19 jj||fp== ( MICHELIN-FOUNDED-1832 J 1 MICHELIN! jjjl 12 to 15% Extra Weight i!ji| |i MICHEUN UNIVCISAL | | WBi KJT TRUD |: When you buy your next tire make this simple test Let us weigh a Michelin Universal Tire in comparison with any other non-skid of the same size. Vol. xIIII find the MichtUn 12 lc 15% heavier than the average, j!j| iht exact percentage depending on Uh tixt of the tint toed in the tat. This extra weight represents extra rubber •nd fabric, which means extra service. • _ j ENSMINGER MOTOR CO. DISTRIBUTORS || j! Tliiwl and Cumberalnd Streets Harrisburg, I*a. Bell 5515 : fONE QUAUTY ONLY-THE BEST >=== j BANKHEAD DEFEATS HOBSON' By Associated Press Birmingham. Ala.. May 15. Wil liam B. Bankhead. son of Senator Bank head. has defeated former Congressman Richmond P. Hobson for the Congres sional nomination in the newly created Tenth district by fifty-one votes, latest returns of the Democratic primary show. Hobson has announced he will contest. Legal Notices A \ ORDINANCE SIGNIFYING Tilt; DESIRE OK THE CO RPORATE AUTHORITIES OF THE BOROUGH OF SThELTON To INCREASE THE INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID BOROUGH IN THE SUM OF FIFTY THOUSAND DOL LARS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAY ING THE BOROUGHS SHARE OF THE COSTS OF PAYING STREETS L.M'EK THE PROVISION OF THE ACT OF MAY 14. 11*15. P. L 312. AU THORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF THE QUESTION OF SAID INCREASE OF INDEBTEDNESS TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH AND FIXING THE TIME KOR HOLDING AN ELECTION FOR THAT PURPOSE IN ACCORI .NCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE COM MONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA '"OVERING THE INCREASE OF IN DEBTEDNESS OF MUNICIPALITIES. SECTION 1. THE BOROUGH COUN CIL OF STEELTON HEREBY SIGNI FIES THE DESIRE; of the corporate authorities of said borough to Increase the indebtedness of The Borough of Steelton in the sum of 150,000.00 to pay the borough's share of the costs of pav ing streets under the provision of the Act of May li. 1915. P L ::12. SECTION .. That for the purpose of obtaining the assent of the electors of The Borough of Steelton to such in crease of indebtedness, and. it appear ing-that more than ninety days elapse l between the date of this ordinance, or ' vote, desiring such increase, and the day of holding the municipal or general election, an election shall be held at the places of holding the municipal elec tions in said borough on Tuesday, May 16, 1916. between the hours of seven o'clock in the forenoon and seven o'clock in the afternoon; that the cor porate authorities of said borough shall give notice during at least thirty davs prior thereto, by weekly advertisements in the newspapers, not exceeding three Ir. said borough, of said election to be held at the places of holding the mu nicipal elections in said borough on i said date, as required by law. said no tice shall contain a statement of the amount of the last assessed valuation of taxable property In said borough, of the amount of the existing debt, of the amount and percentage of the proposed increase, and for the purpose for which the Indebtedness is to be increased, and It shall be the duty of the proper au thorities having charge of the prepara tion of the necessary ballots for said election to have the ques tion of said increase of in debtedness printed upon said bal lots In brief form and followed by the words "yes" or "no." as provided by the Act of General Assembly of the Com- ; monwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the 29th day of April. A D. 1903. and the amendments and supplements there to, in such a manner as to afford the electors an opportunity to vote for or against said proposed increase of in debtedness of said borough, as stated In Section 1, herein, as follows, to wit: [ on tne outside of said ballot shall be | frinted the words; NCREASE OF THE INDEBTEDNESS I OF THE BOROUGH OF STEELTON. OFFICIAL BALLOT On the inside of said ballot shall be printed: OFFICIAL BALLOT. SHALL THE BONDED IN DEBTEDNESS OF THE BOROUGH OF STEELTON BE INCREASED $50,- 000.00 FOR THE V#»c PURPOSE OF * co PAYING THE BOROUGH'S SHARE OF THE COSTS OF PAV- INO ING STREETS UNDER THE PROVISION OF THE ACT OF MAY 14, 1915, P. L 312? Enacted Into an ordinance this 10th day of April. A. D. 1916. J. V. W. REYNDERS. | President of Council. Attest:—CHAS. P. FEIDT. Secretary. Approved this 13th day of April, A. D. 1916. FRED WIGFIELD. Burgess. NOTICE OF ELECTION The corporate authorities of The Borough of Steelton, in the County of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, having, by their ordinance duly enact ed. signified their desire to increase the Indebtedness thereof, notice is hereby given the qualified electors of the several election precincts of the elec tion district comprising The Borough of Steelton, that an election shall be held at the places of holding the gen eral public municipal election of the borough officers, on the 16th day of May. A. D. 1916, between the hours of seven o'clock A. XL and seven o'clock P. M.. at which the question of increas ing the indebtedness of said borough will be submitted to the electors for their assent as provided by the ordi- 1 nance printed immediately above. The following statement is submitted as provided in the Act of Ist May. 1909, P. L 320: The last preceding assessed valuation of taxable property in said bor ough was $5,750,990.00 The amount of the exist ing debt of the borough is $275,024.75 The amount of the propos ed increase of Indebt edness is (50,000.00 The per centage of the pro posed increase of indebt edness is .00X69 The purpose of said Increase of in debtedness Is tne paying of the bor ough's share of paving streets under the provision of the Act of 14th Mr 1915, P. L. 312. FRED WIGFIELD. Burgess. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG t&mm TELEGRAPH MAY 12, 1916. I'AVOKABIA' REPORT XOLAX BILX. Washington, D. C., May 12. —A fa vorable repart on the Xolan bill, to pay federal employes a minimum wage of $3 a day. was ordered to-day by the House labor committee. Fourth class postmasters, persons in the gov ernment employ less than two years, employes under 21 years old and part time employes are excluded from its provisions. ' AN ORDIMM B SIGNIFYING THE DESIRE OF THE CORPORATE AUTHORITIES OF THE BOROUGH OF STEELTON TO INCREASE TIIE INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID BOROUGH IN" THE SUM OF TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND <525.- OC0.00) DOLLARS FOR THE PUR- I POSE OF PURCHASING AUTOMO BILE FIRE APPARATUS AND MO TOR TRUCKS FOR HAULING GAR BAGE, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMIS SION OF THE QUESTION OF SAID INCREASE OF INDEBTEDNESS TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH AND FINING THE TIME FOR HOLDING AN ELECTION FOR THAT PURPOSE IN ACCORD ANCE WITH THE LAWS OU THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA COVERING THE INCREASE OF INDEBTEDNESS OF MUNICI PALITIES. SECTION 1. THE BOROUGH COUN- j CIL OF THE BOROUGH OF STEEL TON HEREBY SIGNIFIES THE DE SIRE of the corporate authorities of ! said borough to increase the indebted ness of The Borough of Steelton In the sum of 125.000.00 for the purpose of ; purchasing automobile tire apparatus ] and motor trucks for hauling garbage. I SECTION 2. That for the purpose of ! obtaining the assent of the electors of The Borough of Steelton to such In- 1 crease of indeDteaness. ana it appear ing that more than ninety days eiapse between the date of this ordinance, or > ote. desiring such increase, and the day ■of holding the municipal or general ! i election, an election shall be held at ihe places of holding the municipal ! election in said borough on Tuesday, i May 16. 1916. between the hours of j seven o'clock in ttie forenoon and seven o'clock in the afternoon: that the cor porate authorities of said borough shall give notice during at least thirtv days prior thereto, by weekly advertisements In the newspapers, not exceeding three in said borough, of said election to be • held at the place of holding the munici- ' pal elections in said borough on said date, as required by law: said notice shall contain a statement of the amount of the last assesseu valuation of tax i able property In said borough, of the amount of the existing debt, of the i amount of percentage of the proposed increase, and for the p"rpose for which the indebtedness is to be increased and It shall be the duty of the proper authorities having charge of the prepa- i ration of the necessary ballots for said ! election to have the question of said In- ! crease of indebtedness printed upon said I ; ballots in brief form and followed bv the words "Yes" and "No." as provided ; bv the Act of General Assembly of the Comonwealth of Pennsylvania, approv ed the 29th day of April. A. D. 1903, and the amendments and supplements there- 1 , to, In such a manner as to afford the I electors an opportunity to vote for or against said proposed increase of In- i debtedness of said Borpugh. as stated in Section 1, herein, as follows, to wit: I on the outside of saia ballot shall be printed the words: i ; INCREASE OF THE INDEBTEDNESS I OF THE BOROUGH OF STEELTON. OFFICIAL BALLOT. ! On the Inside of said ballet shall be printed; OFFICIAL BALLOT. SHALL THE BONDED IN DEBTEDNESS OF THE BOROUGH OF STEELTON BE INCREASED 123.- I CS KOO.OO FOR THE 1 PURPOSE OF P U R C H ASING _ , I automobile No FIRE APPA- " RATUS AND MO- _J, TOR TRUCKS FOR HAULING GARBAGE? Enacted Into an ordinance this 10th day of April. A. D. 1916. J. V. W. REYNDERS. President of Council Attest:—CHAS. P. FEIDT, Secretary. i d Ajiprot'eil this 13th day of April, A. FRED WIGFIELD. Burgess. NOTICE OF ELECTION I The corporate authorities of The Borough of Steelton, in the Countv of D.uphln and State of Pennsylvania having, by their ordinance duly enact ed. signified their desire to increase the , indebtedness thereof, notice is hereby , given to the qualified electors of the several election precincts of the elec tion district comprising The Borough 1 of Steelton. that an election shall be held at the places of holding the genera) public municipal election of the boroueb officers, on the 16th day of May A D 1916, between the hours of seven o'clock A. M. and seven o'clock P M at which the question of increasing the indebtedness of said borough will be submitted to the electors for their as sent as provided by the ordinance printed immediately above. Th : following statement is submitted as provided in the Act of Ist May 1909 ; P. L 320: ' • | The last preceding assessed valuatfon of taxable property In said bor ough was $5,750,990 00 The amount of the exist ing debt of the boroueh is (276.024 74 The amount of the propos i ed Increase of indebt edness Is, . $25,000.00 \ The per centage of the pro posed Increase of indebt edness is .00435- i The purpose of said Increase of In- 1 debtedness is for the purchase of auto- j mobile fire apparatus and motor trucks for hauling garbage. FRED WIGFIELD. ! 3urge»«. Try Telegraph Want Ads STFFLTWMWS FIREMEN WILL DISCUSS LOANS Much Sentiment For Improve ment Measures Expressed Among Citizens I Two improvement loans—one for j toC.OOO for street paving, the other lor 525.000 for motor lire apparatus and garbage truck—to lie voted upon Tues day m ill be thoroughly discussed by ! members of the various fire companies ! in the borough this evening and to- j . morrow. The Paxtang Hook and I-adder Com- j pany members will meet Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock and the "West Side Hose Company will hold a meeting this evening. Much sentiment has been expressed by individual firemen in favor of the ' loans. At least three pieces of appa- i ratus will be purchased with the money available if the loans are passed, and firemen have been assured that it will be only a short time until additional funds will be available to motorize i the remaining companies. Sentiment favors the paving loan j because of the ranid strides already! taken by the borough to make it one t of the best paved in the State. Passage i I of the paving measure will make suf ! ficient funds available to pave prac- j ; tically every thoroughfare of impor j tance in Steelton. HOOVER n.XKHAI. Funeral service* for George Hoover will be held at the home of his daugh- , ter. Mrs. Harry Harts. 720 South Sec ond street, to-morrow afternoon »i 1.30 o'clock and at the Enhaut Church of l»od at 2 o'clock. Burial will ne .aaue at Oberli'i. Sieelton Council, No. 16" ~ Order of Independent Americans, of I which Mr. Hoover was a lnenr ■ .will 1 attend the services. The pallbearers !v ... . Thompson. Harm i.ietx, H. M. Scott. M. P. Vanatta. .lolin H. ' Uallagher and John Kohlliaas. S. S. CONVENTION TO-NIGHT A district Sunday School convention will be held In Urace Vnited Evangeli cal Church this evening. There are thirteen Sunday Schools in the district and all will be represented this even ing. ! The principle speaker will be B. F ' Forsythe. of Pittsburgh, State field worker for the Sunday School Asso- ' ! elation, who is now touring twenty-! 1 :>ne districts in Tiaunhin <«ou"*v. 1 W. Barker, of Harrisburg. an officer of the county association. ..11 ; , speak. hMIDDLETOWfI- -. | Middletown Auto Club Will Participate in Good Roads Movement At a meeting of the Middletown ! j Auto Club held last evening plans were I discussed for the club's participation 1 in the State-wide movement to work 011 the roads on Thursday, Mav 25. 1 Several members announced their will ingness to put in the day with pick ; and shovel while others volunteered jto furnish men in their places. The I club also voted to supply Ixiwer Swa ! tara township with two drain pipes to ; be used opposite Goose Island. The secretary was instructed to com municate with the authorities in High spire as to whether the borough con templates repairing- the stretch of road 'at the eastern end of the town. This 1 piece of road is in miserable shape and ! in its present condition is said to be i | a menace to the traveling public. The ! ' Harrisburg auto club also will be asked I i to co-operate with the local motorists j in their efforts to have the road fixed. Husband Extinguishes Flames Which Envelop Wife; Gasoline Ignites Mr. and Mrs. John W. Few narrowly j escaped serious injury when a bucket of gasoline in which the latter was I. cleaning a skirt took fire from the I i friction caused by rubbing: the garment I • and blazed up in their faces. Although ' •enveloped in flames. Mr. Few retained j [ his presence of mind and. throwing i his wife to the floor, seized a rug and 1 rolled her in it. He was successful in i subduing the flames before either one of them was badly burned and then ran for a fire extinguisher. Returning i' to the room, he found flames shooting.' as high as the ceiling and two pieces jof furniture already burning. Quick work with the extinguis-her smothered | the blaze. COMFORT BABYS ITCHING SKIN WITH CUnCBBA j SOAP BATHINGS i TTiey are so cleansing and soothing, j p If his skin is irritated or raahy, anoint ; 11 gently with a little Cuticura Ointment. ' J Rumple Each Free by Mail £ With 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad- ' B dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. IMi, i 6 Boston." Sold throughout the world. NUXATED IRON t Increases strength of delicate, nervous. Hit f1 ▼ i TITII rundown people 200 I k!*y Per cent, in ten days ■II 1 I hH >n many Instances. ItQnjljljMl article soon to *ap- Ask your rtoctor r *or 1 druggist about It. Croll Rel.tir. Q, A. Uorgu# always carry it In stock. i BANKRUPT SALE of JEWELRY af 50 cents and Less on the Dollar pVERY article in the Jos. D. Brenner's stock of jewelry, recently secured by us from the trustee in bankruptcy, will be sold without reserve at HALF and less than HALF PRICE. We have added a large portion of our own stock to the bargains which we offer at extraordinary reductions on account of this sale. This is Positively a Money-Saving Opportunity You Should Not Miss Here are a few samples of the many bargains. There are hundreds of others just as irresistible. t Lockets DIAMONDS 11 WATCH^-| X Solid Gold These extraordinary low price* are for the " u oppor s and Gold l7r, P *"o°' 0 °' No """" Filled LADIES' SOLITAIRE RINOS i Jfi Pitmond Cuff Buttons, SS.OO ]' / V'''*'' v, Tmnll , A „.. . T , , $6.00 Solitaire Rings, .. $3.00 $7.50 Diamond Cuff Buttons. I Special— oOe. Gold Filled Lockets, 25c si.oo Solitaire Kiuu*. .. $3.75 S't 7"S J--Ji <iJn Ladies' Sol sl.oo Gold Filled Lockets, SOc SIO.OO Solitaire Rings, . . $5.00 «i a rv,, ;> rmr n T_ ' id Gold $2.00 Gold Filled Lockets, SI.OO $15.00 Solitaire Rings. . . 87.50 * Diamond Cuff Buttons, $5.00 Ope nfa c e s;i.oo Gold Filled Lockets. *1.30 $20.00 Solitairo Rings, ..SIO.OO $12.50 Diamond Cuff Buttons, ct Watch, $5 c°!-j ®°!l J joC J ie^ s ' J'! $25.00 Solitairo Rings, ..$12.30 $6.75 Special—Ladies' slo.Oo'Gold 18.00 Solid bold Locket** *4.OC Special Note—Larger Dia- $5 Diamond Bearf Pins, $2.50 Filled Case, guaranteed 20 vears, mond. 15 to 26 per cent, under $lO Diamond B ,. arf Pinjl MKnn American movement $5.00 1 regular prices. _ Ladies $12.50 Gold Filled UMBRELLAS $lO Diamond Ear Rings, $5.00 * lo Diamond Scarf Pins, $,..»0 Case, 20-year guarantee, Ameri- Hiill'* Umbrellas for Ladies and * 2 9 Diamond Ear Rings, SIO.OO S2O Diamond Scarf Pins, SIO.OO can movement, $6.25 Gentlemen Diamond Ear Rings, $12.50 $25 Diamond Scarf Pins, $12.50 Ladies' sls Gold Filled Case, $1.25 Umbrellas 63c V —' l°^ ear *« arßnt6 «. Kl « in "ove sl.so Umbrella. 75c * ' \ . A ? ' .iV-n r n p-,V i / $2.00 Umbrellas SI.OO SCARF PINS HAT PlNS—Special Lot , n M ? n " 11 2 ' ao C :° ,<l Fll A ,ed Caße - SI 00 I'mbMliu s< %n '»» "v SI.OO Scarf 20-vear guarantee, American . Pins, . ,50c Hat Pins—big variety, values up Men's sls Gold Filled Case, / " \ $2.00 Bcari to 75c. Sale price, . 35c 20-year guarantee, Elgin move- I Pins, $ 1.00 V * ■«* v»7.50 1 $3 00 Scarf \ r lso ""J, other batches for ifn&TTwrwl I ... o Ladies, Gentlemen and Boys in I Gold, Gold Filled, Silver and Sil- I Sc i r * verine cases, at HALF PRICE BRACELETS ' Pm *- * 250 , LESS. , Special—One lot assorted Ban- v ~^~ gle Bracelets. 25c, 37c. 50c. 75c \ WATCH BRACELETS , ■ $1.25 Child s Bracelets. . . ®®c DinwA C n< * '°t that we have speciallv J\ GOLD FILLED s4.o° G. lulled Bracelets. SB.OO fgl DBUV llfllES priced, each $1.65 t jiXA NECK CHAINS $5.00 G. Bracelets. *--50 J O Q ne j ot filled—lo-vear 0 . -pjii.j $7.50 G. Filled Bracelets. $3.75 r.„n.rante« a pood SlO value A *- $lO 14 K. Gold Bracelets, $5.00 "SI A large aSSOrt- EaTh . $5.00 YTY K Neck Chains, Bren v * ' ment, many styles E 'p n or waitham wrist i7se" regu,ar 7. Z & solid cold. 20 y Ti 8. l,ara ff Heavy Filled F na-r R Ps gold-filled cases. Sale price, $7.85 U Keck Chains with rillßCl nill£& Sol.dl <• karat full jeweled X'A » 1 . ocket(l . Brenner's if OUC ana Wrist \Natehes. Sale price, sls \v V J • ti ka 7v | AmJ/ For Ladies , 75c u lo i solid B°ld 8 ° ld - ' ' ' - yy and Gen- ' v / ■ \ tlemen ' \ , , LORGNONS WALDEMAR CHAINS . arterial Lot of BEAUTY PINS I _ _ Special—One lot of Ostbv & «, ~ _ „ I speclal I Gold,. Silver, Gun Metal and Barton's Ladies' Gold Filled Special Lot—Guaranteed I lOc, 15c, 20c, 25c, SOc Per Setl Shell, ...$3.00 up to SIB.OO Rings—wonderful varietv stone 60c Chains, gold plated, 17c \ . .f setting*. SI.OO value. 25c 75c Chains, gold plated, 38c . A « g . La Valtieres—Solid Gold and Gold Filled Rings for Ladles' and Gentlemen ___________ „„ „„ _ $1.25 Rings 68c STERLING SILVER THIMBLES * $1.25 G. Filled I.avallieres, 68c $3.00 S. Gold Lavallieres, $1.50 $1.50 Rings 75c tn . .... $ 1.50 G. Filled Lavallieres, 750 $4.00 H. Gold Lavallieres, $2.00 $2.00 Rings SI.OO All sizes 10c Each j $6.00 S. Gold Lavallieres. $2.50 $3.00 Rings $1.50 BAR PINS—A Special Lot $2 00 G. Filled Lavallieres, SI.OO . | 6-50 s Gold Lavallieres, $3.75 $5.00 Rings $2.50 Regular values 50c 17c $2.00 S. Gold Lavallieres, SI.OO I $lO S. Gold Lavallieres, 3UVOO mm / -- . _ -i Commencement H. C. CLASTER Many Beautiful Articles Su/7-1 T I OM able for Favors, Prizes u , ... and „ , Gems-Jewels-Silverware BirfMay and Christ. Wedding Presents 302 Market S t. No. 1 N. Third St. MANY ENTRANTS FOR TRACK MEET High and Grammar School Athletes Will Compete on Cottage Hill Tomorrow Arrangements were completed this' afternoon for the • annual interclass track and field meet of the Steelton | high school and the dual meet between the Central grammar school, Steelton, j and the Forney grammar school, Har- j risburg, to be held to-morrow after noon on the Cottage Hill field. The relay races and hammer throw j events will be run off this evening about 5.15 o'clock. The main events 1 will start at 2.30 o'clock to-morrow ; afternoon. This year's meet will include ten events for each meet and the events will be run oft alternately. There are 144 entrants from the high school and 40 entrants from each of the grammar schools. Principal C. S. Davis, of the high school, and his assistants were busy this afternoon making up the program and arranging for officials. The interclass meet, is one of the big events of the school term and attracts a large attendance outside of school 1 circles. ISSIES PROCLAMATION The annual call for general observ ance of Mother's Day was issued last • evening by Burgess Fred Wigfield. His proilamatiofi follows: •'Whereas, Throughout the world, ■ and especially In this nation and State, I and particularly in our own borough of Steelton. an honored motherhood should be found: and principle, duty, gratitude and affection bind us to the mothers, who bore us for the world: and it behooves us to give expression to that consideration of esteem due to our mothers by an outward sign; "Therefore. I, Fred Wigfield. Bur gess of the Borough off Steelton, do designate the white carnation as that sign, and May 14 as Mother's dav, and request that everyone, man, woman and i child, shall wear this sign of that day as a symbol of love to his own mother and an offering of respect to every oth er mother." Steelton Snapshots Newton A. C. Wins. —The Newton A. C. baseball team defeated the Na tional Brewery nine yesterdav; score 1 to 0. To Hear Orrtwtr.- Seventeen mem bers of the High School orchestra ac companied by Professor W. M. Harcle rode. supervisor of music, attpnded the concert by the Philadelphia Orchestra 1 at Harrisburg tills afternoon. Complete llrpalr*. Repairs to Sec ond street paving have been completed by the Standard Wthullthic fompanv Firemen to Meet. The West Side Hose Company will meet this evening 1 lat Myers and Conestoga streets. PNEUMONIA IUMjS TWO Two small children died of pneu MOST PEOPLE are You keep wel1 ' you u,c tc/cZcc habit that nearly every one can form. But you must crkrrf _ cultivate it until it becomes "second nature." Prac- CJI tice health as faithfully as you do the form of work x* or pleasure you like best, and you can be well all the I fie lime time. Beecham's Pills are a natural aid to the health _ habit, and of untold value to all who want to be well o Ol7le and keep well. Harmless and dependable, the timely people 11Q£> are well mOSt Ol pills will correct slight disorders of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood—relieve indigestion, biliousness, iL m. ♦ sick headache—and clear up dull eyes and a muddy skin. llie tlitlC Prompt attention given to these common disorders will _ keep the body from becoming diseased. The surest way to hilt—— VOU avoid illness is to prevent it. Neglect causes many ills. . As a preventive remedy, Beecham's Pills are supreme. CCL Tt DC They are made of medicinal herbs, contain no harmful or habit-forming drug, and may be safely taken by man, If _lf woman or child. So sure and reliable for the common ills Weil CLll of the household that they have stood the test for over f # sixty years. Today they have the largest sale of any medi the time C * ne ' n they have won public confidence. _ . If you prize your good health, if you want to stay well— if f*l» f/oififlr you seek to recover bodily strength and mental vigor, you uou (5 need the protection and relief given by Beecham's Pills. talis Pus "Tfc« LuiMt Sal* of Any Medicine in th» World" At All DragfUU, 10*, Mm, I Direction* of apoeiot oatmm to woman ON with mwory box monia yesterday. They were Charles Roberts, 1 year o'.d, son of Mr. and Sirs. Frederick K. Woodward, 43S Swatara street, and Roy S., 9-montli old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blyor ?115 South Front street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers