|Convert Useless Fnrnitiirc Into Ready Cash Throngh The Want Aljjj ©eatbs IE II UK Itll.l. —On Monday. -May 2 2[ 1:♦ 16. Charles H. Brackblll. aged 3J years, 1 month anil 15 days Kuneral on Thursday afternoon, at - o'clock, from his late residence, 1818 Hons street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without lurthei notice. HI MRS Oil May 20. 1916, Miss Sadie .1. Humes, aged 60 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the services on Tuesday af ternoon. at 3 o'clock, from the resi dence of her sister. Mrs. W. H. tinier, .2-117 N'orth Sixth street. Burial Har •risburg Cemetery. SMITH —On May 20, 1916, Harry M. ] Smith, aged 59 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the services on Tuesday after noon. at 1:30 o'clock, from his late residence, 640 Boyd avenue. Burial East Harrisburg Cemetery. ' = Card of Thanks MR. AND AIRS. JAMES S. GARDNER, isifi North Front street, wish to thank their neighbors and friends for tne niank tokens of sympathy and kindness >hown them during the Illness ana death of their son. Kenneth. Lost and Found LOST Between Harrisburg I and Washington, D. C., leather 1 hatbox with two hats and one cap; one Panama, one Fedora and cap. "B. Penrose" on box. Return if found to City Garage. LOST—A pair of eyeglasses and case, between Fourteenth and Walnut and Fourth and Market. Reward If return' i-d to Cenlra 1 Book Store. 329 Market. Help Wanted —Male WANTED Boy for light deliverv. one who can ride wheel. Apply 1838 / North Sixth. I WANTED Painters. Apply to Gohl j and Brume, 310 Strawberry street. WANTED Office assistant. who \ thoroughly understands bookkeeping and can operate typewriter. Address J.. ' 4079, care of Telegraph. ARMV OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Able'oodied, unmar ried men between ages of 18 and 35: citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building. Jd & Market Sts.. Harrisburg, Pa. WE want Tool Makers, Gauge Makers and Bench Hands. Physical Examination. Standard Wages. Permanent work. No Labor Trouble. Plenty of houses and rooms for rent in the vicinity. Write for an application blank. If you are experienced as a first-class hand, we will write for you to call, and if fiven work pay your railroad are in your second week's pay. Reply to J. P. M.. P. O. Box 1606, Philadelphia, Pa. TAILOR WANTED Experienced all around man. Must be sober workman, j John l/.anoff, 180 North Front street, | Steelton. TWO AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS- Good salary to right party. Call at onjf. Auto Transportation Exchange, 27-?!' North Cameron street. ONE MAN to work around garage; chance to learn a profitable trade: no salary. Auto Transportation School jnd ilarage, 27-29 North Cameron street. MAN WANTED Who understands i . pairing pool tables. Apply Dive Wire Exchange, loox North Third street. WANTED All around man for cas ket covering, trimming, etc. Also two or three good men for building casket shells and general wood shop work. Address Box B. 5004, care of Telegraph. WANTED First-class outside cut lers on Ladies' shoes. I'tz & Dunn Co., S7 Canal -treet, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Boys over 16. Apply Devine & Yungel Shoe Manufacturing Company. Sixteenth and State streets. WANTED Boy, 16 or 17 years old. for general work in grocery store. Only willing workers need apply. Charles and Company, 412 Woodbine street. MACHINISTS Jones and Lamson. Biaholt, Brass Fox Lathe. Bullard Ver tical Boring Mill. Hand Screw Machine, New Britain, and Libby Operators. Also lirst-class Bearing Scrapers. Good wages. Steady work. Good working conditions. International Motor Co., Plainlield. N. J. WANTED Young man to work In grocery store. Permanent position. Ap ply Herr and Wallace streets. WANTED 4O able-bodied men between 21 and 40 years of age for piece work. White or iolored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED By large electrical manufacturing concern, high-grade machinists to operate large machine tools (16 to 20 ft. Boring Mills, 6 ft. Lathes, 10 ft. Planers, etc.). Corres nondence solicited with high-grade men with view to permanent connection. Address I. X. L. 5001, care of Harrls burg Telegraph Office. WANTED A young man as travel ing- salesman, to sell an established line if goods on salary and expense bases. A man with some experience in hard ware or mill and mine supply lines preferred. State age, lines sold, if any, uiri salary c-iqjeeted. Address J. M., ">OO2, care of Telegraph. WANTED. AT ONCE Several flrst- CIBSS mechanical draftsmen, checkers md designers, of not less than five years' experience. Those having ex perience on steel plant work, gas pro ducer installations, bv-pro<iuct coke plants and refractory plants preferred. Location Pittsburgh district, steel mill in town of 12,000 population. Good sal aries to competent men. Give experi ence In detail, age, nationalitv, salary expected and earliest date that you could report. Address Box A, 4209, care of Telegraph. | REAL KSTATE FOR SALF : Special Bargain 12235 Jefferson St. ? Two-storv brick dwelling—seven I rooms bath furnace gas J cemented cellar front porch. Lot 115x100. I l very nlennant little home that s^iill he sold at a reasonable prlee. | Ml LLER BROTHERS & CO. j HEAL, ESTATE f Insurance Surety n<inds Locust and Court Streets MONDAY EVENING, llelp Wanted —Male WANTED—Experienced gent's fur nishings salesman. Steelton Store Co., Ltd., steelton. Pa. WANTED A good, white house man willing to go to the country. Ap ply 107 North Front street. WANTED Ten good car penters. Steady work for the season. Apply Room 15, Harris burg National Bank building, No. 14 South Market Square. WANTED YOUNG MEN to learn I to become practical chauffeurs. We ! give our unlimited course for SSO, easy | psyrnents, and guarantee 30c per hour las soon as competent. We have 30 cars |to overhaul during the Spring. AUTO I TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL 25-27-29 1 North Cameron street. I i Help Wanted—Female WANTED White girl to do general housework; no washing; family of two. Apply 1531 Green street. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; family of three; I good wages; 110 preference as to color; i must sleep at home; reference required. 1 Address Box 4, Maclay Street Post j Office. ! WANTED A diningroom girl and dish washer; good wages to right par \ ties. Apply 1102 North Third street. WANTED Refined lady; chairtable proposition; good pay; steady work. Ad dress R.. 4169, care of Telegraph Office. WANTED Experienced sewing-ma chine operators, trimmers and learn ers, to work on women's and children's ; wear. Harrlsburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry. 414-416 State stree., J rear entrance. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers and 1 typists assisted in securing office em ployment without charge or obligation: register to-day with our Employment ! Department. The Office Training j School. 4 South Market Square. | WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har | risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, j Harrlsburg, Pa. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. Help Wanted— Male and Female WANTED—We have openings tor 12 more bright girls and boys. Apply Silk Mill, Corner North j and Second streets. Situations Wanted —Male WANTED By young man, with ; two years' experience, position as plumber's apprentice; willing worker; ; can furnish reference. Address G. K., I <173, "care of Telegraph. WANTED Clerical position; can furnish best of reference. Address K„ 4172, care of Telegraph. WANTED Boy 16 years of age, j wishes position as errand boy. Apply [IMS Wallaee. " A PRACTICAL business man, with years of experience in of fice management, handling of men, superintendeticy, etc., seeks connection with a local I business house. Age 44. Mar ried. Best of references. May we talk It over? Address, in confidence. Box R„ 8010, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position wanted by I young man, with three years' experi ence as manager of confectionery and soda fountain; also assistant in drug department. State wages and hours. No Sunday work. Can furnish best of references. Address V., 4168, care of ] Telegraph. Situations Wanted—Female ! WANTED Day's work of any kind I from 8 o'clock to 5 o'clock. Address 315 South Second street, Steelton. WANTED By reliable colored wo man, washing and ironing to do at : home. First Floor, 343 Muench street. WANTED Colored woman desires laundry work to do at home or by the day. Apply 1248 Monroe street. ! NURSE Colored, with hospital ex perience. will take full charge of in- I valid or infant, in or out of city. Ad | dress T., 4170. care of Telegraph. | WANTED Woman desires place as [housekeeper for widower. Address A. P.. 21 South Thirteenth street. Real Estate For Sale ' j FOR SAL. Four lots. 40x1 35 ft: foundation, cellars cemented, drilled ' i well and force pump, chickenhouse, and leverything complete to sit bungalow on. IPrice, $500,00. Five minutes' walk from Progress trolley. Apply ('. L Sample, Mt. Pleasant Hotel, Eleventh and Mar- I ket streets. ! FOR SALE Lot. 45x100, located on south side of Market Street near Twentieth street. Price. J3.750.00. I Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut | Streets. 1 EVERGREEN STREET PROPERTY FOR SAI,E Mo. 131 Now vacant — all Improvements. Key at our office. I Price most reasonable. Do not delay if you are interested. Bell Realty Co., ! Bergner Building. I THREE-STORY brick house, No. 433 Harris Street, for sale !> rooms—gas —furnace; this property can be bought at a reasonable price. Bell Realty Co., i Bergner Building. LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk i wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. front up to one-half acre plots sewer water gas—electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c trolley. Keeney & Simmons, Agents. FOR SALE Desirable suburban [lots and homes. Prices low. Limited time. Cummings, 905 Kunkel Build- I Ing. TOR SALE I -943 Rudy street . $1,200 916 South Twenty-first street.. i JOHN C. ORR, 222 Mr.rket Street. I SIXTH ST., 804 Three-story brick house; large rooms; all improvements; I lot, 20x113 to paved alley; Inspect chis property. Price and particulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE - Beautiful, new two* and-a-half-storv brick residence in on# i of the finest locations In the city. 1001 North Seventeenth street. Corner lot. <oxl2o feet Eight rooms and attic. Ilall through center. All improvements Fine lav/ii and shrubbery. Sold on easy | terms. Inquire of J. A. Slngmaster. Gettysburg, Pa. FOR BALE Two-story slate roof stone and brick dwelling, 7 rooms, bath, j 7-foot porch two sides, frame barn and outbuildings. Dot about 3 acres. Two wells. Quantity of all kinds of fruit. Will sell or trade for suburban prop erty. Two miles from Dillsburg. Ira • L Heikes Agency, Dillsburg, Pa. Real Estate For Sale I FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder, inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. FOR SALE 1607 Market Street, 8- story brick dwelling. 10 rooms and bath, electric lights, gas, tront uiid rear porches, furnace, cement cellar. Price, $4,500.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut. fOR SALE 2lll Moore Street, 3- story frame dwelling, 8 rooms and bath, gas, furnace, rear porch and bal cony. Price, $2,100.00. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Walr.ut. FOR SALE House No. 1831 North Sixth street; 9 rooms with bath; tiled vestibule and bathroom; combination fixtures; cement porch, pavements, cel lar and yard; toilet, gas range and sta tionary tub in cellar. An Inspection wanted. Apply George W. Orth. 1831 North Sixth street. FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM of 30 acres. Cumberland County good build ings; largo orchard; running water. Price. SI,BOO. 11. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. IF you want a good home, conveni ently located to town, inspect 340 Cres cent Street; 8 rooms; bath; side en trance. Price, $3,250. H. G. Pedlow. 110 South Thirteenth street. PRETTY HOME, Camp Hill, half minute to trolley; lawn; 15 grape vines, 12 varieties; 5 kinds peaches; 5 kinds cherries; music room, library, reception hall, diningroom. large kitchen on first floor, with expensive wall paper on same. Four large bedrooms, one bath, one large linen room with built-in drawers; dry and cool cellar in all sea sons; 2-wav stairway to second floor. Large balcony. l»arge, commodious front porch. Garage on rear of lot for two autos; concrete floor. Price very low. Reason for selling-, illness of wife. Cummings, Kunkel Building. ENOLA LOTS Fifteen-minute trolley service; beautiful sites with river view: lots, $lO per front foot; easy terms. Walter H. Cummings, 905 Kun kel iMiilding FOR SALE Home, and shop on rear of lot; monthly rentals, $25.00; special price for to-day only, $2,750.00; re quires only $750 cash, balance first mortgage. 905 Kunkel Building. FOR SALE 2029 PENN STREET I am Instructed to reduce the price of tills 3-story brick dwelling, 9 rooms, bath, all improvements, in order to make a quick sale. A real bargain at $2,500. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Build ing FOR SALE The gardenspot of the beautiful Susquehanna. Most desirably located near Rockville. Buildings for residence and help. About 325 feet river frontage, just at the right place. Everything right, including prices—and terms easy. Sorry all your life if you let this get away. Particulars upon request. Rettew and Bushnell, 1000 North Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. i IDEAL SUMMER HOME can be bought privately—property of late Wil liam I. Prothero, in Oliver township. Perry county, lying along N„ S. V. R. R. Private load, good condition, leading Into Newport, about half mile drive. ! Seven acres and 76 perches, containing : S-room house, pumphouse. good cellar land attic, necessary outbuildings and .stable. Productive soil, goodly number I of bearing fruit trees and grapes. Ideal ; for chicken farm. Consult Frances McMillan, Agent, Newport, Perry Co., Pa. j DILLSBURG Two-story frome ' building. 24 ft. by 55 ft, with addition, j Equipped with 50-H.-P. Tubular Boiler and Engine in good condition. Line shaft and pulleys. Suitable for manu facturing. Exceptional location for auto repair shop. Lot 85 ft. by 198 ft. ! Price, $2,250.00. Ira L Heikes Agency, Dillsburg, Pa. THE NEW BUNGALOW An entirely new type of Bungalow Houses now being built on Fifth 1 street. This particular type of house has never been built in this city and : ofTers many new advantages In Bun galow architecture in Ideal Houses. Semi-brick and Kellastone construction; slate roofs; tile porches (Engiisn); dust proof cellars, laundry, parquet floors; new system of plumbing: scien tific lighting; using only solid brass and silver fixtures; quar tered oak and African Circa sian walnut Sterling laminated flush doors (the finest made door in the world). Houses Fully Equipped Built Under Personal Supervision. Price. J5,500.00. I Mac WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO., Designers and Builders. I 2105 N. sth Street. Harrlsburg. Real Estate For Rent i FOR RENT A large furnished cot tage at Perdix; will rent for week-end, week, month or for the season. Call Bell phone 2205. FOR RENT That beautiful resi dence, 2202 North Third street. Pos session June 1. Apply Room 2, 36 North Third street. Call Bell phone 218. FOR RENT 2807 Camby street, Penbrook: all improvements; immedi ate possession. Rent. $14.00. A. W. Swengel, 219 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT OR SALE—A 16-room house, all improvements, large lawn with stable on rear, located corner Paxtang avenue and Derry street, at Paxtang. Inquire of A. H. Bailey, Eureka Wagon Works, 614-616-618 North street, Harrlsburg. FOR RENT No. 1713 Revere Street and gar age $25.00 No. 1500 Walnut Street 25.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT FURNISHED BUNGALOW AT COVE STATION Six rooms bay window —large porches. Lot. 200x140 ft—s4o. Miller Brother & Co., Bell phone 1595. FOR RENT Six-room cottage at Fort Hunter, Pa.; nice location; near post office, store, steam cars and trol ley; good bathing and boating. F. H. Davis, Fort Hunter. Pa. Real Estate For Sale or Exchange SALE OR EXCHANGE Five ad joining corner lots, each 25x125 ft.. Pleasantvllle, N. J. Will sell or ex change for automobile. Sale price, $650. Harry A. Colestock, 1237 Chest nut street, Harrisburg, Pa. Hell 8636 J. Real Estate For Sale or Rent LARGE 2-story brick building, first floor storeroom and second floor hall; located corner of Rossmoyne and Her man avenues. Apply West Shore Real ty Co.. Baer & Rice, Lemoyne Trust Co. Building. Lemoyne, Pa., Bell phone 3198-J. Farms VAUGHN Very beautiful. healthful suburb along the "L" trolley; lots 100x175 feet; fertile ground, enough for vegetables and chickens; price only $169; easy pay ments; see these lots. C. B. CARE Care's Grocery. Llnglestown, Pa., or 109 Market street. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Farms HUNTER'S RUN 4 acres, new 8- room bungalow, other buildings for summer home, close to station and store; telephone In house Immediate posslon price only $1,450, easy pay ments. C. B. CARE Care's Grocery, Llnglestown, Pa., or 409 Market street. Apartments For Rent FOR RENT A suite of six rooms and bath, In Riverside Apartments, 1909 North Front street; immediate posses sion. Apply Commonwealth Trust Company. FOR RENT Small, up-to-date fur nished apartment, on second floor, with privilege of additional finely furnished room if desired. Call 1317 State street. Bell phone 3594 J. N. SECOND ST.. 34 The Young Apartments. For adults only. Six rooms, bath, kitchen, bay window fac ing Second street; newly decorated, well kept; an opportunity for particular peo ple in a splendid and exceptionally good and convenient location. Special induce ment and rent reduction for summer months. Apply to A. C. Young, 26 North Third street. FIRST-CLASS APARTMENT, large bay windows and front porch; 5 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, and all latest conveniences; located corner Sixth and Kelker streets. Apply, L. Silbert, 1742 North Sixth street, Bell phone 3713-W. CENTRALLY LOCATED, daylight apartment. Second and Walnut streets, second floor. Belvedere Apartment build ing, 4 rooms and bath all fronting on Second or Walnut streets, bay windows on both streets. Refrigerator, gas stoVe, hot water heater. Rent in cludes city steam. Immediate posses sion. Apply. Jacob Tausigs Sons, Jew elers. 420 Market street. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, in good, central location; also furnished suite after May 30. Apply 324 North Second street. City. FOR RENT Two large third floor rooms, furnished for light housekeep ing: no children. Apply 255 Briggs street. ROOMS FOR RENT at 208 South street; all conveniences; also flat. Ap ply 208 South street. FOR RENT Newly-furnished front room, all conveniences, for one or two gentlemen. 512 North Second. FOURTH ST.. N. 11—Newly furnisned room for rent; use of Bell phone. In quire at Paul's Shoe Store, or entrance. FOR RENT Large front room, with Bay window: all conveniences. Inquire Filth and Alarket streets. Hoffman Apr.rtments. second apartment. FOR RENT Bedroom, with use of kitchen, in private family. Very rea sonable. Apply 1628 North Fifth street. FOR RENT Two or three very nice unfurnished rooms, with all improve ments. Corner property. Apply 560 i Camp street. j FOR RENT Nicely furnished i room, electric lights, private family, i $1.50 per week. Address 1610 Chest . nut. j FOR RENT Newly-furnished room 'for gentleman; very attractive rates for j summer months. Meals If desired. Also ja room by June 1. Apply 426 North street. FOR RENT Very desirable rooms, beautifully furnished, some with hot and cold running water in room. Terms ! reasonable. Apply 801 North Sixth street. FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms for rent; all conveniences; rent reason able. Apply 1526 Naudain street. FOR RENT Large, well-furnished second floor front room; gentlemen only; all conveniences and use of phone, j Apply 813 Nortli Second street FOR RENV Parlor and adjoining i bedroom, furnished complete, for two ! gentlemen; use of Bell phone. Address , 719 North Sixth street. Board and Rooms ! ROOMS FOR RENT—AIso special 2oc meals. The Home Dining Room. 123 | Sounth Second street city. I- - ~ For Sale —Miscellaneous UNITED STATES ARMY hats, shoes and coals. Bargain prices. Ail sizes. Rest kind of material for workingmen. Money back if not satisfied. S. Meltzer, 513 Walnut street. FOR SALE Water motor in good condition, suitable for operating Pipe Organ or similar machinery. C. Syl vester Jackson, 402 Telegraph Building. : Bell phone I 11. FOR ,>ALE First-class confection j ery store; established business. Reason i for selling, illness. Apply 143 North ! Front street. Steelton, Pa. j HARRIS BURG'S Old Book Store: 10,- 000 volumes in stock on all subjects. We ' buy and sell. Aurand's Book Store, 913 | North Third street. ; FOR SALE 1915 Indian motorcycle, i two-speed, twin cylinder, full electric 1 equipped." in A 1 condition. Will sell for $215.00. Electric coffee mill, $60.00. ln | quire 1512 North street. ! FOR RENT Typewriters bought, sold or rented. Harrlsburg Typewriter and Supplv Co., 40 North Court street. BICYCLE RIDERS—LiIt your stolen I wheels with us: we will "help you get I them. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North i Third street. Bell phone 385 R. i Mr. Motorcycle Owner—lf you have a I motorcycle for sale, let us buy it or i sell it for you. Quick sale, reasonable I rates. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North 1 Third street. Bell phone 385 R. , FOR SALE Solid cherry wood office ! partition. Inquire 1310 North Third street, or Bell phone 21 V J. PLANTS AND FLOWERS GERANIUMS and Pansies. Spruce Glen Greenhouse, Eighteenth and Herr streets. Bell phone 1420 W. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street, Lawn Fence, Field Fence. Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware. Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board, Compo-Board, Doors, Sash, Shutters. Mouldings, Porch Posts, etc. FOR SALE 1912 Indian motorcycle; rebuilt; line shape; new tires, horn, tandem, Presto and lamp. A big bar gain and an A 1 machine throughout. Easy terms. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 R. SCREENS Before you order your screens give us a chance to show you a solid screen with a screw adjustment. Phone 4037 J. M. W. Waiters, 521 South Fourteenth street, City. TOR SALE—AII plate glass outside vestibule show case, suitable for cloth ing and fnriiisiiine- store. Price right. Apply at once. A. J. Lehrman, 37 South Front street. Steelton. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at th» Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Good range, with water back. Good condition. Call at 606 North Sixteenth street. FOR SALE All the counters, shelv ing?, stools and tables from Cook's De partment Store. 308 Market street. Na tional Cash Register and mlrrora. Bought by S. Meltzer, 613 Walnut street. Bell phone 282 J. ROOMS FOR KENT CARDS can be secured at tbe Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE One sorrel mare. 11 I years old; weighs 1,450; also two i wagont, one open and one delivery. Call i Bell phone 7SIJ-L , For Sale —Miscellaneous FOR SALE Hardwood stall posts, iron stall guards, iron troughs and car riage elevnTor. Good cor.dition. Apply Ober's Old Livery Stand. 'ourt and Cranberry streets. FOR SALE Pony, harness and trap, seats four; 10 years old. weight 600, color black. For all, $150.00. Address K., 4166, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE One new Pool Table and Jennv Will sell cheap. H. B. Shellehamer, 2029 No.th Cameron street. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS Remington, $15.00; Smith Premier, $15.00; Underwood, Remington. No. 10. at attractive prices. Geo. P. Tlllotson, 211 Locust street. FOR SALE, CHEAP Drop-head Singer sewing machine, with all at tachments; In good condition. Call 638 i Bcyd avenue, or phone 1455 W. FOR SALE — 4 One hot-air furnace; in good condition; guaranteed to heat eleven rooms. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply at once to 700 North Sixth street. FOR SALE One single Excelsior motorcycle. Factory overhauled. Prnc- j tlcally new. Guaranteed. $65.00 cash. Apply 1619 Penn street. City. DIAMOND TIRES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The new "Velvet Rub ber" in these tires gives them more toughness, elasticity and long-wearing qualities than were ever known In tires before. Special Discounts. HARRIS- | BURG HARNESS & SUPPLY CO.. SEC OND AND CHESTNUT. FOR SALE Paper baler. Bales ! from 80 to 125 pounds. Address Box R, 4156, care of Telegraph. AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second street. 6,000 sets new sash. Bxlo, 12 L ; primed and slazed. at $1.30 per set ] Also othor sizes. Also doors and shut- . ters. AT GABLE'S. 113. 116 and 117 Couth Second street. 5,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. For Rent —Miscellaneous FOR RENT Two large store rooms, 18x72; located on corner Sixtn and Kel ker streets; latest style ceilings, and all 1 conveniences; • ood for any line of busi ness, except poolroom. Apply, to L Sil ken. 1742 North Sixth stree 1 :. Bell ! phone 3713-W. ! ' FOR RENT Desirable office In j Telegraph Building, size 14x19. Inquire, | Superintendent, Room 100. STORE ROOM FOR RENT—Suitable for piano store, confectionery, furniture or any other kind of a large store; rea sonable. Apply, 1101 North Sixth street. FOR RENT—Offices suitable I for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, i 711 North Third street. I - Wanted—Miscellaneous ; WANTED Victrolas, graplionolas I and phonographs. Bought for cash. Dayton Cycle Company, 912 North Third ; street, Bell phone 385 R. HOUSECLKANING time is here lf you have any old bicycles or parts of bicycles around that you wish to dis pose of, better call Bell phone 385R, or drop a postal to Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street, and a buyer will call. WANTED ls there a manufacturer or commercial house in the city requir ing the services of a practical business man. 43, married? Has had experience in accounting, correspondent, oflice manager, with 10 years' road oxperi ence| The immed'ate salary not so im portant as future offered. Will be glad for interview. Address M., 4107, care of Telegraph. Business Opportunities GROCERY STORE FOR SALE—Stock at Inventory and fixtures at a reason able price; also another opportunity for a similar business; rent for house ana store, $3 0 per month. Bell Realty Co., Bergntr Building. FOR SALE Candy and Ice Cream Business—well established. Bargain if sold quick. Owner's health bad. Ad dress R., 1608, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Retail Cigar and Tobacco Store, well located and doing good business. Quick sale desired re gardless of price. J. E. Oipple, 1251 Market street. ANY Intelligent person can ;arn food ir.com-. corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 70S. Lock port. N. Y. Business Personals CASH PAID for gocd cast-off Ladies' and Men's Clothing. Shoes, Furniture and Carpets. Please give description of goods. SEND POSTAL TO 636 HERII STREET. RELIABLE LOCKSMITH SHOP Keys made, K Electric Bells. Trunks and Suitcases repaired. Lawn mowers sharpened. 1303 North Sixth street. Bell phone 3995. INSPECT my Spring and Summer Clothes. Made up in tne latest styles for the lowest cash prices. FERDI - NAND ENGEL, 432 BOAS STREET. ARCADE BARBER SHOP, 36 North Court street Hair cut, 25c; shave. 10c; massage, 25c. Haircutting given special attention. Everything thoroughly sterilized. P. D Rlchwlne, Prop. NEW and second-hand furniture bought and sold; we pay the highest cash prices and "sell t reasonable prices. S. Gold. 1014 Market street. Bell phone tOBSJ. White Detective Agency Trustee Building, 8 N. Market Square. AU lines of detective work handled. Bell phone 127 W. MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell I 146. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth | street. FURNITURE, second-hand, bought at highest cash prices and sold at rea sonable prices. Phone and wo will call. Max Smelt/., 1016 Market street. Leather traveling bags ana suitcases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest- prices In the city Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and goods at low prices. COHEN & SON, Reliable Pawnbrokers, 491 Market street, at subway. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN. Boardlne Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of f llanos, safes, boilers and general naul ng. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2603 R. Livestock and Poultry ~sT C. W. LEGHORN EGGS FOR HATCHING l5 for 11,00, delivered. Good laying strain. Satisfaction guar anteed. West End Poultry Yards, Box 123. LoysvUle. r inancial MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrlsburg, Pa. MAY 22, 1916. XK\V YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square. Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York. May 22. Open. Clos. Allis-Chaimers 27% 28% American Beet Sugar ... 73 Vi 73 Vi American Can 57 57 American C& F til Vi •> 1 % American Locomotive .. 71 71% American Smelting 99% 99 Vi American Sugar 113 112 Va American T & T 128% 129 Anaconda 56% 3fii^ Atchison 105% 105% Money to Loan MONEY advanced to housekeepers at legal rates; business confidential. Profit Sharing Loan Society, Room 7. Spooner Building. 9 North Market Square. Storage FIREPROOF STORAGE Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low insurance. 427-445 Soutli Second I street. Harrlsburg Storage Company STORAGE in 3-storv brick building, rear 408 Market street. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 408 Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for , household goods and merchandise. Prl vato rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 76 c .ni» : per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 i Broad street. Musical FOR SALE Small talking machine and records. Value, about sls. Address, Riving your best offer. Box A, 5003, care of Telegraph WE BUY any kind of talking mt j chines and records, or trade them in on : new up-to-date machine. SIS Broad street. Automobiles ! CHALMERS 1910. 5-passenger touring car; A 1 condition; good tires. Call 31 j Evergreen, after 6 P. M., Tuesda-. Thursdays or Saturdays. WANTED TO BUY YOUR TROUBLE HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for old. wornout autos. Address United Aulo Wrecking Co., General Delivery, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Buick Roadster, 35- iiorse-power, or will exchange for tour ing car. R. P. Hoover, 1417 North Sec ond street. FOR SALE—Reo touring car In ex | cellent condition. Engine tire pump at j tached. W. F. Knepht, Tower City. Pa. WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of any kind. If you cannot sell your car. why ! not consign it or exchange it with us I for a better one. Our charges for sell ] ing are 6 per cent. only. No storage charges if car is not sold. Auto Trans portation Exchange Department, 25-29 North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710. ONE model K Pullman delivery truck for sale or trade on Ford. G. R. Nay lor. Marysvllle. Pa. Notice j MY WIFE, Mrs. C. C. Crone, having I left my bed and board without Just i cause, I hereby notify all persons not to harbor nor trust her on my account, \ as I will not pay any debts contracted : by lier. • (Signed) MR. C. C. CRONE. Legal Notices NOTICE —• Letters of administration on the Estate of Emmarene M. Hare, , late of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County. I Pa., deceased, having been granted to j Ih ■ undersigned, residing at 611 Briggs j Street, all -ersons indebted to said Es- I tale are reques ed to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will 1 present them for settlement, to REV. C. A. HARE. Administrator, 611 Briggs Street. Harrlsburg, Pa. | Pennsylvania State Highway Depart ment, Harrisburg, Pa. Sealed proposals I will be received at said office until 10 [A. M., May 24, 1916, for furnishing said I Department \. itli Indeterminate quan \ titles of pneumatic tires and tubes for year ending June 1, 1917, according to i specifications. Which specifications and bidding blanks may be obtained on ap i plication to Joseph W. Hunter. Acting State Highway Commissioner, Harris ! burg. NOTICE is hereby given tliat the un dersigned viewers, appointed by the Court to inquire into and investigate tiie allegations and facts stated in the petition of Nelson Wanbaugh and others, for the annexation to the City of Harrisburg of certain outlots or sec tions of land, hereinafter described, and to make report to the Court, will meet on tiie land in question, on Thursday, June 1. 1916. at 10 A. M„ for the pur pose of viewing the premises, and that they will hold an adjourned meeting in the City Council Chamber. Court House, Harrisburg, Pa., on Friday, June 2. 1916. at 10 A. M., for the purpose of hearing all parties in Interest and their witnesses and counsel. The land desired to be annexed is bounded on the north by the present city line—the north side of right of way of Philadelphia & Reauing Railway; on the west by the present city line—the center of Cona street; on the south by the present city line—the center of Hanover street; and on the east by the center of Twentieth street and division line between lands lately of W. J. and T. G. Calder and J. D. Cameron; con taining about 37 acre". A draft of said land is attached to the petition afore said. which petition is filed to No. 165 March Sessions. Dauphin County Quar ter Sessions Court. J. ROWE FLETCHER. JOSEPH CLASTER, HARRY C. ROSS. Viewers. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY THINGS YOU WANT AND WHERE TO GET 'I'IIKM Artificial l.lmlia and Trusses Braces for all deformities, abdominal supporters. Capital City Art. Limb Ce.. 412 Market St. Bell Phone. French Cleaning and Dyeing Goodman's, tailoring and repairing, all guaranteed. Call and deliver. Bell phone 3296. 1306% N. Sixth St Fire Insurance und Heal Estate j ~G 1 p PI e — Fi re Insu rance—~Real Eg. tate —Rent Collecting 1261 Market St. tiell phone. Photographer nauehten Studios—Portrait and Com- Si Photography. 210 N. Third St. Beil 8583. Tntlora George F. Shope Hill Tailor, 1241 Mar ket. Spring goods are now ready. Tailoring. Cleaning. Pressing. Ladiea work a specialty. Sieve Wugreneo 107 Locust. Minna and Enamel Letters poiilton. 307 Market street. Bejl Prompt and efficient service. Upholsterer—Furniture Repairer Simon N. Cluck. 3»0-82« Woodbine St, Bail sbona 1317 J, Baldwin Locomotive ... 88 89 : !r Baltimore ft Ohio 92V4 :«2 *S« B K Goodrich 76 Vs Butte Copper *>3 -*i« 94 % Canadian Pacific 18Sz 191% Central Leather 54'4 54 Vi Pittsburg Coal 28 % 28 V» Pittsburgh Coal, pfd 103% lOSVa Press Steel Car 47 47 Railway Steel Spg .... 40 40 Kay Con. Copper 23% 23% Reading 103% 109% Republic Iron & Steel .. 118 118% Southern Pacific 100% 100% Southern Ry 23% 23% Studebaker 138 138 Tennessee Copper 46* 46^6 Third Ave 62% ' 62% Union Pacific 441 142% U. S. I. Alcohol 157% 157% fiU. S. Rubber 55% 54% U. S. Steel 85% 85% U. S. Steel, pfd 117 117 Utah Copper 82 81 Kansas City Southern .. 27% 27% Lackawanna Steel 71 70% Lehigh Valley 81% 82% Maxwell Motors 85 % 85% Merc. Mar. ctfs 25% 25 Merc. Mar. ctfs. pfd. ... 92% 91% Mex. Petroleum 109 108% Miami Copper 36% 36% Missouri Pacific 6% 6% National Lead 67% 67 New York Central 107% 107% N. Y., N. H. and H 63 63 N. Y. O. and W 28% 28% Norfolk and West 126% 126% Northern Pacific 115 115% Pennsylvania Rail 57% 57% I Chesapeake and Ohio .. 63% 64 Chicago, Mil and St. Paul 98% 100 Chicago, R 1 and Pacific 19% 19% Chino Con Cop 54% 54% Colorado Fuel and Iron. 43% 43% Consolidated Gas 137% 140% Corn Products 19% 19% Crucible Steel 85% 84% Crucible Steel pfd 117% 117% Distilling Securities .... 51% 51% ■ Erie 40% 40% Erie Ist pfd 55% 55 General Klectric Co ... 173 172% General oMtors 460 460 Great Northern pfd .... 122% 123% Great Northern Ore, s.. 41% 12 Inspiration Copper 46% 46 Interboro-Metropolltan. . 18% 18% Kennecott 56% 56% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCES By Associated Press Philadelphia, May 22. Wheat Lower; No. 2, red, spot and May, sl.ll@ 1.13; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.0901.11. Corn—The market Is lower; No. 2, yellow, local. 82' i 083 c; steamer, No. 2, yellow, local, 81082 c. | Oats—Lower, No. 2. white, 50%@51c; No. 3, white, 48049 c. Bran Market quiet, but firm; city mills, winter, per ton, s2«.ftu; w„->i ern, winter, per ton, $26.00® 26.50; Spring, per ton, $24,000)24.50. Retined Sugars Markvt quiet; powdered, 7.70®7.75c; line granulated, | 7.60®7.65c; confectioners' A, 7.500)7.55c. ' Butter Market firm; western, creamery, extra. 31 lit32c; nearby prints. | fancy, 35c. Eggs The market la firm; f'riiu... '-miii- and mil' , neat uy fi> - free cases, $7.05 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.6006.75 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $7.05 per case; western, firsts, flee cases, $6.6006.90 per case. Live Poultry—The market Is sf<»adv: fowls, 19020 c; roosters, 12013 c; Spring chickens, 30038 c; do., broilers, 30(S)38c; ducks, 15 05 1 6c; geese, 140'16c. Dressed Poultry—Firm: fowls, fancy, ?2022%c; do.,good to choice.2o% 021 'Ac do., small sizes, 17020 c; old roosters, i 16c; broilln • chickens, nearby. 35© 55c; do., western, 22024 c; roasting chickens, western, choice lo fancy. IS J* ?2c; do., fair to goii'i. I.".<tf>Jßc Snrti ducks, nearby, 26 028 c; do., western, 12 ©lB c; geese, nearby, 1 jru'2Uc, Uu., w«»i ern, 15 017 c. CHICAGO CATTf.fc Chicago, 111., May 22. Caitle Re ceipts, 16,000; firm. Native beef cattle, $X.15<®10.30; stockers and feeders. su.<M) (fj 8.30; cows and hefers, $4.5009.00; calves, $8.00(8)11.25. Sheep Receipts, 16,000; weak. Wethers, $7.85010.00; lambs, S9.IOC(D 12.80; Springs, $11.00013.50. Bogs Receipts, 41,000; slow. Bulk of sales. $9.80010.00; light, $9.4009.95; | mixed, $9,600)10.05; heavy. $9.55010,05; I rough, $9.550 9.70; pigs, $7.40ffti9.60. I ADD CHICAGO CATTLE CHICAGO HO Alt D OF TRADE Chicago. 111., May 22.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat July. 1.08%; September, 1.09'4. Corn—.lnly. 71%; September, 69%. Oats—July, 40%; September, 38"'i. Pork—July, 23.20; September, 22.85. Lard—July, 12.77; September, 12.87. ! Ribs—July, 12.72; September, 12.77. FRANK R. LEIB & SON Real Estate and Insurance Office, No. 18 North Third St. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT ■ 10,000 sq. ft. floor space In build ing northwest corner Court and Cranberry streets. Use of elevator. | Possession at once. 1842 N. Seventh St., 2%-story frame dwelling, on corner. Posses sion at once. Rent $14.50. Offices second floor, 29 N. Sec j ond St. Heat, light and water. FOR SALE 1010 N. Third St.—3-story brick store and apartment building, store room 63x16 and 3-room apartment on first floor. Two apartments, 3 ; rooms each or 1 6-room and bath apartment, second floor 3-room and bath apartment on third floor. Klectric light, city steam, on lot 20x165, Myrtle avenue, in rear. 1411 and 1413 N. 3rd St., 3-story brick dwellings. Lots run through to James street. 2%-story frame SMALL LOANS We lend money >» amounts from $5.00 to $300.00 and arrange pay ments to suit borrowers' con venlence. Business confidential. Lowest rats In city. Llceuaud. bond ed and Incorporated. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 133 Walnut St. I -J MONEYI sls AND UPWARDS K«r Housekeepers and Salaried People No red tape, bother or worry. You mar have the cash to-day If you wish. I.RGAI. HATKS. Licensed l>y the Stale Honded to the Mat* EQUITABLE INVESIMENT COMPANY 0 W. MARKET <1)1 AltE Room 21 4th Floor Bell Phone IW4T-H 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers