6 Splendid Laxative For E Has Been Prescribed by Well Known Physician For Many Years. The infirmities of age are especially manifest in a tendency to constipation, and call for treatment that will afford relief In an easy, natural manner. The rapid action of cathartic remedies and purgatives that shock the system should be avoided, more especially as the relief they offer is only temporary and is usually more than offset by disturbance to the vital organs caused by their violent action. Nearly thirty years ago Dr. W. B. Caldwell. Monticello, 111., prescribed a compound of simple laxative herbs that has since become the standard household remedy in thousands of homes. It acts easily and gently, yet with positive effect, without griping or other pain or discomfort. Mrs. Rachel Allen, Galesburg, Kan., is seventy-one years old, and after using a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, wrote that it had done her a world of good and that, she intends to keep it in the house always. Druggists sell Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for fifty cents a bottle. It is a SI'I /TAN'S YACHT TORPEDOED: BARON GOlin, IN COMMAND By Associated Press London, Jan. 25. A" dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Company from Athens says that the Sultan's yacht Erthogroal, according to re ports from Constantinople was tor pedied in the Bosphorus by a French submarine in the latter part of De cember. The vessel was seriously damaged but is still afloat. The same dispatch states that Field Marshal Baron Kolmar Von Der Goltz lias been appointed commander-in •hiof of the Turkish forces In the Caucasus. The Turkish imperial yacht Ertho ifioal was built at Elswick in 1903, Is 206 feet long and has a dlsplace- mo t loathsome and deadly tli ease such as Can jjjJSjf, cer, Trichinosis, Leprosy and Bubonic Plague. Wr vW C MI T'Vte Mark R.j U S. Pal. Oil. M will positively destroy your rats and mice. They dry up without odor or decay. Harmless to humans. 25c, 50c and SI.OO at Seed, Drug, I Hardware and General Stores. Booklet in each can: "How to Destroy Rats and Mice LIMMBBWWAAII —l l Ml II i r/<wua— l ——am ■IIIIIIII—HH— "T Commonwealth SEELEY'S SPERMATIC SHIELD TRUSS The I-atest and Most Scientific Appli- the Successful Treatment £ V/ZvZli Used and approved by the U. S. Govern- K a meat and the Czar of Russia. Vouched for f jditafc. .. ? " by P. R. R. Officials, Jefferson and Hahne w YV man Medical Colleges and leading hospitals. * Xo leg straps to irritate and soil. No l binding of hips. Clean and durable. Unaffected by \ I perspiration—used in bathing. J Future services, and alterations to meet the needs of the individual as the condition progresses, are a most important feature of our work and are done without charge. Abdominal Belts, Elastic Stockings, Etc. I-or corpulency, op* rat ons, umbilical rupture, CL 1 *■" > ]|nib? C cf # varicoße veins » weak and swollen Rifixfe''jfUXii''jM Examination and Advice Free '"M Call at Commonwealth Hotel, Wednesday and Thursda- XW January 20 and 27, 1916. DOVT MISS "THIS OI*i»OR TUMTV, Eocal references on request. W. B. SEELEY, Home Office, 1027 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Cut Out and Keep for Reference Take Iron, Says Doctor, if You Want Plenty of "Stay There" Strength Like an Athlete! Orillnnrj Xuxated Iron Will Make Hell rule, \ervouN Itiindovwi IVoplc •00 IVr Ceiit. Stronger in Two Week*' Time, In >lany emeu new YORK, N. Y. Most' people foolishly seem to think they are going; io get renewed health and strength from some stimulating medicine, secret nostrum or narcotic drug, said l>r Saucr, a specialist of this city, when, as a matter of fait, real and true strength can only come from the food you eat. Hut people often fail to get the strength out of their food because they haven't enough iron in their blood to enable it to change food into living matter. From their weakened, nervous condition they know something is wrong, but they can't tell what, so they generally commence doctoring for stom ach. liver or kidney trouble or symp toms of some other ailment caused by the lack of iron In the blood. This thing may go on for years, while the patient suffers untold agony. If you fire not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test. See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five grain tablets of ordinary liuxated iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself liow much you have gained. I have Quality vs Strength JK LL Havana does not necessarily mean a strong, heavy smoke. Many smokers think so until they get acquainted with M °. J A 10c Cigars when they suddenly discover that an all Havana cigar may mean more quality than strength. And quality will satisfy where strong tobacco will not. Made by John C. Herman & Co. TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 25, 1916 MUS. RA( i i 1.1. ALLEN splendid remedy and should be in every home. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 451 Washington St.. Monticello, 111. ment of 900 tons and an armament of eight' 3 pounders. LIQUOR LICENSES REFUSED Special to the Telegraph Stinbury, Pa., Jan. 25.—Judges Cum mings and Moser refused fourteen and held under consideration twenty-nine liquor license applications of the 381 Hied in Northumberland county. Wat sontown's three places were licensed. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF SON Special to the Telegraph Shlremanstown, Pa., Jan. 25.—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Westlieaffer, of near this place, announce the birth of a son on Friday, January 21. Mrs. Westlieaffer was Miss Margaret Fisher prior to her marriage. s<*en dozens of nervous, rundown people who were ailing: all the while, double their strength and endurance and en tirely get rid of all symptoms of dys pepsia. liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteen days' time simply by taking iron in the proper form. And this after they had in some cases been doctoring for months without obtain ing any benefit. But don't take tlie old forms of reduced iron, iron acetate or tincture of iron simply to save a few cents. You must take iron in a form that can be easily absorbed and assimi lated like nuxated iron if you want it to do you any good, otherwise it may prove worse than useless. Many an athlete or prize tighter has won the dav simply because he knew the secret of great strength and endurance and flUea his blood with iron before he went into the affray, while many another has gone down to inglorious defeat simply for the lack of iron. NOTE—Nuxated Iron recommended above by Dr. Sauer. Is one of the newer organic iron compounds. Unlike the older inorganic iron products, it is eas ily assimilated, does not injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset the stomach: on the contrary, it is a most potent remedy, in nearly all forms of indigestion, as well as for nervous, run down condition. It is dispensed in this city by Croll Keller, G. A. Gorgas and all other druggists.—Advertisement. S.W. FLEMING, JR., BECOMES PARTNER i Joins With Farley Gannett and Theodore E. Seelyc, Consult ing Engineers Farley Gannett and Theodore K. Seelye to-day announced that Sam uel W. Fleming, Jr., has been ad mitted to the firm of Farley Gannett, consulting engineer. Air. Gannett and Mr. Seelye have been engaged In the practice of hydraulic and civil engi neering, with offices in the Telegraph building, and by associating Mr. Flem- I ing with them have broadened their field of activity by including the de sign, construction, valuation and op eration of electric properties. Mr. Fleming prepared for college at hawrenceville schoo?, and was grad uated from Princeton University, academic course, in 1906. He then studied engineering at Lehigh Uni versity, graduating from that insti- ! tution in 1909 as a mechanical engi- | neer. For three years after gradua- I tion he was identified with the Cen- j tral Hudson Gas and Electric Com- < pany, acting as power engineer for a j considerable part of that period and , devoting much attention to the revis ion of the rates of this company. The ! Central Hudson Company, operates in! the Hudson Itiver Valley, serving a large territory, including Poughkeep-1 sie, Newburgh, and Cornwall, with a 1 high voltage transmission line fed by steam and water power plants. For (he last few years Mr. Flem ing has been largely employed in making reports on and investigations of electrical properties in the East and Middle West, including the White • Rapids hydro-elect ric development in ! Michigan and Wisconsin, Sturgeon I Klver development in Michigan and steam electric properties in the same territory. He has also been employ ed on reports upon electric railroads in New York and Maryland. Mr. Fleming will devote himself to (he electrical work of the firm, giv ing especial attention to the design and construction of electric proper ties for corporations and municipali ties, valuations for rate adjustments, and the operation of properties will also be undertaken for corporations and municipalities. The lirm will continue to repre sent as heretofore, public utilities, other corporations, municipalities, and individuals before the State depart ments and commissions of Pennsyl vania. U. S. Sleuths Trail Aircraft Over Du Pont's Special to the Telegraph Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 25.—United! Slates secret service men have been on the trail of a mysterious aircraft thai has been heard whirring over the Du Pont plants at Pennsgrove and i Henry Clay, the visits of which al ways preceded the strange explosions that have wrecked several mills with | in the last few weeks. | This activity on the part, of the j Federal authorities came to light through a visit that the sleuths made to the noted aviator and banker, Rob ert. Glendinning, both at his office in town and his home at Chestnut Hill. Also the.v interviewed Clarke Thom son, another noted amateur flyer, and wanted to know If It were possible for a marauder to steal their hydro aeroplanes and use them to recon noiter the powder plants. Deadly New Form of Tetanus Breaks Out By Associated Press Paris, Jan. 25. —Professor Laveran, of the Pasteur Institute, described at a meeting of the Academy of Sciences to-day a new form of tetanus, which lias been investigated by Dr. Bas.v. It makes its appearance from 30 to 50 days after the wound has been re ceived, whether the patient had a pre ventive injection of the serum or not. and it can occur without apparent cause, although it manifests itself more frequently after operation or on the fresh outbreak of inflammation in wounds. The disease Is serious, as death occurs in from one-third to one half the cases. MAY l'l RCHASi: PROPERTY FOR COLORED FOLK Plans for the purchase of the prop erty in Monroe street used by colored people now worshipping there were discussed at the church extension conference of Churches of God held yesterday afternoon in the Fourth Street Church of God. Arrangements for raising money for the plan, will be completed and work started soon. A number of laymen and pastors pres ent favored-the erection of a chapel. Among those who spoke were the Rev. C. H. Heiges, C. S. Meek and G. W. Fox. UMTEI) BREWERS COLLECT By .Associated Press Sulphur Springs, Jan. 25. —Members of the United Brewers' Association is alleged to have collected assessments and donations at the rate of $1,200,000 a year to promote antiproliibition leg islation and not the six big brewing companies as was reported yesterday. ENTICED GIRL, CHARGE Anna Metz, colored, charged with enticing Clara Stewert, a 71-year-old white girl, into her house at South street and Angle alley for immoral purposes, will be given a hearing to morrow by Alderman John I!. Nich olas. Mrs. Metz went to Chambers burg, where she was arrested. DUES IX HOSPITAL Special to the Telegraph Elizabethvllle, Pa.. Jan 25. A telegram was received last evening that Stephen A. Miller died at the Medico-Chi hospital at Philadelphia, at noon yesterday. On Saturday morn ing Mr. Miller, accompanied by his wife, left for the hospital to be ex I amined but the sad news of his death • came unexpectedly. He was a mem ber of the local camp of the Modern ' Woodmen of this place. fEVEN IF YOU HAD A NECK A* Long At TMt Fallow, And Had SORE THROAT I DOWN FONSILINE WOULD QUICKLY RELIEVE IT. A quick, sate, too* hint?, healing, antiseptic relief for Sore Throat, bi lclly describes TOMStLINE. A ■mull bottle of Tonsillnfl lasts lonsor than most any Case of «oe» Throat. roxsiLIMK relieves Sore Mouth and Hoarseness end prevents Quinsy. 25c. and Slk. Hospital Sirs SI.OO. All Dracslals. THE rOXVUMn COV.PHHy. ■ ■ . O.iilcn. Ohio. i Scores of Buyers Attend Our Big-Once-a-Year Every Slightly Used, Returned From Rent Wareroom Sample and Taken-ln-Exehange Piano Miss! Go I Loose no time now if you hope to get a bargain piano or player-piano. Act 8 and going fast. The opportunity can not Come in today. Some idea of the bar gains can be gathered from the list fraß|| printed below. But this is only a hint — there is more to see than we have space A to tell you of. Adding greatly to the in- fl ¥ " glllillflt terest today are a number of extraor- | I dinary values just down from the work- IIIBBmB I shops. Come Early for First Choice of Any Bargains Here Listed They Won't Last Long—That's Sure $125 $145 $195 V-r, $285 $155 •*." Da vies & Sons Ip- Meister Upright. Used hut good Play- l ( atrst stylo 88 nolo StiolT Piano like new. right. Rebuilt like new. Practically new. A big er. i.arge size. 13 Player—like new. Mu- Walnut case. Latest tie- Fine tone. bargain. Kolls of Music Free. sic Rolls Free. sign. I $l6O $l9O $4lO $440 «£ $290 »£,„ J size .McCain- . _ T . . New 88 note Player. line 88 note Player. Ivnabe Upright. Large I B moil Piano. Mahogany eser Bros, iprignt. Well-known make. See Latest improved. Ware- size, handsome caw. case, Like new. tsed only six months. it today. room sample. (>ood as new. Included in the sale are many fine new instruments of discontinued styles at savings of $55 to $125 on each. See them now —no more after they are gone I —and that may be very soon. We repeat that terms of purchase may be a mat- 1 ter of your own making —within reason of course. Store open this evening until 9 o'clock. J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE Troup Building 15 S. Market Square Northern Railroads Are ! Battling With Big Snows i By Associated Press Seattle, Wasli., Jan. 25. Heavy snow which began falling in the Cas cade Mountains last night and con tinues to-day increased the difficulties of all the northern transcontinental railroads which since Saturday have been battling with tlie worst snow con ditions since 1910. The Canadian roads have been snow bound since Saturday. The task of clearin gtlie tracks has been retarded by the shortage of men, due to the large number of physically fit who have enlisted for service in the war. ENTERTAINS SEWING CIRCLE Special to the Telegraph Shiremanstown, Pa., Jan. 25. -Mrs. John If. Hrenneman entertained the Sewing Circle at her liome In Irwin L str«ul laal evening. COL. E. M. HOUSE IS NOW EN ROUTE 'IX) BERLIN Geneva, Jan. 24, via Paris, Jan. 24. —Col. E. M. House, President Wilson's personal representative arrived here this morning: and left at 5 o'clock In DRANDRETH U ,00 o\r PILLS p An Effective Laxative H Purely Vegetable M ! Constipation, jj Indigestion, Biliousness, «»e. B E QopQQ.t Night § I until relieved U , Ohooolate-Coated or Plain the afternoon for Berlin. Ho was ac- From Berlin Col. House will returr companied by two secretaries of the to Paris through Switzerland and will American embassy in Berlin, who had visit other capitals of continental bu , come here to meet hem. roue. , J : | Workman's Compensation Act Blanks !> !' We are prepared to ship promptly any or all of the blanks <[ ,(' made necessary by the Workmen's Compensation Act which took i> ! > effect January 1. Let us hear from you promptly as the law re- !| |]! quires that you should now have these blanks in your possession. ]| The Telegraph Printing Co. j| ]! Printing—Binding— DCSlKlllllK —l'liuto Knjtravlng if > ITAHKIBBUKG, PA. j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers