A Telegraph Want Ad fill Quickly Rent That Vacant Room Deaths AI.I.KV Sunday morning, January 2fi. 1»16, C. Wilson Talley. at uau " f'uneral services will be hel<l a ' *£• I lionie of \V. G. Garverich, at Dauphin. I Wednesday afternoon, at } ocioi\ Relative* and friends are united u i .attend without further notice. fOLFI.EY Monday evening. Janu- ; ary 24. 1916. Mrs. Kate Wolfley. in; her 68th year, widow of J. B. Woltiey Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at - | o'clock, from the home of her son, i . 1 N. Wolfley. 226 North Second street, i The relatives and friends are invited i to attend without further notice, The : burial, in the Camp Hill lemeterv,, will be private. IIGiRTY—On January 24, 1916, Anna 1 Eogarty, aged 21 years. Funeral on Thursday morning, at ■ o'clock, from her home. 2332 l-.llersite street. The relatives and trienils are Invited to attend without further nu- LOST LOST—SIOO.OO reward and no uestions asked for return to 307 orth Front street, of gold plated lain purse containing about i r.OO, a broken string of beads! nd cards of Mrs. l'.lislia l'-ly i arrison. J 1/3 ST Little Fox-terrier dog, white Hi brown spotted, and answers to line of Trlx. Return to 120 linden reet and receive reward. j LOST A small, black, covered ac- ! Hint book on the curb at 1910 Derr> > reet. Reward if returned to 1910 erry street JtUL>D FOUND A way to end your clean g and dyeing worries oy calling ther phone for Eggert s Steam Dyeing id French Cleaning Works, l-4u Mar et street. We call and deliver. liii.l.l' WAA lhl»—Male WANTED Experienced bellboy, pply Superintendent ilarrisburg Hun, ront ana Market streets. WANTED A young man, about IS. > work in Wholesale House. Address, Ith reference. P. O. Box 3j6, llarris ■ rg. fa. ! BARBER WANTED Apply at Zel- ■ r' Cigar Store, llunimelstown. , i MEN WANTED for outside work, j ood wages anu steady employment, j pply Hershey Employment Bureau, ershey. Pa. ' W \NTEI) Se. oral boys, 16 years age or over. Call at once. Harris irg Pretzel Co., Third and fceneca j reels. i UUV WANTED To help in bake iop. Apply Thorley Baking Co.. sixth ; reet and Delaware avenue. AN opportunity is open in our or- 1 ionization for men who c an go 't business. They must be J-atholiis id be prepared to go on the road ! hen necessary. Experienced men art sired. but if you have not done out de work before and can prove to us ihl vou have selling ability we will insider your application. Write John O'Keefte & Company. 400 Lexington j fenue, New York City. i WANTED City salesmen; must be tive" intelligent and reliable, not over : i years of age: give reference. Addtes.- ~ "3520, care of Telegraph. I WANTED Moil 20 to to years old, iremcn, BraUemen, Motormen, Con- , uctors Experience unnecessary, fcend amp. Inter Railway, care of leie rapli. j DISTRICT MANAGER WANTED—To present large, old established <-asu tv Co.. writing best Commercial and o'nthly Pay Policies splendid oppor- j inity to build up a good futuii for > jriir man big contract. Addiess dward Selden, 633 Diesel Building. . hiladelpliia. j WANTED First-class Drop Hani-1 eri'nan and Die Sinkers, on all around ork. Highest wages, best of condi ons, no trouble. Apply Driggs-tee- t dry Ordance Company, Sharon, la. j ARCADE BARBER SHOP. 36 N. Court | treet Newly remodeled and refitted, lean and sanitary. Complete system i ed Cross Sterilizers used. Massage, | ,c. Shave, 10c. P D. Richwine. Pro- | rietor. I MACHINISTS WANTED Boring j illl or lathe hands, who can work oi l blue prints; also tool makers. Ad ress, or apply. Employment Depart- , lent. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. 0.. East Pittsburgh. Pa. ' i Hi;LP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Experienced dishwasher. I pply Superintendent Ilarrisburg Club, : ront and Market streets. , ! WANTED A woman for house- ! ork. One accustomed to work in prl- ; rtc family. References required — : arrisbrug references preferred. In line or send name and references to rs. J. H. Eager. 1231 North Sixth. j I WANVED—We have openings! jr 12 more bright girls. Apply, ilk Mill, Cor. North and Second treets. WANTED Experienced: ewing machine operators to work: n women's and children's wear.; larrisburg Apparel Co., over City tar Laundry, 414-416 State treet, rear entrance. WANTED Girls over 16 to trip tobacco. Also experienced lollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, "iller and Binder Strippers. YVel ire looked after by trained nurse, Harrisburg Cigar Com any, 500 Race street. ' v FOK SALE Manufacturing Site Warehouse Location SHANOIS STREET NEAR CAMERON About One-half Acre Brick house and some old sheds MILLER BROTHERS&CO. It UAL. ESTATE ißiurnncf Surety Rodill l.ucuit and Court Streets n— ~, i m TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 25, 1916 HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Girl for general house work in small family. Apply with ref erences at 1912 Market street. WANTED A maid for general | housework. Apply 611 North 1-ront ] I street. City. , WANTED Girl to work in laundry, i i Apply Troy Laundry, 1520-26 Pulton j ; street. City. S i WANTED Girl for general office j work; state experience and salary ex-j I pected. Address F.. care or Telegraph. . WANTED Students to enroll at i 1 our school. A lady started work in 16 ; weeks. Better and more teaching ' i brings results. Enroll now. Bel., .041' ! Harrisburg Shorthand School, aecond i I street. WANTED Girl over 16 years of , ; to learn the trade of tlri' -smakinK with firm doing only high-class work. Applv ISO 7 Susquehanna street "—- SITUATIONS WANTI.D —.Male WANTED Position as cabinet- I maker or work such as repairing or ] packing furniture by middle-aged man; I lias all kinds of tools to work with, j I Inquire M. S. H., 25 Evergreen street. ! WANTED Middle-aged man de- j 1 sires position as clerk, or work in gro i eer\ store, in or out of city; experi enced: rah give good reference. Address \ "N„" 1610 Ix>Kan street, City. | WANTED Colored man wants a ! Ijob of any kind; can furnish good ret-j I erence. Address N. E. E.. 1138 North; ! Front street. WANTED Position as chef by j ! competent man; one who understands! i the business; can furnish best of city ' references. Call, or write, 433 Soutli street. WANTED Chauffeur wants posi tion; can give best references. Apply 221 South street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED By young woman, posi tion in office, doing office work, or answering telephone; experience; high school education. Address Box A, 5526, care of Telegraph. WANTED Day's work: no wash ing. Apply to 1101 North Third street. | WANTED Young white woman I desires position doing general house- I work. Address 0.. 3i>23, care of Tele- | graph. I WANTED Dishwashing or gen- j ieral housework by two colored women. ! Address 1221 Apple avenue. ' WANTED Day's work of any kind. ! (Call 150 Balm street, or phone 40W. i | Can give references. WANTED Woman wants to do ! jll -lit housework. Call Bell phone 304 M. REAL ESTATE lUK SALE I KOR SALE One side of two-story 1 I frame house; cement walks; electric ; I lights; rents for sll per month. Price, j 1 {1.350. Thomas Lipp, Market and Sixth I I streets, New Cumberland. Pa. FOR SALE. CHEAP And on easy terms. two houses at Enola, on Colum j bia avenue, opposite V. M. C. A. For ! particulars apply 1411 North Sixth ' ! street, Harrisburg. BIUGCS STREET. 205 Three-story 1 frame dwelling • 7 rooms and bath city steam heat gas range attach- J inent on boiler for heating water 1 very desirable small house —good con i dition. Price, $3,400. M. A. Fought, | 272 North street. i W.vLNFT STREET, 1430 Three-{ story brick and frame dwelling 'J 1 rot ms and bath hot and cold water— furnace front porch drive alley j rear of lot. Price. $2,90u. ±vt. A. i ! Fought, 272 North street. | EVERGREEN STREET. 122 Three- j Story frame dwelling 7 rooms and; j bath cure to please you as a home i or as ati investment. Price. $2,000. , j Rent. $17.00. M. A. Fought, 272 North ! ! street. I VAUGHN Purchase one acre of the most productive ground on Earth—j beautiful, pleasant, convenient loca- I j tlon, two squares from the l.inglestown i ; Trolley, 7 Vic fare to all parts of Har-i i risburg and Steelton—prices from S2OO j |to $375 per acre. See these acres and ; learn the conditions. Planting and [ sowing time very soon —buy now and I be ready. I 37 'i - Acre Farm. 96 Vj - Acre Farm. 4-j j Acre Farm For Sale. Possession April 1. 1916. C. B. CARE, Care's Grocery. Lingles- I town. Call at 409 Market Street. Har | risburg. Pa. LOT w; Levi Brandt Est., Elk wood, iew Cumberland 5O ft. front up to j one-half acre plots sewer gas electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c trolley. Keeney & Simmons, Agents. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT I FOR RENT llO9 Walnut street; I 17 rooms and batii; immediate posses-; sion. Rent, $13.00. James 1. Hamaker, j Technical High School. | HOTEL GRAHAM FOR RENT —3O j i rooms, 3-story brick house, with prlvi- : ! lege to apply for license. Address First National Bank, Newport, Pa. ) FOR RENT Two-story brick '■ house. No. 613 Oxford street; all iin i provements; front and back porches; rental, $15.00. Inquire 1223 North Third j street, City. j I'OU RENT Tliree-story house, 132 I Linden street; 8 rooms, water and gas. I Possession at once. Apply C. F. Gohi, 1 n,;; North Second street. Bell phone I i>99.\L j FOR RENT House 1903 North i Third street; 8 rooms; hot and cold water and bath; Jls per month. Call j 1129 North Sixth. ! FOR RENT House in Progress, Pa.; i!t rooms; all improvements. Rents for sls. Apply J. J. Hepsmith, Progress, Pa. FOR RENT Three-story brick J : house; 9 rooms and bath; all improve-! ments. Call Bell phone 3102 R. I FOR RENT 4B-acre farm, near Speeceville. About 2,000 fruit trees on I farm. Or will exchange farm for city i property. Possession April 1. David H. 1 L,ingle, 1900 North street, Harrlsbur"-. 1 FOR RENT Storeroom, dwelling, , bake-oven, Hour house, with stable— altogether or separate. Apply 300 East • Main street, Mechanicsburg, Pa. FOR RENT No. 1302 State St. $25.00 ; 1847 State St 20.00 ■ 2101 Greenwood St. 9.00 2120 Boas St 15.00 J. E. GIPPLE, | 1251 Market St. APARTMENTS FOK RENT I ; FOR RENT 1321-23 Wallace street; corner, cozy apartment; 3 rooms; ' handy to markets and works; newly | built; running water; cabinet and range ;In kitchen; economical and desirable. ! inquire Janitress, 1323, first floor. ! FOR RJ-.NT Snavely Apartments, 231 North Second street —7-room apart ment; hath; electric light; city steam; heat, linen closets; all modern cou ! venlences. Inquire 217 North Second I' stieet. FOR RENT Four rooms, with bath, porch in rear; all conveniences; city j vapor heat; also two o. mmunicating I rooms, with bath; central location. Ad dress C. M. D., 3519, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT, APARTMENT ln Cam eron Building, Second and Walnut streets. Kitchen, dining, bath, sitting and 2 bedrooms on third fioor; 2 torage rooms on fourth floor. Balcony. From April 1. G. L. Cullmerry, Common- I wealth Trust Building. I ROOMS FOR RENT I FOR RENT Room In private fam ily, with or without board. No. 1325 t i Derry street Bell phone 3600 M. ROOMS FOK RENT FOR RENT Two or three unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping, second floor; gas anil heat furnished. 38 North Tenth street. ( FOR RENT Suite of rooms, nicely ; furnished, third lloor front; suitable for lone or two gentlemen; all conveniences, with use of phone; reference required. I Apply 1315 Market street. Bell phone 1 1839 R. I FOR RENT Second floor, light, jairy room, suitable for gentlemen; use jof phone. Apply 201 Kelker street. FOR RENT Room on second flat, [with city steam heat, electric light anil) jgns. also bath. Apply 28 South Third | street. City. I FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, lust location in city, with use of bath. ! Apply Web, Telegraph Office. t FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished rooms, centrally located; all j conveniences. Apply 328 North street. ! FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, i for light housekeeping, on second floor [use of bath and phone; no children. 1601 ! Derry street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, I all conveniences, also table board if | desired, 222 North Third street, phone j 1029 M. Apply 9 North Front street. FOR RENT To employed lady, pleasant, furnished, third lloor front : .ooni. in private family. 354 South Thlr j teentli. FOR RENT Pleasant room on sec ; ond floor; heat: electric light and use of bath. 819 Third street. FOR RENT Attractive rooms for rent; centrally located; terms reason able. Apply 209 State street. FOR RENT —. Suite of rooms on second floor front, for one or two gen tlemen. with use of bath, phone and city heat; reference required. Apply 272 Briggs street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED By refined, young, mar ried couple, furnished fiat or rooms for ' light housekeeping. Address K., 3525, | care of Ilarrisburg Telegraph. ! WANTED Storeroom, suitable for ; woman's apparel shop; must be located between Market and Walnut and Fourth laud Second streets. Rental not more than SIOO.OO monthly. Box B, 2696, care. ; of Telegraph. j | FOR SALE j FOR SALE Litle money will buy York Drug Business. \ j Golden opportunity for hustling! 'businessman. For particulars ap ' ply to S. Friedman, Real Estate and Insurance Kunkel lildg., or, ] 217 Feller. I < FOR SALE Bed. gas range, tireless j cooker, inquire North &ixteentii ' atreet, or phone 20S*0\V. | FOR SALE Two wagons belonging j to Mr. Lehman will be sold for storage at 1). Cooper & Co.'s Warehouse. 421 Broad street, on February 2. FOR SALE 1915 touring car, good as new, will be sold at a reasonable ; price. Address Hotter C. Hauck. lb.L I -North Third street, or call Bell phone | '■so- I ! FOR SALE, CHEAP l-arge kitchen I range, with waterback attached; also ! two marble mantels with hearths. Look iat them ana make an offer. Apply 922 NortlKsXhlrd street. I FOR SALE Ford touring car in I good condition at a reasonable figure. ! inquire 2114 North Sixth street, or call ] 51'JR Bell phone. j FOR SALE Any amount up to 100 shares Simplex Surface Contact to. Best ofTer takes it. Aduress \\., Jjl6, | care of Telegraph. ! FOR SALE Roadster. 1913 model, standard make, in excellent shape, no | repairs being necessary. Car is equip ped with extra new tire, tube and tire , cover, bumper, electric dash and tail I light. Owner will sell for $425.00 cash. iTnis is an unusual bargain. Bell phone , 10U. FOR SALE Burrowes Parlor Bil liard and Pool Table, complete outfit, 4x6, good as new. Can be bought for S6O. Address Box O, 3517, care of Tele graphy j FOR SALE Seven good work horses (3 double teams, well mated blacks), harness and several wagons. Will be excellent horses for farm. Rea son for selling, substituting trucks. In quire Bogar Lumber Co. Bell phone 3274. FOR SALE Good size safe with ' burglar-proof chest, practically new, j cheap, inquire at Tamsul T.ea Co., 031 j Market street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business : Office. FOR SALE Triple Silver Plate, Gold Bell, "C" Cornet, including case. Will sell cheap. Apply 2420 Jefferson street. BICYCLE BARGAINS 1 Bicycle, $4; 1 Bicycle, new paint, etc., $8; 2 Bicycles, new paint, etc., $lO. 814 North Third street. i OVERCOATS AND SUITS (drum ! m ers' samples) positively at the lowest prices in the city. Call and be con vinced. A few soldiers' blue overcoats on hand. Cohen and Son, Reliable Pawnbrokers.M3l Market street, at sub way. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new I supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department The Tele graph Printing Company. BUY Traveling Bags, Suitcases and Trunks from Wholesale and Retail i Leather Merchants. Second and Chest nut Repairing neatly and promptly at tended to. Specialties made to order. Harrisburg Harness and Supply Co. . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ~FOR "ALK. OR EXCHANGE Pool room and cigar store. Bell phone 1 ! 597J-1, j FOR RENT I FOR RENT—The basement at corner of Fourth and Market streets, beneath Marks' Clothing Store. Inquire 1530 North Second street. ! FOR RENT A largo office In the • Telegraph Building. Inquire of Super intendent in Business Office of Tele ! I B' aph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ; BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Owing to the withdrawal of a 1 member of the Firm of C. M. Sig ler, Inc., dealers in Pianos, Play ers and Yictrolas at 30 North Sec - ond street, an opportunity is now _ presented, for immediate consider [ at ion, to invest a small sum of ? money, and at the same time, i secure an active interest in the ' firm. The investment is gilt ■ edged and carries with it an at tractive salary, for an active man. - Address, X 3522, care of Tcle -0 graph. STEEL ACTIVE ON ! EVE OF MEETING Specialties and War Shares! Show Strength While Rail roads (Jo Higher Hy Associated Press New York. Jan. 25.—The significant feature of to-day's early trailing was the strength and activity of United States Steel, whose directors met after the close of to-day's session on the ex change. Steel opened with a block of 2.000 shares at S4 to as against yesterday's closing price of 83 Vs. This was followed l>y numerous other lots Of 1,000 to 7.000 shares up to 85. There were gains in specialties and war issues, while Baltimore and Ohio i and New York Central were substan- | tially higher. These advances were | counterbalanced, however, by declines j in Eries, Southern Railway preferred j and oils. Industrial Alcohol, after ad- J vancing 2 points, fell hack 5. Trading in Steel during the moil- | erate first liour was larger than the combined output in all other active issues, approximately 00,000 shares. Steel's rise was met by some profit taking, the stock reacting a substantial fraction with heaviness in such special ties as industrial Alcohol. Baldwin Locomotive, the oils and a few iso lated issues. I jiter fresh buying of I Steel, the Pacifies and other repre sentative stocks imparted renewed strenstli to the general list, but deal ings fell away to nominal proportions. At midday the market was stagnant. Bonds were steady. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co.. members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square. Ilar risburg: 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia: 34 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, Jan. 25. Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Miens 23% 24 U American Beet Sugar ... 6fiV4 American Can «2 J a 62 '.4 American C&F 68 68 American Locomotive .. 63% 64% American Smelting .... 103 Va 103% American Sugar US 6 * 113% American T & T 12 7% 127% Anaconda 87 % 87% Atchison 106% 106% Baldwin Locomotive ... 107% 107 Baltimore Ohio 91% 91% Bethlehem Steel 465 473 California Petroleum ... 30% 31% Canadian Pacific 171% 173 Central Lutheran 54 54 Chesapeake and Ohio .. 88% 63 Chicago, Mil and St Paul 97% 98 Chicago, R I and Pacific 17 17 Chino Consolidated Cop. 53% 54 Colorado Fuel and Iron. 45% 45% Consolidated Gas 141% 141% Crucible Steel 65 65% Distilling Securities .... 4H 46% Erie 38% 38 % Erie Ist pfd 54% 54% I General Motors 485 485 Goodrich B. F 72% 71% Gt. North, pfd 121% 121% Gt. North. Ore, ss 46% 46% Gug. Exp 22% 22% Ins. Copper 45% 4r5% Interboro-Met 19 3 i 19% lnterboro-Met. pfd 74% 75 Kansas City South 27% 27 % Lehigh Valley 78 77% Maxwell Mot 66% 67% Mex. Petroleum 106 105% Miami Copper 38% 38 Missouri Pacific 5% 5% National Lead 70 70% New York Central 108 107% NYN H H 72% 71% BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; j experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mall order business, began with |5. Send for'free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS PERSONS Infringing my Weather strips will now be arrested; and all orders received within next ten days will be done half price. Write S. R. Horst, General Delivery, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared l —hr Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders glvsn prompt attention. Bell 1960. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN, Uoardtnr Stable anil National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lather, Manager. Fifth and Woodbine street. Bell phone No. 2503 R. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri- , vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co 411 WANTED WANTED Lady would like chil dren's 'fine sewing to do at home. Mrs. I Keller, South Bowman avenue, Camp Hill, Pa. WANTED. TO BORROW 82.000 at 5 per cent, on first mortgage on 826,000 i property; also, $4,200 at 5 per cent, on j first mortgage on $50,000 property. Ad dress Box R. 2697, care of Telegraph. WANTED Apartment, about 7 I rooms and bath. Address communica tion to M. A. E., care of Telegraph. WANTED, TO BORROW 55,000 on A 1 local securities. Guaranteed 10 per cent. net. Address P. O. Box 29, Har risburg, Pa. WANTED Large house to rent, centrally located, must not be north of State street, containing eight or more bedrooms, all modern conveniences. Call Bell phone 737 W. WANTED To buy old Brussels or ingrain carpets or fillers. Call 2064 Bell phone or 140W United. WANTED. TO RENT Eight or nine-room brick house, first-class con dition. modern improvements, located on either North Third or Fourth streets, or cross streets, not beyond 300 block. Possession at any time before April 1. Three In family. No children. Rent, S2O to $25 per month. Good reference. Bell phone 819. Mr. If. E. Miller, Compensa tion Insurance Fund. WANTED Man. with portable i stonecrushlng; plant, wishes crushing bv the i'ay or ton. Ready for immedt- I ate work. Will accept position any- I where. Address J. C„ Box 253, Le | moyne, Pa. ——— NOTICES NOTICE. HEPTABOPHB Members of this organization will learn some i thing Kieatly to their advanta«ce, hy I communicating with N„ 3521, care of iTalaaranh. Norfolk and Western .. 118% 118 's Northern Pacific 114 114 «, Pacific Mail 11% 12% Pennsylvania Railroad.. 58 58%, Pittsburgh Coal 33% 34 , j Press Steel Car 57% 57 % j Railway Steel Sps 39 89% I Ray Con Copper 25 24% j 1 Reading 79% 79% ! Republic Iron and Steel 50% 51 , Southern Pacific 101 100 % Southern Ry 22% 22 1 Studebaker 152 152% I Tennessee Copper 58% 57% Third Avenue 60% 60% Union Pacific 135 135% ill S Rubber 54% 64% IT S Steel 84 84% [ U S Steel pfd 118 118% j I'tah Copper 79% 79% i [Va Caro Cliem 4 8 4 8 Western Union Tel .... 9o'i 89% j Westinghouse Mfs .... 67 67 CHICAGO CATTI.R Bv Associated Press Chicago, 111., Jan. 25. lloss Re- ] celpts. 35,000: strong'. Bulk of sales, $7.40ra>7.70; light. $?.10<iJ>7.65; mixed, $7.25W7.?6; heavy, s7.:ioti'7.Bo; roush, $7.30©7.40; pigs, $5.60®6.50. Cattle Receipts, 4,000: weak. Na tive beef steers, »66.30@)7.50; cows and heifers, $3.15@8.20; calves. $7.75® 11.00. ! Sheep Receipts, 17,001); weak. | Wethers, $7.60®8.25; lambs, $8.50® I 11.00. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCB By Associated Press Philadelphia. Jan. 25. Wheat Higher: No. 2, red. spot and January, $1.36® 1.38; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.34 ® 1.36. Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local. 84®550; new steamer, No. t, yellow, ! local, 1 Oats Higher; No. 2. white, 58® 59c; No. 3. white, 55®55Vic. Bran The market Is firm: city mills, winter, per ton, $25.00; | western, winter, per ton. none nere. Spring, per ton, $23.00®23.60. Refined Sugars Market steady; i powdered, 5.95 c; tine granulated, 6.85 c; confectioners' A. 5.75 c. Butter Market steady; western, i , creamery, extras, 34c; nearby prints, i fancy, 37c. Eggs The market Is steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby nrstj. j free cases, 88.40 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, SS,IO per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, 88.40 per case; do., firsts, free cases. 88.10 per case. Live Poultry Market steady; fowls, ICmSc; roosters, 12@12%c; Spring chickens, 16® 18c; ducks, 15® 17c; geese, j 15W17c; turkeys. 20@22c. Dressed Poultry Firm; fresh j kiled fowls, fancy, 19?i®20%c: do., average. 16®19c; do. , unattrac tive. ®l66e; old roosters. 14Vjc; broiling chickens, nearby, 22®26c; do., western, 22® 24c; roasting chickens, western, ] choice to fancy. 20®22c; do., fair to | good, 15@19c; Spring ducks, nearby, 18 @2oc; no., western. 12®18c; geese, j nearby, 16«®18c; do., western, 14w16c; | turkeys, Delaware and Maryland, fancy, | i 28®30c; do., Virginia. 26®27c; do., near- i by. cholco to fancy, 27®28c; do., nearby choice, 23®26c; do., fair to good, 23® . 26c; western, choice to fancy, 25®27c; j do., fair to good. 22® 24c; do:, old toms. 21c; do., culls. 16®20c. Potatoes Market steady; Penn- | sylvania, white, per bushel. $1.00®1.20;j do., fair to good, 96c® 1.00 per bushel; i Jersey, No. 1, per basket, 60®70c; do.. No. 2, per basket, 30040 c. . Flour Firm, but quiet; winter, straights. $6.90®6.25: do., patent, $6.35 iff6.6o: Kansas straights. $4.85®6.85; Spring firsts, clear, $5.75®6.00; do., straights, $6.00®6.25: do., patents, $6.25 1®6.75; do., favorite brands, $7.00 <fj>7.so. | ' Ifay The market is steady with a fair demand; No. 1, large I bales, s2l 00 © 21.50; No. 1, medium bales. $20.60®21.00; No. 2. $19.00®19.50; No. 3, do.. 815.60® 17.60. Clover mixed, light mixed, $18.50® 19.00: No. 1. do., 818.00@is.60; No. *. Ii do., 816 00® 16.00. CHICAGO BOAHD OF TR4DB By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Jan. 25.—Board of Trade I closing: . I Wheat—May, 1.36: July, 1.26%. Corn—May, 79; July, 59% Oats—May, 53V2; July, 49%. Pork—January, 20.45: May, 20.52. Lard—May. 10.60; July, 10.75. Ribs—May, 11.15. Wide Interest Is Being Exhibited in Meeting of U. S. Steel Directors By Associated Press New York. Jan. 25. lnterest in to day's somewhat dull stock market cen tered around United States Steel owing to the widespread calculation concern ing the prospect of resumption of divi dends on the common issue when the directors hold their quarterly meeting late this afternoon. No dividend has been paid on Steel, Common, since September, 1914, when greatly decreased earnings caused the distribution to be placed at one-half of 1 per cent., instead of the previous rate of 1 % per cent. Predictions have been freely made that the corporation's earnings for the last quarter of 1915. the figures for which will be published after to-da.v s j meeting, equalled or exceeded the j record of $45,503,705, established in the second quarter of 1907. It has been generally believed that the volume of business during the last six months of I 1915 enabled the corporation to recoup its losses during the first half of that year and at the same time leave a sub stantial amount available for a com mon dividend after payment of he preferred dividend and usual fixed charges. . , , Dealings in Steel up to 1 o clock ag gregated about 80,000 shares, or over 25 per cent, of the whole. The stock opened at 84 to 84%, a maximum ad vance over night of 1%, then rose to 85 fell back a material fraction, later making full recovery. Mann Makes Vigorous Speech For Preparedness By Associated Press Washington, D. C., Jan. 25.—Repub- j lican Leader Mann made a vigorous j speech for national preparedness in the House to-day while all the Repub licans and most of the Democrats ap plauded heartily. "It seems the part of wisdom for us to prepare ourselves for any possibility of trouble that may 1 come," was the keynote of the Repub lican leader's remarks. "It is well known that I never have believed in a large standing army," he said, "and I probably might have been properly classed as a little navy man. | But wise men ought to be able to peer distinctly into the future and prepare to-day for what might come to-mor row." Mr. Mann declared the world was in the worst condition that any living ; person had ever seen it and predicted that it might be many years "before it is definitely determined whether one or the other, or neither side, can be come master." He also scouted the permanency of a paper peace. ~**\ Store Room FOR RENT (FROM APRIL IST) 105 North Second Street 23x59 feet, excluding show windows Gallery In rear; finished basement G. L. Cullmerry Commonwealth Trust Bltlg'. REDUCTION ALARMS U. S. By Associated Press Washington, D. C„ Jan. 25.—Reduc tion of the Carranza garrison at Cana nea to less than 100 men has alarmed the State Department and to-day re sulted In representations to the Mexi can embassy calling attention to Car ranza's promise to maintain adequate troops there. B——g. , FOR SALE 1829 Herr Street New 3-story' brick: never occu- I pied; 8 rooms, hall and bath; all improvements. Electric and gas : lights. Open stairway, chestnut fin ish; side entrance: front and back I porches: bay window; slate roof; I concrete walks and steps; cement cellar; steam heat; grass plots; fln | ished in up-to-date style; last one i of eight. Sold on easy terms. In quire CIHS. BAR Nil ART, 1821 Whitehall St. COSDEN OIL SAPULPA REFINING Int. Petroleum Cogent reasons why these three low priced oil securities are commanding investment at tention are explained in our special circulars Just issued. Free on request. Our Statistical Bureau is probably the most, complete I maintained by any brokerage house in the Kast. Banking houses and trust companies gen erally fortify themselves with our exclusive information for | the benefit of their customers. Why not you? No charge for this service. International Mercantile Marine The complicated affairs of this company, involving the bonds, preferred and common stock, are rapidly nearlng adjustment. 1 We will have the Information as soon as available. We sug gest you keep in touch with us by wire, telephone, or letter in regard to these issues. i L. L. Winkelman & Co. 131) S. Uroail St., Philadelphia l'honrm Walnut 111t.171 Itaee 255.+ New York Wilmington, llel. I'arkeraburit, W. Va. DIRECT WIRES to the VARI OUS MARKETS These New Semi-Bungalow Houses should greatly interest you. Brick and stucco construction six large rooms and bath —equipped with gas and electric light—steam heated—large porches— interior finish, including woodwork—paper and all hard ware Is of the best quality. Frice and terms are attractive. Let us know when we may take you to see them. Do not delay. Both Pliones BELL REALTY CO. Rcrgner Building Conservative Accounts Accepted in Wheat, Corn, Oats, Provisions BIOS and OFFERS Careful attention to out-of-town accounts. Write For Our Daily and Weekly Market Letters and for full explanations regarding markets. HUGHES & DIER MKMUEHS CHICAGO BOAHO OF Til AD 13 1435 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. APARTMENTS No. 7 South Front St. Suites of 4 rooms, kitclien anil bath; 2 rooms, kitchen, bath and ; I balcony. Dumb waiters, steam heat, constant hot and cold water. 1 1 Hardwood floors, electric lights, wired for telephone service. APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Co. !; 222 MARKET ST. HARRISBURG, PA. IBACH AND WIIITK IJCKNSED Joseph W. Ibuch and Harry i\ White, ex-city detectives, were li censed tliis afternoon by the Dauphin county court as private detectives. Both olflcers had served for years under the past three administrations, hut were dismissed January 15 by the new City Council. QIIBBER SmMQA ,3#61 SEALS & STENCILS UL "mfg.bvhbg.stencil WORKS ■ if ll 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. V Auction Sale at my stable, 1420 Ful ton St., Harrisburg, Pa., at 1 o'clock Saturday, January 29 Wc have '•> head of Horses and Marcs, welching from 1,200 to 1,400 ami some good driving llorscs. These horses must be sound and right. We have some Kentucky Horses. We also sell on commission, horses, wagons and harness. The horses must be sold for the high dollar. They must be like T say. or bring them back and receive your money. We also sell in private sale every day. M. Biatt PROPRIETOR FOR SALE Curtln Street, Nos, 519 and 521. Between Fifth and Sixth streets. Three-story brick houses. Pressed brick fronts, choice chestnut finish on first and second floors through out. Steam heat, convenient' clos ets, electric and gas. Large porches. Rear driveway. All paving done. l<arge lot. These are good, sub stantial homes built by Brandt and Kapp. All work done by the day and carefully inspected by us. Pos session at once. Also several houses between State and Broad, Sixth and I-'ront streets. Prices front $3,000 to sfi,ooo. H. C. BRANDT SB X. Third St. Bell Phone 3287 13
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