14 NEWS OF PULPIT AND TO DEDICATE PAXTON ORGAN 11. F. Bronson Will Play Special Programs Morning and Evening The new two-manual pipe organ ■ recently installed in the Paxton Pres byterian Church, will be used to-mor- j row for the first time when appropri-j ate services will be held in the 1 church. In the morning Ihe Rev.' Harry 8., King, pastor of the church. will preach on "The Worship of Praise,", «nd the following musical program; •will be given on the organ by 11. F. Bronson: Prelude, "Allegretto," Scott; .an them. "Father in Heaven," Briggs: offertory, "Melodie," Guilmant; post lude, "Processional March,"' Kotelby. ; In the evening a short praise ser vice will be held when the following program of music will be given: Prelude, (a) "A Royal Procession," Spinney: (b> "Berceuse" from "Joce lyn," Godard: (c) "Evening Hymn," Ashmal; anthems, "Brightly Gleams < >ur Banner," Noble; "Come, Sound His Praise," Pike; offertory, "Can y.onette," Thomas; postlude, "Offer ioire in F," Sefebure-Wely. The new organ is of quartered oak, It.is fourteen stops, and 602 pipes. METHODIST '.'•race. The Rev. J. D. Fox, D. D., v:'o, class meeting; 10:30, the Rev. I r. George Edward Reed: 1:45, Sun cii'.y school and Men's Bible class; ■ :45. Epworth League; 7:30, the Rev. Dr. George Edward Reed. Stevens Memorial. Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker, pastor; 9:30, morn ing class; 10:30, the Rev. F. F. Hol sopple, of the Anti-Saloon League will preach; 2, Sunday school; 6:30, Ep worth League: 7:30, the Rev. W. R. Swartz, will preach. Asbury. The Rev. W. H. Gaines; 11, "Not Ashamed of the Gospel"; 8, "A True Man"—to the Eks; Sunday school, 2; 7. Epworth League; 3. ser mon by the Rev. W. H. King, D. D.. of Steelton Monumental A. M. E. church. Ridge Avenue. The Rev. A. G. Boyles will preach at 10:30, on "The Unclouded Vision"; 7:30, "The Am bition of Jesus." Camp Curtin Memorial. The Rev. A. O. Stone will preach at 10:30 and 7:30; class meeting, 9:30: Sunday school, 2; Epworth League, 6:30. LUTHERAN Holy Communion—The Rev. John Henry Miller. 10.45. "A Great Faith;" 7.30, "Gethsemane:" Sunday school, 9.30: Luther I/eague, 6.30. Christ—The Rev. Thomas Reiscli, D. I). 10.30, "Abounding More and More;" 7.30. "Where Jesus Failed;" Sunday school. 2; men's Bible class, 2. Church of the Redeemer —The Rev. X. L. Dltzler, this city, will preach at 10.3U and 7.30; Sunday school, 9.30: j Christian Endeavor. 6.30. Zion—The Rev. S Winfield Herman. 10.30, "The Temptation of Jesus;" j 7.30. "The Woman of Samaria;" Sun day school, 1.45; men's class, 1.50; men's devotional hour. 10. Augsburg—The Rev. A. M. Stamets. 10.30, "A Sample of True Faith;" 7.30, "Why Join the Church?" Sunday school. 2; Christian Endeavor, 6.30; Men's League, 9.30. Bethlehem The Rev. J. Bradley Markward, D. D. 10.30, "What Does Your Religion Cost You?" 7.30, "Be Ye Separate;" Sunday school, 1.45; Christian Endeavor. 6.30. Trinity, Camp Hill—The Rev. Dr. E. D. Weigle. 10.30. "Piety in the Home;" 7.30. "Christ's Gracious Invi tation;" Sunday school, 9.15. Trinity—The Rev. R. L. Meisen- j helder. 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 2; Christian Endeavor, 6.30. Shiloh. Riverside; the Rev. E. E. Snyder, pastor will preach at 3 p. m.; Sunday school at 2. St. Matthew's. The Rev. E. E. Snyder. 11, "Peter. The Boastful," 7:30, "Pilate, A Man Afraid"; Sun day school, 10; Catechetical class, 9:30: Junior Endeavor, 2; Senior C. E„ C: 30. Calvary. The Rev. Edward H. Paar, 11, "Abounding Move and Move" and 7:30, "Treading the Winepress alone"; Sunday school, 10. Memorial. The Rev. L. C. Menges D. I)., Men's prayer meeting, 10; at 10:30. "Renunciation of the World," nt 7:30, "The Suffering of Christ, a Testimony of God's Wrath Against Sin and a Demonstration of His Love For Sinners." Sunday school, 2; Jr. Luther League. 5:30: Sr. Luther League, G:3O. PRESBYTERIAN Pine Street—The Rev. Lewis Sey mour, D. D.; the Rev. J. S. Armen trout. assistant. 10.30, "Enjoying God:" 7.30, fifth sermon in the current series, "The Envy' of the Elders:" 1.30, Sunday school; 1.40, advanced depart ments and adult Bible classes; 6.30, senior Christian Endeavor. Division Street Chapel Sunday school, and Bible ' lasses. 3: 7.30, the Rev. J. S. Armentrout will preach. Bethany The Rev. John Martin Warden. 7.30, "Playing the Fool;" Sunday school, 9: Christian Endeavor, 6.30. Westminster—The Rev. E. E. Cur- About Us?" Sunday school, 1.45; About Us'.'" Sunady school. 1.45; ChiistiaJi Endeavor, 6.30; 7.30, "The Theme of Themes.'' Capital Street The Rev. B. M. Ward. 10.45 and 7.30; Sunday school, 12.15; junior Endeavor, 6; Christian Endeavor. 6.45. Market Square. The Rev. George Edward Hawes, D. D. pastor. The Rev. George Snavely Rentz, assistant; 11, "Grace on Top of Grace"; 7:30, "Why Do I Need a Creed?" Third in scries. C. E. 6:30. Calvary. The Rev. Frank P. MacKenzie, 10:15, "The Strength of the Church," 7:30, "God Listens": Sunday school 9; C. E., 6:30; Men's meeting, Sunday, 3. linmanuel. The Rev. H. Everett Hallman; 10, preaching; Sunday school, 11:15; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:30; 7:30, 'The Missionary St. Patrick." Covenant—The Rev. Harvey Klaer. 10.30, "The Will of the Master;" 7.30, "Sweeping Your Own Doorstep;" Sun day school, 2; Christian Endeavor, 6,30; men's prayer meeting, 7. Olivet—The Rev. George S. Hutchin son. 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 2: Christian Endeavor, 6.30. REFORMED Salem —The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer. 10.30. the Rev. D. B. Schneder, D. D., Sendai, Japan, will preach, subject, IWVrtWWW.WJWWWW. • •: BEAUTIFUL I HERSHEY PARK > !■ The Tdeal Picnic and Pleasure '! Grounds. Be sure and bring the !■ ? children to this Beautiful Park. J % Filtered water supplied from / *, sanitary drinking fountains. For «! \ available dates, write or phone \ j> Manager of Hershey Park, Ji Hershey, Pa. j SATURDAY' EVENING. HARIUSBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH IS, 1916 ENTERTAINMENT OF BIG C. E. CONVENTION Details of Handling Great Crowds Coming to Harrisburg in Hands of John F. Kob; Feeding of Delegates Problem Demanding Careful Attention The Entertainment Committee for the State Christian Endeavor Conven tion of which John F. Kob is chairman, is busy making arrangements for the entertainment of hundreds of delegates who will attend the State Convention in this city next .Inly. The committee Is contldent that Harrisburg will give Christian Endeavor delegates the best kind of entertainment at very reason able rates. The committee is now get ting delinite information from the vari ous societies which will enable them to secure good accommodations for the visiting delegates. Harrisburg has splendid street car service and It will be convenient for delegates to get to their places of as signment in a very short time. A score of rxcelleut restaurants arr within five minutes' walk from the Chestnut Street Auditorium where the convention will be held. A number of good hotels will serve those that prefer hotel accom modations. In the recreation line Harrisburg ranks with any city In the State. It has two beautiful parks In the center of the city. The one along the finest river front of any city in the country. Reservoir Park is a beautiful park and in easy walking distance to one-fourth of the residents of the city. Three oth er parks are at the outskirts of three different sections of the city. The city library and the State library will be pleasant places to rest. A mag nificent Y. W. C. A. building fully equipped, having an excellent cafe will welcome Christian lCndeavor delegates. The Y. M. C. A. has a good reading room and a nice parlor. Everybody knows that this city has one of the most magnificent capitol buildings in the United States. The Entertainment Committee assures the visiting dele gates that the entertainment alone which they will get in our city will make it worth while to attend the con vention. . John F. Kob is chairman of the En tertament Committee. He came to "Our Mission in Japan:" 7.30, the pas- i I tor will preach; Sunday school, 1.30. St. John's. The Rev. G. W. Hart man, 11, "Present Day Honesty," 7:30 "Joy and the Cross," Sunday school, !»: 4; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:30. Fourth The Rev. Homer Skyles May. The Rev. Theodore F. Herman, D. D., of the Theological Seminary, Lancaster, will preach at 10.45 and 7.30; Sunday school, 9.30; Heidelberg Christian Endeavor, 6.30. St. Andrew's. Penbrook—The Rev. W. R. Hartzell. 10.30, "Enlisted;" 7.30, "The Forsaken One;" Sunday school, 9.30. Second The Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler. 10.30, "The Bible: The Right Book in the Right Place:" 7.30, "Wouldest Thou Be Made Whole?" Sunday school, 1.50; Christian En deavor, C.30. I'XITEI) BRETIIKKX St. Paul's. Wormleysburg. the Rev. G. B. Renshaw, pastor, 10f45 and 7:30; Sunday school. 9:30; Sr. C. E., 6:30: Jr. C. E.. 5:45. Otterbein. The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp, D. D., 10:30, "An Exemplary Life": 7:30, "The Double-Minded Man." C. E., 6:30: S. S., 2. Sixth Street. The Rev. Joseph Daugherty, 9:45, praise service; 10:30, "The Shining Christian"; 7:30. "The Intensity of God's Love," Sunday school at 1:45; C. E., 5:30; Sr. C. E., 6:30. First The Rev. Charles Edwin Boughter. 10.30, "A Vision of Better Things;" 7.30, "The Unseen Presence;'.' Sunday school, 1.45; Christian En deavor, 6.45. State Street. The Rev. E. A. G. Bossier, 10:45. "The Fullness of Bless ing." and 7:30, "Gathering or Scat tering," Sunday school, 9:30; Jr. C. E., 6; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:30. BAPTIST First —The Rev. W. S. Booth. 10.30, "The Church at Barea;" 11.30, Sunday school; 6.30, Christian Endeavor; 7.30, "Two Things All Men Most Face." Tabernacle The Rev. Calvin A. Hare. D. D.. 10.30, "The Grandeur of ; the Missionary Idea;" 7.30, "Antioch j Versus Jerusalem," seventh In the 1 series on "Great Events in the Book ; of Acts:" Sunday school, 11.30; B. Y. ;P. U., 6.45. At the Herr street branch, preaching in Rumanian and Hungarian ; at 10.30 and 7.30. St. Paul —The Rev. E. Luther Cun ningham. 10.30, "We Preach Christ I Crucified:" 7.30, "This Man Receiveth I Sinners;" Sunday school, 12.30; B. Y. I P. U.. 6.30. West End —The Rev. W. W. Clip i pinger. The Rev. Mr. Sellers will 1 preach at 7.30; Sunday school, 10.30; i voung people's meeting. 6.45. Market Street. The Rev. W. H. Dallman, 10:30, "The Inside of the ("up." 7:30, "A Great Day Coming," Sunday school, 11:30. Second Street. The Rev. Albert ' Josiah Greene, pastor at 10:30, on "Bearing the Reproach of Jesus," and ,7:30. "Testing the Superstructure," i Sunday school. 12; B. Y. P. U., 6:30, at 3, "The Call to Life," B. Y. P. IT. rally. • CHURCH OF GOD Maelay Street—The Rev. F. I. M. . Thomas. 11, "The True Glory of a ' Church:" 7.30, "Excuses;" Sunday j school. 9.4 5. Penbrook —The Rev. Jay C. Forn ! crook. 10.30. "The Tithing System;" 7.30, echoes from the men's conven tion: Sunday school, 9.30. Pleasant View—The Rev. George W. Hnrpcr. Sunday school, 9.45; 10.45, "The Great God of Love:" junior Chris tian Endeavor. 3: senior Christian En deavor, 6.45; 7.30, "The Value of the Soul." Green Street. The Rev. C. H. [Grove, 10:30, "Without Excuse," 7:30, "Missionary Convention Echoes," 2, I Sunday school; Jr. C. E., 3; Sr. C. E., | 6:30. Linglestown. The Rev. H. W'hitaker, the Junior Society will give an entertainment at 7:30. Progress. The Rev. H. Whltaker, i 10:30, Lessons from the Book of ! Esther." Nagle Street. The Rev. Albert L. ■ Kriner, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school at 1:30; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:45. Fourth Street. The Rev. William 1 N. Yates, D. D., will preach at 10:30, lon "Those Whom God Has Given | Us," and at 7:30, on "The End." Spe i cial prayer at 10: Sunday school at 1:40; C. E. Societies at 6:30: 1:40, address to men on "Baptized Men." EPISCOPAL St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin Alger Sawyer. 8, holy communion: 10, Sun day school; 11, morning prayer, ser i mon by Bishop Darlington; 4, evening prayer. St. Paul's. The Rev. Floyd ! Appleton: 8, Holy communion; 11, I "Our Love for God;" 2:30, Sunday | school; 7:30, the annual visit of the : Bishop for the Apostolic Rite of Con- I formation. St. Augustine's. Archdeacon E. jL. Henderson; 7, Holy communion: ill. Morning prayer; 3, Evening pray , er: confirmation by the Right Rev. j James H. Darlington, D. D., LL. D., ' bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg. I'MTKI) EVANGELICAL Harris Street —The Rev. George F. j Schaum. 10.30, "At Evening Time It | Shall Be Light;" 2, Sunday school; 6.40. honorary members' meeting of [the K. L. C. E.; 7.30, third dermou in JOHN F. KOB Harrisburg about five years ago and became a member of the Fourth Re formed Church. He has been active In its Christian Endeavor Society since he became a member and has served on the Prayermeeting Committee and other committees. it is estimated that between one thousand and fifteen hundred visiting dflegates and several thousand of oth er Endeavorers and friends will attend the convention. the series on "Elements of True Char acter." "The Life That Is Worth While." Park Street—The Rev. A. E. Hansen. Sunday school, 9.;i0; "convention echoes" meeting at 10.45; junior Chris tian Endeavor, 5.45; senior Christian Endeavor. 6.30; 7.30, "Things Seen and Heard and Felt at the Laymen's I Convention." CATHOLIC Cathedral. Mgr. M. M. Hassett, low mass, 7; children's mass, 9; high mass, 10:30; Sunday school, 2:30; ves pers and benediction, 7:30. St. Lawrence. The Rev. P. D.! ITuegel; low mass, 8; hign mass, 10; i Sunday school, 2:30; vespers and benediction, 3. St. Francis. The Rev. D. J. Carey, low mass, 8; high mass. 10; Sunday school, 2:30; vespers and benediction, 7:30. Sacred Heart. The Rev. George Rice; low mass, 8; high mass, 10; Sunday school, 2? vespers and bene diction, 2:30. St. Mary's. The Rev. William V. Dailey; low mass, 8; high mass, i 10:30; Sunday school, 2; vespers and benediction, 7:30. MISCELLANEOUS Associated Bible Students —At 3, a question meeting; 1.45, Berean study. Reformed Mennonites Preaching in Kinnard's T-lall at 10.30. Gospel Hall Penbrook; Evangel ist S. C. Keller will speak at 7:30; Sunday school, 3. Christian and Missionary Alliance — The Rev. W. H. Worrall. 10.30, "The Believer's Mission;" 7.30, "The Blessed Hope;" Sunday school, 9.30. A. M. E. Bethel The Rev. U. G. Leeper. 10.30, "Jacob at Bethel;" 7.30, "Glv-1 ing Account to God;" Sunday school, i 12.30; A. C. E. L., 6.30. Wesley Union Bishop Alexander Walters, of New York, the presiding bishop of the third episcopal district, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, will preach both morning and evening. CHURCH OF CHRIST Lemoyne—The Rev. Melvin Menges. 10.30. "The Task of Apollos;" 7.30, "Christian Baptism;" 9.30, Bible school; 6.30, Christian Endeavor. Fourth Street. The Rev. Jesse Guy Smith, 11, "Infidels," 7:30, "What Is the True Church?" Bible school 10; Christian Endeavor, 6:30. • CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Hummel Street —11 and 7.30; Sun day school, 10; Christian Workers, 6.45. Purim Entertainment at Chestnut St. Hall Europe's war sufferers ,will be re membered by the Jewish people of the city and vicinity to-morrow when a big feast of purim entertainment will be held in Chestnut Street Auditorium. The program will begin at>4 o'clock and will last until 11. Features of the program will be orchestral selections addresses by Rabbis L. Silver, Levenberg and the; ltev. Masliansky. Converted "Elder" Will Tell of Mormon Peril "Elder" Vernon J. Danielsen. a con vert from the Mormon Church and a former elder of the church, will speak next Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, to men only in the Christ Lutheran Church, on "Mormonisin." Elder Danielsen in his address will tell of the character of the Mormon belief which he says, "conducts a sys tem of plural marriages which has be come such a part of the social relig ious life of the Mormon kingdom that the victims find themselves unable to either denounce the system or free themselves from the Mormon hier archs." Elder Danielsen will also tell of the power of the Mormon religion, the amount of money it controls, and its influence in several big industries in this country. SECOND REFORMED MUSIC The musical program at Second Re formed church is as follows: Morning: Prelude, Meditation. "Thais," Massenet.; anthem. Grieve Not the Holy Spirit, Stalner; postlude, Adagio Cantabile, Gear. Evening: Introduction and Fugue, Armes; anthem. Faint Not, Fear Not, God is Near Thee. Ashmall; anthem. Trust in the Lord (Largo), Handel; Postlude, Benediction, Flavel. LECTURE ON PHILIPPINES On Wednesday evening, the Rev. William B. Cooke, minister in charge of the Olivet Presbyterian Church, will give an illustrated lecture on "Life land .lisslons in the Philippines," in 1 the Olivet church. GOSPEL HERALD SERVICES The Gospel Herald Socicly will hold services every evening next week at 8 o'clock in the Verbeke Street Market house hall. DRS. MORGAN AND FASICK ELECTED Harrisburg District Men Dele gates to General Metho dist Conference Special to the Telegraph Altoona, Pa., March 18.—Ministerial and lay delegates to the general con ference ol' the Methodist church to be held in Saratoga in May, were elected from the Central Pennsylvania con ference yesterday. The results follow: Ministers: Dr. James H. Morgan, president of Dickinson College; Emory M. Stephens, of Huntingdon, superin tendent of Juniata district; 11. 1,. Jacobs, Wllliamsport, superintendent of Wllliamsport district; Dr. A. S. Fusl'ck, superintendent of Harrisburg district; W. P. Shrlner. pastor of the Eighth Avenue church, Altoona; S. B. Evans, of Tyrone, superintendent of the Altoona district. Lay delegates: Laymen -W. L. Woodcock, Altoona; George G. Hutch inson, Warrior's Mark; H. T. Ames, Willlamsport; Thomas H. Murray. Clearfield; C. C. Shuey, Bellefonte; William S. Lysinger, Bedford. The report of Dr. Fastck, for the Harrisburg district showed a big in crease in all branches of church work. The statistics follow: Total Home and Foreign Missions, $18,297; total Benevolent collection, including missions, $35,422; Fifteen hundred conversions; total full mem bers, 17,928; SI,OOO added to total ministerial support; new church build ings and additions at Itouzerville, Mt. • Zion, Niedmore, Ridge Avenue, York; | Duke Street, York; Camp Hill, Camp Curtin, and a chapel at Hickorytown. I He announced the deaths of T. L. Tomkinson, H. N. Minnich, W. A. ! Goon, Mrs. M. L. Gambe, Mrs. W. A. ! Stepling. Dr. H. L. Jacobs read his report for the Wllliamsport district, an -1 nouncing the death of W. F. D. Noble, 1 of Picture Rocks. E. M. Stevens reported for the Juniata district, 2,315 conversions. He , reported 5 churches in process of | building or as having been completed. The secretary of the conference an -1 nounced the transfer of the Rev. J. E. Dunning to the Pittsburgh confer ence and the transfer of the Rev. H. Kramer from the New Jersey confer ence to the Central Pennsylvania conference. The following candidates for admis sion were introduced to the confer ence: W. R. Jones. A. E. Mackey and W. M. Taylor. On recommendation of the Board of Examine?s, the Rev. H. Greenawalt, Edward Jackson, Adam Nagay. A. R. Turner, T. U. Gibson and G. P. Sarvis were admit ted to full membership. The Rev. Adam Nagay and the Rev. G. P. Sarvis were elected to elder's orders. The Revs. F. Artley, R. S. Cuddy, J. P. Hurlburt, and Homer C. Knox were continued in the studies of the second yeur. The Rev. G. M. B. Riddell. formerly pastor of the Camp Hill Church of God, and who was preaching at llus tontown, during the year, was admit ted to full membership in the con ference. The Board of Conference Claimants at Chicago presented to the confer ence a check for S2OO. The Rev. J. B. Stein of the Danville district read his report for the district. It showed 1,550 conversions for the year. There are 14,843 full members. The morning session to-day was de voted to conference business with an address by Bishop Earl Cranston. At 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, the anni versary of the Women's Foreign Mis sionary Society was held and at 4 o'clock. Prof. F. Watson Hannan lec tured on "The Christian Dynamic." This evening a concert will be given in the High School auditorium by the Miller Trio. To-morrow the visiting ministers will preach in various churches of the city. At 9 o'clock the Conference Love Feast will be held, in charge of the Rev. Dr. Richard Hlnkle. Bishop Cranston will preach at 10:30 o'clock and at 1:45 o'clock a Sunday school mass meeting will be held. Bishop Cranston will conduct the ordination services at 3:30 o'clock and in the evening the anniversaries of the boards of Home and Foreign Mis sions will be held. C. E. NOTES A number of "flying C. E. conven tion boosters" will visit rallies and C. E. societies in this city, and surround ing towns of Central Pennsylvania for the purpose of giving information con cerning the big C. E. convention to be held in this city in July and stir up enthusiasm among workers. Ross 11. Derrick, one of the vice presidents of the Harrisburg C. E. Union, will make a trip to Pittsburgh and Altoona on March 18 and on the 19th he will deliver an address at the Juniata county C. E. rally in the in terest of the State convention. The social commltte of Westmin ster Presbyterian C. E. Society, of which Miss Edna V. Forrcr is chair man, is planning for a miscellaneous social to be held in the lecture room of the church in the near future. J. H. Gingerich will conduct the Christian Endeavor meeting at the Christ Lutheran Church to-morrow evening. At the Wesley Union, Miss Mary Braxton will lead the C. E. topic dis cussion. J. W. Mac Donald will have charge of the C. E. services at Olivet Pres byterian Church. An excellent meeting of the colored Christian Endeavor societies was held at the Capital Street Presbyterian Church. A. C. Dean, president of the Harrisburg C. E. Union, was the prin cipal speaker. The following mem bers of the State C. E. convention committee and workers were present: IL W. Keitel, J. Frank Palmer, El mer S. Schilling and F. E. Schwartz. Music consisted of a solo by Mrs. Fannie Bruce, boys' quartet and spe cial selections led by Mr. Palmer from the State convention book, entitled "Songs For Service." S. C. Boyer, a former president of the Harrisburg C. E. Union, will con duct the C. E. prayer meeting at Im manuel Presbyterian Church to-mor row evening. At the Harris Street United Evan gelical Church Keystone League of Christian Endeavor service to-morrow evening, W. L. High will lead. An enthusiastic conference was held in the St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Steelton, recently, in the interest of the State Christian Endeavor conven tion, when a number of endeavor workers were present. Information was given out pertaining to the pre liminary arrangements; the organi zation of the big chorus of 200 voices ,and other features. Among the en r | f HOSE thoughts, complex, strange and mysterious which you think every day; those thoughts which you are afraid to pursue to their end; those thoughts which you know are true, hut for which you try to find a different meaning—they are thoughts which will cease to trouble you if you so desire. The Christian Church ; her teachings, her faith, her doctrines, her Leader—these are tke answers. For the troubled mind there is no panacea equal to the Saviour of man. To comfort and cherish; to heal and to save was He sent into the world. He, through His Church, will Kelp you if you will give Him the opportunity. To-morrow there is again the oppor tunity to start. GO TO CHURCH This advertisement lias been authorized and is being paid for by the Associated Churches of Harrlsburg. deavorers present were: Elmer Keim, Mrs. Rose Smith, Charles Peck, Miss Annie L. Olschewski, Mrs. W. B. Smith, the Rev. W. B. Smith, Miss Ethel Thorne, Mrs. L. A. Westhafer, Mis Roberta Smith, Mrs. I. L. Steiner, Miss Isabelle Smith, F. J. Lamske, Mrs. Edward Stone. Miss W. K. Dress, Mrs. Charles Brunhouse, Webster S. Kohlhaas, Benjamin Hoch, A. C. Dean, J. Frank Palmer, Anna McKelvey, F. E. Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoak, John Harder, R. 11. Derrick, J. D. Crider and Miss Ida M. Sowers. The average attendance for the C. C. E. Society of Pine Stret Presbyter ian for the month of February was 78. A girls' choir has been formed in the society. Second Women's Meeting in Pine Street Church At Pine Street Presbyterian Church to-morrow morning the Rev. Dr. Lewis s. Mudge will preach on "Enjoying God," Romans, 6:11. The program by the clioir will be as follows: Anthem, "The Woods and Every Sweet Smell ing Tree," West; anthem, "God Is Love," Shelly. In the evening the series of sermons will be continued, when Dr. Mudge will speak on "The Envy of the Elders," Matthew, 27:18. The musical program follows: Organ recital at 7.15 o'clock: Fugue i'l O Minor (lesser). Bach: Pus toral, Wuchs: grand chorus, Gregorian Finality, Guilmant; solo by Mrs. M.rtz ler, "The Lord Is My Shepherd," Van de Water: anthem, "Grieve Not the Holy Spirit," Stainer. At the midweek service on Wednes day evening the topic will be "The Unnamed Helpers." The second of the meetings of the Women's Mission ary Discussion Group will be held on Friday evening. This group is study ing "The King's Highway." MUSIC AT GRACE >l. E. Morning Organ, (a) In the morn ing, Grieg; (b) Vision, Rheinberger; quartet, God So Loved the World, Stainer; organ. Andante Cantablle, Lorenz; anthem, Seek Ye the Lord, Roberts: organ. Grand Choeur dia logue, Gigout. Evening Organ recital at 7.20 p.m.; organ, (a) Offertoire in D minor. Batiste; (b) Communion in G, Batiste; quartet. Hast Thou Not Known, Ptieu ger: solo, Babylon, Watson, John W. Phillips; organ, Adagio (Sonata Pa thetique), Beethoven; anthem. The •Radiant Morn, Woodward; organ, Canzona in D minor, J. S. Bach. GO-TO-CHIRCH SUN DAY AT MARKET SQUARE "Go-to-Church Sunday" will be ob served to-morrow in Market Street Presbyterian Church and every family in the congregation was notified of the celebration by mail. The services will inaugurate a series of special meet ings that will cover a period of two weeks. The sermons will be preached to-morrow by the pastor, the Rev. Dr. George Edward Hawes, both of them dealing with problems suggested by the Lenten season. BIG SPEAKERS TO ADDRESS TIIK PEOPLES' FORUM Future speakers at sessions of the Forum at Wesley A. M. 10. Zion church Include United Stales Senator Clapp and Prof. Mason Hawkins, principal of the Baltimore high school. Sena tor Clapp will be here Sunday, March 26, at which session President Judge George Kunkel will preside. Profes sor Hawkins will talk to-morrow. ANTI-SALOON SPEAKER Visiting pastors at the Stevens Me morial Methodist Church, will conduct the services to-morrow. In the morn ing the Rev. F. E. Holsopple, of the Anti-Saloon League, will speak, and in the evening the Rev. W. R. Swartz, will have charge. AD CHURCHES — MUSIC AT MESSIAH LUTHERAN' Morning Prelude, "Intermezzo From Fourth Sonata," Rheinberger; offertory. "Andantino," Fielitz; an them, "Oh. Most Merciful," Bridge; postlude, "Allegro," King. Evening—Prelude, "Adagio "in B Major From Sixth Symphony," Wldor; anthem, "Jesus Name of Wonderous Love," Starr; offertory, "Lullaby," Eddy; soprano solo, "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes," Deeovee; postlude, "Alle sro Maestoso," West. SPECIAL SERMON SERIES During the Sunday evenings of Lent, the Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church, Sixth and Forster streets, will preach a series of sermons on "The Larger Life." The subject for the sermon on Sunday evening will be "The Birth of Hope, or the Greatest Verse in the Bible." The subject of the morning sermon in Messiah at 10.30 will be, "Freedom From Shame." MUSIC AT STEVENS MEMORIAL ; The musical program for the Sun day services at the Stevens Memorial Methodist Church. Thirteenth and Ver non streets, is as follows: Morning—Prelude, Pastorale, Rog ers; song-anthem, "Songs of Praises," Williams-Owen; offertoire. Berceuse in A. Delbruck; postlude, Russian March, Clark. Evening Prelude, Garotte from "Mignon," Thomas; Pastorale, Durand; anthem, "Brightly Gleams Our Ban ner," Pike; offertory, Scherzino, Rein ecke; postlude, March, Stark. Ross K. Bergstresser, director; Miss Ruth Krayblll, organist. EPWORTII LEAGUE OFFICERS At the regular monthly business meeting of the Epworth League of the Stevens Memorial Methodist Church the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, John N. Peregoy; first vice-president, John T. Olmsted; second vice-president, Miss Miriam Brown; third vice-president, Mrs. G. E. Shertzer; fourth vice-presi dent, Miss Anna Harris; secretary, Robert Storey; treasurer, Miss Alva Shoop; pianist, .Miss Myrtle Seliell. These officers will be formally in stalled at the Sunday evening services on March 2(i. They will, however, en ter upon their new duties immediately. MUSIC AT FOURTH REFORMED The music at Fourth Reformed church, Sixteenth and Market streets, for to-morrow follows: Morning: Prelude, "March," Mer kel; offertory, "Offertory," Batiste; anthem. "I Will Lay Me Down in Peace," Linders; postlude, "Postlude- March," Fanne. Evening: Prelude, "Offertoire," Hauser; offertory, "Melody," Lefebure- Wely; anthem, "Seek Ye the Lord," Roberts: male quartet, "Now the Day is Over," Linders: postlude, March in B flat, Fan Ikes. Stanley G. Backen stoss, director. MUSIC AT FIFTH STREET The music at Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church to-morrow follows: Morning—Prelude, "Vision," Rhein berger; anthem, "The King of Love My Shepherd Is," Shelley; solo, Percy McGinnis; offertory, Invocation in B Flat, Guilmant; postlude, Postlude in 1'", Guilmant. Evening Prelude, Prelude and Fugue, VIII, Bach; anthem, "Now the Day is Over," Speaks; solo, Harvey Wagner; offertor>\ Offertory, Alden; postlude, Postlude, Rinck. Miss Vioiette Cassel, organist; Thompson Martin, director. All Luxuries Witt Be Barred From Special to the Telegraph London, March 18. A far-reach ing Order in Council, which will totally prohibit importation into the United Kingdom of a large number of articles which come under the general heading of luxuries will be issued by the British government at an early date. Among the things which will he placed under the ban will be automo biles for private use. musical instru ments, cutlery of all kinds, hardware, yarns, chinaware, fancy goods and soaps. The order will apply equally to all countries, including the British dominions and colonies. PINE STREET \- ■W/ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Wj'. • W THIkD AND PINE STREETS V| Sunday, March 19 -- " i /1 v Preacher, Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D., Pastor | : , 10:30 A. M. | I "Enjoying God" Romans 5:11 1.30 P. M. 1.40 P. M. | Graded Sunday School Adult Bible Classes 7:30 P. M. "The Envy of the Elders" Matthew 27: 18 A Cordial Welcome to You V Excellent Choir Music, familiar Congregational llymns, j PraeUcal Spiritual Preaching • Sunday Evening, March 26 "The Summons of the Sanhedrim" The Sixth in the Series of Sunday Evening Sermons 32 PHARMACISTS GET CERTIFICATES Thirty Successful in Examina tion For Qualified Assistant j At the examinations held in Harris ] burg on March 4 by the Pharma ! ceufieal Examining Board tliirty-threc persons applied for registration an ! pharmacists, of which thirty-two were .successful, and sixty for qualified HS i sistant, of which thirty passed. Tho ! next examinations will he conducted in I Philadelphia and Pittsburgh on June i 7-8, 191 H. Those granted certificates j were as follows: | Registered Pharmacists—Elmer li. j Deiss and William H. Kushton. of t Pittsburgh: Nicholas Albanese, Charles i A. Flottman, Joseph Handler, Seratinol { de Mathaeis. Raymond H. Rogers and I Michael Stoloff, of Philadelphia; Niies | A. Knauss and Herbert A. Smith, ol! | AUentown; Ralph W. Hernquist, Aus | tin: William C. Sarver, Bellevue; Basil | J. F. Mott, Bellefonte; Win S. Smath ; trs, Clarion; Stanley .T. Taylor, Canons | burg; Lester C. Tlirash, Hazlcton; 1 James P. Glover, Laurelton; David E. Witman, Lebanon: Helen R. Burns, i Lewistown; William S, Koller, Mc chanicßburg; J. Calvin Gray, Miners Mills; Arnold H. Huber, Olyphant; E. : B. Dunkleberger, Reading; Raymond j J. Allman, Dalton Davis and Bernard B. O'Malley, of Scranton; Charles R. Silva, Somerset; Isaac D. Kinley. Wil- I liamsport; Tudor A. Morgan. Wiikes | Barre; John E. Lillich, York; Ivan It. | Fuss, Roselle Park, N. J. Qualified Assistant Pharmacists —- ! Ella P. Myers, H. J. Eevine, Charles [ J. Weinberger and Wesley B. Geary, jof Pittsburgh; Ermando Aronne, j James J. De Blasio, A. V. F. Hammill, i Jonas G. Maust, Harry A. Steigrod and William V. Silverstein, of Philadel phia; Chauncey A. Koch, AUentown; I Ray E. White, Axe Mann; John K. I Stover, Boalsburg; Paul R. Brown, i Chambersburg; Paul F. Ileckert, 1 Enola; Carl F. Steidle, Girardvllle: j Herbert V. Jordan, Hanover; Robert | A. Rupp, Hamburg; Donald B. Smith, Harrisburg; Clarence K. Wagner, lx>- liighton; Jesse H. Sunday, Newport; Thomas A. Morgan, Peckvllle; Clar ence C. Buckwalter and Irvin Moyer, Reading; Conrad H. Ahrendts, Wilkes- Barre; Warrington E. Kellam. Yeadon; ]J. St. Clair Bonstun and Harry B. ; Rodes, York; Adley B. Nichols, Green | Bay, Mich. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist.- ; Board of Trade Hall. Sunday 11 A. M., and 7:30 P. M. Testimonial mect- I ing, Wednesday, 8 P. M. Free Read ing Rooms, Kunkel Bids., 12:30 to ! 4:30 P. St. daily, also Monday and j Saturday evenings.—Adv.
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