| A Telegraph fait M Will Qniclfly Rent That Vacant Room j IDeatbs MtVEH—On December 14, 1915, John I. Carver, aged ;il years. Funeral on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from Ills late residence, 707 South Front street. Tlie relatives and friends are invited to attend Without further notice. Burial llar rlithitrg Cemetery. LOST IJOST A crank handle for an auto nobile, on Seneca North Sixth or North ■'ifth streets. Howard If returned to s. >. EnsliiKer, No. GOO ltace street. IJOST Brindle bulldog, three nontha old, with oars banaagod. An wers lo name of Wrinkles. Ketum to )r. John Fritchey, #ll North second treet. LOST Locket and chain in down own business district. Locket con nined about thirteen pearls set in the i:ape of a wishbone. Reward it uinud to 607 liroad street. FOUND FOUND The very best system for eiuodcling out-of-date clothing, kstl uutca free. ..omen's fur coats, furs md mull's remodeled Into latest styles, i. L Powell, 925 North Third street. luUNU .NOW'S the time lo liavo clothes put in shape for the klnter. IJggert'a .Steam Dyeing and Tench Cleaning Works, 1245 Market Street. lioth phones. Wo call and de- Ivor. ___ HUi.l* WANTKD —Male WANTED A soda boy. Apply Mark's Medicine Store, 300 MarKet treet. t WANTKD Boy between 10 and IS ears oi age to work in grocery store. Lpply 525 North Sixteenth street. WANTED Weavers, warpers, wind rs etc., male or female, expel ienced n 'silk or cotton. No labor trouble; cry busy; good wages. State age, na lonality. whether niarrted or single, nd experience m full. Representative irlil call. Heply to box U., 3405, care 1 Telegraph. ( I, AHO 10 SI UK PLANT wants a mail iho is in touch with tho textile help n this vicinity to act as representative, v'ork on commission basis in spare hue. State age. nationality, whether uirried or single, and working experl nt e in full. Heply to Box C., 3404, caro (' Telegraph. . WANTED l'acker and shipper. Ap ly Shearer Mfw. Co.. 308 Hamilton treet. WANTED Good, honest, sober man 0 work around junk shop; must know ow to handle Horses; steady job to Ight party. Apply A. Katzman, 659 iroad street. WANTED, AT ONCE Two good orseshoers. Apply lo B. C. Murray s 'ool Works, Jonestown Road. SKILLED machinists, tool-makers, orge department men; beginners also, iigii wages to beginners. Address P. ) Box 204, Lancaster, or call on J. F. ,'ressweil. Hotel Plana, Thursdays, 12 loon till 9 P. M. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring nlll or latho hands, who can work rom bluo prints; also tool makers. Ad ress, or apply. Employment Depart nent, Westingliouse Electric & Mfg. :0.. East Pittsburgh, Pa. HELP WAFTED—FemaIe WANTED Capable girl for general lousework; must be able to COOK. Ap ily 111 morning, 2209 North Second itreet. WANTED Girls over 16 to trip tobacco. Also experienced tollers, Bunclimakers, Packers, r iller and Binder Strippers. Wel are looked after by trained nurse, Harrisburg Cigar Coni )any, 500 Race street. WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL 'caches all pattern cutting by meas ure. Day and Evening classes. You ■an save $5 on your tuition fee by reg sterlng now. Works Dressmaking Joursu Is not taught In the Y. W. C. A., s is re* -"sented by them, or any part >f it. Works Dressmaking School, 22 forth Fourth street WANTED l2 bright girls. \pply Silk Mill, Corner Second ind North streets. WANTED Girls experienced on lower sewing machines. Apply Har- Isburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, larrlsnurg. Pn. SITUATIONS WANTKD—MaIe WANTED Young man, 18 years Id, desires position of any kind. Call, r address, William lvrebs, H. D. No. 2, larrlsburg. Pa. WANTED A colored boy desires position while attending the Cen ral High School. Call, or address, H. ' . 1425 New Fourth street. WANTED By young man with au -01 loldle experience, position running ni, or work of any Kind. Address No. :;i Walnut street. City. smJATIONs WANTED—FemaIe \\ ANTED White woman. with hi Id 'i years old, wants position as ousekeeper or general housework, in , nut of city; no objection to children; tiferenct-s. Address 11., 3406, cure of 'tic-graph. WANTKD Colored girl desires po itioi' of general housework or dish washing. Apply 318 Mulberry street. WANTED White girl desires posl ion uf general housework, in refined imlly or hotel. Call, or address, 1113 'luin avenue. W \NTED Co'cred woman wants fork its waitress, day's work or gen ial housework. Call, or addresß, 718 'ennsylvaiiia avenue. WANTED An experienced cook rants v.ork by day or week. Call, or ddress, 1415 Fulton street. City. WANTED Position as housekeeper y middle-aged woman, In small fani y: can give good reference. Apply 34 Cumberland street. City. HEAL ESTATE FOK SALE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE A valuable North Second street resi enco. Most desirable residential lo an.y in city. A bargain. Price and arms for the asking. Address "Home." arit of Harrisburg Telegraph. • . . .s FOR SALE 6,278 SQUARE FEET VACANT GROUND 62.78 Ft. on Market St 100 Ft. Along P. R. R. One of the choicest centrally located warehouse sites in Har risbtirg. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. HEAL ESTATE Inxurnnce Surety Henri* f.oeUMt find Court Street* * THURSDAY EVENING, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 6 ACRES located one mile west of West Fail-view on Conodoguinet creek; 7-room dwelling; frame bank barn. Price, $2,500.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE House No. 1937 North Sixth street, Harrisburg. Pa., at Court house, on Friday. December 17, at 2 P. M. Cljarles Myers, Executor. 1006 Hemlock St.; corner property; 3- story brick; 9 rooms, buth and furnace; lot, 18x85. Price right. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Lot, 21st and Bellevue avenue, Hairisburg, 150x115; will sell at low price If bought before January Ist. Address, 502 North Second street. ——————————— REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT No. 1302 State St $25.00 No. 132 Hoerner St 16.00 Private fireproof garage 4.00 x J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market St. FOR RENT Large ground lloor room, suitable for small business or of fices, located at 109 North Second street. Immediate possession. Apply on prem ises. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT A six-room, two-story semi-bungalow, on Camp 11111 Heights; ten minutes' walk from trol ley; all conveniences; one-third-acre lot; good soil, air, water and neighbors; possession January 1. Address S., 3377, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOK RENT FOR RENT Apartment, 4 rooms; steam heat; private bath; all Improve ments; suitable for small family. Apply 1715 North Sixth street. Bell phone 2423. * MODERN APARTMENTS, 1409 N. Front; river view; 7 large sunny rooms; pantry; bath; 2 open fireplaces; oak iloors —sound proof; vacuum cleaning, hot water; vapor heat; electric outlets, call bells each room. Inquire 1822 State St. FOR RENT Apartments, first and second tioor Hats, with city steam and all conveniences. Apply at 1008 North Third street, Bell phone 1809 R. FOR RENT Apartment in S. E. Cor. Fourth and Peffer streets. All Im provements. Possession at once. Ap ply to B. F. Umberger, 108 North Sec ond street, or 427 Peffer street. FOR RENT—IO7 South Front street, third tloor front furnished apartment; two large rooms, kitchenette and bath; city steam heat included. Apply to Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. ROOMS FOB RENT FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec ond tloor front room; city steani heat and electric lights; rent very reason able. Apply 710 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Second-story front room; newly furnished; city steam heat; electric light and phone service. Apply 125 Pine street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; steani he it, electric lights; bath; use of phone. Bell phone 2214. Residence, 131 Walnut street. FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms, with use of heat and phone. Apply 920 North Eelghteenth street. FOR RENT Large front room, sec ond lloor, or connect with small room; splendid for man and wife; a warm and quiet home; use of phone and conveni ent to bath. 117 Pine street. FOR RENT Second floor front room, lacing Capitol Park; stationary wajshstand (hot and cold running water); electric light; city steam; use of Bell phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street. FOR RENT Large, room, suitable for two or more persons, with electric light, city steam heat and use of phone, with or without board. Apply 9 North Front street. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS FOR RENT— Also 3 furnished rooms for light house keeping; centrally located. Terms rea sonable. Apply, 209 State street. FOR RENT Large, well-furnished second floor front rooms; all conveni ences and use of phone. Inquire 813 North Second street.' FOR RENT Large, well-lighted furnished rooms, single or ensulte; city steam heat; Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room in apartment for rent, at 108 North Second street; all conveniences, including use uf phone and bath; de sirable home for gentleman. Apply 205 Locust street. FOR RENT Suite of rooms on second floor front, for one or two gen tlemen, with use of bath, phone and city heat; reference required. Apply 272 Briggs street. BOARDERS WANTED WANTED Good sober gentlemen to board; private family. Apply, 1107 Nortli Cameron street. WANTED WANTED Flat or small house, centrally located, January I, by out-of town couple. Reply lo G. F., care of Telegraph, not later than Saturday. RENT FRI'E Communicating bod room and kitchen, with improvements and phone. In return for light services on premises, about one hour's work each day. Snap for right party. Mid dle-aged or elderly man and wife pre ferred. Inquire 209 Kelker street. CASH PRICES paid for Ladies' and Men's cast-off Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and Carpets. Gi%'e descrip tion ol' goods you wunt to noli. Send postal to 636 Herr street. WANTED Old gold, silver, plati num. broken jewelry, teeth plates, etc. Send by registered mail. Highest mar ket price paid, and I hold the goods five days, if price ia not satisfactory, will return goods. E. Waiters, 1540 North ; Fifty-eighth street. Philadelphia, Pa. FOR SAIJi I FOR SALE New Piano and Piano Player, standard make. Will b< sold very cheap for cash. Address Room S2 I Union Trust Co. Building Harrisburg Pa. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Upright piano; first class condition; little used; will sell cheap. Call evenings alter 7 o'clock lao 7 North Second street. AN opportunity to buy a good used car at a reasonable figure. 1910 Cadil lac Touring, good condition; 1912 Over land, new Silvertown cord cars- 1912 six-cylinder Everett, good tires and in good condition. Miller Auto Co., Front and Market streets. FOR SALE Some very desirable plots of ground at sacrifice prices, both ill city and adjoining. A. C. Mead, Union Co. Building, Harrisburg, Pa. .. Ff ! R . SALE,- One late model Ford Roadster, with crown fenders and strftimline hood; H. & D. shock absorb ers: in A 1 condition. Call at 1837 /urker street.. P10t—6,278 ?q. Ft. MARKET ST. & P. R. R. MILLER BROTHERS&CO. » * FOK SALE FOR SALE Drop Head Standard sewing machine. Sacrifice. Can be seen during day or evenings. 433 South Thirteenth street. OUR new line of Leather Hand Hags, Suit Cases, Gloves and Leather Special ties are far superior to anything we have ever ottered. Huy your Leather Goods from the Leather Merchants. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Company. FOR SALE Gentleman's diamond scarf pin. Perfect stones. Price reason able. R. S., care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Full-bred Boston Terrier pupple; three months old; bat ears; brindle and white markings. Call 1639 Naudaln street. YOl T CAN BUY an Edison Phonograph with 150 four-minute records for $23.50. Easy terms to reliable person. Outllt Complete, large horn and latest attach ments. 1317 Derry street. FORESALE SB-Note Player Piano with 21 Rolls, $250.00: Weser Upright at $75.00• Rudolf Upright -♦ $'.25.00; $60.00 Sewing Machine. $30.00; Buiolt Touring car, no reasonable offer refused. J., 3403, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE—I4-foot counter, nicely varnished, in good condition, same as new; will sell reasonable. Apply 253 a Sixth street, or phone Hell 2373 W. VIOLIN COMPLETE OUTFIT, sweet toned instrument. A Bargain. Ideal gift for boy or girl. Call, or address, No. 1324 North Second street Bell phone 3275 M. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telograph Busings Office FOR SALE Hot-air furnace, com plete; large enough to heat seven-room house; In good condition; will sell cheap. Apply 1511 Vernon stret. FOR SALE, VERY CHEAP A cel lar heater that lias been used; in good condition. S. D. Ensitiger, No. 600 ltace street. FOR SALE At Shaffer's, 80-88 South Cameron street. A full stock of Anti-Freezing Solution. Positively guaranteed to keep your automobile radiator from freezing. FOR SALE (6 yearling white leg horn hens; must be sold quick; 75 cents each. Apply, Elkvlew Poultry Supply House, 1702 North Third street. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—6o for 25c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department, The Tele graph Printing Company. OVERCOATS AND SUlTS—Drummer's samples (latest styles) at positively lowest prices in the city. Call—be con vinced. Cohen & Son, Reliable Pawn brokers, 431 Market, at Subway. FOR SALE, STEAM BOILERS—Two slightly used cast iron square sectional boilers; one 925 sq. ft. and one 2,340 sq. ft. capacity. Fisher Brothers, 1001 Capital street. FOR SALE TO MERCHANTS CALENDARS SAMPLES AT HALF-PRICE MYERS MANUFACTURING CO., THIRD AND CUMBERLAND STS.. OVER MILLER'S SHOE STORE. BELL 1577 R. FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up to-date Bird and Parrot Cages, large Gold Fish and Globea of all sizes; Bird Seeds, natural Fisli Food and supplies. Gebhardt, the "Bird Man," 1004 North Third, between Boas and Herr. FOR SALE, CHEAP Fully equipped Job and Newspaper plant, doing good business. Reason for selling—other wise engaged. Address S., 3286, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Because we must va cate our present store in the next 60 days, we've decided to sacrifice our stock of new and second-hand furni ture. No reasonable offer refused—en tire stock must go. Tables, sideboards, chiffoniers, bedroom furniture, stoves. Including 5 new Mlddletown ranges, and other odds and ends of furniture too numerous to mention. All stock in good, clean condition. Also a few pieces of antique furniture as well as antique dishes. Will sell to dealers, but triflers need not apply. Give us a visit. Frank Cohen, 607 East State street. FOR RENT FOR RENT Large, well-furnished Lodge room, corner Third and Hamil ton street, for first and third Tuesdays and first and third Wednesday even ings. For information apply to J. W. Elberti, 1708 North Fifth street, City. LARGE STORE ROOM FOR RENT— Built for furniture store room, but suit able for any other business. Rent rea sonable. Apply to Louis Begelfer, Fishman Apartments, Sixth and Herr streets. FOR RENT A large office In the Telegraph Building. Inquire of Super intendent In Business Office of Tele graph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR EXCHANGE A profitable business for an automobile worth $250 to S3OO. Call for Stanley at Central Hotel until Friday, or Codorus Hotel, ■York, next week. WE will paint any old, leaky Roof and guarantee a water-tight .iob. Pos tal brings us. References from hun dreds of satisfied patrons. Hlte & llite, 135 Brady street. ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers: experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mail order business, began with $6. Send for tree booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS SKATES hollow ground, 100 per pair, ills James street, City. THE Best Auto Repair Shop, 1704 t Fulton street, Harrisburg, Pa. Better ! work, immediate, service. E. E. Wright, Manager, DANCE GIVEN Thursday evening, December 16, 1915, at Hanshaw's Hall, Third and Harris, by Humes' Orchestra. i ARCADE BARBER SHOP. 36 N. Court Street. Newly remodeled and refitted, ('lean and sanitary. Complete system Red Cross Sterilizers used. Massage, , 25c. Shave, 10c. P. D. Richwlne, Pro j prietor. I FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market I street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone I orders givsn prompt attention. Bell , 1960. ; FIRE ESCAPES, when needed, are lof great Importance. They are soon ; worthless if not well painted. We paint I thern and paint them well. Hlte & | Hite, No. 135 Brady street. IIAUCK'S j Automobile Repair Shop. Work guaran teed. Ford cars a specialty. Cars for hire. Bell phone 1616 J. Rear 1418 | Swatara street. HAULING It. A. HAHTMAN. Boarding Stable and National Trnimfrr Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilerr and general haul ing. 11. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No I 2503R STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. ~ Private I rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite inspection Low insurance. 437-445 South Second 1 street. Harrisburg Storage Company HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MORE NORMAL CONDITIONS RULE Railroad Shares Slump Slight ly; Special Stocks Fever ishly Active By Associated I'ress New York, Dec. 16. More normal conditions prevailed on the resumption of trading to-day, yesterday's heavy dealings In Anglo-French war bonds being lacking. That Issue, however, re peated its minimum quotation of 94% for future delivery, but tlie low price regular way was 94%. Initial advances included Mercantile Marine, Pfd., and Louisville and/ Nashville, each gaining a point or more, while Canadian Pacific, Norfolk and Western and Union Pacific were lower. United States Steel chang ed hands in 1,000 on 2,500 shares at a fraction under yesterday's close. Special stocks were feverishly active In the first hour with considerable profit-taking in the petroleum Issues, j Baldwin Locomotive. Marine, Pfd., and ' Studebaker, those shares reacting two j or three points, while General Motors , made an abrupt decline of 18 to 515. i Steel also was irregular, falling from 86 3 , tu 85%, while rails drifted to lower levels. Dealings were again limited to professional traders. Sales of Anglo- French bonds were in steadily dimin ishing volume at quotations virtually unchanged from the opening. War stocks were the feature of the second hour on a large improvement, but fell oft again at noon. Bonds were lower. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 Nort»' Market Square, Har risburg; IS'uS Chestnut street, Philu- LKGAL NfmCE ORPHANS' COURT SALE IN PAR TITION ESTATK OF JOHN PHOL'D, DECEASED. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Dauphin County, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the City of Harrisburg, on Friday, the Twenty-fourth day of De cember, A. D. 1915, at two o'clock P. M„ the following pieces or parcels of land, to wit: .Purpart No. 1 That certain lot 01; piece of land, situ ate 011 the north side of Market Street, fronting sixteen and fifty-eight hun dredths (16.58) feet 011 Market Street, and extending in depth, northwardly, ninety (90) feet to a point; having thereon erected a three-story brick dwelling house, numbered 1148 Market Street. Purpart No. 2 That certain lot adjoining Purpart No. 1 on the east, fronting fourteen and live-tenths (14.5) feet on Market Street, and extending in depth, north wardly, ninety and five-tenths (90.5) feet to a point; having thereon erected a three-story brick dwelling house, numbered 1150 Market Street. Purpart No. 3 That certain lot adjoining Purpart No. 2 on the east, fronting fourteen and flv-tenths (14.51 feet on Market Street, a extending in depth, northwardly, ninety and one-tenth (90.1) feet to a point; having thereon erected a three story brick dwelling house, numbered 1152 Market Street. Purpart No. 4 That certain lot adjoining Purpart No. 3. on the east, fronting fourteen and five-tenths (14.5) feet on Market Street, and extending in depth, north wardly, eighty-nine and six-tenths (89.6) feet to a point; having thereon erected a three-story brick dwelling house, numbered 1152% Market Street. Purpart No. 5 That certain lpt or piece of land, situate on the south side of Bailey Street, in the City of Harrisburg. ad joining land of Messiah Rescue Home on the east, fronting fifteen and eight tenths (15.8) feet 011 the south side of Bailey Street, and extending, in depth, southwardly, seventy (70) feet to a point: having thereon erected a two and-one-half-story frame dwelling 1 house, numbered 1181 Bailey Street. Purpart No. 6 That certain lot adjoining Purpart No. 5 on the east, fronting fifteen (15) feet on the south side of Bailey Street, and extending in depth, southwardly, seventy (70) feet, more or less, to a point; "having thereon erected a two and-one-half-story frame dwelling house, numbered 1183 Bailey Street Purpart No. 7 That certain lot adjoining Purpart No. 6 on the east, fronting fifteen (15) feet on the south side of Bailey Street,, and extending In depth, southwardly, seventy (70) feet to a point: having thereoii erected a two-and-one-half story frame dwelling house, numbered 1185 Bailey Street. Purpart No. 8 Th"t cc tain lot adjoining Purpart No. 7 on the east, fronting fifteen (15) feet on the south side of Bailey Street, and extending in depth, southwardly, seventy (70) feet to a point; having thereon erected a two-and-one-hali'- storv frame dwelling house, numbered 1187' Bailey Street. Said properties are fully described in return of tlie Inquest in partition in the Estate of John Proud, deceased, and are shown In a draft thereof ac companying said return. Said properties will be offered nepa rately or in groups, or as a whole, to suit bidders. Terms of sale—Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid cash on the day of sale, fifteen per cent, thereof on confirmation of the sal>> by the Court, and tho balance thereof 011 or before April 1. 1916, when deed or deeds will be delivered. JOHN A PROUD. Trustee. S. S. RUPP. Attorney. EXKCIiTOH'S NOTICE Estate of Elmira C. Fickes, late of Harrisburg. Pa., deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that Letters Testamentary upon the estate of said decedent have been granted to the un dersigned. All persons indebted to said 1 estate are requested to make payment, : and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay, to CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY, Harrisburg, Pa.. Executor. In the Estate of Sarah E. McCauley, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., Pa deceased. NOTICE Letters Testamentary in ; the above Estate having been granted I to the undersigned, all persons indebt ed to said Estate are requested to make Immediate paymrnt, and those having claims will present them without delay to HARRISBURG TRUST CO. and ED WARD BAILEY, Executors, 16 S. Market Square. Or WOLFE and BAILEY, Attorneys, Calder Building. Harrisburg. Pa. 11KAL KNTATK FOK SALK OR RENT CLERK'S NOTICE NO. 3034 IN BANKRUPTCY ln the District Court of the United States fcr the Middle Dis trict of Pennsylvania, George W. Swavely, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July 1, 1898, having applied for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act, notice is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons In interest, to appear before the said Court at Scranton. In said District, on tile 17th day of January, 1916, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to show cause, If anv thev have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. GEORGE C. SCHKI'ER, Clerk. STOIIAGK STORAGE 4l9\ Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper Sc Co 411 Broad struct. Both phonesL delphiu; 34 Pine street, New York, furnish the following ouotations: New York, Dec. lti. Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines 24 24 % Allls-Chalmers 32% 31 American Beet Sugar ... 70 U9 American Can I>o% 59 American C & F 80 79% American Cotton Oil 55% 54% American Ice Securities. 26% 26% American Locomotive .. «» t>B% American Smelting 98% 97% American Sugar 116 115% American T At T 128% 128% Anaconda 85% 84 % Atchison 106 105 % Baldwin Locomotive ... 116 114% Baltimore & Ohio 92% 92 California Petroleum ... 31% 29% Canadian Pacific 180 179 Central Leather J,4 52% Chesapeake and Ohio.. 62 H2 Chicago, Mil and St Paul 93 92% Chicago, R. I. and Pacific 15% 14% Chino Consolidated Cop. 52% 52 Colorado Fuel and Iron. 51% 50% Consolidated Gas 143% 143% Crucible Steel 72 72% Distilling Securities ... 46 46% Erie 42% 42% Generul Electric Co .... 173% 172 General Motors 530 513 Goodrich B. F 73% 72 Gt. Northern, pfd 125% 124% Gt. North. Ore. ss 48% 47% Gug. Exploration 76 % 76 % Inspiration Copper .... 44% 44% Interboro-Met \ . 22 22 Interboro-Met. pd 78% 78 Kan. City Southern ... 31% 30% Lehigh Valley 82 80% Lackawanna Steel 82 80% Maxwell Mot 76% 76 Mex. Petroleum 99 94 % Miami Copper 33% 33% Missouri Pacific 3% 3% National Lead 64 ~ 63% New York Central 105 104 'A N Y N H H New York Ont and West 30% 30 Norfolk and Western .. 121% 120 Northern Pacific 116 115% Pennsylvania Railroad.. 58% 58% Pittsburgh Coal 37 " 35% Pittsburgh Coal pd 111% 118% Press Steel Car 64 63% Railway Steel Spg 4 Ray Con Copper 24% 24% Reading 81% 80% Republic Iron and Steel. 55% 53% Southern Pacific 100% 100 ~ Southern Railway 22% 22 Studebaker 171% 168 Tennessee Copper 57% 56% y nl ° n Pacific 137% 136% L'. 8. Rubber f,4 r »3 S . St .® el 86 85% titan Copper 77% 771^ Western Union Tel .... 89 88 % Westinghouse Mfg 68 67% PHILADELPHIA PRODUGB By Associated Press Philadelphia. Dec. 16. Wheat Firm; No. 2, red, spot and December, No. 2, Southern, red, SI.IS4JI Corn Higher; No. 2. yellow, local, 81 <fj>B2c; steanjer. No. 2, yellow, loca. 804j)81c. Oats Firm; No. 2, white, 49®)49>ac; No. 3, white. 46%@47e. Bran The market is lirm; city mills, winter, per ton. $25 00- western, winter, per ton, none here; Spring, per ton, i23.50@24.00. Refined Sugars - Market steady; powdered, 6.20<ii>6.25c; fine granulated, 6.10®6.15c; confectioners' A, 6.00« i 6.05 c. 4 Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extra, 36c; nearby prints, fancy, 39c. Eggs The market Is steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, sll.lO per case; do., curreent receipts, free cases, $10.50 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, sll.lO per case; do., firsts, free cases, $10.50 i>er case. ' LIVe Poultry—Market steady; fowls, 12©14 c; old roosters, 10@llc; broil ing chickens. .6tolTc Spring cht.-K-i,. 12® 14c; ducks, 13@16c; geese, 14©16 c; turkeys. 18© 20c. Dressed Poultry Market firm; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18c; do., average, 16%@17%c; do., unattrac tive, 13©16 c; ice packed fowls. 13 @l7c; old roosters. 13% c; broiling chickens, nearby, 22 ©26 c; do., western, 20(?v22c; roasting chickens, western, choice to fancy, 18@19c; do., fair to good, 14@17c; Spring ducks, nearby, 18 @2oc; do., western, 124i)18c; geese, nearby, 16<S)18c; do., western, 144i>18c; turkeys, nearby, choice to fancy, 24 iff turkeys, nearby, choice to fancy, 23(<Q 25c; do., western, 23®24c; do., fair to good, 20®22c; do., old toms, 21c; do., inferior, 16®) 20c. Potatoes Market is firm; Penn sylvania, fancy per bushel, 95c(ffc$ 1.00; do., fair to good; per bushel, 85@90c; Jedsey, No. 1, per basket, 50@55c;Jer sey, No. 2, per basket, 25% 30c. Flour Quiet, but steady; winter, straights, $5.50@5.75; do., patent, $5.80 %6.10: Kansas straights, $4.85@5.85; Spring straights, $5.50®5.75; do., pat ent, $5.75©6.10; do., favorite brands, $6.20® 6.40. Hay—Steady, fair demand; No. I,large bales, $21.00 (fii 21.50; No. 1, medium bales. $20.50®21.00; No. 2, $19.00® 19.50; No. 3, do., $15.50@17.50. Light mixed, $18.50® 19.00; No. 1, do., Slß.oO® IK.BO. No. 2 do.. sli. 00® 16.00. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia, Dec. 16.—Stocks closed lower. Cambria Steel 75 ! General Asphalt 34% General Asphalt. Pfd 71% Lake Superior Corporation 9% Lehieh Navigation 78 1 THE J I Christmas Savings Society | f °f the % I East End Bank | 5 13th and Howard Sts. | I IS NOW OPEN f For the New Year 1916 | 0 <| It was intended to open December 28th, but the depositors will not wait, M W so we are now opening new accounts. A 1 | Last year close to 3,000 accounts were opened. From the way the new w •ffi. accounts are being taken out, it bids fair to run way ahead of last year. :j| S Explanation of system and schedules can be obtained by calling at the « Bank. DECEMBER 16, 1915. Ijehigh Valley 81 % ■ Pennsylvania Railroad 58 % Philadelphia Electric 28 ;£ ! Philadelphia Company 43 | Philadelphia Company, Pfd 36 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 19% Reading 80$ Storage Battery 66 Union Traction 44J4 United <i;is Improvement it% United States Steel #BS j CHICAGO ISO A III) OF TRADE By Associated I'ress Chicago, 111., Dec. 16.—Board of Trade closing: ; Wheat December, 1.18; May, .1.18%. Corn—December, 71%; May, 73%. Oats—December, 42% ; May, 45%. Pork—January, 18.82: May, 18.70. Lard —January, 9.70; May, 10.00. Ribs—January, 9.86; May, 10.22. CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago. 111., Dec. 16. Hogs Re ceipts, 55,000; weak, liulk of sales, $6.25 }®6.60; light, $5.95®6.55; mixed, s6.lo<?i> 6.70; heavy. s6.2oif( 6.70; rough. $6.20® 6.35; pigs, $4.50®6.00, • "attic Receipts, 9,000; wenk. Na tive beef steers, $6.00® 11.00: western steers, $G.25®8.35; cows and heifers, I $2.80®8.35; calves. $6.75® 10.35. Sheep Receipts, 17,000; slow. Whethers, $6.10®6.80; lambs, $6.90® 9.50. Fight on Over Morton Tractor Commissions Warwick Wright, head of the Slief-j Held Simplex company, a motor car company in Sheffield. England, said to have arranged with the Morton Truck and Tractor company, this city, to ob tain contracts for trucks, has entered suit in New York against Henry G. Burford, of Burford & Company. Differences over the division of the commission on an order from the Rus sian government for $6,000,000 worth 1 of motor trucks, caused the suit. The! complaint, drawn by John J. Lordan, alleges that before February 1, Wright the arrangements with tho local manufacturing company. It is claimed [that Burford made an agreement with Wright to pay him half of the com mission to be given 011 the motor trucks if he could obtain war orders. The Morton Truck and Tractor Com pany has been manufacturing motor trucks for the Russian government to fill a large order, and it is understood jhns sublet solne ol' tho orders, be cause they could not be handled. It is ]said that Hie commission on the $6,- 000,000 order will be almost SIOO,OOO. Former Resident Dies at Her Home in Texas Word, has been received in (his city of the death of Mrs. Ellen Mitchell Frazer at her home in Austin, Texas, in tiu* eighty-sixth year of her age. Mrs. Fruzer was a well-known Harris burg public school teacher who is still remembered by many of the older resi dents. She was married first to Peter McWillianis. of this city, and several years after his death married Chris topher Seltzer Frazer, who studied the drug business with Martin Lutz, ol' Market street. Before the Civil War Mr. and Mrs. I Frazer removed lo Texas, where they purchased a large estate and raised cotton, etc. Surviving Mrs. Frazer are one son. John McWilliams, and a daughter, Mrs. Vinarda DeLashmut, of Austin. The late Murray Mitchell, of the Aldine Hotel, Philadelphia, was a brother. SERIOUSLY CHARGED F. S. Coulter, prominent in church and business circles in Millersburg, will be given a hearing Friday evening before Alderman E. J. Hilton on a serious charge preferred by another Millersburg resident and a former business companion. It is alleged that Coulter was receiving funds from the cash register of the other businessman, who, it is said, is not on speaking terms with Coulter. It Is said that Coulter had invented a sign language which was used with the other mer chant's daughter. PAGKANT AT RIDGE AVENUE At Ridge Avenue Methodist Epis copal Church to-night a pageant will be given for the benefit of home mis l sions. The Rev. W. W. Hartman, pas tor, announces an interesting program. In the pageant 100 adults will be represented. There will be special features by the little folks. The enter tainment starts at 8 o'clock. RUSSIANS WITHDRAWING London, Dec. 16.—A wireless dis patch from Berlin quotes the Pester Llo.vd, of Budapest and declaring that it lias reliable reports that the Rus sians are removing from the Bessar abian frontier the great part of the troops which wore stationed there. nijßSEfi STAMnip ,3jy SEALS & STENCILS VIWMrG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKSD iR 111 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. If TIIH Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispen sary - ill be open dally, except Sunday, at 3 P. M., at Its new location, Front and Harris streets, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. —LOANS— ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT LEGAL RATES. Small Monthly Payments. Profit Miuriiiu; I.onn Society I 9 No. Market Square (Spooner Bldg.) Conducted Under State Banking Dept. License No. 24. READY MONEY for Individuals pressed by lack of funds to meet Immediate necessities, at legal rates, pay able In weekly or monthly In stalments. No publicity. CO-OPERATIVE Loan & Investment Co. 204 CHESTNUT ST. Under supervision Stale Banking Department. Open Wednesday and Saturday evenings. PUBLIC SALE OF ; Motion Picture Theater j SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1915 | The undersigned offer this Motion I Picture Theater in South Carlisle ] street, New Bloomileldj Pa., at public j sale. The building is a substantial FRAME STRUCTURE j 27x70 feet, built especially strong, con | taining 200 OPERA CHAIRS. The | equipment further consists of a POWERS MACHINE jin perfect order in asbestos booth, j makin -it fireproof. There is also an | excellent WURLITZER PIANQ in a I fumed oak case. There is a 12-foot | stage the entire width of the building, i making it admirably adapted for pub | lie speaking. The building is fully I equipped with electric light and fans, j Terms of Sale—Ten per cent, of the I purchase money to be IJiaid when the | property is stricken down; one-half j the balance on Ist of January, 1910, i when possession will be given and deed delivered; the balance to suit the pur chaser, to be secured by judgment bond. Sale at one o'clock p. m. W. A. BLAIN, N. G. BLAIN. A. L. Long, auct. STANDARD OIL OF CALIFORNIA Shares in tliis prominent Stunil ! ard Oil subsidiary have shown the ; phenomenal advance of per I share williln the past week. An other important feature in this divl -1 sion was the declaration ol' a divl -1 (lend of sls i>.v the Illinois Pipe liine Company. All the other Standard Oils nre extremely strong; marketwise and eonsiderahly higher prices seem inevitable. We have at your service all the details re gardiiiK' tliese slocks. : PEACE WITH HONOR' IS THE CRY OF WARRING NA | TIONS ABROAD BUT HOW SOON ; WILL. IT MATERIALIZE? IN THE I MEANTIME, WE SOLICIT IN | CjIHRIES ON | THE TO .NO- CANADA | PAHS, I.AKE ((H'l'Elt, THE 1 TORPEDO, COBAI.TS, ivti.-II MKR SUBMARINE uinivV BOATS, HAI,I>- MABIM-, V\,\ 1.0C0., PFD., AND 1)1! PONT COM., INT. POWDER, FESTRO I.BUM, AMERICAN BKTHI.K- IIItITISH i HEM STKEI., MFG., STAND CAMBIVA AltO MOTOR S, STEEIj, MID- AETNA EX VAI.E STEEI., PMtSIVES, CAR lilfiHT- CHEVBOI.ET INO AND MOTORS, POWER, BBADEN IT. s. Mian' COPPER, A HEAT, PENN MA. CHALMERS BINE, AND MOTORS, AM, OTHER KENNECOTT ACTIVE SE COPPER, CUIttTIES. V Write, jyire or telephone us. L. L. Winkelman & Co. 139 S. Broad sst., Philadelphia I Phiinm: Walnut (W»T Race 1i383 I New York Wilmington. Del. PnrkerHliurK. W. Va. DIRECT Wi BIOS to tho VARIOUS MARKETS *■ 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers