4 I,oooN«mtsty).'l7 rr mi kAuaiiiAi HI » "fcteOto B ?s"™ ;S "69C *J& Tomorrow Morning at 8.30 O'clock ~~ 0{ HundredT{BROOM COUPON FOR WEDNESDAY ' Women's Blouses' E^™;; I White Hem- Qf gj r | s > NtWSSt OfBSSeS (Bring This With You) fewest Styles By the Shawls Stitched J J Worth ro ™ser" A * Rare, Low Prices UUAn Old Time Broom Sale Thousands Drastically Reduced "»>>"<• ~^s c r-45c mm -a- a««-ri -s^ t TR , -Mado ot fast color ginghams: Made of plaid gingham, fast ppHßg SUSHI m #% f- m a 4.1 f « J, . -r, . 1 jk I Jf < good big size. 7//r/» each l° n K sleeves. Sizes 6to 14. leolor; all newest models, neatly BseSE SHMb pA|||* Brflfllfl? j Sale Price,) .. . . «J) • is * /•*• I trimmed. Sizes 6to 14. Bfflj 9HH I Whi W«• W Wlllw Handsome new models of fine! Exquisite new models also styles ' $ 1.50 Girls' Wash Dresses. Q£ \ ggp* 'SB .... voiles and organdie, beautifully in Cre]ie do Chine. All the lead- —— jj _____________ Clean Sweep Sale Price, . . ifoC One Hundred Gingham Dresses for A trimmed with l.aee and embroidery, lug colors and sizes. EXTRA SPECIAL •PVTRA <SPPPTAT Made of good quality plain and Girls, worth 25c. I*)!/** BS IS t"<i r B &IS C«*L a A " sizcs to 46. J _ plaid ginghams; new models, neat- Clean Sweep Sale Price, I u /'C ftt it* DD aol H HI ST EUsCfl I Women's Newest Georgette Crepe Qlie-Piece | HlinHrPfU nf ! .v trimmed. Sizes 6to 14. Sizes 2to 6 vears oulv. ■i/i/1W MM I I ft R Women's Newest $1.50 Voile and Blouses, worth ¥I.OO. <fto OQ I nunaieab OI | J i ■ w | Organdie Blouses. . £Q clean Sweep Sale Price, QL.OU Plated Collar 8 Men's White (-n All Wnnl QoroTiraccoc Fnr I Clean Sweep Sale Price. oorgeouß ncw Btvlcg> al9o the Buttons Hemstitched « oerge liresses ror Road c P e de chine blouses .nude f* •_1 _ C* o-1 « Tj„: _ I\CdLi JL 1113 Cll C 1 LiH J ■ fine laees and embroidery; white; and pretty nets and laee effect in Wnrfh f,n Handker- U"I2TIS.V/ ofiH bW66p bdlC IOQ I HMd colors - All sizes 36 to 44. all the newest shades. Sizes 30 ( , lea y g] I Chiefs ye VaHety of pretty new styles and colors. Size, 6to 14$| B da THE FIRST 300 LADIES 3 EXTRA SPECIAL—For One Day' , Price" J Clean Sween Price i 1 I,W " 1 WWW torJWIhiW | Qnly — Beauttfnl $«.50 Crepe de Women's Newest s(>.oo Blouses. j C B n; A I Chine Silk Blouses. A J QfJ Clean Sweep Sale £0 QC Z'IZC HII Children's Evening & Pari V Silk Or(9SS6S entering our store to-morrow morning at 8.30 o'clock when we open will g clean Sweep Sale Price, </> I »OJ Price <pO»JO or six for r»c • . ■ .. _ ~,_ - f _ _ , be given a ticket entitling them to purchase one of these 10c Brooms for 10c. ■ White, flesh and maize, all new! Handsome new models of nets | I- *t exactly Unelhird Off Regular Price None sold to children, only one to a customer. ? tailored and laee trimmed effects, and laees in great variety. All eol- j EXTRA SPECIAL \, j a"d a" ,o ... EXTRA SPECIAL j Hundreds of v y —. 100 Women's | Boys'3 a 9c d iiolin llnrlprwaar Uown \ Men's Attractive, New DRESS Fleece Lined I 3iikFo»r-in- U! u. 6• \ ->3l In p ric e gBS^V. 7 dreds of at Radically Reduced Prices Ribbed vests | 'Z'^vsr fairs of Boys -, airis- t rf™"isc &sjs? —s;r~>r s '4Sc I Sweep Sale Price ... Sale Price, HOC ,a,,S Wl ' U . Clean Sweep Price. .. * " rf » » Laundel / d and soft cuffs. Clean Sweep Price I /If Fast color; cut big and full. v 1 Lace and embroidery trim- , n J UnmPfl C nftCIPTV .•> u. t , n 14 m-ulo of Dcrcale- all new' 6it Good length with belt. med. All sizes and assorted _____ JL 31 " Sizes to 11. | blues, browns; 14 to; J^ riip ° l P trc,Ue ' Women's and Misses' Flannel-' j "-All 3- REDUCED I Men's Blue Chainbray Shirts.! 1 Kaufman Dollar Special Shirt! I ... . • . ette Gowns, worth to $1.25. Women s and Misses oOc Mus- Women < s Misses' SI.OO B nw . oil h ft(rU . ~,u „ Hosierv m Men's Blue Wool Flannel for Men. Clean Sweep rfk „ All sizes. 1 EXTRA SPECIAL Clean Sweep Sale fIQ lin Gowns. Clean no SStoOoS. Clean /J Q/ , JSTn Sweep Q7' 29 C Shirts, worth *2. ** OA Price 59 C | Men's 25c Prlce '. ...OVC sweep Sale Price, ... OOC sweep Sale Price, ... OJC Price , pair , 9'/ZC Prlcc Clean Sweep Price, $ 1 .02 All sizes 14 to 18; newest I S tj , , Stripes and plain colors. All. High and low necks, em- j Beautiful lace and embroid- F as t black ribbed stockings, Sizes 14 to 17. I All sizes. I patterns, I x-vro a sbphtat I I y XtUDoer sizes. broidery trimmed. All sizes, lerv trimmed styles. All sizes. double soles, heels and toes. All I orauiAJi l g B flnllflrq ~ , —- s ; zes . Men's Newest $1.25 Dress Shirts. Clean Sweep Price | fMiilrlvcm 'c 1 V/UlldlS Women s and Misses' 50c Muslin p/- , Women's and Misses' Muslin 7Q Boys'and Girls' 20c Heavy Black French or laundered cuffs, attached, ncw patterns. if O C UnilCireil S j Clean Sweep Price Skirts. Cleaji Sweep Sale Price COL Skirts /i7C stockings. Clean Sweep f A j "RlnHr 1 *%,: Finished with embroidered ruffle and cut ] Trimmed with embroidery or lace ruffles. Sale Price nair 14C 1 ' 1 -Dlctt-iV I l£ /2C All sizes. Kibbed stockings with double < 1 ———— » , Ribbed P ' [ Tremendous Knit Underwear n?,re H _ _ g _ • Extra special values. All sizes. , v . en ' s anc i Boys' 75c Cotton Men's and Women's $2.00 Men's and Women s $4.00 | I ™ t Clean Sweep Bargains for Women jsssirvsj^-y- x>-i • „ Women's 75c Ribbed Union Suits, tr t Women's 35c Ribbed Vests and Pants. OO Sweep Sale Price, pair, / ' 'Miirooii and blues I All sizes. 1 Police and Clean Sweep Sale Price 45 C Clean Sweep Sale Price 21C Past black. All s.zes Men's and Boys A!! colors aij w Maroon and blues. | | TPirpmon All sizes; fleece lined. I All sizes; fleece lined. Women s 3,, c Fast Black Wool Sweaters. Clean Sweep Menj and a Boys' and Girls' $3.00 Sweat- j XII emeu | Stockings. Clean Sweep oj Sale Price OOL Wool Sweaters. Clewi Sweep ers clean Sweep <£9 on ——- y. Suspenders women's SI.OO Ribbed Union Suits. Women's «5c Ribbed Vests and Pants. A r Sale Price, pair C 1 C . r „ W7 , u Sale <l>n JC Sale Prlce S6bOU EXTRA SPECIAL I | F Clean Sweep Sale Price OUC Clean Sweep Sale Price 4o C Fleece lined, double'soles, heel blues and browns. Prlce B Clean Sweep Price All sizes; fleece lined. | Fleece lined; all sizes. and toes. All sizes. All sizes. All colors and sizes. | All colors and sizes. Ladies' Wool J 12'lzc ' ~ N Shawls I extra special ovGr9oo MBii'sSuits; OverlOOO Men's Overcoats; Over 1000 Pairs lien's Pants I B °web lc At Ruthlessly Reduced Prices For This Big Clean Sweep Sale 0 „, | I »" S s-"?p™« It Will Pay You to Investigate Every Item Mentioned Here —Means More for Your Money I Q, «, j EXTRA SPECIAL | [ ——— 500 Men's & Young Men's sl2, sls A A e - ean gwes P of Evsr y So l s Suit, Men-sioo | ~ & $16.50 Winter Suits and Overcoats g§ ■ J gjki | Overcoat, Kackinaw and Bloomers Falhioned Z. M W Bay Tftcm Here To-morrow and Save Dollars ? Hose Kerseys, All Wool Chinchilla, All Wool Friezes —lined JpSt -- —— Boys' Polo Overcoats. Clean Sweep <t>j jq Boys' 75c Knickers. Clean Sweep Sale ng All colors. Clean sweep Price with the finest Hkiiiner satin. 500 garments in all— Mam sale price Ql&iJ price —.— ; lll Zc sl2, sls and $16.50 quality—goat Button to the neck military style; $3.50 value. | Made of corduroy and fancy cassimere. 'i All colors and * ' A limited lot of 19 overcoats. I Boys , OUver Suits . clean flfj EXTRA SPECIAL | sizes ' f *' -• r "v r t „ _ _ Sweep Sale Price, VI »l U Men's 35C ——_— Men's Winter Reefer Coats, Men's Heavy Corduroy $1.50 Men's Odd Pants 75 Pairs Men's $1.50 Cor- 125 Boys' SO.OO Mackinaws. Clean AO Qr . ..." a good $4.50 value. Clean Coats, a $3.50 value. Clean To-morrow nq duroy Pants. Clean JQ sweep Sale Price $6.30 Values to $3.60. Only 10 suits m this lot. Lisle Web | I EXTRA SPECIAL **** $2.95 Swee P Sale SIQS 'l'o'o in'the'lot. fine winter Sizes 3to 14 years. All the best colors in a j Boys' Mackinaw Coats, values to SB. gO QC Police and | Men's 50c Made with large storm Price ™ • cassimere and worsted; all corduroy. All sizes and highly desirable Norfolk model. ; Clean Sweep Sale Price, Firemeil ' -rj e*n collar, heavy lining. On Only 15 coats in this lot good patterns and sizes. wonderfully big Clean j si zes 3to 14 years. | I Pure Silk sale to-morrow only. Just —they won't last long. >■ 4 Sweep bargains. Bo vs' Long Overcoats, values to $«. O (\f\ SUSpeilderS E XJnco 25 in this lot. * / / N 1 q..i„ tbo»*/U Boys' Norfolk Suits, values to SI.OO. Art Qfk r, „ • r \ Men's SJi.OO Worsted Pants Clean Sweep Sale Price Clean Sweep Sale Price tpZ.Oy Clean Sweep Price I Clean Sweep Price / ■> Men's Odd Coats Out of clean Sweep th 1 jf\ Men's Lined Af Af Only 25 coats in this lot; sizes Bto lo years. to 17 years. IS OQ - Almost Giving Away Men' 3 • Suits that sold to SIO.OO. tp 1 Corduroy Pants, v 1 cUO tdoC OZf L Bath Robes— j 01ean Sweep or Sale Price, ... Offered elsewhere at $3.50. Boys' Norfolk Suits, values to SO.OO. <£> 9QQ Boys' Norfolk Suits, values to $3.50. rf» JA r 1 A,,„ s „ a $2.25 r J v "XK!£r°LZ7y t Choice, ipLi»CiO Just 50 coats in this lot. cuffs. All sizes in the lot. pants. All sizes. Sizes 6to 18 years. I Sizes 12 to 17 years. p.ytra RPHfiTAT, ________ ______ J Vi. / \ *■ 1 v _________ ——___— _—— - 7 EXTRA SPECIAL / ♦ I Me ßibbed°° Men's 89c Natural Men's $2.50 | ' I Men's Double Boys' 65c ' shirts and I I Union Suits w ° ol Shirts and Natural Wool Iy/ /^qjP 1 Body All Wool Union Suits— Drawers ciean sweep sale Drawers Union Suits a\ i / i'lllll 1 iiii |1 111 fljjwjLj 11||! W/li Union Suits lin grey and ecru, ribbed; I I All sizes. I I nn Clean Sweep Sale JQ Clean Sweep nn |\ \ gjh JMpli llLlillLliilil Ml ikili HMI ii W 1 1 Clean Sweep AO QQ all sizes from 24 to 34 - Price, ? 1 PriCC ' ; Q&C Sale Price, ip 1 »0%/ M|| ||| |||l||| | j Sal ° Prlce ' Clean Sweep Sale Councils Reorganize in Central Pa. Towns Hummelstown, Jiin. 4. AV. F. Shumaker was last, night elected president at the reorganization of tho borough council, H. C. Miller, clerk; H. M. Horst, treasurer; F. J. Shaft ner, solicitor, and John L. Stephen ben, supervisor. Marysville, Jan. 4.—A. M. Fisher the new burgess, presided at the re organization meeting of .the council last night. J. A. \\;.s riocted president, S. W, Geil), vice-president; George Eppley, secretary; Frank Rup •Uu. txaa.au rar: Jose oh .Cajraichael, TUESDAY EVENING, street commissioner, and J. D. Whit | myer, high constable; S. S. Leiby, solicitor. Dauphin, Jan. 4. Charles Lebo was elected president of the new council last night, J. D. N. Reed, sec retary; T. N. Lyter, treasurer; John L. Porter, newly-elected burgess was present at the meeting. The new members are Lincoln Messner and Taylor Wynn. Halifax, Jan. 4. James I. Hoff man was elected president of tho borough council at the reorganiza tion meeting last night. J. H. Cumbler ! was elected secretary, M. E. Etter, I treasurer; R. B. Zimmerman, poiiee , i man; Irvin Cooper, supervisor. Carlisle, Jan. 4. Abram Bosler j was elected president of the borough council at the reorganization meet-, ing last night. Willis Daron was elect- | ed secretary, F. T. Addams, treasurer; j John F. Searight, chief of police, E. M. Biddle, Jr., borough solicitor; i Frank Matthews, duty patrolman I and Charles Smith, curator. Camp Hill, Jan. 4. ln a short meeting here last evening the coun cil reorganization was held with the! following elections: President, John! C. Orr; secretary, Arthur Lebo and treasurer, G. D. Smith. The other' members of the board are W. B. j Kime, A. E. Strode. Z. K. Deen, G. | \V. Ensign, G. 1... Nailor, C. A. Hempt. | The offices of street commissioner J HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH land chief of police were not filled at I this meeting. j Lemoyne, Jan. 4. —W. D. Flshcl J | was elected president of the reor ganized council at a meeting here! : last night: H. D. Leach, secretary, anil | IH. A. Zimmerman, treasurer. The i [ first meeting of the new board will be held to-niglit when further business will be attended to and some com mittees appointed to care for various ! apartments. Large Crowds Attending Evangelistic Meetings j Lemoyne, Pa., Jan. 4. —-Evangelist j Wm. M. Davis, of Akron, 0., was | greeted by a large crowd at his sec-1 | ond appearance In the Grace United) Evangelical church lust evening, j Mr. Davis' plain and witty manner! seems to have caught the fancy of' j | the people of Lemoyne and he is sure I I to receive the support of a large por- ; tion of the people of the town. Mr. Davis has announced as his f subject for this evening, "When and j Why the Church Falls." In speaking of his subject for Sun | day afternoon, "Booze and Boozt;! Holsters" Mr. Davis says: "I am go- j i ing to give this lecture from the i ' standpoint of one who has .inside in-! I formation." Mr. Davis was employed j I in a saloon In his youth and will be j j able to discuss this question intellig-1 JANUARY 4, 1916. ently and thoroughly. The following are some epigrams I brought out by the speaker last eve j ning In his sermon on "A Famous ! Jail Delivery." "The Church was not intended to I serve the purpose of a cafe or ice j cream parlor." "Mr. 'Oyster' deserves a high place fin heaven. He has built many a church and paid many a preacher's j salary." "Spiritual life of the church will i not. long survive the breaking down ! of the family altars." "When Peter was delivered from I prison he went to the place where a i prayer meeting was held. Would he I j have found you there?" | The music furnished by the Evan- | gelistic chorus was line, and tlia chorus under Mr. Sawyer's direction promises to be a big factor in the success of this Campaign. A number of neighborhood prayer meetings are being arranged for on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. WEDDING IS ANNOUNCED Special to lite Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Jan. 4. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rossman, of this place have issued invitations to the mar riage of their daughter. Miss Natalie Elizabeth Rossman, to Edgar Plalno : Wine at the home of the bride, Wed | nesday, January 12.
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