| A Telegraph' Wait Ad Will QiflcUy Rent Hat Vacant Room | Deaths HOB Mrs. Sarah Ann Roe, wife of Francis Roe, deceased, died Wednes day noon, December -9, at her late residence, 1266 Derry street, aged <9 years. , .. . . Relatives and friends are invited to %t,attend funeral services Friday after noon. at 2 o'clock, in the Stevens Me morial Church. Dr. Smucker, Dr. I" ox and the Rev. Mr. Moses will have charge of the services. Burial in hast Harrisburg Cemetery. SCANTLING—Mrs. Mary J. Scantling, on December 28, 1916, at the re ® , j dence of her daughter, Mrs. Rachel Gibbons, 1224 Market street, aged 73 yeais. 10 months and 28 days. Funeral on Friday, December 31, at , 10:.10 A. M„ from the Market Square j Presbyterian Church. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend without further notice. Burial in the Marysvllle Cemetery. | McALARNEY Ada Hoffman McAlar- j iif v, widow of Mathias Wilson M< - Alarney. at lier lioine. The Melville, 430 West One Hundred and IMgn teenth street. New York, Tuesday, December 28. , Funeral service in Market Square Church, this city, Friday afternoon, st 2 o'clock, to which friends are in vited. Burial in Harrisburg ceme tery, private. j IN MEMOIUAM IN sad but loving remembrance of our dear mother, Mrs. Elixabeth Sawyer, who fell asleep in Jesus ten years ago to-day. Dearest, mother, we still miss thee, We still long thy voice to hear; In the silent hours of midnight Oft we shed a silent tear. Once our home was bright and happy. But grim death broke every cord; But we have that full assurance Thou hast won thy great reward. Husband and daughters. BENJAMIN F SAWYER. MRS. HARRY F. BEANER. MRS. WILLIAM H. KITZMILLER. MRS. WILLIAM F. RAYSOR. LOST LOST Watch and chain Elgin movement—l 6 jewel. Coat chain. Re ward if returned to Telegraph Offlce. LOST Gentleman's black silk um brella in Majestic Theater, Wednesday evenlng. Reward if returned to 1841 Whitehall street IX)ST lf party will return gentle man's umbrella taken by mistake In Cunningham's Restaurant, two weeks ago, to 302 Calder Building, they may have their umbrella. LOST lrish Terrier. Answers to the name of "Jack." Reward if returned to Rife Hotel. FOUND "FOUND—Black muff left at S. S. Pomeroy'a Grocery Store, Market Square, within the past week. Owner call and identify same. FOUND A bull dog. License No. 4266, Cumberland county. Owner can have dog by proving property and pa> - ing for this ad. Apply 329 Hamilton street. FOUND Now's the time to have your clothes put in shape for the winter. Eggert's Steain Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market Street. Both phones. We call and de liver. HELP WANTED —Male Representatives in eacli town ship of the following counties: Dauphin, Cumberland, Franklin, by reliable firm. Do you want to earn SIOO.OO for a few weeks' work during your spare time? Write us for particulars and we will have our representative call on you to explain our proposi tion. Address Box J3437, care the Telegraph, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Good automobile me chanic. Apply Penbrook Garage, or call Bell phone 1597J-3. WANTED Boy over 16 to make himself useful in grocery store. Give references and experience. Address B„ 3435, care of Telegraph. WANTED I want 10 good, bright, honest men to learn tea ana coffee busi ness. Will pay sl3 per week while learning, guaranteeing, after you have acquainted yourself with our proposi tion. you can earn anywhere from S2O to S3O per week. J. R. Wilson, 269 Broad street. WANTED Active boy, about 15 years of age, for regular employment; must be able to furnish employment certificate. Ilershey Creamery Co. WANTED An experienced butcher; .mist come well recommended. Apply 226 Chestnut street. SKILLED machinists, tool-makers, forge department men; beginners also. Higli wages to beginners. Address P. O. Box 264, Lancaster, or call on J. F. Cresswell, Hotel Plaza, Thursdays, 12 noon till 9 P. M. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring mill or lathe hands, who can work from blue prints; also tool makers. Ad dress, or apply. Employment Depart ment. Wcstinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.. East Pittsburgh, Pa. FOR SALE Business Property 11 N. Third St. An A No. 1 business location, seven doors from Market street —a substantially built four-story brick building. 1020 Market St. Three-story brick and frame building with storeroom and dwell ing. A grocery store has been con ducted at this location for a num ber of years and the stock can be purchased at inventory. We want to show you through this property. 1218 Mulberry St. Corner Christian and Mulberry Sts. storeroom B-room, frame dwelling house—also a garage. 1922 Walnut. St. • Opposite Reservoir Park—two story brick dwelling and storeroom with soda fountain and fixtures Property has electric light ami steam heat. A. proposition worth looking Into. Suburban In one of Harrleburg's best sub urban towns —real estate and stock of a long-established general store. WAREHOUSE, OR FACTORY SITE V. R. n. SIDING Northeast comer P. R. R. Rn( j Market street—loo ft. along rail road and *2.78 ft. fiont on Mar ket street. MILLER BROIHERS&Ca REAL ESTATE Inmirnnce Surety Uonda I.oeu*t and Court Streets ! | |" p If "' THURSDAY EVENING HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 30, 1915. HEM* WANTED —Male I WANTED Young man, 16 to 18 I years of age, to run errands and make i himself generally useful. Apply to Office Manager Rrelsford Packing and Storage Co., Seventh and North streets. WANTED Young man of 16 or 17 years of age, with bicycle; must fur nish good reference. Apply Albert Berk, 923 North Sixth street. WANTED. AT ONCE Two experi enced pretzel rollers. Apply C. E. Nelth, 338 Reily street City. WANTED, COLLECTOR Energetic young man for special work. Salary. See E. C. Sarver, 205 Franklin Build ing. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED A young white girl or woman for light housework and plain cooking in small family; no washing, ironing or sweeping; $4.00 to competent person; reference required. Address 0., 33.5 i. care of Telegraph. WANTED Girl for general house work; must be able to cook; re-ferenco required. Apply 1701 North Second street. WANTED An exerlenced cook. Ap ply State Capital Hotel, 215 Walnut street. WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED An exerlenced waitress in private family. Address 0., 3134, care of Telegraph. GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN WANTED Must be reliable. Address A., 3438, care to clerk iji book and stationery store, of Telegraph. WA N TED Experienced sewing machine operators to work on women's and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State street, rear entrance. WANTED A young, white girl to assist with general housework; must sleep at home. Apply 160 SI Market street. City. WANTED Thoroughly competent white woman for general housework. Reference required. Wages, $5 per I week Address P. O. Box 697, Harris i burg, Pa. WANTED Experienced white girl for chambermaid; references required. Apply to Box M, 3423, care of Tele graph. SALESLADY WANTED Age 20 to 30 years. Experience in notion and fancy goods. Good wages and steady work. Apply at Hershey Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. j WANTED White gtrl for general i housework. Apply at 1912 .Market street and bring references. WANTED Laundress wanted white woman. Apply Bolton House. WANTED A reliable woman, with no encumbrances, to take care of a 3-year-old boy. Must be reliable and furnish best of references. Apply Su perintendent, Harrisburg Club. WANTED Reliable girl; three in family. 2017 North Second street. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Paint salesman, experi enced; extraordinary proposition to cap able man. The Master Mechanics Co., Cleveland, Ohio. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Position in private fam ily, work about house, taking care of horses or automoune; experienced and with best of references. Address 804 Capital street. WANTED Fireman desires posi tion; can furnish reference; under stands steam and electric hoisting ma chine; handy with tools. Write, or call 327 Muench street. WANTED Elderly gentleman of highest character and best habits, who has traveled extensively and had years of business relations with leading busi ness and professional men, would ap preciate position as collector or other work where steady and trustworthy service is more essential than activity. Address F., 3424, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. WANTED Young man, experienced salesman for grocery and produce firm, would like position with local or out-of-town house representing them here; best reference furnished, also bond. Address F„ ?428, care of Tele graph. j YOU Farm owners have your farm j managed by a lifelong, experienced I farmer, who will clear it In three years i what it cost above operating expenses, I free of charge; best reference; strictly I temperance, Christian and will tell no | wilful lie. J. B. L. Middletown. l'a. j SITUATIONS W ANTED—Female I WANTED Young girl wishes -light, j housework or light cooking. Apply at I b2O Forste* street. I WANTED Colored woman wants i day's work; good worker. Apply SO6 ! Cowden street. ! WANTED General housework by ; colored girl. Address 8.. 3426, care of J Telegraph. . HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 17-ACRE Cumberland Co. farm —all buildings SBOO.OO 97-acre farm—Dauphin Co. buildings 1,000.00 I 30-acre farm—Cumberland Co— j all buildings—soo fruit tress. .1.500.00 I 137-acre farm Perry co all | buildings 3,500.00 1107-acre farm—Adams Co.—all buildings—l.soo fruit trees. .6,000.00 97-acre farm —Dauphin Co.—all buildings 7,000.00 Several of these farms can be ex changed for city property H. G. PEDLOW, 110 H. Thirteenth St. 231 KELKER ST.; 3-story brick dwelling; 9 rooms, bath and furnace; side entrance: lot, 17x88. You will find this property in good condition. The price is right. Brlnton-Packer Co., Sec- I ond and Walnut Sts. Workmen's Compensation Insurance On January Ist all employers become subject to the new law. Let us protect you by a policy in a high grade stock company—the United States Casualty Co. Miller Brothers & Co. Locust and Court Streets — — 1 REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FOR IMMEDIATE: SALE A valuable North Second street resi dence. Most destrable residential lo cality In city. A bargain. Priie and terms for the asking. Address "Home," care of Harrisburg Telegraph. FOR SALE—3 properties on N. Sixth I St., Lucknow. opposite Country Club | grounds; located on trolley line; each 3- | story frame; !i rooms, and bathroom; furnace; lot, 20x130. The three proper ties can be bought for $4,200.00. Rental Income, $35.00 per month. Brlnton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE Rooming house paying a profit of Eighty-five Dollars a month; i owner leaving city and wishes to Invest purchase price in stock of CHARLES E. BARD and COMPANY. To inspect this house, or for full particulars, address 8., 3431, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE—3-story brick apartment house, well located on one of the prin cipal streets of Harrisburg; this prop erty Is rented for an income amount ing to more than IB per cent, upon the price asked; reason for selling: Owner wishes to buy stock in CHARLES E. BARD and COMPANY. For detailed de scription of this valuable real estate, address A., 3432, care of Telegraph. 17 ACRES; 7 miles south of New Cumberland; 2 miles from Marsh Run station; 6-room dwelling; frame bank barn; running water: price. Including stock and farming Implements. $1,650.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Farm, 127 acres, in good state of cultivation. Sttiiated along public road about 15 miles from Harrisburg and 3% miles from Duticannon. Good building. Write 1156 Mulberry street. Phone 3262 M. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 1406 State street —now- empty. Has been rented for $27. If rented at once will make price $25. A. S. Miller & Son, Kighteentn and State. FOR RENT Four large rooms, suit able for automobile sales rooms. Well heated, electric wired, with up-to-date plumbing. Everything New. Also for rent space and repair privilege In gar age having a capacity of 100 cars. Good business location. Reasonable rer.t. Apply Shaffer's Garage, 48-78 South Cameron street. 1824 North Sevtnth street, 8 rooms, heater and bath ,$15.00 603 Maclay street, 9 rooms, heater and bath $20.00 1208 Cowden street, water In kitchen $13.00 ,1. S. SIBLE, 256 Herr Street. FOR HUM' No. 1302 State St $25.00 No. 132 Hoerner St 16.00 Private fireproof garage 4.00 No. 807 N. Eighteenth St 25.00 i. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market St. FOR RENT Large ground floor i room, suitable for small business or of fices, located at 109 North Second street. Immediate possession. Apply on prem ises. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT - New unfurnished cor ner apartment; three rooms; close to roundhouse and market; running water: kitchen cabinet; range and gas; cozy and comfortable; must be seen to be appreciated. Rent, semimonthly. In quire office. 429 Broad street. FOR RENT Second floor furnished suite, three rooms and bath, kitchen complete for cooking; hot water fur nished. Apply at Real Estate Office, 132 Locust street. FOR RENT—IO7 South Front street, third floor front furnished apartment; two large rooms, kltchenette'and bath; city steam heat included. Apply to Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. ROOMS FOR RENT I FOR RENT Large front, second floor front room with alcove. Well heated and ventilated, with use of bath land phone. Suitable for married couple or business people. Apply 210 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms on second tloor for light housekeep ing; use of bath and phone; no children; i reference exchanged. 1604 Derry street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, second floor front; bath; gas. 1522 Walnut street. BOARD AND ROOM can be had by gentlemen in private family, with homo comfort. Good location. Address A., 3434, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Large, weil-furnished second floor front rooms; all conveni ences and use of phone. Inquire 813 North Second street. j FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, third floor, suitable for liTht house ■ keeping; one room, second lloor front, nicely furnished; must be reliable par i ties; all conveniences; good location, j Apply 1109 North Second street. * FOR RENT Second floor front I room, taclng Capitol Park: stationary washstand (hot and cold running ! water); electric light: city steam; use j of Bell phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street. I FOR RENT Large, well-lighted furnished rooms, single or ensultc; city steam heat; Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Suite of rooms on j second floor front, for one or two gen- i tlemen, with use of bath, phone and city heat; reference required. Aoply | ] 272 Briggs street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Three second floor un furnished rooms, for light housekeep ing; two -oorns have bay windows; hot j water heat; electric lights; use of bath; ' references exchanged. Apply 541 Seneca] street. WANTED WANTED Reliable young man j with live hundred dollars ($500) to in vest. Situation as assistant manager i goes with investment. Salary, $25 per I week. Address M„ 3427, care of Tele- i graph. CASH PRICES paid for Ladles' and Mon's cast-off ( Cloihing and Shoes; also Furniture and Carpets. Give descrip tion of goods you want to sell. Send postal to 636 Herr street. FOR SALE FOR SALE Genuine Rose-wood i Tona-harp for sale. Most beautiful I musical instrument on market. Easily ! learned. Cost $50.00, sell for $20.00. i Practically new. Apply 110 North Sec- I ond street, in Restaurant. FOR SALE FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE TO MERCHANTS ! CALENDARS SAMPLES AT HALF-PRICE j MYERS MANUFACTURING CO THIRD AND CUMBERLAND STS., ' OVER MILLER'S SHOE STORK BELL 1577 R. V ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Cadillac light delivery truck in good condition. Call at 541 Seneca street. FOR SALE Edison Standard Phonograph and 22 Records for sale. $6; must be take.i at once: good condition. Call this evening 1317 Derry street. OUR now line of Leettier Hand Bags, Suit Cases. Gloves and Leather Special ties re far superior to anything we have ever offered. Buy your Leather Goods from the Leather Merchants. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Company. FOR SALE Have four Upright Pianos to store and two to rent with reliable families. All traded in for Player-Pianos before Christmas. Must make room for new stock. X., 3436, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 5550.00 Player-Piano, almost new, 88 note. Complete with all that came with It. Bench, Music and Scarf. Price, $245.00 if sold at once. Address Mrs. Bowman, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE All cf our Mondalnes, Carneaux and Homer Pigeons must be j closed out at once because of other j business. About 100 birds of fine stock j and in excellent condition. Will sell by the pair or specially priced for entire lot. Apply 221 Twenty-ninth street, Penbrook, Pa. Bell phone 4038 J. FOR SALE SI,OOO Dauphin County Funding Bond. Interest, 3 per cent. Due 1932. Free of tax. Brlnton- Packer Co., Cor. Second and Walnut streets, Harrisburg. FOR SALE—I9I6 Ford Touring Car. I Bought in October, 1915. Good as new. Inquire of 116 West Main street, Pal myra. Pa. CALKS—CALKS—CALKS FOR SALE At Gable's,, 111-117 S. Second St., Neversltp and Howe Screw I and Drive Calks, Green Bay and Giant Grip Drive Calks, Can't Slip and Always I Sharp Calks. | FOR SALE Scratch Pads new ; supply—sti for 25c while they last. Ap- ( ply Job Printing Department The Tele- | | graph Printing Company. I FOR SALE Two springless com | puting scales, one meat slicing ma chine, one electric coffee mill, one auto matic cheese knife. Al condition. In quire J. M. Shatzer, 529 South Sixteenth street. Bell 2408 R. FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up to-date Bird- and Parrot Cages, large Gold Fish and Globes of all sizes: Bird Seeds, natural Fish Food and supplies. ] Gebhardt, the "Bird Man," 1004 North] Third, between Boas and Herr. FOR SALE One Crawford touring car in good condition. Must be solo, and will be sold cheap. Inquire Clous er's Livery, Shiremanstown, Pa. FOR RENT FOR light manufacturing, storage or shop purposes, a very desirable entire second tloor, with private front en trance, city steam heat, electric lights and water, in a new building located just south of Chestnut Street on River Street. Apply to Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR RENT Garago rear of 1600 Market street, facing on Sixteenth street. Capacity, two cars. Rent, $5.00 per month for each car. Inquire Dauphin Deposit Trust Co. FOR RENT Store room and offlce rooms, 19 North Third street; apartment 5 rooms and bath, city steam heat, gas, electric light. Call 20 North Fourth street, second floor. FOR RENT A large offlce in the Telegraph Building. Inquire of Super intendent iu Business Oftlce of Tele graph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding tor newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. I MADE SBO,OOO In live years In the mail order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet Tells how. Hea cock, 365 Lockport. N. Y. R LSI NESS PERSON ALS MY WEATHER STRIPS are guaran teed to keep out Rain. Siiov.-, Dust and Cold and last a-3 long as your house stands. Manufactured and put on by I S. R. Hofst. Penbrook, Pa. i FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Halt Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market ; street. Harrisburg. Fa. Telephone I orders prompt attention. Bell | 1960. HAULING H. A. HAItTSIAN, llonrdlnjr Stable mid National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general iiaul inK. H. W. Lather, Manager, Fifth and | Woodbine street. Bell phono No. 25C3R. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. ! STORAGE • 419 Broad street, for | household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents ger mor.'.h. Apply D. Cooper & Co 411 road street Both phones. LEGAL NOTICE | ~CLFRK'S NOTICE NoT ~2927~1N I BANKRUPTCY ln the District Court of the United Stales for tlie .Middle Dis ' trict of Pennsylvania. J. Newton Deoter. of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Penn sylvania, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of Xuly 1, 1898, having ap plied for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act. notice is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons in interest, to appear before tne, said Court at Scranton, in said District, on the 21th day of January, 1916, at 10 o'clock In I the forenoon, to show cause, if any they I have, why Ihe prayer of the said peti ! tloner should not be granted. GEORGE C. SCHEUER, I Clerk. ! Capitol Park Extension Commission. In re Condemnation of promises No. 416 Smith street, Harrlsburjj, f'enna. To all persons In Interest: FN conformity with the provisions of the Art of Assembly, approved June 16. Kill (P. T* 1027), notice is hereby given that, on the 29th day of December, 19ir>, the Capitol Park Extension Commission tiled amonK the records of Its proceed ing Its report In the matter of the con demnation of the above mentioned premises. SAMUEL. C. TODD, Secretary. TRANSFER NOTICE NOTICE is hereby Riven that applica tion will be made to the Court of Quar ter Sessions of the Peace of Dauphin County, on Monday, the 10th day of January, 1916. for the transfer of the tavern license of William H. DeiMer for "Shell's Tavern." In East Hanover Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylva nia. to Chester S. Boyer, of Orantvllle. East Hanover Township. County of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, and that the papers for that purpose are on file In the Prothonotary's office, at Har rlsburß, Pennsylvania. MICHAEL, E, ST ROUP, Attorney for Chester S. Bovcr. MARKET SHOWS 1 IMPROVEMENT Steel and Oil Shares in Big Demand; War Stocks Occupy Prominent Place By Associated Press New York, Dec. 30.—A1l around im provement. was shown by the market in to-da.v's early dealings, overnight developments conducing to that con dition. U. S. Steel and the oil shares were in especial demand while various war descriptions were materially higher. Steel opened with 1,000 shares at 87% to 87%, a gain of %, while Mexican Petroleum, Texas Company and California Petroleum, common and preferred, scored gains ranging from 1 to 4 points. St. Paul, Cana dian Pacific and Kries rose 1 to 2 points and coppers also reflected furth er inquiry. Mexican Petroleum was the feature I of the first hour, its sales on the rise of 4% points to the new record of 112% being almost double those of Steel. Erie issues led the rails and St. Paul's advance to 98 placed that stock within a fraction of its highest of the year. New York Airbrake featured the war group, advancing 4 to 141 and Express company issues responded further to increased earnings. Wells Fargo rising 5 to 130. Prices shaded generally in the second hour, when trading diminished visibly. Anglo French s's changed hands at 93% and 94. Bonds were irregular. NO OPENING PRICES Owing to breaks in the wires I between this city and Philadel phia, no New York opening ; J prices could be furnished by i Chandler Bros., 3 North Mar- • ket Square. * I'IIII.ADKI.I'HIA PRODUCE By Associated Press ! Philadelphia, Dec. 30. Wheat | Steady; No. 2, red, spot, and December, $1.25®1.27; No. 2, Southern, red, J1.23® 1.25. Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow, local, 81 % ®B2%c; steamer, No. 2, yellow, lo cal, 80% ®>Bl %c. Oats Firmer; No. 2. white, 49% @ 50c; No. IT, while, 4 Y (ft 47 %C. Bran The market is steady; city mills, winter, per ton, $25.00; western, winter, per ion. none here; [ Soring, per tun. $23.50(g)24.00 ; Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered. 6.05e; line granulated, 5.95 c; confectioners' A, 5.85 c. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extras, 36c; nearby prints, fancy, 39c. Egs The market is steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases. SIO.BO per case; do., current receipts, f.ree cases, $10.20 per case; western, extra's, firsts, free cases, SIO.BO per case; do., firsts, free cases, $10.20 i-er case. Live Poultry Market steady; fowls, 13<8il6c; old roosters, ll®12c; broil ing chickens .(tflTr Splint; cnxn- i< 13® 15c; dUCkS.'l4@l6c; geese, li®)l6c; turkeys, 18® 20c. Dressed Poultry —\ Market steady: fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18c; do., average, 16%(«. 17% c; do., unattrac ; live, 13® 16c; ice packed fowls, 13 , i ®l6e; old roosters, "13c; broiling I I chickens, nearoy, 22®26c; do., western.! 20® 22c; roasting chickens, western choice to fancy, 18@19c; do., fair to good, 14®17c; spring ducks, nearby, IS I ®2oc; do., western, 12@18c; geese, nearby, 16®18c; do., western. 14ia'lttc. turkeys, Delaware and Maryland, fancy 28®30c; do., Virginia, 26fir27c; do., near by. choice to fancy, 25®26c; do., west ern, choice to fancy, 24®25c; do., fail to good, 22®23c;»01d toms, 21c; do., culls, mitpzuc. Potatoes Market firmer; Penn sylvania. fancy, per bushel, 90c®$1.00; do., fair to good, 85®88c; Jersey, No. 1, per basket, 55®60c; do.. No. 2, 30if<>40c. Flour Market steady; winter, straights, $5.50}<)5.75; do., patent, ss.Bii ®6.10; Kansas straights, $4.85®5,55; Spring straights, $.">.75® 5.90; do., pat ent, $6.00®6.35; do., favorite brands, $6.50® 6.80. Hay Market steady; No. 1, large bales, $21.00®>21.50; No. 1, medium j bales, $20.50®21.00; No. 2, $19.00© 19.50; No. 3, do.. $15.50® 17.50. Clover mixed, light mixed, $18.50® 19.00: No. 1, do., siS.9o® 18.50; No. 2. I do., $ 15.09® 16.00. CHICAGO C VTTI.K Chicago. Ml.. Dec. 30. Hogs Re ceipts, 39,000; strong. 10c above yester day's average. Hulk of sales, Q/> 6.80; light, $6.20®>7.70; mixed, $6.25® 6.85: heavy, $6.35® 6.85; rough, $6.35® 6.50; pigs. $5.00®6.10. Cattle Receipts, 4,000: steady. Native beef steers, $6.10®9.75; western steers. $6.20®8.10; cows and heifers, $2.x5®8.40; calves. $7.00®>10.50. I Sheep. Receipts, 12,000; weak. ! Wethers, $6.10® 7.00; lambs, $7.25®9.60. CHICAGO BOAHI> OF TRADES By Associated Press C'pic;ago, I(l„ Dec. 30. —Board of Trade I closing: Wheat—May, 1.27%; July, 1.18&;. Corn —December, 73%; May. 77>&. Oats- —December, 4 1; May, 47%. Pork—January, 18.85; May, 19.15. l.ard—January, 9.92; May. 10.21'. Ribs—January, 10.32; May, 10.65. Secret Preparations Being Made For Chinese Revolt By Associated Press Shanghai, Dec. 20. A telegram from Cheng Tu, capital of the prov ince of Szechuen, says there are indi cations that a rising iu Western China is being planned, secret preparations being made for tho revolt. The opinion is expressed in the dispatch, however, that the chances for the success of 1 lie movement are small. Babson Asserts Commerce Is Cause of Conflict By Associated Press Washington, D. C., Dec. 30.—The causes of war. Roger W. Babson, sec retary of the Society to Eliminate the Economic Causes of War, told the American Sociological Society, In ses sion here to-day, are largely matters of commerce. He sjild he believed the most any world organization could do to preserve peace would be to provide some means by which the fittest shall rule without resort to war. liKGAIi NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that appli cation will bo made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on January 15, 1916, under the provisions of an Act of Assembly, entitled. "An Act to provide for the in corporation and regulation of certain corporations." approved April 28, 1874, and Its supplements, for a charter of an Intended corporation to be called the STANDARD BAKING COMPANY, the character and object of which Is tho manufacture, sale and dealing In bread, pies, cakes, pastries, and other good stuffs of a similar and cognate char acter, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, bene fits anl privileges by said Act of As sembly and Its supplements conferred. EDWARD E. BEID*EMAN, Solicitor. TRAFFIC RATES BY SUEZ TREBLED Lloyd's Action Stirs London as It May Mean Germans Arc Near Canal London, Dec. 30.1t was announced London, Dec. 30.—1t was announced rate of all cargoes passing through the Suez Canal will hereafter be tre ble the present rate. This news has caused fa. profound impression. Although the War Offlce declines to say anything on the subject, it means beyond doubt that grave apprehensions are felt and that the presence of Tur co-German forces near the canal must be a certainty. In many quarters the opinion is prevalent that the Gorman invasion of Egypt is to be attempted at a much earlier date than had been expected even by the most pessimistic of Brit ish observers. The news that Lloyd's has trebled the insurance rate on all cargoes passing through the canal is regarded as good evidence that that opinion is correct. Such a rate will of necessity drive almost every descrip tion of Anglo-Oriental shipping around the Cape of Good Hope. The new rate is looked upon as closing the canal al most to the extent of an official order. The increase in insurance rates has also, in the minds of military observ ers, determined the destination of the 40,000 Indian soldiers withdrawn from the front in France last week and sent to "another field of action." Health Gone, Huerta May Be Given Freedom Washington, D. C., Dec. 30.—The suspicion ■ that General Victoriano | Huerta. the aged ex-dictator of Mexico has come to his last llness, has result jed front reports received at the Depart ment of Justice as to his condition. General Huerta lies closely guarded in an officer's home on the reservation at j Fort Hliss, Texas. His strength is gone and his spirit sadly shaken. The Attorney General's desire to as certain the condition of his health re sulted from a request that he be re leased on bail pending his recovery. As a result of the inquiries made by the agents of the Government at Fort Bliss, the belief lias gained ground that one of fate's Ironies is to he consum mated In bringing about the old dic tator's death In imprisonment under the government which he flaunted with such high bravado. German Efficiency Due to Abolishment of Parasites Washington, D. C„ Dec. 30.—Ger many's "greater efficiency as com pared with Great Britain and France in the present war," William English Walling of New York, told the Amer ican Sociological Society, in session here to-day is due to the fact that in Germany parastical classes have been largely done away with and that had led to relative industrial superiority. GET AUTO LICENSES Automobile and motorcycle license tags for 1916, to-day reached the po lice station. John C. Kindler, the fire chief, was given his old number, 10,- 000. The balance, and emergency auto, will carry 55,092 and 55.091 re spectively. The motorcycle numbers are 1018 and 1019. TREASURY DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF HARHISBURQ, FA. NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS Kotlce is hereby Riven to the holders of the following Improvement Bonds issued by the City of Hari isbu rg, that the same will be redeemed at the Office of the City Treasurer on January 4, 1916, at which time interest on all said bonds will cease. Street Paving Honda Street I'avliiß Honda No. Amt. No. Amt. C 127 SIOO Sarah Alley. C 1113 100 Briggs Street. C 175 100 Cameron Street. C 1147 100 Summit Street. C 176 100 Cameron Street. C 1155 100 Park Street. C ils 100 Crescent Street. C 1160 100 Sixteenth Street. C 239 100 Green Street. O 1161 100 Sixteenth Street. C 240 100 Green Street. C 1181 100 Forster Street. C 270 100 Elm Street. C 1184 100 Forster Street. C 271 100 Elm Street. G 1185 100 Forster Street. C 315 100 ZArker Street. C 1215 ipo Howard Street. C 316 100 Zar'tev Street. C 1216 100 Howard Stret. C 337 100 Fronf Street. • C 1219 100 Penn Street. C 338 100 Front Street. O 1235 100 Prospect Street. C 339 100 Front Street. C 1236 100 Prospect Street. C 340 100 Front Street. C 1259 100 10-foot Alley. C 361 100 Nectarine Street. C 1260 100 10-foot Alley. C 370 100 Swatara Street. C 1267 100 Maclay Street. C 371 100 Swatara Street, C 1281 100 Helen Street. O 371 100 Swatara Street. C 1282 100 Helen Street. C 373 100 Swatara. Street. C 1290 100 Turner Street. C 374 100 Swatara Street. C 1291 100 Primrose Alley. C 375 100 Swatara Street. C 1292 100 Primrose Alley. C 382 100 ltegina Street. C 1293 100 Primrose Alley. C 383 100 Regina Street. C 1294 100 Primrose Alley. C 384 100 Regina Street. C 1:95 100 Primrose Alley. G 385 100 Regina Street C 1301 100 Wengert Alley. G 386 100 Regina Street CC 231 200 Bailey Street. G 445 100 Fifth Street. CC 414 200 Second Street. G 463 100 Muench Street. CC 420 200 Klttatinny Street. G 464 100 Muench.Sttreet. CC 435 200 Hamilton Street. C 465 100 MuenchMitreet. CC 436 200 Hamilton Street. C 466 100 Muench Street. CC 513 200 Fifteenth Street. C 467 100 Muench Ctreet. CC 533 200 Wallace Street. C 490 100 Penn Street. CC 582 200 Forster Street. G 491 100 Penn Street. CC 605 200 Fifth Street. G 492 100 Penn Street. CC 666 200 Fifth Street. G 506 100 Clinton Street. CC 670 200 Verbeke Street, G 514 100 Relly Street. CC 673 200 Fifth Street. G 520 100 Eighteenth Street. CC 676 200 Maclay Street. G 521 100 Eighteenth Street. CC 683 200 Second Street. O 683 100 Apricot Street. CC 707 100 Wood Street. G 588 100 Bailev Street. CC 766 200 Geiger Alley. G 589 100 Bailey Street. CC 797 200 Shrub Alley. G 597 100 Fifteenth Street. CC 806 200 Summit Street. G 598 100 Fifteenth Street. CC 809 100 Boas Street. G 599 100 Fifteenth Street. CC 812 200 Fifteenth Street. G 645 100 Logan Street. CC 826 200 Forster Street. G 683 100 Summit Street. "CC 827 200 Forster Street. G 693 100 Wallace Street. CC 828 200 Forster Street. C 706 100 Herr Street. *CC 829 200 Green Street. G 719 100 Regina Street. CC 885 200 Orange Street. G 747 100 Logan Street. D 352 500 Seventeenth Str««t, G 752 100 Forster Street. D 494 500 Regina Street. G 753 100 Forster Street. I) 510 500 Berryhirl Street. C 805 100 Seventeenth Street. D 611 500 Berryhtll Street. G 806 100 Seventeenth Street. D 610 500 Maclay Street. G 807 100 Seventeenth Street. D 623 500 Gerryhlll Street. C 823 100 Dauphin Street. D 634 600 Seventeenth Stre*t C 890 100 Herr Street. D 647 500 Seneca Street. C 930 100 Forrest Street. D 648 500 Seneca Street. C 931 100 Forrest Street. D 661 600 Second Street. G 932 100 Forrest Street. D 664 600 Boas Street. G 946 100 Wood Street. D 669 600 Balm Street. C 973 100 Woodbine Street. tD 675 500 Green Street. G 998 100 North Street. tD 676 600 Green Street. C 999 100 North Street. D 677 500 Green Street. C 1023 100 Briggs Street. D 731 500 Derry Street.- G 1024 100 Briggs Street. D 731 500 Derry Street. C 1025 100 Briggs Street. D 732 500 Derry Street. C 1027 100 Daisy Street. D 733 500 Defry Street. C 1038 100 Juniper Street. D 744 500 Logan Street. C 1068 100 Yousllng Alley. D 749 500 Derry Street. C 1069 100 Yousllng Alley. tD 752 600 Fourth Street. C 1070 100 Yousllng Alley. D 753 600 Fourth Street. C 1099 100 Front Street. D 754 600 Fourth Street. C 1111 100 Myers Street. •Called July 1, I*ls. at which time Interest ceased. tCalled January 1. 1916, at which time Interest ceasciV {Called July 1, 1814, at which time interest censed. OWEN M. COPELIN, Harrlsburg, Pa„ Dec? 20. 1915. CUy TreaßU '«'- CHORAL SOCIETY REHEARSAL JAN. 4 "The Atonement" Will Be Sung With Dr. J. Fred Wolle as Director The Harris burg Choral Society will begin ils twenty-tlrst season on Tues day evening, January 4, when the first, rehearsal will he held in Fahnestock Hall, Y. M. C. A. building, at 7.45 o'clock. Dr. J. Fred Wolle, of Beth lehem, Pa., will again conduct the so ciety and Professor K. ,1. Decevee, of thp Conservatory of Music, will be tlie accompanist. As has been announced, the work to be studied this winter will be S. Coleridge-Taylor's "The Atone ment. ' This work was composed for (he Three Choirs Musical Festival, Hereford, England, in 1 903, and is divided into four parts: "Getliseinane." "Prayer of the lloly Women and Apostles," "Pontius Pilate" and "Cal vary." Dr. Wolle is most enthusiastic in the selection of this work for I lie coming season and speaks in the very jjigest terms of the inspiring and dra matic effects for both chorus and or chestra. The enrollment of the society is in creasing rapidly and all indications point to the largest membership in the history of the organization. Harris burg's best vocalists are enrolling and it is hoped lo make it the best society in years. Enrollments are being re ceived from Hummelstown, Middle town, Steelton, Pcnbrook and the 'cross-river towns. | The membership committee is com posed of Harry M. Bretz, \V. C. Whit moyer, Ralph E. Steever, Paul D. Mil ler and Henry A. Kelker, Jr. Any person who sings and who desires to join the society should apply to any of the above members of the committee or to Harry M. Bretz, secretary, 222 Market street. F. B. FISIIER TRANSFERRED By Associated Press | New York, Dec. 30. Fred B. Fisher, for the last, three years, gen eral secretary of the Methodist Lay | men's Missionary Movement, has ac i cepted the call to become the asso ciate general secretary of the Inter denominational Bay men's Missionary Movement, it was announced to-day. HUTCH GIVE GERMANY FIRST HOSPITAL TRAIN Berlin, Dec. 30 (by wireless to Say ville).—The first of the hospital trains purchased for the central powers by popular subscription in Holland ar rived at Berlin to-day. THE Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open daily, except Sunday, at 3 P. M„ al Its new location, Front and Harris streets, for the treat ment Df the worthy poor. RUBBER STAMnp >fy SEALS & STENCILS E#V J1 MFG.BVHBG.STENCILWORKS ■|| II 130 L.QCUSTST. HBG.PA. W READY MONEY for individuals pressed by lark of funds to meet immediate necessities, at rates, pay able in weekly or monthly instal ments. No publicity. I'O-OI'KR ATI VIS l.unn A InvcMtmont Cn. 204 CHESTNUT NT. I.lernMMl, lloudcd, Incorporated 13
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