DANDRUFF SURELY DESTROYS THE HAIR Girls—if yon want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it will rtarve your hair and ruin it if you don't. It doesn't do much pood to try to brush or wash it out. The only sure wav to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve It. then you destroy it entirely. To do this. Ret about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at nisht when re tiring; use enough to moisten the ' scalp and rub it in gently with the linger tips. By morning, most if not all. of your dandruff will be none, and three or four more applications will com pletely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it. You will find. too. that all itching digging of the scalp will stop, and your hair will look and feel a hundred times better. You can cot liquid arvon at any drug store. It Is inexpensive and four ounces is all you will need, no matter how much dandruff you have. This simple remedy never fails. —Advertisement. SAGE TEA DANDY 10 DARKEN HAIR It's Grandmother's Recipe to Bring Back Color and Luster to Hair. Tou can turn gray, faded hair beautifully dark and lustrous almost 1 over nisht If you'll get a 50-cent bot tle of "Wveth's Sage and Sulphur Compound'' at any drug store. Mil lions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved by the ad dition of other ingredients, are sold annually, says a well-known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise; awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van ishes and your locks become luxuriant ly dark and beautiful. This is the age of youth. Gray haired. unattractive folks aren't want ed around, so get busy with W'yeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound to-night , and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youth- i ful appearance within a rew days. This preparation is a toilet requisite \ and is not intended for the cure, miti gation or prevention of disease. PIMPLY?WELL, DON'T BE! People Notice It. Drive Them Off With Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass you aiuch longer if you get a package of Dr. Kdwards" Olive Tablets. The skin should begin to clear after you have takvn the tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, tlie bowels and the liver with Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are the successful substitute for calomel there's never any sickness or pain after taking them. Dr. Edward's <"Nlve Tablets do tha' •which calomel do?s. and just as effec tively, hut their action is Kentle and safe instead of severe and irritating. No one who takes 01iv» Tablets is ever cursed with "a dark brown taste" v a bad breath, a dull, listless, no good" feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad disposition or pimply face. Dr. Kdwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vcgetal'ie compound mixed witn olive oil: you will know them by their olive color. Dr. Edwards spent years among pa tients afflicted with liver and bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely effective result. Take one or two nightly for a week S«*c how much better you feel and look 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. The Olive Tablet Company, Colum bus. O. HEARTS TREATED FREE By Dr. Franklin .Miles, the Great Specialist. Who Semis a SJ.SO Trial Treatment, Free. To prove the remarkable effects of his new Special Personal Treatment for heart disease, short breath, pain in side, shoulder or arm, oppression, irregular pulse, palpitation, smother ing, puffing of ankles or dropsy, many are complicated with nerve, stomach, bowel and rheumatic symptoms—Dr. Miles will send to afflicted persons a $2.50 Free Treatment. Bad eases usually soon relieved. Many report cured after physicians failed. These treatments are the result of 8 0 years' extensive research and re markable success in treating various ailments of the heart, nerves and stomach, which often complicate each case. Send for Remarkable Testimonials So satisfactory are the results that he wishes every sick person to test this famous treatment at his expense. Afflicted persons should avail them selves of this liberal offer, as they may never again have such an opportunity. Delays are dangerous. No death comes more suddenly than that from heart disease. Send at once for his new Book and Free Trial Treatment. Describe your disease. Address Dr. Franklin Miles, Dept. HF., 525 to 535 Main St., Elk- ' hart, Ind. (f To Make Skin Clear 1| ! y ; Don't worry about skin troubles. You J can have a clear, clean complexion ny using a little zemo, obtained at any ! drug store for 25c, or extra large bot- 1 tie at SI.OO. Zemo easily removes all traces of , pimples, black heads, eczema, and ringworm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is neither watery, ! sticky nor greasy and stains nothing! : It is easily applied and costs a mere 1 trifle for each application. It is al ways dependable. Zemo. Cleveland. EDI'CATIOXAL : School of Commerce Xroup It«iil«lin«r 15 So. Market Sq. Day and Night School •2d Year Commercial iiu<l Stenographic Coiirmon I Bell Pfcoae IMC-J Harrisburg Business College Day and Night Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Civil Service Thirtieth Year 328 Market St. HnrrlNburK, I'n. The OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL Kaufman Bldg. 4 S. Market Sq. Training That Secures Salary Increasing Positions In the Office Call or send to-day for Interesting! booklet. M Thr Art of turning lu , tiie World/' i*ell phone 634-it. j, FKILIAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH APRTL 21. 1016 EASTER FACTOR IN WORLD'S LIFE Full Significance Is Given in Paul's Matchless Summary of the Resurrection Tlio International Sunday School !«<■ sou fop April -;*> is "The Risen Christ"—l. Cor. 15:1-28. (By William T. Kllis.) What an excltment the world's keeping of Easter makes'. New clothes, new gardens, new house cleaning, new decorations, new mu sic; streets and churches and holi day resorts thronged; a high Ude of; business; a new spirit in the very| air verily, Easter is no Inconsider able factor in the world's modern ; life. Anybody who pauses long enough in the bustle of Easter activity for any serious thought is likely to asK himself what is the real meaning of Easter, the Christian meaning. Sup pose we decide that we shall not go through the great festival without definitely getting hold of the serious purport and significance of it all. Let us seek out the fullest and most authoritative statement of the Easter message that is accessible any where. That brings us straight to the present Sunday School Lesson, the noble fifteenth chapter of First Corinthians, Paul's matchless sum mary of the facts and meaning of the Resurrection. Let me quote it, us ing one of the modern translations for its touch of freshness: A Famous Argument "But let me recall to you, breth ren. the Good News which 1 brought you, which you accepted, and on which are standing. through which also you are obtaining salva tion. if you bear in mind the words in which I proclaim it —unless. Indeed, your faith has been unreal from the very li^t. "For 1 repeated to you the all-im portant fact which also I had been taught, that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Sl-rlptures; that He was buried; that lie rose to life again on the third day in ac cordance with the Scriptures, and was seen by Peter, and then by the Twelve. Afterwards He was seen by more than five hundred brethren at once, most of whom are still alive, although some of them have now fal len asleep. Afterwards He was seen by James, anil then by all the Apos tles. And last of all. as to one of untimely birth, lie appeared to me also. "For I am the least of the Apos tles. and am. not fit to be called an Apostle hilause I persecuted the Church of God. Rut what 1 am I am by the grace of God, and His grace bestowed upon me did not prove in effectual. But I laboured more strenuously than all the rest —yet it was not 1, but God's grace working with me. But whether It is I or they, this is the way we preach and the way that you came to believe. "But if Christ is preached as hav ing risen from the dead, how is it that some of you say that there is no such thing as a resurrection of the dead? If there is no such thing as a resurrection of the dead, then Christ Himself has not risen to life. And if Christ has not risen, it fol- I lows that what we preach is a delu- ■ sion, and that your faith also is a I delusion. Nay more, we are actually I being discovered to be bearing false I witness against God, because we. have I testified that God raises Christ to I life, whom He did not raise, if in I reality none of the dead are raised. I For if none of the dead are raised to I life, then Christ has not risen; and I if Christ has not risen, your faith is I a vain thing you are still In yrfur I sins. It follows also that those who I have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in this present life we have a hope resting on Christ, and nothing more, we are more to be pitied than all the rest of the world. "But in reality. Christ has risen from among the dead, being the first \ to do so of those who are asleep. For seeing that death came through man, through man also comes the resurrection of the dead. For just as through Adam all die, so also through Christ all will be made alive again. But this will happen to each in the right order Christ | having been the first to rise, and afterwards Christ's peopre rising at His return. Later on, comes the End. when He is to surrender the I Kingship to God, the Father, when I He shall have overthrown all other I government and all other authority I and power. For He must continue I to be King until God has put all his ' enemies under His feet (Ps. viii. *>; , ex. 1). I "The last enemy that is to he over thrown is Death: for He will have put all things in subjection under His feet. And when He shall have declared that "All things are In sub jection," it will be the manifest ex ception of Hint who has reduced them all to subjection to Him. But when the whole universe has been made subject to Him. then the Son Him self will also become subject to Him. who has made the universe subject to Him. in order that God may be I all In all." Words and Their Meaning Instead of making an extendedi comment upon the passage, X suggest that the reader carefully peruse again these words, seeking to comprehend their obvious meaning. Let us be fair about it, regarding languaue only in its ordinary and accepted sense. This passage means what it says and not something that a subtle and speculative mind mav reod into it. The letter of which it is a part was not written for hair splitting theologians or fantastic metaphysicians, but for a group of plain people freshlv out of heathen dom. who had no doubt whatever of the resurrection of Christ Himself, but who had been troubled by doubts ! concerning the Immortality of men. So Paul wrote to set these doubts at rest. Of the Resurrection itself it has been often said that "It is the best attested fact in history." It can scarcely be rejected without repudi ating the entire Christian Scripture and the unbroken belief of the his- . toric Church. Some skeptics would 1 put the Resurrection on a basis of , hallucination, or would spiritualize it into meaninglessness. If £<>, then i — ■■ ii ■■■■ To Keep Your Skin Free From Hairs ; ■ l (Beauty Topics) J If you are willing to spend a few , minutes' time in your room using a , delatone paste, you can easily banish any ugly, hairy growth without dis- j comfort or injury. The paste is made , by mixing some water with a little , powder delatone. This is then spread i over tiie hairy surface and after about ] minutes rubbed off and the skin , l washed. You will not be disappoint- i led with this treatment, providing you [get real delatone. —Advertisement. < That Snappy Dresse A BELTER From the "Live Store" Will You Wear One Tomorrow? | *lß=2Bl p^oST II I ■ / ——— I ■ I ~,„/ V. f Look At These Belters Months and months ago this "Live Store" began talking Belters and each day the conversation gets more interesting—every salesman in "This Live Store" has been so thoroughly educated about these Belters that they know every point worth knowing—you might say they have been put through a regular college course—that's why so many customers depend on our salesmen for their superior knowledge—thorough knowledge—Boutrich knowledge. Do you see anything about You've never heard so much talk Doutrichs Belters that resembles a picture about anything as you have about our of ill luck? No—rather, the Belters sold at this "Live Belter Suits—and if we had not been sure that Store" are the clothes with the looks of prosperity. this splendid creation would be an absolute success, The best looking clothes sold in central Pennsylvania. the effect would have been very disastrous, for we The moment you see one of these suits on the street, bought Belters until the cows came home—to the very it's only natural that you think of Doutrichs, where the very last minute—and we won. Hundreds of they were first shown, advertised, and called Belters. new ones moderately priced here at $15.00 SIB.OO $20.00 There are real magnets in our windows this week—they are attracting every passer by. You must stop The exclusive "Ties" and "Shirts" being shown have a compelling force that captures your attention and brings forth your purse willingly. Yoif'il say with us "MADNESS OR Shirts—Neckwear—Boys' Waists and Shirts NECKWEAR that 1 BOYS'K.andE.Blouse SHIRTS of Yellow, you will not see in any Waists and Shirt? the "Easter Glow" "Apricot" store but DOUTRICHS WaiStS ana onirto « Pink " "Blue" "Terra Cotta" and 50c SOc and $! " Green " $1.50 every Boys' Suit 3Vef V Boys' or Coat or Coat nb wortl£ in all literature may be i trusted to mean wfiat they say. Some Tremendous Implication* The implications of the fact of the • Resurrection as stated by Paul are tremendous. Spiritual lire springs from the Resurrection. Jesus is nof a mere teacher and example, to be ranked with Socrates, Plato, Aris totle and Pliilo: He .s a source of new life within the breast of the be-| liever. The supreme mystery of j Christianity is how this communi- | cated life makes the Christ and the j Christian one. All the reality'of the Resurrection | is p4edged by Paul as proof of the resurrection of the dead. This is gospel for the graveside. Here shines the eternal hope; we die !>ut we shall live again, even as Christ ever liv eth. Take away the Resurrection; and faith in vain. Three of life's profundities for' i every Christian are found in the story of the Resurrection. First there Is comfort the only comfort adequate to life'js deepest needs. Then there is power, for a life be yond merely human capacity. And there is hope, which shinen as a star into every grave. and guides all weary wdnderers to the long home where lives and reigns the Risen Lord. A IJTTI.E STAR PHILOSOPHY To prove that science still grapples me to its soul with hoops of steel— or to invert Shakespeare, to prove how I have successfully grappled with science, I um setting down a few facts, sprinkled with sundry personal observations and deductions which cannot fail to interest —but here, I am not writing an advance notice for a press-sheet. Stars are of two kinds—those we 1 can see when we gaze into' the heavens, and those that come to us i when we strike up against lamp-! ! posts and brawny fists. Being a bit \ ! of a scientist the former have troubled ! me not a little. When I discovered I ! that the earth is but a minute object 1 in the Cosmos, that the stars which 1 can see when X look into the realms lof space beyond the Hashing' street signs are similar to the one I'm on. | and that the whole crowd is blunder j ing to an unknown eii«l. It seemed ; ridiculous to shave myself or attempt I to thatch that bald roof of mine. j "Finis." Oscar Krlchet, in National > Magazine for April. GROWTH OK BABY BONDS I In the Mav American Magazine Merle Crowell describes the "baby i : bond" which is comparatively new in i this country although fairly well es-! tablished in Europe. . "When several sound American cor- j : I porations dually decided to split | i aomo of their SI.OOO bonds ua int« SIOO pieces they blazed a trail that] has srown rapidly into a national i highway. The 'baby' bond idea has swept the country, and to-day farm ers. blacksmiths, ministers, school teachers, clerks, policemen and mem bers of other equally non-plutocratic, professions are able to clip coupons! and talk glibly of 'our corporation.' A Wall Street man specializing in 'baby' bonds told me recently that his firm has customers in forty-five of j the forty-eight States. He showed me' an .ncomplete list of their occupa tions; it included nearly every trade, profession or hobby of which I have ever heard, and at least a dozen aDout! which I was distinctly hazy." CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought blyn o a f turo Historic Stage Coach Gives Way to Auto Redding, Cal.— Thirty-tSp-fle horst i were relegated to innocuous desuetude when the time-honored four-hors" t'oncord mail coach on Weaverville mall route was with drawn. An auto truck was substi tuted. Seven drivers and hostlers were told to hunt jobs elsewhere. The auto truck left with three pas sengers and two tons of mail and parcel post, with three mountain di videT to cross and fifty-five miles to cover. 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers