14 1 I Specials For the Last Friday of theV ear Promising Special Price Revisions No Friday Spe- December Clearance of Women's Coats cials Sent C. O. m*.,. *«u X w sere-e % inched all OUItS I KeCIUCtIOnS Indicating Dig bavings 25c golden oak labour- «•» D., or Mail or serge, inches, all €> & B cttcs Special Friday only, Dlv «. Pomeroy ; * stowart shades. Special Friday only, . Important groups of specially priced coats ' Phone Orders }( mf* V Aj4U. and suits go on sale to-morrow in the year's I I None del vered. I , Sl.grey mixed suitings, final clearance of recently created styles. $25.00 Brass Bed. Special Shadow Lace Filled * -« " Pe " a !.. Fr Attr-rW Pn„t V«l„« Fri<h " *"' 39 3 i, tte - s P ecial / : ?1 - W °° Cr «P e ,' 48 ,nC , h " \ % *12.50 black cheviot and mixed cloth coals. In Friday Only $17.95 Ol,l >*' - Vai d 5* Damask and Towels Spe > aal . . Fnday .. spec« d ai Bly ! e: . saUn . "°! n * SIO.OO $60.95 4-piecc Jacobean j | l)lve ». I !"g[°|,'. l '* o| . st e»art. 35c mercerized table da- flr ; \ f/\V Itu.oo coats in Copenhagen, black and navy, in libraiy suite. Special Fri- mask, 58 inches wide. Spe- $1.50 silk and wool crepe. Jt/" \ V\\ // MHI .liaKonaiand chevlotiitned throughout jjo CQ day only $45.00 cial Friday only, yard . Siif 40 inches Speeial Friday (j \ \ V_> // Z.ZT*\f ZZ $4.95 to $6.95 brown reed ' „ only, yard 98e ' X// (\ velvet collar and satin lined. «-i Aen rockers and chairs. Special . ,51, M 30c towels, mussed. Spe- . /W..' Special «Pl4.i>U Friday onlv American 'taffeta umbrel cia! Friday only •>«><* sl.7:> serge, 54 inches, /fl \\ \y $20.00 coats in corduroy, cheviot and Ribeiine, in las with silk tane prlrrp m,i _ navy. Special Friday onlv, /l\ Y\ ) flaring and belted styles. <sl C ftfl Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, silk case nliiti -ml 1 39c towels, mussed. Spe- ,„J p «i /* I » Special JMO.UU Third Floor. SIIK case, plain and carved ri:il FrMav nnlv 29tf ' X. J V\ V -S . *?5.00 coats in broadcloth, duvetyne and noveltv i??". eS ' or men ar >d women, ' , ■ $2.00 coating, 54 inches, >/ »k°u£k or' W,th $20.00 ..- ri V r t P Iwe 1 we f is * ™ ussed - |'' e " odd pieces. Special Friday 11 fVT $20.00 beaver cloth coats,' in brown, green and Sheets and Pillow Cases > 9Hf cial riiday only it*? onlv, yard SI.OO M JJi J u£YK\ f » u11 f lf ro i f iT°! n shou, d e, 's; collar, cuffs and 59c bleached sheets, 81x ( X) Dives, Pomerov Stewart W J* skirt trimmed with bands of otter <fc <■ cf rk/\ c. • i -J I Street kl«»m- Dives, Pomeroy i Stewart. D i ves , Pom eroy & Stewart ™ Plush. Special Si 5.00 inches. .Special Friday only, Street Floor. . __ 50> r—z — . ; special Reductions in Cloth Suits D «p«> Remnants ' rancy Linens and Lining Specials SIO.OO suits of poplin, serge and checks: tailored $37.50 chiffon broadcloth suits, with shirred l.ack" ° n Remnants of l ( Jc to 25c White Goods Remnants 20c and 25c messaline sa- and black. Reduced to Br ~" $7.50 cuffs and skirt trimmed with bands ofseal I I 9n c bleached nil low . as< . s I I sat ! ne - denim, scrim, burlap I Doilies center piece* l i ne - $6 inches, black and $18.50 in novelty cloths, poplin and gabardine ," r ' Reduced S3O 00 45\36 inches Soecia! Fri' 1" cr f tonne - Special Fri uoilies. center piece: in n navy green to J)OU.UU nclies. .Special hri- day only, yard 1 *£UO trav covers and scarfs that colors, Ijto .i \ara pieces. flare or plain tailoi . ed Bty i es *« £ ..„ , , .. day onlv t<»«<• /2^ have become mussed Special Friday onlv, yard. Reduced to 3>10.50 -50 black gabardine suits; braided collar and * Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart through the Christmas sea- SS2TSM ZZXT*.™?.!?:.... #25.00 , D ""' feW*"' < son are reduced one-half. 3oc black satine. 36 inches, button trimming. arc en $4500 White tmods remnants re- full nieces Special Fridav Reduced to $16.50 1 gabardine and duvetyne; trimmed N nj , n . . -» j 1 lif 1 .V •>«»« $27.50 suits of broadcloth, serge and gabardine In embroidered velvet, vest, collar flrt Wacli fnnilc Odd Pairs CllftainS duced one-hall. only, yaid black, green, navy and brown; natural t\f\ - Reduced to . . . WuUiUU Wash vjOOUS DK,.. Pon. risi «, «..« 59c Farmer's satin. 33 R.dueed . Dtv„. P .„„ w s BK „.. rl l Sccona 50c poplin.' 36 inches, half " c " r : street Floor. , ' . \ silk Snecia Frirlnv onlv tains, one pan ol a kind; , s Friday only, yard ' values. Special Friday only, Sweaters and Knit , Veilin f Children's Storm | Dainty Neck Ruffs ' J^'^sSSl B 'FrtSj 50 -' o * , -5° Garments Reduced Rubbers Maline and chiffon n ,n. only, vard I?. 9?/i 'fSSSW^- Men s $.•)..i0 Shaker Knit t \ t - ,dl rriUd y on »y, vara, xo? • , , , ... , , *■ i sweaters in grey, maroon, Black Dress Goods Dives. Pomeroy * stewart, rial Pri^° rm T S ' 50c and 5Qc values Sopcial' Remnants of gingham, / tan and cardinal. Friday gl black Panama; 54 I «r~'»'~r. I cial Fr day only 3Sf U onlv V . a °?'".. R ercal f' «>af as, Poplin and I Boys' Rubber Boots I 01llv ™2.09 Fridav nnlv Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, tlannelCttC, - to ? yards. Spe- <>9 - n , r . . Children's SI (XI worsted . ' p ' / . str..t Floor. otve., Pom.ro ? ,» st.w.rt. cial Friday only. Half Price. *-.30 Storm Kina rubber front sweaters with pockets, >" d ** Cotton Blanketl ' """ """"' Civ... Po„,.r„i i boots, bm-k es above the in red, navy and tan. Fridav 85c black serge. 48 inches. „ „ , s,ze " 11 onlv ....: «!><> Special Fridav onlv, yard. cotton blankets, , , l-rtday only $3.00 Women's SIOO and $1.50 »4f day only, pair . Pe ?'.#iSi" Skating Sets Venise Lace Sets Women's Handkerchiefs """'KM,"'" I auto hoods with veil. In- , $1.50 black silk and wool " Cap and scarf or tarn and Venise lace collar and cuff One-corner embroidered V da >' on, - v 40< ' crepe, 42 inches. Special Fri- SU9 tan cotton blankets, scarf in plaid effects, $1.25 sets in white and ecru; handkerchiefs in white Lr v Dives. Pomproy & Stewart, day only, yard - value. Special I'riday onlv, values to SI.OO. Special Fri- row i iein . vq i nr s n ,» Women's Rubbers " 51.25 black wool crepe. 48 da s"»".v, patr $1.35 M* day only, set ** c tal Friday i 'only !. 50c-Foothold rubber, Spe , Special Friday °£l\ L_ ° IVC8 ' «t°ree e t r^,o& or Btewart - Dive., D'ves, Stewart. Hemstitched imitial linen cial Friday only 3.-,0 Men's Furnishings xarf ' / handkerchiefs; 75c value. 50c rubbers for high and Q *II P * J $2.00 black striped coat- Special Friday only, half low heel shoes. Special Fri apecially rncea j n g ( inches. Special Fri- "* dozen in box it 9<"* day onlv Men's and Young Men's $20.00 . . -m?- garters. Friday only ..3550 street Floor. O ' Fritfoniy' andk 8« Basement Specials and $22.50 Suits Reduced to $ 14.75 About Two Doien 0< our Bovs' 50e lined grey mo- , F ° r F " <laj ' B «' Hats Have cha gloves. Friday only re^in g lamp Tin ish. Special Friday only. with its turning- in of inventory sheets to close [" ' 1 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, JK'7 s* • Wj Men's store. _ i am p S Special out bro^en ots oc M s i zes Men's and I! L yr - mM . Another Lot of Hats Reduced to SI.OO ' \ Friday only ss.o<) Young Men's Winter Suits and Overcoats. These ! 1 1 JJL Haviland China $ 4 .50 electric boudoir year-end offerings in clothing should prove at- F \\' /iS& Clearance of black and colored Ostrich Plumes Ovs^r , „l a ,e" anCe ,l„ l lv tractive to many who have been indifferent to I (' \W *»« were formerly marked to $4.95 at 98c Uystei plates; regulaily special I naay only, , . 4K Dives, Pomeroy & Stowart. Second Floor. SB.OO a doz. Special, each $3 . 50 ma hogany finish their own needs. IOJsEX. fjl electric lamps with 14-inch Two and three-button sacks with soft roll lapels. "\ ' - ni/rw"^nn ,U C | ;iCg i shades. Special Friday'only, Sizes 33 to 40, including some stouts— ' FIT P jfflmdßßk . . _ . ,_ T 4 . 4 Friday, each knife and Dark pin-head check » ora,ed ' . Grey serges and worsteds. jfIHRL Another LlSt of Hollddy chen "sets Sneriil FriL Whlte pin strlpe black worsteds - BJ a c k and white Carlton checks. JgJgSßSffl IB tJ Chocolate cups and ™en sets. . peciai riciay Chalk stripe cassimeres and worste ds. Brown and blue storm cloths ffffjiß fr /-> Sp e^ u :.. s2ooo ..?? d . s22 ; w .. suit :-, $14.75 wKt ° fferln g s in Groceries v J 500 pounds extra cured ham sliced for frying, pound .... [Children's Rubber Boots' Overcoats Reduced IBH WF Smoked shonlder S , average 6 pounds, pound Yi'M Friday, each $1.25 rubber boots, bright SIO.OO & $12.00 Overcoats $12.50 to $15.00 Overcoats aSidfn J p"n"pkri " '"i 5 raiiins, iscl « for to,- Handled custard cups; silk finished tops. Special Ct+ fr\ , v WK oreen string beans !IJ s Vbs. for if regularly $4.00 a doz. Spe- Friday onlv SI.OO Sk. W I 1 VL 1 I 1 fill HI WM New rolled oats, t> lbs, asc New apricots, 2 lbs. for a.v cial Friday, each 2r>? ■ 9 m Dne s, Pomeroy & Stewart, T j ~ v 9BM Kagle flour, !>hk ««• f or 25c $1.69 covered butter dish- «■ ' ' ee ° or ' Brown Scotch mixtures. | Brown and green storm cloths. H H mThvc" C'or'e for'?. C °! , »; es. Special Friday —————Grey Scotch mixtures. J Dark grey and brown mixtures. 18| / \ , : n o>t- , a., rn p l i Men's Airlirs Grey check mixtures. Grey overplaids, Fancy Florida oranges, each. One Jiffy Brush ............ 25c SJ.Jo to $4..i0 French and men S nrcucs Plain l Cl or dozen ... lOe one luster box for cleaning rJrman .hint. ci 7" tn .• a,n % ? mixtures. borne overcoats cravenetted. B ■ v j windows io c LIT ? 'I P • f ? one-buckle arctics, Brown velours. Sizes 33 to 42. B ■ Klorlda Grape Krult, 3 for .... I«c 3 cans Spotless cleanser ...1.5c tancy baskets. Sp.cial Fri- extra heavy soles and heels. Sizes 33 to 40. Balmaroon styles with velvet col- ■ H Sugar cured bacon in pieces weigh- day only Special Friday only, $1.39 Balmaroon styles with velvet col- lar and quarter lined. H I P. To Naphtha soap''i . Sperlal rH "" y Dives, Po-neroy & Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. "Ives. P™eroy 4 Slmrt Men s Clothing, r 0 "V Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. V / floor. ——Vt# Babbitt's Soap J Basement. WANTS 1,000,000 ARMY FOR U. S„ NOW HELPLESS Garrison Finishes Details For Plan; Finds Country Hope lessly Unprepared ' Special to the Telegraph Washington, Dec. 30. Twelve 1 measures for the proper defense of the United States in the event of war, in ; so far as the army is concerned, will < be laid before Congress when it recon venes next Tuesday, by Secretary of ] Wjy- Garrison, according to a state- i ment of an official of the department. THURSDAY GARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 30, 1915 This official, who will aid the secretary in presenting the facts and recom mendations to the military commit tee of Congress, gave an outline of I the plans as follows: 1. Write a definite military policy, founded on the unanimous conclusions of military experts of the nation, past and present, and which, therefore, is sound in theory and correct in appli- i cation. 2. Enroll within three years and ] give some preliminary training at least to 500,000 mobile troops. 3. Provide within six years for an additional force of 500,000 reserves for the troops with the colors. 4. Furnish the most attractive form of voluntary military service it is pos sible to devise, thereby serving as a' final and conclusive test of the possi bility of organizing in peace times an adequate volunteer army system. 5. Furnish a system to which uni versal military service could be ap plied quickly and without the necessity of extensive reorganization. fi. Furnish a regular mobile army sufficient to co-operate in the training of continentals and also to carry on the necessary peacfl activities. 7. Furnish, through cadet companies ' attached to regular companies, an ade ■ quate and certain school for regular ; continental and reserve officers. 8. Furnish, beginning at once, a sys tem under which an adequate enlisted , reserve for the regular army would be i built up and maintained. 9. Begin st once, to be concluded in > four years, the expenditure of $Bl,- • 000,000 on extension and improvement of coast defense, making them far su -1 perlor to those which any other nation - has ever contemplated. 10. Furnish an adequate trained force to man all coast defenses, now • lacking nearly 50 per cent, of the nec essary personnel. 11. Build up within four years a re- I serve supply of material to cost $104,- 1000,000, and estimated upon the con sumption of ammunition shown by the best available reports from the Euro pean war. 12. Inaugurate a system under which commercial munitions plants can be fostered by the government in peace times, Insuring an adequate and ' continuous supply of guns and shells : In time of war. >Vant 400,000 Men The vital thing, It is contended. Is to obtain the names of 400,000 men V..0 are obligated to come to the colors at call, to supply them with necessary arms, equipment, organization and mobilization instructions, and to give them rudimentary military training at least, probably a month a year for each of three years being all that could be hoped for. If this were ac complished, experts say, and if officers and noncommissioned officers for the force were found and assigned, a great stride would have been taken, a short cut to the formation of a volunteer army in time of need, that would save months of delay if it accomplished nothing more. While universal service is admitted ly the ultimate goal of the adminis tration pirn. It was said that a resur vey of the military situation of the na tion, made only a few months ago and KOlng into questions of munitions manufacturing facilities and all kin dred subjects, disclosed such a hope less state of unpreparedness that the administration embarked at once upon Its campaign to build up the national defense. 1 BIG PARADE AT ELIZABETHVILLE New Year's- Day Parade Will Be Made Up of Four Divi sions and Five Hands Elizabethville, Pa., Dec. 30.—Final plans for one of the biggest parades ever held here are now being made and by the time the big procession starts on Saturday afternoon it is be lieved there wilt be several hundred entries. Blizabethvllle is arranging to fittingly celebrate Now Year's day and to help along the celebration, the big parade was mapped out. The pageant will be made up of four divi sions and each will line up as follows: Division No. 1, all large and two hor»e floats, west side of North Mar ket tatreet, facing north. lon No 2, horseback riders and one-horse floats, south side of East Main street, facing 1 west. Division No. 4, auto floats, south side of West Main street, facing east. I W. J. Daniels will chief marshal I of the parade and the marshals of the j various divisions will be H. H. Hassin ger, James E. Lentz, Daniel A. Andre and Earl Romberger. The aids will be C. C. Mclaughlin, Norwood Swab, Fred Lenker, Alien Lents, Ed. Bech tel, Lester Harner, Russel Botta and Chester Stroup. Music for the occasion will be fur nished by the Wiconlsco band, Pillow band. Bean Soup band, Doodle Sock band and the Limburger band. The route of the parade follows: Leaving Market Square, north in Mar ket to Board, west in Broad to Church, south In Church to Spruce, East In Spruce to Buttonwood, north in But tonwood to Main, west In Main to Smith; countermarch; east In Main to Market, south In Market to Lyter, east In Lyter to Vine, north In Vine to Arch, east in Arch to Moore, north in Moore to Main, west in Main to Market Square. , MRS. ANNA COHEN Wife of Onr «f Oldnt Market Street Ilualneaa Men Mrs. Anna Cohen, aged 82 years, last evening at her residence. 408 Northi street. The survivors are her husband,. Harris Cohen, one of Harrisburg's old-, est Market street business men. ami three grandchildren, Mrs. Rachei Sam uels, Mrs. Birdie Samuels, of St. Lotii%.' and Charles 8. Samuels, of Harrisbur^e Funeral services will be held fro.S] the residence to-morrow morning, at 1(51 o'clock. Services will be conducted byi Rabbi Charles J. Freund, of Ohev 8ho'« lem congregation. Mrs. Cohen had many friends throughout the city. For a number of years she resided in South FourtN street. Her residence was destroyed byj the Are which recently wiped out a] business block in that section. Mrsj* Cohen was rescued with difficulty. FIRE WTRKS WORKING The police and Are alarm wires* damaged during yesterday's «torm. were In good shape at nooi. ' -day. All boxes were rejorted In working orderj William Orozier and assistant city elee-i trlcian, and John C. Klndler, the flrd chief, to-day made an inspection <4 the Indicators In all flrehouaea.
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