Peruna is an excellent stomachic. It stimulates the stomach in its natural functions. It acts as a gentle laxative also, and in i this way enables the stomach and digestive organs to rise to the emergency of the extra work thrown upon them during the month of November. A few doses of Peruna dur ing the early days of Novem ber would undoubtedly save a great many people from the horrors of dyspepsia. It is an excellent remedy. It should be in every home, in order to en able the digestive organs to adjust themselves to the differ ences of diet For Summer and Winter «■ TREATY IN OPERATION Washington, D. C.. Nov. 30.—The new Haitien treaty, by which the i'nited States extends a broad financial protectorate over the island republic, now is in operation under a modus vivendl which has been signed by the \merican minister and the Haitien secretary of foreign affairs. This tem porary arrangement will continue until the United States Senate has an opportunity to consider the treaty, which already lias been ratified by the Haitien government. MILLIONS USE IT TO STOP A COLD "Pape's Cold Compound" ends severe colds or grippe in few hours. Relief comes instantly. A dose taken every two hours until three doses are taken will end grippe misery and break up a severe cold either in the head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens clogged-up nos trils and air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or nose run ning. relieves sick headache, dullness, feverlshness. sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Dont stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffing: Ease your throbbing head: Nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound, which costs only 25 cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, causes no in convenience. Be sure you get the genuine.—Advertisement. AMUSEMENTS If you want to see a rag. a bone and a hank of hair turned into a charmingly dressed girl see The Fashion Shop AT THE Majestic Theater Pretty models draped to suit all tastes. FOUR OTHER RFITn HITS Matinee daily. 2:30, 10c and Isc. Evenings, 7:30 to 11, continuous, 10c. 15c and 25c Saturday evenings the show starts at 6:30 and runs continu ously until 11. Come any time be fore 9:30, and you will see the entire show. ~—————' AMUSEMENTS ' ' 1 l-'mli I •-• I - loll!) II . . ~ 111 I |N 4 Oil KM, IHI.K DI'KANK." I*iirnmonnt. To-morrow anil ThurNilny l>nnlH Frohnmn Presents the fasrlnfltinK HBIM-1 Dane, an "CLARISSA." I'urn mount. v ADMISSION—AduIts, 10c( Children, Be. At the Royal Theater 1205 NORTH THIRD STREET Another big Fox feature—"A SONG OF HATE," showing: J to-night, featuring BETTY NANCY, the greatest star known ' on the moving picture stage to-day. Don't Miss Seeing This Picture To-day. ADMISSION— 10c; Children under 12 years, sc. AMUSEMENTS A MUSEM ENTS ~ Triangle Came—Triangle Conquered! All That Was Promised in Triangle Film Plays Was Realized AND OVER 3,500 PERSONS ENJOYED EVERY MINUTE OF THEM Same Program To-day and To-morrow DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "The Lamb" A Drama With a Tremendous Punch RAYMOND HITCHCOCK Mabel Normand, Mack Sennett and Fred Mace in "My Valet" A three-reel comedy with a thousand laughs TUESDAY EVENING, CUNNINGHAM TO REPRESENT STATE Will Tell What Pennsylvania Is Doing in the Way of High way Development Stale Highway Commissioner Cun ning-ham and Chief Engineer Uhler will leave here Sunday night for Chi cago where they will attend the an nual meeting of the American Associa tion of State Highway Officiuls to be held in the La Salle Hotel on Decem ber 8 and 9. Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Uhler will go from here to Mil waukee where they will spend Mon day in inspecting some concrete high ways near that city. They will return to Chicago on Tuesday and will at tend the morning and afternoon ses sions remaining for the sessions on Wednesday. Henry G. Shirley is president of the asociation and will preside at Tues day morning's session at which the other speakers will be William D. Schler of Massachusetts and E. A. Stevens of New Jersey, Lamar Cobb, of Arizona, Thomas H. Mac Donald, of lowa will preside at the afternoon ses sion at which -the speakers will be A. B. Fletcher of California, W. S. Falliss, A. D. Williams, of West Vir ginia, E. R. Morgan of Utah, George P. Coleman and Logan Waller Page of the United States office of Public Roads and Rural Engineering. On Wednesday morninp W. S. Keller of Alabama will preside and the speakers will be J. E. Pennybacker of Washington, D. C., H. G. Shirley of Maryland. Thomas H. Mac Donald and S. E. Bradt. of Illinois. George W. Cooley of Minnesota will preside at the afternoon session on Wednesday, which will be addressed by Joseph Hyde Pratt of North Carolina. 2,500 Villa Troops Are Trying to Join Bandera By Associated Press Topolobampo. Mexico. Nov. 30 (by radio to San Diego, Cal.). —Carranza forces again have opened communi cation between Guaymas and Hermo sillo, the capital of Sonora state, and General Dieguez is endeavoring to in tercept 2,500 Villa troops supposed to be heading through Southern Sonora in an attempt to join General Ban dera, the Villa commander in North ern Sinaloa. according to advices re ceived here to-day. Fear of an attack by Indians on the American settlers in the Yaqui Valley has increased, as all but fifty troops have been withdrawn from that vicin ity to participate in the Carranza cam paign to the north. MANY FATALITIES IN MINNESOTA By Associated Press Duluth, Minn.. Nov. 30.—Hunters returning here from the woods declare the present big game season in North ern Minnesota is an extraordinarily good one and that more moose and deer have been shot this Fall than in many years previous. Several boys met death through carelessness. A farmer was shot by a hunter who thought him a deer. Two hunters fell off ogs and were killed by their own guns in the fall. Another hunter was kicked out of a canoe by his shotgun and drowned. A Mother's Peace. If every expectant mother would get Mother's Friend from her drug gist and would apply this wonderful external remedy and valuable help as directed, she would soon experience comfort and peace of mind. For many years this time-tried remedy has been used and strongly endorsed by experi enced mothers, for it is the one safe, dependable remedy that penetrates to relieve all strain on nerves, cords, lig aments and all parts involved. It makes the muscles expand naturally and stops pain.—Advertisement. AMUSEMENTS AT THE • COLONIAL with special music by concert orchestra directed by Mr. Herman Yeager. 11 to 6—sc and 10c 6 to 11—10 c and 15c Box seats reserved in advance at a quarter. Complete Change of Bill Thursday. BULLER ORDERS FILTERS PUT IN Commissioner of Fisheries Se cures Patents For State on the Newest Device Ali of the State's fish wardens have been summoned to Ilarrisburg by Commissioner of Fisheries N. K. Duller for special instructions in the campaign to check pollution of the streams by manufacturing plants and the results of the systematic inspec tion of streams which has been under way in the Susquehanna and Juniata valleys will be gone over. The State authorities will Insist upon the in stallation of filters and Is offering the use of a device made by Warden W. L. Albert, who designed it after years of practical experience and who has turned the patent rights over to the State. ! "The wardens will be given instruc j lions relative to this filter system which anyone can build and plans for ! which we are ready to furnish. We think it will end the pollution and ■ intend to make our campaign to stop | pollution of streams educational and j to ask the public, the mine operators | and the manufacturers to co-operate with us." said Commissioner N. Ft. ' Buller to-day. "Where it is necessary jwe will bring prosecutions and en j t'orc« the law to the letter, but we j hope to get results without that-" | The plan is for each warden to be I given a district and to take up each ! stream at a time, visiting each manu ! facturer or mine operator and giving i notice. This will be in addition to a j mail campaign in which manufacturers ' who have been given notice are asking for information and are being given plans. Most of these cases are in Western Pennsylvania. The immediate work will be done on the West Branch of the Susquehanna, Sinnemahoning, Toung Woman's, Slip | pery Rock, Cowanesque, Pine and i other streams, while mines in Hunt ingdon county and woolen mills in ! Berks which have been special offend j ers will be gone after. First Wedding Gift Is Sent to President Wilson Special to The Telegraph Cincinnati, 0., Nov. 30. Colonel John Shuff, postmaster of Cincinnati yesterday sent to President Wilson a beautiful vase and rose bowl, which will be the first wedding present to reach the President from this city, and will probably be among the first received from any part of the country. The articles are from Rookwood Pot tery, founded about 80 years ago by Mrs. Bellamy Slorer, wife of the for mer Ambassador to Austria-Hungary, j who is Congressman Nicholas Eons- I worth's aunt. The specimens of art pottery arc ] cream colored and of very artistic de ! sign and finish. They were designed j and executed by a special artist and ' special potter. The gifts were sent | directly to the White House. Camera Club Organized by Tech Enthusiasts Members of the Technical high school who are interested in the use of the camera met last evening and effected an organisation, to be known as the Camera Club. George Stark was elected president and Kenneth Stnrk vice-president. John Paul will hold the offices of secretary and treas i urer. The club will hold monthly ; meetings, at which time the camera i will be made a subject for study. Pro ! fessor W. P. Loomis, a member of the j faculty, will assist the students. FH4NCIS X. BUSHMAN AMI MAR. I OT'EHITE SNOW AT THE VICTORIA . TODAY ! In "The Silent Voice," just produced | and shown for the first time in this citv yesterday, Francis X. Bushman I finds a vehicle for the notable dra ! matlo gifts which have won for liim j the title of "Sovereign of the Screen." I among photoplaygoers everywhere, . that gives unusual range to his splen did artistic powers. In the role of the I talented voung musician, whom blind i fate seemingly seeks to crush under a weight of misfortune, he achieves a ' success which equals and in some re- I spects surpasses, all of his previous ef forts. Mr. Bushman is ably supported iby Marguerite Snow, the brilliant ' screen star: Frank Bacon, and an ex ceptionally well selected cast of screen i artists. "The Silent Voice is based on ; the plav of the same name In which ;Otis Skinner starred at the Liberty Theater in New York last season. Don't ' fall to see this wonderful production to-dav. To-morrow we present William ; Farnum, the highest-salaried film star in the world, in a superfine photoplay of love, sentiment and conquest—"The Broken Law." In the matter of artistry. I Mr Farnum has risen to unforeseen I heights in his delineation of the prin -1 ciple role of this remarkable silent ' drama—a drama that Is l>lg In theme, I big in talent and big in settings. Its breadth of appeal is greater than any romance yet produced.—Advertisement. TO LECTURE ON ITALY The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, pas •or of the Messiah Lutheran Church, will rive an illustrated lecture Thurs day night at 7.40 o'clock in the church. He will speak on -"Under Italian Skies." The lecture will be given un j der the auspices of the Intermediate Christian Endeavor Society. The talk j wil be unique and well illustrated. MEXICAN EXPORTS JCMP By Associated Press San Antonio, Texas. Nov. 20.—Ex ports to Mexico took a big jump the week of November 21 to 2< and con sisted chiefly of food and machinery, I according to figures made public to day by border ports of entry. AMUSEMENTS HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Founded Call 1991 The Basement Holiday flowing With Choice A WONDERFUL change took place during the rebuilding days. A new basement that speaks of modern appointment in its every detail welcomes holiday shoppers, and invites their judgment upon its vast rnas gift assortments of which it is justly proud. At this time we tell of only the many choice things in Fancy China and Cut Glass—temptingly arrayed in their rich cheery surroundings. Decorated China—On Every Gift List Contrary to general belief, German China has come to this country in abundance, and our present showing comprises a most wonderful collection of pieces that make gift choosing a simple task. Prices are In addition to German China we are showing an equally large assortment of hand decorated Japanese Nippon China. Tea sets, 17 pieces, at 51.98 to #7.50. Chocolate sets, six cups, six saucers and chocolate pot, #3.50 to $6.90. Ice Cream Sets, $3.50 and #3.90. Celerv sets. #1.69 and $1.75. Berry sets. $2.50, #2.90 and #3.50. Dresser sets, #1.98, $2.90 and #3.90. Nut sets. #2.39. Mayonnaise sets, 49?, 750 and 98?. Bonbon dishes, 49?, 75?, 98<> and #1.25. Home Pattern Days Holds Forth Another Splendid Inducement 250 Home Pattern Counter Books Will Be Given Away Free to the iirst two hundred and fifty women who visit the Pattern Department, beginning to morrow. It's the January, 1916, issue of 245 pages which includes every new Ladies' Home Journal pattern in every line of dress. The same books that are used on our pattern counter, known as a complete catalog and which sell for a quarter at all times. Come early—and in this way become better acquainted with these high grade patterns. First of Lecture Series on Applied Psychology Over 200 teachers of Harrisburg and vicinity were present last evening at the first of a scries of fifteen lectures to be given every Monday evening in tho Technical high school auditorium on the subject of "Applied Psychology" by Dr. G. C. Uasset, of the University of Pittsburgh. Superintendent Downes announced that 193 teachers of Harrisburg will take the course, while 20 will come AMVSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS COMIC OPERA— I M ■ ■LJP ImJ Li I I 1% MM I SIISICAL COMEDY— -BI'HLEiOCIC I M 111 I I I . 1 I IW E FAUCE COMEDY EDITH THAYER FMDAY DEC " In tkr melodloua comic open* Enacted by n Company of Specially Selected Jitw York Player* Return Engagement. THE FEASANT GIRL ,hr T,,n " u, opru " t,.h P a«t S >r r rj 7Z^r~ With a notable company Includln* A v \ 1 I i C o7i4?iV? F FRANK DESHOX nt these acnalble I T\ T GOOD Fl> i Jl I J ftl ALITI price*i asc, 54K-. 75c, 91.00, »IJM>. JB ■ ■ ■ ■ Thur. & Nukt Dec. 2 n\J LL L UNEXPECTED Bnrleaque'a Oreateat Attraction KEM.EY and DAMSEI.'S "A MLSICAI, TRIUMPH." A Karelal Play Adapted From the French l»y Mania l.eonard With r1 n 4 nrT nmr t ' uhy Mo " e ~ Pre " r G,ri " _ " nd M ""- 1 Fr " <ure *- CABARET GIRLS SEATS Prices Prices to * 1,30 Seats Tomorrow Jjm I I To-day For the Last Time I I ■ ■■ Francis X. Bushman and Marguerite Snow in "The V IW1 V yoo Silent Voic e" SfcATS To-morrow and Thursday WILLIAM FARNUM in "THE BROKEN LAW" The SIOO,OOO screen artist In a superfine photoplay of love, sentiment and conquest. * Special musical program rendered at each show on our $25,000 pipe organ by Profs. Mcßride and Mcintosh from Steelton. County Superintendent Shambaugh also stated that a number of teachers of the county- will take the course of lectures. Dr. Basset pleased his audience last evening, delivering an instructive lec ture on "Habit." Me pointed out the differences between man and the lower animals, expressed the opinion that evolution may some day bring into existence the superman and said that our lives and characters are Just as we have formed habits. His lecture next Monday night will be on the topic "Individual Differences." The remain NOVEMBER 30, 1015 A ! parkling Display of Exquisite Cut Glass It embraces everything new and many interest ing offerings. Floral designs with cut border; extremely bril liant and beautiful. Handled olive dishes and spoon trays, 98(* to $2.08. Flower Vases. 98c 1 : to $7.90. Fern Dishes, $2.50. Large Nappies, two handles. $2.1)8 to $.">.00. Sugar and Cream Sets. $2.25 to $6.90. Water Pitchers, $2.25 to 85.00. Water Tumblers, 25# to 98^. Celerj- Trays, $2.98. Open Stock Dinnerware A variety of choice decorations from some of the best potteries of America and Europe. Exclusive sets or as many pieces as you desire can be selected from our open stock patterns. 100-piece dinner sets, $8.90. $9.50, $lO up to $09.50. Domes and Table Lamps Make Acceptable Gifts Gas portable lamps complete with burner, hose, neck, mantle and chimney, at $4.90, $5.90 up to $15J.50. Electric portables, at $8.90, $5 up to $14.50. Domes at $0.90, $8.50 to $10.50. WE want to encourage Earlv Christmaj Shopping, for the benefit of YOU and our large Store Family. So we invite all depositors in the Union Trust Company fund, or any other Christ mas fund to come here and do their Christmas shopping NOW, and pay for same upon receipt of check. Dr. Fixem Is A Wonderful Doctor Why he takes cases where dollies are said to be hopeless, and makes them perfectly well and healthy. Rring all your sick dollies to Dr. Fixem. BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. lng lectures will be as follows: "Edu cation Through Instinct," "Education Through Senses, Eeading to Keason," "Education Through Habit, leading to Character," "Vocational Guidance and Industrial Psychology," "Psychology of Advertising and Selling," "Psychol ogy of Report," "Psychology of Testi mony," "Uses of Imagination," "Phy chology of Adolescence," "Clinical Psychology," "Operation of Psychol ogy." "Psychology Applied to Educa tional and Social Efficiency," ."Eu genics." PR. SPARKS TO AI>I>RESS INSTITUTE FOR TEACHERS The third day of the sessions of in stitute for the teachers of this city will be held in the auditorium of the Central high school Friday evening and Saturday morning of this week. Dr. 15. E. Sparks, president of State College, will address the teachers on the subjects "The Simple Virtues" and "History Stories." The other speaker will be Professor C. D. Koch, State high school inspector. Ills sub jects will be "The Function of Habit in the Deeming Process" and "Status of Arithmetic." 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers