Sei^Anmd-~^^lSrLS.| # 9xlo feet, 6 inches #'i.S}» of tile foremost makers. In black, M 9xl° feet }(?'* i>S ft ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ white and colors. All sizes m | j Starts 10-morrow (Wednesday Morning) at 8.30 oclock hee,: <: \» vv O 7 , v [■[imtii nm? ENTIRE STOCK '« Anm mt^^> J *-*»£?-? COATS and DRESSES IN THIS BIG CLEAN SWEEP Dress Skirts ft £XTRA SPECIAL 1 v ' > cii o nwp s sar° R ti IR «Q Choice of Over 1,200 Newest Suits Choice of Over 1,400 Newest Coats Jr: ! Price * A U/ N ' . M -, ,. P _ , _« rv Women's HIHI blisses' COATS. Women's and Misses' COATS, Women's and Misses' COATS, Price " % Made of tine ziiieline and mix- RX IIT A women s and Misses bine Corduroy buits, C Qlj Worth to $7.50; Clean Sweep Worth to $9.50; Clean Sweep Worth to $12.50; Clean Sweep Newest models with pocket and § tures. navy blue, green and brown: ~~ __ _ Worth to $12.50: Clean Sweep Sale Price s«l, «•> "7C Sale *y| TC Sale CA button trimmed. Ail sizes. % QPTTCTAT. Vll sizes. plain or fur trimmed; Norfolk effects; • Price 3>«J.#D p,.|,. e J>4./5> |» riot . d> / .«>U # GIRLS' $4.50 COATS. Clean . brown " """ " avy bl " c " , Three-quarter length and Plain tailored and belted Smart mixtures, with chin Women s and Misses' $2.75 1 Sweep Sale *0 fi9 Women's and Misses' SI ITS, Women's and Misses' SPITS. |WO.„ en's and Mlwes' SI'ITS. *?° v r * ****■• of styles, plaid, mixtures, p cbble chin Price Worib to >I.YOU; Clean Sweep Values to SI 8.50; Clean Sweep Worth to 5" 2 50; Clean ■ thibet and mixtures; cheviots, zibeline, etc.; aU °}lwrjww .tjle. and labrlei. Sweep Sale $1.59 | i Splendid variety newest models sale <£7 50 S »"- M Cfl $12.00 a " colors and sizes. Price # X , 9 and materials; all colors; 2to 14 Price Price d>J7.OU 1 rl< e , . . ; lllues and browns of line cordu- | r -*ear sizes. , A liost of beautiful new ... Women sand Misses COATS, , ro y t circular skirts with belt and I v> Newest stvles in poplins Plenty of fur trimmed'models, whipcords, poplins. Women s and Misses <OA IS, ! Women's and Misses' COATS, Wort It to $22.50; Clean Sweep pockets. All sizes. | W «fi flfl COATS FDR GIRLS I „, . ' styles, in most all the sea- j broadcloths, fur or braid Worth to $10.50; Clean Sweep Worth to $20.00; Clean Sweep w.,i ( . &- ■% a ef\ I | Clean Sweep Sak JO . S!?« "" ~~ {!&. $9.50 j $12.00 sl4 'f° "n *1« 'fi j P .; r ,„v i?S»jw s^Ls^ ce !T I m colors and fabrtes, all sizes, .IO sale sl4 5(1 n $ 16.50 %19 50 colors of the season; all sizes, els, colors and sizes. sizes. iety of nett sljles, in wanted C f 11 years. «51'T.OV/ Price W A U.OU Price W I ° ( colors and all sizes. m % Price Remarkable bargains, beau- j Pine velvet, broadcloth, « • 1 • T%Y 1 m M f $7.50 COATS FOR GIRLS. smart, new effects, in ail l\ f , ul thi yle i?; ,' n Vlirl f>' ; etc.; this season's tinest mod- UftllV* A ctrknieninn Killch I nof Kovfroin* Women's and Misses' $4.50 % I Clean Sweep Sale UM CQ H l '' h e*' fabrics, colors and and sizes :' L manv new Spring Spring' models' "all °colors and * 011 IAS lOillSlllllS 1 iUSH ( Price allSließ - among these. -sizes. 520.00 Salt's PI.CSH COATS; <R 1O CA $22.50 SaWs PIiIJBV COATS: Sweep Sale Price . » > (of new Ct materials lJ and 'colors: "aM Wdlderful SpCCidlS ill Extra SIZC SUItS "ST 7™* HVT7 $12 ' 50 Clean Sweep Sale Price $15.00 <™ ■J I sizes, 2to H years. HUilUCllUl »jpCti£U3 1U JiAUd OJ£C OUltb f( „ H effe cts. rare values Beautifully lined, latest styles, new chin f ■ Women's I'stra Ijirgc SI'ITS, Women's Extra Si/.e SI'ITS, |Women's Extra Size SI'ITS, —ou, an size.. c ( lin collars' all sizes I ~ w 8 $9.50 COATS FOR GIRLS, Worth to SI5.00; Clean Sweep Wyfth to $22.50; Clean Sweep Worth to $35.00; Clean Sweep • Women s and Misses' $6.00 1 C Clean Sweep Sale £Q s "i«- «9 50 Tw $15.00 Sa,e *SO I Salt's $25.00 PLUSH COATS; fcio on ! I I Dress Skirts. Clean fIJO 7Q|* <' Price 3>o .DM 9V.DV poplins am| *1 ».OU Clwn Swcep Sale Price ' $ 18.00 Sale, sao.oo PI.USH COATS; j j O # 5Q Sweep Sale Price .. 1 if Wonderful values*, all the sea- n,, l ami lilup n n <» merges, in a gouU \*ariet> i»t Mne poplins and gabar- <\m tbe duplicated anywhere for less 111,1 wce P (t A splendid collection of new and f C son's newest and most attractive 1 surge.. ime- now styles and extra large dines, in this season's newest than $7.00 more; newest models and all Wide flare skirt, biff fur chin chin collars, durable models, navy blue poplin a M II models; all colors and sizes, 2to 14 tailored and proportioned, sizes. colors and all sizes. sizes. guaranteed satin lined: all sizes. feature; all colors and sizes. v Women's and Misses' $9 SO K of - A Clean Sweep of Hundreds of New Silk and Cloth Dresses For Women and Misses I BSIMMf , 5 ° C i:\TKKMKLV si-ECI AI,! Hands SF.ROK DRESSES For Bcantiful Evening Dresses For Gorgeous New Evening Dresse, For Exquisite Evening Gowns For l bl,"Z^ai^ P I 4 I" Bungalow Aprons llcuutllitl Silk I'opliu DKKSSKS, Women and Misses, Worth to omen and Misses; Values up to Women and Misses: Values up to Women and Misses: \ allies up to also broadcloths in the latest styles, I c „ SSXsrSSJf' 0 $2.69 c, ™» s »«'i> »"!•• as 00 $7.75 $9.75 ST.*??... $12.00 JF «Jt?L 1 "i ' * . Price Sale Price Messaline over embroidered net \ 4 . 1 ,1,- tT 6 J . necK fP 1 ; Exquisite creations of Silk Taf- Made of beautiful Floral Silk with a net, bodice in a good assort- "• | M k . wondcilul arge variet. o, the eutTs. edge' with lace, circular skirt Varietv of smart new models in feta in dainty colors, also new mod- Taffeta; assorted colors, with Bod- ment of desirable colors and new i 1,000 C b T I nlr m a back, navy blue or smart new models, in of embrojdered cUl(ton . AlI ice of Crepe and a variety of other trimming treatment In the wanted , cn 1 cales- tut neatly Copenhagen; all sizes. assorted colors and all siees. sizes. lovely styles, colors and sizes. sizes. Yards 50c 1 m and all —ll Taffeta and 11 I) Of Our Entire Stock of This Season's Millinery for k^rd rpßibbon 19c \ Clean PriS, 50 C g/™" \ 5 Shaped CORSETS 53.50 Untrimmed Hats. Clean Wings, Flowers and Fancies; $4.50 Trimmed Hats. Clean $6.50 Trimmed Hats. Clean Girls' C i COns l |rxs"'-it sH< 39 c J2.00 Untrimmed Hats, 2 t: r Sweep Sale C? -| AAI Worth S I .OO. Clean OC- Sweep Sale <t"| AA Sweep Sale <ll9 00 I Middy f M These have four hose supporters, Clean Sweep Sale Priced C | Price Sweep Sale Price .... Price * •""! Price % newest Sprinc shape and made of * IJIUUBCS, r w trood quality coutil: all sizes. *■ -—-——""" " " ' " 1 " J I Worth 35c; Clean Ifl. 1 One Lot of 75c Wonicns Corsets; r. „ , ' . I /* ■ M Clean Sweep Sale 49c 11 a——■ Swee P ~S ale f nc • • If | tfie Bargain *Bwement A CLEAN SWEEP SALE cfa ik , lkiroam' r ßmenwnt I \ Thousands of Dollars' Worth of Seasonable Merchandise at Clean Sweep Prices [uiaiiij j 5 Women S 10c Plain IVnales; Clean C-l HOc English liOngcloth; Clean 38c Muslin Sheets; Clean OO.' 1.500 Yards of 10c and 12'.40 * 1,000 Yards of 15c Plfsse Crepe; Wear at 3 ( M .„. . NEC I K , , . sweep Sale Price, yard ® C ***; 54 C Sweep Sale Price JJS r Wor!h up"'"':Vv-; ('lean 101/ 'l' Vard wide - newest plain col- 10 yards in a piece; used for Single bed sheets size 7"x»o' Full P |eceß - new Spring pat- Needs no ironing, tine for Low Prices , V % SiuMi Jtp Prior IZ/2C ors; excellent for children's making fine underwear and ehil- •single sneets, <.\o. terns, in crepes, lace cloths and making underwear; 30 inches infants' White Coats Worth 110 to M i AH newest' conceits in net presses, etc. wear. limit, only. 2to a customer. k lawns. wide; remnant lengths. ' <M*7cG J lace collars, net chemisette, etc. > v N ' Sale Price f M Vnotlier Bin I.ot of Women's SI.OO \ t f \ Made of fine serges and cordu- \ NECKWEAR; Clean Sweep OA n 15c Pa jama Checks: Clean Q „ 50c Bamboo Baskets; 1 tf. 82.50 Card Tables; 01 /IQ 8»c Bed Spreads; Clean /1Q _ 82.25 PLAID WOOLNAP BED roys, daintily lined and finished. f J sale Price ..... Sweep Sale Price vard . Clean s«wn Sale Piioe AOC Clean Sweep Sale Price ® Sweep Sale Price **» C BLANKETS; Clean (1 40 Infants' $4,00 White Coats; Clciui L % Beautiful f ollars and ?ets « __ •• Mahogany finish leatherette Crochet spreads, large size. Sweep Sale Price .... Sweep Sale tfjo E M of every description: big bargains ■ Full yard wide: good material \ariety of new shapes tynd an(l fe]t tops . sox3o inches hemmed ready for use: limit, Slightly imperfect, in pink and Price fi w 6 at the price. . ■ for making athletic underwear. sizes for all purposes. square—folding. one to a customer. blue checks. Choice new styles; very cute and A f ' S *• *■ «• ' 1 J pretty. ■ £ E Infants' Colonel Corduroy Cans. V . F . ESGSBP 0F * ,° * HSifflSli^TTi 9 sssjsar 39c < l riy JChildren's WASH LMHWHITE Sheets and Blankets and table Linens Assorted colors and an sizes. B J Muslin Drawers GOODS GOODS Pillow Cases BedSpreads and Towels I I 2ic; Clean Sw« i ciean sweep cy 12 , =< . clra „ 5 So-n^p'ssr^i.ioc gsiKsrJ3X2r...»« 2isrSiSsir!.?T...3»« c ,s^%s*ii'^. ,ortn or < 0 Sale Price Sweep sale Price, yard ® o 7 s,n»v Size 42x36- good nualitv Unusually pretty designs, all blue, Price, yard infaiitV lone- mul sikh-i Wlilto I \ Neatly made with tambrie ruffle Fink, blues and neat rosebud " ■' tJc Muslin Pillow Cases: in. sißt 1 and sizes 2to 12 years. patterns. 20c White Skirting; Clean 17c Clean Sweep Sale Price .... $1.05 Gray Woolnnp Blankets; patterns. Clean Sweep Sale Price I g v ' 8c l ull Standard Apron (>in«liam: Sweep Sale Price, yard .... 1 Extra good quality: size 45x34. Clean Sweep d»1 OQ 85c Extra line Mercerized Cotton ln a blK ' variety of n ',,\v styles j p f —y Clean Sweep Sale 34 inches wide; two pretty pat- 15e Pillow Cases: Clean "J 01/ o f. Sale I*rlce ' Table Damask: Clean 25c antl sizes. All Infants' Wear in | V, ,1 Of Price, yard terns. « Sweep Sale Price, each 1 'Zt Blue borders, good size. Sweep Sale Price, yard stock drastically reduced. | / a*IBT-Ua- KJI 27 inches wide, blue, brown and r , _ Made of extra good muslin, 45x $2.75 taney Plaid and Plain Gray , Full 64 inches wide and pretty *• i 5 Hundreds green checks. t l a.V swee Sal, ..'ric',. wl 10C 36 size. Woolnap Blankets: Clean QJ designs. # r , 10c l imned and Striped Percales; ' 1 rice. *d. s(»c Muslin Sheets; Clean QQ r Sweep Sale Price d>loOf 50c Elite New Mercerized 'table V , % ™ Ot Women S th an sweet. Sale Cl/. r 40 inches wide, extra fine grade; Sweep Sale Price JI7C 50 Fancv Woolnai. Blankets- I>aniask; Clean Sweep OC r Of I 1 6 PETTICOATS Price, yard O /2C great for making fine underwear. Size 81x90, of good muslin. Tlean Swt"p WOOl,,ap Sale yard «> OC |UJU«||P^ HnnHr nf I C ... ~ . ... . , Yard wide, light and dark gray 2.V Plain White Chiffon Voile* 75c Muslin Sheets; Clean Cq r s , .. j 3>1."7 Pretty new patterns, splendid nunureaS OI * ) PETTICo"T^ d Clean ~M?M> C 7 ""d blue designs. Clean Sale {oi/" ' Sweep Sale I>ri,-e OifC and'extra fine quality, and 64 inchen wide. Women's C % Stale Priw 59c 12".c Yard-wide Percales; 1 ft- Price, yard I£/2C Seamless and made of good mus- . <-«,ttn„ •">"«' Two-yard Wide Mercerized tt iw, _ - f / Black sateen and' "featherweight riean sweep Sale Price, yard *OC 4 4 inches wide; extra flne sheer goj Muslin Sheets- Blankets; Clean Sweep (to *?Q s"""* 39c House Dresses, QQf % ' la Petticoats, cut generously full: all Neat stripe shirt and waist pat- quality. Clean fiO,' Sale Prk-e Sweep Sale Price, yard. . . Worth SI.OO OUK. J sizes. "I'''-; ~ . 25c Plain White Elaxon: t 9 1A _ Price . . 69c Pink and tan checks; good, de- designs and good, heavy The besT styles one dollar will 1 £ a SS«. , SJ , iSI&JS 4 i , i«a 5 a-rWrST AT All I'latd Wool llLnket, 1 5,",", S""' 89c .1 all sizes. 12' .c Extra line Dress Ginghams; l#c Batiste Finished I-awiu* lA. yard " 1" C Full 3 yards wido, open border J N—— Clean Sweep Sale 1 Clean Sweep Sale Price, yd. A " C 7' inches' wide #rSA «Lllo 2#v pattern and extra good quality ~~ " f r N I'riee. yard *" C Flue »heer qualities, 40 inches j 7 ,. |. m , m r „se Muslin: Clean $2.59 ' $3.69 ili 1 !'"' .. Of 1 Of- „»»; **; Sweep Sale ITlc, \2VzC 1 ' A* LWl'ilW 11 Scores of ( \x/ i • IIMc Extra line Mercerized Lawns >ard " Sale Price tard **SJC j-\, , f 1 Women S 12!„»• Comfort Cretonnes; Q- and Batistes; Clean 1C„ 45 inches wide. #I.OO Crociiet Bed Spreads; *7A C o 0 „d size" ' hemstitched all Flannelette % Handkerchiefs flea., Sweep sale Price, yard. Sweep Sale Prlw, yard 15c 7c Bleached Muslin; Clean C Clean Sweep Sale Price. nemstitcneu KIMONOS 1 Short lengths, new patterns and o,. t> „, Sweep Sale Price, yard $1.50 Extra l.arge Crochet Bed j,'| n .. Mcrecri/ed Damask Nankins M Thousands of Women's C colors. terns Nprng pat- liua ij ty an ,i width. Spreads: Clean Sweep o*7r* Hemmed ready for use and good $1.25 Flannelette Kimonos For Emb'd 15c Handkerchiefs. ... :t»e Ci-avenette Poplius: »c Bleached Muslin: Clean fil/. f. Sale Price . ' variety of patterns size 18x18: Women: Clean Sweep QQ w White and colored borders, em- Clean Sweep Sale Price, yd.. Plain While India l.lnon; Sweep Sale Price, yard... /4V. 5i.6.1 lliii Size Crochet Bed 0 ., n Sweep Sale Price each !^n,e Pr '°*' % broidered and hemstitched; slight- Fourteen different colors, 27 Clean Sweep Sale Ift _ Good width and grade. Spreads; Clean Sweep djl OC Kl zg ynx"U' Clean Sween O l, " u " 'ength; assorted colors and # ly imperfect. inches wide and absolutely water- Price, yard IvrC Brown Sheeting: Clean IC_ Sale Price X Price each " OC all sizes. , Silk Crepe dc Chine Handkerchiefs proof Standard grade- 30 inches wide Sweep Sale Price, yard $2.25 Fine Satin Marseilles Bed "j' uhite lliicli Toweis-' 2 Women's Elannelette KIMONOS, Eor Women. Worth 35c ea.; IP, 10c Seersucker tilnghams: O _ s,rHae. .iu Inches wule. 76 inches wide; extra flne quality. Spreads, Full Size; Clean *"| ftQ <!" '5 C I Worth $2.00; Clean tl OO I. Clean Sweep Sale Price..'.. Clean Sweep Sale Price, yard.. ® 15c Plain White Percales: 1 Extra Fine Blcachcti Wamsetta Sweep Sale Price <?|y.,' 17\'>-j inches ' Sweep Sale Price d»X.*iaJ | A sample line in white and col- -'7 Inches wide, plain and striped clean Sweep Sule Price vd Jt"C Sheeting; Clean Sweep OC„ $3.00 Satin Marseilles Bed Spreads; , unrfi.-i lluek Townla- f Handsome styles, ln great variety ors: a host of pretty new styles. effects. Regular linen finish; ful'l yard Sale Price, yard OOC clean Sweep d>-| Q7 n, Shl. lil«- 4 f<.p '&C and all sizes. I V—————^—____y 25c Silk Finish striped Shirtings: wide. 2 U yards and wonderfullr good Sale Price aP 1 .i? # tU an Swe< p . all 1 rice, 4 ror. . Women's < repe KIMONOS, Worth | /" s Cl «"' Sweep Sale 1 91/„ r quality. $3.50 Extra Quality Satin Spreads: ii,.,.,!,., H...Li„«..!«• S, (M,: CUn " I nr Pflce, yard '2v 51.05 l ine Nainsook: Clean Sweep 1,000 Yards of 8c Brown Muslin; Clean Sweep *0 OC r ,/j_ K .,. 5 , n w. llf , on ' Sweep Sale l'ri<-e *-'1 Yard wide, excellent quality. Sale Price, | OC Clean Sweep Sale fZ „ Sale Price " Full length styles, plain or fancy; | C*Fiftv asc M K ured Crep«-de Chine; |J r O-yd. Piece 1 .OO Price, yard DC Extra heavy and full size. Size 18x36;'ex('ra e'ood ana lit v. all sizes. Children's mmmmm—| Beacon Bath Robes, worth S'w.'.t,,. lft . LJI ItHTillL A X I. r 1 - Of 15 $2.50 each, | 0 IWM W 1181 kl« r- I. rs. - Children's I i for »M. ly checks 1 • : : VJt I Ijr kW 1 |i |IMl WNTCiiiiia|r i> wl tk\l III"ilM B I7u to ,oir T,,rk,B, ' G,,est Tmvc,s: 1 An extraordinary big value Made 10«-Outing Cloth; Clean 7 f|J / 1 M I *** " 25c T r 75t Back I , ss-ss-a. rarja-H A\i /111 l * ll y gg,ngs :. 24c 1 p T Salc' l, T^l Is: These are fleece lined, especially C |l4 years. Variety of plain colors. 28 Inches | | J j|j |j| | Price, each .. I'C well made, all sizes and very cheap TUESDAY" EVENING. HARRISBURG SSSfe TELEGRAPH JANUARY 4. 1916. 5
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