20 &he Masterpiece Veteran 'Builder - _ 191(f) _ _ Lc~i:| ffiSjßfaf Chevrolet !■ Other Makes of Higher Price !; \an i n m I The Lewst Price Real Automobile Yet Produced Kq I «yO fl It Has No Competition MJGLmJj xJJL ClJlivl \ The Price $490 Factory J j *" ar lt>! tlie Q u ' et a ' ve '' n "^ ot9r J I Rlllf ftFR I j and Most Harmon- j quiet, powerful, VALVE-IN-HEAD Motor. It has looks 111 l I lill |j I ■ i < • lk A a ?; —it has style—it is beautifully finished and rides like a j i/viuv S THE "FOUR-NINETY" has the following novel and su- 5 i j j O *#X T J perior features not found in any other car built: if § (1) Shock-absorbing duplex front springs; (2) Self- !; £ !■ M ,■ j lubricating clutch collar; (3) Hub construction with triple- j < W. C. DURANT organized the world's great- j j . _ - ? /■ size bearings, preventing wabble of wheels and wear on f /n tires; (4) Compound spur steering gear attached to body— est and most successful automobile companies, j! 11/ J t 1 / | V^lno the simplest and safest ever invented; (5) Unit power plant < , . . ~ . , , ... . ff OllUCrilll A li M .11 S Y «lUC !; carrying transmission on open brackets, which gives acces- !■ Qn " present is the head and leading spirit or Q \J j sibility to clutch and allows removal of all transmission, if :• J the CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, one of the J f , 5 necessary, in twenty minutes. (Patents granted or applied > 5 IF you can afford to pay $750.00 for an automobile, YOU > f. for on the above.) ;, strongest financially in the automobile manalac- are not being FAIR t0 yourstr if un i ess you investigate thor- % 5 BESIDES THESE EXCLUSIVE FEATURES, THE j j; (ur ; ng fow . C . DURANT J j! °"Bhly the "BABY GRAND." ? % iMlNiil Y HAb J :■ . - it* • j 5 !■' ITS clean lines, with every detail finished, make you proud I; ;! (1) Streamline front; (2) Crown fenders; (3) Cellular ;! !; automobile industry. It was his master mmd thai Q f y OUr ownership—to say nothing of the pride enjoyed I; v\ radiator; (4) Body with flush sides and concealed'hinges; •! !■ l -ii it. M.w. #/.„ ■' while PASSING OTHERS with this car of wonderful per- > £ (5) Three-speed transmission; (6) Three-quarter floating > j hmlt Uf) the GeneXal M ° torS Com P fln >' one of the j j; formance. j ? /n\ Cantilever springs; (8) Ventilating windshield; \ I; largest and strongest organizations in the world J > THAT feeling of certainty when you "start your trip" that 5 £ () o air top; (10) The world-famous Zenith carburetor. . » Th* fh*urnbt'< rbanlv lin*< mirrnr thp 'l you will get there, enjoying all the comforts of motoring, > ; OTHER THINGS WORTH KNOWING (■ ;I to-day. The Chevrolet s cleanly lines mirror the ~ alQne . usti{y yQur purchase of a CHEVROLET. ;! THE "FOUR-NINETY" does not have a single hinged I* \ industrial straightness of its builder; its staunch- !; % WHILE we could go into elaborate detail, we invite your >; '• joint to squeak or a spring shackle to rattle. ;! !; . .. , M n .. I; ;! inspection and ask you to take a ride. Then ask your friend •; i READ THIS OVER TWICE i| j ness ,s emblematic of Mr. Durant s determ,nation owns one" about CHEVROLET SERVICE, and you 1 '' lln to lead; its materials reflect the fibre of Mr. Du- / purchase the car with the ;! ji What More Do You Want For $490 j i rant's personality, and the completed vehicle is an 5 Q UIET VALVE-IN-HEAD MOTOR } . .. . I j: THE "BABY GRAND" is sold under a guarantee that, j ■! /v entire living personification of this modern ;! !; with carburetor properly adjusted, 24 miles can be obtained ;■ ;! U ;! . | ;! I; from each gallon of gasoline—that it will climb any ordi- !■ 5 / f ? 5 m * rac * e mfln * . ;! !; nary hill on high gear with full load—and that it can be !■ driven 55 miles an hour, if you care to ride that fast and ■! '• THIS car was put on the market two years ago and is be '• wav^v.v.vw.v.-.• ing produced to-day practically without change. | J | Dtdtn 2 n orl j" nc ' p " 1 c ' u " $235.00 Less Than 1915 \ I Auto-Lite Electric Startmgand | | tet in the United H Lighting System Only S6O Extra . n . Three thousand Dealers v j ■.VAV.%WA , .SWAVL# ' tWAT.W.WWAW.V. SWWWWiWAT.»A%WkS WWMWWWVWMft• GEORGE B. ZECH, City Auto Garage, Chevrolet Motor Company ONE OF THE LARGEST AND STRONGEST AUTOMOBILE COMPANIES IN THE WORLD FACTORIES: Flint, Mich. Oshawa, Ont. Tarrytcrwn-on-Hudson, N. Y. St. Louis, Mo. New York City, N. Y. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 25,' 1016
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers