BIG REALTY OPERATIONS IN MANY PARTS OF CITY ARE NOW UNDER WAY TRUSTEES DECIDE NEW DORMITORY Third Big Building, of Tudor Design, to Be Erected Soon 011 Campus Architecturally Tudor, the second new dormitory to be erected by the Harrlsburg Academy on its attractive grounds above the city wilt be similar in design and size to the Seller hall, ' »p which an informal reception was 'ld on Thursday. The board of 1 listens reached a final conclusion yesterday and it is understood that the third addition to the Academy's group of educational buildings will I « located on the campus south of the main building, between Second street and the river. Zantinger. Medary and Horle. of Philadelphia, havf drawn i> the plans and work will • begun OB them at once. They are the same architects who built the John Y. Boyd Me morial hall in South street. One of the features of the new building, which will accommodate 20 additional boarding pupils, as the Telegraph said on Wednesday last, will be the diningroom for 200 boys which may tie converted into an audi torium, when finished, to seat 600 poo vile. The rapid growth of Harrisburg'e preparatory school is a healthy In dication of what is to become in the years that are before it. The inter est that was shown by the hundreds of alumni and friends of the institu tion at the housewarming of the new dormitory and the opening of the lonian D. Gilbert Library a few days ago indicates how eagerly Harrisburg and the country roundabout is watch ing the progress of the Academy to ward a good that will place it sec- ond to none in the State. Two Submarines Fought Off by British Liner London, May 6. The British liner Clan MacFadyen has arrived in Gravesend from Africa, somewhat damaged by the gunfire of two Ger man submarines. The steamer re turned the fire, and it was believed on board that one of the submarines was destroyed. The steamer reports that the first attack on her was made in the Bay of Biscay, when a submarine fired 60 shots at her at a range of 50 yards. The steamer immediately brought her big gun into action and hit the sub marine several times and, it is be lieved. destroyed it. Three hours laler another sub marine fired a torpedo, hut missed the Clan Macfadyen by a few feet. Local D. A. R. Is Giving Red Cross Sewing Party Harrisburg Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution will hold a Red Cross sewing party on Thursday afternoon, May 11 from 2:30 to 5 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. Fred erick H. Marsh. 229 West State street. This was arranged for several weeks ago when Mrs. Marsh fell and broke lipr anltle. She haS—mifflxue-pIUL. rg rovered to be about the house and the work for the Red Cross is ready for sewers. All numbers of the chapter are invited to be present and •bring their thimbles with them. Tea will follow the sewing. ( Additional real estate news page 14) North Fifth St. Homes Located at 2311-13-15-17 N. Fifth Street EAST TERMS Fred. C. Miller Builder 213 Walnut Street. Hsrrlsbura. Pa. Hell Phone. TOT M. I :The New Bungalow ► An entirely new type of Bungalow Houses now being built J ► on Fifth street. This particular type of house has never been I ► built in this city and offers many new advantages in Bungalow k Architecture in Ideal Homes. Semi-brick and Kellastone construction, slate roofs, Tile Porches (English), Dust-proof Cellars, Laundry. Parquet Floors, New System of Plumbing, Scientific Light ► ing, using only solid brass and silver fixtures; Quartered j ► Oak and African Circassian Walnut Sterling Laminated r Flurh Veneered Doors (the finest made door in the world.) HOUSES FULLY EQUIPPED. ► BUILT UNDER PERSONAL SUPERVISION. Prices $5,500.00 i h i Mac Williams Construction Co. } ► DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS j ; 2150 North Fifth Street Harrisburg, Pa. j AAAA A A A 1 Right Alongside a Beautiful | Residential Section j AO-foot street, one block from Derry street trolley line; building! and race restrictions. IT lots. 20x115 each, to 20-foot located on 4 24th street. 12 dollars per front foot. The biggest bargain in Harris- I burg. J RETTEW & BUSHNELL 1000 N. THIRD STREET HKAI, KKTATE AND• INSURANCE j SATURDAY EVENING, DERRY STREET HOMES NEARING COMPLETION •' >v * * • *"*•• * » ? ' * T •• " i * * 'V <• A ' i X*'" I One of the largest single realty building operations now under way i n the city is the erection of twenty brick and stucco dwellingliouses in Derry street between Twenty-fifth and Twentv-sixth streets. Harold \. Hippie, room 1"., Harrisburg National Bank Building, is the builder. These houses, the cost of which will be about *50.000. are modern In construction and make a pretty addition to East End development. The dwell ings are about completed and will soon be ready for occupancy. I MANY BUILDING CONTRACTS LET Period From January 1 to May 1 Largest in Seven Years, With Two Exceptions Comparative statistics of building and engineering operations in Eastern Pennsylvania. Southern New Jersey. Maryland, Delaware, District of Col umbia and Virginia, as compiled by the F. W. Dodge Company, show that from January 1 to May 1 contracts were awarded for $51,881,000 worth of work. With the exception of a similar period last year and in 1910 this amount is the largest in the past seven years. Statistics for this district follow: Contract! awarded January 1 to May 1: 1916—551,581,000 1915 —$28.91 9.000 1914 — 32,054,000 1913 26,771,000 1912 43,576,000 1911— 32.054,000 1910— 33.821,500 Comparative statistics of building and engineering operations in New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. Maryland. Delaware, Fer Sale No. 206 Walnut Street Fronting 32 feet 9 Inches, ex tending through the »amc width to Locust street. Applications For Renting First floor and basement may bo considered. Floor area about 5.272 square feet. Including show win dows. APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Co. 222 Market Street » * West Virginia. Illinois. Indiana, lowa, , Wisconsin. Michigan. Minnesota. North | and South Dakota and portions of I Missouri and Eastern Kansas, as com piled by the F. W. Dodge Company: j Contracts awarded January 1 to May 1: 1916—5324,665,500 1915—5244,095,100 1914 228.710,000 1913 285.388,000 1912 252.249.500 1911— 254,275,813 1910— 256,838.804 In Realty Realms Realty circles are much interested in the option obtained by Charles Adler, acting as agent, on 10 South' Second street. There is much conjec turs as to what Mr. Adler's principal intends to do with this property which is well suited for a large retail store. Work on the foundations of the new department store in Market street., near Fifth, is progressing rapidly.' WHY THEY LIKE TO LIVE IN BELLEVUE PARK ' ' A GLIMPSE OF THE BEAUTIFUL OAK WOODS IN BELLEVUE PARK One who lias built a home and lives in Bellevue Park, says: ''We like Bellevue to live in because it is a retired spot away from the bustle and turmoil, smoke, dust and congestion of the city, yet within twenty minutes of the business center. Built on good-sized plots, our houses are flooded with sunshine and air and surrounded by spacious lawns and gardens. "We like Bellevue because of its beautiful park reservations — romantic walks, winding driveways, miniature lakes, rippling brooks, magnificent towering oaks, tennis courts, etc., at the dis posal of our families. "We like Bellevue because of the wonderful health-giving ad vantages it affords our children, with its breezy hills for kite fly ing. broad grassy fields, antl sunny slopes for other sports _so dear to "Young America." W'e do not believe there is a healthier place in Pennsylvania for boys and girls. "Then, too. we like Bellevue for the ever-changing exquisite beauty of its foliage —from the tender greens of Spring, growing heavier and richer and more varied as the season advances, to the brilliant reds, yellows and browns of Autumn. To the lovers of nature this feature is an ever-present joy. • "In short, we believe all the other householders share our feel ing that Bellevue Park as an ideal home spot is unequaled in Har risburg, and not surpassed anywhere." Take Reservoir Park tars to TV/TTT T T7 , 11) I)D r\TUT?T? C! P T PA Twenty-first and Market Sis. JLVIJL ±J Lj JLJ IV DKUIJIIjIvU (SL UU. HARRJSBURG TELEGRAPH Jacob Tausig's Sons, the builders, are | pushing the work. Work on the Camp Curtin Memorial Methodist church is progressing rap idly. The building will be ready for dedication in the Fall. The death of Harry C. Wright, the Steellon contractor and builder, has been felt in realty realms. Mr. Wright had many large confracts in Harris burg. No arrangements have yet been made for handling the Messiah Lutheran church contract held by Mr. Wright. CASTELLAN E-GOl'Ll) MARRIAGE VALID Py Associated Press Rome, May 6. Pope Benedict has ratified the decision of the Commis sion of Cardinals confirming the valid ity of the marriage of Count Boni de Castellane to Anna Gould, now Duchess Talleyrand. The Papal ratlfi , cation definitely bars annulment of the marriage. Naval Reserve Bill Meets I With Favor in Senate Special to tht Telegraph Washington, D. C., May 6. The: Senate Committee on Naval Affairs { yesterday reported favorably to the Senate the Navy Department's hill for; the establishment of a naval reserve. The report states that the necessity [ for an organized naval reserve Is I recognized by all of the great naval I powers of the world. It shows that | prior to the war the percentages of | the naval reserve forces to active i foryes maintained by her governments | were as follows: England, 43 per cent.: Qermany, 104 I per cent".; France'. 149 per cent.; Japan, 49 per cent.; Italy, 40 per Camp Hill The Suburb of Natural Beauty; go out with us and inspect our new addition. "Cooper Heights," with j its concrete walk, electric lights, water and gas, with Its fine build ing and bungalow sites. We will j help you select a lot and build you a home. One hundred bungalow designs and plans to select from. West Shore Realty Co. liaor & Rice Ix»ino>ne Trust Co. Building , I/cnwiyiic, I'n. Bell Phone 3198.T i \___ REALTY BARGAINS so,ooo for the double property, Nos. 329 and 331 South Fourteenth street, corner Beese avenue, through to 1 Daisv avenue. Storeroom. IS rooms I and bath, steam heat and large new I rang*-. Stable In rear. Lot 32x151. j •2,200 —3-story brick coiner prop erty No. 1303 Wallace street, 9 rooms and bath. Can be altered to a ; corner store property. Price Just ! reduced from $2,600 for a quick sale. $1,600 -.218 Atlas street. 3-story brick dwelling, 8 rooms, bath, gas and furnace. $2.000 —3-story brick dwelling. No. 627 Harris street. 8 rooms, bath, gas. furnace and cemented cellar. Lot 16x100. Property In fine condition. 1407-I*lo9 Currant avenue, 2 V - ! story brick dwellings, 7 rooms. Rent, S2O. Cheap for $2.000 1225-1 227-1229 Wallace street. Three 2 'j-story frame dwellings. 7 rooms, gas and water in kitchen. Bent $36. Low price at .... $3,000 CHAS. ADLER 1002 SOUTH THIHO ST It ES ET J Try Telegraph Want Ads MAY 6, 1916. cent.; Austria, 120 per cent., and Russia, 120 per cent. In the United States, however, the naval militias of the various States | FOR RENT FOR RENT I Large, Modern Storeroom (IMMEDIATE POSSESSION) At 34 North Second Street HARRISBURG, PA. flEgfi Right in the heart of Second Street business belt—good j| day and night location. Suitable for any line of retail busi j! ness, but practically adapted for the following: Pianos Clothing Furniture Five and Ten-Cent Store Hardware High-Class Billiard Parlor ;( Shoes • Auto Show Room Millinery Department Store ;! Harrisburg needs, and will welcome, live wire men in any !> legitimate line. Splendid Business Opportunities Bob Up j; Here Every Day—This is Yours, Act Quick. i> Additional information cheerfullyfurnished. Address the owner, ARTHUR C. YOUNG, Real Estate I 26 North Third Street HARRISBURG, PA. Member of the llnrrlftliuru Heal H*(a(e Hoard. ' N IMMEDIATE POSSESSION New, Cozy, M«dern, Complete Homfii In which It la n pleasure to lire. Worth your time to nee them. OPEX FOR INSPECTION. Fourth and Emerald STOP WORKING FOB VO V H I.AMH.OItD BE6IH FOK Vol l(- SEI.F BUY A HOME. OUT STARTED PRICES RIGHT TERMS EASY Rettew & Bushnell 1000 NORTH THIRD STREET r a BE SURE TO INSPECT PARK PLACE (EAST OF COLONIAL CLUB) Prcscht activity makes important your immediate selection if you de sire to share in choice lots. Ijots 25 foot frontage by J 5(1 to 250 foot deep. Tonus to suit pur chaser—no interest or taxes for two years. Take Linglestown Car. For further particulars, call 87-R, Bell phone. H. M. BIRD UNION TRUST BUILDING i ' Real Estate For Sale I An investment in property means the largest profits j| | consistent with absolute security. ' 1989 Green St.—3-story brick 202» Ponn St. —3-story brick J J | house —9 rooms and bath, steam house—B rooms and bath, hot and <> > heat, side entrance, front porch, cold water; stationery wash tubs; |> I good as a new house. front porch; paved street; good <j ' 714 Capital St.—3-story brick condition; fine view of river. Price !> ! house —nine rooms and bath, hot $2,500. ]| ! and cold water, furnace, bay win ' dow, good location; newly papered. 224 Macla.v St. 3-story blick j| I Price $4,600. i dwelling, four rooms first floor; i 1 1 si 9 ,i„ rv brick ' three rooms and bath second floor: !] ! i, o 8 nVU Ml, furnace ! four rooms third floor, steam heat, <! I front porch, hot anjjoid water;' f. 1 KlT'llw hrtw« ho ar ;in good condition. P*52.500 » ' see m''Sboui !l I 1710 Green St.—aptory brick pr i ce . < ' dwelling—B rooms aril bath, hot i and CQld water, furnace, newly pa- 138 13th St. —3-story brick house i> | pered. Make appointment to see —g roo ms and bath, hot and cold |' ; this one. water, front porch, side entrance, <! i 225 X. Fourteenth St. —3-story . nea r State street, good condition; !> | brick house—B rooms and bath, hot gpiendid location. Price $3,500. '! i and cold water, furnace, front J, | porch, drive alley rear of lot. Price 1 iei S. 18th St.—S-story brick ]| > $2,850. house —9 rooms and bath; hot and <| ! 328 Hamilton St. —3-story brick cold water, furnace. Corner prop- |! ! houseI—B 1 —8 rooms and bath, hot and erty, front porch. Price $2,900. i! i cold water, furnace, good property, ], I fine location. Price $3,600. 207 Harris St. 3-story brick <| i 442 North St. 3-story brick house —9 rooms and bath, hot and |i ! house, ten rooms and bath, all im- cold water, furnace, side porch, j| ' provementa. corner property; faces corner property, in good repair; i> ! Capital Park; fine location. Price splendidly located. See me about ]' ' $7,200. 'price. M. A. FOUGHT 272 North Street compose the only force which could be considered ns a naval reserve force and that amounts to only 11.6 per cent, of the active force. Steelton Real Estate Is Increasing in Value. It's a Good Investment. We have a large list o! Desirable Homes. M. R. ALLEMAN 145 NORTH FRONT STREET STEEI.TON, PA. I v j 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers