I Federal J authorities J Helpless! ic Must Protect Themselves j jrippe Epidemic Now Raging a ■ 'NEUMONIA FOLLOWS— OFTEN FATAL! l I Drug Stores will distribute, FREE, | ;of GOFF'S BITTERS with each I bottle GOFFS COUGH SYRUP I th these well known remedies are of un- | ing value for the prevention and relief of forms of Coughs, Colds and Influenza, or tIPPE, and are wonderful aids for quick Ad quickly. Don't tale a chance on gelling Pneumonia. The demand for the* reme- ■ lies will be tremendous. Buy one and get ■ he other FREE at you, druggist'., today. Write your name and address on this ad- • 'erti.ement, and leave it with the druggist ■ ,r dealer. l \lame ft 8 A JJ A actress fj S. B. GOFF & SONS CO. Camden, N. J. Established 1872 "TIZ" GLADDENS SORE, TIRED FEET Mo puffed-up, burning, tender, aching feet—no corns or callouses. "Tiz" makes sore, burning, tired 'eet fairly dance with delight. Away ?<> the aches and pains, the corns, eal oiises, blisters, bunions and chilblains. "Tiz" draws out the acids and pois ins that puff up your feet. No matter IOW hard your work, how long you lance, how far you walk, or how long »'ou remain on your feet. "Tiz" brings restful foot comfort. "Tiz" is magi •al, grand, wonderful for tired, ach ng, swollen, smarting feet. Ah! how •onifortable, how happy you feel. Vour feet, just tingle for joy; shoes lever hurt or seem tight. Get a 25 cent box of "Tiz" now from iny drugplst or department store. End foot torture forever—wear small er shoes, keep your feet, fresh, sweet ind happy. Just think: a whole rear's foot comfort for only 25 cents. —Advertisement. L ..... ■ m L _i PASSPORT FORGER SENTENCED Paris. Jan. 25.—A Havas dispatch from Berne says the court has sen lenced the Berlin lawyer, Salomon, to forty-five days' imprisonment and a fine of 1,000 frnacs. The charge against him was that he practiced espionage in Switzerland and that he had a forged passport describing him self as an American citizen. Cocoanut Oil Makes a Splendid Shampoo If you want to keep your hair in tood condition, be careful what you vash It with. Most soaps and prepared shampoos •ontain too much alkali. This dries he scalp, makes the hair brittle, and s very harmful. Just plain mulsified ■ocoanutoil( which ispure and entirely treaseless), is much better than the nost expensive soap or anything else ,'ou can use for shampooing, as this •an't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with vater and rub it in. fine or two tea ipoonfuls will make an abundance of •ieh, creamy lather, and cleanses the lair and scalp thoroughly. The lather •inses out easily and removes every jarticle of dust, dirt, dandruff and ex -ossive oil. The hair dries quickly and •venly, and it leaves it tine and silky, >right, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil it most any drug store. It is very •heap, and a few ounces is enough to ast everyone in the family for months. —Advertisement. STOMACH TROUBLES DUE TO ACIDITY So-called stomach troubles, such as in iigestion, wlnff, stomach-ache and in ability to retain food, are in probably line cases out of ten simply evidence hat fermentation, the result of excess icid, is taking place in the food con ents of the stomach causing the for nation of gas. Wind distends the stom ich and causes that full, oppressive eeiing sometimes known as heartburn, vhlle the acid irritates and inflames he delicate lining of the stomach. Tlie rouble lies entirely iu the excessive ecretion of acid and the fermentation >f food. Such fermentation is un latural and may involve harmful conse tuenccs if not corrected. To stop or irevent fermentation of food contents if the stomach and to neutralize the icid, and render it bland and harmless L teaspoonful of Blsurated Magnesia, icrhaps the best and most effective eor ■ector of acid stomach known, should >e taken in a quarter of a glass of hot ii- cold water immediately after eat ng, or whenever wind or acidity is felt "his stops the fermentation, and neut ralizes the acidity In a few moments '•ermentation, wind and aciditv are un lecessary. Stop or prevent them by the ise of a proper antacid, such as Bis- ■ n-ated Magnesia, which can be obtained ! rom any druggist and thus enable the 1 tomach to do Its work properly with- \ nit being hindered by gas and ex- ■ wssl\e acid. TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG £ TELEGRAPH JANUARY 25, 1916 SOCIAL [Other Personals on Page 4] George Hiney's Party on His Tenth Birthday GEORGE HINEY George Hiney, Jr., son of Mr. and 1 Mrs. George Hiney, of 926 Cowden | street, had a merry little party in j celebration of his tenth birthday. | Games, music, contests and refresh ments made the hours pass happily I away. In attendance were Alverta Kline, j Anna Catherine Gilmer, James Gil [mer, Harry Kline, Kenneth Kline, j Catherine Yost and George Hiney. ; Miller Shelly, of Lancaster, was the I week-end guest of J. Horace Nune | maker of 337% Crescent street. Russell Lindsay, a student at Get tysburg College, is spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex lander M. Lindsay of 1712 State street. I Mrs. Mary Bryan and son, Harry Bryan, of Middletown, have returned I home after a visit with Miss Edna B. Bryan of 109 South Front street. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Hartley of Philadelphia, are visiting their rela tives, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gay Hart ley of North Third street. Miss Lucia Anderson of Nashville, T»nn., is a guest of her cousin, Miss Aimee Waters of Green street. Miss Nellie Edelblute. of 1412 Thompson street, is spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. William Gingrich of Penbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curtis, of North Eighteenth street, have re turned home after visiting friends in Jersey City and New York. Mrs. C. Earl Whitmoyer of 131 South Fourteenth street, was the guest of Mrs. Charles Pisle of Steelton yesterday. Cultivation of North Pole Is Suggested by Dr. Cook as Means of Ending War Special to the Telegraph Copenhagen, Dec. 31. "Cultiva tion of the North Pole will end all wars." Thus pontificated Dr. Cook, who is now in the same Copenhagen hotel as tho Ford pilgrims, with a plan of his own to bring eternal peace. Dr. Cook plans to have all land between the limits of the wheat belt and the North Pole put under cultivation at once. This land, he predicts, will give homes to millions of persons. "And," said the Dr., "since wars are largely a matter of elbow room, I be lieve that the opening of this great new area to population will make wars unnecessary. TO PREVENT THE GRIP Colds cause Grip—laxative Bromo Quinine removes the cause. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." 10. W GROVE'S signature on box. 25c.- —Ad- ' vertisement. T. A. D. Jones to Coach Yale Football Eleven New Haven, Conn., Jan. 25. —T. A. D. Jones, former "Yale quarterback and member of the All-Anierican - football team, has been decided upon jas head coach for the Yale eleven, it is understood here although official [ confirmation is lacking pending for | mal action by the committee having I the matter in charge. This committee \ It is understood will meet within a i few days. it is also understood that M. F. Sweeney, an instructor in physical I culture at Hill School and a former j well-known athlete at St. Francis Xavier's College, is to be called as a I consulting coach. CATTLEMEN MEETING EI Paso. Texas, Jan. 2R. Market | conditions and the relations of cattle j ™en to public lands and grazing were I T> r ' nc 'P a ' topics discussed bv j Dwight B. Heard, president of the , American National Live Stock Asso ciation. Don't Suffer From Piles Send For Free Trial Treatment No matter how long or how bad —goto I jour druggist today and get a 50 cent l»i of Pyramid Pile Treatment. It The Pyramid Smile From • Single Trial. will give relief, and a tingle box often | cures. A trial package mailed free In plain ] wrapper If you send us coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, ! 688 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich, i Kindly send me a Free sample of Pyramid Pile Treatment, in plain wrapper. | Name ........................ I Street i l Cltv State SORE THROAT A DANGER SIGN'AI, A PEW SEA SONABLE "DONT'S" TO PREVENT COI.DS, COUGHS, (i RI l> AND PNEUMONIA, KEEP INFEC TIOUS GERMS PROM THE SYSTEM Most infectious germs of disease enter the body by way of the throat and most of the Catarrh, Bronchitis. Grippe, I Pneumonia and lung trouble that begin I with simple coughs and colds can be easily prevented by following a few commonsense rules of health. Avoid mouth breathing. Breathe deeply through the nose. Get all the fresh air possible and leave the win dows of your bedroom open at night. Don't inhale more than necessary the germ-laden air of crowded street cars, and keep clean your throat and tonsils anil make them antiseptic and germ proof by allowing a little Oxidaze, in tablet form, to slowly melt in the mouth a few times each day. Oxidaze Tablets are a physician's prescription are powerful but pleasant to taste, and their germ-killing Juices find their way to every fold and crevice of the mem branes where the germs are likelv to lodge. They not only clear the throat and air passages of dangerous germ life, but act as an almost positive pre ventive of Grippe. Pneumonia and other serious throat and lung affections and often will stop a bad cough and break up a cold over night. A package I of Oxidaze Is the best possible safe guard against Rad Colds this winter and two or three of the tablets should be carried about all the time. G. A. Gorgas and other leading druggists seli them, ninety tablets to the package on a positive guarantee of satisfaction or I money back. Be sure to insist on Oxl dnae. and take nothing else.—Advertise i ment. PATTON COMMENDS TREXLER'S PLAN Secretary of Agriculture Pleas ed With Effort to Increase State's Stock Supply Col. Harry C. Trexler's plan to es tablish a thousand-acre cattle range in Lehigh county to aid in building up the State's beef and milch cow stock is being watched with the great est interest at the State Capitol and Secretary of Agriculture Charles 15. Patton has warmly commended it as a move in the right direction. Over a year ago the State Department of Agriculture issued a bulletin pointing out the importance of the State rais ing more cattle, showing how the western supply was largely taken up and how much land in this State which had been farmed and was run down could be made available. "I am very much pleased to learn that Col. Trexler is going Into the raising of dairy and beef cattle on an extensive scale in Lehigh county," said Secretary of Agriculture Patton. "This effort will demonstrate that, it is pos sible to raise cattle on a large scale and at a profit in Pennsylvania. An experiment of this kind will be very beneficial to agriculture as it will help to improve the stock throughout the eastern part of the State and will serve as an incentive for the smaller cattle raisers to improve and increase their stock. "If conditions in Lehigh county make it a good cattle country," con tinued the secretary, "there is no doubt in my mind that Col. Trexler's initiative will soon make it a dairy ing center. With the Philadelphia and New York markets close at hand, there is little doubt but that the dairy ing ventures will prove profitable. I believe there is much good land in Pennsylvania that can be used to ad vantage for grazing and both cattle and sheep can be successfully raised by farmers." KNOX AT PALM BEACH; SPENDS STRENUOUS DAY Palm Beach, Fla., Jan. 25.-—-Ex-Sec retary of State Philander C. Knox, can didate in Pennsylvania for the United States Senate, reached Palm Beach with Mrs. Knox yesterday. Mr. Knox would have nothing to say about politics. He put in a character istically strenuous lirst day, starting with an ocean swim, after which a dozen moving picture and camera men got him to pose on the beach. He fol lowed the bathing with eighteen holes of golf, luncheon, a bicycle ride and a wheel chair ride along the lake front with Mrs. Knox at sunset. He is here for a long stay. MAN HIT BY AUTO DRIVEN BY DR. SAMUEL E. WEIGLE Philadelphia, .Tan. 25. —Struck by an automobile driven by a minister last night. Frank Noad, II years old, of 19 44 North Reese street, was per haps fatally injured. His skull and right leg were fractured. The Rev. Daniel P. Weigle, pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church, who ran down Noad, was arrested. "NO TRAILING," SAYS BRYAN Miami, Fla., Jan. 25.—Ex-Secretary W. J. Bryan set at rest to-day the rumor that lie will follow the trail of President Wilson and take the stump against preparedness. Mr. Bryan said that he would remain in Miami until the end of February, when he will start for Lincoln, Neb., to attend a birthday dinner o March 20. He will speak at a number of places on the way. Certified and Pasteuri L. B. ALLYN Protect Your Health I Use only pure milk from tested cattle. Give us your order and we will serve you daily, with pure milk and cream. We make morning deliveries to all parts of the city and Steelton. Sole distributors of Certified and Bonnymead Milk. Highest grade milk in the city. * Visit Our Booth Show, Chestnut Street Auditorium I Phone Us Penna. Milk Products Co. 2112 Atlas Ave. Bell 26, C. V. 17PHM Dr. Moffitt's Analysis Of Hershey Ice Cream PROVING ITS ABSOLUTE PURITY Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 24, 1916. Hershey Creamery Co., Harrisburg, Pa., Gentlemen:—The report of the bacteriological examination of sample of ice cream submitted to me by you on January 20, 1916, is as follows: Number of bacteria per cubic centimeter: 8,500. Number of colon bacilli per cubic centimeter: 0. Five fermentation tubes of glucose bouillon each inoculated with 1. c. c. of a 1-100 dilution of sample showed no gas production in any of the tubes, indicating the absence of bacteria of fermentation or de composition. Sediment (dirt): None. Tuberculosis bacilli: None. Streptococci: None. Staphylococci: None. Fat: 14,5 per cent. This is an excellent sample of ice cream. (Signed) GEORGE R. MOFFITT. "The Smile Follows the Spoon" When It's Hersheys Visit Us at the Food- Show Gen. Crozier Pleads For Many More Arsenals Washington, Jan. 25.—General Oro zier declared before the House mili tary committee yesterday that the number of officers designing new guns and carriages should be doubled and that it would be necessary to enlarge the manufacturing plants, especially that of Frankford. It was explained by the General that, despite the report of the special Trout committee, recommending an 11-inch field howitzer, he had recom mended that the gun be reduced to 9.5 for the present and the ammunition to 2,500 rounds per gun. instead of 5,000 rounds. This, he said, had been done in order to reduce the cost of providing adequate reserves of guns and ammunition for four years from $450,000,000 to $275,000,000. After the general staff had received his rec ommendations, 16-inch guns were urged and increased provisions for air craft, making the cost for a. four-year period amount to .$480,000,000. Again General Crozier reduced this recom mendation to come within $280,000,- 000, and the question of spending a vast amount of money for equipping the army with mobile howitzers is now before Secretary of War Garrison. I Asked what could be done by gov ernment arsenals in case of war, Gen- eral Crozier said that the government is now prepared to equip about 500,000 men. He said that the arsenals were* not ready to equip the army as pro vided in the four-year program and SAYS DRINK LEMONADE FOR RHEUMATISM Wenr W«rm Clothe* In Winter nnd Take Onr-linlf Teaspoonfiil of Ithfiinifi Oner n l)«y to Drive HheuinHtle POIMOHN From Your S>'Htem Sufferers can get a measure of relief by keeping the feet dry, drinking plenty of lemonade and avoiding alcoholic bev erages, but If you really want to get rid of rheumatism with all its agony, pain and misery you must drive from your system every bit of poisonous se cretions that lodge in the joints and muscles. H. C. Kennedy and all druggists are now offering to the public for about 50 cents a prescription called Rheuma that is so powerful that within two days after you take the first dose you will feel that the uric acid poison Is leaving your body. Rheuma seldom fails; it overcomes the torturing: oain, limbers up and re duces stiff, swollen joints and drives the soreness from inflamed muscles. Anybody can try it, for it is free from opiates and is harmless. If two 50- cent bottles don't prove that you can get rid of rheumatism or neuritis for ever. your money Is waiting at your druggist's.—Advertisement. indicated that it would be too expen sive to enlarge the arsenals sufficiently to carry out the prog-ram. This Set of Teeth $5 BELL Dental Parlors Full Set of Twth Filling* Sflic in, Crown nnd llrlilgr, 2Uk $5 llnlly. O A. M. to 8 P. M. 10 N. Market Square Srconil Floor. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers