RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES HERSHEY PARTY FOR ST. PATRICK Young Women's Christian As sociation and Men's Club Join in Big Social Event UNIQUE PRIZES ARE GIVEN Chocolate Town Will Be Rep resented at William Penn Highway Meeting Hers hey. Pa., March 18. A de lightful event of the winter was the St. Patrick's party given last evening b.v the Toung Women's Christian As sociation and the Men's Club in the rooms of the latter organization. Green was the all-pervading color, used in the invitations, decorations and re freshments. Each guest was asked to wear something green and the ef lect made sons of Erin fee! perfectly sit home. Some of the features of the entertainment were a spelling bee, donkey party, potato race, registering with the left hand, writing descrip tions of the guests, making hats, tug of-war. speeches on the Emerald Isle, going to Jerusalem, suitcase race, and various stunts by the club members. The prizes were china frogs, Irish heads and clay pipes, all adorned with green ribbon. The affair was ar ranged by a committee from the Young Women's Christian Associa tion composed of Mrs. M. 1... Hershey, president: Miss Martha Trace, general secretary: Mrs. S. P. Bacastow and Miss Mary G. Burch. and this commit tee of the Men's Club: Dr. H. G. Mumma, J. M. Brandau, and M. S. May. The junior class of the Leb anon Valley College, under the direc tion of Miss May Belle Adains, pre sented Irwin Pinero's comedy, "In Chancery," at the Hershey Central Theater Thursday evening. Hershey will send representatives to the meet ing to be held in Harrisburg on Mon day. March 27, to form the William T'onn Highway Association. The route will pass through Hershey along Chocolate Avenue. Mrs. P. N. Kas son and her two children left for Kingman, Arizona, where they will spend a month with relatives, then continuing their trip to the Pacific i 'oast before returning to Hershey. Mrs. W. L. Dubois gave a luncheon in honor of Miss Ruth Marquart, of Ohio. Mrs. W. F. Murrie and Mrs. Ewing Cain were visitors at Phila delphia. Mrs. A. W. Snavely spent several days at Heading with her brother. Charles A. Miller. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Windle are entertaining Msr. Windle's sister, Mrs. H. M. Mar key, of West Grove, Chester county. Mrs. Sarah J. Rineliart has returned from Pittsburgh to spend some time with her daughter. Mrs. S. P. Bacastow. Misses Lydla and Katharine Weltmer visited Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Hershey of Elizabethtown. —Miss Mary Hartnett, of Lebanon, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. James F. X. Murray. Mrs. Harry Carman is recovering from a slight illness. KING'S DAUGHTERS BANQUET By Special Correspondence WormlcjsburK, Pa., March 18.—Mrs. Shoemaker, of Bonnymead. and Mrs. Dressel, of Steelton, spent Monday ■with their sister. Mrs. Morton Hess.— Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Geiger, son Carl and Mr. and Mrs. Rupley, of Marys ville, spent Tuesday In New York city. —J. D. Hippie returned on Monday night from the Howard Hospital, at which place he has been for the last month. He expects to return the first of next week.—Miss Amy Cllpplnger, of Chambersburg, spent Tuesdav and Wednesday at the United Brethren parsonage.—Mrs. J. J. Hemmer spent 1 a day at Washington, D. C. —The Rev. ' Paul Koontz, of Lemoyne, was a vis- ] It or at the United Brethren parsonage. —Mrs. Howard Qulgley and daughter Gladys were Steelton visitors on Mon day evening. Mr. Quigley's mother, of Shiremanstown. visited them several , days.—The King's Daughters Sundav i school class of the United Brethren Church held a banquet at the home of Mrs. Vernon Kister on Thursday even ing. : Brownw . Bronchial % 1 trocheJ The New 10c Trial Size Box t Handy to carry, conven ient to u«e and snre to relieve coughs. hoarseness and throat irritation. Con tain no opiates—harmless buteffective. Regular si/en 2jo. 60c and $!, At all druggists. If your doaUr cannot rup* ply you. u e will mail any J izo upon rtetipt of prico. JOHN 1, BROWN & SON. Dos ton. Mm ■ Our Service S! Mr ' Whether in small or large affairs our service w ' mp} is always characterized by the most painstaking 1 accuracy of detail and our officers make a point B i ■j -Ss to meet the personal requirements of our cus- ;•£s]■ I ■p£| tomers to the fullest possible extent. ]■ ■!,,J.' We will be pleased to have you call and con- %£]■ suit us regarding our ability to serve you. Such -Ml (Kk# a consultation will place you under no obligation an y kind. &|jK| ESBUI L SATURDAY EVENING, HARfUSBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 18, 1916. C.W.RUBENDALL ; NOW POSTMASTER Succeeds J. H. Rowe, Who Served at Millersburg For Eight Years OFFICE CLASS HIGHER Body of Washington Peiffer, Drowned in Susquehanna, Not Yet Recovered Millersburg, Pa., March 18. After ' | serving two terms as postmaster of J Millersburg J. H. Rowe turned the; . j office over to his successor. C. W." Rubendall on Saturday. During Mr. j ! Rowe's administration the office has, ; advanced from a third to a second class office, a new location secured to | ■! properly house Uncle Sam's business i ••and an entirely new post office equip- 1 , ment installed, besides many other :j improvements to the postal service. —I ' The body of Washington Peiffer who was drowned in the Susquehanna river i near Liverpool, last Saturday has not | 1 yet been recovered. Joseph E. i Bowman is enlarging his stable on i the rear end of his property in Cen ter street and will open a flour and i feed store about April 1. Deputy , i H. H. Walborn of the Modern Wood- 1 man of America has been housed up i tor more than a week with erysipelas, j I He is said to be improving. Mr. ! and Mrs. B. Nimmons have returned | from a ten days' trip to New York ; and Old Point Comfort. Va. Mrs' Emma C. Long who had been visit- I j ing her mother. Mrs. Mary A. Landis. j least of Millersburg during the winter left Thursday for Portland, Oregon, j On account of the pastor, the Rev. ]W. C. Skeath being in attendance at 'the annual conference at Philadelphia there will be no preaching services. In Uhe Methodist church to-morrow. I j Sunday school at 9:15 a. m. and Kp-j 'worth League services at. 6:15 p. m. • j will be held as usual. St. Patrick's Day Spirit Prevails at Luncheon By Special Correspondence Willianistown, Pa., March 18.—Mrs. | I Allen Lawle.v pave a luncheon at her hotne in East Market street on Wed- I . j nesday evening. The table appoint-] ; ments in keeping with the St. Pat rick's spirit were of green carnations, shamrocks and ferns. Shamrock bas , kets of mints were given as favors. ,! The guests were: Misses Emma Bow-] 1 ]en. Myrtle Hoffman, Jan© Moffett. Nellie Stokes, Mary Budd, Mr. and Mrs. Lawley and sons Gordon and Bendel. Mrs. John Burns and Miss Helen Finley- spent the week-end at Tremont. John Hoffman, who has been ill for some weeks, Is recovering. Mr.and Mrs. David Wertz and daugh ter Martha of Wheeling:, W. Va., re turned to their home after a week's visit with relatives here. L. S. j HUnger, merchant, transacted business] in Pottsville, during the week. Williamstown high school basketball team closed the season on Thursday was the lirst year for basketball in by playing St. Clair high school. This Williamstown and Prof. Gideon Blouch coached the team. The boys and girls played well and won a ma jority of the games. Measles is prevalent in this community. Two of the local schools have been closed for a week. Should any more cases de velop the school board will be com pelled to close all of the schools. jMuch interest is being taken in the! I coming interclass debate of the local I ! high school, the subject of which will | be, "Resolved, That the present pol- j ! icy of Woodrow Wilson regarding the] ] European situation is justifiable." The i i debaters are: Affirmative, Harold | Budd, Clarance Ficklnger and How- ] jard Shuttleworth; the negative, Geo. j ; Hoffman, Charles Klinger and Allen) Rank. Ladies' Bible Class Sells Ninety-two Dozen Doughnuts By Special Correspondence Tower City, Pa., March 18.—Robert Ludwig of Reading spent Sunday! I with his parents here. Mr. Reiser! ! entertained his mother and sister of Wiconiseo on Sunday. Albert Erd [man and daughter spent Sunday at ; I Lykens.—Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Martz oT Williamstown spent Sunday with the former's parents. - The Ladies' Bible 'class of the United Evangelical' ] Church sold 92 dozen doughnuts on; j Wednesday. Luther Horn enjoyed a] I visit to Philadelphia.—The solicitors] I for funds for the playground appara- j tus report excellent progress and a i large fund is anticipated. BUTCHER'S BIG SEASON'S RECORD Kills 205 Hogs and 13 Reeves During Winter on Perry County Farms ONE HOG OF 513 POUNDS Two Plymouth Rock Hens Weighing Nearly 15 Pounds Sold in Perry County By Special Correspondence Blnin, Pa., March 18. Charles ; Berrier and Robert Gray killed a ! large gray fox. Mrs. Grace Slieafter ('entertained the Lades' Sewing Circle on Tuesday evening at her home. Re ! fresh ments were srvd. Th Aid So jciety of the Methodist Church realized I $lO from its bake on Saturday. A | party of about forty young people ! was held on Tuesday evening at the I home of Clarence Wilt in Jackson I township. Samuel Nesbit, of Mc ! Connellsburg. was here this week. ! The Rev. T. R. Gibson, is attending I the meeting of the Central Pennsyl- I vania Conference at Altoona. W. ]A. Johnson killed 205 hogs and 13 beeves during the winter, the biggest J hog weighing 51:! pounds, which he j butchered for S. B. Gutshall. Fifty 1 neighbors gathered at the home of ic. M. Bower on Friday evening to I hear a description given by Mr. Bower |of the extensive trip he and Mrs. ! Bower took to California. John I Stone. AVilmer Hockenberry and j Maurice Gibbons went to lowa. R. 11. Kell, executor of the William Otto ! estate, sold the hontf- property at pub lic sale to W. F. Smith for $300; the timber tract to C. W. Otto for $2Ol. — J. W. Snyder sold two Plymouth Rock hens that weighed 14% pounds. A sewing party of twenty guests was held on Tuesday at the hotne of ! Mrs. C. O. Gray. Miner Burned by Explosion of Gas 111 With Pneumonia By Special Correspondence Wiconiseo, Pa., March 18.—Mrs. | Rimer Umholtz and daughter Matilda, I spent Tuesday at Willianistown. j Ruth Evans called on Williamstown j relatives on Monday. -- Misses Bessie j Hollen, Anna Dubbs, Katie Dubbs, El sie Jones and Bell Salem of Tower '"ity spent Sunday at tile home of Mr. and Mrs. George Witmer. —On Tues day evening the Merrymakers held a surprise party at the home of Charles Higglns in honor of Mrs. Higgins' ] birthday. Tlia evening was spent in games and singing and refreshments were served to: Mrs. George Keen, Mrs. Harper Hochlander, Miss Maggie Evans, Miss Eliza Evans, Mrs. Jerome Cooper, Mrs. Joshua Evans, Mrs. Ed ward Steever, Mrs. Lewis Stuppy, Mrs. Rich Rodd, Miss Annie Her, Miss Mary Davis. Mrs. Milton Wert, Mrs. Flossie Poticher, Mrs. Joseph Dodd, Miss Janet Higgins and Mr. and Mrs. 1 Charles Higgins and family. Jacob i Ellinger, who was burned about a week ago by an explosion of gas is seriously ill with pneumonia. Miss Beula Pontius spent Thursday at Wil liamstown. the guest of her sister, Mrs. William Retallic. Miss Stella Weaver of Elizabethville, was enter tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. Deifenderfer. Mrs. Peter C. Batdorff and two children of At lantic City, are spending some time at the >home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Buckley. Mrs. Frances Daniels and daughter of Reading, are spend j ing a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seifert. Mrs. Maud Batdorff is home after a visit to Ha zleton. Charles Thomas of South j Bethlehem, has returned home after j spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Thomas. —Mrs. S. T. Shambaugh returned to her home at Swineford, after spending several ] weeks with her son, Prof. Frank | Shambaugh. $1,500 FOR Y. M. C. A. I Sliippensbtirg, Pa., March 18. (More than $1,500 was raised during ithe last canvass of the Y. M. C. A. — Dr. John Hykes returned missionary from China, filled the pulpit of the Messiah United Brethren Church Sun -1 day evening.—A display of untique goods, ranging In age from fifty to two hundred years old, has been placed in the window of Raum's drug store. The body of Arthur Baer, the | 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs-'. A. W. Baer of Hagerstown was brought here for burial. Selbert Andkerbrandt of Steelton, spent Sunday here. FARMERS EXCHANGE HOMES New Gerinantowii, Pa., March 18.— | James O'Donel, Jr., who had gone to | Harrisburg to seek employment, has i come home again.—Mrs. E. M. College, who spent three weeks with friends j here, has returned to her home at Philadelphia.—Dewey Swartz visited I his sisters at Harrisburg.—Postmaster i and Mrs. D. P. Stokes, their grand ] daughter. Evelyn Smith, of Blain, and | their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. William Ilench. and two children, 1 of Pittsburgh, were the guests of Pro i fessor and Mrs. Frank S. Stokes. — Mrs. Edna Heed visited her parents, ] Mr. and Mrs. David Boyd, at Blain. — ; Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Garber and son, of Blain, were guests of Mrs. Garber's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barn hart. —Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shope, of Jackson township, were guests of the latter's brother, David Mumper.—The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist ! Episcopal Church held a bake on Sat urday evening. Cyrus Whistler, of Little Germany, is visiting his stster. i Mrs. A. C. Wlllhide.—Several flocks of ' wild geese flew over this place on ' Monday.—George M. Burkett, who was a tenant on the Kreamer farm, and I Cleveland Gutshall, a tenant of one of : David Hollenbaugh's houses, moved on | Tuesday, exchanging houses. MOUNT LAUREL SERVICES Piketowm, Pa.. March 18. Mrs. I Jacob Hoover spent several days with Daniel Hetrlck and family near Union 'Deposit. Miss Edna Weaver of Har | risbitrg is the guest of Adam Hartz. —Miss Minnie Shive of Harrisburg, I spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. j Fred Shive. - Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ! Obersole and children, Marlin, Naomi and Elvira, spent Sunday afternoon with Jacob Seiger and frniiy in Fish-; i ing Creek Valley. There will be preaching services in the Mount ] I Laurel Bethel church on Sunday. March 2«, morning and evening by ] the pastor, the Rev. Jonas Martin.— | Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Strolini and son Llovd, of Fishing Creek Valley visited ' 11. B. Megonnel on Sunday afternoon. Miss Priscilla Ramsey and Miss I.uella Gastrock on Monday visited Mrs. Mavme Cassel at Linglestown.— Chester Cassel of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cassel.' Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Megonnel and sons, Clude and ' Chester, spent Sunday with Mr. and LMrs. Jacob Hetrlck at JJeavw Creek., IOLDEN WEDDING OF LANCASTER COUNTY COUPLE ■» m MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM L. JACKSON Marietta, Pa., March 18.—Mr. and Mrs. William L. Jackson are receiving congratulations on the celebration of their fiftieth wedding anniversary, which they celebrated this week by entertaining their children, grandchildren and a number of friends. A literary and musical program was rendered, and the aged couple received a number of handsome gifts. Several persons were present that attended the wedding of the veteran couple at Christiana, in 1866. Both are enjoying good health. Mrs. Emma Cassel Entertains Party of Harrisburg Friends By Special Correspondence Iltinimclstown, Pa., March 18.—Mr. and Mrs. George Ishler entertained their nephew, Harry Florey, of Perth, N. D.—Jacob Henehen visited friends in Reading.—Mr. and Mrs. Hooker and children, of Progress, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. lrvin Bom gardner.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lundy, of Harrisburg, were over-Sunday guests of his parents, Sir. and Mrs. James Lundy.—Paui Richer, of Rutherford, has accepted a position in the Farm ers' Bank as stenographer.—Principal and Mrs. Geesey are spending the week-end in Huntingdon county.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. English, of Altoona, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Geesej.—The Older Sisters of the Busy Bee Club held their monthly business meeting in t)ie social rooms of the Re formed Church on Monday evening.—• Miss Anna Murphy, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday ith Mr. and Mrs. James Lundy.—Principal W. A. Geesey vis ited schools and observed work in Huntingdon on Friday.—Miss Edith McC'all spent the week-end with her sister. Mrs. Elmer McCormack, of Har risburg.—Miss Helen Shoemaker has returned from a visit to Shippensburg. —Miss Carol Walton has returned home from a visit of several weeks at Decatur. 111.—Mrs. Emma Cassel and (laughter, .Miss Clara Cassel, enter tained a party of Harrisburg friends at dinner on Tuesday. Those present were Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Rinken bach. Mrs. Bacon, Mrs. Quiglcy, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Terry, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Baunt. Mrs. Selly, Mrs. Harlacker, Mrs. Hertzler, Mrs. Hubley, Mrs. Early, Mrs. Seibert. Mrs. Stroek. Mrs. Herr, Mrs. Nicodemus. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Walter.—Miss Ethel Lehmnn has been confined to her home by illness. —The Rev. Stuart Kramer, of Lancaster, preached in the Reformed Church on Thursday evening.—Mrs. P. N. Kasson has taken her children, Raymond and Melha. to Florida, where they will re main until our winter weather is over. —Mrs. George Karinany entertained her aunt. Mrs. Jean Shelly, of Harris burg. on Tuesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ebersole entertained their daughter, ■Urs. Frank Brinton. of Harrisburg. on Tuesday.—Mrs. Emma Seibert enter tained Miss Annie Machen, of Pen *>r«ok til's week "The Go'den Gulch" by Gratz Dramatic Club By Special Correspondent Gratz, Pa., March 18. Prof. Harry Smith made a business trip to Harris burg on Tuesday, Harry Snyder of Harrisburg spent several days here having charge of the public sale of the Mary Shoffstall property and also of settling of the estate. Harvey linger of Lykens visited friends here on Tuesday. Walter Schminsky made a trip to Harrisburg recently.— Mrs. Sarah Kratzer spent Monday at Specktown as the guest of Alvin Zlt linger. The Gratz Dramatic Club will render a play, "The Golden Gulch," in the Gratz Opera House Friday and Saturday evening for the benefit of Gratz band, recently organ ized. The members of the club giving the play are Misses Marie Bufflngton, Grace Rltzman and Lizzie Bowman, Earle Hoffman, Clarence Portzline, Rosooe Blyler, Isaiah Schminsky, Rus sel Hoft'man, George Koppenhaver, Edwin Salada, Ralph Witmer and Roy Schminsky, Harry Zerfing of town will have charge of the music. Miss Mabel Steffen Wins Prize in D. A. R. Contest By Special Correspondence Selinsgrovo. Pa.. March 18. Con rad Welscr Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, held their an nual prize essay contest here this week. Miss Mabel Steffen was award ed the prize. Oliver Stewart, of Chicago, delivered a temperance ad dress in the Trinity Lutheran Church on Sunday morning.—Penn township teachers held their last meeting of this year in the Salem school house, near here, on Thursday evening. Mrs. Anson Colby, accompanied by her father, E. S. Stahl, visited friends at Port Trev orton on Sunday. H. O. Doebler, justice of the peace for Selinsgrove, has recovered from his recent illness and is able to attend to his duties.— Albert Seller was a recent Shamokin visitor. Miss Oliver Aucker, a stu dent at the Bloomsburg State Normal school, is visiting at the home of her parents near Port Trevorton. nrs LINK SOLD By Special Correspondence Jonestown, Pa.. March 18.—Harvey Moyer moved from West Jonestown to his brother's farm near t.he Union Meetinghouse. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Shuey, a son. The Rev. George R. Deisher and the Rev. David Scheiner, pastor of Mahmers Union church, attended a meeting of the joint church councils on Monday. Aaron Gernert, a retired farmer died Monday afternoon. Mr. Gernert had been blind for a number of years. Harry B. Strouss bought a fine black horse of David G. Wenger near Shirksville. Harry G. Philips, Hwatara township assessor, who re sides in Monroe Valley is registering the voters in this section. John H. Kern, owner of the bus and freight line to the station, sold out to Henry W. Gish on Monday. Allen U. Wal mor, of Pine Grove was a caller here on Tuesday. Harry D. Knesel, who bad his arm broken while working at Bclbleheui, ig home recuperating. Newport Girls at Surprise Shower For Miss Koons Newport, Pa., March 18. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Trout and Robert Wilson, of Dunoannon, spent Sunday with Mr. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Wilson.—Miss Mary A. Ryan, of Harrisburg. was the guest of Miss Mary Catherine Blatzer over Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mather Mar shall entertained this week Mrs. Mar shall's sister, Mrs. £. L. Ridge and Mr. Marshall's father, Alfred Mar shall, of Longhorne.—Mrs. A. C. Emenhelser is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. S. Hiekernell at Newark, N. J.— A. Clair Landis, manager of the Swift Packing Company for Cuba, who was summoned to the States because of the Illness of Mrs. Landis, who is in a private hospital in Philadelphia, visit ed his children for several days.—Mrs. Maurice Wolf is entertaining her sis ter, Miss Pauline Brandt, of Lewis town. —The Rev. John C. Collins, S. T. D., pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, is in attendance at the Cen tral Pennsylvania conference at Al toona.—Mr. and Mrs. Silas S. Kuhn visited their children, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Murphy, of Huntingdon, on Sunday.—Mrs. Paul Sharp, of Harris burg. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner.—The Misses Mar jorie Balr and Hazel Flurie were guests at a surprise shower given to Miss Helen Koons, of Harrisburg. on Monday.—Clarence E. Burd, of Em bersville, Pa., came home to celebrate his birthday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Burd. —The Rev. John C. Collons, S. T. D.. the Rev. William C. Ney, the Rev. Robert M. Ramsey, and the Rev. William Dorwart attend ed the sessions of the men's mission ary feeting in Harrisburg.—Mervin G. Zimmerman of the Department of Jus tice at Washington, D. C., on duty in Porto Rico, visited his sister, Mrs. Wiliam G. Loy. Mrs. H. Munson Corning is entertaining her mother, Mrs. J. C. Kisner, of Carlisle.—Mrs. Samuel W. Burd is visiting Mrs. Wil liam Graham at Harrisburg.—Charles L. Eshleman, of Canton, Ohio, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Eshleman. —Mrs. Frederick V. Heck ert has been called to South Bethle hem because of the illness of her grandchild. Ferry Makes Trips Through Ice Channel at Benvenue Duncannon, Pa., March 18. Ed ward McCarrel and daughter, Miss Mary are on an extended visit to rela tives at Mapleton. Mrs. George P. Thayer has returned to Altoona after a visit here as the guest of Mrs. Charles W. Sieg. A flock of thirty wild geese was seen on the Susquehan na near Green's dam on Tuesday.— William H. Hamilton while enroute to his home at Holidaysburg after a visit to his son, Carl W. Hamilton, in New York city, stopped here on Tuesday and visited relatives. Miss Rebecca Owen and Miss Sarah Page were in Harrisburg on Tuesday evening at a party at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Derrick. William B. Reed of Rahway, N. J., was the guest of relatives here this week. Mrs. G. H. Cirofman of Altoona, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce Messrs. Spangenberg and McLaugh lin of Harrisburg were the guests of Scofleld Hart over Sunday. Mrs. Charles W. Bothwell of Philadelphia is spending several days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Jenkyn. —John Y. Wills, who is attending Mcrcersburg Academy is spending Spring vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wills. —Mrs. Tillie Stewart of Harrisburg was a week-end guest of Mrs. H. D. Reutter.—Mrs. Ada Kent entertained tne Crescent Bibie class of the Meth odist Episcopal Church at her home on Monday evening. John Clouser of Harrisburg visited Mr. and Mrs. John C. Shatton on Tuesday. —— The Rev. J. Thomas Fox, of New Bloom field will preach in the Reformed Church to-morrow evening at. 7 o'clock. There will be no services in the Methodist Episcopal Church during the month on account of re pairs. Mrs. David Sherman and Miss Ella Beckwitli, of Harrisburg, wore the guests of Mrs. H. E. Weaver on Monday.—Frank Zimmerman of Chambersburg and Charles Zimmer man of Lebanon, were the. guests of their mother, Mrs. Clara Zimmerman ovc-r Sunday. After five weeks dur ing all of which time the branch was frozen over on Monday a channel was opened and the terry flat was, used in getting from Benvenue to I-lalcleman'e Island. Wild Geese Are Feeding on Farmers' Grain Fields llindnaiijrlo's Cliurch, Pa., March 18. —lrvin Reese and fumily visited Henry Shaffner's family on Monday.— The public roads from this place to Grantville are very bad.—Elizabeth Unger is visiting friends at Palmyra.— Quite a numebr of wild geeso are feeding on the farmers' grain fields. —John Seaman moved to Palmyra on Tuesday. <")n Saturday evening the Orantvlllo school scholars to the number of 125 assembled in the church to meet Superintendent J. W. Seaman and bid him farewell as he has moved to Palmyra. Addresses were made by Mr. and the Rev./ Mr. Fake. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. S/ierk visited friends at Palmyra. —j ft. E. Barnhart. D. XJ. Wagner and ling greeted one of their frienasy l/«iy ry Runkle on Monday:—liar WAR VETERAN'S 70TH BIRTHDAY Lewis A. Lieb Is Given Great Surprise 011 Anniversary Occasion FRIENDS BAKE CAKES One Holds Seventy Lighted Candles and Other Has Sev enty American Flags By Special Correspondence Moiitundon, Pa., March 18.—Lewis A. Lieb was tendered a surprise party at his home on Saturday evening in honor of his seventieth birthday an niversary. Music and cards afforded an evening's enjoyment. The good things included two large cakes baked by Mrs. Harry Dyer and Mrs. Charles Leib of Milton. One held seventy small candles and the other seventy small American flugs, Mr. Leib being a Civil War veteran. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Leib, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Georgo , Walter, Mr. and Mrs. j Harry Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Moses | Folimer, Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Ebers derfer, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Leib, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wenzel, Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Homer KUckner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hockenberry, Mrs. Mary Berkley, Mrs. Clara Reed, Misses Cecelia Bbersderfer, Josephine Walter, Agnes and Carrie Smith, May and Viola Hockenberry, Elizabeth and Eleanor Klickner. Esther Snyder, Lucy Leib, Messrs. Lee and Barren Wenzel, Har vey Reed, Harry Leib, Allen Reitz, Joseph Berkley, Charles Smith, Jr., Melvin Harshberger, of Mantandon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Animerman, and sons, John and Emerlck, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leib and Mrs. Tda Taffer, of Milton. Murray Miller who lives along the river road between East Lewishurg and Milton, butchered a Chester White hog recently that weighed before it was killed 950 pounds and dressed 807 pounds. —• | Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rine and daugh i ter, Ruth. Robert Boyer of Milton, [and Miss Helen Zelgler of I-lerndon, i spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Grim. Mr. and Mrs. George ] Grove of Harrisburg, and Alpheus ! Pfleegar, of Williamsport, spent Sun ' day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Joseph Pfleegar. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Grim and Mary Walt, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with their parents at i Ilerndon. Miss Mary Garber is | visiting friends at Milton. Surprise For Miss Peck on Sixteenth Birthday Waynesboro. Pa., March 18.—Miss Daisy Mickey is visiting with friends at Gettysburg. Miss Edythe Mc- Ginley spent the week-end with friends at Shepherdstown, W. V. Mildred Beck, daughter of J. Edward Beck was tendered a surprise party on her sixteenth birthday Saturday evening. Those present were: The Misses Corynn Warner, Thelma Lesh er, Catherine Crlswell, Hollie Urey, Gertrude Adams, Marie Fowler, Meta Eicliolz, Mary Benedict, Rosanna Ainberson, Mildred Coffman, Helen Feeser, Ethel Lesher, Kathryn Ernest, Evelyn Dale, Esther and Mildred Beck, Miss Sadie Wlngert, Mrs. J. Edward Beck, and Lester Beck. Roy Sease and Miss Marguerite Crout of Rouzerville, were united in mar riage on Saturday afternoon at Hagerstown. At an elaborate func tion given by Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Brown at their home in Punxsu tawney, Pa., Thursday, the engage ment of their daughter. Miss Frances O. Brown, to Wilbur M. Krise, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Krise, of Waynesboro, was announced. The wed ding will likely take place in June.— Miss Florence Ziegler and Arthur Strickler entertained a number of friends at dinner on Monday. Her bert Grimm, formerly with the Phila delphia North American, but now connected with the Evening Ledger, is spending a week with his parents, the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lower Grimm. George Shaffer is visiting his sister, Mrs. K. C. Strine at York. Mrs. J. W. Shaffer is visiting rel atives at Gettysburg. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Shockey and daughter, Eliza beth. of Hagerstown, have returned home from a month's visit in the south and are at the presept guests of Mrs. Shockey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Etter here. Miss Margaret Beard who had been a guest in the family of her uncle, Chief Burgess Johnson, and her sister, Miss Ruth Beard, for several days, has returned to her home at Hagerstown. A kitchen shower was given for Miss Emma Webb at the home of Mrs. Earl Snider on Monday evening. Those present were: Misses Martha Sulanke, Florence Reddig, Nelle Myers, Pearl Bock, Helen Price, Minta Fitz, Emma Sulanke, Viola Balsley, Helen Cline, Virginia Neall, Alice Fitz, Marie Hess, Lulu Middour, Ruth Smeltzer, Mena Mentzer, Emma Webb. Louise Cook, Sadie Lehman. Mrs. Earl Snider, and Earl Snider. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Levi C. Brandt, of Chambersburg, cele brated their golden wedding anniver sary Monday. The members of the family who joined in the celebration were: Mrs. H. S. Eberly, Mrs. J. W. Croft. Waynesboro and Miss Jessie B. Brandt. Mrs. Edgar P. Wine is spending a week at Baltimore. J. O. Frick spent Monday at Philadel phia. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cant ner have returned from a visit to friends at Harrisburg. "Willing Workers" of Church Enjoy "Dutch Supper" NewviUe. Pa., March 18. Mrs. Alloc Huntsberger of Chambersburg, spent several days maong relatives here. John Wheeler of Harrlsburg, spent Sundav with his sister here. Andrew McElwaln has returned from a trip to Pittsburgh. Charles Det wiler, of Ord. Nebraska, Is vlsltlns his sister. Mrs. C. D. Hartzell. Misses Heffelbower and Brewster have returned from a trip to Phila delphia. Mrs. C. O. Huntsberger spent Sunday nt Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. T. Z. Mlnehart, of Cham bersburg. spent the week-end with the latter's brother, C. D. Hartzell.— A. Clair Landis, of Havana, Cuba, vis ited his mother, Mrs. M. E. landis, for several days. Mrs. W. T. Spang ler and daughter. Rachael, spent the week-end with tbe former's brother at Steelton. Mrs. J. Edgar Skill ington and daughter. Susan Virginia, of I-lazleton, spent several days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hartzell. The Willing: Workers of the Methodist church held a meet ing at the home of Mrs. Roy DeWalt, at which time a "Dutch supper" was served. Postmaster T. A. Derick, sold his home In Broad street to D. VP. Mowery, of Hopewell township. Mrs. Charles Thrush of Shippens burfe spent Monday evening with Mrs. John Brandt. Miss Jean Bower, of Philadelphia Is spending sometime at ther home here. GUILD TO DISCUSS RURAL CREDIT BILL Linglestown Organization lo Consider Congressional Mut ter of Interest to Farmers L). D. I. CLUB MEETS Women's Missionary Society and Otterbein Guild Elect Officers For Year By Special Correspondence Linglestown, Pn. t March 13. Church services will be held In th» United Brethren Church to-morrow morning by the pastor, the Rev. Cylda Lynch, and In Wenrleh's church in the morning by the Lutheran pastor, the Rev. O. R. Bittner.—A program lias been arranged by the boosters, which will be rendered to-morrow evening in the Church of God.—Professor H. B. King was the week-end guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georga King, at Bainbridge. Miss Myra Speas, of Penbrook, was the week-end guest of Miss Marion Smith.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lenker, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday as guests of Mrs. Lenk er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cassel.—Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gruhb moved to William Houck's farm uloi>g the Jonestown road near Sliellsville. —Mrs. David Rudy and son, of Pen- • brook, .were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Feeser.—Mrs. Emma Ba i-hore, of Manada Ilill, Is spending several weeks with lier son, Hurry, at Harrisburg.—Mrs. Caroline Ungie spent Tuesday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Lingle at Harrisburg.—• Miss Dorothy Feeser and Miss Mabel Feeser, of Hershey, were the week end guests of their mother, Mrs Car rie Feeser.—The Linglestown Guild, i organized to improve rural conditions, has been called to meet this evening in the Union chapel, tor the principal purpose of discussing the Rural Credit Bill now before Congress which will he gone over carefully by President Hor ace A. Keiffer, and co-operation In other fields by Professor F. P. Wea ver, of State College. There will be a local program and it is expected farm ers will he present from the commun ity. Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Edward Lingle, of En haul. Mrs. I,ingle was a former resi- Ident of Linglestown.—Miss Anna | Itletz, of Middletown, was a recent guest of Miss Sallie Zimmerman. —The D. 1). I. Club was entertained at the home of Miss Verna Juiliard on Tues day evening. The decorations were in keeping with St. Patrick s day. The levelling was spent in various games, I contests and music and refreshments were served to Misses Ellen Bolton, Sara Zimmerman, Anna Fee3er, Hul da Longenecker. Verna Juiliard, Messrs. Ross Crum, Meade Juiliard, Ferdinand Beck, Carlton Juiliard and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Juiliard.— : J. H. Strock, of Harrisburg, grandsons, J. Roy Hocker, of Penbrook, and J. Henry Strock, 111, son of the Rev. J. Henry Strock, of near Pittsburgh, were i-ecent guests of Mrs. Mar\- Noecker.—Mrs. Mary Simons, of Ingleslde, spent several days at Phil adelphia.—The Embroidery Club was entertained at the home of Miss Jessie Lenker Monday evening. The deco rations and refreshments were in keping with St. Patrick's day. A business meeting of the Women's Mis sionary Society and the Otterbein Guild was held at the home of Miss Sallie Zimmerman Monday evening. The election of the Women's Mission ary Society officers resulted as fol lows: President, Mrs. Savilla Shirk; vice-president, Mrs. O. B. Leese; sec retary, Mrs. W. G. Zimmerman; treas urer, Miss Jessie Lenker: collector, Miss Sallie Zimmerman. The thanks offering box secretary is Mrs. Gertrude Nlssley. The election of the Otterbein Guild was as follows: President, Miss Sylvia Zarker: vice-president, Misa Sara Zimmerman; secretary. Miss | Irene Nagle; treasurer, Miss Ellen Bol ton; thanks offering box secretary. Miss Marlon Smith. Delegates to tlie convention at Sunbury are Mrs. O. B. Leese and Miss Irene Nagle. OKI >.\IN ED MI MISTER By Special Correspondence Elizahcthville, Pa., March 18.—Ray K. Bulflngton spent a day at York.— Miss Catherine Alleman spent two days with Mrs. George Gaupp at Pine Grove. •—Francis W. Riegle spent Saturday ait the Capital City.—Mrs. Henry Hain lc spent a day at Dauphin.—Miss Hannah Swab is spending several weeks with her sister at Pennsburg.—Harvey o. Miller, of Hummelstown, spent si .-eml days here.—Mrs. Amanda Hartman is home after spending several months with her sister, near Fisherville. Miles St roup, of Allentown, spent the week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bonawitz.—Miss Cora E. Bonawitz, of Harrisburg, spent Sun day with her parents here.—The Rev. Charles H. Eagle will move his family here from Mchnton next week.—Mrs. Ira W. Klinger spent Monday at Sun ! bury.—Arthur Swab, of Plume, Pa„ I spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. , | rind Mrs. Isaac Swab.—Mrs. H. 11. : Hasslnger is entertaining her motlior, Mrs. Smith, of Middleburgli. Mrs. j John Shaffer, of Trevorton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Romberger.—Alex ander McLaughlin, of Carsonville, spent several days here. The Rev. .Tames E. Beam, of the Evangelical Church, was ordained as a preacher in the Reformed Church at Shamokln on Tuesday. Several WHdcats Seen in Licking Creek Valley Bv Special Correspondence lienlstowii, Pa., March IX.—Mrs. Carrlo Ingram and son and Miss Car- He Hogle after 10 days spent here, have returned to Philadelphia, Th« Henderson Fire company will hold a chicken and waffle supper next Thurs day. Samuel Stinc a well-known farmer, has retired from that life and has taken up residence here. A. D. Ulrich has returned from a peek's visit near Pottstown. Daniel Ford and family of St. Petersburg, Fla., will take up their residence here this Spring. Several wildcats have been seen in the Licking Creek valley the past week. M. L McClintlc has re turned from Harrisburg. A daugh ter has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bratton. Mrs. Charles Kitting is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Mac Do nald, at Qermantown, Philadelphia. • Committees have been formed to se cure funds for the Y. M. C. A. here.— Calvin Schell Is at Scranton as a jur or in the United States court.—The Rev. Andrew Spanogle, aged 92, win tering in Florida, is recovering from an attack of illness. James Gihbs, aged 82, is busy trimming trees and grapevines when the weather will per- L mit. 5
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