14 of Amusement, Arl, and Instruction. THKATRIGAI. DIHKITOHI ORPHEI'M—To-morrow evening. 1- ritz Kreisler: Thursday, matinee and night, "The llifrli l.ife Girls" (Bur lesque); Friday and Saturday and Saturday matinee, "The Magic Wheel." benefit of the Sunshine So ciety. MAJESTlC—Vaudeville and Moving Pictures. MOVING I'HTI IIK HOUSES COLONIAL,—"Cross Currents." REGENT—"The Gentleman From Indi ana." VICTORIA—"The Ransom. PI.AYS AXD PI.IVKHS The movies have accomplished an other feat—they have created a demand for haldheaded men. There was a time when a row of bald heads was neces sary to the success or a musical com »>dy, providing, as they did, footlight reflectors that aided the little "Twinkletoes" in scoring-. But through Beautiful Hair Tinting Absolutely and Positively Harm-j less "Brownatone" Instantly j Changes the Hair to Any Shade of Brown (or Black if Pre ferred.) Nothing so robs a woman of her good i looks and attractiveness as gray, 1 streaked or faded hair. And thcre is no i more reason wearing un- i ✓beco ni i n g I - " all' of* 1 the more noted i VV\ / V? be auties long i < - i a go recog- ] < ?''' ■■■Mi niaed this . ® fact. and so j i K"® J wear their I hair not only ; « in the style, ] but also the color, most becoming. The one hair stain that stands su- i preme is "Brownatone." It is simple j and easy to use. Just comb or brush ' it into your hair. It can not be de- , tected. will not rub or wash off. acts j instantly, and is absolutely harmless. "Brownatone" will give any shade desired from golden brown to black. Your druggist sells "Brownatone' j or will get it for you, and it is worth your while to insist upon having this ! preparation and not something else | A sample and a booklet will be mailed i you upon receipt of 10 cents .and ; your orders will be filled direct from 1 our laboratories If you prefer. Two sizes—2sc and SI.OO. Two shades—One for Golden or Mo ciium Brown. the other for Dark, Brown or Black. Insist on "Brownatone" at your | hairdresser's. Prepared onlv by the Kenton Phar- j macal Co 671' K. Pike St.. Covington,, K.v. Sold and guaranteed in Harrisburg! by Clark's Medicine Stores. 300 Market ; St.—3o6 Broad St. j BiG EATERS GEI ~i KIDNEY TROUBLE SAYS AUTHHYj Take a tablespoonful of Salts to flush Kidneys if Back hurts. Omit all meat from diet if you feel Rheumatic or Bladder bothers. The American men and women must guard constantly against kidney j trouble, because we eat too much and all our food is rich. Our blood is j lilled with uric acid which the kidneys •strive to filter out, they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the elim inative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and u general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment or you are! obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer] with sick headache or dizzy, nervous i spells, acid stomach, or you have rheu matism when the weather is bad, get' from your pharmacist about four* ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoon-! I'ul in a glass of water before break- j fast for a few days and your kidneys) will then act fine. This famous salts, is made from the acid of grapes and j lemon juice, combined with lithia, and i lias been used for generations to flush :ind stimulate clogged kidneys; to neu-j tralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus| ending bladder disorders. .lad Salts is Inexpensive; cannot in- j jure, makes a delightful effervescent I lithia-water beverage, and belongs in i every home, because nobody can make' a mistake by having a good kidney i flushing any time. —Advertisement. ' _j I Ask The Merchants For Whom |ln We Work I Ufi As To Our IL Ability We will gladly furnish you with the list, but here's a good plan: Notice the clean est windows— WE "DID" THEM. Harrisburg Window Cleaning Co. OFFICE—BOB EAST ST. Bell Phone 831-J ssg*** ■ - ■- W ' " ; r -'-■ *"■ .™~r " v. ' ••-■ **■ - . -rw r- > / -' .. , ■ --rv- ■■• - ■ ""< rUJiSDAV EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 25, 1016. the movies, the "haldies" are coming into their own. When some gentle heroine Is to have her hair cut off in order to perform a delicate surgical op eration. the fair one is placed upon the table, swathed in bandages and shortly after a bald pate peeps out from the swath. Is it the fair young head, muti lated'.' Certainly not! There has been a substitution, but you, gentle reader, do not know it and waste your sym pathy in vain. I A ! , I 1 Helen Ware, the star of the i i-iangm J'lne Arts production being shown at the Colonial, "Cross Currents." Frank Daniels, comic opera come dian, who has been working under the direction of C. Jay Williams in a series of one-reel comedies for the Vitagraph Company, is so thoroughly interested in his work that he intends to forsake the legitimate stage forever. He lias been acting the roie of an old soldier and his antics have been so amusing that the work "in neighboring studios has often stopped that the directors anil actors may be amused. In one scene, Mr. Daniels was re ' quired to consume a quantity of food, throwing it in with both hands. He displayed such dexterity at this that Director Williams questioned him about it. "Yes, 1 am ambidextrous," Daniels admitted. "When 1 was a boy my father always said to me: 'Frank, learn to cut your linger nails with your left hand, for some day you might lose your right hand.'" Charlotte Walker has begun work on the picturization of "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine," under the direction of Cecil B. DeMille. She appeared on tour for several seasons in the dramatic version of this story. The Selig Weekly sends this cheery message to would-be movie stars: "Oli ver Cromwell also carried a spear." When Mary Garden returns hero in tlie Spring, it will be to appear as : "Thais" in the moving pictures and also i io make her appearance in vaudeville. | She is now singing in "Tosca" in Paris. I When Ueraldine Farrar appears In I New York again as a film star, it will ! be as the heroine of Angel Guimera's I "Maria ltosa." in which Dorothy Don -1 nelly introduced I.ou-Tellegen to New I York as an Fliglish-speaking actor. It ; was his most interesting achievement ! since lie appeared here. I.OCA I, THKATKKS | t outing Attraction at the Oriiheum I Monday. January 31, Grace La Hue in i A Costume Song Kecital. Tuesday evening. February 1, "The ; Kternal Magdalene." with Clara Joel, i Wednesday, matinee and night, Feb- I ruary 2. "Nobody Home." As yet little is heard of Fritz Kreis ler, the composer, as compared with Frits Kreisler, the vro | Kreisler, linlst. who comes to i the Composer the Orpheum to-mor row. Yet there are 1 those who believe that if the great 'artist would only take the time to de vote himself to composition he would make a name equal in fame to that which he has as an executive musician. He has, so far as is known, attempted nothing in large form: at any rate, nothing of his in the larger forms has been published or even performed. But lie has added some exquisite pieces to the repertoire of the solo violinist in addition to his invaluable work in re ! vivlng the compositions of the Italian | and French masters of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In many re spects his most notable acomplishment in composition is the "Caprice Vien- I noise." which he will play much during i his present tour of America, which he | is giving under the direction of C. A. j Kills, of Boston. j Seldom does one see a vaudeville bill as pleasing as the one at the Walnut Street playhouse for the first I Hevlew half of the week. There's lof tlie enough of all kinds of acts Majestic to give the desired variety, and there's something for al , most every kind of taste. Dempsey and I liovera start the bill with an act de \ voted mainly to dancing, which is ; really good, and then it is burlesqued !in a most entertaining manner. One soft-shoe dance number is quite excep i tional. and Bronson, in pre senting a comedy singing and talking I act. adhere more closely than is cus -1 tomary to a logical sequence. Naturally it distinguishes their act. which, while ! not uproariously funny, draws from tlie ; audience quite a few laughs. Lasky's : juvenile act, "At the Party," is remark | able from several viewpoints. There Treat Gall-Stones Without Knife I Avoid Dangerous Operation by Using Lohmann's Gallstona to Tree Yourself of Gall-Stones This medicine has been employed successfully for years. Numerous | letters from grateful former sufferers ! attest its result-getting qualities. It i is positively unfair to yourself to un dergo a painful, dangerous and often i useless operation until you have found out what Lohmann's Gallstona can do (or you. An operation only removes the stones that have already formed. It doesn't correct the conditions that cause them, and therefore another operation may shortly be necessary. Lohmann's Gallstona is designed to not only remove the gall-stones (by dissolution), but to correct the kid ney, liver and bowel conditions that cause them. Hence, its remarkable I success. Which will you do? Will you risk your life and many dollar* for an ! operation, or will you risk one dollar ) for a package of Lohmann's Gall | stona? Which course Is the wiser? ' Naturally, you will prefer the lat , ter so get » package to-day. Don't put It ! oft until another hldeons attack of gall stone colic grips you. Forsnleand recom | mended by Dives, Pomeroy Seventy-FiveWomen'sSkirts Reduced The Millinery Section Garments From Regular Stock Brightened By the To Be Sold at Special Prices Early Spring Styles i 7 , , , ~, . . e , , ~ _ . , New satin hats and soft straw and satin combinations tliat rrom our regular stock ot skirts tor women and misses we have gathered to- •, , f > < . , ~ ..... ™. ~ arc 'deal for present wear are shown in abundant variety, getlier seventy-five garments tor immediate clearance. There are not all sizes in Thcre are many new noteg struck in lhU adyancc g each style, but you will find many desirable styles in the size you require. showing $4.95 to $6.50 skirts in navy blue. <|JO QA $5.95 black silk poplin skirts. ijO QC New flower and foliage creations. Clearance price .* Clearance price New metalized straws. $6.50 Shepherd check skirls. $6.50 navy and black serge skirts. QC New braid hats. Clearance price * Clearance price New tulle-frilled and ribbon-ruffed hats. $4.95 navy and black whipcord $0 QC $6.50 maternity skirts, in navy $4 QC A collection worthy anybody's interest, skirts. Clearance price blue. Clearance price " * 1 * Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart'—Second Floor. I A Half Yearly Sale of Whittall Blankets Are in the Basement . . - __ • All the good grades of Cotton and Wool Blankets will be Discontinued lA.tJI£?S found ill this section's new quarters in the Basement. To- O day's news chiefly concerns Cotton Blankets of -which there Now in Progress, Third Floor is a " idc varie,y of s, ™T^f cs ' r... . • , c • . , . Tan and grey Blankets, 50x72 inches; pair r« ( . 1 lIC lllOSt impoi tant sales tiic entire \Cill ill tlie cat pel and rug section arc Tan and grey Hlankets, pink and blue borders, G4x"4 in.; pr., "."if the semiannual occasions in Whit tall discontinued patterns. Tan and Brey Blankets - assorted borders, 64x76 inches; pair, $1.25 One ot these Whittall sales is now tn progress, with a list of values that are inches; pair sl . ;s9 irresistible. Tan and srey Blankets > blue, black and brown borders, 72x80 inches; pair Si.so Royal Worsted Teprac Wilton Tan and grey Bla nkets, blue, black and brown borders; pair, $!.8!» ... „ , . - size Rronin.. «... !,.i Woolnap Blankets in tan, grey and white, all cotton with a finish S "° 0..,,> 8.3x10.6 $37.50 $30.25 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Basement. Jxl - 540.00 6.9x12 $34.00 $27.25 Chlidema Body Brussels ox 9 *25.00 $20.00 Size Ki'cuiar Special Anglo Indian ™' ™ _ "—^m.mmm. 9x12 'S sS.oo s,/ ° 'V-rioe 1 ' Kreisler and the War 8.8x10.6 $31.50 $25.00 9x 12 $55.00 $13.00 tix9 $21.50 $17.26 27x 54-inch Rue's Every lover of Kreisler's violin work will be glad to read Peerless Body Brussels Qualities Regular Special tllc announcement from our Book Department that Kreis size Regular special Price Price ler's "Four Weeks in the Trenches" is now on sale at SI.OO ~ . Anglo Persian $6.75 85:10 rr , ~ . . . . . • . • •. • .. • i"rice ihco Anglo Indian $5.00 $4.25 " y ou rea " "us story of Atfstria s inspired violinist 9x12 s3o!ot>.'s2'ii7s Tepra'c 1 !'!° n .'! $4.50'; ss'js before you attend the Kreisler concert you will feel that you 6x 3 9 x10 '. 6 .::::::: IS:::::::::: sasll BruSS?. 1 ! Mil: ::::::::: havc somcthin " in conin,on with the arlist - Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. «. THE ORPHEUM ANNOUNCES GRACE LA RUE IN SONG RECITAL GRACE LARUE Seeking laurels In a new field, Grac-e Laßue, who already has a well deserved reputation in musical comedy and vaudeville, will appear at the Orpheum next Monday evening in a charming song recital of songs in English. are some excellent vocal numbers, mightily well done, and then, too, there avc one or two dance numbers execut ed in a manner quite as good as the real grown-tips. The act, too, is not without comedy, but most forcefully does it appeal because of its real stage polish on the part of the youngsters. I'ietro follows next on the bill. Quite an ovation greeted him as he stepped onto the stage, and with all of Ills mannerisms and little tricks of the ai - cordeon, he won new favor from those in the audience who were listening to him for the first time, and made more than ever, enthusiasts of those who have heard him before. The Adroit Brothers close the Majestic bill for the first half week. They are called musi cal gymnasts, and they live up to their name. Flaying the violin In itself is no easy work, but playing the violin while balancing one's self on another's head, and upside down at that, Is a stunt worth going out of one's way to see. Yes, the Majestic Bill is really good. "The Gentleman Prom Indiana," written by Booth Tarkington and photo-dramatized by Para- Hfvlm mount into the first of the of the Pallas Pictures to appear In Regent this city, was shown last evening at the Regent and will again be thrown on the screen to day. Dustin I'arnum plays the lead ing role of the "Great Harkless," whosi career is worked out from the time he makes a spectacular run for a touch down In the big football game of the season, while the girl who is to be his wife is sitting in the grandstand, to the time later on when lie is elected to Congress, after a bitter fight against tile ruling "boss," and wins the girl. Between times, of course, there is much that takes place, Including his purchase of a country newspaper and the reor ganization of the same along construc tive and reformatory lines, and then, attendant upon his political clean-up, his capture on a dark and story night ,i by the "White Caps," who have for » I years terrorized the neighborhood. There is plenty of action, including ; | the graceful entrance into one of the t scenes of a large circus elephant, and • | many of the details are very impressive, How wonderfully Resinol soothes itching skins! If you have eczema, ringworm or other itching, burning, sleep destroying skin-eruption, try P.esi nol Ointment and Kesinol Soap and see how quickly the itching stops and tlie trouble disappears. Resin.l Ointment is also an excellent house hold remedy for dandruff, sores, burns, wounds, chafinj'S and for a score of other uses where a sooth ing, healing application is needed. Rrsinol contains nothing of a liarsh or i.l'll - nature and can be used freely even on the most irritated surface. Every druggist &eiit Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap; trial free, Dept. 2-S, Resinol, Baltimore, Md. not be called a startlingly good pic ture. the new sign of the Owl will un doubtedly find a hearty welcome with the patrons of the Paramount pictures, particularly the representation of largu masses of people, and the ringing of the church bell. The close-up is not ex tensively employed. Although it can- Through an error in the booking office "The Five Faults of Flo," featur ing Florence La Bo "The Ransom," bodie, which was to Victoria have been shown to- Tlieater day, will be shown at a later date. A young woman, afraid of her nar row-minded husband, makes the ac quaintance of an actress and through her that of a manager. She becomes infatuated with the possibilities of stage life, and is discovered by her husband just as the manager Is kiss ing her. She is discarded, and her little daughter is taken care of by her husband's people. She resents the proposals of the manager, is drop ped by him, goes down hill, and final ly lands as maid to her own daugh ter in the theater run by the manager, but neither lie nor the daughter know of the relationship. The girl, who is in love with an artist, is the object of the manager's attentions, and tlie mother, knowing the wreck he has made of her life, is determined to save her daughter from a similar fate. In a meeting at the theater the manager is shot, the artist is sent to the daugh ter. and the mother, having paid the ransom for her daughter's safety and happiness, drops dead at the daughter's feet. This is the story of "The Ran som," which is being shown at the Vic toria Theater to-day with Julia Dean as the star playing the dual part of the young and foolish wife and the aged, repentant and self-sacrificing mother. Big scenes mark "Cross Currents." the new Fine Arts Films play, which is being exhibited F'ne Yncht at the Colonial Iturnx l/|> In Theater for the first "t'roMN Currents" half of the week. A real thriller is the destruction of a fine yacht by fire. There is a merry party of society peo ple enjoying a voyage through a quiet sea. with the moon shining peacefully down upon them. A careless deck hand sets fire to some gasoline, and the good ship is soon in flames. Then there are some good pictures of a desert island with the rank vegetation of tlie tropics. There is a fight to the death DANGEROUS VARICOSE VEINS CAN BE REDUCED i If you or any relative or friend Is worried because of varicose veins, or hunches, the best advice that anyone in this world can give Is to get a pre scription that many physicians are now prescribing. Ask your druggist for an original two-ounce bottle of Emerald Oil (full I strength) and apply night and morn ing to the swollen, enlarged veins. Soon you will notice that they are growing smaller and the treatment should be continued until the veins are of normal size. So penetrating and powerful Is Emerald Oil that it dissolves goitre and wens and causes them to disappear. It can always be secured at all drug gists.—Advertisement. AMUSEMENTS | > A better grade of motion picture* made for appreciative people Hint'* Paramount nliown In thl* city at tlie Itegent only. To-day I'nllna Picture* pre*en{* DI'STIX FARNUM In "THE OKM'LBMAN FROM INDIANA," Ity Ilnoth Tnrkliigton. Paramount. To-morrow nnd Tburndny, Jeane 1.. I.a*k.v preNcnl* 'l'll KOlXtlt l<; HOBBIITK anil CAHI.YI.IO lII.ACK tVI'M.I. In n pletnrlKiMlnn of "MM. <;itKX OK HO.VTK I A1H.0," by K. Phillip* Oppenlielm. Paramount. PARAMOUNT TRAVEL SERIES A<lml*Mloni Adult*. lori Children. Sc. between an insane man and a woman, in which all hope seems lost for her 'till she fortunately lays hand on aj, bowie-knife and saves herself by stab- ; bing him. A wonderful effect is pro duced after the suicide of the heroine ' in the sea, for the sake of her younger sister, when her spirit appears in an unearthly and ghostly guise that is t awe-inspiring in its effect. Helen J Ware is seen to excellent advantage in this drama. The comedy side of the program. entitled 'The Worst of Friends," features Weber and Fields. Mark Twain Breaks Into Moving Picture Game Preserving for all time I lie stories of j the lute Mark Twain, the Jesse L. j Lasky Feature Play Company lias made the first of a series of Mark j Twain adaptations for the screen, aj feature production of "Pudd'nhead Wilson." The exclusive rights to Mark Twain's works were recently obtained by the Lasky company. "Pudd'nhead Wilson" will be followed by "Tom Saw yer," "Huckleberry Finn," "innocents' Abroad" and others. In order to maintain the flavor of I the original novel, the scenes? of which | are laid in the little river town of j Dawson's landing, described in the! book as being situated at the "Missouri j side of the Mississippi." and in St. Louis, some of the scenes in the I photoplay will actually show pic-1 turesque bits of life on the Mississippi as the great river was known to those who lived on its banks in the days be fore the Civil War. Although it is not generally known, "Pudd'nhead Wilson" was the first piece of fiction which made use of the subject of fingerprints as a means ;of identification and as a theme by which a murder mystery was solved. In police circles the fingerprint method has been almost universally adopted land is known as the Bertillon system. The late Mark Twain evidently was well informed as to the secrets of this system long before it was placed in actual use in the leading countries of the world. STATES GET AUTHORITY OVER ALL WATER POWER I Washington, Jan. 25. ln a de cision of wide importance to water- A.MUSE.MEXTS B The Home of 0 Triangle Films lleloit Ware in H "Cross | y Currents"; Powerful Ktory of love nnd 2™ friendship, iil WEBER AND FIELDS I.V j ra "THE WORST OF im FRIENDS." SEATS ORPHEUM I Tomorrow 1 NOW , , „ „ Evening " (inyle lliirliiiKauie ° i preKcnlN V f , w THE GREATEST p L> I np y VIOLINIST IN 1 1 ALL THE WORLD KREISLER "I Ist Floor, $1.50 & $2.00 CCATC ST NO? . 3rd Floor, $ .50 & $ .75 v v power development throughout tli United States, the supreme court hel yesterday that States possess tli power to enact laws authorizing con demnation of power sites and watt rights by right of eminent domain. BEST WAY TO CURE COLD IN CHES' Doctors advise not to allow cold i chest or sore throat to hang on. Pneu| monia ofttinies results. The mimitj your chest or throat shows signs < soreness rub on true Mustarine, whit only costs about 2f> cents, and whit any druggist can give you in the orißi nal yellow box. It stops pain and con gestion and there's blessed relief i every rub. The Begy Medicine Co., of Rochestr N. Y„ makes true Mustarine, and ten of thousands use it because it acts ? quickly and is so much better than linl ments or internal remedies. All iliuk gists guarantee it.—Advertisement. AMUSEMENTS GRAND THEATER 141*8 Horry Street TO-NIttHT The World Film Corporation l»r<»Mt»iitM >1 it rl<* I Ontrlelie In *'A lIAI GHTIOIi OF THE SEA," In ixirtx. AIMIISSIOX ."»<• 21 III! MM* | VICTORIA 2,200 COMFORTABLE SEATS 1 «J TODAY ONLY ij "THE RANSOM" ! '! FKATI HIXO Ji Julia Dean 1 '« Five iiartK of powerful photo | 'iilramu In which mother love pays I jtlie raiiNom of a daughter n linppl j |i noNtt. I"I TOMORROW "The Strnnne l JiCane of Mary Fane." [ORPHEUM I THUR. JAN. 27 Frank C'nlder l»reHrn«* ! HIGH LIFE GIRLS Ih Michclena Pennetti and her Bon Bon B?auty Chorus
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers