| aar Kaufman's extraordinary special announcement is® I PENNSYL^ANiXfI! 1 HADPr'.PjiDr oa' : | I KAUFMAN'SI KAUFMAN'S | Trainloads of Surplus Stocks Have Been Re Sa/e WT WHICH COMMENCES FRIDAY NEXT, NOVEMBER sth ~m ($75,000 Wotfh of This Season's Newesi, Freshest and Best Merchandisej I Bought For Spot Cash and Piac//ca//y gf WILL CO ON SALE AT ACTUALLY LESS THAN MAKER'S COST Sale Starts I Make Sate to Attend This We Give You the Benefit Greater Underselling Follows I Never Have ! Friday Next, Gigantic, November Sale 0 f Our Advantageous Buying Greater Kaufman Growth r J ! November sth, a, 1 °VEMZT y - salesta " tsf ">™> no - ofE< * ual : C Kaufman's only stand for service. We act as your now need and what you are going to need can be I Manufacturers, mills and jobbers were never professional shoppers. best bought now while these stocks are on sale. Merit { Announcement fls eager unload to «* « they were this sea- I TL- We see to it that you are supplied with the There are now on ou, floor, more lines oi Been OffprpH ' In This We paid spot cash lor $75,000 worth o I this b "' goods made ani >""** mth ,h </ Paper aiTwe'goHaUe'st'"ahe'foZi mlLT'wefrac- n styles than ever before. Come early while all at Such I f T tically dictated our own price to the makers and Our profits come from the greater reduc- lines are full and complete. J i 1 o-morrow now offer these rare stocks at what we know will made on merchandise sold to us because of LiOW IHCCS P C tj e we H under the price you might expect. enormous quantity we buy. You will find rare bargains to fill your needs \ I Full We are able to give you the benefit of our It is on account of the greater capacity of <» « your P°rse. at This f / a i strcaght-from-the-shoulder, up-to-the-minute cash the new Kaufman Store and thanks to the loyal D L v t > . t> r ■ f J rarticulars basis method of doing business. We are taking support of the wise people of this community that Remember tiautman s guarantee is "Every- lime Of the I I an J Priroc ° nr ? ro^s f rom the manufacturers slashing re- we are able to break all previous underselling thing must be satisfactory or your money back ) 4 anj I rites dacttons. records during this sale. for the asking." Year ) II This Will Be the Biggest 1 afcjSSale Starts Friday Next ' / Sale of Its Kind j>A ||j||^^pßM| j|| 'm| November sth 1 |We Have Ever Inaugurated | jJJ Q| 1! 11! 51 See Ann#uncement in This Pa P er To-morrow j OR I'll ELM To-day matinee and night —"The Newly weds and Their Baby." To-morrow matinee and night— "'The September Morning Glories." Friday evening only, Nov. s—May Irwin in "33 Washington Square." Saturday matinee and night, Nov. 6 One Need in Tuberculosis if careful attention to hygienic living i and proper diet. Science in agreed ! that fresh air, rest and avoidance of I food excesses constitute the most cf- j fcctivc non-medical treatment in this widespread disease. Often, however, these measures need ' supplementing by proper medication, j The system lacks sufficient resistance I to overcome the attack, and some- j thing must be done to assist in up- ; building the patient's strength. In many cases of this sort Eckman's Alterative has been used with marked success. Its efficacy in this disease lias borne- fruit in a record of numer ous apparent recoveries, and where a lonic is indicated, it has produced most beneficial results. Since it contains no opiates, nar- 1 ::otics or habit-forming drugs, it in safe to try. At your druggist's or i direct from I Rckmnn laboratory, Philadelphia. | !r^?«:|f|y^ : ' WEDNESDAY EVENING, j—"The Uaw of the Land," with Ade ! laiile French. I Wednesday evening only, Nov. 10— David Bispham and Company in Music and Drama. "THE VKWLYWKDS A\l) THKIR BABY" "The Newlyweds and Their Baby" that funny musical cartoon play from the cartoons of George McManus with T>ovey, Dovey and Snookums. the Nurse, the Doctor, the Professor, the Eccentric German Waiter, the Big , Black Bear, the Young Ixjvers and thei I nig beauty chorus is the attraction at | .the Orpheum this afternoon and to-: i night.—Adv. , MARY IRWIN I May Irwin. America's greatest <om tnedicnne. will be seen at the Orpheum ] Friday evening in her latest N*ew York .succcess, the new comedy, "38 Wash ington Square." Never has this much-beloved actress been more pop ular among the people of this countrv thnn at present. Miss Irwin will bring the original New York production and cast. The play is said to be easilv the best she has ever had. J> i s a dramatization of the novel by Lerov Scott. The stage direction of the piece was in the hands of William Col »S r ,v ' ho wa s once an associate ofl I Miss Irwin with the late Augustinl uaiv.—Adv. jam m^ mm jm I MAT IRWIN F S? l ? us A "ie ri can commedienne who will he seen on Friday evening at the HARRISBURG TELEGRAPK Orpheum in "33 Washington Square." Miss Irwin will sing four new songs here.—Adv. •THE LAW OF THE LAND" Straight from a successful season's run at the Forty-eighth Street Thea- New York, and with a complete New York cant and production, George Rroadhurst's powerful drama of mod ern life. "The Law of the Land" will bo the attraction at the Orpheum Sat urday matinee and night. Miss Adelaide French, who will be remembered for the powerful presen-! tation of "Madame X," will plav the leading part and a specially selected cast has been engaged to support her. The football teams of the Steelton High and the Central High will occupy the boxes at the evening performance as the guests of the management.— Adv. KATHLEEN COMAX TO SLPPORT BISPHAM Supporting David Rispham in the eminent baritone's tour as Beethoven in the one act play "Adelaide," which comes to the Orpheum next Wednes day evening and who will also appear in the "The Rehearsal." with which Mr. Rispham and his company will precede the presentation of "Ade laide." will be Miss Kathleen Coman, pianist. Miss Coman is an Australian who early started her career. At the age of fourteen she won a scholarship against one * thousand Austrian com petitors, entitling her to three years tuition at the Royal Academy of Mu s sic, London, and she is now a gold medallist of that institution. Follow ing her three years at the Academy as a student, the Board of Directors, i tn recognition of her attainments, gave her an extra year as an exhibitor. —Adv. MAJESTIC VAUOFAILLE I To-day confronts local vaudeville enthusiasts with their last opportu-1 nlty to see "The Dream Pirates," the i clever little musical comedy that is scoring a triumph at the Majestic dur . ins the first half of the week. When [ new things vaudevillian are unfolded at the Majestic to-morrow, liarrls , burs will have a second opportunity . to see "The Honey liirls," the splen , did musical comedy playlet that ap peared at the Orpheum. The "Honey Girls' wore presented on a splendid holiday bill, and their turn wan the , bright particular headliner. The same settings and same players will be seen at the Majertlc that cavorted about the Orpheum stage at that time. •Young Harrisburg will be afforded a special treat In this hill in the un equaled animal attraction known as Tenor's Seals. Fun aplenty will be added to the entertainment by Mc- Cloud and I'arp, singing comedians; Marcou, the comedy . shadowgraph artist; and one or two others of merit —Adv. "THE FAMILY STAIN" AT THE COLONIAL It would seem as though every raov. NOVEMBER 3. 1915. • Ing pi. turc admirer who saw Frede rick Perry in "Dr. Itameau." would want to see this same player in "The Family Stain," which Mr. Fox will present at the Colonial to-day and to-morrow. Frederick Perry's efforts as a very pleasing and remarkably virile actor n«ed no description to any "•he have seen him. He will have the j support of a distinguished cast of Fox : artists in this play, which is founded on Emlle <Jalioriau's celebrated detec : tice story "The Widow LeUouge." No i one will want to miss this thrilling and wonderful ntory, which is so splendidly portrayed, and which in its unravelling will tell who killed the Widow lyeUouge. Aside from the star himself, no player figures quite so important as . .iss Ctfrey Lee, who after much painstaking study was se lected for the part of the fascinating widow.—Adv. PR. BMW, NEW YORK, TO ADDRESS DENTAL SOCIETY At a meeting of the Harrisburg Dental Society in the Academy of Medicine, 319 North Second street, November 5, at 8 o'clock Theodor Blum, D. D. S„ M. D.. of New York City, will give a lantern slide lecture before the society on "Conductive Anethesia" using Novocain and Supra renin. and will demonstrate the same on wet anatomical specimen espe cially prepared for the purpose. ™ um -J lf,er being graduated in Dentistry and Medicine from the Uni • versify of Pennsylvania took post- graduate work of a year each ;it Berlin and Vienna, fie is now asso ciated with Dr. Morris T. Schambeiv, M. D., D. D. S., of New York City, specialist in Oral surgery. Dr. Blum i will give his demonstration on thu anatomical specimen from 410 ." o'clock, and the lantern slide lecture a i .J 8 ?, o c,ock - h °*h in the Academv of Medicine. POSLAM READILY SOOTHES, DEALS AILING SKIN Use Poslam when the complexion is unduly inflamed. When tormented by itching skin; When pimples, hive*, rashes, or like troubles annoy; blistered' h ® fCCt are Ut ' hin «- chafed or .^w e u.!? cze ! r, , a - Ji cne - salt rheum or an.\ itching *kln disease affects- Poslam soothes, cools, comforts re lieves burning smarting and itching. Works rapidly In restoring the skin to normal and presentable appearance And if ordinary soaps irritate trv Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam and superior for daily use on the skin For samples, send 4c stamps to Kmer srency Laboratories. 32 West 2Kth <it New York City. Sold by »U dK —Advertisement. 1 ' 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers