jlomsc-lentlng Season Is on-It's tic fait id's Business to tent lenses |jj Card of Thanks WE desire to extend our thanks to ilic employes of the P. R. R. shops, our Awhbors and friends for the kindness snown to us during our late bereave ment at the death of our beloved son, Charles E. Johnson. MR. AND MRS. J. E. JOHNSON,. In Memoriam IN sad but loving remembrance of our dear son and brother, William K. Shannon, who departed this life March ' 1 " 1 | Lost and Found LOST Brown bull pup. Black face, short cars and tall. Name, Beauty. Re ward if returned to ltfl4 Regina street. Bell phone 910 R. LOST String of black ebony Rosary Beads, strung on silver chain, between St. Francis' Catholic Church and 58 North Thirteenth. Friday night. Reward If returned to above address. IX3ST On Market street, between Eleventh and Elghteenth-and-one-half streets, a small handbag, containing several bills and small change. Reward if returned 1831 Market street. I Help Wanted —Male MANAGER Ford Owner in each i-itv and town in Pennsylvania. Posi tion permanent. Tills is an exceptional opportunity for any bright man for big money who owns a Ford Car. Refer i-nee required. Stamped reply envelope for details. American Ford Owners' As sociation, Penn Supervisor, Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa. TRACERS — Young men with some knowledge of mechanical drafting, to make tracings. Address Chief Clerk, Engineering T>epartment, Westinghouse Electric & Alfg. Company, East Pitts burgh, Pa. WANTED, FOUNDRY SUPERINTEN DENT To a reliable, capable, experi enced Foundryman with business abil ity and some capital for operating, ad vertiser would lease well-equipped gray iron foundry of about 10 tons capacity, located on Railroad in good labor and material market in Central Pennsylva nia. Would also take considerable quantity of castings. Might also give some financial assistance if desired. Address, with full details of experience, references, etc.,SS t 38114, care ot Harrls luirg Telegraph. WANTED Man to advertise well known article; no selling required; pleasant work. Apply J. J. Kennedy, <;56 Reily street. 1 WILL PAY any honest man up to SSO monthly for part of spare time. No canvassing. No capital, write to-day. Voorliles, Desk 155, Omaha, Neb. BE PREPARED Bur«lar-proof pocket safety lock for doors and win dows. Big profits. Other specialties. Particulars free. The Sesco Company, j>esk 10. Rockviile Centre, N, Y. AGENTS —Sell raincoats. New propo sition. We deliver and collect. Cooper now earning SOS weekly. Sample coat free. Comer Mfg. Co., 110 Postal street, Dayton, Ohio. WANTED Boy or girl for oftlce work. Must be able to typewrite. Wages, $5 to start. Bowman, Mell & Co., 1340 Howard street. SILVERING MIRRORS s4 daily at home; free instructive booklet. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 268, Boston, Mass. A FEW YEARS AGO I started a small mail order business at home in spare time with a few dollars capital. I want rd to make S3O or $lO a month, even ing.-. The net profits the first year averaged S2OO a week. Five years' work netted me $50,000. I will sfcow you how to start a small mall order business. Send to-day for my prbpo sition. It's interesting. No canvassing. Heacock, Box 71)2, Lockport, N. Y. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN—From Fourteenth and Market. Collie dog. In-own with white face and breast; about five vears old. Answers to name ot "Shcp." Reward if returned to 1-110 .Market. WANTED Boy. 16 years old, to work around lunch room. Good pay and three meals a day. Apply 211 Wal nut street. MEN-WOMEN. $25 weekly collecting names. Send 10c for instructions. Re turned It' dissatisfied. Superba Co., S3'.l. Baltimore, Sid. WANTED Colored boy; must be steady. Apply Books Shoe Co., 217 •Market street. MACHINISTS WANTED First-class lathe, planer, drill-press and bench hands, dav turn; best wages and steady iverk assured to competent workmen. Apply to Master Mechanic, Machine Shop, Central Iron & Steel Co. WANTED —' Laborers wanted for concrete and pick and shovel work. Ap plv to Robert Grace Contracting Co., .Milton, Pa. Wages, 20 cents per hour. WANTED 4O able-bodied men between 21 and 40 years of age for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring ulll or lathe hands, who can work front blue prints; also tool mailers. Ad. dress, or apply. Employment Depart .iient. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. / > Houses For Rent 1 <0 Linden St., 3 s. f„ 8 r sl2 142 Linden St.. 3 s. f„ 8 r *i 150S Allison St.. 2% s. b., fit 1316 N. Front St., 3 s. f.. 7 r *ls 330 Boyd Ave., 2 a. f., 5 r *ls 2-Story 7 & 8 r. h sl4, sls and $1« 1537 S. 13th St., 3 s. b., 7 r. b sl7 CSS Emerald St., 3 s. b., 9 r sl7 1207 N. 14th St.. 2Vi s. b.. 8 r. b.. $25 J 2327 N. 3d St.. 3 s b., 8 r. b S3O 1109 N. 2d St., 3 s. b„ 10 r. b S3O 622 Relly St., store loom and dwell ing. 7r.b. & f., (from May 1), S3O 2220 N. Second St., 3 a. i)., 9 r., b., SSO 209 S. Front St.. 3 s. b., 10 r $75 201 Locust St.. 13 r., 8 b $75 312 Chestnut St., (furnished),.. .$125 Oil N. 2d St., 3 s. b„ 14 r., 2 b„ SIOO 1205 and 1207 Capital St., 3-story brick carriage works (38x80), SSO FURNISHED AFART.MBNT Centrally located—six rooms—bath —city steam heat. SUBURBAN Bella Vista. Ross Ave $14.50 (rutin mil. Myers Ave. (furn'd), *25 Cove station— bungalow *lB llainlyn (Aldinger Cottage), ... *«o Euola, Adams St., 2 s. f„ 6 r sl2 Imvnton a delightful suburban home—2'/4 -story frame—lo rooms - -bath—hot water heat— stable lot 100x220 ft $35 FROM APRIL FIRST 2032 Curtln St., Penbrook sjo 2054 Swatara St., 3 s. b. t 8 r sl4 2044 Swatara St., 3 p. b., Sr., .. sl4 Lemoyne, 294 Market St sig 10th & State Sts.. storage bldg., *2O 108 Briggs St., 3 s. b„ 9 r. b $3.% 2010 N. 3d St., 8 s. b„ 9 r„ 2 b., S4O 2014 N. 3d St., 3 s. h , 8 r S3O 2218 N. 2d St., 2% s.. 8 r., b $45 2118 N. 3d St., 3 s. b.. 12 r., 2 b.. $53 Vacant ground, Susquehanna twp. OFFICES AND STORE ROOMS Miller Brothers & Co. REAI. estate 1 11 *ll run re Surely Ilonds l.orunt and Court Street* SATURDAY EVENING. IIAItRISBURG s6®& TELEGRAPH MARCH 18, 1916, Help Wanted —Male LEARN to become a practical chauf feur and earn $l5O to S2OO per month. »v'e give you practical lessons at your own home. We send you a $5,500 Lozier with instructions, to practice on between working hours. Write for particulars. Auto Transportation Training:, Corresponding Department, 25-27-29 North Cameron street, Harris burg. Help Wanted —Female WANTED Girl. 17 to 21 years old, for ruling room. Call Johnston Paper Co. WOMAN DEMONSTRATOR WANTED —Can make two to three dollars a day. Call every evening after « P. M., 220 Chestnut street. WANTED Students vo know R. E. Hoke, A. M.. will soon be a teacher in my school. More and better teaching always counts. Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second. FIVE bright, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to SSO per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 520, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Young lady, refined and experienced, desires position as com panion. or to take entire charge of home; best reference. Address Q.. 388 a, care of Telegraph. ALLi experienced corsotieres and others wishing to handle the best me dium-priced corsets on the market, write M. & K. Corset Factory. Jackson, Mich. WANTED Persons to color art pic tures at home; easy work; no experi ence; good pay; sample free. Wheeler Co., 337 Madison, Chicago. WOMAN SBO for distributing 100 free skeins wearproof darning cotton with hosiery, your section. Experience unnecessary. Wearproof Hosiery, Dept. 300, Norristown, Pa. PROFITABLE home employment; col lect names and addresses for mail order firms. Instructions, 10c. Mailing Ser vice. 210 Holliday Building, Indianapo lis. Ind. WANTED White girl, about 18, for general housework, except cooking. One living near Riverside preferred. Apply before 12 or after 3 o'clock, 3214 North Second street. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED Experienced sewing machine operators, also trimmers and learners, to work 011 women's and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State street, rear entrance. Agents Wanted AGENTS—CaII on best people. Fast seller netting $1.25 on every sale. Send for particulars. Aramis Martinet, Riv erside, N. J. AGENTS—Men and women, to sell new line of household specialties; fast sellers. Particulars free. Write The M-K Co., box 4410, Nicetown Sta„ Phil adelphia, Pa. FREE SAMPLE—No-Splash Water Strainers sell themselves, no talking, experience unnecessary. Profits big. Send 2c (mailing cost). D. Y., Union Filter Co., N. Y. Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings offering op portunities to earn from SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest Office, Dept. 2 11. National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago, New York, San Francisco. WANTED Salesman to call on gro cers, general stores and confectioners in small country towns. 25 per cent, comnilsslon. slo weekly drawing ac count. Crown Cider Company, 207 S. Commercial street, St. Louis, Mo. Dept. SALES MANAGER WANTED—Some thing new. Business necessity. Re tails $5 to SIOO. Enormous profits. No competition. Exclusive territory. Free samples. Sayers Co., 457 Wainwright, St. Louis. WANTED Salesman to sell our line of Temperance Drinks in small country towns. 25 per cent, commission, S4O weekly drawing account. Red Cross Company. 200 S. Main street, St. Louis, Mo. Dept. "T." SALESMEN WANTED Four more good men; $l5O to $250 monthly; pay every Thursday; call on manufacturers, wholesale und retail business men and doctors; no samples or collecting; such complete instructions that a livewire is bound to make money. Write now for territary. H. O. Jones, 147 Schwind Building, Dayton, Ohio. SALESMEN Pocket side line, new, live proposition, all merchants in towns of 100.000 and under want it. Pays $5.00 commission on each sale. No col lecting. no risk to merchant. We take back unsold goods. Easiest, biggest paying side line ever offered. Canfleld Mfg. Co., 208 Sigel street, Chicago. • SALESMEN Vacancy April 1. Ex perienced in any line to sell general trade in Pennsylvania. Unexcelled specialty proposition. Commission con tract. $35.00 weekly for expenses. Con tinental Jewelry Co.. 237-12 Continental Building, Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMEN Spiendld opening April 1. Capable salesman for Pennsylvania to sell staple line on unusualy liberal terms. Commission contract. $35.00 advance weekly. Sales Manager, 53 Suite, 800 Woodward, Detroit. Situations Wanted —Male SITUATION WANTED Experienced chauffeur, and car repairer, white, mar ried, wants place as a driver, or service in a garage. Write, or apply, to C. C. M„ 20 South Hanover street. Carlisle, Pa. WANTED Young white man de sires position on farm; has hail some experience; can furnish reference. In quire 544 North Third street, Steelton. Pa. Situations Wanted —Female WANTED White woman wants day's work. Call, or address, 141 North Fourth street. WANTED Operators experienced on power sewing machines, also five experienced examiners, at Jennings' Mfg. Company, 414 State street. WANTED Young lady, with ex perience, desires position with type writing and general office work. Ad dress o„ 3888, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young lady, with ten years' general office experience, de sires position; can furnish best of ref erence. Address 0., 3892, care of Tele graph. WANTED Colored woman would like a situation as cook. Call, or ad dress, 1114 Marlon street. WANTED Woman wants washing to ilo at home and no ironing. Call, or address. 1527 Fulton atreet- City. Situations Wanted—Female WANTED Young white woman de sires work two or three days a week. Address 1527 Wallace street. WANTED Plain sewing, under wear and children's clothing preferred. Apply Mrs. Hake, 1232 Market street. Bell phone 42SM. Real Estate For Sale HIGH SPIRE, corner Eshelman and Concord streets; 2M-story double dwelling; improvements; lots each 25x 120; granolithic walks; located near Keystone State Pair grounds; one block from car line. Price for both, $3,300.00. Backenstoss Bros, Russ Building. "PREPAREDNESS" lf you have $400.00 to invest in city real estate pay ing 13 per cent, see us at once. Prop erty with improvements; paved street; good condition. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. . THIRD STREET, N. 1755—3-story frame; improvements; storeroom 20x15 on first floor; second and third floors 6-room apartment; lot 20x105. Price, $3,850.00. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. , EARLINGTON lf you have any lots In Earlington you wish to sell or exchange on improved property, see us without delay. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. TWELFTH STREET above Kelker; also 011 George street in rear; two frame dwellings; lots each 15x80; rents each $8.00; price SBOO.OO. Also two dwell ings on Wagner Avenue, North, 85; rent each $5.50. Price, each, $525.00. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. Buy now, 210 Sylvan Terrace, Har risburg. Three-story brick, in center of city. Conveniences. Address, Box 85, Steelton, Pa , PENBROOK property for sale; frame house; plot. 75x150; price, $2,700; also two Penbrook houses; lot, 30x150. Price for both, $2,800. 801 l Realty Co., Berg ner Building. KELKER STREET PROPERTY Three-story brick; 9 rooms, bath, gas. steam heat; price, $3,200. Get our list of salable property. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 1940 Seventh street; frame houses; seven rooms; bath; gas; furnace: porch; would rent for $15.00. Price. $1,500. Get our list. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. CRESCENT ST., 340 Good property, all improvements, side entrance, ana the price Is right at $3,250. 11. G. Ped low, 110 South Thirteenth street. CUMBERLAND COUNTY farm for s7so;' all buildings, level, on a main road; $4550 can remain on mortgage. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE —Beautiful new two-and a-hulf-story brick residence in one of the finest locations in the city 1001 Nortii Seventeenth street. Corner lot, 00x120 feet. Eight rooms and attio. Hall through center. All improvements. Fino lawn and shrubbery. Sold on easy terms. Inquire of J. A. Slngmas ter, Gettysburg, Pa. FOR SALE—Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth,! Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in] blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire! or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of llarrisburg Telegraph, city. I' SALE —X. Eighteenth street,! No. SB; 9-room brick house, steam heat, | electric light, front and rear porches, I paved street, granolithic walks. Must ! he sold before April 1. What is your! offer? J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. I FOR SALE Briggs street. Nos. 2005 and 2007, frame 7-room dwellings, with • water and gas in kitchen. Rental, I 110.50 each. Price, $2,500 for both. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. LEMOVNE— FOR SALE Two-story frame, all improvements, price $11,100; 2-story single brick, price $3,100; 3-story one- I half double brick, price $3,100. West Shore Realty Co.. Haer & Rice, Lenioyne Trust Building, hemoyno, Pa. Bell phone 3198,1. FOR SALE N. Eighteenth street, No. 118, a modern 9-room brick house, with front and rear porches and sido entrance. Convenient to car lino. Special price to a quick buyer. J. E, Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE S. Eighteenth, No. 319, new 3-story brick dwelling; steam heat, electric light, front and rear porches, side entrance. A very attractive home for only $3,100. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar ket street. I FOR SALE Three-story brick and frame house; 9 rooms and bath; all im provements; price reasonable. Inquire 1713 Regina street. LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. front up to one-half acre plots sewer water gas—electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c trolley. Keency & Simmons, Agents. LOTS FOR SALE— I-iot on southwest corner of Seven teenth and Derry Sts., 17.4x76. along Camp Hill trolley line, 3 squares west of Lemoyne Trust Co., on north side of Market St.. 10x150. Lot on Oyster Point Ave., Camp Ilill, 1 square from trolley line, 100x160. Price. $1,000.00. Lot on N. Sixth St., 2500 block, Lex ington St.. on rear, 20x130. Lot on southeast corner of Sixteenth and Briggs Sts., 50x105. BRINTON-PACKER C 0.,. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE S. Fifteenth street, No. ! 222, a modern 3-story frame dwelling : house, conveniently located. Offered at a special price if sold before April 1. Price upon inquiry. J. E. Gipple, 1251 i Market street. Real Estate For Rent I FOR RENT— i 203 Harris St., 3-st. br.; 9 r. & b„ I $30.00, plus water. i 560 Woodbine St., 3-st. br. dwg. & bakery, including electric mixer, com , pletc and ready for business, $15.00. CAMI' 111 9.1. Market St.& Park Ave., 2 , / &-st. br.; 8 r. At b., SIO.OO, plus water. Market St. & Marion Ave., 2%-st. fr., 9 r. & b., $25.00. .Market St., near Heyd St., 2',i-st. fr.; $25.00. Market St., near Church St., 2>/£-st. br.: 7 r. & l>„ $20.00. H. Bowman Ave., 2-st. fr. bungalow: 8 r. & b.. $25.00. i Park Ave., fr. & br. bungalows, each $25.00. Page St., 2'/s-st. fr.; S r. & b., $20.00. DULI.V VISTA Ross Ave., 8 r. & b., 2 dwgs., each I $14.00. FORT WASHINGTON Walnut St., 2'/4-st. br. bungalow; 7 r. & b„ $25.00. NNOI.A Adams St., 2%-st. br.; 8 r. & b„ $13.00. Lancaster Road, 2Vs-st. fr., SB.OO. A I*.\ RTJIENTS 107 S. Front St., 2d floor front & rear, 2 & 3 rooms, also kitchens & baths, complete for housekeeping. 110 N. Second St., 2d floor front, 3 r. & b.; also separate rear unfurnished rooms. BRINTON-PACKER CO., . Second and Walnut Sts. FOR RENT 207 South Front street, from April 1: also three rooms on third floor of No. 9 South Market Square. Apply to 232 North Second street. Real Estate For Rent CLOVERLV HEIGHTS Sycamore Street, 1724, brick dwelling. 9 rooms, bath, steam beat. gas and electric lights. Rent, $23.00. Rohrer & Son, Bergner Building. FOR RENT single brick house with all improve ments, with vegetable garden, privilege to build garage, located on Long street. West Shore Realty Co., Baer & Rice, Lemoyne Trust Building. Lemoyne. Pa. Bell phone 3198 J. FOR RENT House No. 409 Briggs street; three-story brick; nine rooms and bath; gas; furnace heat. Possession April 1. For particulars apply at bouse. FOR RENT Two smalt houses near Nineteenth and Derry, all con veniences; $13.00 a month. Possession given Hist of April. Apply, J. B. Mac- Donald, 1319 Market street. . FOR RENT—234 State. SSO; 550 Race, sls; 2027 North Cameron. bath. sl2. Room, second floor, 5 North Market Square; 2235 North Fourth, $22.50. Harrisburg Trust Company. FOR RENT Two-story warehouse, S Cowden street, near Market. Eleva tor. P. R. R. siding. Possession at once. Bell phone 899 M. C. F. Gohl, 1003 North Second street Wanted—Miscellaneous WANTED One or two unfurnished rooms with bath. Refined married couple, good neighborhood Address, O, 3888, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. BUSINESS MAN AND WIFE desire furnished house, or apartment furnish ed complete for housekeeping; must he centrally located and first-class. Will pay good price. References. Address H., 3881, care of Telegraph. WANTED To borrow, $1,500.00 at S..P.f r on city Improved property. Will give first mortgage. Address P., 30d8, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man would like board and room in vicinity of Third and Broad. Address 0., 3891, care ot Telegraph. DRESSMAKING WANTED Have some scwinr. but. would like a few more engagements. Work guaranteed satis factory. Mehring Apartments, Sixth and Cumberland. AGENTS WANTED for articles which no housewife can resist. Sales made at every home. W. H. Walters, 212 South Clinton street, East Orange, N. J. AGENTS make $5 to $25 daily. No experience. Free catalog and samples. New goods. Quick sales. Big profits. " orld s beaters. Cruver Co.. Jackson and Campbell. Chicago, 111. BIG Kansas Company will start am bitious people in fast-growing mail order business; any locality; make $3,- 000 yearly; spare time; no canvassing; no experience, we furnish everything; new, unique selling methods free. Eve stone President, 41 West Seventh, 1 ittsburg, Kansas. GUARANTEED Gas Saver, saves S3O yearly; fits every gaa range: sensational demonstration; costs 25c, sells 50c; 50 sales daily easy. American Gas Reduc tion Co., Transportation Building, Chi cago. AGEiiTS Get particulars of one of the best paying propositions ever Put on the market. Something no one else sells. Make $4,000 yearly. Address E; ,M. Feltman, Sales Manager, 4259 Third street, Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS—SeII raincoats. New propo sition. We deliver and collect. Cooper now earning $65 weekly. Sample coat free. Comer Mfg. Co.. 140 Rojal street, Dayton, Ohio. DISTRIBUTING AGENTS Steady work. $32.50 distributing 100 free pack ages perfumed laundry starch: no money or experience required; honesty only. 1686 Blumer Building, Lincoln and Roscoe, Chicago. RELIABLE man or woman wanted in each town. Steady work until Juno 1. Liberal pay with opnortunltv to get. permanent position. Experience not necessary. References required. Ad dress Hamilton & Co.. Inc., Dept. 14, 26, 394 Atlantic avenue, Boston, Mass. RAINCOAT from factory to wearer. Agent's price, $2.50. Retail price, sr,.no. Agents average six coats daily. Rainy season here. Write to-day. A. E. Tjewls Raincoat Company. Cleveland, Ohio. Real Estate For Sale or Rent S A 1.10 FINK new houses at Riverside. Velio Auto, cost $2,200. Price, $550. One-horse water sprinkler and har ness, cost, $!I0. Price, J25. Majestic range, good as new, cost st>o; sell for half price. HKNT Two houses, all conveniences, SIB and J IS. LEWIS sr. NEIFFER, 222 Market Street. Apartments For Rent FURNISHED APARTMENTS 236 NORTH SECOND STREET FOR RENT Apartment, five rooms and bath, third floor, 224 North Second street; city steam and electric light; possession April 1. Apply S. W. Fitz gerald, 317 Walnut street. FOR RENT Five and six-room apartments, complete for housekeeping, with porch; strictly private; moderate rents; most beautiful outlook and sur roundings in city. Open daily for In spection at 1702 North Second street. t RENT One furnished apart ment for housekeeping, consisting of four rooms, bath, kitchen ami locker. First-class in every respect, including location. Vapor heat, triple floors, hardwood finish, no store rooms on first floor. Fronting on Locust street. Rent, only 335.00. Address, with reference, A., 3885, care of Telegraph. APARTMENT l9OO North Sixth street, five rooms, with use of bath; man and wife or elderly people pre ferred. FOR RKNT From April 1, apart ment in the Sixth Street Bank Building. Apply at Bank, Sixth and Maclay streets. FOR RKNT Apartment, 14181 Ver non street, first floor, electric lights, gas and steam heat, stationary laundry. Apply Baptlsti, 1208 Chestnut, or Third and.Chestnut. Bell phone 624. 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET 2 sec ond floor housekeeping apartments, containing 2 or 3 rooms with baths and kitchens. Possession April 1. Ap ply to Brlnton-Paclter Co., Second and Walnut streets. WALNUT ST.. 204 An apartment with six rooms and bathroom, balcony in the rear with dumb waiter and clothes drier. Terms reasonable. City steam. E. Mather. Rooms For Rent FOR RKNT Two nicely furnished rooms, second and third floor front; good location; city steam. Call 715 North Third street. FOR RENT Large room, second lloor front: splendid for man and wife or gentleman. Only those wishing a quiet and clean home apply 117 Pine. FOR RKNT Large room at 222 North Third street; also large front room at No. 9 North l-'ront; suitable for one or two gentlemen. Apply U North Front. Phone 1029 M. FOR RKNT One large, second floor front room, well lighted, nicely furnish ed, with private family; suitable frr one or two gentlemen. Call 515 South Four teenth street. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, 011 second floor; use of l>ath and phone; no children. 1004 Derry street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished or one furnished room, with use of all Im provements. Address Y., 3882, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT—Large, front room, suit—• able for one or two persons. Apply 9 North Front street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; also parlor and parlod bedroom; city steam; Bell phone. 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Apartment of two rooms completely furnished for light housekeeping; also nice furnished rooms for ladies or gentlemen; rent rea sonable. 4 South Fourth street. FOR RENT Large, modern, attrac tive room, furnished, second floor. Ap ply 121 State street. FOR RENT—Two bright, airy rooms furnished for light housekeeping; all improvements; gas range; kitchen cabi net; refrigerator; gas on separate meter; immediate possession; references exchanged; no children. Apply 342 South Sixteenth street. STOREROOM FOR RENT Fine large room. 231 North Seond street. In quire 217 North Second. Board and Rooms WANTED — t Boarders. Excellent home cooking. 235 Boas street. For Sale—Miscellaneous FOR SALE A Grocery business, in good location; a first-class stand. Can be bought cheap. Address H., 3890, care of Telegraph. SUDAN GRASS SEED Pure, re cleaned, Held inspected, officially test ed, double sacked, SO.OO hundred lbs. Satisfaction or money back. B. E. Mil ler (Seed grower), Carlton, Tex . FOR SALE White Wyandotte Eggs for hutching at SI.OO for 15, from splendid winter layers, as well as di rect line from Harrisburg winners. A. G. Hagenberger, Highspire, Pa. FOR SALE Young, English bull dog; cheap at $15.00. Call at 1205 Wal nut street, evenings or Sunday. FOR SALE Upright 1-lardman piano. First-class condition. Price very low Address 1844 Derry street. City. FOR SALE Mahogany Bureau. Has large glass, and is in first-class condition. For sale cheap. Address E., P. O. Box 130, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE —Barred Plymouth Rocks, Pittsxeld strain. Hatching eggs, every egg' guaranteed fertile. C. A. Eelcbert, Fourth street. New Cumberland, Pa. Bell phone. FOR SALE Beautiful mahogany player-piano. Standard make—in lirst class condition —cost new $650. Will sacrifice tor low price. Good reason for selling. Call at No. 207 North Fif teenth street. City. . ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. BUY Traveling Bags, Suitcases and Trunks from Wholesale and Retail Leather Merchants, Second and Chest nut. Repairing neatly and promptly at tended to. Specialties made to order. Harrisburg Harness and Supply Co. FOR SALE Cash register, foun tain, bar, marble-top tables, chairs and outfit ot dishes and silverware. Would sell separately or altogether very cheap. Apply 1,. Capin, 1731 North Third street, Harrisburg. AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L. primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set. Also other sizes. FOR SALE Delicious Extracted Honey, direct from bee-keeper, SI.SS per gallon (12 lbs.); $1 per one-half gallon, delivered by parcel post. Satis faction guaranteed or money refunded. L. K. Ilostetter, R. F. D., No. 5, Lan caster, Pa. AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and .117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—so for 25c while tliey last. Ap ply Job Printing Department The Tele graph Printing Company. For Rent FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Cyphers Incubator, 144- egg. Will saclrilce for quick sale. 1019 North Fifth «treet. Business Opportunities BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS We have several for sale; one is all you want. Get particulars at our office. Do you want a business? Consider these. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SHIRT FACTORY FOR SALE The best equipped factory in our county, running 34 machines and turning out 320 dozen shirts per week. An excep tional good chance to make money from the start. Rent low. Call, or ad dress, Kreamer Shirt Co., W. A. Swartz, Manager. Kreamer, Pa. ANY intelligent person can earn Rood Incom-. corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 in five years in the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y. $12.50 INVESTED May Make $1,250 —Get warranty deed, also interest In co-operative well to be drilled near big gusher oil field. Terms $1 cash. $1 monthly. Four lot combination, $46. Particulars free. Triangle Oil Co.. 192 Carter Building. Houston, Texas. INVENT SOMETHING; your ideas may bring wealth: our free book tells what to invent and how to obtain a patent, through our new credit system; write to-day. Waters & Co.. 4431 Warder Building. Washington. D. C. TOR SALE At sacrifice, millinery store established for ten years, located In splendid business section. Address L, 3893, care of Telegraph. OIL— $lO invested with us has made others S3OO In less than six months. Let. us send you our magazine, "Profitable Investments," six months free, which tells how to make your money make you Independent. The Hoffman Com pany, 407 Fannin street, Houston, Texas. Financial Mtoiey to To Housekeepers and Workingmen. We will treat you fairly. EQUITABLE INVESTMENT CO.. Room 21 Spooner Building. Licensed, bonded, incorporated. Take elevator. Telephone Bell 1647 R. SI,OOO TO LOAN on first mortgage. Address "C." Post Office Box 77! i. Har risburM, Pa. ! COLUMNS OF TROOPS IN MEXICO JOIN [<'<oiitliiuc<l From First Page.] force was being pushed, Indicates an ■ average march of about 30 miles a day. What General Pershing Intended to do In answer to the refusal of the Mexican commander to allow him to enter or to pass through Casas Grandes was not known at General Funston's headquarters, but It was not regarded as probably that he would make an issue of the peril. Villa Fleeing Genera! Pershing, it was believed here, would be content to remain be yond the city limits of the town un less the presence of his troops within the town for the protection of the Americans living there seemed ad visable. The last reports from General Per shing revealed no clashes with Mexi cans and did not indicate the exact location of Villa. It Is believed he is in the mountains of the Galeana district and that lie will continue his shifting flight without offering formal resistance, perhaps for many days. Army Men Believe Chase Will Develop Into Long Drawn-Out Guerilla War By Associated Press . I Washington, March 18.—Francisco Villa and his bandits were fleeing be | fore the American expeditionary forces in Northern Mexico, in the opi nion of army officers here. This belief was based upon dis patches from the American columns reporting that none of the outlaws had ben seen up to late yesterday and I strengthened the opinion that the ! Villa forces would not attempt to make j . a stand. Army men declared that I j the campaign would quickly develop I i into guerilla warfare if there was any j opposition. j Latest dispatches to the War De j partment made no mention of disor ders on the border, according to Sec retary Baker. Ileports from Ameri-1 lean consular representatives, telling of quiet conditions in the Interior of I Mexico, continue to arrive. Unsettled i conditions in the Tampico and Torreon ; districts, however, give government j officials some concern. Reach Vera Cruz , Navy Department reports to-day j from Vera Cruz say about 200 Ameri i cans from Mexico City and other in • terior points have arrived there, most •'of them acting upon advice from friends and relatives in the United 1 ; [ States, urging them to leave Mexico. ' |Conditions at Vera Cruz, the message. • I said, arc quite and many of the Amer-' ' I leans, after investigation of reports ■ jas to the situation, are returning to j | j the interior. WILSON IS CHEERED AT • VERA CHI/, DEMONSTRATION 1 Vera Cruz, March 18.—A popular demonstration was held here last j night to celebrate the agreements I reached between the United States and Mexico and regarding mutual conces ■ sions for the prosecution of outlaws. An imposing street parade was held and speeches were delivered, during . which the mention of the names of II President Wilson and Provisional | President Carranza was loudly j|cheered. i Guard Officers Are Appointed Today I j General orders were issued from II National Guard headquarters to-day ' announcing the appointment of the ' | following officers: ; | Major John Handy Hall, Philadel phia, major of infantry and assigned to Second infantry. 11 Raymond Hamilton, Pittsburgh, t! sergeant first class, lirst lieutenant of 11 signal troops and assigned to radla I company. , | First Lieutenant Wayne A. New man, Wilkes-Barre; captain of in fantry and assigned to Company A, ' 9th infantry. First lieutenant Clyde Merkel Smith, ' Sunbury. captain of infantry and as ; i signed' to Company K, separate bat " I talion. ! Second Lieutenant BJdgar C. Reiser, Sunbury, first lieutenant and assigned ; to Company K, separate battalion, i | Benjamin Ramage Williams, Butler, I captain of infantry, and assigned to • Company L, 16th infantry. Second Lieutenant John Francis ' Graff. Jr., Kittaning, first lieutenant and assigned to Company K, lGth in : fantry. MRS. LAURA CAMPBELL " Mrs. Laura Campbell, aged 53 years, i wife of Harry 13. Campbell, died yes terday at her home, 2117 Greenwood : street. Besides the husband the sur vivors are four sons, Alvin, Harry E., Jr., Alfred M., Fay E., and one daughter. Irene J. The funeral will [ take place Monday afternoon at 2 , j o'clock. Services will be conducted by . the Rev. Joseph D. W. Deavor, pastor of Kpwortli Methodist Episcopal " Church. Burial will be made in Pax s »ang Cemetery. Business Personals KBNERAIi HAULING ' PRACTICAL men, with years of ex . perience. Motor trucks that are good I and dependable. Reasonable rates. : Apply Ensmlnger Motor Co., Green and Cumoerland. Bell 3615. NOTICE Official notice is hereby . given to Ford Owners to send name anil 3 address and number of car to our • eastern oftlee and receive valuable ln ' formation of a cash co-operative propo " ! sitlon in connection with car you own. . American Ford Owners' Association, 7 ! Pennsylvania Manager, Drexel Building. , | Philadelphia, Pa. j ! MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell I 140. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth " street. FOUND What you have been look l Ing for in good work, at Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, ' 1245 Market street. We call and do f liver. Both phones. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine " Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the \ Druggist and Apothecary, 11!) Market ' street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. ® EXPERT PIANO TUNING : *1.50 Bell 146 | Winter Piano Co., 23 N. Fourth St. HAIIMNG H. A. HA HTM AN, Hoarding Stable • Hint Nntlouiil TrnuKfer Co, Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. I.a the. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. - 250:; it. Storage j FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private i rooms tor household goods, $2 per ] month and up. We invite inspection. ! Ix>w Insurance. 437-445 South Second , street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Prl . vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents • per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. , HOME RULE BOOM BY THE GOVERNOR Makes Strong Speech oil the Subject at Pittsburgh Cere mony This Afternoon Special to the Telegraph Pittsburgh, Pa., March 18.—A greater measure of home rule for Pennsylvania cities and towns and counties was the keynote of the speech made by Governor Brumbauglt ft laying of the cornerstone of the new city-county office building to aay. The Governor arrived about noon And was given a notable recep • i n 'j ~ s l'oke to a great crowd ut the dedication. Senators Penrose and Oliver and many noted men were participants in the ceremonies. t,le Governor said: 11 ° n March 26. 1915. It was my priv neg«. unci pleasure to approve the act ?ih£ U ?» State j' (, B' B ' l 'urc making puli if t " of * l J°int county and nK upon thls Hlte - This act nnnn ? i» ? rese nce hero this after • om iii,™ »L ! ? happy occasion and flcfni» h . congratulate the of fu " .u r. c y Pittsburgh and those of the County of Allegheny. Naturally, the lirst question that salv eS fm- i : . W flX slloulfl ü be neces sarj for a city like Pittsburgh and a , llke to secure StatS rS®, ".,? an enterprise that is purely and solely a. matter of their own con cern. Isn t it time, citizens of Penn sylvania, to give your cherished ideals %l a %™°ZZ aCy ? re;U test b y allowing I m,m tl P °,\ Ve r t0 >, ~ISS to tlle local COIII- I lias been pointed out bv rmU» L ill f that our democracy is mav K »u n * our S_ reat cities. I c may well be that we have had such •PMnnn'^m. ,aw and . so little personal th*t operating in our cities cn? ™hi citizen "y has grown indiffer ent o r discouraged over the situation r. ,^ or ""f 1 , 1 am H flrm believer in the fundamental doctrine that the people .vISU C J K rule - and that thß l>' influence should be as near, as direct, as definite. ' w S iii a n C ? r< il a ' ac . ceplance of democracy will permit. When one remembers that th„£ e v ns ?.' va . n J a to - da -V dwell more i ™ an Jlouble the population that dwelt In the British Colonies In North America when they won their indepen dence, it certainly does seem reason - able to assume that larger control b\- cities and counties of their own af fairs would work no Injustice to the Stole and great good to the local com munities. Pittsburgh and Allegheny County are so splendidly conditioned industrially and economically that tlif* j.Ntate should aid in every way it knows to give this splendid people the oppor tunity to regulate in a larger way its I own great destiny. I "This incrased local control logiealls ; carries with it the duty to increase th'« | agencies that make for an alert, en i lightened, patriotic citizenship. If upon the individual is to rest larger obliga tions and greater responsibility ho niust be given increased aid in prepar ing for that responsibility. "In this joint structure, planned and constructed by skilled minds and hands you shall have in the heart of your great business section an evidence or co-operation and of wise statesman ship. To join as you have In this lorty enterprise is evidence of the confidence that democracy breeds and develops. It is a happy action. Your joint munici palities are so interwoven that this is really one great center of notable ac uities. To centralize your legal and | official affairs is evidence of wise fore | sight on your part and foreshadows a continuance of that solidarity of thought and action so vital to the'con tinuing welfare of your people. "It is a. happy circumstance to lav tlns cornerstone upon the centennial of your city's birth. When one consid ers the stupendous development hero in a century—the lifting of an outpost of national progress into one of the I mighty metropolitan centers of the world, It is borne in upon him with commanding force to ask—what of the 1 century to be? We cannot with the present horoscope even guess, much less predict, the situation our children will witness here a centurv hence. Of this Jwe may be assured—that Pittsburgh genius and enterprise and lofty en deavor will, in the centurv to be| con | trihute its full hliare to the substantial I welfare of the race and add new pres tige to her form. In this the Common- I wealth will share, and to this destinv her millions will contribute hearts : good will and a devout 'God bless | you.' " Yellowed Papers From Courthouse Vault Recall Tavern Keeper of Old How mine host of the tavern of auld lang syne applied for a license to dis pose of llciuor was interestingly re vealed to-day when Kd. 11. Fisher, chief clerk to the County Commission ers. dug up some yellowed, barely legible manuscripts from a lot of an cient files in the vaults beneath the Courthouse. The papers were petitions for liquor licenses filed in 1798 and 1799—in th« days when the petitioners, instead of asking the courts for the privilege, simply prayed the court, to recommend them to the Governor as being suitable applicants. The information as to the character of the man who meant to go into the tavern business was presented to the court in a unique way, too. "Steady, sober disposition and moral character'' is the way one prospective innkeeper is referred to; "honorable man, good man of fame and reputation" is the way another is characterized; whilo still another is styled "verry" capable of keeping public house of entertain ment. One of the applicants was Jacob Smith, who wanted to sell liquor at his ferryhouse at the ferry crossing Swa tara creek on the "great road" leading between Harrisburg and I,ancastet: another was John Norton, who wanted the privilege in the Second ward of Harrisburg, and Christian Rathfon, who wanted to keep a "public house" I on the great road leading from Mid | dletown to the Swatara creek. Compensating Vapor Plug Saves 50 Per Cent. in Gasoline Consumption One of the very latest Inventions for the automobile that is really worth while is the automatic com pensating vapor plug. This is a lit tle Instrument attached to the in ] take manifold of the engine, and | works automatically, allowing an amount of fresh air into the fuel mixture under certain conditions;' which results in more power and speed, with less gas consumption. This instrument is suro to become widely used, as the price of gasoline is soaring and the motorist is looking for relief, which this plug will furnish as it is guaranteed to save at least 50 per cent of the gasoline. Myers, "The Tire Man," Cameron and Mul berry streets is distributor for Central Pennsylvania. 1« BELOW IN LYCOMING By Associated Press Wiiiiamaport, Pa., March 18.—The minimum temperature In Lycoming county to-day was sixteen degrees be low zero. The official temperature in . the city was Ave below;. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers