18 , |' 1 Dives | Exhibition of Authentic Modes For Spring: Thursday, Friday Saturday Embracing' a Rich Ensemble of Chic Chapeaux and Authoritative Suits and Costumes Inspired By Parisienne Couturieres A wealth of originality characterizes this impressive showing. Each style, whether it appears in millinery, blouses, tailleur suits or wraps, reflects the personality of prominent European and American creators. An Extensive Showing of Fashions in Suits and Wraps From Paris Models Messrs. A. Beller & Co. will present their latest adaptations of original Paris modes in our the new frocks, many of the loveliest of the styles depending- on a wealth of skirt detail to relieve outergarment section to-morrow. These new creations will be shown in the newest imported the simnliritv nf ilip mrbwe Time . 11 , • 11-1- 11 1 • 1 1 -ii - • 1 ..Tn m- • * 1 , , ... •, c simplicity 01 me coisages. 1 nese ricn cieations are develoned 111 (ieor"ette creoe meteor cloth tabrics, as well as 111 taslnonable silks, featuring the Philippe pockets and the liew llare side crepe dc chine and chiffon tiff t* and back designs. 0 a ' Lovely Gowns Reflecting' the Quaintness Copies of French Blouses in Georgette and Crepe de Chine of the 1830 Period: Simple But Effective loulder to the waist with n Jfin-p nt lnvnnV »' lines w ith a frill extending fiom the I ~ , , ... . . . . , , , , c , . . ,i ' ,u t u,c | cl to tlie with a sleeve of luxurious design. In Georgette and crepe de clune these new Each line and curve reflects true genius of art, with a touch here and there of the period of | arrivals are uncommon values at $5.50. Serviceable, well designed crepe de chine blouses in IS3O. All altogether different treatment from that of other seasons is to be found in every one of | Spring's most delicate colors are shown at ' $2.98 and $3 50 Spring Hats Are True to Their Name in This Opening Display of Millinery Styles 1 lie eai 1 v ad\iccs 110111 I aiis t'oietold the gicat \ogue of flow- "" " It will be a great season for ribbons, too, and a wealth of beautiful ribbons crs and foliage. The advance models inspired by such master brains A • i,_ c „^u. r 7T~7~ " Z, Z • Z ~TT " " __ _ •?. . ' - .... . lm \ has been gathered insuring an incomparable showing. Beautiful wings and as Reboux, Maria Guy, Germaine and other noted millinery artists n. ~ ; - ; ; , •, , . • .111 ... 1 . x /&> s \ fancies offer trimmings for those who prefer such conceits to blooms of the were lavishly trimmed with flowers. Lhe tender blossoms and ex- / A|y \ ———; qui site flowers that foretell the coming of Spring have been copied / 4| i milliner s garden. so exactly and placed so artistically upon the smartest models that / Ajf s (®gb Silks ' br a id s , pongee and other materials show the scope of they make the new seasons hats true to their name. / , -fiE - /&» 'iwrf i rt~TQ the goods used this season. This Store, with its great buying facilities has more ways of se- /\v \ Lovely shades of rose, blues, greens purple, browns, gold and greys are curing new designs and original ideas in millinery than any other in / "1 among the leading color tones. this city. In fact, only in the large cities will a woman find such M/ \ As Usual Beautiful Styles at $4.95,55.95,56.50 variety and authentic styles. And our prices are notably lower. »} W/L Hundreds of creations shown at these popular prices and demonstratin B Pattern Hats From SIO.OO to $35.00 X again the superior values that obtain in our millinery section. \ j&bx \, There are many smart, practical hats from our workroom, copied from From these famous Xew York ateliers—Moorehead and Jardine,, Rawak, \ /jnX / i\ ./•••" . . T~T ! . , " , , ~ ! ' \ " " ~~ r~ ~u it i , -p, .i -i . , . \ //I W / > original French models and other style sources at fractional prices of what the Craft, Burgcsser, Halscy and others. These are the richest creations of the \ [IJ/ \\ J//:i \y \ \ .<> - milliner's art in America and interpret with consummate skill the prevailing \ Ij /1.. \\ Paris creations would cost you. modes of the French capital. \ J " v'; "" V Shapes Are More Varied Than Ever \J o, shapes 1 Turbans, sailors, styles of the Victorian period, shapes that show the in- iiij) Vv?\ \ / \ .1 and styles at our usually moderate prices, fluence of the soldier's helmet, poke effects, hats with drooping brims and W \\ Jr Welcome to this style show! many novelties of chic contour. """ y. * Dives, Potneroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front. Afternoon Evening Silks of Colored Black Dress Fabrics The Trefousse Is Fashion's Gloves OunliH/ in » Qkmx/ Serges Checks Gabardines Poplins Rich Shades Including Pearl Grey ; HCXIII V xXX V-JIJX XXXy v3XXCJ\Ar ™ Every weave in this splendid showing for Spring passed severe 1 ° censorship before it was permitted fo enter this special showing; There are three gloves in the Trefousse list which can be adopted by, the r T . > consequently every weave will be found to be absolutely correct. woman of fashion with every assurance that any one of tliem is absolutely cor- Ol importance T he m^st popular fabrics for the Spring season are moderate r cct, for Fashion's gloves originate in Trefousse lines. I Unmocnii,, i c d. - & "v A <l2« ii - j 41, f-n ing," in black with white and white with black 92.25 | Satin stripe taffeta. Yard #t ()() to 00 liomcspuil ana oummer oreeze. xara and Trefousse I.a France gloves, with two perl clasps; P. K. and ovcrseam sewing; best ! Plan taffeta siiitinT* Yard u-V . ||.TV- Silk poplins, for streetfor evening'wear; shown in 40 shades. quality of real kid; in black with white Ja.as j nan tancia Minings, raiu to V nr( | « ♦ «•> <Vk Sans Parell two-clasp real kid glives; P. K. and overseam; in black with white, $2.00 Pussy willow in exclusive patterns; Belgian, navv tauue and irreen 1 to Jp.v.mi Two-clasp kid gloves; with P. K. stitching; in pearl grey $1.75 i trrniniHs- 4i) inrlie<j wide Virr -n Dive., Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Two-clasp kid gloves in black with white $1.75 giuunas, -HJ inuie.. Uiac. lara •••• 1 Two-Clasp kid gloves In black, white and colors $1.25 to $2.00 I Pancy satin stripe marquisette for waists, overdresses and sleeves; in blue __ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —street Floor. I and green combination, plain colors and black, 42 and 44 inches wide. Yard. ! RadlUlll Silk and Oriental AlloVerS in ' ; Mayflower silks with a drop stitch stripe. 42 inches wide. Yard, 5H2.00 a Rinh r*f T aroc Luxurious Textiles in Cotton With Tints and ( :l Corduroy for sport coats and separate skirts; 31 inches wide. Yard, #1.585 rvlCn OnOWing Ol l>eW rriiT-v* A \ White and black stripe corduroy. Yard : Oriental'all-over laces in white and ecru. Yard, rloral L/6SlgnS in OOOQ 1 Ones Kakahi Kool for sport coats; 36 inches wide. Yard tfiS.OO #I.OO to #5.00 , • j f • i i i . i • t i wi de Ar Ta?d R ° UsSeaU ' ,hC " e,VCSt fa " riC ' ' hC ° l<,CSt k " OW " WMVt; m a ""° VCr ' aCCS: 30 i,,C " CS Wi<lC; " 0r "" ,R < h « «?«< «*» »»«,, in delicate S^riA K shade s : Yd., ' " C Cot (on Will o the Wisp, the dainty marquisette for over draperies. Yard, #2.00 «81 *"A"* " "" \ '!■' 1". j i_* *ic * *-ii" •j" ' Fancy Georgette with white grounds and satin overplaids; for waists and Silk nets in white black and colors Yard #1 00 to «3 00 . • S>l !" an l l V SCtte m W J ,te and Al nt « d grounds; one-half silk; wide sport dresses, also with a Mayflower print under the plaid; 40 inches wide Yd Ki (H) n;ff n !i t i wnite.DiacK and colors. ard, mi.uu tosH.i.tH> stripes with a large rose design. Yard MHt\ Satin stripe taffeta; 36 inches wide Yard ' cloths in white and black and in a large range of colors. Columbia voile in white and tinted grounds with a large rose pattern; 40 '• Crepe de Chine. Yard 7.7.".'.'."".' ard •••••••• #I.OO and #1.50 inches wide. Yard «!)<• Black taffeta. Yard SHl'Vl (»eorgette crepes in white, black and colors. ard, 44-inch voile in white grounds with a colored border of floral designs. Yard, 40-Inch^chiffo^°mourrung enise lace edges, ard 'lO<- to 50* Silk organdie of one-half silk with large flpral design and colored sport a Real cluny laces and insertions in rich designs. stripes. Yard a. 500 ' l>i\es, Pomeroy & Stewart, Sheet Floor. Hives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. i Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. A . ' WEDNESDAY EVENING. BARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 15/ l'Mf).
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