If You Are a Sick Woman Can you afford to doubt such over r helmine evidence as that of the let lors constantly being published in the daily press, showing how Lydia K. Pinkham's Yegetabls Compound, that f;ood old-fashioned remedy made from Coots and herbs, restores suffering •.•omen to health and strength? Thou- sands of women suffered just as you e suffering and in letters over their yt.wn signatures state they have been " made well by Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Why don't you try it? —Advertisement. LIBRARY BREAKS MONTHLY RECORD lleport Shows That Over 12,000 Books Wore Circulated Dur ing the Last Month The Harrisburg Public Library's circulation of books during the month i of January, broke all records. There j were just 12.115 books, or 1,000 more 1 than in January last year, circulated j among the people of Harrisburg. The best previous record was 11,300. The January circulation was over 2,500 ! ahead of December. One of the gratl- i fying facts was that of this circulation , almost 4,800 books were from the children's library, and in addition the library established its six school j libraries in city school buildings. The registration is steadily grow- I ing, and this month's circulation, while j kept down by weather, is expected to j large. Steps were taken last night to meet ; the heavy demands of readers and to I provide more books for school work, j A special children's reference library ! will be established by Miss Clendinan, the librarian in charge. The subject of libraries in indus tries will be taken up as soon as the lunds of the library will permit. Raunick Tells Council of City's Health Needs [Continued From First Pago.] CITY HKAI/IH OFFICER'S KFCOM.MFNDATIONS Suggests that city act in con junction with county authorities in using municipal sanitary hospital for other purposes in addition to smallpox only. With some re modeling institution could serve for city and county cases. Municipal gai.iage collection, in cluding incineration or reduction, provided for and supervised by the city. Screening ot poultry, bread, cakes, and other foodstuffs in city markets. Standard system of milk in spection for all -producers and : dealers which should be paid for by the producers. General revision of milk stand ards. Revision of building code. Careful inquiry into "smoke'' \ nuisance with view of determining most satisfactory method of han dling it. Careful consideration of travel ing public against poorly heated and ventilated cars. Continued installation of more auxiliary sanitary sewers suggested as remedy for backing of water in to cellars. Erection of one or more modern high schools. Request contagious disease nurse. Recommends that two negative cultures on successive days be taken in all diphtheria cases and carriers before release from quar antine suggested in order to over come remarkable increase in death rate from this disease. While there were 45 cases less in 1915, mortal ity was much too high, 5 per cent, of infant deaths being due to diphtheria. Death rate in 1915 was 1,010, increase over last year of 55: rep resent greatest number of deaths in any single year and greatest an nual increase. Birth rate is low water mark in bureau's history. Only 1,352 births were recorded, an actual decrease of eight births over previous year. Requests automobile for use of department. Asks for additional in spectors. Recommends organization of school health bureaus to act in connection with city bureau. During the year the department spent $49,838, of which 533.94S was expended in collection of ashes and garbage; $3,640 for food in spection; leaving a net balance of approximately 59.700 for actual op eration of the health bureau which safeguards the health of 75.000 people. / and sign nuisances, erection of one or more high schools —and the queer comparisons of the birth and death rates of 1915 with previous years. Accurate and comprehensive tables of statistics bearing on all phases of the bureau's work complete the report. Ask For Relief Dr. Raunick sounds the keynote of the bureau's need for more help in his letter to Council which accompanies his report. "The public demands up on your director," said he "have be come extremely burdensome and as there is a limit to one's endurance and patience as well, relief is required if the efficiency of the bureau is to be maintained." Additional inspectors to enforce the acts relative to the employes of res taurants and quick-lunch rooms, the State housing, food, dairy, child labor, the compilation of a police health cen sus, are needed according to Dr. Rau nick. Slow but certain improvement in 1 larrisburg's sanitary rating among the cities of the country is noted by the health director, but he refers in considerable length to the problem of infant mortality. "A mere glance at our infant mortality tables," reports the director, "shows the extent of this needless sacrifice and emphasizes the necessity and the great possibili ties presented for a 'social' or 'wel fare' nurse in this important field." County-Wide Hospital "While we have no statistics avail able as to the amount of the county's funds annually expended in caring for quarantine cases in Harrisburg and nearby towns," says Dr. Raunick In referring to the municipal hospital problem, "we believe this important matter >'ould be more economically and satisfactorily handled by provid ing hospitalization for all these cases. Our hospital buildings located as they are on county ground, should be ac quired by the county commissioners and tmder the supervision of the di rectors of the poor, remodeled to ac commodate and admit for proper medical treatment, those cases of in fectious diseases among our transient TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 15,1916. population ami worthy poor, in which quarantine observation is an ex tremely burdensome and unnecessary hardship." Garbage Collection l)r. Kaunick, in discussing tiie mu nicipal Karbage collection possibilities touches upon the importance of utiliz ing the waste materials as follows: "We arc at present experiencing serious difficulties in securing suit able dumping places for this rapidly Increasing and needlessly wasted rich by-product ot' our municipal extrava gance. wliich many other cities are re claiming in revenue from waste pa per, tin caps, bottles, etc. If it is concluded to care for garbage col lection alone we would recommend that all collectors of ashes, rubbish, etc., bo required to be specially li censed annually for this purpose." The suggestion is also made that the bureau of highways secure suitable dumping places for street sweepings instead of dumping (hem on nearby or convenient vacant lots." As to Housing Conditions The "housing" problem is dealt with in detail and a special table of statis tics has been prepared on the sub ject. "Ordinarily," says Dr. Raunick in this connection, "we are unconcern ed about and care not how our neigh bor lives, but wc seem to forget to discriminate the difference between bad housing and bad housekeeping." "As a result of a preliminary sur ! vev of our housing conditions last Spring, conducted under the auspices of our Harrisburg Chamber of I'om l nierce and tlio Associated Aid Socie ties by John Ihlder, field secretary of the National Housing Association and | a recognized housing expert, who pub licly announced that 'our greatest : fault was land over-crowding and j what we needed most was the adop tion of a modernized housing code ; and revision of our present absolute j city building regulations.' " MAY 1 SET FOR TAKING OVER 'HARDSCRABBLE' [Continued From First Tagc.] I dersigned (Mr. Seltzl to tender such security to the parties claiming or en titled to damages, and if they refuse, I or do not acept, the security tendered, j he shall apply to the court for per mission to file the same in court as provided by law." The Resolution The resolution accompanying the letter as offered by Mr. Gross reiterates the statements of '.he solicitor and : concludes with this instruction relative to further procedure: Resolved, further, That the city j solicitor shall serve notices, per sonally or by registered letter, on all the owners and tenants whose properties will be taken by said improvement to vacate the same I on or before the first day of May, I 191t?. Aside from discussing the "ITard ; scrabble" matter. Council did little \ else but receive the reports of Com ; missioner Bowman, Dr. J. M. J. Rau nick and Plumbing Inspector Bradley. | The question of exonerations of city I taxes for 19ir, was referred to the city solicitor, lie will investigate partlcu larly the problems of whether certain properties in the Capitol Park exten sion zone which were bought by the tate should be exempted. The time upon which the sales were consum mated had been questioned by Council. To Bridge I'ultoii Street New ordinances included Mr. Bow man's water rate measures for 19lfi and a measure offered by Commis sioner Lynch which permits the Blough i Manufacturing Company to construct I two bridges across Fulton street, be tween the company's main factory ; building and annex. The factory girls' retiring and lunch rooms, etc.. are in I the new annex and the construction of the bridges will provide a more con venient way for them to get to and from the main building. The bridges will extend from the second and third 1 lloors and will be about ninety feet south of Reily street. The lowest, bridge will be not less than fifteen feet above the street. The T.vnch ordinances authorizing the purchase of a new motor truck and a street sweeper and sprinkler were passed finally. Treat Gall-Stones Without Knife Avoid Dangerous Operation hy Using Lohmann's Gailstona to Free Yourself of Gall-Stones This medicine has been employed successfully for years. Numerous i letters from grateful former sufferers attest its result-getting qualities. It is positively unfair to yourself to un dergo a painful, dangerous and often useless operation until you have found out what Lobmann's Gailstona can do for yon. An operation only removes the stones that have already formed. It doesn't correct the conditions that cause them, and therefore another operation may shortly be necessary, l.ohmann's Gailstona is designed to i not onlv remove the gall-stones (by dissolution), but to correct the kid ney, liver and bowel conditions that ! cause them. Hence, its remarkable success. Which will you do? Will you risk your life and mauy dollar* for an operation, or will you risk one dollar for a package of Lohmann's Gall- Btona? Which course is the wiser? Naturally, you will prefer the lat ter so get a package to-day. Don't put It off until another hideous attack of gall* stone collo grips you. Foreoleand recom- I mended by George A. Gorgas. PETITIONS FOR LIQUOR LICENSES PETITIONS for Retail. Wholesale, Bottlers'. Brewers', Distillers' and Agents' liquor licenses, with names of applicants, their respective residences and the places for which applications made, in Dauphin County, Pennsylva nia. To be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. February IBth, 1916: RETAIL IlurrinhurK FIRST WARD Friederike L Heist. Residence Harris burg, Penna. Place applied for, 625 Race street. Harry W. Haas. Residence, Harrisburg, Pa. Place applied for, 529 Race street. Albert M. Keane. Residence, Harrig burgr, Pa. Place applied for, 167 Pax ton street. Anna Rakovslty. Residence and place applied for, 52" Race street. SECOND WARD B. Deslie Potter. Residence. Harrisburg, Pa. Place applied for, N. W. corner of Second and Washington streets. THIRD WARD William H. Byerly, cafe. Resi dence and place applied for, 227 Mar ket street. George Rovai. Residence and place ap plied for, No. 20 North Third street. J. H. Butterworth and M. S. Butter worth. Doing business as J. H. and M. S. Butterworth, Bolton Hotel. Res idence and place applied for, corner of Second street and Strawberry ave nue. Jane MoCabe. Residence, Harrisburg, Pa. Place applied for, 126 Chestnut street. Ellis P. Gourley. Residence, Nos. 2 and 4 N. Market Square. Place applied for. No. 2 North Market Square. Joseph J. Arinento. Residence and place applied for, 215 Walnut street. William H. Rife. Residence and place applied for, 325 Walnut street. David U. Hershey. Residence and place applied for, 327 Market street. Frank O. Hortlng and S. Bruce Mingle. Residence and place applied for, 309 Market street. Harry Miller and James B. Foose. The Central. Residence, Harrisburg, Pa. Place applied lor, oil Market street. JSjQamajzZ , u r J3x>amaf&i i I Our Third Annual Now when folks are looking after wanted apparel for the bed, along I /» r\ 1 I comes this pre-arranged Sale of Bed Spreads &/ fSh & c —beckons to those who * would save on fine grades —Muslins, Sheetings and Tubings I lie .sale stai ted tliis morning with 552 quality- c , ■ 9 Purchased at the off-start of advancing prices tine Satin and Crochet Spreads: and to-morrow IDIXIDDOI IkryTlwTrasJ . . , , . , „ ... , , • , , —EBBBBW on cottons which speaks for the very low selling will surely bring another detachment ot eager t j 1... - n t * sthanitirw I ffnppP] »I rll WW costs lc ni i" s t° produce. This applies to un- Savings, Which Average HrrP riff bicacw good., in particular. T'l * 1 "—\i fe JgjjSpF" ~ |j ' 2L 1 nird > | i 1* 1 ~J— —' full pieces; 81 inches wide. Yard, . c , ] ) ° ssil I , ' e . b -J' c . a . rl ,-" purchasing and the then low prices Utica Sheets—slight mill lmpcr- Unbleached Muslin in small webs on cottons, combined with slight imperfections, which however arc ns, which will not !.«rt the from , Q u , 30 . ards . Kcductions Utl scarcely found. _ wearing qualities 63x1 OS inches, at this muslin if purchased by the web. Note sizes and prices on hnc grades: W*: 81x90 inches, at Bi><\ Mo- 32 .i nc1l cxtra fine thread, s P reac^s ' 81x90 inches, at j Satin spreads, 81x90 inches, at ''auk, <v>.\ )) inches, at free from spots.; yard, 70. "Jj* •* I $.'{.9.1. Double Bed Sheets bleached; 36-inch muslin, of a medium Satin spreads, 9°x99 inches, at | „ nrM ,i t 81x90 inches; center seam; made of weight, and made of round even , . ; oatm spread sets at 93.89. . w thread; yard, 7?. Satin spreads, 72x100 inches, at Satin spread sets, at $4.50 and iJ * . s 36-inch muslin; good weight and 5M.35. $.1.00. Utica Pillow Cases slight mill quality; yard, 9<\ s P reat *s, 81x90 inches, at Crochet spreads, at $1 4.1 imperfections. 42x36, 45x36, 45x38, T '>, Unbleached Sheeting perfect i BOWMAN's—Second Floor at lIC. IH<% goods; will wash and bleach easily; and '<2so. 81 inches wide. \ atd, 2itf. J£ New Wall Papers v c . l- rou,Kl thread; wfn bLcu > For Spring Are Here S J k _ Clean and fresh, and rich in inch, at I(i<- yd.; 50-inch, at 11)< ; P * n ™. Tubing m 36 40 42, 4o 2^^^—» j new color effects that will dve >d.; 54-inch, at 22? yd. ant no ; , " ch "'dths;. perfect goods, S£3*—l 4 t , , J and cut from the piece; specially *-—■ nome a Cheerful atllios- Snow White Muslin equal to priced for this sale. Any width, A i phere. Making known— grass bleached; will not turn vcl- 130 yard. Serviceable Papers in light, low; 36 inches wide. Yard, ByJ?. ' BOWMAN-S—Basement medium or dark shades, suit- ifW i anlfback hiiuTsoldU'ih Z'ch Demonstrating fL ' Bedroom o 'Papers * in* Yatest Wear-Ever Aluminum shade satin stripes, jasper dimi- —by MISS SEARIGHT |-» | -£> , i/" • j es flora ls that can be If all this well-known expert Keal rrench XVICi treated with cut out borders or knew were in a book, every jl -j p- 1 panel eflects. Roll household would possess one. n xjIOVCS /\re <pl.lO Non-fading 30-inch Oatmeal She'll tell you still more Jf Shades from fashion's family, in- Papers, in all colors; sold with about "Wear-Kver Alumi- 'liJlffluiFilflSf* eluding white and black. 9or 18-inch borders. Roll, 110 mini, and why it is superior. i 1 iil^llMsSr Fine grade of kidskin, such as Special Offering For . .. 0 • , H\ itm only is used bv the well-known house Wednesday Only Demonstration Specials. ft " : : jj §j iJS which manufacturers them (name | Washable varnished tile naoers 6-qt. Wear-Ever Aluminum Pre- «W ;j: If M withheld by request.) | for kitchens or l,athr, M ,m,'Tth 'T e , K « ,te - .. . K . RA iMKf ffl Certain % for the hand, hard borders to match, roll, "3 Wear-Ever Aluminum Ber- wi to ht. ' l'lease bring measuremeuts to ° I'WM fMp' BOWMAN'S —M.in n.„ ' a\ oj<l delay. B OWMAN S-Four,h Floor " ' Louis W. Kay, known as Metropolitan Hotel Residence. 1802 Green street, Harrisburg, Pa. Place applied for, 335 and 33" Market street. John Russ. Residence, Harrisburg, Pa. Place applied for, 212 Strawberry street. W. S. McKay. Residence, Harrisburg, Pa. Place applied for, 306 Strawberry street. Jay N. Hursh. Residence and place ap plied for, 218 Cherry street, corner Court avenue and Cherry street. Charles A. Snyder. Residence and place applied for, 207 Chestnut street. George L. Doehne and Charles A. Doehne. Residence of George L. Doehne. 129 South Thirteenth street: residence of Charles A. Doehne, 322 Chestnut street. Place applied for. Dewberry street, between Chestnut and Blackberry streets. James A. Kelly, Residence, Harrlsburg, Pa. Place applied for, 231 Strawberry street. John E. Smith and Andrew .T. Farrell. Residence, Harrlsburg, Pa. Place applied for, 214 Chestnut street. James J. McClellan. Residence. Harris burg. Pa. Place applied for. Savoy Hotel. Nos. 143 and 145 South Third street, X. E. corner South Third and Mulberry streets. Daniel F. Hursh. Residence and place applied for. 123 South. Third street. Maurice K. Russ. Residence, Harrls burg, Pa. Place applied for, Nos. 229, 231, 233 Walnut street. FIFTH WARD Albert .T. White. Residence. Harrls burg, Pa. Place applied for, 313 Ver beke street. Alexander Maurer. Residence and place applied for. N. E. corner Capital and Forster streets. John L. Morganthaler. Fifth Ward House. Residence, Harrisburg. Pa. Place applied for, 937 North Third street. Jacob Simonetti. Residence and place applied for, 401-403 Verbeke street. George Kobler. Residence and place applied for, 1232 North Sixth street. Thomas J. Sullivan. Residence, Harris burg. Pa. Place applied for, Nos. 325 and 327 Verbeke street. SIXTH WARD G. M. Crozier. Residence, Harrisburg, Pa. Place applied for. 1303 North Third street. Frederick Lauster. Residence, 300 Ver beke street, Harrlsburg. Pa. Place applied for, N. E. corner Third and Broad streets. Rose Kapphan. Residence and place ap plied for, 324 Broad street. John L. Wohlfarth. Residence and place Applied for 323-325 Reily street. Otto B. Graupner. Residence and place applied for. 1415 North Third street. Residence and place applied for, 423- 427 Market street. David Katzman. Residence and place applied for. 314 Broad street. SEVENTH .WARD Charles E. Cummlngs. Eagle House. Residence. Harrlsburg, Pa. Place ap plied for. southwest corner of N. Sev enth and Boas streets, 946 N. Seventh street. Lawrence Wllsbach. Residence, Har risburg, Pa. Place applied for, 1021 and 1023 North Seventh street. Ferdinand Moeslein. Residence and Place applied for, known as the "Fletcher House," corner Sixth and Verbeke streets. Peter Kohl man. Residence, 1308 North Seventh street. Place applied for, 1304 and 1306 North Seventh street. Harry F. Ecklnger. Residence and place applied for, 1-00 Wallace street, cor ner Cumberland and Wallace streets. A. T>. Taylor. Residence. 601 Cumber land street. Place applied for, 601.607 Pumberland street. Robert E. Hamilton. Residence and place applied for, 1237 North Seventh street. Benjamin A. Striplin. Residence, 523 State street. Place applied for, 945 North Seventh street. EIGHTH WARD Fred W. Ebel. Residence, Harrisburg. Pa. Place applied for, corner Fourth and State streets, known as the "Na tional Hotel." i Patrick T. Sullivan. Residence and pla«'c applied for, 727 and 729 East State street. Theodore S. Frye. Residence and filace applied for. 501 State street. Harrv T. Smith. Residence and place applied for. 451 East State street. Ignatz Furber. Residence and place ap plied for, 542 North street. George E. Winger. Residence, 137 North ifourth street. Place applied for, 137- 139 North Fourth street. Benjamin A. Striplin. Residence and place applied for, 523 State street. NINTH WARD John R. Elscheld. Residence and place applied for, S. E. corner Fifth street and Strawberry avenue. John A. Brougher. Residence and place applied for, 517 Walnut street. Henry M. Hare. Residence and place applied for, 421 Walnut street. William J. Cozzoli. Residence and place applied for, S. E. corner Market and Cameron streets. Marino Acri. Residence and place ap plied for, 404 Chestnut street. John W. Schroth and Walter T. Keiner, trading as Plaza Hotel Company. Residence and place applied for, 423- 427 Market street. David C. Mingle. Residence, Harris burg'. Pa. Place applied for, 1108 Mar ket street. Charles Martin. Residence, Harrisburg, Pa. Place applied for, 433 Market street. Edward G. Hoffman. Residence and place applied for, 441 and 443 Market street. Edwin S. Miller. Residence and place applied for 435 Market street. Joseph Glusti. Residence and place ap plied for, 24 Grace street. Charles E. Coppedge. Residence and place applied for, 1001 Market street, corner of Tenth street. Samuel Fishman. Residence, 111 Ever green street. Place applied for, 426. 428 Market street. TENTH WARD Albert Koenig. Residence and place ap plied for, N. E. corner Sixth and Ma clay streets. ELEVENTH WARD Fred W. Ebel. Residence, Harrisburg, Pa. Place applied for. 1802 North Fourth street. .Mlddlctown John H. Snyder. Residence and place applied for. First ward, corner Union street and Mud Pike Road. Albert Wilson, First ward. Residence, 156 Market street. Place applied for, S. E. corner Market and Wood streets. Christ C. Etnoyer. Residence and place applied for. Second ward. N. W. corner Union and Ann streets. Washington House. John A. Dupes. Residence, Mlddletown. Place applied for, Windsor House, lo cated in Wilson street. William W. Conklin. Residence and place applied for, Second ward, 108 Union street. Amos Kupp. Residence and place ap plied for, 11 Mill street, Second ward. W. W. McCreary. Residence, Middle town, Pa. Place applied for, 214 S. Union street. Martin Snyder. Residence, Middletown. Pa. Place applied for, N. E. corner of Pine and Main streets. Third ward. Steelton Thomas J. Nelley. Residence, Steeiton, Pa. Place applied for, 947 South Front street. First ward. Gertrude W. Brandt. Residence and place applied for, 373 and 375 South Front street. First ward. Alfred Fletcher, Second ward. Resi dence and place applied for, 117 and 119 South Front street. Kirk Sh»iley. Residence and place ap plied for. Second ward. 129-135 South Front street. L. C. Keim, Third ward. Residence and place applied for, 169 and 171 North Front street. Joseph 11. Gerdes, Fourth ward. Resi dence and place applied for, 347 and 349 North Front street. Michael A. Obercasb, Fifth ward. Res idence and place applied for, 243 and 245 Main street. Preston V. T*ow, Fifth ward. Residence and place applied for. 383 Main street, Florence House. lltimmelHtow n Fred R. Graupner. Residence and place applied for. Keystone Hotel. Milton G. Mensch and Howard Herbeln. Residence and place applied for, N. W. corner Railroad and Second Sts. J. R. Shenk. Residence and place ap plied for. Central Hotel. Dauphin Charles W. Sellers. Residence and place applied for. Dauphin House, corner Erie and Race streets. Halifax Borouith IC. M. Richeter. Residence and place applied for. Keystone Hotel. MHlerNhiire; Mary R Koppenhaver. Residence and place applied for. Hotel Koppenhaver, S. W. corner Market street and Mar ket Square. Joseph A. Gernert. Residence and place applied for, Hotel Charles. Ilerrysburjf William H. Bowman. Residence and place applied for. St. Lawrence Hotel. (irati Vt. O. Rogers. Residence and place ap plied for. Union House. Uniontown 0. C. Paul. Residence and place applied for. National Hotel, corner Market and Union streets. I.ykenm llorough • William I-lechler. Residence and place applied for. S. E. corner Main and Market streets. East Ward, Union House. Lewis Hoffman. Residence and place applied for. East ward, East side Mar ket street. Lvkens Valley House. 1. D. Shammo. Residence and place ap plied for. West ward, S. E. corner Main and Pine streets. Charles J. Witmer. Residence and place applied for, West ward. Valley House, N. E. corner Maine and Pine streets. Samuel E. Blyler. Residence and place applied for, N. W. corner of Market and South streets, West ward. A. C. Arnold. Residence i.:id place ap plied for, Commercial Hotel, North side of Main street, West ward. Albert Fritz. Residence, Lykens, Pa. Place, applied for, Odd Fellows' Hall, south side of Main street. East ward. Peter J. Adamiak. Residence, Lykens. Pa. Place applied for, Palace res taurant. on south side of Main street, West ward. A. P. Schaffstall. Residence and place applied for. Smith building, Market street. West ward. John ICrobath. Residence, Lykens, Pa. Place applied for, Lafayette restau rant, S. W. corner of Main and Market streets, West ward. I.ykenH Tomnxhip Oscar Kessler. Residence and place ap plied for, Erdman Hotel, Erdman. WilllamNtiMvii Idrison Edwards. Residence and place applied for. East ward, north side Market street. Mansion House. ! John Ptadnar. Residence and place ap plied for. Williamstown House, north side Market street. East ward. William T. Hall. Residence and place applied for, north side Market street, East ward. Fountain Springs Hotel. ] John E, Geist. Residence and place ap j plied for. corner West and Market streets, West ward. I John Griffiths. Residence and place ap ! plied for, south side Market street, West ward, Eagle Hotel, i Allen Ralph. Residence and place ap plied for, Washington House, north side of Market street. West ward. Charles Pah Ira. Residence and place applied for. Keystone House, East ward, north side Market street. James L. Meehan. Residence and place applied for. north side Market street, West ward. Glen House. James A. Darby. Residence and place applied for. Mountain House, N. E. corner Spruce and Tunnel streets, East ward. Wleonlttco Township J. H. Pontius. Residence anu place ap plied for, Pottsvllle street, south side, Hotel Pontius. | Benjamin Welker. Residence and place i applied for. Jones House, on south i side of Pottsvllle street. I Andrew Hoffman. Residence and place applied for. West End Hotel, south side of Pottsville street. ! John J. Murphy. Residence and place applied for, Center street. Central ! House. I IJdmund Uinholts:. Residence and place applied for. south side of Pottsvllle street, St. Elmo restaurant. rnir.nbMhvllle Charles Kenffer. Residence and place applied for, Washington House. Charles T. Snyder. Residence and place applied for. Hotel Snyder. WnmhliiKtni! Tovrnnlilp Jonathan Zerbe. Residence and place applied for, Loyalton Hotel. Perry Shade. Residence and place ap plied for, Biff Hun Hotel. SuNfiurliniiiin Towunhlp Antliony B. Residence and place applied for, Hotel Progress, Progress. J. Garfield Fackler, trustee of Walter C. Baskin3, a bankrupt. Residence, Harrlsburg, Pa. Place applied for, The Fort Hunter Hotel, Rockvllle. C. 15. Hoover. Residence, Fort Hunter, Dauphin county. Pa. Place applied For, Fort Hunter Hotel. Frederick Bossinger. Residence and place applied for, Coxestown Hotel, Coxestown. Jaekaon Township Abraham James. Residence and place applied for. Mountain House, on pub lic road leading from Fisherville to Elizabethville, Pa. Curtis A. Marsh. Residence and place applied fy, Fisherville, Victor House. I.oner l'axton Township Carl Reith. Residence and place ap plied for. Llnglestown, Eagle Hotel. D.\Vid Residence and place applied for. The Homestead Hotel, Llnglestown. Highaplre Orville P. Green. Residence and place applied for. Second street. Edward Bodmer. Residence and place applied for, Second and Dumber Sts. Derry T»tvnxliip Angelo Buchlgnani. Residence and place applied for,-Swatara House, sit uate on N. E. corner of Union De posit Road and The Harrlsburg and Reading Turnpike Road, Swatara Sta tion. Jacob Page. Residence and place ap plied for, Derry Church, the Hacfner House. South Hanover Township Harry Kaylor. Residence and place ap plied for. Union Deposit Hotel, Union Deposit. lCnnt Hanover Township I. D. Dingle. Residence and place ap plied for, Grantville Hotel, Grant ville. Chester S. Boyer. Residence and place applied for. Shell's Tavern. Swatara Townnhlp Thomas Dunn. Residence and place applied for, Oberlln Hotel, Oberlln. WHOLESALE Hnrrtaburg THIRD WARD Stanley G. Jean, trading and doing bus iness as Hanlen Bros. Place applied for, 331 Market street. Residence, Harrlsburg, Pa. William E. Seel, trading as Waller & oeel. Place applied for. 319 Market street. Residence, Paxtang, Pa. FIFTH WARD John G. Wall. Placo applied for, 1200- 1202 North Sixth street. Residence, Harrlsburg, Pa. SIXTH WARD Hugo Scliutzenbach. Placo applied for, 416 Broad or Verbeke street; N. W. corner Fulton and Verbeke streets. Residence. 1122 North Third street, Ilarrisburg, Pa. SEVENTH WARD Katnuel Katzman. Place applied for, 1205-1207 North Seventh street. Res idence. 1831 Market street, Harris burg, Pa. Wllhelm J. Mehring. Jr., trading and doing business—"Mehring's Liquor Store." Residence. 410 Boas street. Place applied for, 1301, 1903, 1905 N. Sixth street. EIGHTH WARD Frederick L. Koenig. Place applied for, Nos. 813, 815 and 817 North Seventh street. Residence. 913 North Sixth street. Harrlsburg, Pa. Andrew Scliutzenbach. Place applied for, 400 Walnut street, l-larrisburg. Residence. Harrisburg. Pa. Lewis Baturin. Place applied for, 600 State street. Residence. Harrlsburg, Pa. NINTH WARD John J. Finn. Place applied for. 424 Market street. Residence, 424 Market street. Harrlsburg. Pa. Harry Keister. Place applied for, 500 Market street. Residence. 204 North Second street, IlarrUburg, Pa, Charles S. Bux. Place applied for, SIS and 820 Market street. Residence, Harrlsburg, Pa. frank F. Seiss. Place applied for, 900 and 902 Markft street. Residence, Harrisburg, Pa. M. P. Johnson. Place applied for, 26 Grace avenue. Residence. Paxtvnia, Lower Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Pa. MlilUlcton n ICendig R. McCord. Place applied for, 44 Ann street. First ward. Residence, Middletown, Pa. John F. Snyder. Placo applied for. No. 232 South Union street. Second ward. Residence, Middletown, Pa. Stcelton Morris Volte and Tobias Yoffe, trading as YofCe Brothers. Place applied for. Third ward, 6114 South Front street. Residence. Sleelton, Pa. Frederick E. Smith. Place applied for, 237 North Front street, Third ward. Residence. 237 North Front street. Steel ton. Pa. I.ykrna Jacob S. Koda. Place applied for, Me chanics' Hall, south side of Main street, West ward. Residence, Ly kens. Pa, Elizabethville 11. H. Weaver, trading as Weaver & Son. Residence. Elizabethville, Pa, Place applied for. Elizabethville. WilllamNtown Edward 11. Maher. Place applied for, south side Market street, near East street, West ward. Residence, Wil liamstown. Pa. lllghaplrr Reuben W. Lerch. Place applied for. al Lerch's Store, the north west corner of Lusk alley and Railroad street, near Pennsylvania Railroad tracks, Residence, Hlghspire, Pa. Upper I'axton Townnhlp Harry C. Lenker. Place applied for, Lenkervllle, N. W. corner Market and Centre streets. Residence, Lenker vllle, Pa. BOTTLERS Stceltou Elmer G. Irvin. Place applied for. 5S South Front street. Third ward. Res idence, 326 North Front street. Middletown 1 Eugene C. Steiner. Place applied for, 310 South Union street. First ward. Residence. 311 South Catherine street, Middletown, Pa. I.ykena M. A. Schnieder. Place applied for, Ly kens Bottling Works, Pine street. West ward. Residence. Lykcns Bor ough. Pa. Wllllnmatown Cyrus Donley. Place applied for. Wll liamstown Bottling Works, south sld« Market street, West ward. Residence, Wllliamslown Borough. Pa. BREWERS, DISTILLERS AND AGENTS Hnrrlahurg George L Doehne and Charles A. Doehne. Place applied for. Third ward. Dewberry street between Chestnut and Blackberry streets. Res idence of George L Doehne, 129 South Thirteenth street, Harrlsburg, Pa . and Charles A. Doehne, 322 Chestnut street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Fink Brewing Company, Fifth ward, 312 to 320 Forster streets. Marie L. Graupner. Residence, No. 9 South Tenth street: and place applied for, S. W. corner Tenth and Market streets, Ninth ward. Steelton National Brewing Company. Residenc* i and place appliod for, corner Fredor ! lclt and Conestoga streets, Fifth ward, Lykens Louis Wentzler, trading as "The Ly kens Brewing Company. Residence, Lvkens, Pa., and place applied for, Lykens Brewery, on south street, Easl •ward. HENRY F. HOLLER, v Cl«rlL ; 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers