4 Fifty B .JW 1 JB Tablets /"> j t for Fifty Affirms Oood for y "^^» Cou « hs .| @9 M# Colds and U Grip and r correct catarrhal L yOUf conditions wherever located. I » . . Are very popular with bankers, fl aruggist ministers,lawyers,teachers,book aoes not m keepers and others whose busi- U keep thetn D ness or profession keeps them closely I <?(> nt uhnu H confined—Lack of exercise brings on I upurr r-j indigestion and any slight exposure may H receipt Of I I lead to cokls, grip and catarrh. bficP H In -all such cases these tablets made after the I pi u,v, h p eruna formulary will be found the remedy to ■ r> . . • » ■ use—Sold in metal boxes, splendidly designed I lOSt pCllu H for convenience of carrying medicine in pocket. I anywhere M At aii druggists or ■ V OH may I Peruna Company, Golumbus,Ohio direct. IKZIZMBCIZII^ — I BIRTHDAY DIXXER GIVEN IN .MISS SINGER'S HONOR A birthday dinner was given at the home of Aliss Edith Singer, 1730 Sus quehanna street, in her honor and for Mrs. John W. Lean* Ferns and Val entine decorations made the rooms especially attractive and the guests en joyed music and friendly chat. In at tendance were Miss Edlih Singer, Miss KutU Hammer. Miss Mary Lease, Mr. and Airs. John W. Lease, Airs. Singer, Air. and Airs. W. H. Arnold, John B. l.easc, Howard Bowman and Willis Bowman of Millersburg. Airs. William Elder Bailey of Front and South streets is home after spend ing several weeks among relatives at Detroit, Alich. BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all druggists. r FUNERAL SPRAYP j AND j >im> Cum lie rlu ml 'Jural Co.. Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect June 27, 1915. TRAINS leave Harrlsburg— For Winchester and Martlnsburg at 6:03, *7:6 i* a. m.. *3:40 p. m. For Hafeierstown, Chambersburg, Car lisle. Mecitsnicsburg and intermediate stations at *5:03, *7:52, •11:53 a. m •3:40, 5:37. - 7:43, *11:00 p. m. Addition*/- trains for Ca.-llsle and Mechanicsbutrg at 9:48 a. m„ 2:16, 3;<*. 6:30, 9:35 a. in. For DUlslUirg at 5:03, *7:52 and •1i:53 a. m., 2:16, »3:40, 6:37 and 6:39 p. in. •Daily. All other trains dally except Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE. 3. H. TONQEJ. Q. p. 'a. FIXTURES FOR SALEI 1 double display mirror, cloak display racks, coat hangers, display tables, 1 tilting display table, 1 cloth sponger fully equipped, 1 let ter press, tailor's gas stove and goose, i*as stove, curtain rod cutter,electric fan,electric ceiling fans, cabinet letter file, shade cutting table, shoe-shining stand, clothes trees, 2 outside glass display cases, 2 glass counter cases, 1 nickel display rack, notion display bins, step ladders, 1 mirror, store awning and fixtures, one horsepower electric motor and 1 large lot of inlaid linoleum in excellent condition. L. W. COOK I I 308 Market Street | OUR BIG OPTICAL OFFER For Ten Days Only, Starting Wednesday, February 16th, Ending Saturday Evening, February 26th, 9 P. M. gltisses are 1-10-12K gold filled rimless, guaranteed ten years, fitted with first quality spherical lenses, to suit your eyes this includes our modern method of examination; no drops used. These glasses can be tad for either far or near. Regular price for these Kisses were 10.00 during this special sale only we will sell them at RUBIN & RUBIN Hje Sight Specialists 820 MARKET STREET Open Wed. and Sal. Evenings ••SEE US TO SEE BETTER" TUESDAY EVENING, HARRIS BURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 15, 1916. Cil ESTS PLAY FIVE HUNDRED ! AT A VALENTINE PARTY A farewell party was given Satur ■ day evening by Miss Grace Ditmer in • honor of Miss Helen Campfleld of 311 ■ Walnut street, who is leaving the city soon to take up her residence in • Meadville, Pa. The decorations were • suggestive of the valentine season, 11 Progressive tive hundred was played and refreshments were served to the following guests: Miss Minnie, Gelbaugh. Miss Ada Beauter, Miss Anna Meliring, Miss E. K. Kulter, Miss Ditmer, Miss Helen Campfield, Mr. and Mrs. Bltzel, Thom as Millen, Jod Althouse, Carrol Price, Walter Fisher, Joe Cooper and Leo F. : Leßoy. j Miss Nellie R. First. 34 South Third I street, is registered this week at Hotel ! Knickerbocker, in New York. IT. L. Myers of 530 Peffer street, spent the week-end at FayetteviUe j I with his parents. AT PHILADELPHIA WEDDING j Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Plank of | 1421 North Front street left this morning for Philadelphia to attend I the wedding of Miss Emma Frances Long, daughter of Simon Cameron, Long, general manager of the Penn sylvania railroad. Miss Long will be, married at the Bellevue-Stratford ! this evening at S o'clock, to Douglas! Meade Hoftecker of Springfield, Mass. TODAY'S BEAUTY HELP You can keep your hair at its very best by washing it with a teaspoonful i of canthrox dissolved in a cup of hot water, afterward rinsing thoroughly with clear water. One Ilnds that the hair dries quickly and evenly, is un strcaked, bright, soft and very fluffy, j so fluffy in fact, that it looks more j j abundant than it is, and so soft that' I arrangintr it becomes a pleasure. This j simple, inexpensive shampoo cleanses, I the hair and" scalp thoroughly of all! dandruff and dirt, and leaves a clean, i wholesome feeling. All scalp irrita- j Hon will disappear, and the hair will be brighter and glossier than ever be-| i for£.—Advertisement. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS BUSINESS GIRLS AND VALENTINES Gymnasium Class Gives Holi day Party Last Evening in Y. W. C. A. Gym The business girls' gymnasium class of the "V. W. C. A. Rave a party to their friends last evening in the gym nasium. The room was decorated with clusters and festoons of hearts, flowers and ferns forming a background. A grand march opened the program and the "Olympic games" began. They ! included a •'horse race." "the llght w eight championship," "the fifty-yard I aasJi._ "the hammer throw."' "relay "marathon race," "the aero ii? e ' a "d "the hurdle race." | Many clever prizes were given, i which brought much applause. A con j test of guessing the number of candy i hearts in a jar was next carried out. popular songs were sung and refresh j merits were served. In attendance were the Misses Mabel backenstoss. Jacobina Mayer, Elsie 5 Landis, Miriam Brown. Anna P. llar ns, sue K. Long. Margaret King, EUyn Reeves, Myrtle Acker. Elizabeth K. Crull, Anna C. Msley, Elizabeth Work man. Anna Brenneman, Elizabeth Kil- German. Jr., Miss cT ?. V alentine. Sir. and Mrs. G. - tj. Booda, Mr. and Mrs. George T. » Roucli, Mrs. W. A. Strlne, Jr., Mar - ff u , Pollock . Margaret E. Turner, > Mabel H. Charles. Bettia E. Motter, J Marjorie Bolles, E. W. Mauk, G. K. - Libsman. Harry Boyer. John W. Ger . man. Jr., Charles Pollock, Paul » \ !] ar Stanleigh' Lingle, George | Adam Bacon. Edward Hastings Buck, Earl Loser. Charles Erdman, Stanley <■ Wengert, G. Roy Gelst, Lloyd Reeves. Samuel Phillips, Ray E. Steward, E. \\ orkman and Charles Barnliart. Miss Holies, the physical instructor, was presented with a corsage bouquet • of sweet peas. ! Leo Francis Leßoy of Baltimore, has returned home after spending the i week-end in the city. Miss Alma Earnest has returned to the city after visiting her parents In. • Mifflintown. j Miss Olive Jamison was visiting friends in Cliambersburg yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crook, of 623 ■| Hamilton street, gave a family dinner ; party yesterday. Covers were laid for ten and the table decorations were i sweet peas and arborvita. Miss Katherine Keene, of 1849 Berry hi 11 street, will visit relatives in . Lebanon on Saturday. !| Miss Helen Rutter, of 1849 Berry , hill street, will visit her parents, Mr. j and Mrs. I. M. Rutter, in Lebanon, on | Saturday. ; Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Arnold ! have gone home to Pittsburgh after a short stay among relatives In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hallman started this morning for a southern trip in cluding "Washington and points in the Carolinas. Miss Genevieve Gray and Miss Marv . D. Gray, of Brooklyn, are visiting their cousin, Miss Rita Davis, of State street, 1 for the week. Miss Lucy Loring and Miss Faith ! Loring. of Lansing. Mich., spent the i ; past week with their aunt, Mrs. Nor j man G. Smith, of Penn street. Valentine Festivities With Two Hostesses | Miss Ethel Cooper and Miss Helen I Albert invited a number of young ! i people to a Valentine party at Miss j Albert's home. 10 South Thirteenth I street, last evening. Hearts, cupids and Spring blossoms decorated the rooms where an evening of merriment was spent.. A buffet supper was served to the ' .Misses Ethel Cooper, Margaret Cooper, Anna Stober, Barbara O'Neil, Mary ; Goodheart. Esther Hall. Marie Smith, : Margaret Erb and Helen Albert, Amos Pluinmer. Earl Swartz. Russel Seldel, . James Fpdegraff. John Parthemore, | Raymond Books. Harold Black. Mrs. j 1 Ernest Mack and S. B. Reese assisted in entertaining the party. VALENTINE PARTY ENJOYED BY FOURTEEN SMALL FOLKS Miss Edna Lebo, of 71 Reservoir street, entertained a party of her little 1 friends last evening with a valentine | social at her home front 7 to 9. The, small folks enjoyed games and con-' ; tests, and refreshments were served to: Geraldine Hicks. Dorothy Paine, Earl Lebo, Vera Bosch, Mildred Lebo, Roberta Dare, Ethel Dare. Mabel Buck, Tlielmn AVager, Donald Lebo, • ;Sara Lebo, Mary Care, Harold Lebo and Edna Lebo. Jesse Kerns of Germantown, Phila delphia. was a Harrisburg visitor on j Saturday. ! Miss Lula Springer of 202 Hen street has returned to Harrisburg after i spending some time at her home in ICressona, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Meade Hahn of Pro ' gress announce the birth of a son Richard Earl Halm, Saturday, Febru . ary 5. | CARRY STOMACH JOY IN YOUR VEST POCKET Here's n Dyspepsia Remedy That Is Really Guaranteed By Your Own Druggist 1 One of the greatest successes In the J sale of medicine has been achieved by Mi-o-na. the standard dyspepsia rem edy, and its sale is increasing so rapidly that many druggists have hard work to keep a stock on hand. It is very ! popular with bankers, ministers, law -1 yers and others whose business or pro fession keeps them closely confined, while tliose who have brought on indi gestion through irregular eating, worry, or other causes, have found relief in this reliable remedy. Mi-o-na comes in tablet form and is sold in a metal box especially designed for convenience in carrying the medi cine in the pocket or purse. It is pleasant to take, is instant relief for 1 belching of gas, sourness, heartburn ! and other miseries attending indiges tion. , It should help any case, no mat- I ter of how long a standing. This I remedy has been so uniformly succesn -1 ful that all druggists are authorized to sell Mi-o-na under a positive guar antee to refund the money if it should not prove entirely satisfactory. We doubt if any other dyspepsia medicine ever had a large enough percentage of cures so that it could be sold in this manner. A guarantee like this speaks volumes for the merit of the remedy. There is no time like the present to ido a thing that ought to be done. If anyone hns dyspepsia, to-day is the 1 best time to begin curing it by going to 11. C. Kennedy or any leading drug gist in this vicinity and buying a box of Mi-o-na on this money back guar antee. Miss Edith Albright Is Hostess at a Musicale Miss Edith Albright of So Disbrow j street, entertained some guests with a 1 valentine party. A musical program j was presented after which cards and dancing was enjoyed. The table was 1 decorated with roses and carnations. ] A buffet supper was served. In attendance were the Misses Anna Speesc, Charlotte Miller. Gertrude Comp, Frances Emerich, Grace Mitch ell, Caroline Fritz. Mrytle Shue. Ruth Albright, Edith Albright, Mae Mc- Cormlck and Catherin Cramer. Sam uel Greene. Churlie Doud, Earl D?nny, James McDowell, Harry Buckley. Walter Greene, Vale, John Miller, James Enterllne, William Hickok, Charles Albright and Mr. and Mrs. John Albright. Kenneth Downes Is Host to Twelve Young Folks Kenneth Downes, son of Dr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Downes, of North Second street entertained some young folks last evening at a valentine fete. Progressive hearts, puzzles, games and contests were thoroughly enjoyed and valentine favors were given at sup per time. Nancy McCullough, Esther Bishop, Laura Bretz, Frances Hause. Kath arine Wharton and Virginia Downes, Edward Jennings. Mercer B. Tate, Jr., Gilbert Bailey, Edwin Herman, Sey lour Nissley and Kenneth Downes. Surprise For Mrs. Diener by Sunday School Class | A clever valentine surprise was | given to Mrs. P. G. Diener at her resi | dence last evening by the Sunday I school class of Mrs. Elda Reese- I Wheeler. A delightful musical program was : presented, including several vocal solos I by Mrs. William Witherow, a number l of piano selections by Mrs. N. 11. I Downin and violin-piano duets by Wil liam Diener and Miss Evelyn C. Shu maker. This was followed by imper sonations from Eva Tanguay and "The j Mad Mullah" by Mrs. Dorothy Sabina Lyon and a series of humorous read i ings by Miss Shumaker. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. With erow and Mrs. Lyon. The decorations of sweet peas, nar cissus, wild roses and ferns were ar ranged by a Philadelphia florist during j Mrs. Diener's absence from home. A midnight supper was served to the following guests: Mrs. John E. "Wheeler. Mrs. A. J. Snyder, Mrs. Charles W. Blosser. Mrs. Mary Carper. Mrs. E. T. Critchfield, Mrs. M. Luther i Bowman, Mrs. William Haiderman. Mrs. William Smith. Mrs. David Smith. Mrs. Robert Hunt Lyon, Mrs. Priscilla Bobb. Mrs. Charles Light. Mrs. Mahlon Miller, Mrs. William Witherow. Mrs. Sidney Fickes, Mrs. M. V. Thomas. Mrs. Ella Wolf, Mrs. Fred Lack, Mrs. Norman H. Downin, Mrs. ,T. E. Shumaker, Mrs. Evelyn C. Shumaker. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Diener, William Diener and Miss Louise Diener. Mr. and Mrs. Perry A. Snyder of 925 South Twentieth-and-a-half street announce the birth of a sou, Richard Brinzer Snyder. New Officers Elected by Managers of Y. W. C. A. A special meeting of the board of managers elected at the annual meet ing of the Y. W. C. A. was called for this morning to elect officers for the coming year. Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones, chairman of the nominating committee, presented the following names, all of whom were elected: President, Mrs. John W. Reily; vice presidents. Mrs. J. K. Smith. Mrs. George Preston Mains. Mrs. E. Z. Wal lower. Miss Mar.v Jennings and Miss M. Caroline Weiss: recording secre tary, Miss E. Blanche Clute: treasurer, Mrs. J. Frank Palmer. There was a general discussion of coming evepts of the association, the free historical pageant to be presented on the evening of February 22 in the Tech auditorium under the direction of Misses Bolles and Morgan, the golden anniversary on March 3 with some distinguished speakers and the "stunt night" of the business women on March 4 with minstrels, tableaux and music. T. T. CLUB GIVES A I'AKTY Members of the T. T. Club gave a banquet and valentine party last even ing at the homo of Harold Helf, 1944 Green etreet, with games and dancing, followed by refreshments. In attendance were the Misses Cath arine Brown. Winifred Tripner, Mil dred Keesey, Grace Schmidt, Kathryn Holbert, Catherine Ruoh, Mildred Rowe, Freda Nies and Mary Dunbar, Bruce Williams, William Toulk, Charles Blessing, Harold Helf, Ralph Garrett, Leonard Wenrich, Goodeli Stroup, E. Warden, Oscar L. Sutch, Mr. and Mrs. Helf. Mrs. L. M. Jones and daughter, Miss Ivy L. Jones, have removed from 339 Crescent street to 1629 Swatara street. Miss Sara E. Davis and Miss Edith L. Hoover, of 100 Evergreen street, are spending several weeks at Tampa, Florida. Miss Mae Baker, daughter of L. A. Baker, of Marklesville, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Harrisburg Hospital yesterday, is re ported as doing nicely to-day. The Rev. William C. Spicer has gone home to Gloversville. X. Y., after a little visit with his mother, Mrs. C. A. Spicer, in this city, his former home. Miss Martha Ann Fletcher, of the Ossinning School, New York, is spend ing a brief holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rowe Fletcher. 224 Pine street. Mr.'and Mrs. Harper Meredith ha ve gone home to Jersey City after a short visit with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Ralph E. Steckley has gone home to Philadelphia after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin, at 1812 Penn street. The Daltons Entertain With Valentine Symbols Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dalton, 311 Buekthorne street, gave a valentine party In honor of their son Dana last evening. The house was decorated with hearts, arrows, cupids and other symbols of the valentine season. The table centerpiece was a little kewpie sitting on a red heart and the favors were candy-filled boxes upon which perched a cupid. Games were enjoyed and the prize winners in the donkey contest were Miss June Harm and Paul Harm. The following guests were present: Miss Ruth Kitzmiller, of Philadelphia; the Misses Marcella Behney, Marie Brown, Virginia Castor, Margory Corkle, Ksther Clelatid and June Harm, Masters T>eroy Corkle, Howard Devlin, Paul Harm. Samuel Harm, Robert Kuebler, Stanley Mogel, Victor Mogel. William Pihdar and Dana Dal ton, Mrs. H. G. Devlin, Mrs. Paul Harm, Mrs. H. J,.' Griffln and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dalton. fOthcr Personals on Pace 16] GRACEFUL DANCES AT TECH SCHOOL Grammar Pupils of Lincoln Building in Folk Songs and Folk Dances In tlie folk song and folk dance en- to be given by the gram mar pupils of the Lincoln building, Friday evening, February 25, at the Technical High school, the following boys and girls will take part: In the Dutch dance the Misses; Emma Fellows, May Hountz, Martha j < ioodyear, Catherine Plowman, Ross ' McCord, Cecil Holmes, .Stuart Hess! and Alton Rhoades. In the Irish lilt the Misses Bessie Frank, Sarah Moyer, Florence Wier, | •}{ a ,y Mounts, Gwendolyn Bennett,! Mildred Stoulfer. Evelyn I-.cnker. In the Vineyard dance—the Misses i Emma Fellows. May aiountz, Martha; Goodyear. Catherine Plowman, Clara' 1 Tinker. Jeanette Sanderson, Ross Mc-1 , ford, Cecil Holmes, Stuart Hess, Alton l Rhoades, Joseph Coble, Ellis Bolan. | ! The American dance Miss Anna] Casset 1 aa the Goddess of Liberty and Ross Reed as Uncle Sam. The dainty and clapping dances will i be given by the following little folks from the primary school: Maria Baum, Caroline Ptouffer, Helen Lutz and Mary Carl, Edwin Paul, Harkens Brightbill, Donald Nissley, David Shutzie. Miss MirianSherman and Miss Mildred Baturin will gtve the Russian dance; Miss Mildred Baturin and Miss Miriam Baturin will give an asthetic dance. Folks songs will be sung in solo and j in chorus. The music is under the direction of! Miss Ella Yost, while Miss Elizabeth! 1 Ki I linger, assisted by Miss Pearl Yalin ; has charge of the dancing. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Anthony Honor Saint Valentine I Mr. and Mrs. Horace F. Anthony, I 1914 Market street, delightfully en tertained at a valentine party Satur day evening. The house was beauti-! ! fully decorated with hearts, cupids j anil other valentine symbols. Games, i contests and a buffet supper were en-i joyed by the following guests: 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Batley. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Beal, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bronson, Mrs. Fitzsimmons, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Devlin. Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Gillis, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. j 'Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Langdon, I Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Potts, air. and Mrs. Bruce A. Knight, Miss Ivy L. j Jones, Horace F. Anthony, Jr., F. E.! : Langenlieim. C. K. Weigle, air. and [ Mrs. H. T. Nugent, and Mr. and Mrs. I j Horace F. Anthony. S. S. CLASS EX'TKRTAIXED Members of class No. 2 of Memorial I Lutheran Sunday school were enter ; taincd last evening at the home of J Miss Kathryn Barringer, 1840 Derry j ;street. They enjoyed games and music., I Refreshments were served to Missi I Bertha Morrow, Miss Mary Titzel, aiiss | Marguerite Yoder, Miss Josephine] I Pro well, Jacob Barringer, Mrs. Re becca Sherlock and airs. B. George; | Barringer. aiiss Jennie Fisher of 617 Briggs street is visiting air. and Mrs. T. Fred j Moore in New York city. aiiss Florence Horning of 422 Boas street is giving a sleighing party to morrow evening to some of her Cen tral High school classmates. airs. \V. C. James of 356 Crescent! street spent the past several days; among friends at Elizabethtown. air. and airs. Roger Thames of: Pittsburgh were recent visitors at. the home of air. and Mrs. Philip Rich,' Green street. Miss Hazel Garner and aiiss Pan- j i line Garner have gone to Brooklyn j i for ten days' stay. Edward W. Snyder of 1926 Kensing- i ton street who underwent an oper- j uition in the. Harrisburg Hospital re-' ! oently is convalescent. MTTI.K llt KMO M AI.SKED HAS I'AIITV FOR CHILDREN Mrs. Gertrude Malseed entertained a number of children last evening at her home. 1210 Market street, in honor of her daughter, Irene. Hearts and darts and little cupids were In evidence throughout the rooms and the supper ! favors were heart-shaped boxes of red satin filled with bonbons. Miss Elsie Malseed and Mrs. A. M. Ritter chaperoned the children to their l homes later in the evening. The party , included the Misses Edna Eggert. > Louise Diem r, Marjnrie Ivilllan, Agnes Ritter. Gladys Helker, Katherlne I Heiker, Geraldine Walter, Lucile Smith, j Isabel Bowman, Harriet Handschue, Katherlne Kaney, Laura Kaney, Mar j garet Hoerner, Helen Farer and Irene ! Mulsecd. P. O. A. A. TO I'.VTKItTAI \ The Post Office Athletic Association j will entertin their members and friends with an entertainment, at the Tech nical High School, on Tuesday even ing at eight o'clock. An interesting i program has been arranged by the entertainment committee, I Mr. and Mrs. Oscar T. Winfield. of ; 1"0'J North Second street, announce the birth of a son, Oscar Thomas W'infield, Jr., Thursday, February 10, at the i Polyclinic Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Ramsey, of I Pittsburgh, announce the birth of a ! daughter, Eleanor Kent Ramses', Sat urday, February 12. 1916. Mr. and Mrs. : Ramsey wore former Harrlsburgers. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Spitzer. of Co | lumbus, Ohio, announce the birth of a ; son, Harold Martin Spitzer, Thursday, February 10, 1916. Mrs. Spitzer was i formerly Miss Alice Wilson, of this city. | "TIZ'FOR ACHING, SORE, TIRED FEET Use "Tiz" for tender puffed-up, burning, calloused feet and corns. I People who are forced to stand on ! their feet all day know what sore, ten der, sweaty, burning feet mean. They ! use "Tiz," and "Tiz" cures their feet right up. It keeps feet in perfect con i dition. "Tiz" is the only remedy in j the world that draws out all the pois ! onous exudations which puft up the i feet and cause tender, sore, tired, i aching feet. It instantly stops the ! pain in corns, callouses and bunions. It's simply glorious. Ah! how com fortable your feet fee' after using "Tiz." You'll never limp or draw up your face in pain. Your shoes won't ! tighten and hurt your feet. Get a 25-cent box of "Tiz" now from ! any druggist. Just think! a whole, year's foot comfort for only 25 cents. —Advertisement. [T.ADIES' BAZAAR] DOIfT FORGET 1A "IOC j.L C. DONT FORGET THE NUMBER Iv-IZ 4tll dt. the NUMBER "We Advertise the Truth—The Truth Advertises U«" i i I Women's New Spring Wear > Arriving Daily Every day we are receiving big cases of new Spring Suits, Coats and Dresses for women and misses. Al ready our stocks are extensive, and there is a host of smart garments here to choose from, in the fabrics, shades and models that will be most popular. Prices, in accordance with our policy, arc sensible, and repre sent a material saving. r r- . Wednesday Special Wednesday Special WIRE HAIR PINS $1.25 Petticoats, 7S><*. A limited quantity of Unlver- $1.50 Ileatherbloom petti sal wire hair pins, worth lc per day U, ,; n n' edneS ~ SI. 19 : * pec,al Wedn «" d «J" Other petticoats'in black and Millie they last floral patterns with white back -12 packs for 5 * 79c v ■ ••si RE 'SOUGH" POST OFFICE FOH CHILDREN'S VALEXTIXES Miss Vera Bosch was hostess for a few of her young friends at a valen- j tine party yesterday afternoon at her home, 1013 Reglna street, from 2.30 ! to 6 o'clock. >. The room where the little guests playe'd was decorated in hearts and there was a "sure'nougli" post office and mail box. Games and contests were enjoyed and a delightful lunch eon served to the guests who included: The Misses Evelyn Howard. Jessie Nicl. Albert Bnsinger, Lloyd Bosch. Dorothy Ensinger. Grace Ensinger, Ella Harland. Evelyn Albright Irmai Rachdon and Vera Bosch. Frank Sheet?, and Harry Sheetz of Erie have returned home after a visit 1 with their brother, William Sheetz of j 162 2 Catherine street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Z. I-loppes of' Paxtang and grandson, Charles Ed- j ward Hoppes, have left for an extend- ! ed visit with friends in Lewis! own and j Tainaqua. Mrs. Norman Johnston of 1838 Swa tara street, is visiting her sister. Mrs. Stuart "McDonald, of Fairfield street, Newville, Pa. - " « fEVEN IF YOU HAD A NECK At Una A* TMt Fallow, And Hat SORE THROAT ONSI LINE WOULD QUICH.Y WBJKVf IT. A quick, safe, noothing, heallnf, antiseptic relief ! for Sore Throat, briefly describee TONSIL INK. A small bottle of Tonsltlne lasts longer than most ! any case of Sero Throat. TONSILINK relieves 1 Sore Mouth and Hoarseners and prevents Quinsy. 25c. and Mc. Hotpiul Site SI.M. AH Drutt<*ti. TM« TOWULINI COMPHHY, ... Canton. Ohla. H Join the ■ Hfl Plan now to see the gay, care-free frolic of Mardi Gras at New Orleans, March 2to 7. Travel restfully, comfortably, by Southern Pacific Steamships H "MORGAN UNE" ■ New York and New Orleans $75 Round Trip, including meals and berth on steamer; return by rail if TOO like. For sls additional, you can make the steamer your hotel for two days H during the carnival. Connections for the Southwest and California via Sumet Limited, Every Day in the Year—No Extra Fare. I New Orleans, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco ! F. T. BROOKS, District Freight Jk Passenger Agent !i ><4 Piano For E Serviceable instruments for as little as $60.00. CONVENIENT C. .AY. Si&ler, Inc. Pianos Yictrolas T! /A g jnl HAfifi/S&OBG au/io/A/o. • tna.ol. *>£***, LONG RAILROAD SERVICE Mrs. Raymond lloppes of Paxtonia is visiting her father, Edward TV. Snyder, of 192G Kensington street, who is convalescing after an opera tion. Mr. Snyder is a brakeman on the Philadelphia and Reading rail road, having been an employe of that company for 2 9 years. To Make Your Hair Look Naturally Curly If milady of the straight, lank hall will adopt the simple silmerine method, she will have as pretty wavy tresses as she could wish to own. The ctirliness ; will look so natural, and the hair so i beautifully soft and glossy, yuite dif ; ferent from the obviously artificial curls and the parched, dead appearance of the j hair produced by the heated Iron. Liquid sllmerine can of course be ob tained at any drug store and a few I ounces will keep the hair in curl for many weeks. Being perfectly harm less and neither sticky nor greasy, no one need have the least hesitancy in using it. It is best applied with a clean tooth brush, drawing this through the hair from crown to tip Just before re tiring. The effect next morning will he all that any one could desire. —Adver- tisement. ■V Don't Suffer With Headache or Neuralgia USE CAF-A-SO For Quick Relief 12 Doses 10c; 36 Doses 25c Try Telegraph Want Ads
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers