4 SEE Mr. and Mrs. Homer Watson and son, Theodore Watson of Brooklyn are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Luther M. Watson of Market street for a few days. Remedy Prescribed by Many Doctors Compound of Simple Laxative j Herbs Proves Most Efficient. Dr. W. A. Evans, writing for the j • ihlcagro Tribune, makes the assertion that practically everyone, at some time or .jother, suffers from constipation. This applies regardless of age or con- 1 ditlon of life. The congestion of stomach waste In ! ihe bowels is evidenced In various ways; bloat, eructation of foul stom ach gases, sick headache, langour, all indicate constipation, and call for prompt attention, not only to relieve the present discomfort but also to avoid possible disease that follows neglect of this important function. Harsh cathartics and violent purga- ' tlves should not be employed, as these afford only temporary relief, while they serve to shock the entire system. A mild laxative such as Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin is far preferable and is now the remedy generally used and prescribed by many doctors. It is free from opiate or narcotic drugs, ; acts easily and pleasantly, without griping or other pain and Is a safe, effective family remedy. Air. Chas. Schell. 132 Church St., ; Grenada, Miss., writes that he found relief himself by using Dr. Caldwell's | 185° '^fll9ls BEARING in mind that almost everywhere one shops, one sees the usual kind of goods, we have gathered together this year the largest stocks we have ever had of good? that are different Men's and Women's Jewelry IN THE BEAUTIFUL New Green Gold UNUSUAL GIFTS IN CRYSTAL AND SILVERWARE What would it mean to you to receive a gift that came from Boas' ? C. R. BOAS - 214-216 MARKET STREET JEWELER SILVERSMITH Seemingly Snatched From the Very Jaws of Death Expels Probably the Longest Tapeworm Ever Seen Here She Followed the Health Teachers Advise. See the Result. Miss Esther Hiekernell of Middletown, Pa., a few days ago was in a dangerously critical condition, now she is well. Was it not fortunate that she called on the Health Teacher at Croll Keller's drug store? Another life saved by that most wonderful of all remedies, Quaker Herb Extract, assisted by the Quaker Worm remedy. This assertion may not be generally believed but Just read the following particulars and you will agree that this young lady Will have cause all during her life to be grateful for the simply astounding results she received from the Quaker treatment recommended to her by the Health Teacher at Croll Keller drug store, No. 406 Market street, only a few days ago. It did not require months or weeks to accomplish this cure, It did not require long fasting, starving or dieting; it did not require the administration of enor mous quantities of sickening purgatives; it did not require the attendance of a doctor; but it only required a few hours without any particular prep arations for the Quaker treatment to force from the young lady's system probably the longest tapeworm ever seen hero or elsewhere, and thus saved her from a terrible death. 80 that any person who might wish to Investigate these strong asser tions may do so without much difficulty, here are complete particulars. The young lady's name is Esther Hiekernell, she lives at No. 155 Sus quehanna street, Middletown, Pa. She is 21 years of age. Her father is Mr. S. 8. Hiekernell, the well known carpenter, who is an old resident of Middletown. For over I years this young lady suffered from the tortures of a tapeworm. Treatment obtained locally and outside cities failed to produce any results. Doctors admitted their failure in the successful treatment of this particular case. Finally it was resolved a few days ago to visit the Health Teacher at Croll Keller drug store and learn what he had to say. He recommended the Quaker treatment and so sure wag he that this treatment would produce the required results that he said: "If TUESDAY EVENING, Miss Mary Bell Willis and Miss Sadie Willis have returned home to Germantown after a short stay with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Maxwell of State street. JM-W an.. . sSSSs.. K jfflfty.. i üß^lrM Mlt. CHAS. SfHKM. Syrup Pepsin and now keeps it on hand for family use. A bottle of Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin should have a place In every family medicine chest, A trial bottle can be obtained, free of charge, by writing to Dr. W. B. Cald well, 454 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois. Katherine May Frick, 16, to Give Birthday Party With a unique party to n number of her friends in a nearby ice cream par lor, Katherine May Frick, the deaf, <1 limb and blind daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Frick. 94 North Seven teenth street, will celebrate her six teenth birthday Thursday at the Penn sylvania Institute for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind at Mount Airy. It will be a unique party because Miss Frick's guests will be Grace Pearl. 17 years old, deaf, dumb and totally blind, and a number of other student friends from the Mount Airy school, where Miss Frick is a student as a ward of the State of Pennsylvania. The little deaf, dumb and blind girl has been a student at the institution for seven years and is now able to speak in clear, distinct and perfectly modulated tones. She is able to carry on a conversation with anyone. Instead of answering in the sign language the questions that are spelled into her hands or that she gathers with her delicate fingers from the lips of her questioner or from the vibrations of the throat of the speaker, she replies in words that ring out clearly and that are marvels of enunciation consider ing that she is totally deaf and has not heard a word uttered since her baby days. Mrs. Charles Hannan of Second and Pine streets and her niece, Miss Caro lyn Reiley are home after a little trip to Philadelphia where they witnessed the Penn-Cornell game. Mr. and Mrs. Phoebus Hartley of Chicago left for home this morning after a short visit among friends In this city. Miss Kathleen Hoge of Rochester. X. Y., is visiting her cousin. Miss N'elle Green of Penn street for the week. Miss Catherine Fair and Miss Helen Fair of Cincinnati started for their home to-day after spending the Thanksgiving holidays among friends and relatives in this vicinity. Frederic C. Martin and Newell"'Al bright are home after a pleasure trip to New York City. Miss Amy K. Halfpenny has return ed to Overbrook after spending a brief vacation with her parents in this city. Miss Ha:;el West and Miss Laura West of Tyrone were recent guests of their aunt. Mrs. George Thornton of Market street. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stowell and small son, Kenneth Stowell left this morning for their Pittsburgh home after spending two weeks with rela tives In this city. How's This? We offer Ore Hundred Dollars Regard for or. case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, hare known F. J Cheuey for the last 18 years, and believe h'.n perfectly honorable In all bUMlnes* transaction* and llnancially able to carry out any obligati >ni mude by bis Arm. NAT. BANK OF COMMENCE. Toledo, Ohio. flail's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials s«nt free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Ball's Family Fills for constipation. Piw Strengthens the system. bolide 09 the body and acta as a gentle laxative, driv ing Impurities oat of the system. That BEST FOR COLDS £>Lher Uickerucn this Quaker treatment does not produce the required results within a day, no charge will be made for it. Could any living person suggest more honest or liberal terms? Miss Hiekernell took the treatment, carefully following directions and, lo and behold! in less than 3 hours afterwards she expelled the monster tapeworm complete with head. It was indeed a monster. At that moment her life was saved. This cure spread like wild-fire and created much ex citement at Middletown. She is now being congratulated on all sides for her narrow escape from death. All who wish may see the monster parasite at her home and when you see It you will wonder how she really could have lived as long a* she did with such a beast thriving in her sys tem.. She and all her people at home will also cheerfully certify that her cure is due to the Quaker treatment and nothing else. What do all ths great cures mean? Why are they published? They mean that the Quaker remedies can be relied upon, that they actually give results even after all other remedies have failed. These cures in other words creeate confidence in the remedies. Therefore act quickly. If you are a sufferer from rheu matism, catarrh or stomach trouble*, indigestion, constipation, kidney or bladder complaints, impure blood or bad circulation call today, do not losa another moment, and learn tbout these wonderful Quaker remedies. Thn Health Teacher can be seen at Croll Keller drug store. No. 405 Market street daily from 8.10 a. m. to 9p. m. If you cannot call order by mall and on receipt of price the remedies will be sent to you promptly. Quaker Herb Extract. S bottles for $2.50. Oif of Balm 50c, Quaker Kidney Pills These special remedies cannot be obtained in any other store in Har rlsburg. Remember the place, Keller's drug store, No. 405 Market St. —Adv, HARRISBURG ftfjftflg TELEGRAPH fersonal^sSo^3 HOLIDAY DANCING I TO BE A FEATURE Among the Christmas Pleas ures Will Be Dance of the Marquis Club Among: the pleasure of the Chrlst mas season, none will be more en joyed than the large dances planned by various clubs and private indi viduals. One of the larger balls, eagerly anticipated, is that of the Marquis club, to be held Wednesday evening December 29. at Winterdale. This will take place of the usual Triangle dance which has been inde finitely postponed. The Palm Beach Orchestra of Car lisle, Carl Stouffer leader, has been secured, and all who have attended the Mount Holly Park dances and the Carlisle balls, know well that means the best of music. The committee on arrangements in cludes Edward Moore, Richard Heasy and Clarence L. Miller. The invita tions will not be oiU, for a week or so. f Reception and Dance to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Woods Mr. and Mrs. Jesse E. B. Cunning ham of North Second street are Is suing invitations to-day for a recep tion and dance on Tuesday evening, December 14, at Masonic Hall. Third and State streets, to meet Mrs. | Marchand and the Secretary of the j Commonwealth and Mrs. Cyrus E. Woods. The Weber orchestra will i play. ! Secretary and Mrs. Woods with Mrs. [ Marchand,'Mrs. Wood's mother, will arrive here from Greensburg on Wed | nesday, to spend the winter. They [ have leased from Mrs. Meade D. Det [ weiler her residence at 23 South I Front street. | Miss Jennie Lenore Fry has re turned to her studies at Millersvlile [Normal school after a visit with I her grandparents at 217 Reily street. i Harold Leidy, of Sunbury. has re- I turned home, after a visit, with DeWitt i Gable, 2022 Derry street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Coxeter have returned home to Pittsburgh, after spending a fortnight with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coxeter, 2032 Susque hanna street. Miss Rebecca Cortland and Miss Marie Cortland of Utica, N. Y„ are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Gaines of State street for ten days. Miss Lucia Spangler of Rochester, N. Y., is visiting Miss Hannah Farmer of Market street. Miss Grace Lee Rodgers left this morning for her Cleveland, Ohio home after a short visit with her sister. Mrs. Emeline Rodgers Walters of North Third street. ' William Minster Kunkel of the | Johns Hopkins University returned : after a visit with his parents. Judge I and Mrs. George Kunkel of 601 North Front street. Charles L. Bailey, 111, and William Seiler Bailey have resumed their stud ies at Chestnut Hill Academy, Phila delphia, after spending the Thanks giving recess with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bailey of 2103 North Third street. Miss Sarah Fullerton Hastings of 119 West State street has returned I home after a visit with Miss Cather ine Rodgers of Chestnut street, Phila | delphia. | Miss Marion Strouse has resumed i her studies at Irving College after spending some time at the home of her parents, 1630 North Second street. Edward Lapp has resumed his stud ies at the Harrisburg Academy after spending a vacation at his home in New York City. MlSses Elizabeth and Dorothy Shoe maker of North Second street have re sumed their studies at Penn Hall, Chambersburg, after spending the 'Thanksgiving vacation with their par i ents. ! Lester Shaffer with his house guest, Gerneo Leon Onofre Castolls, students jat the Harrisburg Academy, have re- I sumed their studies after a brief vaca 'tion at the former's home in Cham t bersburg. She Took Quaker Herb Ex tract and it Saved Her Life. Excellent Program For Tomorrow's D. A. R. Meeting One of the most attractive numbers ; of the program prepared for the De- | crmber meeting of Harrisburg chap- I ter. Daughters of the American Revo- : lution at Y. M. C. A. hall to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, will be the readings by Mrs. Carl D. Fogg, an artist of exceptional ability. Mrs. Fogg will present a cutting from "The Bird's Christmas Carol" and an orlgl : nal composition on the Christinas j idea. : A quartet from the Camp Hill Music Club will give a Christmas carol and ■ Mrs. Harry J. Beck will sing a Christ - ! mas song. Mrs. Joseph A. Thompson, | of Paxtang, will speak of the recent; ; State D. A. R. conference at Pitts- 1 | burgh and Mrs. Charles J. Wood, Jr., j | the historian, will have a little Christ mas souvenir for each member. Guests ; I are invited. Mt. Gretna Sewing Club Meets With Mrs. Quigley 1 One of the pleasantest of meetings lis anticipated for the Mount Gretna Sewing Club this evening with Mrs. J. X. Quigley at her Boas street home. Into club, which includes many of the ladies of this vicinity who summer at the popular resort, has on its member ship list Mrs. Edward F. Bauni. Miss j Hannah Lauer. Mrs. Alvin 1. Miller, Mrs. Samuel Segelbaum. Miss Jennie Porter, .Miss P.onialne Smith. Mrs. Carl Hummel. Mrs. J. K. Bummel, Mrs. ■ McCarrell. Miss Daisy Sheafter, the j Misses Emma i>nd Maiie Eves, of Mid- I dletown: .Mrs A. T. Hubley, Mrs. Lvle ; Quigley, Mrs. Fr St rock, Mrs. Mary , Cook. Mrs. lid «i L. Rinkonbach, ! Mrs. Ellen Airs. M. L. Golden, : Mrs. Anna Bacon, Mrs. Luther Welzer, | Mrs. Bella Walters. Mrs. John C. Har j lacker, Mrs. Edward E. Ewlng. Mrs. Emma Seibert. Mrs. Harvey Burke, Mrs. Thomas Beidleman, Mrs. W. F. 'Richardson. Mrs. Herbert G. Terry, Mrs. W. O. Smith, Mrs. Morris Craig i low. Mrs. James D. Hawkins, Mrs. Yount, Airs. George Hutman. Mrs. | John Shelly. Mrs. J. X. Quigley and . Miss Lillian Quigley. MISS HATZ ENTERTAINS AT CARDS AND A SUPPER Miss Blanche Hatz delightfully en tertained at cards at. her home. 50 | North Thirteenth street. Those pres i ent were the Misses Miriam Burrows, | Ella Morrow. Margaret Welsh, Mar i garet Weisman and Dorothy Schmidt, I Reed Shuey, George Stewart, James Fltsspatrick, Mr. Lutss, Bruce MacGre ! gor and Louis MacGregor, of Carlisle. | FINK WORKING MUSICALE OF THE WEDNESDAY CLUB A most attractive program has been ; arranged for the working musicale of the Wednesday Club held to-nior | row morning at Fahnestock hall. The , subject, "Style of Compositions and of | Songs," will be interpreted by the I following members: Miss Bennethum, Miss Middatigh, Miss Whitman. Mrs. 1 Hull, Miss Fleming, Mrs. Bumbaugh, j Miss Sara Lemer, Miss Snavelv. Miss Kendig, Mrs. Cumbler, Miss Helcher I and the club chorus, directed by Miss : Ruth S. Conkllng. ATTEND FUNERAL AT HALIFAX Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank Milleisen of 707 Norui Third street were at MiU ersburg, Pa., yesterday, attending the funeral of the latter's nephew, Mr. j Snyder of Middletown, whose body i was taken to that place for burial. Carl F. Laubenstein of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania Graduate School, has resumed his work after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. j Laubenstein at 328 South Sixteenth j street. Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Bingaman j and Fred Stone of North Second I street, are home after an automobile trip and visit with Mrs. Bingaman's | father, Elisha B. Stone at Morgan- I town. W. Va., where they saw a big | football game. Mrs. William Brown of 1327 Derry ! street entertained sixteen members of | the Ladies' Sewing club of the Stevens i Memorial Methodist church last eve i ning. | Mrs. Charles W. Reinoehl and Nel ! son A. Reinoehl of Steelton and Miss I Reinoehl of 801 Green street, were in Lebanon Monday to attend the funeral of their cousin, Jacob Eby Reinoehl. MISS SAWYER'S RECITAL Miss Helen E. Sawyer, organist of the Fourth Reformed church will give an organ recital in the church Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock, assisted by Mrs. Roy G. Cox, soprano soloist of the Pine Street Presbyterian church. Mrs. George H. Brown of 125 State I street and her niece, Miss Elizabeth , Hobart, left to-day for Michigan to | visit for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Speas of 1354 State street have returned home after spending the Thanksgiving holidays in New York and Newark, N. J. Mrs. D. B. Kieffer and daughter, Goldte, of Mfddletown spent Sunday with Miss Elizabeth Hatz at 50 Nortii Thirteenth street. Mrs. J. H. Lynch of 80 North Seven teenth street visited her mother, Mrs. Sarah Keys in West Fairvlew over Sunday. ANNOUNCE JUNE WEDDING Miss Viola Black and William Bick hart surprised their friends by an nouncing their marriage which took place at Baltimore. Md., June 8, 1915. They are now "At Home" to their friends, at 435 PefCer street. THANKSGIVING GUESTS Miss Esther Wcngert of 1827 Mar ket street, entertained the following guests during the Thanksgiving vaca tion: Miss Emma M. Shaffer, of Mon toursville, Pa.; Miss Evelyn Brokay, of Williamsport; Miss Ruth Nicsley and Miss Barbara Hertzler of Car lisle. Mr. and Mrs. George Henry Sheaffer of Paxtang, announce the birth of a son, William Elmer Sheafter, Tuesday, Novemben 30, 1915. Mrs. Sheafter was Miss Ruth Hetrlck, prior to her marriage. ■* Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Grubb of 1917 Penn street announce the birth of a daughter, Caroline Euseba Grubb, Monday, November 22, 1915. Mr. and Mrs C. Lloyd Pleam an nounce the birth of a daughter, Anna Margaret Pleam, Thursday, November 25, 1915. Mrs. Pleam prior to her marriage was Miss Anna Fisher of Whitehall street. Dr. and Mrs. William P. Henry, of Everett. Pa., announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Elizabeth Henry. Mrs. Henry was formerly Miss Bertha Blayne Herring, of the Central High School faculty. NOVEMBER 30, 1015. LADIES' BAZAAR DON'T FORGET | a IOC i.i Q. DON'T FORGET THE NUMBER lv-J* O. 4ttl 01. THE NUMBER "We AJTCIUM the Troll*—The Trath Advertises U«" Stylish, Comfortable Outer Apparel For Chilly Weather Some rare values are to be snapped up right now at this store. Prices that mean a saving of a full third have been put upon many coats and suits that typify the utmost in style, fabric and shade. An Inspection will convince you. sls to $35 $7.98 to S4O SUITS COATS $9.75 to $24.98 $4.98 to $29.98 ALTERATIONS FREE > / „ Wednesday Special Wednesday Special $1.50 Corsets, 69f $ 2 -98 Skirts, $1.59 R. &G. Special and Thorn- , Navy poplin skirts, of excel son's Glove-fitting Corsets, new | J 01 }; Qua 11 ty, late model with models, front and back lace, $1 „ patch pockets, limited and $1 50 values' special /!f\ v ; $2.98 values: special ana »i.s>u \aiues, special gg Wednesday while thev«l PQ Wednesday only last, choice ipI.DS/ Colonel and Mrs. Finney Return From California Colonel and Mrs. Maurice E. Fin ney of North Front street are home after spending seevral weeks in the West. Colonel Finney was a dele gate from this city, to the National Guard Association which held its con vention at San Francisco, and after the sessions, he and Mrs. Finney vis ited both expositions and many points of interest in that vicinity. Returning they stopped at the Grand Canyon, Arizorva," and among the other beauties and wonders seen were the Petrified Forest and the Painted Desert. Mrs. Samuel C. Todd of Pine street and her guest, Miss Lucy Todd of Brownsville are going to Philadelphia to-morrow to remain for two or three days. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer F. Graham have gone home to WeStlands after spending the Thanksgiving holidays among relatives in this vicinity. Miss Helen Watkins of Pittsburgh is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Leroy Fitz patrick of Market street, this week. Miss Josephine Hull, an Irving Col lege student, was a Thanksgiving guest of the Misses Gertrude and Cas sandra Musser of Washington Heights. Miss Jennie M. Mum ma Is homo af ter a week-end visit with Dr. and Mrs. John U. Hobach at Llanarch. Miss Elizabeth Earnest, a student of St. Joseph's Academy, Danville, has returned to her studies after spending the Thanksgiving holidays with her mother at 618 Verbeke street. (Other Personals Page 14.) jj j m «»«»».»••> •«* HI •««••• •••••• » •-1- • • jj 11» 111 place of tea or coffee, j 1 1 drink j i HUYLER'S COCOA ! 11l ; for breakfast, lunch or dinner. v! Huyler's Cocoa is a food—very nutri- \ ' jj!! 1 ;;' tious and easily digested. It does not ; ! stimulate or affeet the nerves as do >j| ! coffee and tea, and is splendid for 1 children as well as adults. •; H I | fj— £ j ill: COCOA I I j•* • . I I At Leading Grocers • * I h • i 1 • Huyler's Candy,like Huyler's Cocoa, * is supremely good * !'.• ii Electrical Prosperity Week Specials Wednesday—Lamp Day Special prices apply only to packages of lamps— Five lamps in each package. ltog. Price Wed. Price 5 25 watt Mazda Lamps $1.35 900 5 40 watt Mazda Lamp 5....... $1.35 90<? 560 watt Mazda Lamps $1.35 $1.20 s—loo watt Mazda Lamps $2.65 $2.15 5 —150 watt Mazda Lamps $4.75 $3.45 Take advantage of these prices and replace your old carbon lamps with Edison Mazda Lamps. They give you three times the light you can get from the carbon lamps, at the same cost. Thursday—Cleaner Day. Harrisburg Light and Power Co. Central High Club Girls Have Special Meeting Miss Alverda Hertaler, the president of the Central High Club Girls of th« A., has called a special meet ing of the club for to-morrow after noon at 5 o'clock at the Association Building', Fourth and Walnut streets Every member is wanted at this ses sion to complete plans for the bin parly to be held on Thursdav even ing. PARCEL POST SALE A parcel post sale will be held bj the members of J. W. Barker's Sumlaj school class in Stevens Memoriai Methodist Church this evening at 7.;5<' o'clock. All parcel post packages will be 10 cents. Everybody welcome. SMAIJi INFORMAL LUNCHEON HELD AT CLENDENIN TO-I>AY Another of the pleasant social event) in honor of Mrs. Arthur K. Em mom of Dover, Mass.. who is visiting is town, was an informal little luncheon to-dav at Clendenin, River Koad, with Sirs. Carl AVillis Davis, the hostess. In attendance were Mrs. William < 1 Hickok, Mrs. Arthur B. Emmons, Mrs Frances Torrington, Mrs. Walter P. Maguire, Mrs. Orville Hickok and Mrs Davis. Emerson Metzger, a student at tin I-larrisburg Academy, has returned from AVarren, Pa., where he spent tin holiday vacation at his honie. DeForest, lescure and Charles Hon ton have returned to Lafayette Cob lege, after a brief visit at their homef in this city.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers