I A Telegraph Want Ad Will Quickly lenfffat Vacant "Roam | ©eatbs — ECKBNROTH—January 4, 1916, Mary Alice Eckenroth, aged 58 years. Relatives and trlends are invited to Attend the funeral services on rrl day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her late residence. 2309 North Fifth street. Private burial at Paxtang Cemetery. Body can be viewed this evening between the hours of 7 and 9 P. M FORTENBAIIGH Mrs. Julia Forten baugh died Thursday morning, at 4:10 A. M.. at the home of her duughter, Mrs. Dr. Swller, 1331 Derry street, aged 75 years. . Short services 9:30 Saturday morn ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William nobler. New Cumberland. Further services at 10 A. M. from the First Church of God, New Cumber land. The Rev. J. W. Deshong and the Rev. Mr. Relsch will have charge of the services. Burial Salem Cemetery, York county. McMAHON Michael McMahon, on Monday, January 3. 1916. Body can be viewed on Friday even ing at the home of his brother and sister at 1129 North Cameron street. Funeral on Saturday, at 9 A. M„ at St. Patrick's Cathedral.. Burial in Mt. Calvary Cemetery. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend without further notice. Please omit flowers. IN MEMORIAM IN sad but loving remembrance of Charles Frederick i nomoson, who de parted this life January 6, 1915. BY HIS MOTHER AND SISTERS. LOST LOST Tool kit, between 30 North Second street and Camp Hill. Kindly return to C. M. Sigler, Inc., 30 North (second street. LOSi At the Orplieum, or on Front (street, a miniature breastpin. Reward if returned to this oflice. LOST January 3. In Steelton or this city or enroute, gold charm, locket and knife. Initials "R. G. M." on knife. Reward. Return to Mark Mumma, County Treasurer, Courthouse. FOUND FOUND A way to end your clean ing and dyeing worries oy calling either phone for Eggert's Steam Dyeing unci French Cleaning Works, 1215 Alar ket street. We call and deliver. I WANXED —-Male WANTED Conscientious, earnest man tor salesman, etc., for our Steelton Department. We want a clean-cut, in dustrious, sober, honest man. who is not afraid of work, and who will agree to continue In our employ a sufneient time to thoroughly unuersiand our busi ness. We preier a resident of Steel ton. Apply in writing, giving age, sal ary expected ana piacuss wneie lor lucrly employed. Address Employment Department, United Ice anu Coal Com pany, Harrisburg. WANTED Reliable man- to dis tribute circulars. Apply Collins Co., 29 North Second street. WANTED Toolmakers, automatic screw machine operators, and hand jforew men, for large concern Eastern Pennsylvania. Transportation paid. Good wages and steauy work for reli able men. Replying, state age, experi ence and previous places ot employ ment, otherwise no attention paid to application. Address 3454, care of Telegraph. WANTED Milling, drilling, short anu long reamer lianas, and lathe op erators wanted for out-of-town work. Good wages. Applications must state «ge and full particulars as to previous employments and e .perlence or no at tention paid. Address M., 3453, care ot Telegraph. WANTED Boy over 16, to make himself useful in grocery store; give experience and reference. Address X., y-100, care of Telegraph Office. WANTED First-class machinists wanted. State age. Full experience. Address G., 3 452, care of Telegraph. WANTED Man for labor work; also a single white man to fire boilers | and do general work around house.! Apply 1700 North Second street. WANTED A drug clerk, a qualified . assistant, or a clerk with two or three years' experience, for suburban store, *iear Philadelphia. Best of referene re- | quired. Write Wyneote Pharmacy. Wyncote, Pa. TOOLMAKERS, dlemakers diesink- ' <-rs .and lirst-class tool room machine 1 hands. Steady employment at good i wages for qualified men. Give full par ticulars In first letter. Box 174, De troit. Mich. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring mill or lathe hands, who can work from blue prints; also tool makers. Ad dress, or apply. Employment Depart ment. Westlnghouse Electric & Alfg. Co.. East Pittsburgh. Pa. * FARMS FOR SALE J57-ACRK FARM Three miles southeast of Pen brook on the road to Union Deposit —l2O acres cultivated. 30 acres nieadowland, 7 acres woodland. 9-room frame house In fair con dition large frame bank barn silo large hogpen with concrete floors. This property is well-known as the "Win. Ilandshue farm" and has proved to bo one of the best pro ducers In the country. 102-ACRE FA It M Three miles east of Allddletown on the C'olebrook road 65 acres cul tivated. 7 acres meadow and 30 acres woodland. Two-story frame house with 12 rooms frame bank barn run ning water for stock. This Is the "Moyer Farm" and de serves your consideration. 70-At'HK FA II M Two miles west of Hummelstown on the' road from Heaver Station to Hoernerstown 5B acres cultivated, 7 acres meadow. 10 acres woodland. 57 bearing apple, 155 young apple, 447 peach, 64 pear, 50 cherry and 15 plum trees 135 raspberry stalks ' and other small fruit. 8-rooni house new sunimer houso frame bank barn and out buildings. I As this farm is only six miles from Harrlsburg it is especially de sirable; It is now occupied by the owner, Mr. Taylor. H-ACHlii FA KM . About 1 % miles west of Me chanicsburg on the Trlndle Spring road—along the Ilurrlshurg to Car lisle trolley line an 8-rooin, two story frame house in good repair frame stable and outbuildings—l:ls - Artesian well, and cistern. Now occupied by the owner, Mr. Ira Dreese; prompt- possession can be arranged for. 0%-AC'RE FARM About I*4 miles north of Middle town 5-room frame and log house —l%-story summer house frame ■table apple, peach, pear and cherry trees. The above mentioned Taruis are only a few of our lame lln< which will be furnlMlied yon npon reqneat. MILLER BROTHERS&CO. HEAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Bonda Locust aid Court Streets THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 6, 1916. HKLP WANTED—MaIe WANTED Sheet Metal Workers ' who can make or install Blow Piping. ' State age and experience. Sterling ( Blower Company. Hartford. Conn. 1 WANTED First-class barber; best . wages. D. Zang, 12 Wjest Twelfth r street. Tyrone, Pa. I WANTED Aleasengerp. Active boys j making good wages. A"ppiy Immedi ately. Western Uniqn l'eiegrapn Co. ! THE GLOBE requires the services of experienced men's cloclling salesmen ' ' for tile Thousand Suit and Overcoat ' Campaign. Apply at once. The Globe, 322-324 Market street. WA. TED Responsible man to sell Watkmi products In Perry county, Cumberland county and Northumber land county. Aiust be able to furnish ! team or automobile anu give personal 1 bond with two securities. Address A. ' R. Martin, 500 West Alain street, Hum melstown. Pa. 1 WANTED Energetic boy, over 16 years, to make himself .useful in ship ping room. Chalice of advancement to 1 right boy. Give name and address of ■ former employer. Address Z., 3447, care ■ j of Telegraph. 1 ' WANTED Canvasser to solicit 1 i photographic business. Call between 8 ■ and 9 A. AI., 12:30 to 1:34j P. M., or 5:00 to 6:00 P. AI. Roshon Studio, 8 North ■ Alarket Square. WANTED Boy over 16 years of ; age, for the tea and coffee business; must l e able to furnish reference. Ap ply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second street. ' ATTENTION MECMMCSIj Wa«ica—HfSi-Cifcs Men ill the following: trades: Tool and die makers, diesinkera. tool designers; general all-around machinists, bench, floor, lathe, boriny bill, planer, shaper, milling machine; hand and automatic screw machine operators and setters; internal, external and tool grinders; bearing scrapers; brass finishers. 1« ox, speed and monitor hands; wood anu metal patternmakers; automobile trim mers, backhanders; top and body Ut ters; wood and metal body makers; panelers, bumpers, finishers; light an<l neavy sheet metal workers. Addressi, with reference, Box 322, Detroit, Allch. HELP WANTED —Female WANTED Experienced lady soli citor. uood chance to gel good salary , and commission. Experienced only need apply. No one without reference will be considered. Address C., 3459, ■ care of Telegraph. WANTED Good, reliable white I woman to keep house in small town. Private family. No baking. Small ; washes. References exchanged. Call at 25 South Seventeenth street between 6 and 7:30 P. M„ Thursday or Friday. j WANTED Competent stenog- j rapher and typist with business expert- | ence. Alust give reference. Aduress j "Wholesale,'' P. O. Box VBS, ilarrisburg, j £!± -I WANTED Woman about "0 or 35 I years ot age to do general housework I and take care of woman and child. Will j have home for the winter. Suitable sal- j ary. .*pply 538 North street. WANTED —A girl for general house work in small family. English, 2518 North Sixth street. WANTED Girl for general house work; good wages and place to right party, inquire 429 Broad street. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply to 1024 South Eighteenth street. ' WANTED Woman to cook and as sist with general housework. City ref erence required. Apply 101 • iNorth Front street. Second Floor Apartment, Herr street entrance. Call between lo and 12 A. M. WANTED Students to enroll at our school. A lady started work In 16 ; weeks. Better and more teaching | brings results. Enroll now. Bell 704 K. Ilarrisburg Shorthand School, Second [ street. | WANTED Reliable colored girl; no cooking; must be good Ironor and i cleaner and sleep home at night. Ap- ) ply 2201 North Second street. > GIRLS WANTED Steady work on I power machines. Apply Twelfth and | 1 Bridge streets. New Cumberland Pa.,: Jackson Underwear Co. j WANTED Experienced white girl ■ for general housework; references re- ! quired. Apply 2012 North Third street.) j WANTED Lady for office work in j dyeing and cleaning establishment; | middle-aged preferred; knowledge of bookkeeping not required; state ref erence. Address 0., 3393, care of lele | graph. i WANTED Girl to work in office; experience not necessary? give refer-j ! ence. Address J., 345, care of Tele- I graph. ' WANTED Girl for general house ; work; must be able to cook; reference | required. Apply 1701 North Second ! street. WANTED Woman to attend invalid | man; must be strong; one with experi | ence preferred. Apply Hartman, 'lhiru j and Valley street, Summerdale. j I WANTED Girls experienced on ; power sewing machines. Apply Har | rlsburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, | Harrlsburg, Pa. WANTED Experienced i sewing machine operators to work |on women's and children's wear, j ilarrisburg Apparel Co., over City : Star Laundry, 414-416 State | street, rear entrance. WANTED Girls over 16 to i strip tobacco. Also experienced I Rollers, iiunchmakers, Packers, J Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel : fare looked after by trained nurse. | Apply Ilarrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. - ; HELP W ANTED—MuIe and l'emale | WANTED, AT ONCE Experienced ' operators 011 power sewing machines, jiiooci wages. Also boys o„ver 16 years I old from Meelton. Apply Steelton Ulove | Co., 709-1 1 South Second street. Steel - j ton. Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED— Male WANTED Young mail desires work In store; two years experience In tailor : shop. Call 1625 Fulton street. WANTED - Young man desires po 'sltlon as lunch counter clerk or short order work. Apply to P. O. Box 261. WANTED Postltion as stenog rapher, with chance tor advancement; win lurnlsh reference. Address W. F. G., 1415 Liberty street. WANTED High School graduate wishes work of any kind In the even ings; can turulsh best references. Ad dress Box J, 3457, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as bookkeeper or general office work; can furnish good reference. Address C., 3449, care of Telegraph. WANTED l'irat-class tin and :-ht,>'tlron workman, used to all kludt of copper, tin a.ud --noetlrun work, stoves heuters and ranges, desires position. Address AI. Armington, 748 Dunkle street, Ilarrisburg. WANTED Alan, wants position as chauffeur, or work 111 garage washing carts, etc., relervnciS. liii Liberty strevU SITUATION'S WANTED—MaIe WANTED • Middle-aged, married man mants position driving team, or any kind of work; handy with tools; can give good reference. Apply or address, 1324 Cowden btreet. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Washing and Ironing to do at home. Call 1625 Fulton street. WANTED Young woman, thor oughly experienced In all lines of offic, work, including stenography and book keeping, desires position; nine years' experience; best of reference. P. O. Box ; 68. .larrlsburg. Pa. WANTED Efficient stenographer and bookkeeper, well experienced, good penman, excellent worker, highest cre dentials, desires position. Address 8., care of Telegraph. WANTED White woman desires to do maternity nursing. Apply 2632 Jefferson sti'eet, or call Bell phone 828 R. | WANTED Young white girl de sires position in dliiiiigrooni, or as chambermaid. Apply £lO Chestnut} street, Room No. 8. | WANTED Colored woman desires j general housework, or day's work of I any kind. Address Y'„ 3456, care of j Telegraph. WANTED Neat, colored girl wants I position doing light housework in pri vate family, or as dinlngroom girl. Call 1521 Fulton street. WANTED Woman wants work for Alonuay, Tuesday and Thursday; no i washing. Call 669 Brlggs street. WANTED By young girl, position as nurse girl; can give reference. Ap ply 109 Alanada street. City. WANTED—Experienced clerk wisheß position. Either stationery or art shop preferred. Address C., 132 Hoerner street. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE WHAT will you give for Bailey street? Rental, $1 1. 340 Crescent street ' Is offered at $3,260. H. G. Pedlow, 110 1 South Thirteenth street. FOR SAL— Farm, 107 acres, locat ed one mile northeast of Harrlsburg; I good land for trucking. Apply to H. o. Walmer, Penbrook. or AI. H. Nissley. < 1813 State strett, Harrlsburg. 1 JUST COAIPLETED, a three-story brick house chestnut finish steam heat side entrance. It is a beauty , and offered for $3,200. H. G. Pedlow, 1 110 South Thirteenth street. ! TWO DAUPHIN PROPERTIES—Pow ley property ,on the main street slx j room house in good condition lot, i 40x150 feet. Price S7OO. Talley prop erty—on the main street—lo-room ' house bath steam heat electric ; lights. Price, $1,400. H. G. Pedlow, 110 j South Thirteenth street. i LOTS Levi Brandt Est., Elkwood. j New Cumberland 5O ft. froift up to lone-half acre plots sewer gas ■ electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c trolley. Keeney &Jjlmmons, Agents, i FOR SALE Two new brick houses, ■ i all modern improvements, six rooms and bath, gas, electric lights, etc. Large i porches and yards, near street car lino. I; Special prices and easy payments for i quick sale, only $2,300 and $2,500, corner , Brlggs and Poplar streets, near | Twenty-first street. Apply L. Alinter, , Bell phone 590W, United 563 W. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE j A valuable North Second street resi dence. Most desirable residential lo cality In city. A bargain. Price and terms for the asking. Address "Home." | care of Harrlsburg Telegraph. i ——- 1 ( HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT < FOR RENT House 1621 North! Third street; three-story brick; front : and side norch; steam heat and all con- | l veniences. Inquire of Thompson S. Mar- |i i tin, Attorney-at-I/aw, Room 213, 222 j | Alarket street. I ! FOR RENT Automobile storage in j ] up-to-date garage; steam heat; hot and , cold water; electric lights, etc., Corner _ Penn street and Charles avenue. In- | quire at Garage. 11 i FOR RENT—IIS9 Derry street—two- 1 storv brick porch gas and elec- I triclty all improvements in ex- I cellent repair. Kent, $20.00 per month. < Inquire AI. L. Bowman, 259 Herr street. | FOR RENT , 723 N. Nineteenth St $ll.OO i 1813 Uriggs St.. improvements. 15.50 I i 47 Vernon St., new 19.00 • 111. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. Thirteenth St. ' FOR ftENT Two new brick houses i' on Brlggs street near Twenty-first 1 1 street, Just finished, all modern im provements, six rooms and bath, elec- I trie lights, gas, large porches and 1 vards. etc.. $16.00 and $17.00 per month, j | Applv L Alinter, Bell phone 390W, Unit- ! jed 563 W. J, i FOR RENT Three-story brick house. 2319 Fourth street; porch from and back; all modern improvements. Rent, $22.50 per month. Inquire of John J. Hargest, 2204 North Third street. FOR lIENT No. IROU State St $25.00 No 1628 Reglna St 25.00 ' Private fireproof garage 4.00 I ; No. 807 N. Eighteenth St 25.00 ] 1 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Alarket St. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT —Apartments, third floor, with improvements, $lO. Apply to 1745 North Sixth street. FOP Rfc.NT Five-room apartment house; steam heat, electric light and 1 gas. Rent low. Apply 1417 Vernon street. j] FOR RENT —107 South Front street, third floor front furnished apartment; ; two large rooms, kitchenette and bath; 1 , city steam heat included. Apply to j Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Wal- ■ nut streets. j ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two furnished rooms I on second floor, for light housekeep- I ing: use of bath and steam heat. Call I 21 North Fifth street, or 1014 Alarket. | FOR RENT Two ftirnislu d rooms > on second door, for light housekeeping; | use ot bath and phone. 1604 Derry | street. I • FOR R 'T Three unfurnished , rooms on second floor, with hath, gits, 1 and heat furnished, inquire 616 Relly i street. | i FOR RENT —ln private hmne. two | 'furnished rooms for housekeeping; gas i I range and sink with water in kitchen; | i prlvtlege of bath; option of third loom. . 240 North Fourteenth street. FOR RENT Very nicely furnlshen | rooms, with or without board; city steam' use ol pho v all conveniences. Three furnished rooms, first floor, for light housekeeping. Apply at 9 North Front street, or at 222 North Third street, between 7 and 10 P. M. KOll R •i' Two furnished rooms, with running water, in private family. 266 Herr street. . FOR RENT Two rooms for light , housekeeping .corner house; also one large front room, furnished. Address ! 501 Cumberland. FOR RENT One nicely furnished room, second floor, facing front and 1 side .suitable for one or two gentlemen; close to home boarding. Call 104 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Suite of rooms on ' second floor front, for one or two gen- | tl.m'eii, with use of bath, phone and i 1 city heat: reference required. Apply j 2i2 Brlggs street. , FOR RENT Large, well-lighted j 1 furnished rooms, single or tnsulte: city : sleam heat; Bell phon*. Address 719 I North Sixth street. i ROOMS WANTED WANTED Centrally located un furnished room In apartment house, by two young ladles; willing to share two rooms wltri congenial person; references exchanged. Address J.. Ell 4, care of Teletrraph. WANTED Three unfurnished rooms tor light housekeeping, within five or ten minutes' walk of Broad Street Market: man and wife; no chil dren. Address D„ 3461, care of Tele graph. WANTED Furnished apartment or furnished rooms, for light housekeep ing; private bath preferred. Address 0.. 3414 care of Telegraph. WANTED - Gentleman desires fur nished room, with board, in private family. West End Action preferred. Address Z., 3394. care of Telegraph. WANTED To rent, furnished apart ment house, or three furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, by young, married couple* no children. Ad dress S., 3448, care of Telegraph. WANTED CASH PRICES paid for Ladles" and Men's cast-off Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and Carpets. Give descrip tion ol' goods you want to boll. Send postal to 636 Herr street FOB SALE FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department The.Tele graph Printing Company. BUY Traveling Bags, Suitcases and Trunks from Wholesale and Retail Leather Merchants, Second and Chest nut Repairing neatly and promptly at tended to. Specialties made to order. Harrisburg Harness and Supply Co. FOR SALE A Vim truck, brand new; will be sold cheap to a quick buyer. Reason l'or selling, have no use for It. Addres C., 3392, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE Grocery store, near city. Will sell property, stock and fix tures at sacrifice. Must sell on account of other business. Address Store, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE —1914 Ford touring, latest equipment. Including electric lights, shock absorbers, master vibrator. Ap ply 2000 North Slxlh street. FOR SALE 1,000 De Luxe Calendar Samples. Bargain for Entire Lot. Communicate or call Bell Phone 1577 R. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO.. Third and Cumberland Streets. Over Miller's Shoe Store. FOR SALE Moving Picture place; fully equipped. Call, or address, J. A. Bishoo. Mt. Joy. Pa. FOR SALE One Popcorn Ct'ispette machine. New. bong's patent. Ad dress 516 Curtln street. *s CALKS—CALKS—CALKS FOR SALE At Gable's. 111-117 S. Second St.. Neverslip and Rowe Screw and Drive Calks, Green Bay and Giant Grip Drive Calks. Can't Slip and Always Sharp Calks. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS cart be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE. REAL BARGAlN—Seven passenger Oldsmobile special, in fine running condition. Extra good tires. Call Hell phone 133, or address D., 3460, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Pool room and cigar store doing good business In central part of city. Address Box Z, 3458, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE One 280-Egg Prairie State Incubator, In flrst-cl.ass second hand condition, for $15.00. E. O. Whit man. Lewtobwry, Pa. FOR SALE Baby carriage and bicycle, cheap. Call evenings at 461 Crescent street. FOR SALE Left-handed range. In good condition. 513 Muench street, City. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Airedale puppies for sale. Prices reasonable. In quire M. R. Rutherford. Box 58 B—R. D. No. 1, Harrisburg. Bell phone 341J-3 FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and tools. Address 8., 3451, care of Tele graph. , FOR SALE New cash register. Ap ply 1407 North Sixth stteet. FOR SALE Bicycle, double bar (Wolfehound); newly painted; good tires, etc. Big bargain, $lO. 814 North Third street. FOB KENT FOR light manufacturing, storage or shop purposes, a very desirable entire second floor, with private front en trance, city steam heat, electric lights and water, in a new building located just south of Chestnut Street on River Street. Appiy to Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR RENT A large office In the Telegraph Building. Inquire of Super intendent in Business Office of Tele graph. BUSINESS OI'PORTVJNITIES A GOOD opening for young physician. Ofllce fully equipped. Call, or address, Mrs. E. E. Horn, Linden, Pa. Bell phone 1447 J. FOR SALE An up-to-date grocery store doing a cash business, centrally located. Address D., 3415 ,care of Tele graphy ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 7#B. Lock port. N. Y. I MADE |50,000 In five years in the mail order business, began with $5. I Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea- I cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS WANTED Men to have their Suits and Overcoats sterilized and pressed. Tickets. sl. good for three pressings. Guv's, 26 South Third street. Just phone 3318 J. FOR falling' hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonlo, prepared by Gross, the i Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market , street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone I orders glv:n prompt attention. Bell 1960. II All LING It. A. HARTMAN. Hoarding Stable nnri National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lather. Manager, Fifth and ! Woodbine street. Bell phone No. 2503 R. MONEY TO LOAN SI,OOO to loan on first mortgage. Ad dress P. O Box No. 775, Harrisburg, Pa. - STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. ' AUTO STORAGE—Central—room for two cars. Paved streets. Electric 1 lights and water. Rent, $3 per month. Apply 177 South Front street, Steel i ton. » STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri | vate rooms, $1 to $3 Wagons. 75 cents I per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co 411 LEADING SHARES DISPOSED TO SAG Initial Prices Point to Further Speculative Uncertainty; Declines Nominal By Associated Press New York, Jan. 6.—lnitial prices in the stock market to-day pointed to further speculative uncertainty. A new factor of interest was injected by the statement of the head of the United States "Steel Corporation, which coun seled caution. United States Steel opened at 87%, a small fraction over yesterday's heavy close, but soon de clined to 86% on large sales. Other leading shares were disposed to sag after their Irregular opening, but de clines were comparatively nominal ex cept in certain high-priced specialties. General Motors losing 15 at 470. Ralls were slightly lower with heaviness in Erie. Coppers and specialties, particularly oils and some of the better known war descriptions, made substantial recov eries in the first hour, and Steel rose to 8714 before another selling move ment of larger and wider proportions was encountered. On this decline Steel fell to 86%, with offerings ranging from 1,000 to over 4,000 shares. Other leaders, including standard railways, went lower, and some of the high priced specialties followed the lead of General Motors, Agricultural Chemical preferred falling 8 to 64. Further heaviness was manifested with the ap proach of the noon hour on a com bination of short selling and fresli liquidation. Bonds were Irregular. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har rlsburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia: 34 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, Jan. 6. Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines 24% 25^4 American Beet Sugar ... 67 66% American Can 60% 60% American Can pfd 74% 74% American Ice Securities. 25 25 American Locomotive .. 66% 65% American Smelting .... 111% 110 American Sugar 112% 114 American T & T 127% 127% Anaconda 90 89% Atchison 107% 107% Baldwin Locomotive ... 114 111 Baltimore & Ohio 95 94% Brooklyn Rapid Transit 87% 87 Vi California Petroleum ... 38 34 % Canadian Pacific 181 179% Chesapeake and Ohio .. 65% 65% Chlno Consolidated Cop. 54% 54% Consolidated Gas 142% 143% Crucible Steel 67 65% Distilling Securities .... 47% 46% Erie 42% 41% Erie, Ist pfd 58% 57 General Electric Co ... 173% 173 General Motors 470 440 Gt. North, pfd 125% 124% Gt. North. Ore, ss 49% 48% Gug. Exp 23% 23 Ins. Copper 46% 45% Interboro-Met 20 19% Interboro-Met. pfd 76% 76% Lehigh Valley 81% 80% Maxwell Mot 71% 70 Mex. Petroleum 119 116 Miami Copper 38% 38% Missouri Pacific 5% 5% National Lead 68 68 N. Y., N. H. & H 76 75 Northern Pacific 117% 117% Pennsylvania Railroad.. 59 58% Pittsburgh Coal 34% 33% Pittsburgh Coal pd 109 109% Southern Pacific 102% 102% Southern Ry 23% 23% Southern Ry pd 63 63 Studebaker 160 158 Tennessee Copper 65 61 Third Avenue 61 61 Union Pacific 138% 138 U S Rubber 56% 55% U S Steel 87% 86% U S Steel pfd 117% 117% Utah Copper 81 80% Western Union Tel ... 88% 88% Westlnghouse Mfg 67% 66% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE) By Associated Press Philadelphia, Jan. 6. Wheat Steady: No. 2, red, spot, and January, $ 1.27(g) 1.29; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.25®; 1.27. Corn Firm; No. 2. yellow, local, 82%®83'Ac: steamer, No. 2, yellow, lo cal. 81H®>82%c. Oats Firm: No. 2, white, 50% @ 51c; No. 2, white. 47',4 <S> 48% c. Bran The market is steady; city mills, winter, per ton. $25.00; western, winter, per ton. none here; Soring, per ton, $23.60@24.00. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered. 6.05 c; fine granulated, 5.95 c; confectioners' A, 5.85 c. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extras, 34c; nearby prints, fancy, 37c. Eggs The market Is steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts free cases. $10.50 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $9.90 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $10.50 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $9.90 per case. Live Poultry Alarket firm; fowls, 15(ff>17c; roosters, 12@12%c; spring chickens, 15®17c; ducks, 15@17c; geese. 15@17c; turkeys. 20@22c. Dressed Poultry Alarket steady; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18c; do., average, 16%4j)17%c; do., unattrac tive, 13® 16c; Ice packed fowls, 13 @>l6c; old ' roosters. 13c: broiling chickens, nearby, 22®2$c; do., western, 20® 22c; roasting chickens, west-rn choice to fancy, 18@19c; do., fair to good, 14®17c; spring ducks, nearby, 18 @2oc; do., western, 12® 18c; geese, nearby, 16$S18c; do., western. 14<fc>16c; turkeys, Delaware and Alaryland, fancy, 28@30c; do., Virginia, 26®27c; do., near by, choice to fancy, 28c; do., nearby, choice, 26®27c; do., fair to good. 23® 25c; do., western, choice to fane, 25® 26c; do., western, fair to good. 20@23c; ( old toms, 21c; do., cuUs, 16® 17c. Potatoes Market firm; Penn- | sylvannla, facy, per bushel, sl.lo® 1.25; do., fair to good. 95c01.00 per bushel; Jersey, No. 1. per basket. 60@55e; do.. No. 2. per basket, 30®40c. Flour Alarket firm: winter, straights, $5.90®6.15; do., patent, $6.25 ®6.50: Kansas straights, $4.85®5.8r>; Spring straights. s6.oo>n 6.25; do., pat ent. $6.2K"t 6.60; do., favorite brands, $6.75® 7.15. Hay The market Is steady, with a fair demand; No. 1, large bales, $21.00® 21.50; No. 1, medium bales. $20.60@21.00; No. 2. $19.00019.50; No. J. do.. $15.60® 17.50. Clover mixed, light mixed. $18.60® 19.00: No. 1. do.. slß.oo® 18.50; No. i do.. $16.00® 16.00. ' CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., Jan. 6. Hogs Re ceipts. 50,000: slow, 10c to 16c above yesterday's average. Bulk of sales, $6.85 ®7.05; ll"bt, $6.65®7.05; mixed, $6.70® 7.15; heavy. $6.70®7.20; rough. $6.70® 6.85; pigs, $5.76®6.75. Cattle Receipts. 8,000; weak. Na tive beef steers, $6.30®9.60; western steers. $6.35®8.10; cows and heifers, $3.10® 8.40; calves, $7.00®10.75. Sheep Receipts, 16,000; steady. Wethers. $6.76@7.25; lambs, $7.75®10.25. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago. 111., Jan. 6.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat— May, 1.26%; July. 1.18%. Corn—May, i 7%; July, 77%. Oats —Alay. 48*4 ; July. 47. Pork—January. 9.85; Alay, 10.25. I,arU —January. 10.12; Alay. 10.37. Ribs— January, 10.35; May, 10.72. GERMANS BEING BATTERED HARD [Continued From First Page,] he should oppose the government's compulsion bill. Lens, the Important town in North ern France, which was one of the ob jectives of the entente forces in their September offensive, is being uninter ruptedly shelled by allied artillery, Berlin announced to-day. There has been other notable artil lery activity along the western front. The Germans report the repulse of a hand grenade attack on their lines northeast of Le Mesnil and the failure of an attack by allied aviators on Doual. Two British aeroplanes were shot down. On the eastern front, a superior Russian force drove back a German re connoitering detachment south of Ja cobstadt, while in Volhynia the Ger mans dislodged the Russians from one of their advanced positions. Reports of the evacuation of Czerno witz by the Austrlans have not been confirmed, Petrograd unofficial ad vices to-day only claiming that tlie Russians have compelled the city's defenders to fall back to their second ary line. The French are pounding heavily on the German trenches in the Cham pagne and between Solssons and Rheims and claim to have inflicted j notable damage by the bombardments. Bulgaria whose nrmies have not I been actively engaged since Serbia was j cleared of entente troops has appro- ■ prlated $100,000,000 for war purposes, a Salonlki dispatch states. All parties united in support of the vote of credit. German Prestige Takes Big Drop in Balkans By Associated Press London, Jan. 6. A dispatch to i the Daily Mail from Athens says: | "The last ten days have seen the j biggest drop in German prestige since the war began and this (..spite the | entente allies' evacuation of a por- ] tlon of the Gallipoli peninsula. The i causes of the German slump have 1 been external and internal, namely! the failure of the Teutonic forces to i advance in Macedonia, together with i General Castelnau's confidence in the strength of the entente allies' position ] at Salonlki. and the impatience of the Greek troops to resist any at tempt of a Bulgarian advanco of the Greek troops to resist any attempt of a Bulgarian advance in Greek terri tory which has compelled the govern ment to give the commanders on the border the necessary orders to be pre pared for action against the Bul garians, if necessary. "Moreover, through the queen, who has had depressing letters her sister, the Princess Charlotte of Saxe-Mein ingen. King Constantine is learning the true state of affairs in Germany." RUSSIANS PIERCE ENEMY London, Jan. 6.—The Times learns from is Petrograd correspondent that the Russians have pierced the enemy's positions in the immediate vicinity of Czernowitz, compelling their op ponents to fall back to their second ary line and definitely assume the de fensive. The dispatch dated Wednes day says that the enemy's losses have been enormous in these engagements and also in the neighborhood of Czartorysk where he was pressed back westward for several miles. "TO THE VERY END" By Associated Press Paris, Jan. 6.—"Parliament and the country are of one accord," said Paul Deschanel, president of the French chamber of deputies, to-day, in an interview with a representative of the Americanization Committee on Jan world: 'To the very end!' " LEGAL NOTICE Capitol Park Extension Commission. In re Condemnation of premises No. 416 South street, Harrlsburg, Penna. To all persons in interest: IN conformity with the provisions of the Act of Assembly, approved June 16, 1911 (P. L 1027), notice is hereby given that, on the 29th day of December, 1915, the Capitol Park Extension Commission filed among the records of its proceed ings its report in the matter of the con demnation of the above mentioned premises. SAMUEL C. TODD. Secretary. NOTICE is hereby given that the An nual Aleeting of the Stockholders of the Devlne and Yungel Shoe Alanufacturing Co., for the election of Directors, will be held at the office of the Company, Sixteenth and State streets, Harrlsburg, Pa., on Tuesday, January 11, 1916, at 4:30 P. M. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that in pur suance to the Act of May 23, 1887, en titled "An Act to make the carrying on of the business of Detective without li cense a misdemeanor and to regulate the licensing and powers of Detec tives," application will be made by the undersigned, to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauplitn County, on the 24th day of January. 1916, for a license to conduct the business of a Detective or Detective Agency in the City of Har rlsburg, Pennsylvania. HARRY C. WHITE. NOTICE Is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on January 15, 1916, under the provisions of an Act of Assembly, entitled, "An Act to provide for the in corporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29, 1874, J and its supplements, for a charter of an j intended corporation to be called the STANDARD BAKING COAIPANY, the I character and object of which is the . manufacture, sale and dealing in bread, pies, cakes, pastries, and other good stuffs of a similar and cognate char acter, and for these purposes to have, | possess and enjoy all the rights, bene- i fits anl privileges by said Act of As- ] sembly and Its supplements conferred. I EDWARD E. BEIDLEMAN. Solicitor. TRANSFER NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that appllca- ! tlon will be made to the Court of Quar ter Sessions of the Peace of Dauphin County, on Alonday, the 10th day of i I January. 1916, for the transfer of the' tavern license of William 11. Deihlcr for j "Shell's Tavern." in East Hanover ) Township. Dauphin County, Pennsylva- : nia. to Chester S. Boyer. of Grantvllle. I I East Hanover Tcwnshlp, County of | Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, and that the papers for that purpose are on ; file In the Prothonotary's office, at Har rlsburg. Pennsylvania. MICHAEL E. STROUP. Attorney for Chester S. Boyer. - WkoUome- P»Ut»£ISMM Bread Direct from our oven - A 1,, ' PW £e Wajor Ruhls lUmk Bakery. I I LINER MOUNTING GUNS DOCKS HERE . Verdi May Be Compelled to Dismount Submarine Chasers by U. S. New York. Jan. 6.—Gunners of the Royal Italian navy were In charge of the two guns on the Italian liner Giuseppe Verdi, which arrived here to day from Genoa, Naples and Palermo, according to the captain, Luigl aZn noni. After the vessel left Palermo, the captain said, daily practice was held with the guns, barrels having been thrown overboard as targets. The guns were placed on the Verdi by order of the Italian naval authori ties, but the captain declares he was instructed to use them for defensive purposes only. When the Verdi docked here F. A. Dowsey, a member of the port neu trality squad, inspected the guns and reported his information to Dudley Field Malone, collector of the port. The guns are still on the ship and no action will be taken by the local offi cials until a report of the Investigation has been made to Washington. j Washington, D. C., Jan. 6. The | State Department probably will take up with the Italian government the question of guns mounted on the liner I Giuseppe Verdi with a view to having I the pieces dismounted before the ship leaves American waters. It The guns on the Verdi promise to bring up again a point which has been a disputed one since the war began. At the outset of hostilities the United ' States took the position that ships en j terlng American ports with guns of not I more than six inches in caliber, | mounted well aft, for purposes of de i fense, would not be considered armed, [ but reserved the right to change its | position in the light of changing con | ditions of warfare. THE Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open daily, except Sunday, , at 3 P. M„ at its new location, Froni and Harris streets, tor the free treat ment of the worthy poor. QIIBBER STAMQn SEALS & STENCILS UV fi MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS ■ |1 % B 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. V Statistical Bureaus When nearly evevy important financial institution in ihe country avails Itself of our statistical Serv ice, does it not appeal to you as be ing worthy of your inquiry? We may modestly state that our Statistical Department is equipped with every facility to furnish the investor and speculator with com plete data respecting any active se curity. Banking houses and trust com ! panies generally fortify themselves I with our exclusive information for the benefit of their customers. Why not you? No charge for this serv ice. L. L. WINKELMAN & CO. 139 S. Broad St., Phila. Phonem: Walnut OH.'iT; Itare 2383. New York Wilmington, Del. PiirkerMhiirft, W. Ya. Dlrcrt Wires to the Yaiioun Markets Auction Sale At My Stables, 1420 Ful ton St., Harrisburg, Pa., at 1 O'clock, Saturday, January 15, 1916 We have 125 head of horses and mules. We have them weighing from 1,400 to 1,600, and some good driving horses. The HORSES must be sound, and right in this lot we have some Kentucky brood mares with foal. These horses must be like I say they are or bring them back and get your money. We also sell horses at private sale every day. M. BLATT, Proprietor PUBLIC SALE Saturday, Jan. 8,1916 One express load of Vir ginia Horses and Colts, ranging in age from two to eight years old. Also lot of acclimated and com me r horses. Sale to start prompt ly at 1 o'clock. FARVER & WITMER AT OUR STABI.K 312 Blackberry Street 1 I * 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers