a good I deal larger stock than the wants of the community, but he finds that il ! pays, for some people in furnishing a ; | home prefer to select from several | j different models as well as prices ol ! | furniture, and he is always stocked up ! so as to take, carc of all of them. If j | you are thinking of purchasing any- j [thing in the furniture line it would! | pay you to look over the large stock at the Gerber store and get his prices I before purchasing elsewhere. —Adver- i j tisement. FRENCH CLEANING MATERIAL AGAIN BEING SHIPPED] The West End Clothing House con-| ducted by Messrs. Flowers and Freid | man at 1527 North Third street states; jtliat when the war broke out in En- j I rope that the dyeing and cleaning de-j I partment of their business was at a i standstill on account of not being ablel !to obtain material, the process they I use is the real Parisian process and the cleaning had to be imported. They now desire to inform the pub lic that, they have been successful in procuring a shipment of this material | and are now able to turn out the samej high class work that has made this branch of their business grow so rap | idly. Although the price of this ma ! terial is considerable higher they have [not raised the prices of their work. Mr. Freidman, the manager, says |that although they have been very ] busy in the dyeing and cleaning de | partment that they are handling a j large amount of business in their tail oring department, in this department j j t hey do both ladles' and men's tailor; j work as well as made to order cloth | ing. They expect to add to their line j ; soon a complete stock of ready-to-1 | wear men's clothes, haberdasher? , etc., j and on account of tho low overhead 'expense of this establishment, will be , able to sell at a large saving to the purchaser anything in this line. If ; you have not already purchased your Spring outfit stop in and have a visit | with Mr. Freidman and let him ex- j i plain to you why he is able to save j you so much money on your purchases | at this store.—Advertisement. NEW SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT ADDED Sportsmen of HarrisburVr and vicinity ! will be glad to hear that the firm of j Cohen & Son. located at 431 Market street, have opened a new department especially for sporting goods under the management of Alexander Ka-ssnar. j wtth the most complete stock of sup plies for the sportsman in this vicinity. The firm of Cohen & Son has been in business in Harrisburg over twenty five years and is well known all over Central Pennsylvania. The new department will be run un der the most solid business principles and the magnitude and variety of sportsmen's supplies to be round in stock will not be found at any other store of its kind in this vicinity or out side of the larger cities. The stock already consists of the latest and best lines of guns, revolvers, ammunition, bicycles, fishing tackle of every kind and description, as well as a most complete stock of baseball and tennis supplies. Anything that could be found in the sporting goods de partments in larger cities can now be bought at this store and at popular prices. Sportsmen are invited to call and inspect this new department and get acquainted with the new manage ment,—Advertisement. F. H. HANTZMAN Manufacturer of and Dealer In All Kinds of Lumber and Building Material Yard—Cor. BrlfCK" and Cowilen St*. Sole Afcency for Cornell Wall Hoard —always In stock. ORDERS PROMPTLY I'll.I,El) J. F. Barnhardt & Co. Contractors and Builders HARRISRVRG. PA. William S. Cunkle Geo.T. Cunkle W. S. Cunkle & Son Contractors For FLOOR AND WALL TILES, INTERIOR MARBLE AND SLATE Corner State ami Cnmeron Sta. Residence, 179 N. Fifteenth St. Hell Phone HSI-I, GOLD, SILVER, NICKEL Plating Polishing;, Reltnlshing Etc., of All Metal Goods THE NUSS MFG. CO. 11TH AND MULBERRY STS. M. Capin, Tailor I.adlea* and Men'.* Garment* Made to Order. HciiHidcllnK. It< pairing. Cleaning and PreMMliiK* 1430 N. SIXTH ST. Bell Phone 348-M Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Bell Phone 3^'3S-W A. E. Gettys CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Concrete Work of All Kinds 234 MACLAY STREET All Work Strletly First Clnss Bell Phone 27?K D. M. Zeigier CARPETS, LINOLEUMS AND WINDOW SHADES General Upholstering a Specialty. 110 SOUTH SECOND STREET TAJI/OHIXt; BUSINESS Bl ILT UPON A SOUND POLICY Fred S. the merchant tailor ] located at 26, 28 and 30 North | Dewberry street, this city, enjoys the | confidence and patronage of a very j large number of the businessmen of ; the city of Harrisburg and vicinity.! This confidence is founded upon a bus iness policy that never falls if it is at ; the same time combined with a thor-j ough knowledge of tlie particular re-' quirements of the trade. When Mr. j Lack first started in business, he de- j termlned that in his stock would al- j ways be found the best and latest pat-| terns he could possibly secure, and with tailoring, reasonable prices and; perfect fit and satisfaction guaranteed j he felt sure that he would be able to build up a good business. As a result of this policy Air. Lack has made many customers who never think of looking! elsewhere for anything in his line,] knowing they will always get full value for tlieir money and will lie told only I the truth regarding anvthing pur chased at this store. Through a constant reaching out for! more extended purchasing fields and a 1 wider range of home trade. Sir. hack's business has made great strides. To this end he has secured entire control of certain special patterns, as well as purchasing suit patterns direct from | the mills, an advantage that accrues to j the benefit of the customer, as well as| to himself. Not only this, but he im-j ports direct from Europe in large quantities instead of taking their for-j eign-madc goods from wholesalers in j this country. These facts have given! Mr. Lack a standing and reputation of' which he is justly proud. Mr. Lack is a tailor of experience j anil his motto is perfect satisfaction or, ino pay, which is an absolute assurance! to the customer. If you are contem-1 ! plating purchasing a new suit or top i coat it will surely pay you to stop in and have a chat with Mr. Lack and! have him show you his latest patterns before placing your order. —Advertise- ment. STIIjIj a good job Chauffeur!ns; One of Best All-Around I Positions for Ordinary Man Here is proof that there is a greater ! demand for chauffeurs now than ever before—it Is proof that S3O a week is the average salary. The following ap peared in the September issue of Motor : I'rint, a magazine devoted to auto- [ mobiling. We don't ask you to take ! I our word when we say there are now i not half enough trained chauffeurs to go around. Read below what Motor Print says—then send us your appli cation and let us help you to get one of i these good jobs. Mr. Kelt on, 27-29-31 i Xorth Cameron street, this city, trains! and places a great, many chauffeurs. : The demand for competent chauffeurs j : continues unabated, and the average I price for the labor of these men is 1 I about the same as it has been for the I last three or four years. A good driver gets on the average $l2O a month fori his work. There are men who get as ; low as sl6 or $lB a week and others! who are paid anywhere from S4O to SSO a week, but the average in the cities is nearer S3O a week. Men who claim to know say that no owner can expect to pay less than sl2 5 per month for a really good man. A capable and industrious chauffeur can save a great deal of money for his em ployer. A man who is salaried high enough to take a keen interest in his work will look out for things and will keep a car in such condition that ex penses of running it are bound to be less. It is not exactly reasonable from the i standpoint of the chauffeur for an owner to expect to get an experienced driver and mechanic, the latter point being the more important, for any thing less than S3O a week. In New York some taxlcab com panies pay men a fixed salary by the week and they eke this out with "their tips. One company, for instance, gives its men $17.50 a week and the lucky ones with tips of $1.25 to $1.50 a day get more than $25 per week most of the time. There is a consistent and ' steady demand for honest, and able men in the taxicab line. The companies find a great deal of difficulty in getting enough honest men for the work.—Advertisement. ■wgfy Safety First USE OUR Pasteurized MILK—It Is Safe We wish to assure all our cus tomers that they need have no un easiness as to the safety of our Milk, Cream or Buttermilk. Watch for the Health Department reports, and see our low Bacteria count. Penna. Milk Products Co. 2112 ATI. AS AVE}. Iloth K'liuncH. Gross Drug Store 119 MARKET ST. Special care given Prescription work. Well selected Toilet Ar ticles and general drug line. ROSS O'BRINE IWUIBTEHGD PLUMBING AND HEATING Work Promptly Attended to Satisfaction Assured 137 PAXTON STREET Ilell Phone Bell Dental Parlor 10 NORTH MARKET SQUARE High Grade Dentlatry. Popular l*r|een Full Set of Teeth, $5 Up Open Evening* Keenev & Simmons NEW CUMBERLAND, PA. Cumberland and York County Farms and Homes For Sale Fire and Auto Insurance Dell phone 300311. I lilted Tel. Ml-J A. GERBER FURNITURE CO. FURNITURE. CAII PETS AND LIMII CI MS 424 REILY STREET Bell Phone 2281-W. MAY 22, 1916/ ®tSB" Geo. P. Tillotson C, A. FAIR CnrrlnKf nnd Auto Work* L. C. Smith A Bros. Typewriter Co. East End Mulberry Street Bridge fr 211 l.«cn»» x Street HARRISBURG, PA. Machines renteil. repaired. Auto, Topi, Bodies anil Painting Some Traded Machine* For Jinle. "First Claw* Work Our Motto." Miller Auto Co SMALL LOANS We lend money in amounts from DISTRIBUTORS OF $5.00 to $300.00 and arrange pay- H ments to suit borrowers' eon « irn r> IL< n. «-■ venience. Business confidential, dy 11 ® VJUIS lowest rate In city. Licensed, bond „ tt r, „ <*d and incorporated. SOUTH CAMERON ST. I'ENNSYI.VAMA INVESTMENT CO. ia - WAl.mt sr. PHOTOGRAPHY I N AII its BRANCHES Harrisburg Typewriter and J. H. KELLBERG Supply Company PHOTOGRAPHER Typewriters. Repairs and Supplies. 302 MARKET STREET CORONA AGENCI Bell Phone 1158-R « NORTH COURT STREET E. C. SNYDER SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Troup Bulldlnu 1.% s. Market So LIMBER YARI) AND PLAINING ' , Mlll ' Day and Night School 18TH AND HOLLY STS. La, , Stenographic ,!1 Iloth Phonm Bell IHT» i'uiiiberlhntl 249-Y JOHN C. ORR H. A. GABLE SURETY BONDS A N't) . • FIRE INSURANCE BUILDERS SUPPLIES 228 MARKET STREET 113-115-1 IT SOUTH SECOND ST I Phone 034 . , Telephones—Bell 1225-M| United 432 Public Accountant nnd Auditor Bell Phone 3071-J. I C HARRISBURG PATTERN J. onumberger AND MODEL WORKS UNION TRUST BUILDING SYSTEMS Pattern*. Models, Hand Ralli, Stairs AUDITING and all kind* of Wood Jobbing; STATEMENTS PREPARED 28-34 N. CAMERON STREET IUPa REFRIGERATORS SJjgni.lfl Three-door side icer, in white enamel, capacly 10n I lilt pounds; city price. $22: our price, litis. Other refrigcr |||{ ators from #l2 to *3B. Ice chests, *5 to *lO. ™i M. A. HOFF L/~ Fourth nuil Bridge Sts. New Cumberland, Pa. F. W. REUWER W. H. SNOOK Plumhlufc and Steam Heating fj r All Work (Guaranteed One Year. KOOilllff 208 MUENCH STREET S Bell Phone 33311 332-334 KELKER ST. THE WORDEN PAINT . , \ 0 c AND ROOFING COMPANY JOIUI tSIaCK OC OOtlS* H. M. P. A 1.. 11. WORDEX, Proprs. 201 S. Seventeenth Street SLAG, si. ATK AM) TILK HOOFS. Motor Truck Hauling nf All DAMP AM) WATER PROOFING, ivioior ± TULK naunng OI All PAINTS AND ROOFERS' SUPPLIES Kinds HARRISBURG. PA. Bell Phone 230SM HAGEHSTOWN. MP. rpi Bell Phone 57.*»-J 1 * le Walker L. Owen&Company Art Embroidery Shop HOT J r STOVES AND R ANtiES 1208 N. 3rd St. *-«»■«•»« STT HIT GEORGE F. SHOPE . Harper Myers THE HILL TAILOR Undertaking and Furniture Out of the high-rent district. 5- 0 cent street car ride saves you from 43-45 East Main Street * 3 to * 5 on ever y : ui t- MECHANICSBURG, PA. 124?' M STREET to UMMER will soon be here and your boy will want to OX*r'ej play out of doors. .DX UdW O Our new line of WASH SUITS are ■*"» a f\y WITH I 'R AA[ CO O IOR r \ IIA - Rotary Cleanser terials, turned seams. „ THE ,'.W I ?, EP NEAT" MANUFACTLRED HY line, "Made Just a Little Better Than ought to i* ec /e"f r be" Gohl, Bruaw & Co. fore you buy. JENNINGS' 310 STRAWBERRY ST., MFG. CO. HARRISBURG. PA. H VHIIISBI Rli, PA. ELITE SHOE REPAIR Fu n.T d ~ lomcn t ook,ni SHQi- Uickert s Dining Room The niont modern repair shop In the THEO. K. MURRAY, Prop. cl t , SlM,ea called for and delivered. MKAI , TICK ETS. *3.80 14 S. DEWBERRY ST. at MEAL TICKETS, »R,.OT> Opp. Bowman's. Bell Phone 35m 113 MARKET STREET Established l-H-HS Bell Phone FRED S. LACK COHEN'S —— Sporting Goods Department MERCHANT TAILOR ALEXANDER KASSNAK. MGR. ,nnn K C. 431 MARKET STREET 26-28-30 Dewberry Street Sporting tjoods, Bicycles, Fishing Tackle. Fire Arm». Ammunition. Hla Horae ran away, the carriage tipaet and he was seriously Injured. THIS MAY HAPPEN TO YOU THE GENERAL ACCIDENT, FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE CORP., Ltd. OF PERTH, SCOTLAND ISAAC MILLER, Genernl Agent Room 1101, Kunkel Bids., THIRD AND MARKET STS. Bell Phone 131« HARRISBURG, PA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK T Capital. $100,000.00 Surplus. $500,000.00 One of the Oldest and Strongest Banks In Central Penna. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS 224 MARKET ST. Standard Baking Co. MAKERS OF STANDARD BREAD, 5c NEW ERA BREAD, 10c Ask Your Grocer For These Popular Brands
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers