o|,Bns T °- Morrow Saturday Morning 1 CHRISTMAS ECONOMY Iref and Continues Until Christmas CATOOML V store Opens Al BA. M.=== Closes Al 9P. M, ! l^v'"JP The Biggest, Greatest and Best of All Christmas Events k f " Bound to attract an unusually large crowd of thrifty shoppers because of the absolute reliability of the merchandise offered and the radical low prices quoted. You who want to save money, you who need and must make every cent you spend do double duty will welcome the powerful economies this Great Xmas Carnival presents. Here's a whole page of good practical gift hints I — j \J' at mai *elous savings. Read it then come right down to this store and secure your share of these wonderful bargains. I The Richest, Reliable Furs for Gift Giving Priced jli TOVland 111 the BarPaill BaSGlTieilt \ Unusually Low in The Great Xmas Economy Carnival ;i| A p . T . , iWTA rT ATTQ | I | Kaufman's set the pace in seUing Furs. Nowhere is there * <\ \\ J-/AV C f - gj ? 'W another showing of the new and beautiful styles for Winter and > . • VAJ <' ' ► _ mmm. m 1\ f Yfi) V TIT'II T> TT '> If > nowhere else opportunities to buy fine Furs for such small prices. ~ <J ] ► |Vj Jk \\ , Mfc \ i »C\ W 111 JSC XIGTG «J I | Red Fox Sets, Full Worth Handsome Raccoon Sets, ;► <| 5 wkV• • •^L r > To-IHOrrOW ill The !► 1 > SIB.OO. XmasC?"J/j Worth to $35.00. Xmas 3; A\T A TTO \ Carnival Price 3 Carnival ttOQ Ht* LLAUo 'K7 Basement from > Full animal scarfs and muffs with Price fJsmdiJ * I yr"" B V I Hieh.' reliable pelts, full allium) J*JM| |; TJ q* Jfr " \ 9tO 11 111 tfaC mOTllillg I S and $24.75. searf and melon shape muffs, satm ff < >.116x6 1 O "IIIOirOAV » •. , jPfe ~ . . , ~ J Natural Wolf Sets Worth ™ ' *L 6 2tO 5 111 the aftemOOll !: I SIB.OO to $27.50 ' Xmas Black Skunk Sets, Worth J |;! 111 the BaSeHient JIW. JBSk i, dBBnUtSS 7Wtn<) in the eyenin<r J Carnival Prirps $30.00. XmasttO/l 7K M onSale m * A** AJU>wvmvixi> I <£l O fkAtotfOO FA Carnival Price Uoor d ** Jointed Dolls. 34c to si 9.9° Hobby Horses from Toy Tables from 24< to $1.23 Hair Horses, . .48<* to 59.90 I \ < Your choice of either a pillow or <1 V Dressed Dolls. to 14.90 to ? 9 - 9 <> !)01l Houses from I Air Rifles, ... 49< to 5^1.23 > I € Docidodiv iipuntifui ami o*tromciv melon shaped muff. Hcarfs in the S , BC Toy Tea Sets from 24£ to 53.98 Swinging Horses, S | stylish. A splendid aitt hint for the latest and most attractive new styles. Children sFur Sets at ( ►<, Character Dolls, 24<* to $8.90 24<* to $2.98 Pianos from... 49c to »1.98 J82.98 to 5f59.90 IS __ . _ Misses' Fur Sets in Almost S P ecl !f Xmas Econ- %<\ Go-carts from 49c to $10.90 Good Drums from Aleceano TovV from Friction Toys, . .49<? to $1.95 # I I Brown Musk rat Sets, Endless Varietv omy Carnival Prices, <1 writing Desks from to $1.23 * ' si oo to sis oo Toy Store 98<t051.49;. I worth SIB.OO. Xmas Endless Variety S1 QV° $£ 98c to $10.90 Teddy Bears from Railroad Trains' Tom Blackboanis. .. . 24< to 88g J I Carnival <fcl >1 7K S3 95 sl2 95 ; >< > Automobiles from 49* to $3.98 ' 49C to $4 98 ) Vhet l barrows - 49< to $1.23 . < t>,„- - 3 14, fl ri in a vast variety of pretty new S S «o qe «10 f>S ti 4 \r ... n v ■ Troll Toys, to $1.48 <' < Plice, ...... Featuring attractive new Scarfs novelty effects, including pop- <!<*.. . lliousamls of .' ,!,mP pi r ®J5 Building Blocks from Soldiers' Sets,..24C to $1.98 !> > A winner for the price quoted. and Muffs of Rabbit and Tiger Skins. ular Tiger and Rabbit Pelts, <> Velocipedes from to $2.98 24C tr» QBC Tnv Rrmlrc Ift** t<> 4Q/> !' C She'll be pleased if you give her one Animal scarfs and choice of pillow also combination of black ► S 51.69 to $9.90 The Rest Sleds from Afpi»lianir.>il T«vc t> '* u o . fIW l <l Jof these handsome sets, they are or melon muffs at these extremely conev and ermine. {► >, _ , * 0 . oe lin liest Metis 11 on. Meehanieal Paint Boxes 24Cto98<>«; > cheap at the price. low prices. Iron I oys trom 24C to $1.98 49c to $2.9& 24< to $3.98 Erector Toys, . .SI.OO to $25 J; /^/wwwVWWVWWWWyvWVSB Pawn! Down! Go lha Prices On Our Entire Stock ■ff'Sai ZJ" /5S- ofWomen's&Misses'Suits,CoatsandDresses bsS5 ,m ™bs'b /C JfJt\ A truly Economy Carnival for every Woman and Miss. Your Suit, Coat or Dress is surely \.l worth to «3.»0. Econ- to ia.oo. Economy car- Mi*M jf Ml here among this big and vast assortment. Every Suit, Coat and Dress has been Tremendously I' Pnce, arnv . $1.90 95C ' J? ; Reduced for this event. The style ranges are complete and include every new model, all the I I This season's smartest | I "* new all colors and all sizes for Women, Misses and Extra Large Women. | f e ' r l" i piugh Vet ta a s tefunv I for ladies. Biggest Plush Coat News Ever Published fptfT / w?StH?:/3c | -If VJ •/ C;<J \ - ]a§\ \ mod'eis 1 " 8 ' 1- An uewest ') styles.* t ' tw women ileaW \\Vwnj / day). Genuine Salts Sealette and Esquimette Plush Coats—made in the latest ! I lUfc ""' r \ \ YV\\\\ > * models. Big Full Flared Coats, Belted and Semi-Belted Coats, Full Length s /111 1 Coats, Chin Chin Collars, Opossum Fur Collars, Raccoon Fur Collars. All sizes i XmaS Rconomy Carnival Brings UP Salt» EsqumieHt Salts Etqiimsite and Sails Guaranteed Wonderful Jewelry Bargains 11 Plush CoaH Saalattt Plash Casts Sealette Plash Coais J/S* G«des are guaranteed « perfect satisfaction. A w I Alterations Free U r lir A mrm 11/„ -mm ■ Gol<l Killed l.avmilcrea—Exquisite LEATHER HAND BAG SPECIAL IBy Expert Fitters and WOftD tO lit ■w || C WOrtll tO l¥ wO Vt Ortll lO y" JU stvles, tlnishod with assorted In addition to an unusually large HiL t "'°" $22.50 $25.00 $35.00 Girls' Winter ksmsiistu^aw for ■•••••• for Benutlful <iu«runlrpd Brii(*lft» for See it for a i>i(f value. .... |k ■ WnniPn I? |m|a' \mM SmAam _ ... _ ... . . __ . , _ lallSlTC the choicest new styles, absolutely Ivory Toilet Seta, in pretty lined wins "inter Six Big Special Lots of Women s and Misses Suits UUdls 5rK e s d ecr f 2t r <i?c a h rß an 0 i M b r^ o r^ t oVooo "* ■ Ciino 0 in 1 A Vnorr hinges. Special. 4Ne t0... 9*-ifV new styles 70t lO JIV.UU ■ $15.00 Suits for Women and Misses. $32.50 Suits for Women and Misses. $35.00 to $40.00 Suits for Women L 10 14 T6alS 8 .flftiC Xmas Carnival tf»o T C Xmas Carnival fr 1 A A/1 and Misses. Xmas rf»o a<j r The Newent i-ririidHhip Broodiest ivory I'le.e* n« JAn Price $8.75 Price $14.00 Carnival Price $14.75 Au At « bu <^t 0 o n n" i ? 1 t o'^k^. 0 e f t<r nTbß, fi,eß • Sizes 2to 14 Years All the best colors, models and Some fur trimmed, others plain Chieflv one and two of a kind. , . . , IA . fi : 7r>c tailored, in all sizes and colors. Velvet Suits Broadcloth Suits Poih • Baby Xerklacfn with little gold Fancy Work Ho*cm, lit tod with a AU at Economy Prices Ba „ sl „ sm „ Womm W — TH-mi ECOUOfliy PnC6S .T. 69c_ IWoruT °.';t ™ n fr »3°w 2'. "«k "" Xra " Hid no"» slß.so omr »..w P1»1| und F«r Tn™m.d ~ p. nn ramivfli ph $1 RQ Carnival Price olT*l/If Besides the re<rular sizes this in- * * Suits for Women and Misses. coats. Economy Carni- nr r 9 A t T A y c " Rovealing the best of tailoring eludes extra larpe sizes from 37 to Xmas Carnival $// 'yf) val Price $0.95 GirlS DrGSSGS fit AtHSZillff LOW o Neweot etyles and materials; si7.es and making.. Choose from black, 53. All the newest models, fabrics. Prt c « <P 1 M •«/(/ Pl„ s ii coats with fur collars, sizes VTII *0 1/iCOOCO J . ® . -to 14 years. navy and browns. Sizes 37 to 53. colors and sizes. Latest styles, all colors and si/.eß. 2to 6 years. XfilflS £Collooiy Girls. Economy Carnival 0o s Jr Six Big Special Lots of Women's and Misses' Coats I 1 vearH. 11 o j r j s . pj. e tty New Wash Dresses, Girls* Wool Serge Dresses, Worth I I Price $3.7 D m«.oo Winter Coats for Women and $1 1.00 Winter Coats for Women and S*JS.OO Winter Coats for Women and boat's o </ » VvaTPrice'°'TPrice'°' EcOUOmy 93C COn ° m> $2.89 f'~ « °»*»>S4 95 sr- xm " C '" M $9 so "?r *»» «"»•• sl7 so . $5.95 szzz \Hr«chHn nnd Corrinrov. l ' lT ' amb - Pnce Price o*7•dv val price, . . tpi iuOU Corduroys. mixtures, z.ibelines, galatoa, prettilv trimmed. models in a variety of uewest trim- Astracnan ana ( oraurov-s. Variety of new colors and all Wide assortment of choice new Smart mixtures, also plain colore lnode | ed mhli all ~o i o rs> Bi?iCß 2 * roing oflceta. .50.50 Winter Coats for Girls. sizes. models in all colors and sizes. 00< "' ','4 . brMlin? «*n W«» « S . Dresses, | | onomy C.irnival q r SIO.OO Winter Coata for Women and sao.OO Winter Coats for Women and SIB.OO Winter Coats for Women and Girls' $10.50 Plush Coats. Econ- omv Cnrnival Price $1.95 Worth to $7.50. Econ- JQQ nce Misses. Xmas Carnival rj r Misses. Xmas Cami- 1 J f\fk Misses. Xmas Carni- Af * ri\ omy Carnival d»Q f\r Intent stvles ni'celv made and omy Carnival Price, .. VT.OJf A wide variety of styles and fab- Price SO./D val Price SI4.UU val Price sll .OU Price VO.itD ' trimmed; Attractive new models, com rif-s. Assorted colors. .Sizes 2 to 14 The.latest models in all colors and Fashiou's newest fabrics in all Classy effects in all the new colors Quilted lining, button to ueclt; bination trimmed, well made, years. sizes. styles, colors and sizes. and sizes. sizes 6to 9 years. New Corduroy Dresses for Girls, Girls' Taffeta and Crepe de Chine 1^^ m Worth $4.00. Economy Art jf Silk Dresses, Worth to SIB.OO. Carnival Price, Economy Carnival &10 Cfl ' """i - ~~~ N r \ /""" 1 ■ ~f Sizes Bto 14 years, great va- Price tp 1 £ .QU v . _ . The Daintiest of New Pretty New Kimonos Women's Newest r ; et - v of colors. Aii the newest of Beautiful new styles, sizes Bto Xmas Economy Carnival Brings UndeimusUns at In the Economy Carnival Silk Hosiery I'"' 16 , Rare New Blouse Bargains Small Carnival Prices At Slashed Prices at Special Economy Prices ; » ® Ladies' Pretty New Gowns, Boxed Women's Flannelette and Crepe a Pairs of Ladies' Lisle Thread Hose Hundreds of the Finest Gloves for I "flit" Wnmon for CWftSi Worth AO Kimonos 111 a Box * Extra Ai tit| ___ _ iui n uiiicii to $1.50 ifoc special for, box oi.i/v Wntnpri Priced Women's Orgsndi. s„d Q(% A He,, „„UI„ ,t,,e,. „i ß h „H'oc"' T\ ■ *lf 7 , A B9c ri: iZ E ~> U Dunng the Great Economy Carnival Wonderful values, all sizes, in a lot of cut K cnerous 'y fill. All sizes. Women's Flannelette Kimonos cial 4oC t J( , , , ... /•L pretty lace and embroidery styles. Uo™ elaborate styles at $1.23 _ oj „ /K>/ LaflieS Kid UIOVCS S Jr to $2.45 for gowns worth $1.75 to Full length, beautiful patterns, satin 2 Pairs of Fine Silk Stock- QJ" . Duplex Gloves, / J\. tiW-s New Shadow Lace and Crepe -4 $3.50. trimmed, worth $2.00. d* J jr ings. Extra Special for ... WC Worth SI.OO a Pair. /mK^ WOrtll SI.Zt) X_ v ; A\' A de Chine Blouses, $3 Value. JS I Hi) Vast Variety of New White Under- Economy Carnival Price, .. V i .TTv i .„ii„„j i,„i Economy Carnival Price, „ fiiti tzr\ Economy Carnival Price, . skirta for women WnrtJT A « These have high apliced heel, don- *\ Frnnnmv fqrntVJll fl Jr l: Including fine nets in a bewildering ar- $1 50 ' 9 8c Women's Fancy Silk Full-length ble sole and toe; black and colors; RQr ■!* I Si. rf'teli Ifrlß rav new styles, colors and sizes. j, ' '' '' ' Kimonos all sizes. Pfjrg "P liil! i rSre3feaaf|* T Pretty embroidery flounce feature Good wash- V*r- < * 1 Fussy Willow Taffeta Silk A of good muslin, latest style, also »'ew patterns, all colors, worth Children's Good Serviceable Stock- al)lo uradeH . 'lM\ n - P /' Blouses for Women. Econ- 2K /> Mh lace effects. All have underlay. All $5.00. Kconomy Carnival Art QC Ings. Extra Special values at 10c, verv service- ■■ Vil RQc 2 omy Carnival Price J 06 .UD _ 12iic and 15c a pair. able and <lnr I \| . f \ Also crepe de fthine. Georgette crepe ' ■ able; white, 1 / In all the leading > l.'- nets, a multitude of different new black and gray. j shades blsck; two- Lovely New $5.00 Blouses for Handsome New Blouses for ! Wjrjf ¥ ||l Mill O |||r ! 1 "' sritching!" ° f " eat Oarolval Ec ° n ° m7 Ec ° n ° my 1 f WE'iJW ijJOf Ladles' Kid Gloves, Worth $1.75. Ladies' Kid Gloves. New $2.25 ST ax rii|||ii|iiii!i|}ttip|Pjft 1 ||l|i[ °£ sr"™ sus sxtJrr.^sus net crepe de chine silks are the Simply unmatchable for beauty 111 f MBninliyituP'"!^ 9 a t>. -» V, , * j Perfeet fitting and wearing, in a Georgette silks; all sires and and style; all the season's most Hik |L||l ! jKII kN I i)l jjMII jlfmoJl 311 HI It jP|N I Fwj «!| B I]«•;! sj| w M sizes, in black and colors; lot. of new colors and colored st.itch eolors. desirable effects and sizes. 1 S |a iS IKH ■*! ILIV JLyni : Ijll fine perfect fitting kid gloves, in ing combinations; nil sizes, black ■ ,
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