14 Gift Blouses of MSB JOV. a f Kp | SHI Gloves Answer Lace and Silk —tf; a the Question Styles That Are ■"I r]J |||| to give her? Women who know | Really Distinctive !r )( ! o|> J\ La France, Sails Pareil and other good I A Showing You Will £ \JAx Thoroughly Enjoy The most varied assemblage of indi- "ig 01 white with black embroidery and stitching, vidual blouse styles that we have ever /T"\4 f T I'll* S $2.25 gathered together at one time, makes up I J v '° pearl clasps and is P. tliis Christmas showing, now so admirably j_ fig Ol 3, lVlllllOn OIITS S&S complete. You mav expect to find exact ■■■ -m. j. •, w *> • •«" . f i • ■ ne bans rareil has two clasps and is P. K. or Swire miforily n,o a de e rate" scsa 1 ppIHE Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart Store has assembled so comprehen- Sr.HtSg b . Uck . wit . h . wW, , e . Crepe dc chine blouses of maize, peach, white; Lhbhh SlV© SL Stock. Of ££lff foi eV©fy of til© family tllclt yOU 1 wo-clasp Kid Gloves in black, white and col will naturally look to this great center of dependable merchandise Moeha and white #3.50 as headquarters for your girt selections. and pK - seams ; black > tan an <i s^y, LI So"."."' rrSwit mm We are confident that it is to your interest to buy the greater portion Washable Gloves" of your gift purchases here, because we have ready for your inspection i«th. rett . Georgette crcpc blouses of fine quality, in now several hundred thousand dollars' worth of Christmas Gift Items. Washabie leatherette gloves, two clasps, white with a t 1111*1** . m Di«xc iv cm di ornery woi» At the same time it will be to your advantage to shop early in the Dive,, pomeroy stewart. second Fio.r. month in advance of the crushing crowds of late shoppers. 1 x Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. From France and Ireland Have Come Clearance of Slightly Mussed Lingerie r>f a Kinrl Than Mahogany ca°fe stick."ndTud- , A ," PieCCS that have beE " used i, \ store dis P ,a >' and consequently show signs ot handling A Mahogany candle sticks. „ , . \\ r f T "I""! Ol T T A £. .!<>«• to SSI OO , . embroidered crepe de chine and albatross Crepe de chine gowns— We Have bver bhown Heretofore Mahogany brides d.'*. *»:«« k " non< "'~ ,«i„™.„. M 'ssastsgfl Mahogany Ottaman pin cushion, S Jr'ol! ues ' tt J Crepe de chine messaline and pongee petticoats— h J «•> <UI * 5 ' 95 va,uesi - at '2.95 SIO.OO values, at $6.00 Style assortments are better, too. than they have ever Hand embroidered crepe de Chine and albatross *•} »* vaJues, at. *2.08 il « , , . . . 1-1 I t Mahogany spool holders, #!£.<><> sacques— . . So.oo values, at «a.ao If been, and the price groups in men s, women s and children s Mahogany jewel cases ... values, at *3.-5 Boudoir cap %. 50 values, at $1.25 f! tj handkerchiefs are moderate enough to please every gift Mahogany darning silk holders, slue) values' at si 98 «J'J5 va , lues ' nt »?<• s'J j ' SiiOU lttliics, lit 75c £ » iver ' . Needle book, JOf to Dlv "' pomerw * P.oor. Among the loveliest of the new handkerchief arrivals Work boxes 2iitf to arehandembroidereddesi,fnsofm,iquecharacter - : to*!:S! Trimmed Hats Reduced to $4 95 / CHILDREN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Embroidery scissors, 2St to 75* W .. , . | ' " eroy & fctewart > Pourth PIOOr - About fifty fine dress hats that were formerly priced up to SIO.OO and $12.00 have been re- Ar rut up 111 beautiful novelty boxes; 3to box; in plain f i„™ri tr, «.t,i 1 • 1 ' «.• , , • & , , ~ , ,„ ,^ T ; , r Perfumes, Toilet Waters cluced to $4.U.>. f hese are the choicest values oftered this season, and colored borders.. . 10c, i Vantine's Flower 0t C '" att,act,vc offerings in millinery include a lot specially priced at $3.95 and a bargain IjISSUE HANDKERCHIEFS Initial linen handkerchiefs. .V2%v, 2Sc and 50e ea. \ riccarma Wistaria wrmin at HI (IO Willi colored border and colored hemstitched edge, Hemstitched linen handkerchiefs, and Vt -inch | Col Kate's Sandalwood » 1 in blue, lavender, pink and nile: the colors are guar- nems; special _ Ricksecker's Mary Garden Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front, antced, six new ones for every one that fades. In a * >l '* J?' ~ c* • "'?*?•; ,• Rigaud's Azura large range of styles, each 25c j One corner embroidered linen handkerchiefs hem- peer's Attar Tropical Handkerchiefs, in fancy boxes, 1, 2, 3. 4 and Cto stitched in a largo range ot patterns of embroidered Roger & Gullet Garden of Allah ****** a box: a large range to select from, at. box «? s <i% ns ' ! «'< r ( 1 /:8 ' ' SI.OO, Nordica Dactylis 1 : 1? , 1 . Peri\tmes°i!rimiidav'boxes Uou<,uet Interesting values m Framed P.ctures-B.g Redactions have been made effects, hemstitched b0n1er5......... 12*<sC to 25c i Fancy one corner embroidered handkerchiefs, in *£.»£ to #."».< M) to clean up all pictures with scratched or slightly damaged frames. .mv\ s» iM.Miivi.Kiiiibi'K dainty colored effects of blue, pink and lavender, Tnilef .>sl . Hemstitched linen handkerchiefs, 'Vg and Vi-inch some with colored hemstitched borders; a large ' \\aici to <•) Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Millinery, Second Floor Front hems, at iOc. 12V,c. 15c, 20c. 250, 50c ! range of styles, at 12}£e, 15c, 25c to 50c | race powder *556 to Sts'-2 50 v IV Ji " . 1 IV T O Hundreds of Winter Coats of Sturdy Fabrics ! Books For Little Boys and Girls Extradite « Many Styles Interestinfflv Priced 1 Including Interestin 2 Bedtime Stories readv for use, specially priced for jjift civine in a complete i'luiiv 1111 showing this week #1 ,«0. #1 .15 and 51.50 j&SL - n . .. . I Thi'Sndoto*.'-" 0 ?.a N ™' °* Uoot *£) Scalloped crochet bed spreads of extra size, " e are °. oats tor cver >' le 3P of ngure and in many dis- The Emerald city ti.c Scarecrow of o* f\ $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 / l\ \ tinctive kinds of cloths, and there are carefully chosen groups ozma'of oz ' S f \\ Extra heavy bed spreads of single size SI.OO ( Hw J of seal and plush garments at prices that cannot be matched Tf m-Tok of oz J °Bush y un B '" y \\ F Crib and single size spreads for the youngsters; embroid- V J& 1 fnr mnrlpntpnccc in I The Patchwork Girl Neddie and Ueckie \\ cred designs in blue and pink, including the Mother Goose and Wl moderateness m liarnsburg. JLL of oz mubta" &J Noah's Ark SI.BO \jW ■ Scotch tweed coats with black Cheviot coats in navy, green Auto- and the Bagjc of the Satin spreads in Jungle designs, down in pink and blue, J'j \ \ velvet collar $14.50 and black with broad belt; collar Bully and Bawiy x - and woVtd eHa nd' U s t orils c , ... t-j ,„ , „ , I \\\ Sealettc plush coats, in belted I trimmed with fur $18.50 The Most Popular Mother Goose Songs—A ook contain all w^. S . C °:.?: m : ,i! . .I" . eS,^ s .w J A\ =nd flaring atyles with imitation ZiLe]inc coals _ fl ,„ ing 40 Mother Goose jingles set to the original ttme S . Three-quarter size spreads in crochet and satin patterns, JStewrfkr .rfrffllirW ' " " nC ° r - styles; navy, brown and green; Toy Boks for the Little Ones ."»<• to 50<" $1.50 and $2.00 s—>.oo and $27.50 lined with Skinner's satin to the Linen and Muslin Books for the Baby 5f to 50«* Satin spreads m many new patterns; full sizes mmSmmffiW Broadcloth duvetyne and cyl- waist $20.00 D 1 r* D 1 , ~ , . #2-30 to $5.00 inder cloth coats in mulberrv Books For BoyS andGlrfS Satin spreads with scalloped corners in new designs of Jl 1® i . , , , , Zibeline coats in brown irrecn medallion centers (XI to CMI ( ( ->rown, navy and black lined # • The Huth Fioidlng series The outdoor Girls series Scalloped and hemmed'spreads'at'.'.'.'.''. $5.00 to SVSO I\\ / I throughout with peatt dc cygne and navy, m a shirred style with The Tom Bwtft Berles The Moving Picture Girls series Vnmfr-nv X <=.,«„« V collar finished With beaver, broad belt and opossum collar. The Outdoor Chum series 'he Girls of Central High series 1 'Vfc,. $35.00 to $45.00 $25 OO The Frank Merriwell series The Grace Harlow series ' ,w The Boy Scout series Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—St. Fl. _ ~ == Bringing Up Father# # # # # # By [ LET'S w»E A - '— \ MSOlWmtl / A DON'T YOU Swe QF POK6R.' J [ ' ACERTAmwT\, —V r—A co <t^ —sH YOO< - OT whatcaros—, _ /f I Don't 1 f rsi vjoan-J I irTKTiI R POURi WEDNESDAY EVENING, HARRISBTJRG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 8, 1915
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