18 More Persons Are Giving New Fruit and Game Pictures j . , —rr—i Towels Than Ever Before _ «1 QQ A <i;oon: HJc It is not to be wondered when Kmc sees how fine are the %£ at 3>l. yo and SZ.Zo ; J * } I qualities of the towels in this Christmas showing. Guest towels in plain huck. hem- White Turkish towels in differ- Beautifully colored fruit and game pictures, 14x28 inches, mission 13 ' WWj UJ. stitched 25(\ 3»o and 50c ent »ise» and weights. BpgE|p|k frames *2.25 1 /]/{ " heSsmchTnT'and P Mtln hU dam«Bk English linen friction "towels. Game pictures, 10x20 inches, in oval Circassian finished wood \ W V/AY/XT 'j/JFTj J i' ■ ■ horder »»<• mid s«c na 1,1,1 '' " 1 ° 75c and »t.oo I ==T7J J frames *1.98 V by H 4 e i n inchJS e^ dan,a " k . to . we,B :«ic lavender 1"™/.° Wel . 8 ' n P | nk ImS SHS " **&#? Animal pictures, 16x20 inches, oak frames 98* X Hemmed linen huck towels, 18 Turknit baby sets in box—• BmMWS 111 "Mother," 18x22 inches, concave mission frame *3.95 / J@V \,SSS (D by 36 inches, each, 25c; doz., $2.85 1 baby blanket A.V/ // n . c e • • i i j / > 1 »Y/S #/ Hemstitched linen huck towels 2 baby bibs Isi oo WBll''\\\ ?' M//» Reproductions of famous paintings in oak, mahogany and circas- ('l Bit in white, 17x30 inches 25c 2 wash cloths ~... r u\ ililAtii V I si»n finished frames, 16x20 inches and 14x28 inches *1.75 v \ I 111 Hemmed German linen huck -towels J * J " 11 / 111 towels, 13x18 inches, dozen ... .»0c Fancy Jacquard weave Turkish Heavy Turkish towels with red towels in blue, pink, gold and lav- M \\ pr Ijl f/ ff / 1 /// border 15c ender, 22x45 inches "5c jn )] 1 i Ivj [fl The Good Shepherd The Close of Day Young Handel I l\ /|/ Extra size white Turkish tow- Fancy Turkish towels and wash VI VI fIJ The Horse Fair Hoffman's Christ Head Harvest Moon I RJ els 10c cloths, set, in box $1.75 II /ilL— sir Galahad Avenue of Trees Xearinn- TTomo I 'vm" Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. -JF3t==U The Gleaners The Cathedral of Milan 1 . *.. J ftl The Angelas Roman Coliseum In the Library J B / — Song or the Jiark Roman Forum Ben llur i I— • f x~ * C> l""7 * 1 1 s \ values, reduced to half price and j ~ " Y (It it" rnr Nnm R P rlPfin S Davidson and Thompson hand- $2.50 hand-colored Petty pic- less on account of scratched and f V-AH I 1 U1 V—i IH-/11VJ. O colored nature prints neatly tures In dark gilt frames. Spe- slightly damaged frames —pictures . ~■ ■ X framed in mahogany, Circassian cial SI.OB intact. I I ■ T '"1 walnut and gilt $1.50 > r —————— . . K. ■* ~l « lpfl fif I 1 p\t*Cs "f*\7" V I / Game pictures, 11x24 inches Greatest Moments of a Girl's ' UI I—/IUL m J Beautifully colored pictures with 81-25 Life, beautifully framed.. .$1.25 | —T I . , . f . . . , . . . .. tt l i * verse, 11x24 inches, neat gift. Clr- Colored landscapes in heavy V J 1 U Many practical gltt hints are to be louna in tne Upholstery cassian walnut and mahogany fancy gilt frames SI.OB French novelties in colored ef- 1 \\ Section on the Third Floor. Worthy items are these— Old Folks at Home" fects in swinging easel frames and « SL.I Bvo Masterpieces in oil painting cf- pedestal effects, 50c, 08c and $1.50 \ Skins for library and den tables in green and brown $1.50 (i "» ine »\\eei anu oye fects, Bxll inches, beautiful an- Genuine carbons In three-inch Fancy skins in green, brown and natural with burnt designs. .$2.50 *ou ljear uia moiner oi jviuie tique gilt frames. Sjieclal. .08c hardwood frames, $2.95 values, at Silk pillows in square and oblong shapes, red and green color- That Old Familiar song $1.50 % ~ _ _ """ kHHVound puiowiw ikninimWoiirtnw:::::::»:o» ■*—""•'•Mi'S&.-.w* S v &K"S;.VfK A Busy Man s Store f oo'9ji °i oo'rt 'oo'sd 'os'zl ssjuijoaoo Crift Pippps nThjit Arp RnnnrJ tn Plpacp tV»p .)UIIO)O.I.> puu liiiiuinu 'sa/js pun sof.tis Xuitiu ui soxoq is|ti.\\u|i|s vxii i- x ittcs x iictL rvi c uuunu t-VJ A lease Lllc Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. Gift Slippers of Every Popular Man Who Makes Christmas Jr.r «/ x Glad For Others A Gift Book For Garden- Style For Men and Women won^ati^g- 6onlymeasurcofthc Loving Friends Special d : sp ' ays °' Gi " S ' ip ' >ers arC featUrCd in ,he Sh ° e SCCtio "' our men's store, for instance, Written by J. Horace McFarland, in inimitable style, it a " d *** proving of great assistance to thos,e who ha^' e sh PP ers on j t j s a conceded fact that more furnish tells the story of a garden that has been created right in Har- their list. A fresh new stock is here assuring qualities and styles ings for men move out of this men's store risburg; illustrated with thirty-seven colored and sepia tints of that are second to none. ' ill a day's time than from any two or unusual atractiveness and published by the MacMillian Com- Men's Slippers three men's shops in Harrisburg 1 . And we party. Brown kidskin Faust slippers, kid lined cushion Insoles, hand turned shall always try to keep JUSt that far This new book, "My Growing Garden," will make an ad- soles $2 - 50 . , . , . , mirable gift for anyone who is a lover of the pictures which turn ® la B c o k ,^ nd On sale at the book section Black and tan kidskin Romeos, leather lined, hand Black and grey felt slippers with leather cushion e are tOUcJ 1 ' through OUI men S .stole, sale a t turned soies $1.75 and $2.00 soles $1.25 with most of the live men in Harrisburg. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Tan kidskin Romeos with heavy Goodyear stitched WOMEN'S SLIPPERS „ r so l es $2.00 Tan leather Indian moccasins with cushion soles, We know that men Ot tlllS type kIIOW tile Black and tan kidskin Romeos, full toe• lasts with f «"^"sMppers''ln'srey.Yrown, red and biack cushlon Value of merchandise, and they knOVV that hand turned soles SI.OO to sl.oo soies .. . . SI.OO and $1.25 ... ... , 'I , 1 .1 j A Black and tan kidskin Everett slippers, good fit- Felt Juliets, ribbon trimmed, in brown, grey and littleness Ot price 111 Olir men S StOl'e IS not Out 1 nOUgntS Among VV ! th b han<i L" rn w e s d n S °rra s'li D ,;l?s' 'kid'-in grey,'wine ki»d black a sign of disregard of quality. T Black and brown kidskin opera slippers, kidskin wl 'h fur or ribbon trimming, hand turned soles. .95c * & il lined, hand turned soles . $1.25 to $2.00 Kidskin boudoir slippers, in pink, blue, red, tan. [Me ±NOPIIPOOS Brown alligator opera slippers, leather lined, hand h|t and black hnnd turne d soles SI.OO FiftV men readv to lieln VOU in VOlir lllVy X turned soles $2.00 Hand knit slippers in red, blue, lavender, grey and riny men icauy iu ncip yuu in vuur ... , , . Indian moccasins with leather cushion soles, black, best grade lambs' wool soles $1.25 criff selections Boudoir caps >t»J.<K> rlannelette dressing sacques, beaded vamps /. $2.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. S v Nainsook gowns ....#l.<M) SI.OO Cambric gowns Long crepe kimonos, .<H» Broa<i end '°ur-in-hwid Roman, ombre and color um r 1 • combinations of stripes and figures. Each purchase appropriately Flannelette gowns l-ong flannelette kimonos, ■ . . . - —. * * boxed ers Semi-tailored madras waists, _ _ •11 Exclusive patterns in broad end silk four-in-hands .... SI.OO Long white shirts ...SI.OO #I.OO I VinifP I PIAX/'TIQ onrj KC Knitted and crochet ties 50c aiut 91.00 Short knitted skirts, SI.OO Black soisette waists, SI.OO VJUUU Eiderdown dressing sacques, j Corsets, white or pink, ciub string ties 25c SI.OO SI.OO \7'_ r -i-r-* ' Black puff scarfs 50c V nIV I vlOGer 3.TG 111 Wide end and reversible styles, In plain and fancy colorings Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. ~ A «/ XXX M. X ivv f 25c and 50c Linen and Swiss handkerchiefs of dainty lawns and soft silks; hemstitched, 2 5c Give a Little Girl a Set of Furs plain lace trimmed .initialed and elaborately embroidered. j Men s Silk Shirts p , ' J $3.00 grades of silk shirts in neat stripe patterns, French Furs alwavs appeal to little girls for thev like to be "dress- ... , TT u . r XXI , tt 0 j, cuffs, at $2.35 ed up" like mother, and the gift of a set of'furs will make its Women s Handkerchiefs Women s Handkerchiefs in Fancy gllk an( , „ nen shirts French cuffs, at si.»h and $2.50 recipient happy indeed, regardless of how inexpensive it may Plain linen, % and hemstitched Christmas Boxes Tub silk shirts in rich assortment of patterns be. ' border, - *- iMH a,ul s, ° B Our showing of ftirs includes imitation ermine, imitation 50$. chinchilla, natural Coney brown Coney, lock squirrel, grey One corner embroidered in beautiful hand Embroidered corners, 6 in box, Coney, imitation red fox, red fox/grey fox, Angora and thibet, effects. 1013j4f, l"«e, MH, ."»o<-, SI.OO ,$1.2.1 and $1.50. and fancy stripe patterns, $,.,,« $, ,» $1.50 a„«i si.»s $1.25 to $12.50. 750, SI.OO and $1.50. Plain linen handkerchiefs, in boxes of one- cuf fs . & P ! . n . . . . STo2 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. One corner embroidered Swiss, in dainty half dozen, to sl.«>o. White shirts, long or short bosom and full dress styles. .SI.OO hand embroidery s <•, 100, 500, 750 and sl.<H). All linen, 100, 12)40, 150, 200, 250 and '■ , [I Lace trimmed handkerchiefs, 150, 250, 500. _ f _ s "f',*'r u d ff o, . fc , , A " H " c "ru-u ""i a,,d Skating Sets of Cap &L. Scarf White handkerchiefs, with colored one cor- Children s Handkerchiefs t> F ner embroidery, .10, 100, 12/ 2 s, 150, 250 3 handkerchiefs with colored border, in fancy A charming collection of these new winter sport and 500. box, 100, 12/.0, 150 and 250. . . , . , . . _ c • White handkerchiefs with colored tape 3 linen handkerchiefs, with initials, 250. pieces is now being shown in the Sweatei Section, on border, in blue, pink or lavender, 50, 100, 150 3 linen handkerchiefs, with colored initial, t j ie Mezzanine floor, over the men's store Silk and crepe handkerchiefs, in pink, blue, 3 colored figured handkerchiefs, in box, 150, and .!£{) maize. Nile, lavender, emerald or with colored 250 and 500. Senarate cans and tociues for skatillff hemstitched borders, 100, 150, 250 and 500. A Feast of Good Things For Christmas in Wttar n fo „ ci !c This Davenport, covered with rich tapestry $85.00 VV UreilSllS, Furniture Is a Gift That Your fhe Grocery Section in the Basement a Demonstration T\ 71 1 I *| *lf 1 —1 • 30 cases juicy Florida Oranges, i Delicious Quaker coffee, 28c grade. Salmon steak In flat cans, 12c e1^ 1 'nstr.lU rli ect from the V/V h I P I - ! Q rril 1"\/" l\/l C\\T I - 1 I (~w T Special Friday only, 9 for 10c Snecial Frldav onlv lb 22 ct or 4 grade, 3 for 2Sc IHf 111 factory IS here tills week ltl the m vv noie rairiiiy lviay onjoy fr i ? c --i al for .. . .! :. , b . sheU . b • , : k . k f. rn . e,B : 76c ..r*?:. & II ;S3| terest of busy housewives, she-n _ .... ... '""j pounds extra cured sweet Fancy new corn \ Eureka soups, can, 4ei dozen, 4Se I i |j M jjg Pflad to meet you at her booth Scores of gift items are on display in the holiday SSS&aV'S&I?on7y n fi> 30c . gra & Karl >' June aB (5 ™ M , lb. K . ln . Kan :^ pur^ I . a, ; <i •.. IB . c .. Br . ad ?•^4 t c i ! Bill in the basement. section of the furniture floor, including: « l XnSl ok %tA %£ £2£L '!! .* ( ,or ph X TOa f.:| 10 wT* I! I For this week we offer 50c al* Smokers' Stands, Tea Wagons, Music Cabinets, Reading Abbatoir co.- 8 bonei c New choice P 3 kln rice. special v^TuT' B waah,nK powder - I;, ji i mi num stew pans . 25^ Cp,.„'na Cabinet « Mnonrinp Rnr be Rnnb ffnrbo sewing Laomets, magazine Hacks, Book Hacks, p sr r dlne! P fi oil Sr muStaM siuce «.% ar vel Flour. 5-lb. bags, special imported Chow Chow pickles, i snecial 9S<S Fancy Rockers, Wing Chairs, Umbrella Fr " ay ... oWciii sp >* 0 . Stands, Easy Rockers, Davenports spS p F a ri k ay a 'o"i." 8^i n ." h .' b " ! a^' b ?"l , I 20 styles brown reed rockers room suite; Charles 2d period ' - p<mi..<lh (Jrnnuintnl S„ K nr Sunshlnt bis. ults, 35c \arlety, canH."ln"good sugar sj?ru P ;'lsc grade? A C3lf tOf PcrflimGrV Ol* Toi!©t" W^ltCT $5.05 to 811.05 $05.00 10Cl w '* h eneh purehiiMp of one Pure Grape Juice, 10c bottle, at Se at lie '* Willow chairs, in natural finish; ; $183.00 10-piece fumed oak din- pound of coffee (any brand). Homemade apple butter. 12c kind. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, r « VVhitp ivorv poods in spts nr plain and upholstered Ingroom suite; William and Mary V J at » c Basement. 1 ertumes and toilet waters VV niie ivory gooas in sets or $2.05 to $0.05 period $125.00 in pretty gift boxes, by the piece; manicure pieces $16.50 golden oak bed $8.25 $16.50 mahogany dresser. . ,|5»2.25 5O& to $5.00 with heavy handles, $25.00 mahogany bed ... 8(2.50 [516.76 mahogany chiffonier, value . . , ~-. onH TKU $9.60 enamel bed $4.75 „ t . " , Week-end packages Porth,,wop, ~"' «25.00 (J\. (V Q t ™° s, S s W bßs o n " ffcrs ' *'*' mS> lit:SS W«"™3 cl "" on ! e fe s *l!S »15;2; Sd«n" olVoi'nZ'ir : JWI M VfYVW /C K Myi y\ p »« and powder boxes, " Hot water ba SS . F„ ,h,... no /vvli<a ' VVJ lIVVI V\\ \ OuAvUV V «° "a- 00 to * 3 -°° suite, in Adam period $05.00 «DOI7.UU Dives. Pomeroy & Stewaft, Street $117.00 4-piece mahogany bed-|Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—3d Fl. v THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBTJRG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 16, 1915.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers