4 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS OPEN HOUSE BY ANNVULE FIREMEN All-Day Celebration Planned When New Building Is Placed in Commission DEGREE STAFF TO VISIT Surprise Party For Henry Miller on Ilis Eighty third Birthday By Special Correspondence Alinville, Pa., March 18. The Rescue Fire Company will have open house clay on Saturday, May 20, when ilie building will be ready for Inspec tion. An all-day celebration will likely be arranged by a committee which will be appointed at the next meeting. Special features will mark the observance of the day. David H. Meyer, of College avenue, was fore man of the grand jury at Lebanon criminal court last week. Qulttapa liilla Lodge No. 335, I. O. O. P., initi ated two candidates on Tuesday eve ning. The degree staff of the local lodge went to Palmyra last evening to give the first degree to a number of candidates. On Monday evening a birthday surprise was given to Henry Miller on the anniversary of his 83rd birthday. Miss Blanche Musser, Miss Flora Ness and Miss Romaine Musser, of Toe, York county have returned home after spending a week as the guest of Miss Elizabeth Sliope. Miss Mabel Dlehl has re turned from Lancaster where she was entertained at the home of Mrs. D. B. Hostetter. She was also the guest of honor at a party given by the Misses Simcox. Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Shiffer left for Manheim, where they will spend several weeks as the guest of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Kready. BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. ■ I "New Invention " PATESV APPLIED FOR TOUITEBI Our specialty, gentlemen, is Tou pees and Wigs, which we make and "end on approval with privilege of p* hours' examination. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Our new Invention Is a Toupee tl»t (Will not lift up off the head In front Where the part Is as all other toupees will do after being wont a month or two. The foundation of this toupee la so fine it gives a reproduction of th» I natural scalp. Manufactured only by Ms. Write tor our price list of thest toupees and others. Welles Mistratar & Co. 158 MAIN STREET, EAST ROCHESTER. X. Y. fCHASIMAUK THE UNDERTAKER > 1 \tli and Kelker Streets 1 .argent establishment. Beet facilities. Near to you as your phone. Will go anywhere at your call. Motor service. No funeral too small. None too expen sive. Chapels, rooms, vault, etc.. used without charge. 1 Never Mind Hew Strong You Are— What d 'ye Know? That's the point—>VWhat d'ye KNOW?" To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains ■—not brawn—that win "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat jmd victory between "wages" and "salary" between you and the Boss. What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman, superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you CAN "make good" on a big job? For 3* years the I. C. B. have been allowing men how to do better work and earn blnger salaries. Every month over 4M students write of promotions or salary increases through J. CL B. training. What the I. C. B. are doing for these men thev can do for YOU. * No matter where you live, how old you are, what hours fou work, or how limited your education—lf you can read and write and are ambitious to learn the L C. & can train you In • your own 1 jfme. during your spare time, for a more Important and better-paying position. Mark and mail the attached coupon—lt won't obligate you in the least—and the I. C. 8. will show you how you can acquire this salary-raising ability by their : Imple and easy methods. It will cost you nothing to Investigate—lt may cost a life time of remorse if you don't Mark and Mall the Counan NOW. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Box 1311. Scranton, Pa. Please explain without an* obligation to me how S can qual ify for the position before which I mark X. Electrical Engineer Mechanical Drafts Sbcw Card WrtHa. Elec. lighting Supt. Refrigeration Engineer Advertising Electric Wlreman Civil Saleamanahln Tel. A Tel. Engineer Surveyor Teacher Architect Loco. Fireman tt Bag. Ennllah Branehaa Architectural Draftsman Ilvtl Service Agriculture Structural Engineer Railway Mall Clerk Poultry Farm Ins Building Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb. A Steam Mt. Concrete Construction Stcao. A Typewriting Chemlatrv Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Automobile Banning Nam* ............................... ............... St. and Ms. „ City . State Present Occupation SATURDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG Ctfwfcftfl TELEGRAPH MARCH 18, 1916. MEMBERS OF DILLSBURG FIRE COMPANY BUY NEW UNIFORMS Attend Band Bazar and Make Fine Appearance on Parade; Oysier Supper For Benefit of Filey's Church By Special Co> respondrnce Dillsburg, Pa., March 18. The Citizens Hose Company, No. 1, of Dlllsburg, appeared in new unifprms for the first on Friday night, with |36 men in line. They attended the bazar of the Dillsburg band. Mrs. | Leonard Heikes has returned to her home after spending the winter with j her son. Prof. W. C. Heikes at Harris- i burg. Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold, ' of Selinsgrove, Pa., visited the form- j er's mother, Mrs. M. J. Arnold over j Sunday. An oyster supper was' held in the home of D. W. Beelman ■ lon Tuesday night for the benefit of j i the Ladies' Aid Society of Filey's j : church. Miss Ruth Blausser of ■ ; Harrisburg, visited her parents, Mr. ] "Drummer Boy of Shiloh" | For Athletic Association By Special Correspondence Manheim, Pa., March 18. Mr. I and Mrs. Leroy Mohn and children, I of Akron, spent several days with Mrs. Mohn'a parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Charles Mohn. Mrs. Frank Demmy i spent Sunday at the homes of her | brothers. Thomas, Mllford, and Frank Marks at Lititz. Misses Laura Burket and Mabel Hendricks spent a day at Lancaster with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Burket. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Shiffer I of Annville, are visiting at the home i of their daughter, Mrs. J. E. Kready. Frank Hoffman, of Lebanon was a j Sunday guest of his parents, Mr. and j Mrs. J. G. Hoffman. Mrs. Christ! H. Royer spent several davs with her i sister-in-law, Mrs. George K. Fisher at Reading. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. ! Hostetter spent Sunday with Miss Fannie Long at Landlsville. Misses Esther and Martha Lehman and Clara Bolster spent Sunday with the for- ! mer's cousins. Misses Bertha and ! Lottie Wagaman at Lititz. Warren ' Frey and Miss Lizzie Campbell of ! Lancaster, spent Sunday with hisj father, H. M. Frey at the Keystone I House. The great military drama, t "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh,'' will | be given by local talent in the audi torium here Thursday, Friday and j Saturday evenings of next week for the benefit of the Manheim Athletic Association. STORE CHANGES HANDS By Special Correspondence Rift'. Pa., March 17.—C. E. Spotts is moving to Hickory Corners, his former \ home. As he vacates the Rife store. 1 his successor. J. E. Lenker. will take ; possession.—E. E. Koppenliaver and | Nicholas Hoover are sawing a large bill of lumber for H. J. Landls at ! Yeager's sawmill. Mrs. Spotts and | Mrs. Longaboch called at the home of I Daniel Ditty.—Carson Spotts went lo '■ Charles Lenker's on Monday, where he 1 is employed during the summer.-—Mr. | and Mrs. W. A. O'Neil called at S. A. Holtzman's on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forney called at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank For ney, on Sunday. Abe Stroup will move his family to Tennessee, where he is employed. Luther Heinbough and family spent several days at the home of Mrs. Heinbough's parents, Sir. and Mrs. J. E. Forney.—Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Holtzman were business callers at Miliersbnrg on Monday. How's This ? We otter One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ! case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall'i 1 Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. ! We, the undersigned, hare fcDown F. J, I Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transaction! ! and financially able to carry out any obllgatljns made by his Arm. NAT. BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon tlie blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 73 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family rills for constipation. 'and Mrs. C. B. Blausser over Sunday. Seven new members were added to the membership of Calvary United Brethren church on Sunday morning. i — John Wiley is seriously ill at his | home in York street, from dropsy, j Prof, and Mrs. W. C. Heikes. of Harrisburg, visited Dillsburg friends over Sunday. Mrs. G.'W. Cook, of | Harrisburg spent this week with her ; sister, Mrs. J. H. Dick. Mrs. V. C. i Kline, of Mt. Alto is visiting her par- I ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Ensminger. Mrs. C. B. Segelkin, of Steelton, : was the guest of her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. G. L. Brltcher this week. J Miss Grace Neels" has gone to York ! Springs where she will make her | home. John C. Miller Candidate For Halifax Postmastership $y Special Correspondence j Halifax, Pa.. March 18. Mrs. I Lewis Wagner, of Matamorae, is visit- I ing her daughter, Mrs. H. Stewart i Potter, who is ill at her home here.— ! Leo and Magarlo have taken charge i of the Empire Roller Mills near here. George Cooper spent Wednesday at the home of his son, C. H. Cooper at ' Dauphin. Prof. W. Leroy Brooke is spending the week with his parents at ; Schwenksville. Mrs. George Flckes of Steelton, is spending several days lat the homo of her mother, Mrs. I Daniel Miller. Mrs. S. F. Bowman, visited relatives at Harrisburg this I week. E. E. Fitting was at Har- I risburg on Tuesday. Jerome Enders j who went to Harrisburg nearly two j weeks ago and who was stricken with ' apppendicitis, returned home on Mon day, Miss Esther Lenta visited i friends at Lykens over Sunday. O. : M. File spent several days at Harris ; burg. J. c. Bitler, Edward Fauber. ! and Sarah Zearing were at Harrisburg on Tuesday. Miss Helen Helt is ! spending the week at the home of her j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Helt at S Enders. Mrs. Ellen Matcliett Is ] spending some time with her brother, i Cook Shammo, at Harrisburg. Mrs. j Cornelius Enders and daughter, Esther I of Waynesville, spent Sunday at the ! home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Zug. ! Miss Lillle Lebo spent Sunday at the ! home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brandt I near Matamoras. Miss Fannie Mease of Harrisburg, is spending some time at the home of John Chubb.— j Tax Collector James M. Lebo spent | Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ! Charles Fry near Dauphin. Miss - Charlotte Heisler is visiting the Rev. | Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Esbensh&de at Doylestown. Mrs. Eliza Caslow is ! seriously ill at her home in Front j street. A. It. Neidig. of Halifax l township gave an illustrated lecture before the Halifax Brotherhood in the | United Brethren church on Sunday ; afternoon. R. A. Shumaker made a trip to Harrisburg and Steelton. John O. Straw left Tuesday for his home in Sycamore, 111., after a visit to relatives here. Assistant Post master John C. Miller was at Harris burg on Wednesday. Mr. Miller Is receiving the support of many friends for the Halifax postmastership, the appointment which will be made dur | ing the next few months. Mrs. Paul Blaksee. of Wilkes-Barre spent Monday at the home of Mrs. Alice Bressler. Miss Carrie Shoop, school i teacher, is spending the week at the | West Chester State Normal school of I which institution she is a graduate. 1 The A. H. Prenzel Rubber Com | pany of this place expect shortly to erect a substantial addition to their | plant in Fifth street. This firm manu j factures rubber gloves and surgeons' supplies. Mrs. Samuel Derrick, of | Harrisburg spent Wednesday at the home of the Rev. J. C. Pease and j Mrs. Susan Dressier. Meadowbrook Minister to Preach at Lewisberry l/owisbcrrj-. Starch IS. The Rev. R. S. Stair, a Lutheran, minister, of Meadowbrook farm, will preach in the Methodist Episcopal Church on Sunday on Sunday morning. The pas | tor, the Rev. Edward Jackson is at tending conference at Altoona. —Mrs. , Leah Potteiger has returned liomc alter spending the winter at Roches | ter, N. Y., where she was the guest of her son, Roy Potteiger. Preaching | services will be held in the United I Evangelical church to-morrow even : ir\g. The new pastor the Rev. C. S. : Messner. or the Rev. M. E. Bartholo | mew will deliver the sermon. Mrs. I Marlin J. Potts returned home from j a three weeks' visit with relatives in I Tennessee.—Miss Mabel Yinger who is i attending school at Harrisburg was : home over Sunday. Dean R. Hud < son, of Harrisburg. was a recent guest lof Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rudisill, at ; Meadowbrook farm. Mr. and Mrs. j Charles liailets, sons Erney, Bruce and Harvey and daughter Fairy, of New Cumberland, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Ballets and Mrs. Sophia Erney. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Bail'Hs of Harrisburg were recent guests of relatives here. Miss Mary Walker spent a day at Mt. Airy, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker. Mrs. Nesbit is se riously ill at the home of her son-in law, H. M. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Billet, of near Lisburn, spent Sunday as guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Edward Jackson at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage. Mrs. Nola Slade, returned to her home in New York city, after spending a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward S. Wolfe. The Rev. M. E. Bartholomew will ship his household goods to Philadelphia, where he will i remove with his family. William, | son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Parthemer, j recently had his finger hurt in a j shredding machine. RRANDRETH ■J '°Vu~ PILLS An Effective Laxative | Purely Vegetable i Constipation, | j Indigestion, Biliousness, etc. r I QORQ Qat Night I until rallewd Constipation Biliousness-Headache Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets Make the liver active, bowels regular. without pain or griping, relieve »icU headache and that bloated feeling after eating, purify the blood and cloar the complexion. Large bo*, enough to last a month. 25c. Dr. Cbu< Co., ZU N. lUtfa St.. PbiledelphU, Pe. SCHOOL TEAMS TO DEBATE ON PEACE Huntingdon and Mt. Union Pupils to Have Contest on Friday, March 31 MILLINERY STORE SOLD Mystic Circle of* Methodist Church Holds Midwinter Picnic in Social Rooms By Special Correspondence Mt. Union, Pa., March 18.—Hunt ingdon High School has accepted a challenge to debate the Mt. Union High School on the question, "Re solved, That International Peace Would be Best Promoted by Exten sive Warlike Preparation on the Part of all Nations." The debate will be held here on Friday March 31. The Mt. Union Team is composed of Rob ert Bell. Thelma Wilson, Clyde Hnber and Avalene Light, Mt. Union having the affirmative side of the question.— The Mystic Circle of the Methodist church held a midwinter picnic in the social room of the church on Tuesday evening. The large millinery store of Mrs. Olive Sease has been sold to Miss Titus, of Tltusvllle, Pa. Miss Lottie Hollenbaugh has gone to Ebensburg, Pa., for a month's stay.— Miss Helen Taylor and Mrs. Heltman are at Philadelphia visiting the Misses Evelyn and Carolyn Haltmen, nurses. The epedemic of measles and typhoid fever is not under con trol, but only a few cases having been reported during the week. Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania By Special Correspondence Dalmatia.—-Sebastian of Sturgis, Mich., is visiting relatives in this vicinity.—E. J. Klingman and son Lee spent several days at Phila delphia.—Frank Wald, of Harrisburg, visited here on Tuesday.—Mrs. Hazel Shaffer, of Sunbury, visited here re cently.—Elmer Michall, of Selinsgrove, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Rebecca Michall. —John L. F. Lahr. of Ilummelstown. visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Galon Lahr.—Mrs. George Wetzel, of Harrisburg, spent several days visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Zeigler.—H. A. Deibert and W. C. Bubb attended the postal em ployes' banquet at Sunbury.—U. S. Bubb, of Milton and Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Bubb, of MUlersburg, were guests of Mrs. Susan Bubb on Sun day.—Mr. and Mrs. Selin Wiest, of Shamokin, visited at the home of James M. Wiest on Sunday.—Three residents of this, place died within a week. Miss Katie Fetter, aged 28 years, died of rheumatism; Solomon Walt, aged 57, died of bloodpolson, and Mrs. Jacob Lahr, aged 48, died after a long illness. Jjykcns.—Mr. and Mrs. R. Coble spent some time at Middletown re cently.— Mrs. Galen Bingaman and Mrs. J. X. Baker visited friends at Philadelphia and Middletown this week. —Harry 11. Bitterman spent Sunday at Ilarrisburs. —John Mucher and MP. and Mrs. Florence Boles, of Wlconisco; Charles Bergstresser, Mr. and Mrs. Harper Dunlap and Jacob Trout and Mrs. Edward Beadle were at Ilarrisburg on Sunday.—Professor Clarence E. Toole spent some time at Sunbury.—Michael Shiley visited friends at Philadelphia.—Mrs. Clayton Evitts spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Clair Weaver, of Elizabethville. —Forrest Cook, of Harrlsburg, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cook.—Charles Cook, of Ilarris burg, spent Sunday with his wife and family here. —H. E. Bufflngton spent several days at Lancaster and Yorjt.—Miss Vera Cooper is spending the week at Tower City.—Mrs. Cyrus Komberger has gone to Williamstown where she will make her home with Simon Flckinger. Mlllerstown.—Mr. and Mrs. James Kipp and children, Calvin Dimm, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patton and John Brin ton, of Harrisburg. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kipp over Sunday.— William Rourisiey, of Penbrook, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rounsley.—Mr. and Mrs. James Rounsley are visiting their son, Leband Rounsley at Altoona. —Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Troutman leave Thursday on a several days' visit to Washington, 13. C., Baltimore and York.—James Rounsley was a Newport visitor Wed nesday.—Dr. T. P. Cochran and son George, of Pitsburgh, were guests of D. M. Rickabaugh and family Monday and Tuesday.—Miss Mazie Bollinger left Tuesday for Newton Hamilton, where she and Miss Anna Bollinger, who is teaching in Newton Hamil ton schools, will make their future home. —Miss Alma Charles, of Rose Glen, was the week-end guest of Miss Helen Rounsley.—Mrs. Samuel Orwig, who has been spending a couple of weeks at the Ward House, has re turned to Harrisburg.—J. Bloom Is spending the week at Baltimore. —Miss Lillian Nankivel, of Steelton, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nankivel, over Sunday.— Mrs. Ella Wagner and Miss Kathryn Rickabaugh were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Frank at Newport.—Mrs. B. H. Hart, of Williamsport, and Mrs. C. H. Mauk, of Harrisburg, were guests of D. M. Rickabaugh and fam ily Friday evening.—Mrs. Charles Snyder, of Liverpool, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Wingert.—William Steffens and daughter Ruth, who had spent several months in Baltimore, returned home Saturday.—Miss Edna Spangler, who has been traveling with a show, la visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Spangler. Newton Hamilton. Mr. and Mri. Clarence Anders were recent visitors to Huntingdon.—Stanton Wilsoii, of Harrisburg. spent Sunday at the home of J. L. Hill. —Mrs. John Deese and son, of Altoona, were recent visitors at the home of her mother, Mrs. Annie Sechrist. —Howard Walters, of Millersburg, Ohio, is spending some time at the home of his sister, Mrs. C. A. Daniels. —Miss Nora McVey has resigned her position as clerk in H. C. Kinsloe's store.—The Rev. H. K. Ash is attending conference at Al toona this week. —Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Yon, of Reedsville, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Thomas Sunderland, Sunday.—Clyde Norton is ill at his home in Wayne township. Union Deposit.—Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Ktter, of Sand Beach, were the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ktter. on Sunday.—Mrs. I,evi Snyder spent a day at Penbrook.— Miss Luclle Rambler, of liarrisburff, GREAT ARTIST WILL $50,000 VIOLIN A T CONCERT Lebanon Valley College Glee Club at Mechanicsburg;Neal Doio Meeting Held by IV. C. T. U. By Special Correspondence Meduuiicsburg, Pa., March IS. • Roy Young, a great descriptive violin ist, playing on a $50,000 violin will be heard here in his famous lecture, "Paganini and the Birds," on Thurs day, March 30, in Franklin Hall un der the direction of the Woman's Club. The Mite Society of Trinity Luth eran church gave a St. Patrick's tea '11 the lecture room of the church on Thursday aternoon. Professor A. 11. Ege is recovering from his recent serious illness. Mrs. Lerch was hostess for the Bridge Club on Tues day afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. A delightful concert was given by the Lebanon Vallej- College Glee Club on Thursday evening in the First United Brethren church. The Rev. J. J. Resh, pastor of the Methodist Episco pal church who was unable to at tend the annual conference In Al toona on account of Illness with grip, s improving. The Neal Dow meet ing of the Woman's Christian Tem perance Union was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Julia HelHefinger, East Main street. i harles Umberger who has been con fined to his home with sciatica is Many Visitors Spending Winter Days at Dauphin By Special Correspondence Dauphin, Pa., March 18. Miss Hoffman, of Mlddletown, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. I- rank E. Williams. - Miss Anne Rob inson Miller left on Sunday for Phil adelphia where she will spend the month with her sister, Miss Helen Miller who has just completed a three years' nursing course at the Pennsylvania hospital. Mrs. J. D. M. Reed left on Wednesday for Ber wick, where she will spend several weeks with her brother, Frank Sliope. —William Ely and daughter Virginia, have returned from a visit to Mill mont.—Miss Annie Bickey is visiting I her sister, Mrs. Katherlne McCully at Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powell of Virginia are spending some time here. Raymond Suydam of Steelton was the guest of Walter J. Shaffer on Sunday. Harvey C. For ney has returned home from a trip to Reading, AUentown, Wilkes-Barre and Williamsport. Mrs. David No vinski of Philadelphia is visiting her father, George Heck. Mrs. Walter Speace, of Speeceville, spent Tuesday with her mother. Airs. Mary Coff rocte. Mrs. Edwin Winterborn of Cochlynsvllle, is spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Masner. I. Lane Long has returned from a trip to Escol. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gruber, formerly of Singervllle, are occupying the old McNeely home. In Swatara street. Mrs. William Zettenmoyer, of Speece ville. who was operated on for appen dicitis at the Harrisburg hospital is improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Singer have moved into the old Mitchell home in Swatara street. — William Dennison. Sr.. who was oper ated on for appendicitis at the Harris burg hospital Is slowly improving.— The Rev. Francis J. S. Morrow at tended the Methodist Episcopal con ference ht Philadelphia this week. — Mrs. John Biever of Green Hill was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Fertlg. Miss Maud Ballets of Harrisburg spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Charles Lyter.— Miss Lydia Maurey has returned from a \lsit with her sister, Mrs. Grover C. Glass, at Paxtang. M rs. Charles Stadt, of Harrisburg. was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. Eugene Gar man. William Irvtn is ill with the grip at his home in High street. Mrs. Campbell of Harrisburg, spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. William Lyter. Mrs. William Curn mings of MUlersburg was a recent guest of Mrs. William Poffenberger.— Secretary of Internal Affairs Henry Houck and Senator Gerberich of Leb anon, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman C. Gerberich. after spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Lizzie Rambler, has re turned.-—Mrs. Frank Spotts spent a day at Harrisburg.—Miss Adaline Reager and Miss Edna Kaufman spent Sunday at Palmyra.—Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Landis, of near Penbrook, visited the former's father, Solomon Landis, 011 Sunday.—Preaching ser vices will be held in the United Breth ren Church on Sunday morning by the pastor, the Rev. George W. Hall man.—Paul Miller spent Wednesday at Harrisburg.—Mirvin Gross, or Leb anon visied Charles Yantz on Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. C. Grolt and children spent Sunday near Hanoverdale visit ing the latter's uncle. Allen Ebersole. —John Houser, of Fairland, spent a short time with his sister, Mrs. Levi Snyder.—-William Snyder spent Tues day at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ShifHer, of Hoernerstown, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Kline, on Sunday.—Mrs. F. H. Stauf fer and Mrs. C. A. Landis spent a day at Harrisburg with the former's son. Paul Stauffer.—George Swupe and brother, Harry, and sister, Violet, of near Hanoverdale, visited their broth er, John Swope and wife on Sunday.— Preaching services will be held in the Lutheran church to-morrow morning at 10.30 by the Rev. L. Hocker, of Gettysburg.—Mrs. M. Newcomer spent a day at Harrisburg. Mrs. Clara Brown, of Philadelphia, who spent some time with Mrs. George Miller, has returned home.—Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis, of Harrisburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Yantz, on Sun day. Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915 Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915 © DRINK BAKER'S COCOA M ! ' \A For its Delicious Flavor, its Excellent Quality IIS I and its High Food Value. Ml jj | I GUARD AGAINST IMITATIONS; the genuine pack ißfUi r jJJ age has the trade-mark of the chocolate girl on the wrapper and is made only by ma. U. S. PAT. OFF. J J WALTER BAKER & CO. LTD. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. recovering. A pleasant session of Mrs. B. Reily Shopcs' Sunday school class of the Church of God was held on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Mary Stansfield, South Arch street. During the social hour, re freshments were served. At the meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of the First United Brethren church on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. John H. Bowman, the following officers were elected: Presi dent, Mrs. J. C. Lambert; vice-presi dent, Mrs. E. C. B. Castle; secretary, Mrs. J. H. Bowman; treasurer. Miss Ida Eberly, secretary of literature, Mrs. Charles Vogelsong; thank offer ing secretary, Mrs. Ellis Houser; col lectors, Mrs. N. Stambaugh, Mrs. Ellis Houser, Mrs. D. J. Beitzel and Mrs. William Dlehl. Mrs. George B. Hoover entertained the Trinity Luth eran Mite Society at her home on Tuesday evening. The Rev. Mr. Balow conducted Lenten services in St. Luke's Episcopal church on Thursday evening. Miss Olive Thompson returned to her home in Baltimore, Md., after spending several weeks at the home of her uncle, Prof. A. H. Ege. Revival Meetings Open at Church of Brethren Eplirata, Pa., March 18. —Elder H. B. Yoder, of Lancaster, opened a series of evangelistic meetings in the Church of the Brethren Sunday ove ning which will be continued every evening for several weeks. On Tuesday evening the Rev. W. D. Har binger. of Denver, preached the sec ond of a series of Lenten sermons in Bethany Reformed church, the Rev. Allan S. Meek, pastor, presenting a ■splendid sermon on the Scripture passage, "! Am God Almighty Going Before You. Come After Me and Be come Perfect." J. Arthur Schlichter of Philadelphia, delivered an address before a large audience in the United Brethren Church last Sunday after noon, using a theme, "Out of the Depth." Harry J. Von Nleda and his brother, Walter H. Von fs'ieda left on Thursday for New York, where on Friday they sailed on the steamer Apache, of the Clyde Bine for Jack sonville, Florida. They will spend several weeks in the South. They will visit St. Petersburg, where the Hicks family, formerly of Eplirata. live. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Eberly entertained at dinner at their residence on Sunday lasl, Mrs. Eberley's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Good, who were recently married at the home of the bride here, and who will soon begin housekeeping at Bareville; .and also Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Kiehl, ' Mrs. Anna Martin, the Rev. Mr. and , Mrs. Samuel Kulp, and Mrs. Katharine : Harley, all of Eplirata, and Misses Pauline Weaver and Mae Ilollinger, of Manheim. Amos Hess, of Emporia, , Kansas, who has been a visitor in I Ephrata and vicinity for several weeks | left for his home on Wednesday. j Mr. and Mrs. Levi P. Becker, of j Ephrata, arrived home last Friday ; after having spent several months at Arcadia, Florida. Clover Club Guests of the Misses Neely Special to the Telegraph Miffliiitowti. Pa., ...a - ch 18. - The Rev. W. H. Buck, of Scranton. spent the week-end with relatives here.— ; Mrs. Sven Svenson of Pittsburgh is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. McClsllan. Mrs. James Neely of Churchill and William Neely of Hunt ington, spent Tu sday with Mrs. D. B. Berry. The Misses Margaret and Elizabeth Neely entertained the Clover club at their home Saturday evening. The following were present: Anna Crawford, Mildren Bauver, Helen Crawford, Gatherine Junkin, Rebecca Auker, Georgia Kauffman. Lucretia Patterson and Marion Sieber. Mrs. Joe McCauley spent a day at Tyrone and while there saw "The Birth of a Nation."—The Misses Bertha and Anna Scott entertained at cards on Saturday afternoon the following: Mrs. D. M. Crawford, Mrs. C. B. Kauff man, Miss Sara Kauffman, Miss Re becca Davis, Mrs. M. P. Crawford, | Mrs. E. E. McMeen, Mrs. Ralph Mc- I Meen, Mrs. E. C. Doty, Miss Rebecca | Doty, Misses Anna and Rhoda Mayer, Mrs. James Sterrett. Mrs. Bou Mussle j man. Mrs. Sven Svenson, Mrs. W. H. Manbeck, Mrs. Maxwell Manbeck, I Misses Jane and Tillie Boudcn, Miss Katherlne Mathers, Mrs. J. Howard Neely, Mrs. J. Frank Patterson, Mrs. !H. E. Waters, Miss Margaretta Trvin, Miss Sara Murray, Mrs. W. H. Banks, j Miss Jane Banks, Mrs. F. M. M. Pen ! Nell, Miss Gladys McCauley, Mrs. J. i Bloyd Hartman, Miss Mary Iloopes of the twin towns and Mrs. R. S. Shaver of Hollidaysburg. Miss Janet Bloyd | accompanied by her cousin, Miss Hen -1 rietta Baldwin, returned to her home ( in New York City on Wednesday.— \ Mrs. D. E. Van Dyke and son of Phil. 1 odelphia are guests of her parents, ;Mr. and Mrs. A. Ilackenberger. Mrs. Guy Auker and daughter Jane spent the week-end at the home of Jesse Deitrick at Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Sieber of Lewistown, spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and ■ Airs. J. P. Sieber. Miss Mary Cross 'of Altoona is visiting at the home of Burk Etka. The Rev. Carl Ras- I mussen of Newville spent several days I here. Miss Minnie Strayer of Mif flin left Saturday for a visit with her | brother, Dr. Ed. Strayer at New York city. KING LEAR GOES TO TRAINING CAMP Grccncastlc Ball Player I las 4 Signed With Louisville Club For Season of 1916 SCHOOL BUILDING SOLD Marriage of Harvey T. Barrick and Mrs. Laura E. Scibert Is Announced Grccncastlc, Pa., March 18.—Frank Angle's public sale this week on the Cook farm amounted to $7,300. The horses alone brought $3,300. Mr. Angle will move to Greencastle in April. Charles (King) Lear lel't this week for Louisville, Ky„ where he will go into training with the baseball nine. Mr. Lear signed with the team as pitcher Inst. Fall. The old school building in South Washington street, was sold this week by the board of directors to Jacob Shank for $330. Announce ment has been made of the marriage of Harvey T. Barrick, Greencastle, to Mrs. Laura E. Selbert, Shlppensburg, The wedding took place Wednesday evening at Shippensburg. Mrs. EJizabeth Brendlo celebrated hei* 87th birthday on Tuesday. Mrs. Brendle takes an active interest in church and social work. Mrs. A. C, Bushey is visiting relatives at Wash, ington. D. C. Miss Elizabeth Host has returned to Harrisburg, after a | visit with Miss Lillian Carl. W. .1. jPatton. Mrs. Patton and Mrs. Eliza beth Patton spent the week at Phila delphia, where Mr. Patton attended [the alumni banquet of Lafayette col | lege. Miss Josephine Whitmore has ; been seriously ill at her home in West i Madison street for the past two ! months. Miss Suvilla Brendle has | returned from Washington, D. C.. i where she spent three years studying • for a trained nurse in the Garllohl Hospital. Miss Brendle will be gradu ated from the institution In May. ; Miss Constance Shook is visiting j friends at Derby, Conn. Eldon Hoachlander is recovering from an attack of appendicitis. A. G. Mc | Lanahan and airs. McLanahan are home from an extended southern trip. Mrs. W. R. Davison has returned ! from a two weeks' sojourn at New | Orleans. Deputy State Fire Marshal Visits Mount Joy Company By Special Correspondence Mount Joy. Pa., March 18.—Mrs. i Harry C. Knouse, of Paxtang, after spending five days with her sister. Miss i Bertha Missemer. left for her home oil (Sunday.—Mr. and Airs. John Winters, of Harrisburg, and Mrs. Susan «'npp, of Mechaniesburg, were Sunday guests of Harry J. Williams. —The Crusad- er's men's Bible class of the United™ Brethren Sunday school held a special public meeting on Thursday evening preparatory to occupying the new- Sunday school room next. Sunday morning. The Rev. S. D. Clark, of i ITershey, and the Rev. Mr. Seldom ridge, of Elizabeth town, were the j speakers.—Professor Frank H. Green, :of the West Chester Normal school, addressed the men's Christian Fede ration, in the Methodist Church on .Sunday afternoon. Mrs. AUalino ! Hamaker, of Wilmington, Del., will | spend several weeks with Aaron li. Engle and other friends here. —The Lutheran Needle Guild met on Thurs j day evening at the home of Miss Flor ence Sillers.—J. William Morgan, of I Philadelphia, deputy State lire mar ! shal, was In town on Thursday eveu -1 ing and made an address to the . Friendship Fire Company. H. A. [ Showalter, formerly editor and pub ! Usher of the New Holland Clarion, was in to%vn recently, the guest of J. iR. Missemer.—The organized adult | Bible class of the Florin United i Brethren Sunday school, will hold i special rally day services to-morrow afternoon. —The Mt. Joy township 'high school at Milton Grove, wilt graduate a class of four members on | March 29. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE! Thompson town, Pa., MaTcli 18 Miss Mary Cross of Altoona spent sev eral days with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colyer. On Monday Mrs. Colyer ac companied Miss Cross to Mifflin for a visit. Miss Myrtle Dinim, Mrs. Charles Dinim of Philadelphia, Park Brubaker, of Estherville, Iowa; El mer bimm and daughter Miss Frceda, of Granville, were guests at the Dimm home in Burtz valley. Miss Mary Meiser was at Mifflin Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bower of Middloburg, Miss Katharine Mathers of Mifdin town, Mr. and Mrs. William Atkinnon of McVeytown, Mr. and Mrs. Atkonson of Altoona and Martin Oreenleaf of Wilmington, Del., were here attend ing the funeral of Mrs. Laura E. Oreenleaf on Monday. The Rev. A. R. Garver, Mrs. Garver and children are spending this week in Altoona at tending the Methodist conference.— The Rev. and Mrs. B. H. Mart of Wil liamsport, Mrs. Charles H. Mauk of Harrisburg, Mrs. Gilbert Frank ol Newport and Mrs. Warren Sellers of Altoona, were home Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Haldeman of Washington, N. J., are spending the week here.—A surprise birthday party was held for Walter Hostetler on Wednesday evening.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers