A Telegraph Wait Ad Will Quickly Rent Tlait Vacant Room ©eatbs i;i; \ Y—Oil December 7, 1915, Jane Ellen Gray, aged 69. . . Relatives and friends Invited to at tend the services on Thursday after noon, at 2 o'clock, from funeral par lor of Hoover & Son, 1413 North sec ond street. Private burial at Har fc rlsburg Cemetery. SIIOI'P—Died, on December 7, 1915, William It. Siiopp, at the home of Ills daughter, Mrs. Grace McAdams, Front street. Wormleysburg. Uealtlves and friends are invited to attend funeral from the above ad dress Friday afternoon, at 2 o clock. LOST LOST Saturday evening, December 4, on State Road between Camp Mill and .Middlesex , hand-bag, containing spectacles and purses with money. Re ward. Return 10, or notify, Mrs Sadie .1. Gladfelter (Middlesex). Carlisle, Pa., R. D. 1. or 711 North Sixth street, Har risburg, Pa. , LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN Fe male black and tan Rabbit Hound. Answers lu name Nellie. , returned to William A. Dapp, 309 Lroad street, or Riverside, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone 597J-1. LOST From Pennsylvania Station to 228 North Third street, friendship bracelet. Reward if returned to 2.S North Third street. LOST Lady's openface gold watch on Market street, or Chestnut (street Markethousc, Saturday evening. ite ward if returned to Room 404 Kunkei Building. LOST. STRAYED OK STOLEN a week ago, two grown cats, Maltese, answers to name Tinimit; black cat, with white cross on face and white collar on neck, namo Sister. Reward If returned to 1426 Regina street. FOUND FOUND The very best system for remodeling out-of-date clothing. Esu mates free. .. omen's fur coats, tuis ku<l muffs remodeled Into latest styles. H. L Powell. 925 North Third street. l< uUND JSOW'S the time to bave your clothes put in shape for the winter. Eggert's Steam Dyeing' and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Markvt Street Both phones. We call and de liver. 1 HELP WANTED —Maio WANTED—Short order cook (white). Apply at once tor night work at Now ell's Restaurant, 1251 Market street. SKILLED machinists, tool-makers, forge department men; beginners also. High wages to beginners. Address P. o. Box 26 1, J,ancaKter, or call on J. 1. Cresswcll, Hotel Plaza, Thursday., 1- noon till 9 P. M. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My tree booklet, B. 372, tells how. Write to-day —NOW. Larl Hop kins. Washington, D. C. WANTED An experienced loom fixer for l>ox and plain loom. Steady position for good, reliable man. i xperlence and salary expected. Oswegatchle Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. I . WANTED Young man who has some knowedge of shoe business. Good chance for advancement. Apply * ac tory Outlet Shoe Co., 16 North 1' ourth street. WANTED Boy for barber shop. Apply to G. A. Letitz, 1642 NortS teixth street. ARMV OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodled, unmar ried men between ages of 18 and citizens of United States, of good char acter am', temperate habits, WHO can tiycak, read and write tli« fcjn*jUan language. For information ayply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Bn.lding, 3d & Market Sts.. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED An ambitious, active man lo establish permanent business. Health and Accident Insurance. Imme diate cash returns and future. Address National Casualty Company, Detroit, .Midi. . WANTED Boy to work In grocery store give reference and experience. Address 8., 3348. care of Telegraph. WANTED A good, all around lathe hand for die work. Reply by letter to The I). Wilcox Mfg. Co., Meclianicsburg, Pa. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring mill or lathe hands, who can work from blue prints; also tool makers. Aa drcss, or apply. Employment Depart ment, Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. HELP WANTED —Female WANTED Several experience! saleswomen; host salary paid; perma nent position to those who are compe tent. (J)on't apply unless you have had experience). Apply to Mr. Greene, Main Floor, Astrlch's, Fourth and Market streets. WANTED Lady canvasser to sell candy. Apply Tamsui Tea Co., 331 Mar ket street. WANTED Woman for general housework; must be able to \pook; ref erence required. Apply 1701 North Sec ond street. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WILL give good home and clothing, for the winter, to a respectable. Middle aged lady who is willing to do house work for two. Apply In person, 117 Royal Terrace. WANTED Chambermaid. Apply to Housekeeper, Bolton Hotel. WANTED l2 bright girls. Apply Silk Mill, Corner Second and North streets. WANTED Experienced sewing girls. Call evenings, 112 Chestnut street. t "% Little Farms! 5c Fare 4 From Harrisburg Z\ Mile to Trolley An Ideal location for development into "little farms," 130 acres in Lower Allen Town ship—3 niilos\from Harrisburg— -125 acres cultivated. 6 acres In chestnut timber—rolling limestone and slate soil—improved with the regular farm buildings. The nearness of this farm to Harrisburg would make an ideal situation for the city businessman who prefers to live in the country. Particulars upon Inquiry. MILLER BROTHERS&CO. REAL 13 STATE I uNiirn nor Surety Bonds l.oi'UM mid Court Strretn WEDNESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 8, 1915. HELP WANTED —Female WANTED Housekeeper for mid dle-aged man; good liome for right party. Address 0., 3852, care of Tele- Krapli. WANTED—Experienced clear bander; steady work. Apply Central Cigar Co., 425 South Cameron street. WANTED Girls for bindery work. Apply at .State Printing Office, South Tenth street 1 WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL Teaches all pattern cutting by meas ure. Day and Evening classes. You can save $6 on your tuition fee by reg istering now. Works Dressmaking j Course is not taught in the Y. W. C. A., las is re--«sented by them, or any part 'of it. Works Dressmaking School. 22 I North Fourth street. WANTED White girl for general housework. Inquire 124 Walnut street. WANTED Girls experienced on i power sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, | Harrisburg, Pa. I —————————— SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Man wishes hotel or all around housework; best reference; can look after furnace, cook or porter. Address 1605 Elm street. WANTED Young colored man de- I sires position as porter. 622 Forster j street. I CORPORATION ACCOUNTANT, tem porarily idle, will take charge of or as sist with closing of tlscal year work. Mining, manufacturing, wholesale and I retail experience. Have own typewriter land comptometer. References furnish- I ed. Address Lock Box 4. Hill Station, Hairlsburg, Pa. AUTOMOBILE MAN—Sober, reliable, married man with 12 years' experience, wants position demonstrating, driving or charge of repair shop. Can furnish all kinds of references required. Ad dress W., 3351, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored man would like hotel work or janitor work. 1408 Marion street, third lloor. WANTED A German wishes posi tion of any kind; can draw and make good sketches. Address J., 3341, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED A reliable colored wo man wants work of any kind. Apply, or write, No. 1424 Marion street. WANTED A neat colored girl would like to have dishwashing or kitchen helper. Apply, or write, 1124 Marion street. WANTED A white girl, age 19. desires place at general housework or dlningroom work. Apply 403 Walnut street, or call 767J Bell phone. MIDDLE-AGED white woman wants place doing general housework, or as cook at hotel. Address 1915 Susque hanna street, or call 337R Bell phone. WANTED Work by day or week by two women; can give reference. Apply 34S South Eleventh street. WANTED Colored woman would like day's work or apartment to clean. 1408 Marion street, third iloor. WANTED Bookkeeper and steno grapher, with nine years' experience in all lines of office work; can furnish best of references. Address P. O. Box 68, Harrisburg. WANTED—By experienced cook, col ored, position, or day's work. Address 1211 Wallace street. WANTED By colored ivoman, day's work. Call at 921 Sarah avenue. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TWO PKNBROOK properties that should interest you frame house practically new plot. 60x150. Price only $3,300. Other suburban proper lies at reasonable prices. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NEW HOUSES with steam licat gas and electric light all other modern improvements brick con struction location. Riverside up town, and on Allison Hill. Prices only $3,100 to $3,300. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. STEAM HEATED HOUSE FOR SALE 9 rooms bath gas electric light lot, 16x95 l3 foot alley on rear. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co,, Berg ner Building. FOR SALE— -9S Acres ; frame buildings; 10 acres cultivated; 88 acres second growth tim ber; located 12 miles from Harrisburg. Price. SI,OOO. 24 Acres; 2 houses; bank barn; lo cated 2 miles west of New Cumberland. Price, $3,300.00. 86 Acres; 3% miles east of Lingles town; frame buildings; well and run ning' water. Price, $4,500.00. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second anil Walnut Sts. FOR SALE 47 N. Cameron St.; story frame dwelling; 6 rooms; also 5- room dwelling on rear. Lot, 20x196. Price of all, $4,100.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR IMMEDIATE! SAI.E A valuable North Second street resi dence. Most desirable residential lo cality In city. A bargain. Price and terms for the asking. Address "Home." care of Harrisburg Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 1202 Bp.rtlne street, a 2'A-story brick house, containing six rooms, water and gas in kitchen, to a small family of two or three only; rent, sll. Inquire at 110 Cumberland street. FOR RENT Five-room house at 810 James street, water and gas, also gas range, SIO.OO per month; possession at once. Apply J. Novel'o, 809 North Third. FOR RENT—Two-story brick house-; seven rooms and bath; all Improve ments; steam heat; electric and gas; window shades; Derry street, Paxtang Call 100 Paxtang avenue. FOR RENT Large ground floor room, suitable for small business or of fices, located at 109 North Second street Immediate possession. Apply on prem ises. FOR RENT —Briclc garage, cemented and sewered, water and light, $5.50 per month: rear 1112 North Second street. A. S. Koser, 211 North Second street* or 1114 North Second street, from 5 to 6:30 P. M. FOR RENT Three-story brick house at 412 Hummel street; all Im provements; front and back porches large yard; lawn front; rent. sl9. Call at L. G. Dimm, 346 Muench street, Har risburg. —. FOR RENT Two single fireproof garages, situated in rear of 1435 and 1437 Shoop street. Rent, §5.00 each. Im mediate possession. J. K. Gippie, 1251 Market street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE Two-and-one-half- FOR SALE—Two-and-one- half-story half mile north of Rutherford Yards Three acres of well cultivated land. Convenient to school and churches. .Possession at once. Terms reasonable. ; David B. March, Harrisburg R. D. No. 1. APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT 332 Peffer street; cor ner house; second door, six rooms, In cluding bath; steam heated. Apply to L. W. Mehring. 1730 Sixth street, or Bell phono No. 699 It. FOR RENT Furnished apartments, four rooms and bath, all conveniences; also large storeroom. Apply l,ouis Hegel fer, Flshman Apartments, Sixth and Herr. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Apartments, first and second floor flats, with city steam and all conveniences. Apply at 1008 North Third street. Bell phone 1809 R. FOR RENT—IO7 South Front street, third 'oor front furnished apartment; two la go rooms, kitchenette and bath; city steam heat included. Apply to Brlnton-Packer Co.. Second and Wal nut streets. ROOMS FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE ROOMS FOR RENT Centrally located. Terms reasonable. Apply 209 State street. FOR RENT Large room, suitable for two or more persons, with electric light, city steam heat and use of phone, w'th or without board. Apply 9 North Front street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, on second floor; use of bath and phone; no children; ref erences exchanged. Apply 1604 Derry street. FOR RENT Desirable rooms. Ap ply 222 Pine street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished bed room, third floor front. light, heat and bath, or two unfurnished rooms, third floor. Call after 5 P. M„ at 1216 Berry hill street. FOR RENT Hicely furnished sec ond floor front room; city steam heat and electric lights; rent very reason able. Apply 710 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Second-story front room, newly furnished;! also large room with balcony, same floor; suitable for two or three gentlemen; steam heat, electric light and phone service. Apply 125 Pine street. FOR RENT Large, well-furnished second floor front rooms; all conveni ences and use of phone. Inquire 813 North Second street. FOR RENT Furnished front cor ner room, electric lights, steam heat, modern berth, in private family. 35 South Fourth street, next to Hotel Acri. FOR RENT Large, second story room, furnished all conveniences near Capitol. Phone 2859 J. FOR RENT Large, well-furnished front room, second floor, with bath, electric light, use of phone: rent rea sonable. Call 1510 Green street. Phone 177R1. FOR RENT Comfortably furnished room on second floor, leading on porch, near bHth; n pleasant, warm home for gentleman; use of phone; hot water system. 117 Pine street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, second floor front; bay window, steam heat, electric and gas, single or ensuite; light housekeeping privilege considered. Bell phone 1119, 7 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, in private family, with or without board. 1325 Derry street. Phone 3600 M. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room In apartment for rent, at 108 North Second street; all conveniences, including use of phone and bath; de sirable home for gentleman. Apply 205 Locust street. FOR RENT Suite of rooms on second floor front, for one or two gen tlemen. with use of bath, phone and city heal; reference required. Apply 272 Lirlggs street. CNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT BUILT exclusively for light house keeping, strictly private, all outside, with or without kitchenettes. Stoves furnished free. Laundry, phone and bathroom privileges. Weekly pay ments. .fanitress service. Inquire 429 Broad street. Dally inspection invited. WANTED WANTED Old gold, silver, plati num. broken jewelry, teeth plates, etc. Send by registered mail. Highest mar ket price paid, and 1 hold the goods live days. If price Is not satisfactory, will return goods. E. Walters, 1540 North Fifty-eighth street, Philadelphia, Pa. WANT TO RENT Three or four unfurnished rooms and bath, near Capi tol. State rent and location. Address Box M„ 3354, care of Telegraph. WANTED A No. 5 Underwood Typewriter. Must be cheap for c; ih. Address Box 330, Harrisburg. — Second-hand Vlctrola or Graphophone (disc type) of good ap pearance and condition. State model number and lowest cash price. M., 3350, care of Telegraph. CASH PRICES paid for Ladies' and Men's cast-off Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and Carpets. Give descrip tion of goods you want to sell. Send postal to 636 Herr street. FOR S.H.K MCER THAN A CHRISTMAS CARD DAINTY, liand-palnted envelopes, filled with genuine rose leaf Pot Pour lie. mailed upon receipt of 25 cents each. Address D., 3353, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE One Ford touring car, in good condition, cheap to quick buyer. Apply Jack Kelly, Ford Gar age, South Cameron street. FOR SALE A five-year-old pacing mare. Lady Maud S. Won third money at the Lebanon Fair races. Finished second the first heat In 2:22',4. This was her first race. Sterling, her sire, has a mark of 2:1014. Safe to drive anywhere. A perfect picture and pet. Can be bought reasonable. M. O. Sides, Hlghspire, Pa. FOR SALE A bay pony outfit. Weight about 600 lbs. Coming 8 years old. includes buggy and harness. Write or call on Clarence Smith, Mlllersburg, Pa. FOR SALE sl2s Winter Piano Credit Check; S2OO quality Piano credit. Save money on a piano. Make an offer. Box L, Progress, Pa. FOR SALE Handsome quartered oak Cutler roll-top desk, typewriter desk, swivel chair, straight chairs, York iron safe, wllton rug, etc. Everything practically new and at very reasonable prices. H. E. van Haagen, 406 Kunkei Building. FOR SALE One horse for sale cheap, coming four years old. Apply Mrs. S. E. Shrlver, 1428 Regina street. FOR SALE A Bcnnet & Bretz piano, good condition. Moving Into apartment. Will sacrifice to quick buyer. Apply to C., 3349, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE One Sorrel Mare, weighing 1,100 lbs.; city broke; free driver; also a rubber-tire runabout. In tine condition. Apply at Singer Se\ving Machine Store, No. 13 South Market Square. FOR SALE At Shaffer's, 80-88 South Cameron street. A full stock of Anti-Freezing Solution. Positively guaranteed to keep your automobile radiator from freezing. FOR SALE Stanley Steamer car, in good condition: owner will demon strate the car. Call Bell phone 3153J2. FOR SALE Lester upright piano, nearly new; mahogany finish; also one Circassian walnut bedroom suit, com plete, latest design. Must be sold this month. Address M.. 3344, care of Tele gruph. FOR SALE—I9I3 Mitchell Roadster, in A 1 condition; extra tire; repainted cheap to quick buyer. Apply 15 South Third street, or J. S. McCormlck, Enola Pa. FOR SALE 2l White Wyandotte pullets. These are choice birds. About half are laying and balance will soon begin to lay. A, O. Zerfing, Duncan non. Pa. FOU SATJE Blacksmith Shop dolnpc a good cash business, located along public roatl. Will sell at a bargain <!ood reasons for selling. Address U 3317, care ot Telegraph. FOR SALE FOR SALE Bargain If taken at once. Edison phonograph anil records, in fine condition. Apply 1317 Derry street. FOR SALE 1915 Maxwell; run very short time, and in absolutely A 1 condition. Let us demonstrate. Rex Garagel 1917 North Third street. FOR SALE Pool tables; one 4%x9. one 4xß, In good condition; lunch counter 12 ft. Lock Drawer F. Dun cannon. Pa. OVERCOATS AND SUlTS—Drummer's samples (latest styles) at positively lowest prices in the city. Call—be con vinced. Cohen & Son, Reliable Pawn brokers, 431 Market, at! Subway. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—6C for 25c while they last. Ap ply .Job Printing Department. The Tele graph Printing Company. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. F. P. GAS PLANT, Including 6 arc lights (double mantles), with brass pipes; in good condition; worth S9O, will sell for $lO. New York Loan Office, 225 Market street. FOR SALE—Solid oak fixtures; suit able for bank or office; worth $7o0; will sell for SSO to quick buyer. Apply New York Loan Office, 225 Market street. FOR SALE TO MERCHANTS CALENDARS SAMPLES AT HALF-PRICE MYERS MANUFACTURING CO., THIRD AND CUMBERLAND STS., OVER MILLER'S SHOE STORE. BELL 1577 R. FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up to-date Bird and Parrot Cages, large Gold Fish and Globes of all sizes; Bird Seeds, natural Fish Food and supplies. Gebhardt, the "Bird Man," 1004 North Third, between Boas and Herr. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each slx-tlme order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE. CHEAP Fully equipped Job and Newspaper plant, doing good business. Reason for selling—other wise engaged. Address S., 3286. care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Because wo must va cate our present store in the next 60 days, we've decided to sacrifice our stock of new and second-hand furni ture. No reasonable offer refused—-en tire stock must go. Tables, sideboards chiffoniers, bedroom furniture, stoves! Including 5 new Middletown ranges, and other odds and ends of furniture too numerous to mention. All stock In good, clean condition. Also a few pieces of antique furniture as well as antique dishes. Will sell to dealers, but triflers need not apply. Give us a visit. Frank Cohen, 607 East State street. CIGARS Our Xmas Offer. 50-Cre- Malta, 75c postpaid, or 12 Llttle- Havanas. 12 Old-Rye and 25 Cre-Maltas, sl, or 150 Cre-Maltas, $2. Snell & Co.. Red Lion, Pa. IX )K RENT FOR RENT A large office in the Telegraph Building. Inquire of Super intendent in Business Office of Tele graph. _ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AVE will paint any old, leaky Roof and guarantee a water-tight job. Pos tal brings us. References from hun dreds of satisfied patrons. Hlte & Hite, 135 Brady street. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 In five years in the mall order business, began with 15. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS MY Weatherstrips are guaranteed to keep out Cold. Rain, Dust and will last as long as your house stands. Prices reduced. I put them on right. S. It. llorst, Penbrook, Pa. FURS REMODEL ,j, repaired and made like new; best style; moderate charge. Tailoring In all branches. 1619 Penn street. ARCADE BARBER SHOP. 36 N. Court Street. Newly remodeled and refitted. Clean and sanitary. Complete system Red Cross Sterilizers used. Massage, 25c. Shave, 10c. P. D. Rlchwlne, Pro prietor. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. FIRE ESCAPES, when needed, are of great importance. They aro soon worthless if not well painted. We paint them and paint them well. Hlte & Hite, No. 135 Brady street. HAUCK'S Automobile Repair Shop. Work guaran teed. Ford cars a specialty. Cars for hire. Bell phone 1616 J. Rear 1418 Swatara street. HAULING H. A. HARTMAN, Hour.linn Stable mid Nntionnl Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers- and general haul ing. H. W. loathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503R MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrlsburg, Pa. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We invite inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Ilarrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE IN 3-story brick building, rear IOiS Market street. Houseliolil Koodn In eleun. private room*- Reasonable rates. Apply to P. O. Dleuer. Jeweler, 44JS Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, J1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co 411 Broad strcf i Both phones. i NOTICES In the Matter ol the Petition of A. A. Boschelli. an Insolvent. To All Creditors of Said Petitioner: NOTICE is hereby given that the pe tition of A. A. Boschelli. has been filed In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County, Pennsylvania, to No. 166 June Term, 1915, praying the said Court for the benefit of the insolvent laws of this Commonwealth, and for a dis charge thereunder. The said Court has fixed the room •of said Court, In the Court House, City of Ilarrisburg, County of Dauphin and State of Penn sylvania, as the place, and Monday, tho 10th day of January, 1916, at 10 o'clock A. M., as the time for hearing said pe tition. D. S. SEITZ, Attorney pro petitioner. November 24, 1915. Notice to Taxpayers of South Hanover Township: ALL persons who do not pay their taxes before January 1 will be dealt with according to law. C. A. LANDIS, Collector. SPECIALTIES AT OPENING YIELD Sonic Drop a Point; Motor Shares Weak; Railroads Gain By Associated Press New York, Dec. B.—Selling of the general character that attended yes terday's late dealings was resumed at to-day's opening, some specialties yielding as much as a point. United States Steel fell % to 86%, almost 2 points under yesterday's best quo tation, while Heading, Union Pacilic and Erie were equally heavy. High priced motor shares were weak, Willys- Overland losing 6 at 420 and General Motors 3 at 518. Some of these is sues made partial recovery in sec ondary quotations. Among the few initial gains of moderate proportions were Pennsylvania, St. Paul and Northern Pacilic. Business in the first hour was quite active, but the turnover was very mod erate, only a few large Individual lots changing hands. Dealings in Sleel were greater than the combined op erations in all other leaders. Steel fell to 86% before it rebounded to 8 7'4 and other prominent issues were subject to the same irregular tendency. Canadian Pacific, Great Northern, Atchison, Reading and Erie were lower by 1 to 1% during the early trading,, but much of this loss was subsequently regained, after which trading became nominal. Anglo-French notes declined to 96, a fraction under the partici pation price. Bonds were lower. NEW YORK STOCKS _ Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street. Phila delphia; 34 Pine street, New York, furnish (he following quotations: New York, Deo. 8. Open. Clos. Alaska. Gold Mines 24 2 3 Allis-Chalmers 32 32 American Meet Sugar .. 71% 72 American Can <>l% 61% American C & F 81 81% American lee Securities . 20% 20% American Locomotive .. 69% 70% American Smelting •••. 99 99% American Sugar 117% 117% American T & T 128% 129 Anaconda S7 87% Atchison 1,06% 107 Baldwin Locomotive ... 116 116 Baltimore &■ Oliio 94 93% Bethlehem Steel 470 46! i Brooklyn Rapid Transit . 89% 90 California Petroleum ... 27% 27% Canadian Pacific 183 183 Central eLather 60% 60 Chesapeake and Ohio ... 63% 63% Chicago, Mil and St Paul 94% 94% Chicago. R 1 and Pacific 19% 19% rhino Consolidated Cop. 64% 55 Colorado Fuel and Iron. 51 51% Consolidated as 143% 143 Crucible Steel 73% 74% Distilling Securities .... 47% 48 Erie 43% 43% Erie Ist pfd 58% 58 General Electric Co .... 175% 177 General Motors 51 8 546 Goodrich B. F. 72% 74% Gt. North pd 126% 126% Gt. North. Ore ss 49% 19% | Gug. Explor. ex. div 1.. 77% 77% Inspiration Cop 44% 45 Interboro-Met 22 22% LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR IIIUlHii; OVER XHAMOKIN CREEK, AT TENTH 1 STREET, SIMIIKV, MlimitM j BIOHLANU COI T NTY, PENNA. I THE Board of Commissioners of Pub i lie Grounds and Buildings of the Com | monwealtli of Pennsylvania will re- I ceive sealed proposal.': until 2 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday, the 14th day of De cember, 1915, in strict accordance with the plans and specifications, as prepar ed by G. A. Fllnk, the Board's Engi neer, for replacing bridge over Shamo kin Creek at TenfU Street, in Sunbury, Northumberland County, Penna., de j stroyed by flood January 9, 1915. i As a gurantee of good faith and to secure the Commonwealth from any I loss by failure to comply with the terms of the bid, all bidders shall deposit a I certified check, payable to the State : Treasurer, for the sum of One Thou ; sand Dollars on some responsible Penn- I sylvania Bank or Trust Company, at least twenty-four hours before the time set for the receipt of the bids. They • shall take the State Treasurer's re j ceipt therefor, which receipt must be I deposited with their bid. Checks will be i returned to the makers, unless forfeit ed, alter the successful bidder's bond has been approved and accepted. Proposals shall be in sealed enve i lopes marked "Proposals for rebuilding | bridge at Tenth Street, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Penna.." ad | dressed "Samuel B. Rambo, Superlnten i dent of Public Grounds and Buildings." SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. C. P. ROGERS. JR.. Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR A lIIIIDGE OVER WVALIJSING CREEK AT CAMP. TOWN. WYAI.USING TOWNSHIP. IIHADFOIIO COUNTY. PA. THE Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will receive sealed proposals until 2 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday, the 14th day of De cember, 1915, i strict accordance with the plans and specifications, as prepared by David A. Keafe, the Board's Engi neer, for replacing brldgo over Wya lusing Creek at Camptown, Wyaluslng Township, in Bradford County, Penna., destroyed by flood July 8, 1915. As a guarantee of Rood faith and to secure the Commonwealth from any loss by failure to comply with the terms of the bid, all bidders will de posit a certified check, payable to the State Treasurer, for the sum of Four Thousand Dollars on some responsible Pennsylvania Bank or Trust Company, at least, twenty-four hours before the time set for the receipt of the bids. Thev shall take the State Treasurer's receipt therefor, which receipt must be deposited with their bid. Checks will be returned to t'.-.e makers, unless forfeited, after tho sue cessful bidder's bond has been approv ed and accepted. Proposals shall be In sealed en- marked "Proposals for re building bridge at Camotown, Brad ford County, Penna.," addressed to "Samuel B. Itambo, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Ilarris burg. Pa." SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. C. P. ROGERS. JR.. Secretary. Pennsylvania State Highway Depari ment, Ilarrisburg, Pa. Scaled proposal . will be received at this office until 1< o'clock A. M., December 15, 1915. f r Photo-Dlthographlng Map of tho Stat of Pennsylvania according to specifica tions. which specifications ami blddit: ■, blanks may be obtained upon applica tion to Robert J. Cunningham, Stat' Highway Commissioner. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the Court of Uuarter Session* of Dauphin fount y on Monday, December 20. 1915, at TO o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as said Court shall be in session, for the trans fer of the license to sell liquor at retail now held by Frederick B. Aldlnger for Hotel Plaza, Nos. 423-427 Market Street, Harrlsburg. Pa., to John W. Schroth and Walter T. Kelner. trading under the name of "Plaza Hotel Company." C. H. BKRONER, Attorney. Interboro-Met pd 80 80 Kansas City South 32 32% .< Lehigh Valley 81% 81%, Maxwell Mot 76% 77% Mix. Petroleum 92% 98% Miami Copper 34 34 Missouri Pacific 5% 5% j National Lead 65 65 New York Central 103*4 103% N Y N H II 75 75% New York Ont and West 31 31 ( Norfolk and Western ... 120 120 Northern Pacific 116% 117 Pennsylvania Railroad.. 59% 59% Pittsburgh Coal 34% 34% Pittsburgh Coal pd 108 % 108% I Press Steel Car 65 65% j Railway Steel Spg 45 45 Ray Con Copper 25% 25% | Reading 81% 82 Republic Iron and Steel. 53% 65% Southern Pacific 100% 101% i Southern Railway .... 23% 23% Southern Rwy pl'd .... 62% (12 j Studebaker 1,58% 170% Tennessee Copper 57% 58%' Third Avenue 61% 61 % j Union Pacific 138 138% I U S Rubber 55 55 U S Steel 56% 87% U S Steel pfd 116% 116% Utah Copper 79% 80% Western Union Tel 88% 89% Westinghouse Mi'g .... 68% 69%' PHII.ADEM'IIIA I'ROnilCR By Associated Press Philadelphia, Dee. 8. Wheat Steady: No. 2, red, spot and December, No. 2, Southern, red, $1.16 @l.lß. Corn Higher; No. 2, yellow, local, 80(fi Sic; steamer, No. 2, yellow, local 7 9 Si) 80c. Oats Firm: No. 2, white, 49®M9%c; No, 3, white, 4614 (if)47c. Bran—Steady, fair demand; city mills, winter, per ton, $24.00@24.50; western, winter, per ton, none here; Spring, per ton, $23.00@ 23.50. Retlned Sugars Market firm; powdered, 6.25 c; line granulated, 6.15 c; confectioners' A, 6.05 c. Butter Market firm; western, creamery, extras, 35c; nearby prints, fancy, 38c. Eggs The market Is higher; I ennsylvanla and other nearby firsts, free cases, SIO.BO per ease; do., current recepits, free cases, $10.20 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, slo.Bu per case; do., firsts, free cases, $10.20 i»er case. Poultry Market dull; fowls, 1.! to 15c; old roosters, 11(g) 12c; broil ing chickens. .(,(»■ I ,'c .Spring chl-u. 14$) 15c; ducks, 13(Sj)16c: geese, 14® 16c; turkeys, lSfff)2oc. Dressed Poultry The mar i." 51 . is quiet, but steady; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18c; do., j average, 16%5<17%c; do., unattrae- I tive, 13#16c; ice packed fowls, 13 j to lie; old roosters, 13% c; broiling chickens, nearby, 22®26c; do., western, ' '-orfj)22c; roasting chickens, western, ! choice to fancy, I8@19c; do., fall* to good, 14C(j)17c; Spring ducks, nearby, IS @)2oc; do., western, 12to18c; geese, nearby, 16$018 c; do., western, !4 (a 1 lie; turkeys, nearby, choice to fancy, 23® 24c; do., western, do., 22t023c; do., fair I to good, 20«j>21c; do., inferior 15019 c. Potatoes Firm and higher; Penn sylvania, fancy per bushel, 95c@51.00; ! do., fair to good, per bushel, 75@78e; I Jersey, No. 1, per basket. 40@55c; Jcr | sey. No. 2, per basket. 20 ff) 25 c. Flour Quiet, but firm; winter, .-tralght/s, $5.10 (ft) 5.95; do., patent. $5.60 <j>s.Bs; Kansas straights, $ 1..55®a,85; Spring straights, $5.10<« 5.90; do., pat ent. $5.5n (ft, 5.90; do., favorite brands, $5.90(0)6.15. Hay—Firm, good demand; No. 1, large hales, $21.00(fi>21.50; No. 1, medium bales. $20.50t021.00; No. 2, $19.00t019.50; No. 3. do.. $ 15.50 iff 17.50. Light mixed. No. 1, do., tltS.UOtolK.so. No. 2 do.. sls 00© 16.00. PJIII IDKI.I'HIA STOCKS lly Associated Press | Philadelphia, Dec. B.—Stocks closed steady I Cambria Steel 75% General Aanhalt 31% General Asphalt, Pfd 72';; Lake Superior Corporation 9% Lehigh Navigation 78'» Lehigh Valley 81% Pennsylvania Railroad 59 \i Philadelphia Electric 27"« Philadelphia Company 43% Philadelphia Company, Pfd 36 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 20% Philadelphia Traction 79 1 Reading 82 ■ Storage Battery 6S Union Traction -17V4 | United Gas Improvement 88% : I I'nited States Steel 87 V Warwick Iron and Steel 10% j CHICAGO CATTI.I3 By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Dec. 8. Hogs Re ceipts, 12,000; strong, 10c to 20c above yesterday's average. Bull; of sales, $6.30t06.75; li lit, $5.80t06.75; mixed, $6.10 c 6.90; heavy, J6.35t0ti.95; rough, $6.355/ 6.50; pigs, $1.10#5.50. Cattle Receipts, 19.000; weak. Na- j tive beef steers. ss.so(ft> 10.50; western steers, $6.10#8.10; cows and heifers, ! $2,600)8.10; calves,.s6.soto 111.25. Sheep Receipts, 18,000; firm. Wethers. $5.90ji)6.50; lambs, $7.00©9.25. 4 CHICAGO HOAIIIJ OK TItADE liy Associated Press Chicago, HI.. Dec. B.—Board of Trade closing; Wheat December, 1.15%; May, 1.16%. Corn—December, 68; May, 72. Oats—December, -13'k; May, 15%. Pork—January, 18.50; May, 18.45. ! Lard —January, 9.70; May, 9.97. Ribs—January, 9.87; May, 10.10. Ford Pacificist Says Message Is Reactionary New York, Dec. 9. Wireless ad vices received to-day from the peace ship. Oscar 11, signed by Henry Ford and prepaid, tell of a mass meeting held I on board last night at which extracts I of the message of President Wilson to Congress were read by S. S. McClure, the publisher. Some discussion followed, during 1 which Ellis O. Jones, n writer of New York, referred to the message as "re actionary," and said it should not be received In silence. "We are going abroad now." ho said, j "on a mission to stop a terrible war 1 among nations, every one of which is prepared in a military way. This Is no time to disturb American traditions and prepare the United States for war." MISS JANE 101.1, EN GRAY Funeral services for Miss Jane Ellen Gray, aged 69. will be held to-morrow afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the funeral parlor of Hoover & San, undertakers, the Rev. 3. Bradley Markward, pastor of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, officiat ing. Burial will be made at the Harris burg Cemetery. Efficiency ' INCREASE the profit* * of yonr business by aiding your skilled help ers to make tl>e best use of their time. Vse the proper blanks, blank books, stationery and ad vertising matter. Get the right kind of designing, engraving, printing and binding at the right prices from The Telegraph Printing Co. Federal Square 13 Message Is Ridiculed i by Roosevelt; Denounces Inaction of President Special to The Telegraph j Oyster Bay, N. V., Dec. B.—Colo nel Roosevelt issued a bitter attack last evening against President. Wilson's message. He finds the message to be filled with illogical as well as meaningless | sentences which he challenges any man, including the President, to ex plain. and asserts that the document I reveals Mr. Wilson as a man without i convictions, who, in the present in j stance, is using words to cover a policy of "dishonorable inaction." I Colonel Roosevelt asks, what does I Mr. Wilson mean when in one line hu says that we have "stood apart, stu ] (iiously neutral, because it was our j manifest duty to do so," and a couple jot paragraphs later says, "We demand j security in prosecuting their self- I chosen lines of national development J tor others'.'" He can take either of the two positions; but he cannot take both. Did or did not Mr. Wilson "de- I inand security" for Belgium "to prose- I cute its self-chosen lines of national i development?" He knows he didn't. Then what does he mean by saying, "We demand this security for oth ers?" Again ho says that he regards war as a "means of asserting the rights of a people against aggression"; and yet he says that it was our 4iuty to remain studiously neutral when Bel gium asserted the rights of her people by war against the aggression of Ger many. How does he reconcile these two statements? He cannot do so. He is using words to cover a policy of dishonorable inaction." Wilson and Taft Sit Together at Meeting I Washington, Dec. B.—President Wil son and former President Taft sat on | the platform together here to-day at the annual meeting of the American Hed Gross. The President and former president greeted each other warmly. In a brief address President Wilson i praised the humanitarian work being 1 done by the American Ked Cross in | the European war, saying it was tliH Kreatest agency the United States had j for good. President Wilson presided |a? the afternoon Session of the Ked Cross and introduced Dr. RicharQ Strong, who recently returned from Serbia where he had charge of the typhus fight. I TWO Ri;i'uni,i(' \N ciA"us II AVE NOMINATED OFFICERS | Both the Harrisburg and West End Republican Clubs have nominated ofll | cers for the year. The West End ; nominations follow: 11. C. Sponsler, I president: B. A. Douglas, vice-presi dent; J. S. Miller, secretary; George Miller, trustee; B. Meyers, treasurer; F. R. Miller, J. S. Pond, E. I. Orndran, M. A. Oilman and It. 10. Milligan, mem bers of membership committee. Officers nominated by the Harris burg Republican Club for the election to be held December 27 follow: Presi dent, Charles K. Hess; vice-president, j George B. Nebinger; treasurer. Fred M. Tritle; secretary, Ashton D. Peace; trustees, L. B. Metzger. W. H. Hoff man, Herman Gciger; membership committee, H. A. Roat, Jr.. A. Denmiu, Joseph Henning, George W. Vint, W. j D. Block. NO DECISION REACHED The board of governors of the Coun try Club is considering sites offered for the new clubhouse, but the matter lias not yet progressed far enough to sub mit to the membership of the club. ! The present properly will be offered | for sale. I Tn trying to interest children in the i humane treatment of animals a teach - j er offered an award to the pupils who 1 would write the best short story on I the value of helping animals. One j small girl of ten handed in this quotation: "if each to each do all ho | can, a very God Is man to man.' —LOANS— | ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITUF.3 AT LEGAL, RATES. Small Monthly Payments. Profit ShnrliiK I.oan Society I 9 No. Market Square (Spooner Bids.) Conducted Under State Banking Dept. License No. 21. ;'s _ ,> : f », I FOR SAI.E I Slightly used overcoats from $1.50 j up; all good condition. Bought 2,000 army shoes from the Government, I will sell for $1.50 a pair. Money j back if not satisfied. Seeing is be | llevlng. Come and convince your ! self. Open evenings. S. Meltzer, 613 | Walnut street. ———— 7 I FOR SALE High grade marabous, bought from H. O. IJodge, the hatter, muffs and scarfs. We will sell at a sacri- I fii-e. Also bought Huckel's velour $7 liats will sell for $1.50. Come and see how much you can sav«. Dodge handles but the best. Open evenings. S, Meltzer, 513 Walnut READY MONEY for individuals pressed by lack of funds to meet immediate necessities, at legal rates, pay able in weekly or monthly In stalments. No publicity. CO-OPERATIVE Loan & Investment Co. 201 CHESTNUT ST. Under supervision State Banking Department r — n 100 Head of Horses and Mules For Sale at Public Auction Our horses are what we repre sent them to be. They must be right. If things are not as stated, we refund your money. We have the best broken horses in Harris burg, from 5 to 6 years old. Every horse is going to be sold for the highest dollar. Please do not for get the sale on Wednesday Afternoon, Dec. 8, at 1 O'clock Sharp You bring your horses, wagons and harness, and we will sell them for you. Sale every Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock sharp. We sell all kinds of horses privately. We arc open from 8 A. M. to 9 M. BLATT, Proprietor 1420 FULTON STREET Plione United .>BO-F
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