12 rr Annual Sale of White and Kindred Lines Begins Wednesday | || The Annual January Clearance of Coats and Suits Begins To-morrow Embracing Values Heretofore Unmatched From the Viewpoint of Economy The Dives, Pomeroy &L> Stewart annual sale of Coats and Suits for women and misses opens to-morrow with the most varied style showing that has ever occurred in Harrisburg in January. The assortment embraces every desirable style and practically every kind of fabric. The Average Saving on 300 Coats Is One-Third In the Clearance of Women's and Misses' Suits In fact in many cases the sale prices fall lower than the actual cost of production, so without a doubt the woman p„ ; .„„„ . ..... . . . who is on the alert of a bargain in a coat will find it in this sale, beginning to-morrow. . .f r * at an d " C ', e niimmu m m tins January clearance of suits, so you may come with the expecta- As an example of the special values prevailing— Jj°" e findm S ver - v remarkable savings on garments which reflect the styles that have been m vogue but a short 512.50 black cheviot diagonal cloth coats. (1A AA I $27.50 coats in brown and navy, full shir- fcOO Ef| cinm <>.,;♦«. : i i- r j i , lined throughout with satin. Special JpIU.UU red back " ; c hj n co n ar G f otter fur Cl -nn . . •, ,• , . . ... ~ , $35.00 coats in wool velour and broadcloth; belted g reen ' African brown and black; tailored dJ'T Cr| flare skirt; trimmed with Hudson seal col- (tOA f|A $13.00 coats m chevoit, lined throughout with black or s {lare style; Hudson seal aoa ftft styles; button trimming / .DU lar and cuffs WU.UU belt"' ! ' $12.50 co " a e r •••• ; * $22.50 and $25.00 suits in gabardine, poplin and novelty $37.50 chiffon broadcloth suits, in green and navy; coat c?nm ■■■■• 53?.00 back chiffon broadcloth coats, semibdted model; cloth, in green, navy, black and brown ; plain tailored or made with full circular skirt; collar, cuffs d>OA AA $20.00 coats in zibelme cheviots and novelty weaves, lined throughout with pearl grey peau de $25.00 belted st - v,es; finished with velvet <fcl fi *0 and skirt finished with narrow bands of seal. WU.UU belted style; collar and cuffs finished (j>l CAA cjg* l6 - black velvet collar and cuffs collar .., _ _ with fur «pIO.UU $37.50 coats in cylinder cloth, in black, navy and black- -n • • j- $35.00 and $39.50 suits in gabardine and broadcloth; ' ! berrv; with full shirred back, lined throughout with $-7.50 suits m gabardine and broadcloth; coat made coat trimmed with natural opossum collar; (tOA $lB j° corduroy coats m navy, Skinner sl9 50 striped peau de cygne: shirred chin collar (OA nn Wlth P lait . ed ba f k or f "» flare st >' lcs : $22 sft semibelted style tfOU.UU satin lined; belted model v finished with otter JpOU.UU opossum tur collar m . . . .. . . ~.. . . , nnisneawitn otter r $3.i.00 navy chiffon broadcloth suit: coat made with .UO coat ill du\et>ne and zibelme. in brown, black S-J.OO duvetyne cloth coats, in navy, green and brown; $35.00 chiffon broadcloth suits, in brown and navy; circular skirt; military collar, and belt of black panne K l *™*. ™ $20.00 "t«r s taJ e :. vel . v ".? h !".. finish . ed . $20.00 xrjZr d !! i^! i ! kb . raid : $25.00 »~i **** ww, $30.00 WeWereFortunateinSecuring ! The January Silk Sale jf Popular Self-Reducing jp©® | | Another Lot of Velour Hats J 47 < Mod«kWithut«t f ' • nn Fashion Lines — I,r fi fi | Black Vflonr Hat* \Jpenmq 1 o-morrow . c , t L ** UlaL/R. V ClOUi OalS t y Introductory Sale of three old Nemo favorites, made Vflln#=>c tr* Q£ - + _ . _ , , NEW by revising the shapes and lines to meet the V aiues TO at rvri-nrfe Q V ArtfQ hip P Ynnci 11 rvn requirements of 1916 fashions. Same old hygienic com- I— CX VC/ 11 ICXkJ J—/AjJUol I lUil fort and long wear, with up-to-date erect military style. r T"% J 1 "IVT WT 1 If you are stout, no matter whether you are short, or Deautirul INew Weaves at \ A i ■£p«» accurate fit in some one of these CoioredVeiourShapes jPricesThat Are Most Attractive /<k^ *- Vfllnf=»<; to ti Mi figures, $3.00. tA\ Evening' and Street SilKs BlacK SilKs / %p \ No - 319 - fw full present condition of the silk market is anything but conducive to a special I \)Kv i\ "wo^mTs^OflL sale. The conflict abroad, the scarcity of dyes and other conditions have made ! \JL \\ /| //\\ I[ /\vwa(() I These are the finest qualities of velours which were manufacturers wary and sent silks up in price. Y Ml /|jj (\\ //l w / "Ego-Shape" means so popular this season Ihe lot includes black ready- g u t — vve pi an f or these annual sales months and months in advance, and were ( h s ' iape a to-wear velours with broad and medium brims and fortunate in getting our supplies for this event under the most favorable price ad- lJJ jf/j U ,S Pl invr^TA/Tr* round and sloping crowns—styles which earlier in the vantages. WMwWiWi 5° y ° ur INDI . VIE) - season sold at $3.95. The colored velours are in un- T ,, ... . , . .. . ... . .. Q , . . . aTlllfllffll u/ofo UALfigure without trimmed shapes with a few ready-to-wear styles in , The silks are in those styles which will rule this Spring and the values are the sCl\[* W \ 8 319 y * */316 alteration. small, medium and large effects in rich, deep greens, est iat P oss^^e to ■ 'I reds, navy, blues, browns, purples and wine shades— Evening Silks f 00 p i ain Taffetas in man TQ n high and telescope crowns—styles that were formerly $2.00 Marquisette with satin stripe border shades 36 inches yard 75/ C 52.95 and $3.95. and novelty border shown in 16 of the new- ' , ■ ", OnadtiVv T O 1 r \ 1 1 — 777T — ttj \ est H shades - 44 " ches wide 85c ' January bale of Colored and MPW White and black 1Q yard $1.25 Crepe de Chine, in street shades, QQ. velvet and silk turbans $2.00 Satin De la Reine—beautiful plain col- 40 inches, yard • 70t PW - C* A CU V i ored satin in rich, evening shades, 1Q $1.50 awning stripe Messaline fljl 1A DIdCK V_JOOQS OIIOW- Clearance of fancies at and wide, yard * Suitings, 36 inches, yard 1 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Second Floor, Front. SI.OO Taffeta, in solid colors, 36 inches "70 c $3.00 Charmeuse in navy and wis- lOQ ifirf TrtV=*Cl ctiKl o Valime wide, evening shades, yard taria, 40 inches, yard *px.w»«7 111 C?olOllUlt/ V dlLltJo Whlttall Rugs in the Sale of shLes, Jolnchts wide^yL'rd 15 .^! 103 !! 98c inched yS? Fr . anCalß . m . sl*39 $2.00 silk and wool brocade poplin, 40 inches wide; in navy, & $2.00 floral Voile, 5 patterns on white CQ c $2.00 Crepe Meteor, 40 inches, 7 <t"l OA brown, green, Copenhagen and wistaria. Yard [~~)l 1"1 n 1 inches wide, >ard ........ shades, yard $2.00 silk and wool brocade crepe, 40 inches wide; in Co ers, 40 inches wide, yard yard ... . . penhagen, grey, American beauty, tan, navy, cer.se and light NOW in Progress $2.50 fancy Pussy Willow Stripe QO r c ,,. , _ Silks . Suitings vard «70C $1.50 black Gros de Londres, 36 *1 in $1.30 silk and wool crepe, 40 inches wide; in solid colors Teprac Wilton Rugs ' ' Limited Quantity'. inc yf d . •*•***•• •w' * *' of African - battleship and green. Yard 95 * "«iuu SI.OO black satin Duchesse 36 in- QQ„ ... R^"ar $1.75 satin stripe Crepe de Chine, in two dies, yard °^ C $2.00 silk and wool faille, 40 inches wide; in staple shades. 9x12 ft s4o*oo dainty evening shades, 40 inches wide, QO . $1.50 black Chiffon Taffeta, 40 in- <fc J ard 8.3x10.6 ft $37.50 $30.25 yard cIICS, yard $1.25 silk and wool poplin, 40 50c serge, 36 inches wide. Yard 5;? oxli 0 xl i 36x63 in.'*::::::::::::: I 2*:™:::::::::::::::: $3.00 satin Meteor Brocade, 40 in- inches, yard 1 co.ors. Y ar d ....- 9.-„. « ranitcc » oth - 3c inche « wi^-. 27x54 in * «-50 » 3.15 ches wide, yard * 7 ° t SI.OO black Wear Well Taffeta, 36 QA *I.OO wool poplin. 42 inches wide, 75c aer ß e, 42 inches wide. Yar.i _ r • •. - ... . , , 01/ C in Rood shades. Vard 8»c «»<• > ' Anglo Persian Rugs . Limited Quantity. inches, yard $1 00 and $1 50 broadcloth 50 S2OO coating, 54 inches wide. Si** Regular Reduced Silks For Street Wear $1.25 black Chiffon Taffeta, 36 in- 9g c and 54 inches wide, lengths mto Yn'.OO ' 'c'o'a'ting,' '54 ■ 'inches' wld'c C Prtpe OUKS ror olrccl chcs, vard 6 yards. Yard r>so Yard 52.4R 9x15 ft tss.oo $7040 $125 new Spring Taffetas, 36 inches OQ r $1.25 black Satin Zouave, 40 inches, QQ 0 00 T^ nch brocade ' 42 ini j $3 5° coating, 54 inches wide. IV 2 X0 ft 6" « s6s '°° sst ' s ° Wide ' 12 Stj " leS ' 36 indleS ' yard >' ard • 38c Yard $-.90 0,wd,1 - M^3t $1.19 "*?.***".9Bc Black Dress Goods * 5,a;) $1.50 fancy Taffeta for waists and dresses, $1.25 black Crepe de Chine, 40 in- QC- 12.00 silk and wool brocade, 40 inches wide. Yard «9<- Chlid«ma Bodv Brussels RugfS satin stripe or overplaid pattern, QQ _ ches. vard */OC 11.50 silk and wool crepe, 40 Inches wide. Yard 95c \f. ; nf i, pi . varH 5/OC .*,"■* ~ _ _ J2.00 krlnkle crepe, 40 inches wide. Yard 95c Wze Regular Reduced vl s'.J c ...................... _ $3.00 black Faille with satm ei OQ *l-25 wool crepe, 47 Inches wide. Yard BBe * Prt"* Price SI.OO Silk Serge, six shades, includ- CQ„ stripe, 40 inches, yard v $2.00 coating, 54 inches wide. Yard 95,- " 135.00 $27.00 ing white, 36 inches, yard L $3.00 black flower Crepe, 40 in- d»1 OQ *l-26 silk poplin, 40 inches wide. Yard .'...! ».><• 9x10.6 ft '. .".*.:. 133:50::;;:::$1.00 Silk Natural Shantung 33 in- CC'4* ches, yard «OS7 SI.OO French brocade, 42 inches wide. Yard »8c || 6x9 ft *21.60....:.".::: Che*; varH iJOC «o c*n ' i ' a. m ~ 50c serge, 36 Inches wide. Yard :»»c 2 , ft *28.50..:::::::::::;:; sJ'soflnu & n , t,V $5 Pl ,nches ' $1.19 $2.00-w. 8< mche. wide. Yard..... -7x54 in f 3.00 S 2.85 $. 0 faille Gros de Londres and Taf- yard $2 00 gatln Kranlte c]oth Y ard SI.IS Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. feta, many shades, 36 inches, yard ... " Dlvea. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. „ A J ' ' J Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. "MO X DAV E V ENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 3. 1916.
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