r=a ■■ilttSffllilllMiiniM iiiiiiiLi.iiiiig^.J Pity, February Isn't Longer! Only Three Days More of the Substantial Furniture Sale First of s P rin £ Wash Fabrics | The time is growing short —the need- of attending this Sub- SIIOW PrifltS stantial February Furniture Sale grows imperative. Dyes may be scarce and all that, but it is not noticeable in the To-morrow! n . ew was ' l fabrics. On the contrary, the new prints arc excep- /KTLj v tionally pretty and colorful in a widening variety. fpjmS To-morrow is the last Saturday of the month, the last Satur- Helmar \ oilcs. in large floral de- Cotton Marquisette large floral lil\\ clay of the sale! signs: various styles to select from; designs: 40 inches. Yard, 3iJf. /JA iVv a T jJßjf M li ! _ 40 inches; many color combinations. Dc Kleiir corded stripes, ;:i / [A\J !-w A; I'-/// The advantages of this sale stand out more clearly as the end V'ard. 25c. floral designs; 40 inches. Yard. »90. ( V Mm $! 11 1 draws near. Of these we ask you to remember in particular: issuc übl)C ~~ a sec dfd \oi!e of Awning Striped Batiste, in pink, a line quality; color combinations ot green, blue and lilac; 40 inches. nw \/> A jAIfPWNs N nfflllli-J/// 1 M'Kfr —Dependable furniture only. —Free delivery anywhere. I, . . , „ • . rp' n C,IOS - 1 ard. i.tf. Voiles— tloral designs m white; fl \Mff7lWin! I \ ALA Variety, unsurpassed. —Convenient Time Pay- Sari Voiles corded stripe: floral 40 inches. Yard. 19?. B I \ I /yj TjrA Savings, genuine. ments if desired. designs: 40 inches. Yard, 59?. Radiant Voiles floral designs //'U \ oiles, regimental cords of pink. in all shades: 40 inches. Yard, 25?. / II j/ / UNMi |Jj fjM l\ ( j _, ■ —IPSnn ant ' rccn ' inches. Yard, Exposition Voiles—striped floral P / iff^ r .. _i" - I f I I || —j IhS-JML **••« Xile. light blue and maisc with ed Voiles; 40 inches. Yard. 59?. I'J / 1 j . t I ll; ] . ! floral designs, and white with large Military Voiles in stripes of pink, f"7 / li] |j| o floral designs and floral stripes; 36 sky and green; 40 inches. Yard, \ V I Ju IsJ » I inches. Yard. 69£. I J35?. -- - Hp 1 1 gpj TooMuchCannotßeSaid ng ft>- JL-S* op EN TO-MORROW Ab ° l J t ° ur Li "S eric w Blouses at 95c 4-Piece M.hogany Finished ■ Our newly en larged ' blo lC " abOUt H " SCrie Dining Room Suite _ _ . But where quantities are unusually great: assortments J l\/f *ll' • unusually varied, and models stylish, most stylish; the story Straight line pattern. Eight legs on buffet. Extension table \s Tit f till ill &(X LV4H I\T\QY\j! takes on a greater importance, with 48-inch top; buffet, 54-inch top; china closet, 38 inches wide, ** And that is not all. Aside from the bigness of stock, there double doors; serving table with 36-inch top. February Sale Price are tlie finer points to be considered: fullness, stitching, seams, a}o»-» t\ v > finishings and the like. $82.00 / Jptinrfmpnf Genuine leather fireside rocker, f table, bed. chair and rocker. Dust g^'lL u 9sc 'On a Bowman Blouse, I<ebruar - v Sa]c P r 'tc, proof throughout. Mahogany in- i o,p ;ifi (• • teriors. I'ebruary Sale price. $99. On the third floor adjoining the Olgnines the Utmost in h.°;S ?„ d ruan S^'pHcrS'." 55 - department of Trimmed Millinery Style and Quality brown ye lour: mil spring seat and Roll edge felt mattress. Febru- To where the public is invited to inspect the hundreds 1 his, however, you must pass upon. You must say ft nWe lnH?" pncc 'f l p os - price ' of models which constitutes Harrisburg's largest collec- whether or not it will stand the comparison lest; and the fact ...itT- oni of ,l, c S 7aLt tion of untrimmed shapes. 8 ' o#r Rapids creations. Dresser, chif- Guaranteed box spring; February Ua\ .ui el) beai s out our claim. fomer, triplicate glass dressing Sale price, #12.75. m Loniplete in variety of latest models, there are dainty tai bowman's —Fifth Floor ' I< ? , ' cd effects; striking bars; lace in endless arrangements; tiny — _ l^i cluster tucks; pleats; embroidery inserts; neat colored stripes. _ . T FT L Mostly, you'll find them in voiles and organdies; some DAYS OF ECONOMY FOR ECONOMICAL MEN mercerized. (Display in window). —— 9 Tust received a new shipment of Crepe dc Chine Blouses, The Half Price Sale Of al s "" >(> ' Winter Suits and Overcoats Closing the "Wear-Ever" pnpcc Aluminum Demonstration * i Of v ne niore day to learn of the best uses and advantages of Wear-Ever *7 » men may wholly appre- Aluminum. iL ciate bu >' i,, s a «««• suit of The Main Feature of This IStait'" ac "' al Mokl " R ° r lhc pot A m :* rc T„ 3l Ha " Pri , Ce : Neu> Untrimmed °'"" ~enl<" 's " a tio" s " ccia,s bcf " re "» U V UO 1110n^ls ' 6-qt. Wear-Ever Aluminum Preserve Kettles, 9.»<*. iSsif wear to come, and with are opening this new section with an array of 3-qt. Wear-Ever Aluminum Berlin Kettles, 73?. next F ill bcckonino- shapes that is far in excess of any in other establishments. iiuw.MAN-tf-Ba.scm.-nt, Vl 'SSi Our aim is to feature varieties to afford choice selec- Snrintf'c pQ\/rfcrp»rl FocKinn o f JW& Every garment is from appeal to every taste-and vet to make no par- Oprillg S T aVOrea T aSniOHS \_jWffl the regular Bowman stock ticular shape common. HaVC ArnVed dependable clothes — Prices range from This unadorned announcement will be enthusiastically re || ffIW&M worthy throughout from SI.OO to sl4 75 ceivcd by the women of this community, for style leadership has ' JK mrwi the lowest to the highest a t , . i AT-i it c- -i been unquestionably vested in this store. v|p W'f o lu lllc "'»,ncs>i. As an opening feature, large Milan Hemp Sailors .. . ... 7 may be purchased at SI.OO. Very stylish in wanted Even authentic source of style information and inspiration Sale started with number shades. has been enlisted in the perfection of the fashion service of this de of garments indicated below BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. partment, and the result as shown by this collection will surelv _ . meet with your admiration. This Timely News From Saturday Wall Paper Ear| y Display of Fashionable Suits gg J and worsteds; including a few slims; sizes•> .. T) o meStiC Basement Special Suits arc showing the influence of sports. Belts, pockets and trimmings "" 12 to 44. Half price j- $4.4 D inc u " a\; 0 11 Pn„ - vll r it as well as materials radiate the out-door life of American women. For the OA Worsteds and cassimeres; 33 to 4J; a few short* in Lockwood Bleached Sheeting in SU ' C V, 1 more dressy occasion you will find oU ! , eu snor " in 1 a>£s or inches wide: cut from full pieces; rooms. 10 pieces side wa ;20 „ ~ ... eluded. Half price } 25 perfect goods. Yard. SOe. yards of border and 5 rolls of S ' lks f\ )° " laffCta J U | rS te and cassimeres; including stouts; 34 to Quilting Calico - fast colors; ceiling; complete for ..SI.OO g«s de londre as favorites. jFVK Half price | 5>b.75 about twenty different patterns; SowMAxs-Fourth Floor Checks are not the rarest in this /*TL 33 . ; >erges. worsteds a.ul cassimeres; 33 to 42. Half, _ old styles also \ ard B*. fair assemblage. More diversified P rice \ $7.50 Horse Blankets and lap robes at 25 than any time previous they're here /\^ 131 Hlu / 7 SCr JZ' Rray serges; cassimercs a,ui worsteds; [hemovJr'"next sc°ason. " ' A figure of prominence in sniall - medium, large, bright, sub- yrA JU\ to Half price | BOWMANS— Basement Ribbons, Neckwear and dued, and just the regular everyday f M Ws. /'\ 111 11 f worsted suits; only a• . Trimmings Tomorrow k '"ds. A 1 V W / V\ l» » ■ew of each. Half price j » *1 v • WoiXlcn's Smart Foot- —Moire ribbons, 5/> inches Brighter shades in wear of Proven Excel- wide; with a large dot Yard general dominate the 1 hi KiS . ID" j -Jf' Spring suits new ill \fKj /I I J|M uj lence, Moderately iriccd Plain ribbons with a satin ones arc prettier be- f\\ L 'I HI C'C/CI'I'O Field mouse, ivory, white. Cham- edge; excellent quality. Yard cause of their oddness \ i Ifflf mK\ . , , pagne, black, gray, and Havana 25<' and newness. \, J>Lr --At \J \ Metis and youths heavy overcoats in the popular form- brown kidskin high cut boots. New- —Dainty, new crisp neck- (\\U \ i lilting as well as full back models; grays, blues, browns and •>' arrived from the best makers. wear co n ars an(l ' et Each Smart little inexpen- m }& [WE mivHiroc Pair $6..>0 and «8. sive models :uo a feu- JMK T'f l\\ f.M/fWF J Fine patent colt and dull finished 97 ; : 1 1 c* : ture. Among these aie \\ \T /r\ W\ §// il! L-r f M , , . . gun metal calf buttoned boots with —-/-inchembroideied Swiss fine serges, poplins a-,d Vvl/ / f / J l\jW° 38 1 M °dels named above; "i black cloth tops - just off the lasts flouncing. Yard gabardines in newest 134 to 40. Half price... f they were made on. Every size and —Swiss flouncing, 12 to 18 colorings and fixings. V ■* /' " At half prices ranging from $4.45 to .$1 1.50, are sev- every width Pair, #3.00. inches wide. \ard „__i _ • , , . , , ' The new Spats for Spring are —Y enise edges and new a V rcoats in fashionable models, also. here they're beautiful, too. Pair, laces; Y* inch to 2 inches wide. * OA - ni An \ /// \j BOWMAN S-Second Floor. ,$1 .SO. #2, #2.."»0 and $3. Yard 12 l / to 50<* (0 $/S.UU * W \ ———————^ _ «0 WMAN'S— Main Floor BO W MAN'S—4I« tn FlOOf 4!U\\'MAN'S TllilU Floor. ' FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 25, 1916 3
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