12 Mayor, Council and City Controller - DISTRICTS a c ■= f ,= S - £ -J • s first Ward— Uw U ~ U cull* I TeoonnScr' ; ~~~ 92 - 47 vs 75 63 <» 29 70 ThLrd precinct 196 205 56 12" l-'S 164 86 75 183 92 13fl Second Ward— 220 179 94 US 161 105 43 207 129 143 '•! R4 70 lfi 24 22 79 19 23 81 27 89 Third precWict 87 7 ' 38 87 60 80 47 48 4 -'' 37 5 " Founh^recinct':::::::::::::::: - u? «i 44 93 «« *7 .->» bo ? 2 *< 90 Fifth Drecinot ,2 ° 93 78 1 33 1 20 "4 I°4 j9 o. >4 Si Stath precinct 209 21S fts 1 73 " 7 16:! 134 122 13 ' ! 87 180 Thirt Ward— 198 176 88 176 135 132 140 104 104 112 144 Second r £r«£lnet 115 *7 3S 74 44 119 47 41 5* SI 66 Third precincf 98 77 39 78 80 73 41 43 47 68 50 Fourth Ward— 68 58 29 55 30 50 38 35 28 4 4 30 Fifth Ward— 313 " 339 101 241 188 212 187 178 177 176 176 Third 152 I]S 85 185 121 90 108 79 81 125 79 p-nnrth 2,t 232 182 7Z 1s 1 135 136 115 US 119 117 129 Sixth Ward— * 197 125 84 105 95 158 73 109 128 65 128 Z£L! t £SSLi 280 180 120 183 178 159 148 137 119 149 129 Seventh Ward— ' 99 89 3fi 81 81 59 4 * 66 4S 59 46 £! rSt J >rec,n ? t ! 106 76 35 80 71 44 62 49 43 66 45 ®tS°" d Precinct ITO m n7 142 118 114 nT 100 105 s « 93 Third precinct 122 S3 55 67 39 74 49 57 62 75 38 Fourth precinct 21S 13 - 110 lgs 1 - 6 85 124 79 103 143 84 «!? P rec J nc J 171 100 90 150 119 79 119 82 78 112 74 ri.k.l, ir r,C i n 128 103 136 78 77 91 86 53 83 58 60 Piigntn ward - precinct _ 4(> ig 20 ;o 32 11 21 20 19 1t Second precinct 33 30 13 20 l 5 22 t6 >9 u 23 9 Third precinct 233 244 9T 214 19T j 52 ]46 119 120 151 124 Fourth precinct 154 R(l 6g 1P ; 75 88 gi 122 67 94 68 v .Tf' 233 244 9T 214 197 152 14S 119 jjO 157 124 Ninth Ward— First precinct lftß 151 S8 166 126 113 109 96 100 105 10S Second precinct IT3 174 95 i B2 140 101 143 72 89 114 108 Third precinct 173 i 4B 73 i 33 i 22 8 ; 115 g 3 85 103 95 Fourth precinct 127 138 44 102 95 92 77 61 77 91 72 Fifth precinct 1 70 195 63 ig 6 i 49 114 131 go 107 118 122 sixth precinct 1 69 t -i 7 g 15 g 150 102 130 62 75 107 92 seventh precinct l 3 g i 4S g 4 ig; 153 g 3 129 75 71 112 104 Eighth precinct 104 121 48 135 108 57 94 44 60 91 70 Ninth precinct 10i no 38 109 89 75 89 49 60 77 65 Tenth Ward — First precinct 206 180 98 189 160 154 142 107 127 150 124 Second precinct 249 ig4 us »58 IS9 130 IS7 123 134 189 124 Third precinct 135 91 77 128 108 til 109 63 57 Fourth precinct 1 9 5 t4S 88 174 168 93 126 100 79 141 83 Eleventh Ward— First precinct 150 85 53 112 102 80 85 86 84 84 76 Second precinct 145 102 87 149 130 69 107 77 73 121 62 Third precinct 14fi 129 66 147 135 110 109 S4 95 113 90 Fourth precinct 127 111 58 123 111 S3 89 74 69 95 81 Twelfth Ward— First precinct 129 90 52 91 79 82 69 48 73 72 67 Second precinct \ Third precinct 203 148 109 129 158 125 151 87 101 151 101 Thirteenth Ward — First precinct 135 132 48 113 90 94 73 27 85 51 107 Second precinct 182 165 75 182 151 115 32 67 93 117 115 Totals 7923 7375 3387 6477 3863 4971 4820 3950 4570 4780 4483 City School Directors e * o * « . j s d I ; *•" *■" i i l" ° £ K . z s 2 Si | T c & * , H » i DISTRICTS • as « x 2 £2 | -• c 1 c " ~ § 5 : § | < ~ Ti %' I E ? r- ** & rj ' »I3J-i X l C rj C i- uO wO ~ as ti o * s 1 . . c ' xx : x . ! £ 5 tr|«!< < 3 Sa;ii^|c. First Ward— First precinct j 33 24 21 26 60 29 22 65 68 4 4 19 Second precinct 71 19 44 40 104 94 30 147 153 7 9 16 Third precinct 95 26 60 45 123 98 36 155 162 2 10 15 Second Ward— First precinct >. 10 5 9 10 73 16 4 83 76 Second precinct 43 « 33 is 49 45 2 60 55 3 5 7 Third precinct 45 i« 42 27 93 49 25 107 113 4 6 8 Fourth precinct 65 25 60 41 80 65 31 93 99 2 3 4 Fifth precinct 69 44 55 67 169 67 37 195 215 3 6 9 Sixth precinct $5 35 ,57., 121 87 27 162 178 11 14 12 Third Ward — First precinct I 37 10 33 14 38 55 12 84 75 3 4 6 Second precinct 40 g 30 16 56. SO 18 61 57 3 3 3 Third precinct 32 7 24 7 45 27 4 47 46 2 1 1 Fourth Ward — First precinct 80 43 80 50 138 79 42 167 148 2 Second precinct 130 4 « 105 56 179 140 46 223 190 4 5 8 Fifth Ward— First precinct 42 15 28 20 99 34 13 24 104 3 4 2 Second precinct 93 30 73 30 S4 82 28 115 102 4 5 8 Third precinct 84 32 87 45 113 9S 30 164 130 5 8 9 Fourth precinct 67 2 o 44 35 113 63 18 159 127 5 9 6 Sixth Ward— First precinct 146 .... 271 .... 139 190 173 10 13 Second precinct 101 20 83 32 143 94 21 189 153 5 117 11 Third precinct • 50 8 43 17 47 47 12 72 65 5 5 6 Seventh Ward— First precinct 53 9 29 18 33 37 10 67 52 1 3 3 Second precinct 110 7 75 16 92 109 10 .108 107 <1 S 6 Third precinct 34 14 28 25 49 28 14 81 61 7 11 8 Fourth precinct 90 28 44 76 94 23 175 105 104 209 206 127 Fifth precinct 105 174 67 ISO .... 107 20 17 Sixth precinct 80 12 57 43 71 71 18 99 94 10 2 .... Eighth Ward— First precinct 12 4 9 6 7 12 5 12 7 Second precinct 10 2 11 8 16 14 2 19 13 1 2 Third precinct 97 65 68 99 132 86 68 185 178 4 6 4 Fourth precinct 7o 10 67 23 66 79 10 90 81 4 Fifth precinct 97 65 68 99 132 86 68 185 178 4 6 4 Ninth Ward— First precinct 63 40 50 51 100 SO 34 142 141 3 8 6 Second precinct 81 46 59 55 100 93 38 137 129 5 8 8 Third precinct 76 27 35 44 87 85 33 132 138 2 6 9 Fourth precinct 53 24 30 4 4 74 54 21 98 122 5 5 5 Fifth precinct 78 39 57 78 103 78 50 142 158 7 3 6 Sixth precinct 93 27 69 41 91 86 27 130 130 2 3 6 Seventh precinct 83 41 60 53 96 71 44 IS2 126 6 9 7 Eighth precinct ... 32 44 39 40 69 137 47 98 98 .. . . 6 4 Ninth precinct 50 23 42 26 76 46 20 96 95 1 3 2 Tenth Ward— First precinct Second precinct 141 51 106 76 94 105 32 235 129 14 26 25 Third precinct 101 135 71 128 86 21 26 Fourth precinct 85 33 65 47 82 71 31 174 106 17 24 29 Eleventh Ward — First precinct 50 20 32 31 <2 44 14 135 96 12 14 11 Second precinct 82 21 62 37 74 69 21 152 87 14 21 19 Third precinct 80 32 56 38 85 67 26 157 111 8 11 10 Fourth precinct 64 20 49 36 93 55 16 135 91 7 8 10 First precinct ~,,,,,, 3o 25 31 30 69 31 28 105 88 3 6 4 Second precinct Third precinct Th nrst n p«cTnct d— 45 17 30 33 39 47 18 91 139 14 Second precinct !! J«0 _JO _4O _6l _69 _37 __46 _lO2 J2OO JU Tota , 3235 1119 2300 2129 3721 3194 1120 5533 5199 Totals For All These Tables Will Be Found on the First Page of This Issue SUFFRAGE LOST I IN THREE STATES Republicans Make Big Gains in ! States Where Elections Were Held Elections in ten States yesterday emphatically defeated woman suffrage amendments in New York, Massachu setts and Pennsylvania and gave the Republicans an additional representa tive in Congress and a new Governor in Massachusetts. The Democrats, apparently, elected h Governor in Maryland and an entire State ticket besides a majority in the State Legislature. In Kentucky both parties claim a J victor) - in the gubernatorial contest. Mississippi, the only other State to | elect a Governor, went as usual, Demo cratic. Republican Control In New Tork the Republican* retained their control of the lower house of the Legislature, although they lost one as semblyman. They also elected a ma jority of the mayors chosen in cities of the State. Tn addition to defeating the suffrage amendment by about 210,000 votes the! WEDNESDAY EVENING, people of New York repudiated the new State constitution. Samuel W. McCall. the Republican, who will succeed David I Walsh, a Democrat, as Governor of Massachu setts, won by a plurality of 6,663. The Republicans retained control of the 'Massachusetts Legislature. Republicans returned to power in Philadelphia where their candidate. Thomas B. Smith, was elected mayor by 75.000. In New Jersey the Republicans gained two State Senators and two members of the assembly and will continue In control of both houses of the Legislature. Prohibition Rejected State-wide prohibition was rejected in Ohio by a majority of from 30,000 to 40,000. The Republicans elected mayors in Cleveland and Cincinnati. Charles Milroy, a Progressive, was chosen Mayor of Toledo. Paxtang Voters Favor the Ballot For Women; Martin Wins Easily Paxtang. Pa., Nov. 3. Paxtang was one of the few municipalities in this vicinity to declare In favor of woman suffrage and at yesterday's election the vote was 44 for and 34 against the amendment. In the fight for tax col lector George C. Martin. Republican, had little difficulty In defeating Wil liam S. Kunkle. the fusion candidate. 70 to *4B. An error on the ballot will likely result in the court maklhg an appointment of auditor. Harry C. i Knouse and George H. Sheaffer, both rARRISBURG TELEGRAPH . Republicans were seeking the two | year term for auditor and onlv one was to be elected, according to the ballot A straight Republican vote caused the election board much confusion and the court may have to take a hand In the affair. The other borough offices were filled as follows: School directors, six years. Josh E. Rutherford ami William C. Sourber; four years, Ral-h I. Deihi and J. C. Reichley; two years. H. A Blrchall. Auditor, four years, It M Goho. Counctlmen, four years, Daniei W. Crouse, Fred M. Gilbert. I. R. Lyme- S. H. Rutherford; two years, C. XI For ney. John H. Fought, J. Q. A. Ruther ford. Justice of the peace. Howard C Fry (unopposed). Constable, Walter L. Ramsev. Burgess. J. Harry Shees ley. High constable. William Mover. Judge of election. Murwin E. Grunden inspector of election. Edgar F. Martin. MRS. RICK DIES Mrs. Sylvina H. Rice, aged 72 years, widow of late George H. Rice, died this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lulu O'Brien, 41 S. ! Second street. The funeral wi.'l be I held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.' : The Rev. W. H. Sanderson, pastor of |M. E. church will officiate. Burial I will be private. 'THE GREATEST I,AW AND THE GREATEST SIX j Jesus answered the lawyer's ques tion by declaring that the greatest | commandment Is to love. This ratifies (the conviction that the greatest sin is not to love. A true vision of Christ's Cross will me.ke the hellevlng heart a sharer in the Ineffable love that led him to lay down his life for the sins of the world. —The Christian Herald. District Attorney, County Controller, County Treasurer and Directors of the Poor « " * * , . 6 * 4 \i <> !■ " j n i - n * * 2 I- i j < xxxssss*> *5 - i - i £ K * DISTRICTS 3 3 3 a * S 1 S ° * I 53 i fc ! i >• 5 = 3 3 o 3 o v 5 H if M - 5 -™ a £j t; > t ; - *m«woo°*S J i 3 u " £ £ o « < s s J _ £ w TJ is bub t. § . c = 3 3 , 0 , 0 > o.'OC>>>t CC C e e £ tt = a. __ ft. ft. s < <J_ C Sclavs S S = § o £ 3 First Ward—- First precinct 26 30 2 71 11 11 116 26 SI 67 32 33 2 31 IS 59 65 1 P re , ci " ct «° 34 1 IS' S» 15 .... 286 47 28 .. .. IS3 55 27 1 53 7 159 176 . Second Ward— i " 43 1 181 50 ,T "- 2,6 65 31 1 192 71 33 •• • • " ">» * 7 » « First precinct 10 9 t 77 5 3 S9 9 4 1 S4 11 6 S 4 sI 8" pr * c, " ct 89 <« .... fil 32 10.... 71 36 10 1 62- 38 14 .... 34 7 58 59 "' 7 Third precinct 39 32 1 116 27 13 2 135 35 12 1 129 43 19 2 37 12 116 116 E?"E th prjclnct 58 36 2 92 50 21 1 118 59 27 1 101 63 33 2 56 ->1 96 100 2 £ix«! KEmSS 68 60 4 184 51 24 •••• 238 57 44 1 203 7 -' 46 2 " 35 19? 96 5 ThMffard- 84 5& 2 149 60 33 1 187 67 30 1 184 80 4! ' * "• »« »2 5 First precinct 50 19 1 93 36 7 .... 105 35 15 1 95 34 13 .... 29 8 79 94 5 Second precinct 32 28 1 66 25 9 .... x 729.. . . 1 .... 34 16 .. . gg 4 7r 75 1 Third precinct 17 9 1 59 17 2 .... 60 25 2 1 56 26 6 2 22 4 49 49 1 Fourth Ward— First precinct 69 43 1 175 8 17 21 <5 65 33 187 68 36 2 «3 33 172 lfia « Second precinct 98 61 3 236 67 24 1 29S 91 34 4 207 109 34 1 107 13 "39 *34 •> Fifth Ward— First precinct . 31 17 .... 121 23 5 134 2 27 15 .... 120 30 7 1 24 7 122 122 2 Second precinct 71 3R ' 43 18 •••• 150 63 21 1 130 72 28 1 62 19 123 113 2 Third precinct 8R *2 2 155 59 .. . . 21 193 84 33 1 157 S9 32 1 84 13 157 162 8 Fourth precinct <8 20 1 168 35 8 1 171 47 15 164 8 58 18 1 48 7 149 155 3 Sixth Ward— First precinct 108 44 2 180 103 11 .... 202 113 93 174 9 109 31 4 112 11 165 166 3 Second precinct 90 29 4 172 68 8 1 218 90 10S 4 179 95 21 3 81 104 171 170 7 Third precinof 4* 18 1 64 31 7 1 78 42 13 .... 62 48 13 1 i>4 8 66 55 2 Seventh Ward— , First precinct 4 1 12 1 TO 40 5 70 40 5 .... 70 45 10 1 36 4 63 62 3 Second wrecinct H4 23 2 103 97 8 1 125 101 7 .... 122 106 14 .... 90 1 112 114 .... Third precinct '8 32 1 76 20 10 91 28 13 88 23 20 25 6 74 73 2 Fourth precinct "7 49 2 39 40 17 1 166 6S 36 2 138 90 44 1 80 27 112 112 6 Fifth precinct " 4 88 .. . . 144 56 18 .... 138 65 75 2 119 63 34 ... . 71 19 99 106 26 Sixth precinct 62 42 .... 98 55 22 2 111 58 27 2 102 64 42 .... 79 9 92 S6 2 Eighth Ward— First precinct H 14 21 8 2 1 26 11 5 20 10 4 10 1 24 26.... Second precinct • \. ' 12 12 1 19 9 2 24 8 3 23 13 6 13 2 12 18 3 Third precinct 84 94 1 182 59 42 1 229 75 53 .... 270 86 77 3 76 43 117 186 !• Fourth precinct ..... ..... 76 15 1 89 58 8 .... 11l 64 5 .... 103 70 6 .... 67 3 96 93 1 Fifth precinct ! 84 94 1 IS2 59 42 1 229 75 53 220 86 77 3 76 43 187 186 9 Ninth Ward— First precinct 56 50 2 139 5 21 1 171 53 34 149 52 39 2 52 23 138 130 9 Second precinct *>9 51 .... 144 54 28 .. . . 170 67 33 .. . . 152 79 42 2 66 20 134 145 6 Third precinct .. 6 s 44 I - 46 20 150 55 27 1 135 61 35 1 31 74 120 131 7 Fourth precinct 36 40 I 105 28 15 129 33 25 1 111 33 32 3 30 14 101 106 S fifth precinct 57 66 5 149 45 34 1 188 5S 46 3 165 61 59 55 34 152 150 It) Sixth precinct " 8 34 141 61 24 156 69 31 144 79 35 1 74 15 130 132 5 Seventh precinct ............ 65 61 2 120 48 24 .. . . 165 58 36 1 145 62 52 1 65 24 128 132 2 Eighth precinct 44 43 2 83 33 20 113 10 29 2 94 47 33 37 18 91 92 3 Ninth precinct 46 30 2 85 33 13 115 35 19 107 47 23 1 45 15 90 94 5 Tenth Ward— First precinct 64 64 6 167 47 28 3 118 59 44 2 191 69 57 1 63 35 123 169 2 Second precinct I 4 59 1 172 99 34 1 201 123 43 2 162 120 63 2 138 33 152 141 8 Third precinct " 57 39 2 88 52 25 1 100 55 31 2 87 60 20 2 81 32 70 69 3 Fourth precinct !!!!!!!!!!!'.! 66 50 138 45 30 1 163 54 30 2 150 65 41 4 76 28 117 119 4 Eleventh Ward — First precinct 2 34 108 28 20 2 123 37 20 4 112 40 25 39 16 110 101 Second precinct 6G 29 2 110 62 24.... 127 72 25 1 105 70 28 2 67 10 100 104 4 Third precinct 70 38 .... 128 49 16 1 157 65 22 .... 134 62 28 2 52 15 140 122 5 Fourth precinct 55 25 2 114 37 15 .... 132 57 18 .... 112 58 21 .... 48 14 114 105 8 Twelfth Ward— First precinct 33 34 90 24 16 113 32 18 103 39 21 1 38 18 89 91 .... Second precinct Third precinct 96 48 6 126 69 18 1 IS4 91 24 2 153 95 41 8 96 23 122 138.... Thirteenth Ward— First precinct 44 42 2 102 33 25 1 118 41 33 1 101 41 36 1 43 24 92 100 .... Second precinct 60 86 2 115 52 56 .... 138 59 67 1 117 65 71 2 61 31 109 129 .... Totals 2665 2014 75 6066 2207 1091 1811 6980 2888 1370 385 61 11 3010 1492 61 2875 837 5879 5872 261 F.errysburg borough 14 17 .... 54 14 II 2 59 17 9 2 57 16 1 1 1 19 11 58 48 1 Oonfwago township Dauphin borough 38 15 2 69 29 9 1 73 30 6 1 72 34 II 1 31 8 73 66 1 Derry township- First precinct 3 6 52 1 2 .... 52 3 3 .... 54 2 5 .... 3 1 51 54 . Second precinct 13 11 2 95 13 5 .... 101 13 5 1 99 18 5 1 13 4 90 105 2 Third precinct 52 29 .... 188 40 16 1 196 42 17 1 197 37 12 1 25 7 194 245.... East Hanover township 33 15 .... 161 24 6 1 161 30 7 .... 157 29 10 .... 23 4 168 178 .... Elizabethville borough 93 20 173 101 17 1 155 108 18 2 148 107 16 92 8 158 142 12 Gratz borough 12 27 .... 90 16 28 1 64 17 33 .... 59 15 27 .... 19 16 83 48 6 Halifax borough 58 23 1 103 50 9 .... 114 53 9 112 47 8 41 5 153 96.... Halifax township 58 35 94 58 23 1 104 58 20 109 50 16 44 7 153 89 S^.. Highspire borough 77 38 3 170 78 40 4 133 86 43 2 138 98 37 1 74 25 137 12T.... Hummelstown borough— First precinct 47 52 1 161 39 40 1 162 44 58 145 48 70 ... . S5 19 131 175 3 Second precinct 29 44 136 28 33 135 30 41 122 37 74 1 24 20 108 118 Jackson township 80 34 .. . . 69 79 10 . . . . 61 78 10 .... 74 63 16 1 71 6 98 61 1 Jefferson township 18 16 3 15 13 7 1 22 14 7 2 21 12 5 2 21 3 30 12 :J Londonderry township 14 52 3 5S 12 34 1 66 12 56 3 55 13 45 2 14 26 63 62 3 Lower Paxton township . Lower Swatara township 6 15 1 61 6 6 .... 65 8 19 2 53 8 10 1 3 5 65 61 .... Lykens borough— East Ward 49 17 112 55 13 87 60 15 89 46 11 .... 41 10 116 67 12 West Ward 69 60 1 163 56 33 3 144 62 28 2 137 60 37 I 56 26 138 108 18 Lykens township ...; 21 20 1 80 22 16 .. . . 77 23 15 .... 76 21 77 .... 18 6 93 75 3 Middetown — Ist ward, Ist precinct 49 30 1 39 39 11 42 45 32 ... . 32 42 13 2 39 1 40 39 ... . Ist ward. 2d precinct 63 31 1 88 57 8 1 84 64 44 1 70 64 7 1 51 4 79 81 1 2d ward. Ist precinct 91 35 1 112 79 22 .. . . 117 92 50 1 88 88 23 1 73 13 117 114 3 2d ward. 2d precinct 47 49 2 113- 44 35 1 113 61 80.... 74 51 45.... 48 19 104 106 4 3d ward. Ist precinct 37 22 1 69 34 14 .... 73 41 31 2 53 36 16 1 30 11 68 68 .. . . 3d ward. 2d precinct ... • 32 33 2 126 33 23 1 120 39 68 3 88 40 32 2 25 22 110 120 9 Middle Paxton township— ' First precinct 49 10 .... 87 47 3 .... 85 47 5 .... 86 47 4 .... 49 3 88 82 1 Second precinct 24 6 .... 40 20 1 .... 41 22 2 .... 40 22 1 .... 21 1 44 39.... Mifflin township 44 27 49 43 16 1 58 45 15 5.3 46 17 43 12 54 41 Millertiburg borough— Ft.•st Ward 53 53 2 186 49 17 .... 168. 4S 58 2 152 51 60 5 38 38 172 145 8 Second Ward 67 47 2 141 70 57 2 118 70 50 2 120 75 54 2 67 37 128 108 10 Faxtang borough 28 13 2 70 18 7 1 87 22 10 1 77 27 20 2 g2 12 58 68 .. . . Penbrook borough .17 79 1 146 33 47 2 170 37 56 1 165 42 67 2 48 39 153 146 3 Reed township 4 5 1 25 6 2 .... 19 6 2 .... 19 1 2 1 6 1 23 18 .... Ro.valton borough— First Ward 20 13 1 4 4 23 7 .... 20 34 25 1 11 31 S 1 25 1 13 17 5 Second Word Rush township 3 2 11 3 3.... 10 1 1 8 S 2.... 6 1 5 4 4 South Hanover township 16 15 .... lis 16 8 .... 112 22 8 111 23 16 •••• 17 2 103 122.... Steelton—- Ist Ward. Ist precinct 17 15 1 34 2\ II .... 25 9 6 .... 15 18 9 1 18 7 29 34 3 Ist Ward, 2d precinct ; 21 24 .... 171 28 29 .. . . 155 20 29 .. . . 162 24 27 .. . . 21 18 136 153.... 2d Ward. Ist precinct 22 24 90 4 31 21 3 81 66 22 2 89 30 22 1 31 15 86 81 4 2d Ward, 2d precinct 44 37 2 104 41 39 1 102 26 27 1 127 45 27 2 40 20 110 104 10 3d Ward. Ist precinct 47 52 4 132 46 13 .. . . 138 22 26 .. . . 156 45 36 .... 3S 22 137 137 5 3d Ward. 2d precinct 41 41 2 247 43 35 2 236 33 11 2 289 47 37 2 36 19 227 229 3 3d Ward. 3d precinct 4 2 24 5 2 22 3 2 2 4 4 2 4 23 28 2 4th Ward 87 60 1 177 88 .51 2 164 82 55 1 184 S6 60 .... 80 41 151 143 4 sth Ward, Ist precinct 32 10 .... 63 33 6 .... 22 33 12 .... 65 34 12 .... 32 5 54 47 2 sth Ward, 2.1 precinct 39 22 1 S7 41 13.... 72 36 17 1 96 41 19.... 4L . .0 10.... 'precinct 55 53 2 89 40 28 2 105 43 31 2 103 14 42 1 41 25 95 86 3 South precinct 94 56 2 171 68 34 194 75 39 186 S9 50 .. . . <4 2b 1,8 169 2 East piecinrt 38 50 2 135 26 26 .... 158 32 29 .... lo- 3S 49.... ol -1 140 1-8 - West Precinct 4 6 28 2 58 37 17 1 .0 4, 19 3 oJ ol 30 3 aO 13 j0 4o 3 S V»t ar prTcinct 26 6 .... 52 21 2 .... 55 IK S .. »» 21 3 .... 18 3 55 50 1 2d precinct 35 26 I 147 37 18 1 138 39 8 .... 13. -9 2b .... ? , 4 37 3d precinct 5S 13 .... 140 54 13 .... 13, o4 12 .... 111 6. 10 .... »8 10 1.8 I*2 1 Ith precinct 11 16 .... 29 10 4 .... 36 3 » .... -3 10 6 .... A 3D 36 1 sth precinct 23 7 .... 68 24 6 .... 63 19 10 .... 2, !«•••• 22 » 53 59 1 Unlontown Borough 20 8 1 40 21 5 41 20 4 ■••• 4 ' ® .2? I Upper Paxton Township 97 43.... 108 96 32.... 20 92 34. 9 90 3o 1 8b .3 29 05 ft Washington Township 64 19 1 118 65 1. Uo 67 14 1 113 64 U .... o9 8 1.2 106 - Wayne Township I- 1 -1 ly • - . 9 - 0 - , I West Hanover Township 29 10 2 76 19 5 .... 78 22 4 .... 80 21 11 .... 21 4 h, 85 1 West Londonderry Township 8 10 24 7 5 2b 9 11 .... -0 S 10 8 3 -4 Wiconisco Township— , 4 2 - 4 2a lfi 67 gs n :::::::::::::::::::::::::: 11 ''...VIM 37 11... 59 10.... 32 .5 1 32 5 8S 2 Wllliamstown Borough— , fil 9 , 12 0 101 Eastward 83 203 96 152 lOu •••• •••• 4 ? ;•■ • j 9 - 26112 55 West Ward 20 70 5 181 21 63 4 108 22 bo I 161 18 41 Williams Township— . . „ } , 4 7 5 11 11 16 16 5 East precinct .> 6 31 i 1 .... -0 » ° ""J -- , „ 3 i 1 21 25 44 42 29 West precinct 14 48 1 56 13 33 3 50 _l3 1 Totals ! 2589 1848 ~160 6531 2440 ~264~ ~~55 6357 2614 546 51 6392 41 1493 53 2480 2101 6285 5786 269 WOMEN RECEIVE EMPHATIC DENIAL ! Under Law, Five Years Mustj Elapse Before Question Can Be Brought Up The women of New York, .Massa chusetts and Pennsylvania asked for the vote yesterday and received an emphatic denial. These three great Atlantic seaboard States have joined New Jersey in withholding from women the suffrage they enjoy in some of the Western States. An indicated majority against a woman suffrage amendment to the constitution in New York, based on returns from more than two-thirds of the State. Is 210,000. ' Massachusetts defeated the propo sition by a majority of 132,602 on a total vote of 457,304. Reports from about one-(tuarter of the State Indicated that the vote in Pennsylvania was against suffrage by a majority of t>o,ooo. New Jersey refused the vote to I women on October 19 by a majority i Ol 5t>,000. The largest majorities against the : amendment in proportion to popu | lsition were rolled up in the cities of : New York, Boston and Philadelphia. 1 Tho proposition received its strongest support in the western portions of New York and Pennsylvania. Five Wars Must Klapsc Under the law, live years must i elapse- before a suffrage amendment ; can be put to popular vote again In ' Pennsylvania and New Jersey, four years in New York and two in Massa chusetts. National leaders of the suffrage cause declared to-day that they would I now devote their efforts to the national i Congress and strive for 'a votes-for- ! women amendment to the Federal ; Constitution. Mrs. Harriet Stanton Blatch, presi dent of the Woman's Political Union, announced that the executive board of the union would meet on Saturday to lay plans for this campaign. "We do not favor another referendum to the electorate of New York State, said Mrs. Blatch. "We feel that we have NOVEMBER 3, 1015. made our last appeal to the Individual voter." | Miss Alice Paul, chairman of the | Congressional Union for Woman Suf frage, declared that the defeat of suf frage in New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania would stimulate the movement for a federal suffrage amendment. Leaders of the organizations op posed to woman suffrage which have made an active fight against the propo sition said that the result was no more ! than they expected. Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge, president of the National As sociation Opposed to Woman Suffrage, | who has been conducting the fight with i headquarters in New York, will leave to organize the campaign in South I Dakota. lowa and West Virginia, where the proposition will be put to j ' test in 1916. Cash and Men Badly Needed by England j Special la The Telegraph London, Nov. 3.—Premier Asquith in the House of Commons made his long-expected address on the war. The notable interest in his statement was shown by the crowded house, all the diplomatic, peers' and visitors' gal leries being filled to overflowing. | said cash ana men are badly needed THE OIL TRUST ON THE PLAIN* OF SHIN AH When the Psalmist describes tb* blessings that are to come to the Ara bian peninsula, in the Seventy-second Psalm, he gievs the very boundaries of Arabia, and indicates what econo mic and social and moral changes will take place when "Christ shall have dominion from sea to sea and from the Euphrates to the ends of the earth." The country has numerous agricul tural possibilities, and, under a decent j government, could support ten time." the present population. Mesopotamia |ls rich not only in date crops, but in j cereals, wool, gums, licorice root and other products. As an oil country its ! riches have only reecntly been dis covered and tapped. At Moham inierah; half way between Busrah and the river, the Anglo-Persian Oil Com pany has already built it« works, and one would imagine it was a suburb ol I Pittsburgh, or Oil t'ity, rather than Ithc beginning of an enterprise in Northwest Arabia. The Christian Herald.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers