Everything From A to Z AUTO Tops, Auto and T AUNDRY — Wagon Painting J—/ REMEMBER Body building for trucks and £j t y g tar LaiUldry delivery wagons a specialty. , , .. > They keep your clothes clean. C. A. Fair Wagon Works DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING East End Mulberry Street Bridge OF ALL. KINDS. BATHS AND MASSAGE. Sulphur _ /TIISTP loving people realize vapor baths for rheumatism. |\ /I lumbago, sciatica, fout, n f"' i.VX the Importance of having rltls. colds, obesity, blood poisoning Pianos tuned and regu and many chronic diseases. t tn f' r «anosr tunea ana regu Lady and Gentleman Attendants. la ted by those who know. HEALTH STUDIO WM. F. TROUP & SON Aims N. P. Roblnaon PIANOS—I'I.AVEH-PIANOS 2(17 Walnut St. Bell 2HM-H. BOS N. Third St., City. CALENDARS are Effective /"^vLDSMOBILE— Business Promoters. luie MODKL, VIUS.V Attractive designs In all grades and Beßt motorcar va i uo 6,zes - rn for the money. Immediate delivery. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO. 1123 North Third street East End Auto Company Bell Phone 1677-R. BeJl phone 31B _ lt . DIAMONDS, watches, for paper hangers and Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. commercial purposes where New and Unredeemed large quantities are used. AT LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY APPLY COHEN & SON, Jene,,r " Harrisburg Paste Works 421 MARKET STREET Cameron and Walnnt Sts. At the Subway. B(jU phone 2m D Arrange for stairs, and all kinds of wood a demonstration on |ECT|g*gfrjgaßWl jobbing. NOW OW " w ° rlt ~ Harrisburg Pattern and Model Sales Aseai'j. gPaSj&fonjff 1 VS-34 North Camerou Street COLD SMITH'S Hell Phone 3&71-J. 2Ofl Walnut St. , — T)OOL ROOM— DYERS AND CLEANERS JL I Siave bought the pool room and cigar store at the corner of t« /-v /-n T-. no Market and Fourteenth streets FOOTERS where I will be glad to see my friends THE GREATEST IN THE U. & W. STUART FOX 1323 MARKET STREET 34 N. Third St. EQ UICK SHOE PTTPATDTMfI KHif AIKIIM Li lamps ana lamp sets. We have wnnv the largest line of Imported toys in BLfaT WUKK. the city. We have every electric BEST MATERIAL t-- made at lowest prices It will P-SV you to spend carfare. ci g hoe Repair i ng Company YINGST ELECTRICAL CO. IS N. COURT ST. 1423 NORTH THIRD ST. —— " FIRE INSURANCE K KV.,irrVi RrJrrhfhJll Building of new roofs of slate. KOUgn, xSrigntDlU asbestos shingles and composition and Kline materials. Spoutliitf and Tinning; 307 uoth K p l h l on , ," D "" WILLIAM H. SNOOK BEST LIFE INSURANCE KELKKK sr. OBT AIN A RLE n. j j QIGNS, Show Cards and FLOWERS — * O Advertising Novelties STATE CAPITAL OP EVERY DESCRIPTION FLOWER SHOP Garner Sign and Advertising N. F. BLACK Company 520 MARKET STREET Floral Expert t Bell Phone 720 Phone 2654 H. 105 N. SECOND ST. - .. rji YPEWRITERS pROCERIES- 1 T \J NEW STORE, NEW STOCK rebuilt. Bargains NEW PRICES that, are worthy 3 . of your Inspec- l< M Most Sanitary Store In City. t|on App ] y GIVE US A TRIAL 21, LO CLST ST. D. O. HURSH OP The.7« h ,? am 1334 N. Sixth Street 1_ AULING— T TPHOLSTERING HEAVY AND LIGHT U AND REPAIRING HAULING CHAIR CANING. FURNITURE AND CHINA PACKING A SPECIALTY. JOHN BLACK & SON R j ROYSTER 201 S. Seventeenth St. cnpitni and nrigga sta. TCITCREAM— \ 7ULCANIZING— -1 ... „ „ V DEALER IN EXTRA MILES E. Wallace Csse West End VulcanlxlnK Co, 1717 N. Sixth St. The most sanitary made Ice Cream Guaranteed automobile, motorcycle In the city ?> nd bl ?y£le tire and tube repairing c ly. Prompt Service. Moderate Prices 1932 North Third St. Bell phone. Harrisburg, Pa. JEWELRY J. C. GITT TTTORDEN Paint and 1303 Market Street * * Roofing Company Slag, Slate and Tile Roofing, Damp Largest and most select assortment and water proofing. Distributors of on the HIIL Prices surpassed by any Car|y Roofing Jeweler in tho city. TENTH AND KITTATINNY STS. NEXT TO ALLISON TRUST CO. lUrilnburg, Pa. KITZMILLER— Y-CEL IN PLATING Piano and Furniture Cleaner , . and Polisher sent to any ad- Silver plating, nickel plating --.--sJKxr ssn Kitzmiller Pharmacy NUSS MANUFACTURING CO 132 ft Perry St., s. Cameron ,ud Mulberry St.! YT-EYSTONE RUG CO. YIMMERMAN IV Rugs Cleaned by the £_^ NEW PROCESS CARPET Allison Hill Tailor CLEANING METHOD. „ CLEANING AND REPAIRING 1115 Montgomery St. BOTH PHONES 7 North Thirteenth St. ————— M— ——inn Wll— — JF you can be convinced that you can get more satisfaction and quality for your dime by smoking one 10c cigar instead of two nickel cigars will you still be of the opinion that 10c cigars are an extrava gance? Here's the way to be convinced, smoke MO J A 10c Cigars They are all Havana for any taste Made by John C. Herman & Co. THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 6, 1916. [ In the Amusement World Phyllis Nelsen-Terry the beautiful and brilliant interpreter of the role of Trilby In the famous play by that name. Is one actress who believes it hen duty to remain on the legiti mate stage in preference to being lured into the movie field by the glitter of 1 gold. She is convinced, being a daugh ter of Britannia, that the "cinema," i as she calls the movie, will never take the place of the legitimate stage. She has had offers, of course, but, says she, dropping into the vernacular, "Not for me!" . SEUMAS MacMANUS Seumas MacManus, whose Irish lec ture. to be given at Technical High School on January 11, was g. farmer's boy in Ireland, among his native hills of Donegal. The son of one of the small farmers among the Donegal hills, he lived the life of the other farmers' boys, working during the day on the potato ridge and on the corn Held at night, going to wedding and wake, and christening and dance, where he un consciously studied the life and char acter around him—and absorbed alike the humor and the pathos of Irish lite. At dance or christening, or other social entertainment, within a ten-mile radius, he sat by the lireslde with the shanachy, listening to the old tales. As the mountain schoolmaster is the greatest man in all the countryside, the boy Seumas MacManus, at an early age ambitioned being "The Muster." Besides inducting the mountain youth into the mysteries of the alpha bet. and the subtraction table, he wrote poetry for the county paper—and re joiced to find that the generous editor refused to charge liim tor giving It publication. On the contrary, after he bad kept the poetry column rilled every week tor three years, the editor sent him a check for ten shillings—being payment at about the rate of almost $1 a year. ELSIE JAMS TO RETURN TO VAUDE VILLE EOR FIFTEEN WEEKS ' Elsie Janls has returned to vaudeville January 3, and is playing tho Pal ace Theater. New York. Miss Janls will receive SIOO,OOO for the fteen weeks she will appear In Keith vaune villc. Miss Janis will be seen in new imi tations of popular players. Because of her appearance in vaudeville, Miss Janls has given up the title role in "Betty," the musical play which the Shuberts are soon to produce. *300,000 TO SKATE The great floor of the Madison Square Garden, at New York, will be turned | into an ice-skating rink, and will not, after all, be razed to make way for a loft building. The company will spend SIIOO,OOO to improve the buildings and to install an ice-skating rink. The other regular exhibitions, conventions, etc., that have been booked will be held as scheduled. ORPHEU M To-day, matinee and night—"The Charming Widows." (Burlesque). Tuesday and Wednesday and Wednes day matinee, January 11 and I—All. G. Field Greater Minstrels. A I MDIE MINSTREL "FIRST PART" The public has learned that each sea son The Al. G. i<"ield Greater Minstrels offer a performance made up not only of features that represent the vogue of the hour, but fresh and unique de velopments that are a step ahead. This is one of the things that accounts for the continued popularity year in and year out. The very opening of the program this year—the time honored minstrel "first part"—is given a new form and dress. The curtain rises on a scene showing the New Orleans levee, just before the historic race between tho palatial steamboats, the Robert 13. Lee and the Natchez. In levee character costume, the minstrel picture, the hustle and bustle of this place by song, dance, shouts and comedy. Then Is shown the famous race between tho two boats, there is a quick change, and the interior of the salon of Tho Robert R Lee is the picture before the audi ence. Here the minstrels come in as waiters and passengers and render tho program of songs, dances, jokes and the like that go with the minstrel "first part." I The Al. G. Field Greater Minstrels are at the Orpheum next Tuesday and Wednesday. NEW VAUDEVILLE lIILL AT THE MAJESTIC To-day William Weston and company are slated to offer their latest vaude ville act called "In the Pharmacy," for fiie approval of local vaudeville en thusiasts. This company of comedians, musicians and singers, eight of them, were seen at the Orpheum several sea sons ago, when they presented a nov elty called "The Musical Attorneys." Their latest sketch is said to outdo the former one for genuine novelty and en tertaining qualities. Horn and Faris, a European couple, will present a pretty scenic sketch of song and music called "A Venetian Flirtation." Other acts of the Majestic's new Keith bill will in clude Dorothy Meuther, the dainty singer; Fern Bigelow and Meehari. rapid-lire gymnastic performers, and a skit appropriately termed "Nutology." ".>1 VDAME BUTTERFLY"'—A REVIEW OF THE CURRENT FEATURE AT THE RECENT Motion picture lovers, who have fol lowed the piquant, coquettish and alto gether charming acting of the highest paid woman In the picture Industry— Mary Pickford: have In store for them a great surprise when they see her in the film version of Martin Long's "Madame Butterfly." Herein is a Mary Pickford totally unlike the Pickford of "Tess of the Storm Country;" "Llt tle Pal" and "Rags," for given the composed, sedate, and almost unemo tional Japanese cnaracter to portray, Mary Pickford has to lay aside all of that coquettlshness which has endear ed her to thousands of motion picture lovers. As Cho-Cho-San, Mary Pickford has made an artistic triumph. It was re ported some time ago that she engaged a Japanese maid in order to thorough ly acquaint herself with the manner isms of the race. If this be true, and | there is no reason to doubt that it is, it simply goes to prove to what extent she is devoted to her art. Her Interpre tation of the part Is evidence in itselt of her acting ability. When one com pares her work in "Madame Butterfly" with her work in other screen successes, one realizes that playing the role of Cho-Cho-San was a task of no mean magnitude. The su--orting cast which was given Mary Pickford is one worthy of the highest commendation. And the mag nitude with which the play is staged is no less worthy of mention. Beautiful I and realistic are the settings given to the play. The story, as given In the opera, has been changed but very little—so slight, indeed, as to be almost negligble. In stead of the more or less heart-rending Harl-Kari at the end of the play, after she has given her baby to the American wife of the man she married and dying 1 in her husband's arms, she ends her life l>'- walking into a lake after her husband has sailed away without see ing her. Mary Plckford's portrayal of the little Japanese maid, cast off by her people, and forgotten by her husband, is almost realistic and in every sense artistic— a pleasure to all who see It. TEACHERS MAY MARRY AND HOLD THEIR JOBS By Associated Press Washington, Jan. 0. Washington women school teachers were jubilant to-day over a decision of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia hold ing that they may marry and still re tain their positions. MISS TAYLOR ENTERTAINS I Special to the Telegraph New Cumberland, Pa., Jan. 6. The Willing Workers Sunday school class of St. Paul's Lutheran Church were entertained at the home of Miss Huzel Taylor Monday night. i _ I' iiii j HE I E Miss Lucille is a member of the team Lucas and Lucille, that is in cluded in the new vaudeville bill that goes on view at the Majestic to-day. Jlmmie Lucas, of this team, was seen at the Orpheum several seasons ago as a singing comedian, but the present Reason finds him in company with a pretty girl. The duo are to present a bit of song and nonsense called "Nut ology." AT THE VICTORIA It isn't natural that your wife should part from you on your wedding day and start her wedding journey with anybody but you, and so there is some thing in store in the way of surprises tor those who see "Over Night" at the Victoria to-day, in which just such a situation exists. The production Is a live-act reel and full of surprises, it is promised. This William A. Brady fea ture is said to be supported by an ex cellent cast, and the entertainment will be made still more attractive by a specially arranged musical program bv Professors Mcßride and Mcintosh oh the remarkably good $-.000 pipeorgan, which is one of the big attractions of tills up-to-date photoplay house. To-morrow this theater offers J. Warren Kerrigan in "Landon's Legacy," a reproduced drama by the American autnor, Meredith Nicholson. THE COLONIAL Spectacular effects are promised in the new Triangle production by Thomas H. Ince, "Aloha Oe," at the Colonial to-day. There is a storm at. sea, where the waves gradually rise higher and higher and Anally surge over the ship, dashing men over its sides, and where the terrible blasts of wind tear the sails to shreds and de molish the spars and rigging. Another awe inspiring spectacle is that of Mount Pele. where first appear the gradual breaking of the crust on the crater and the escape of steam and smoke gradually becoming more and more violent till it ise smoking and burning most frightfully. The panic of the natives, who have been living i in fancied security, but now flee in all I directions; the overwhelming show ers of ashes that fall, and the great ( streams of lava that run down the mountain streams are communicated to the audience In thrills and suspense which could only be surpassed by be ing actually in such a place at an erup tion. This is in part the story of "Aloha Oe,' which is said to be one of the finest of the Triangle dramatic pro ductions. I Makes Stubborn Coughs | | Vanish in a Hurry | © Surprisingly Cood Cough Syrup ® % Eniilly and Cheaply Made at Home Jjj If some one in your family lias an ob stinate cough or a bad throat or chest cold that has been hanging on and refuses to yield to treatment, get from any drug store 2*4. ounces of Finex and make it I into a pint of cough syrup, and watch J that cough vanish. Pour the 2}/ 2 ounces of Pinex (50 cents worth)_ into a pint bottle and fill tiie bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. The total cost is about 54 cents, and gives you a full pint—a family supply—of a most effective remedy, at a saving of $2. A day's use will usually overcome a hard cough. Easily prepared in 5 minutes—full directions with Pinex. Keeps perfectly and lias a pleasant taste. Children like it. It's really remarkable how promptly and easily it loosens the dry, hoarse or tight cough and heals the inflamed mem branes in a painful cough. It also stops the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending the per sistent loose cough. A splendid remedy for bronchitis, winter coughs, bronchial asthma and whooping cough. Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, rich in guaiacol, which is so healing to the membranes. Avoid disappointment bv asking your druggist for ounces of Pinex,"'and oo not accept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction goes with this preparation or monev promptly refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Irid. \ Ninth Annual Course of Lectures Under the Auspices of the Harrisburg Teachers Association Friday, January 14th ERNEST THOMPSON SETON "In Search of the Caribou" (Illustrated*) Friday, February 11th GEORGE EARL RAIQUEL I "Western Europe, the Theater of I War" (Illustrated) Thursday, March 9th Mrs. William Calvin Chilton, Monodraniatist '.'Southern Stories .From Southern Writers." COURSE TICKETS, 81.00 SINGLE ADMISSION, 50c Course Tickets now sale and may be purchased at the offices of tho ' School Hoard and at the Technical High School. These tickets must 1M- exchanged for reserved seat tickets oil and nfter Saturday, Janu- , ary 8, 1916. at Stieff's Piano Rooms, 24 N. Second Street, from # A. M. j to I'. M. Reserved Seats for Single Admls- I slons on sale on and after Monday, January 10, IBin. Moving Military Stores > . i Out of Reach of Rebels j Peking, Dec. B.—(Correspondence of the Associated, Press). President Yuan Shi-Kai is moving all military stores as rapidly as possible away from centers subject to attack by revolu tionaries. Even before the recent at tempt to capture the Klangnan arsen al at Shanghai much of the machinery from that arsenal had been moved to the Hanyang aresnal at Hankow. Mil itary stores at Shanghai had also been sent to Tehchow, which is located In the interior on the railway connecting Shanghai and Peking and about mid way between the two points. For months there has been a con stant movement of soldiers, arms and ammunition directed with a view to replacing any troops in important strategical centers whose loyalty to the President was not beyond doubt. Careless Use of Soap Spoils the Hair Soap should be used very carefully, if you want to keep your hair look ing its best. Most soaps and pre pared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use is just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure and greaseless), and is better than the most expensive soap or anything else you can use. One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse 'the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing -every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The halt dries quickly and evenly, and It leaves I the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at any pharmacj'. It's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every mem ber of the family for months. AMUSEMENTS ORPHEUM j To-day, Matinee and Night ; Charming Widows with Eddie Dale See the chorus of beautiful girls dancing on the illuiiiinntcd runway. ; TUES. & WED. Matinee Wednesday Seats To-morrow 1 Beyond Compare AL. 0. FIELD i _ i Greater Minstre's CC IN THE COMPANY ce ALL MINSTRELS 00 A Splendid Scenic Spectacle Hear the Band See the Parade PRlCES—Matinee 25c. and 50c; Night, 25c to SI.OO. a- KREISLERI Mail Orders Now Would You believe your wife innocent* If on your wrddlnff eve *he parted front you, and you later found them at the name hotel f Would you? Don't jump nl eonelualonH—aee OVERNIGHT TO-DAY ONLY AT THE VICTORIA To-morrow—Kerrigan. MAJESTIC! William Weston Co. PRESENTING "At the fharmacy" A Spcctaculnr Mimical Novelty. OTHER BIG KEITH HITS Mat. -.30 10c and 15c. Evening, 0.30 to 10.30 lOc. 15c, 25c. Ms To-day, the Idol of the acreea, MAHY PICKKOKD, at her bent. In n plcturtisatlon of John l.uther I,<>nk'H rlaxHlc. "MADAME BUTTER FLY." Paramount. PARAMO li NT TRAVEL SERIES To-morrow, one day only, "EX CUSE ME," featuring GEORGE F. MARION. A l'athr Gold Hooatcr Play. PATHE NEWS Admlnnloiii Adult*. IOCI Children, sc. unless you mean the kind of pictures shown at nickelodeons. The better class of photoplays shown at the best theatres to the best people are known as The high class theatre is a place of popular entertainment and amusement in your town. It is a distinct social benefit to the community. Theatres of the better class, with a combined investment of millions of dollars back of them, are now showing Paramount Pictures in all sections of the United States. Many other good theatres being built and planned will also show Paramount Pictures. Paramount Pictures are represented by twenty offices so situated as to afford the best aid and render efficient service to theatre managers in establishing these new theatres. No trouble or expense is spared in bringing Paramount Pictures to you. If no theatre in your town is showing Para mount Pictures ask your favorite theatre to get them. Send for this Motion Picture Magazine Sand 10 cents for a three months' trial offer of Picture Progreii, a magazine filled with stories, photos, queations and answers and articles by and about your favorite Motion Picture players. Address your letter to Dept. C 12. NEW YORK.N.Y. DaffPrtf ThpiltAr Ha * Exdn, ' Te Showing ol I IlvUlvl Paramount Pictures in City Chi^ c ren COLONIAL I The Home of Triangle Films WILLARD MACK RAYMOND HITCHCOCK ENID MARKLEY ROSCO ARBUCLE in "ALOHA-OE" * ••Farewell to Thee" "The Vi'lage Scandal" A Five-Reel Love Story of the A 2-Reel Keystone Comedy South Sea Islands with Popular Funmakers. ALOHA-OE Farewell to Thee The Most Beautiful Film Ever Produced by the Triangle Co. SPECIAL MUSIC FOR EVERY FEATURE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers