lilt YOUR WANTS TO 22,000 MAMS OF TELEttAPi WANT AIS 2>eatbs K - ovisSff-«sagijg ■May 10, i»X«, at the revidence of net iaiaer, Isaac Nissley. Huminelstown, Funeral services will be held Suiitlay, al J i. M., at the iSlasiey home. -iJ West Main street. Hummelstown. t». Relatives and friends are Inwtea to attend the service witliout furthe notice. _ Lost and I<ound •LOST Between 2047 *° k d l.ti Know Shops, a small pocketbook • omniums a considerable sum lfh ". money. .Reward it returned to elthei _'o4« fettn street or Laicknow Shops. irielp W anted —jVlale WANTED A young man to work at sotia fountain. Address b. ( 4138, care of Telegraph. PATTERN MAKERS WANTED Good men. Highest wages paid in i'hiladeiphia. Tnos. J. Hunter » JS.>rU; Eleventh street, i'hilauelphia, _______ W ANTED, ADVERTISING SOLICI TOR Steady situation awaits neat apieaiing man. Must be capable of earning minimum ot' $2,000 I'relei one© to man knowing something of labor movements, but not essential. i>ond required. Address C., 4Uib, care of Telegraph. WANTED Man ns manager Health unci Accident Insurance. Prefer one with experience, splendid chance. Ad dress J.. 4137, care of Telegraph. WANTED—Several first-class paper hangers. tHeauy positions for good men. Apply H. E. Trimmer, 1923 State street. WASTE.. Refined door man for theater. Must come well recommended. State age, height and salary expected. Address P., 40 >l, care of Telegraph. . WANTED Young man to work on farm. Apply 206 South Thirteenth street. I WILL PAY any lioneat man up to SSO monthly for part of spare time. No canvassing. No capital. Write to-day. Voorhles, Desk 155,"Omaha, Neb. A MICHIGAN CORPORATION manu facturing' a specialty now in unusual demand, can use a live, wide-awake salesman in this territory. Good men as a rule are already employed, but we are in hopes that this advertisement will reach someone who can better him self by taking on our proposition. Ref erence as to character ana ability must be given. See Mr. Rawlings, Hotel Plaza. WANTED —Few men of good appear ance to travel the following towns: Wll liamstown, Lykens, Elizabethvllle, Mil lersburg, Harrlsburg, Steelton, Middle town, Kovalton, Huinmelstown, Leba non, Halifax, Jonestown. Outdoor work all summer. Start now. We pay every week. Don't answer this if under 25 years old. Glen Bros., Rochester, N. V. WANTED First hand on bread and cakes. Steady position to good man. Good shop and working conditions. State wages wanted. Address Bon Ton Bakery, L R. Huth. WANTED Erector and repairman In machine shop. Steady employment and good wages with ciiance for ad \ ancement. Apply In person at Hersliey Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. EARN good money writing names and addresses. Spar* time. No can vassing. Particulars for stamp. G. C. Smith, Little Rock, Ark. WANTED Boy, over 16 years of age. to assist in factory. Harrlsburg Apparel Company, over City Star Laun dry, State street, rear entrance. AGENTS! Enormous Profits. Quick sales. Cooper making $65 weekly. Sell "Ks>ntleak" Raincoats, Auto Coats, Palm 1-lftoch Suits. No capital required. We deliver and collect. Samples free for demonstrating. Comer Mfg. Co., 131 Delco street. Dayton, Ohio. WANTED Reliable man for va cancy on sales force. No money re quired Pay weekly. Permanent. First National Nurseries, Rochester, -N. Y. WANTED An experienced sales man acquainted with farm trade. Big opportunity to right man. Salary or commission. Apply between 5 and 8 P. M. Saturday. E. A. Carey, 131 Wal nut street. WANTED Canvasser to solicit a good proposition. Salary and commis sion. Roshon's Studio, S North Market Square. SHOEMAKERS WANTED Three cutters. Women's work. Steady em ployment 50 weeks in the year. By The Nenia Shoe Mfg. Co.. Xenia, Ohio. WANTED At once, experienced pretzel rollers. Apply, C. E. Neith, 33S P.eily street. WANTED 4O able-bodied men between 21 and 40 years of ape for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED YOUNG MEN to learn to become practical chauffeurs. We give our unlimited course for SSO, easy payments, and guarantee 30c per hour as scon as competent. We have 30 cars t" overhaul during the Spring. AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL, 25-27-29 North Cameron street. MACHINISTS WANTED AT ONCE— First-class lathe, horizontal boring mill and chucking lathe hands. American Engineering Company, Aramingo ave nue and Cumberland street, Philadel phia. Pa. PUDDLERS AND SCRAPPERS Wanted—Can give steady work to a number of goud men. All conditions good and no trouble. Paying $".25 per ton basis. Transportation advanced when necessary. Reply by letter to Lo tan Iron and Steel Company, Burn liam, Pa. • VAVV.W%VdW.Wi\W.\h • :j FOR SALE ■: sSuburban Real Estate;] ,• For the families that want air,S /large lots and garden space—lnves-r |itigate these properties some for% /summer, others for the year 'round./ ■J Perdlx—- Alabama Cottage well? %built. 6-room bungalow. Lot 50x132,? Sl.tfOH 1 tore Station—l-story frame bun-? Sgalow 6 rooms completely fur-% 'inished. Lot 200x140 ft 91,4(10% % I.rlby Heights—Just above Sum-% jmerdale several 1-story summerS ifTr.D aud »SOO% ,■ Dauphin Garnian property, onV /Market St. 2 >4-story frame iiouse% J -electric lights—B rooms. Lot 50x3 /103 si.oon'i / Summerdale The Richwine cot-? Plot 80x300 *2.1100/ / I'axtaug 207 Paxtang Ave., new? /2 Vh-story stucco: 8 rooms—bath—/ /modern throughout. Lot 46x160, / ( *6,000/ £ SI. Sixth Just above Hoffman's? • Woods 2'4-story frame house ■*— 7/ /rooms—gas. Lot, 50x100 .... V.'l.ioo/ r Worm leys burg Pine and Second? j,Sts. Lot 100x150; Improved with? 52'4-story, 9-room frame house % Jframe stable—fruit trees, lawn and? J garden 2,700% 5 MILLER BROTHERS&CO.j: "J KRAt. ESTATE / jiluiurnnce Surely llond«% / l.nvust and Court Streets / SATURDAY EVENING, Help Wanted —Male GOOD BARBER WANTED at once. Call Shank. Peubrook, Pa. Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write tor large list of openings ottering op portunities to earn from SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address near est Office, Dept. 244. National Sales men's Training Association. Chicago, New York. San Francisco. Agents Wanted I Wild. PAY SIO.OO per week to start for iadies or gentlemen canvassers to sell my little kitchen article. Raise of salary after first week. Address J. N. Snyder. 123 East Princess street," York, Pa. LATEST European Sensation. Midget Automatic Folding Pocket Fan; works like electric fan; weighs but few ounces; costs 50c, sells at sight sl. Tri umph Products Corporation. Transpor tation Building. Chicago. AGENTS—Free Catalog and Samples, new goods, quick sales, big profits, make $5 to $25 daily, 110 experience. World's greatest specialties. Cruver Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chicago, 111. BIG PAY and automobile furnished agents placing samples of new neces sity with automobile owners on our Gt ARANTEE credit plan. Whole or part time. Orolo Manufacturing Com pany, Louisville, Kentucky. GET your share of prosperity. For tunes now being- made. Get in busi ness for yourself with our help and fac tory privileges. At home, all or spare time. No canvassing' experience un necessary. Write to-day for free book .Mail Order, Success. Pease Manufactur ing Co.. Inc.. Dept. C-27, 68 Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. 100 MONET MAKING Business Plans and formulas free. Address Agents Business Builder, 2909 Indiana avenue, Chicago. 111. BIG Kansas Company will start am bitious people in fast-growing' mail order business; any locality; make $3,- 000 yearly; spare time; no canvassing; no experience; we furnish everything; new, unique selling methods free. Eye stone, President. II West Seventh, Pittsburg, Kansas. WASHCLEAN smashing agents' profit records. Women, hotels, cafes, laun dries delighted reorder buyers. Life time business. Abolishes rubbing clothes. Only steam bubble cleaning process known; blows out gTit; saves clothes and labor. Big profits. Sample, particulars, free. Wasnclean Co., 310 West Seventh, Pittsburg, Kansas. AGENTS, do not delay. Send to-day for free sample and large catalog of quick-selling articles. Conscript Sales House, 96 Newton avenue, Jamestown, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED for article which no housewife can resist. Sells at al most every home. The Three Rivers Company, 5827 Alder street. Pittsburgh, Pa. AGENTS New proposition Just out. Does away with extra tires on automo biles. Write quick for t'etails. Address The Olsson Co., 421 Pacific street, Brooklyn. N. A' HURRY! Sell OASO-TONIC, the mys tery of motordotn. Equals gasoline at 3c per gallon. Eliminates carbon. Dol lar an liour profit. Sales guaranteed. Beware of imitators! GASO-TONIC stands alone. Has no equal. Chemists baffled at Its composition. Details free. The White Mfg. Co., Dept. 40, Cincin nati, Ohio. FREE SAMPLES No Splash Water Strainers sell themselves-—no talking— experience unnecesary. Profits Big. Send 2c (mailing cost). N. Y. Union Filter Co., New York. GASOLINE 2c A GALLON? COULD YOU SELL IT? If so, you could sell (>\RBONVOID at $ 1.00 a tube—equivalent to 50 gallons of gasoline. Positively removes and pre vents carbon. Send SI.OO for sample tube. Quick sales, rapid repeat ordtrs. Write now while gasoline is up. Ex clusive county agency proposition to live men. CAR BON VOID CHEMICAL WORKS, Bradley Beach. N. J. Help Wanted—Female WANTED Ten thoroughly ex perienced operators on power sewing machines on aprons and children's wash suits. Steady work. At Jennings Mfg. Co.. 434-116 State St., Citi\ WANTED A competent white wo man for general housework in small family: must have good reference, and be willing to spend summer months in country, where are are all manner of improvements. Apply Rocm -»o. 1, it South .Market Square SEVERAL LADIES to travel, demon strate our goods and sell dealers. S2O to S4O weekly, we pay railroad fares. Experience unnecessary. Duchess Co., Dept. 166, Minneapolis, Minn. WOMEN WANTED Full time sal ary $15.00, selling Guaranteed Hosiery to wearer; 25c an hour spare time: per manent: experience unnecessary. Wear proof Hosiery, Norristown, Pa. WANTED Persons to color art pic tures at home; easy work; no experi ence; good pay; sample free. Wheeler Co., 337 Madison, Chicago. WANTED Working matron for Dotmitory work. One with chamber maid experience preferred. Apply in person at Ilershey Employment Buretiti, Hershey. Pa. LADIES We will pay j'ou 30c an hour for your spare time. Home work. No canvassing. Send stamp. System, 82, A 1 toon a, Pa. WANTED Girl for bookkeeping Must have some experience in typewrit ing. State salary expected to start with, Address S., 4075, care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced white cook, Apply to 222 Chestnut street. WANTED First diningroom girl for summer resort. State age and ex perience. Address A. L. Resch, Marietta, Pa. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to SSO per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 620, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Experienced sewing-ma chine operators, trimmers and learn ers, to work on women's and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry. 414-41G State street, rear entrance. WANTED—Young woman as cashier and some Knowledge of bookkeeping. Must be experienced and come well rec ommended. J-4130, care Telegraph. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers and typists assisted in securing office em ployment without charge or obligation; register to-day with our Employment Department. The Office Training School, 4 South Market Square. WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co.. Vernon street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Twelve girls for type writing on address work, dailv for two weeks. Apply at once, The Letter Shop. Bell phone 403SJ. UNDERWOOD CERTIFICATF.S again granted to a number of students, the result of our touch method and indi vidual instruction. Enroll for the sum mer. Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second. CIGARMAKF.RS WANTED Experi enced machine rollers and bunchmakers. Steady work guaranteed. Apply Cen tral Cigar Company 325 South Cameron street. Help Wanted—Female WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED Girls over 16 years to work in laundry. Good wages to right parties. Sanitary Family Washing Company, Sixteenth and Elm streets. WANTED—Young lady as bookkeep er. one familiar with the typewriter. Address B-4144, care Telegraph. Help Wanted — Male and Female WANTED Tailor or tailoress. Steady employment to right party. Call at once to E. Tannett. 2» North Second street. Steelton. WANTED—We have openings for 12 more bright girls and boys. Apply Silk Mill, Corner North and Second streets. Situations Wanted —Male WANTED Position driving delivery Ford or private car. Call Bell phone 1226 J. WANTED Experienced Southern man wants general housework, hoiel or any kind of work. Charlie Kertess, 329 Cherry street. WANTED ,ounß white man wants position as chauffeur; has had over two years' experience; can give reference. Call, or address, 250 Susquehanna ave nue, Knoia, i'a., Box 84, or phone 305SM, Bell. WANTED Reliable, young man wishes work of mechanical nature, specializes on gas engines; experienced automobile driver; will leave town. Ad dress Harry Roat, Y. M. C. A., City. WANTED Two college students de sire summer work. Agency or good po rltlon. Can give good reference. Ad dress W. F. U., Annville, Pa. Box No. 1. Situations Wanted—Female WANTED White, middle-aged wo man wishes day's work of any kind. Address L, 4140, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young girl desires day's work of any kind. Call Bell phone 482 R. WANTED By colored woman, work by the day. Address 1144 Cum berland street. Real Estate For Sale 105 CHESTNUT BTREET Three story brick, three sides open, side en trance; good condition; immediate pos 'session. Apply George Bergner, 504 Bergner Building. DESIRABLE CAMP HILL, LOTS— Priced right low. Camp Hill Realty Co., yOS Kunkel Building. FOR SALE Beautiful, new two and-a-half-etorv brick residence In one of the finest locations In the city, 1001 North Seventeenth street. Corner lot. 60x120 feet Eight rooms and attic. I-lall through center. All Improvements. Fine lawn and shrubbery, sold on easy terms. Inquire of J. A Slngmaster, Gettysburg, Pa. MARKET STREET FRONTAGE— Fine location on Market street, between Cameron street and P. R. R., frontage of about sixty feet. Apply In person, or by letter, to Miller Brothers & Co., Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR U. 15 Market street, near Tenth, two-story frame dwelling:. Store and apartments. Entire property rent ed, One of Harrisburg'* bargains. Walter H. Cummlngs, 90a Kunkel Build ing, City. FOR SALE—On Cameron street, near Market, plot 145x166 admirably adaptHd to business purposes. Close to Reading; siding. Splendid property. Bargain if taken immediately. Walter H. Cum mlngs. 905 Kunkel Building. City. FOR SATjE Market street, 101 feet through to Cameron street, 80 feet on that street, on which are two frame houses, occupied. Large garage on Market street. All revenue-producing. Best investment on the Hill. Walter H. Cummings, 905 Kunkel Building, City. FOR SALE ENOLA Southwest corner Dauphin and Summit Sts., 3- story frame house, 8 rooms and bath, furnace, electric light, large corner lot. Total frontage about 77x150 ft. Fine lawn, good location for business. Will exchange on good city property. H. C. Brandt, 88 North Third street. FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. FOR SALE Corner property. Splen did location intersecting two street car lines. Cameron and State streets. Plot, 240x188. An Ideal site, very cheap. Waiter H. Cummings, 905 Kunkel Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa. CITY PROPERTIES 201 Hamilton Street 3-story brick house 8 rooms and bath steam heat side entrance splendid condi tion—good location. Price, $4,300. 3 901 Green Street 3-story brick house 8 rooms and bath furnace corner property lmprovements. Price, $4,100. 1903 Green Street S-story brick house 8 rooms and bath furnace —side entrance lmprovements. Price, $3,800. 232 Muench Street 3-story brick house 8 rooms and bath front porch—lmprovements. Price. $2,800. 1912 Susquehanna Street 3-story brick house 8 rooms and bath—front porch—improvements. Price, $2,000. 265 Delaware Avenue 3-story brick house 8 rooms and bath-—front porch—improvements. Price, $1,900. 2122 A Moore Street 3-story brick house 8 rooms and bath improve ments. Price, $2,000. 816 North Sixth street 3-story brick house 9 rooms and bath—city steam heat lmprovements interior finish hardwood stone trimmings desirable property—centrally located. Price, $6,600. CAMP HILL PROPERTIES An 8-room brick house, corner Long and Summit streets, with all improve ments. Lot, 118x220 ft. in depth. Price, $4,200. Two fnew> 6-room semi-bungalows— 2-story ■ — with modern improvements large lots. Price, $2,800 each. 12-rcom brick house fronting Mar ket and Cumberland Streets, Camp Hill. Will exchange for city property. Price, $12,000. M. A. FOUGHT. 272 North Street. LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. front up to one-half acre plots sewer water gas—electricity. $2(30 up. Easy payments. 5c trolley. Kecney & Simmons, Agents. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Real Estate For Sale 340 CRESCENT STREET Good, three-story brick; all Improvements; line neighborhood; short walk to town. Price. $3,250. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. THE NEW BUNGALOW An entirely new type of Bungalow Houses now being built on Fifth street. This particular type of house has never been built in this city and offer.*, many new advantages in Bun galow architecture In ideal Houses. Semi-brick and Kellastone construction; slate roofs; tile porches (EngnsJi); dust proof cellars, laundry, parquet floors; new system of plumbing; scien tific lighting; using only solid brass and silver fixtures; quar tered oak and African Circa slan walnut Sterling laminated flush doors (the finest made door in the world). Houses Fully Equipped Built Under Personal Supervision. Price. $5,500.00. MacWILUAMS CONSTRUCTION CO.. Designers and Builders. 2105 N. sth Street, Harrisburg. FOR SALE 1714 Forster street 2%-story brick and stucco dwelling; 7 rooms; all Improvements; steam heat, combination range; granolithic walks; fine location. See us about price. Back enstoss Bros., Russ Building. COUNTRY PROPERTY, consisting of frame dwelling, 8 rooms; summer house, stable, hogstable, other small buildings; one acre 13 perches good ground; lots of fruit. Fine, local ity, exceptionally pleasant location, near neighbors, churches and schools. Verv desirable property at sacrifice, h miles south of Harrisburg. near river. Price. SBOO. Only S4OO cash required. Rock-bottom bargain. Address Geo. W. Brinser, Elizabethtown, Pa. Route No. 1. FOR SALE—67 North Seventeenth street, 3-story brick, 9 rooms and bath, cemented cellar, gras, electric light, furnace, front and rear porches. Lot 16x89. Price. $4,300.00. Brinton-Pack er Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE—IO26 North street, 3- story brick dwellings, 9 rooms and bath, cemented cellar, chestnut and cypress finish, gas, electric light, com bination range, vacuum steam heat, front and rear porches. Lot 21x110, 20- foot paved alley on rear. This property is In first-class condition and we Invite inspection. Price, $4,500.00. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE The Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Build ings will offer at Public Sale in front of State Capitol Building, at entrance, Fourth and State street, Harrisburg, Pa., at 10 o'clock a. m.. May 20th, 19lb, the following buildings and structures upon the premises within the boundar ies of thejproposed extension of Capitol Park In Eighth vard, City of Harris burg; Property situate between North and state streets, and west of Pennsylvania Railroad, formerly occupied by tho W. O. Hiekok Manufacturing Company to be offered in groups, and as a whole, as follows: (•roup A Building No. 1, Machine Shop. Build ing No. lA, Storage. Building No. 2, Storage. Building No. 3, Blacksmith Shop. Group B Building No. 4, Core Oven. Building No. 5, Iron Foundry. Building No. 6, Pattern Storage. Building No. 7, Motor House. Building No. 8, Storage Shed. Building No. BA. Storage Shed. Group C Building No. 9. Dust House. Build ing No. 10„ Dry Kiln. Building No. 11, Brass Foundry. Building No. 12, Core Room. Building No. 13, Scrap House. Building No. 14. Boiler House. (■roup i) Building No. 26. Brick and Frame Storage Sheds and fence along State street. Group IS Building No. 27, Storage. Building No. 28, Storage. Building No. 29, Stor age. (<roii|> F Building No. 16. Office Building:. Building- So. 17, Office Building. Build ing No. 18, Garage. Groou G Building No. 20, dumber Shed. Build ing No. 21, Lumber Shed. Building No. 22. Barn and fence around Group G. The purchaser shall pay to the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, through the oflice of the Superintendent of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings. Harrisburg, Pa., by certified check or United States currency, the amount at which the said building or buildings and structures are awarded to them, as follows: A cash payment of 25 per cent, shall be made on day of sale and the balance before entering upon the property to remove the material purchased. In all cases where the premises are unoccupied, possession will be given the purchaser Immediately. Where the premises are tenanted, possession will be B-iveu immediately after the prem ises are vacated. The Commonwealth will not be responsible for any damage to property after possession is given. Purchasers shall state at time of their offer the time required to remove the buildings and material after being given possession by the Common wealth, which in no case shall be longer than 60 days. All buildine refuse shall be carted away from the premises by the purchaser. All foundation waifs must be taken down and removed at least three feet below level of street. The Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the right to accept or reject anx or all bids. The work of removal shall be performed under the direction of and to the satis faction of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTE: The sidewalks and street pavements are not to be removed by purchaser of buildings or structures under the schedule. By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent LLOYD W. MITCHELL* Secretary FOR SALE Large, double house; lot, 60x150; concrete walks all around; gas; water main /in street. Price, $3,- 300. Call, or address. Albert Garman, 2707-2709 Butler street, Penbrook, Pa. FOR SALE l3l Evergreen street; modern brick house; good condition; porch front; S rooms and bath. In quire 100 Evergreen street. FOR SALE— N. E. Cor. Nineteenth and Boas, No. 1001 3-storv frame with adjoining lot. Price. $2,000. No. 610 Seneca St.—2-story brick, six large rooms and bath, all improve ments. I -of. 16x79. Chestnut finish. Price. $2,750. • Penbrook—No. 222 S. Twenty-ninth St. —2 I / jj-story frame, 7 rooms and plas tered attic, water, gas, porch front and side. Lot, 24x180. Plenty of fruit. No. 216 Peffnr St. Price, $2,900. No. 110 Briggs St. Large 3-story brick, good rooming house. All improve ments. H. C. BRANDT. 36 N. Third St. TIIREE-STORX brick house. No. 433 Harris street for sale 9 rooms bath gas furnace. This property can be bought at a reasonable price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 1612 FORSTER STREET Three story, brick and stucco. Beautiful neighborhood. Lot. 25x110. Price, In cluding fitted screens, storm windows, hot water coil, cabinet gas range, ■hades, $3,800. Apply on premises. FOR SALE miles east of Harrisburg, one mile from car; house with S-ft. porch on three sides; 75-ft chlckenhouso and barn; also 300 fruit trees. Call phone 2022J-3. W. Rots Bealor, Paxtang. THREE Sixth street properties for sale—Nos. 1829-2122 and 2352. Inspect tliem and get particulars from us—slso get our revised list. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. MT. GRETNA cottage for sale, or ex change on city property. Inquire 192s North Third street. * $2,400 WILL BUY a frame house, with bath porch front lot, .".5x150 variety of fruit. Also other suburban property for sale. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. Real Estate For Rent j Koil It 10 XT 228 South Fourteenth St.. three-story brick, front porch, iieiicut of large | front yard—air and light on three sides, i All improvements. Kent, $25. 214.". Atlas Ave.. 7 rooms and bath; all improvements. Kent, sls. 1908 Moltke Ave., 6 rooms and bath, 1 sll. 1915 Derry St., two apartments, $12.50 and sls. Thirteenth and Derry—Very desirable ■ apartment. $27.50. Inquire Harvey T. Smith, 204 South Thirteenth street. Bell phone 248 M. FOR RUNT Six-room cottage at : Fort Hunter. Pa.; nice location; near j post office, store, steam cars and trol ley; good bathing and boating. F. H. i Davis, Fort Hunter, Pa. FOR RENT No. 1245 Swatara, S2O; ' 2807 Camby street, Penbrook, sll. Alt improvements. Immediate possession. Apply A. W. Swengei, 219 South Thir teenth. City. FOR RENT 7-room brick house, with bath, all modern improvements, steam heat, combination lights, corner property. Apply 24 West Curtin street, Penbrook. 115 PINE STREET Three-story brick ten rooms— two baths city steam heat laundry In basement. A most delightful downtown location— sso. Miller Brothers & Co.. Locust and Court streets. FOR RENT 2218 North Second street 2 H-story brick* and stucco— eight rooms bath steam heat— s4s. Miller Brothers & Co., Locust and Court streets. FOR RENT Summer home at Hus tons' Mill, situated along the Conodo guinet creek. 9 miles from Harrisburg and 1 mile from Hogestown; con veniences and furnished for light house keeping. Inquire A. J. Huston. Me chanicsburg. Pa. FOR RENT Three-story building, 225 Verbeke street; all modern improve ments; possession given immediately. Inquire. 919 North Seventeenth street. FOR RENT No. 171S Revere Street and gar age $26 00 No. 1500 Walnut Street 25.00 1632 Naudain Street 20.00 J. E. GIPPLE, Real Estate For Sale or Rent LARGE 2-story brick building, first floor storeroom and second floor hall; located corner of Rossmoyne and Her man avenues. Apply West Shore Real ty Co., Baer & Rice, Lcmoyne Trust Co. Building, Lemoyne, Pa., Bell phone 3198-J. FOR SALE OR RENT A good six room house, with electric light, along Philadelphia and Reading. Suitable lor summer outing. Inquire P. O. Box 67, Grantham, Pa. Real Estate —For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Rudy Street, adjoining Industrial Home; plot Of ground 100x100; open on three sides; high elevation. Will exchange on city or suburban property. Price, $1,700. Baokenstoas Bros., Kvas Building. Farms FARM REDUCED S7OO That 91- acre farm close to Dauphin Station; good building; creek on property. Make your summer homo here. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. VAUGHN Very beautiful. healthful suburb along the "L" trolley; lots 100x175 feet; I fertile ground, enough for vegetables and chickens; price only $169; easy pay jments; see these lots. C. B. CARE ' Care's Grocery. Linglestown, Pa., or 409 Market street. HUNTER'S RUN 4 acres, new 8- room bungalow, other buildings for ! summer home, close to station and j store; telephone In house immediate j posslon price only $1,450, easy pay- I menu. C. B. CARE ! Care's Grocery, Linglestown, Pa., or 409 Market street. Apartments For Rent FOR RENT Unfurnished apart ments for light housekeeping. Inquire at 1123 lJerry street. FOR RENT Furnished house for the summer, centrally located; all con veniences; rent reasonable. Address Y., 1071, care of Telegraph. FOURTH AND WOODBINE Second floor apartments, all Improvements, gas viange and heat furnished; large 10-foot balcony. Kinglnger's Apartments. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms and kitchen, use of bath; suitable for light housekeeping. Call at 601 Boas street. FOR RENT—Apartment at 1221 North Sixth street. E. W. Weiss. APARTMENT No. 20 North Sec ond street. Suite containing two rooms, kitchen and bath, on second floor. De sirable for young couple or bachelor anartment. Reasonable rate. Address all communications to Box A, 4126, care of Telegraph. FIRST-CLASS APARTMENT, large bay windows and front porch; 5 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, and all latest conveniences; located corner Sixth and Ivelker streets. Apply, L. Silbert, 1742 North Sixth street. Bell phone 3713-W. CENTRALLY LOCATED, daylight apartment. Second and Walnut streets, second floor, Belvedere Apartment build ing, 4 rooms and bath all fronting on Second or Walnut streets, bay windows on both streets. Refrigerator, gas stove, hot water heater. Rent in cludes city steam. Immediate posses sion. Apply, Jacob Tausig's Sons, Jew elers, 420 Market street. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT Furnished room on third floor front. Apply 76 North Fourteenth street, city. FOR RENT Two rooms, with use of bath, on third floor, rent $7.00; also one room on second floor, with use of bath, $1.25 per week. Call 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 R. FOR RENT Newly furnished, large, front room, second floor; also good size room on third floor, at 11 North Fourth street, or Inquire Paul's Shoe Store. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room for lady or gentleman, from May 15. Call Trombino Bros.. No. 4 South street. Room No. 1. FOR RENT—Three newly furnished rooms, singly or ensulte, second floor, facing park, large and airy, 5-minute walk from station, all conveniences, phone, rent reasonable. 406 North street. FOR RENT Very desirable rooms, .beautifully furnished, sonic with hot and cold running water in room. Terms reasonable. Apply SOI North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, for light housekeeping; all con veniences. Apply, before 6 P. M., 621 North Second; after 6 P. M„ 1101 North Sixth. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, with all conveniences. Apply 13 South Eighteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, for light housekeeping; one room furnish - I'd for gentleman. Apply at 29 South Cameron street. FOR RENT Large, well-furnished second floor front room; gentlemen only; all conveniences and use of phone. Apply (13 North Second street. MAY 13, 1916. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with board, in small, private family; also two rooms for light housekeeping, with phone. Apply 45 North Sixteenth street. FOR RENT Second street, second floor, newly furnished rooms, all mod ern conveniences, In private family. Apply K. Mall, 34 .«orth Second street, second floor apartment. FOR RENT Furnished front room, with use of bath and phone; electric lights. For particulars call Bell phone 606 J. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, all conveniences. Including use of Bell j phone. Apply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENV Parlor and adjoining I bedroom, furnished complete, for two I gentlemen; use of Bell phone. Address j 719 North Sixth street. I , =r Board and Rooms FOR RENT Furnished rooms with board, if desired; references exchang ed. Inquire 929 North Third street. ROOMS FOR RENT—AIso special 25c meals. The Home Dining Room, 123 Sounth Second street, city. Wanted—Miscellaneous WANT TO RENT small garage in cen tral part of city for five or Bix months; must have good roof and not damp. Ad dress oarage. No. 506, care of Telegraph. WANTED House In the Eighth Ward, for immediate purchase. State | lowest cash price. Preferably on the Hill. Walter H. Cummings, 905 Kunkel Building. WANTED Small general store; suburban location. Walter 11. Cum mings, 905 Kunkel Building. WANTED One set of O. j Henry's works. Must be a bar gain and in fairly good condition. ! Address, Box A-4104, care Tele j graph. For Sale—Miscellaneous j A leaf rfccount system for sale cheap. Used extensively by grocers, butchers, etc. Address B 1143, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE—I9I3 Harley Davidson single cylinder, 5 H. P., chain drive mo torcycle. Engine completely overhaul ed at factory. Whole machine in good condition, $l3O. CI. H. Shaffer, Thomp sontown, Pa. FOR SALE Reading Standard Mo torcycle. Will sell for $25 for quick sale. Inquire 2253 Jefferson street. FOR SALE One sorrel mare, 11 years old; weighs 1,450: also two wagons, one open and one delivery. Call Bell phone 751J-1. FOR SALE Row boat—pressed steel. Cost $35. Price. sls. Address 8., 4142, care of Telegraph. J'"OR SALE Fine Confectionery and Soda business, in flourishing Cumber land Valley town. 6,000 population. Best of reasons for selling. Only pros pective buyers need apply. Address J., 4141, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. HIGH-CLASS office furniture refln ished like new at half original cost. f>-ft rolltop quartered oak desk, 8-ft. bookkeepers desk. Smith typewriter, desk and stool, 2,000-Ib. fireproof safe, enclosed private office and open office railing. Telephone 108R-3. MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS'— One Curtis, twin-cylinder Racer, with clutch, $65; one Excelsior single cylinder, re cently factory overhauled. $65; one twin-cylinder Indian, equipped, SIOO. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 R. sl3 DUMAS' WORKS, $3.25; $lB E. I*. Iloe's works, $4.50; sll Balzac's works, $2.75: fine sets; cash or payments, Aurand's Book Store, 913 North Third street. FOR SALE—Kitchen range, "Jewell," with water-back, top heating oven, six lids, pipe, all in new condition. Price, $15.00 for quick-sale. Call Bell phone 31&0R, Camp Hill. FOR SALE 1915 model, two-speed motorcycle; full electric equipped; A 1 condition; cheap if sold at once. Apply 1512 North. RANGE FOR SALE Good coal range. Call Saturday, May 13, between 1 and 6 P. M., 224 Woodbine street. FOR SALE Block baby coach—the best model. Slightly used—in perfect condition. Will sell reasonably. Call 3109 North Second street. FOR SALE Underwood Revolving Duplicator, in good Condition. Call at church, corner Fourth and Delaware, between 9 and 12 A. M. J. G. Smith. FOR SALE 2O-foot rift climber motorboat, 6-H-2-cylinder Gray motor. Address Earl Lenlser, Millersburg, Pa. WASTE PAPER BRINGS HIGH PRICES Bale it—don't burn it! An ECONOMY all-steel, ilreproof baler will pay for itself uvor and over. Every business place needs one. Different styles at different prices. Consult me about your requirements. E. R. Seldel, 2109 Green street, Harrisburg, Pa. AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second street, 6,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, II L primed and nrlazed, at $1.30 per set Also other sizes. Also doors and shut ters. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at th« Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Soda fountain, twelve foet marble counter and marble draft; three soda spigots; one Ice water; elec tric globe on top; good condition. Ap ply 1025 North Seventh street. Bell 1617-R. DIAMOND TIRES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The new "Velvet Rub ber" in these tires gives them more tougliaess. elasticity and long-wearing qualities than were ever known in tires before. Special Discounts. HARRIS BURG HARNESS &- SUPPLY CO.. SEC OND AND CHESTNUT. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE—One Real Xpollo kitchen range. In excellent con dition. Address, Box C. 4021, care Telegraph. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS Remington. $15.00; Smith Premier, $15.00: Underwood, Remington, No. 10, at attractive prices. Geo. P. Tillotson, 211 Locust street. FOR SALE Hardwood stall posts. Iron stall guards, iron troughs and car riage elevator. Good condition. Apply Ober's Old Livery Stand, "ourt and Cranberry streets. FOR SALE All the counters, shelv ing.". stools and tables from Cook's De partment Store, 308 Market street. Na tional Cash Register and mtrrora. Bought by S. Meltsser, 613 Walnut street. Bell phone 282 J. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 11J-U7 Bouth Second street, Lawn Fence, Field Fence. Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware. Plaster Board, Lpson Wall Board. Compo-Board, Doors, bash, Shutters, Mouldings, Porch Posts, etc. AT GABLE'S. 113. lit and 117 Bouth Second street, 5,000 gallons Now Era ready-mixed paint, Acme quality. All the full line of the Acm« mtk*. For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR RENT Two large store rooms, 18x72; located on corner Sixtn and Kel ker streets; latest style ceilings, and all conveniences; ~ood for any line of busi ness, except poolroom. Apply to JU Sll bert. 1742 North Sixth street. Bell phone 3713-W. FOR RENT Desirable office In Telegraph Building, size 14x19. Inquire, Superintendent, Room 100. 1 STORE ROOM FOR RENT—Suitable for piano store, confectionery, furniture or any other kind of a large store; rea sonable. Apply. 1101 North Sixth street. FOR RENT—Desk room In a desir able office in the Teleprapli Building, Harrlsburg's largest and best oftlca FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general I purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, j 711 North Third street. FOR RENT Nine new brick gar agres, nt the rear of 1424 Derry street. Rent reasonable. Business Opportunities OIL. SIO.OO invested with us has made others S.IOO in less than six months. Let us send you our maga zine, "Profitable investments," six: months free, which tells how to niako your money make you independent. The Hoffman Company, 'lO7 Fannin street, Houston, Texas. BECOME INDEPENDENT. Start now on the golden road to fortune. sls in vested in a rich California Gold Mine will inake SIOO during the next few months as mine is developed to divi dend paying basis. The Calif. Co., Humboldt Bank Bldg., Sail i'rancisco, Cal. Reliable Manufacturer wants capabla Business Man to open office and man age salesmen. Liberal contract. S2OO to S7OO capital necessary. Possibilities unlimited. Expenses paid to Chicago if accepted. Manager, 1827 Lytton Bldg., Chicago. FOR SALE—Prererred stocic In Cum mlngs Realty Company at Fifty Dollars per share. Can be paid In Installments, 3 per cent, interest allowed while pay ing. Dividends from date of final pay ment. Office, 905 Kunkel Builuing, Harrisburg. FOR SALE An established restau rant and quick lunch business, in thriv ing town close to Harrisburg. Present owner wishes to return to his home in the West the only reason for selling. Inquire C. H. J., 4037, care of Telegraph. WANTED Five qualified men, lo cated in different sections of the State, able to develop S2OO monthly debit, or its equivalent in cash, can obtain Di rectorship in established Insurance So ciety, guaranteeing each SI,OOO annu ally. Address Room 26, 612 Court street, Reading, Pa. FOR SALE Candy, Ice cream and cigar store; 5-cent fare limit from Market Square; income was over $27 on last Sunday, April 30; priced right; good buy. Walter H. Cummlngs, 905 Kunkel Building. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE—Stock at inventory and fixtures at a reason able price; also another opportunity for a similar business; rent for house and store. S3O per month. Bell Realty Co,, Bergnor Building. ANY Intelligent person can earn food Incomt corresponding for newspaper*; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock port. N. Y. Business Personals FOUND A place to buy a key check for 25c and it's stamped with your name and address. Harrisburg Stencil Works, 130 Locust street. B. J. Campbell. FEATHER RENOVA'-Oil, Tenth and Paxton Streets. RELIABLE LOCKSMITH SHOP Keys made. Locks, Electric Bells, Trunks and Suitcases repaired. Lawn mowers sharpened. 1303 North Sixth street. Bell phone 3995. INSPECT my Spring and Summer Clothes. Made up in the latest styles for the lowest cash prices. FERDI NAND EXCEL, 432 BOAS STREET. EXPERIENCED SURVEYOR AND DRAUGHTSMAN wishes work for even ings and Saturday afternoons. Reli able. accurate. Can furnish instru ments and corps. Can furnish refer ences. address S., 4128, care of Tele graph. ARCADE BARBER SHOP. 36 North Court street. Hair cut, 26c; shave. 10c; massage, 25c. Haircutting given special attention. Everything thoroughly sterilized. P. D Richwine, Prop. NEW and second-hand furniture bought and sold; we pay the highest cash prices and sell t reasonable prices. S. Gold, 1014 Market street. Bell phone «085 J. White Detective Agency- Trustee Building, 8 N. Market Square. All lines of detective work handled. Bell phone 127 W. MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. FURNITURE, second-hand, bought at highest cash prices and sold at rea sonable prices. Phone and we will call. Max Smeltz, 1016 Market street. Leather traveling bags ana suitcases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices in the city Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and goods at low prices. COHEN & SON, Reliable Pawnbrokers, 481 Market street, at subway. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, Drug gist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. HAULING"^ R. A. HARTMAN, Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Slcvers of f llanos, safes, boilers and general haul ng. 11. W. Lathe, Munager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phuuk No. 2603 R. Personal FITS I cured my daughter hv simple discovery; particulars free. Lepso, 120 Island avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. CUT this out for luck; send birth date and 10c for wonderful horoscope of your entire life. Professor Raphael, 499 Lexington avenue. New York. Livestock and Poultry SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICES on Bar row S. C. White Leghorn Chicks and Hatching Eggs. All free range stock. Chicks. 9c. each, May 14 and 17; June, Bc. Hatching Kg*s. $3.00 per 100. Prairie State Brooder Stove for sale, used two seasons: cost, $30.00; price, $9.00. Glen Dale Poultry Farm, Wells vltle. Pa. FOR SALE S. C. W. Leghorn chicks, day old, 9 cents each; one week old, 11! cents each. J. Nelson Tost, Race and Water streets, Middletown. Pa. 8. C. w. LEGHORN EGGS FOR HATCHING l5 for »1.00, delivered. Good laying strain. Satisfaction guar anteed. West Knd Poultry Yards, Box 123, Loysvllle, Pa. 15
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