jsjoarma<n2 JSacma**& tiowmanX p 7.r | J3joamai& Ho ! You ! Kiddies !Baby Week Starts Grandest Baby Week You 've Ever Seen «TjACK up there, Mr. Jitney Man!" Have Baby's Photo Six Dandy Gar- Fvervthintf That Rahv NppHc Tr» K "Didn't you hear the officer's whistle? And don't you see Tal/en C U E»VCIyUIIIIg 1 Ildl J3aDy i>Ce(JS 111 that line of babv carriages waiting to cross Third Street?" . , ITICIItS tO t) oCclVieSt "Look out" Mr. Pedestrian! Make room or they'll run right over Week win'receive aphotograph ! BablcS Warm ClOthlllg y° u •" . of himself or herself free—on Every baby should be weighed at M Stork . Baby Shoes, Sandals and Sweater Sets, $2.50 to SO.OO - . . rnnrlition that liic ittpndnnt Babv Week- as in fnllnwino- nur Moccasins, and oU$ white, Angora and worsted yarns, in rose, ■ I,S y ° ek ' an y mUSt presents a cash sales'slip from »™ a 'l custom six garments will be bl Babv "swrt!, 0 '£??£ Copenhagen, tan, red and gray; 3 full sway! , to *}'<*> ~ and 4 'P ,ece sets • .tants Department. JNoth- wool, cotton wool and cotton, silk Leggings, 59? to sl.2s—white, Come! All you cunnin' little babies, ing is more pleasing than to (JJ ™ e .° e " ev * J and wool and all silk gray and red worsted yarns. and partake of the fun, for this big o°/ ° d ~T ,o . w "f event is going to be bigger than ever. Phntnc ii i . i ave received Crepella cloth, braid trimmed and ' , !s, n ihi\nt"nn a " am - vr K % & 88 Photos taken at night also. garments the hand embroidered; lined and inter- color combinations. on know what to expect —great big balloons, photographs, T5 K IVT !*• V*V' season before lined; with and without capes. /— y a trv for the heaviest-babv prizes, and oh! Barrels of fun, and the JDaDy INOVeItICS Jf emot** How X ~ Capes, $1.50 to SIO.OO cash- Str-L , . * 1 , Rattles rrepninp- li ?n d « empt. now- mere, serge and Bedford cord; lined prettiest things to see, all here for your especial little selves. teethine- rino-s teething he. U , ■ .„ *? er ' the fo1 " and interlined, with silk lined hood. M JSMI^ S / "h 5 ' ueaus, lowing season will find them in Short Coats $1 50 to $lO 50 fll * • jpMgaSjL. The new Baby Store (on third floor) is large and roomy—a 3to .vpiece comb and brush another class and they'll again be j n corduroy, silk lamb's wool, chin dandv place to come to: and whv not bring little sister and brother sets * hand painted comb and eligible. chilla, serge, cashmere and Crepella „. . a Inner TIIPV'II irw it tnn ' brush sets, and others. First Prize—Heaviest baby girl up cloth, hand-embroidered and plain; Slips, Bishop style, ruffle a oiij,. l ne\ enjoy «, too. to 6 months; fine white dress and with and without capes, and belted at and s l ecv cs. Babv Week ha<; in store ilso a host of lielns for mother in D i r* petticoat to correspond, $5.98. styles. Slips, 59rt made of nainsook; a \\eek ha. in . tore al. 0 a host ot helps tor mother, in Babv Furniture Second Prize—Heaviest babv boy Silk Caps, 25? to $3.50 mes- with hand-embroidered yokes or learning ol the new togs tor you to wear this winter. » , . aso «« , «•» -- U P to 6 » 10 »ths pretty white hand- saline, corded silk, silk poplin and cluster tucks with dainty insertion . . ~ , ~ , I S '., i r ' '?• embroidered silk poplin coat. $5.98. corduroy, lined and interlined strips; number of styles to select \\ ho s going to be "number one" on the list? "an PJ£. '«"£ . and white Third Prize _ Heaviest girl 6 Silk Bonnets, to #4.00 - 'rom. Folding wardrobe daintilv decor- months to 1 year, 3-piece white An- puffed backs; f,,r ribbon and lace Slips, M* to *4.98 - made of ated SlB >0 ' ' °r? SU if a l? r - se trimmed; new styles. fine sheer nainsook; trimmed with Rricfht Rallonn Kiddie Bassinet nlav iwn Fourth Prize Heaviest boy 6 Sweaters, SI.OO to s3.9B—plain lace, insertion and pretty patterns orignt - white and white with dainty touches of embroidery; wide hem at bottom. t-v T-* t~) i Tnilft "i * t a .^ w E?'. er For Lvery Baby triimnS- JT un ," Fifth Prize-Heaviest girl Ito 2 Knitted Toques, 25? to SI.OO at bottom. r .... | ~ . 50# to white enamel, years fancy white silk bonnet, -white and colors Nainsook Dresses 6T, <■ to $3.98 Every child under s.x years of age will rece.ve a dandy, big wicker revolving stand, white t ~ , Knitted Cap., 33» , 0 #a,so - - lace and embroidery trimmed: balloon when thev come to "Baby Week. enamel, $9.50 to Sl2 00 ' f , . J.. 2 n ~ Angora and worsted yarns, white plain or fancy at bottom; 6 months "And Here's the Bright Fresh News of Autumn And of Cooler Days FUR OSTRICH T as surel y as night follows cay, colder weather follows I j _____ In the wanted trimmings. PT TFI7Q ! " ' and wiU a few da y s hence find y° u unprepared? Introducing Coney, 1 to 3 inches wide, in KUr r u qp _ black, w-n and whit., yard, so* Going at reduced prices 1 o-niorrow Is a Good Time To Boiling Green Waists -i' vaH " ICheS j «17C »•> oc Mac StOTC LJd Heavier Underwear 1 his soft, and beautiful shade has come into instantan- BeaxeVl to rches Wide 9". sl-75 $2.25—52.95 uT,, • A t.7 UUUCI WCdl eous favor since its adoption by Mrs. Edith Boiling Gait. , 1 Mens Union Suits, 89<- ecru heavy weight. Vests and pants, ...... t0 ' BOWKiYns— Main Floor formerly $2.25 to $3.95 ?, Ild s .'. lvC j color : cotton ribbed, IJ9<; 50<t; union suits, 50(-, Shown in satin stripes, chiffon, Florisvvah and crepe de fleece lined. SI.OO and $1.25. chine. — —— Men's Union Suits—medium and Complete Lines of Athena Un- DDT|7pQ I heavy weight. Cotton, SI.OO and derwear—for women and children; Modish creations, including smart pleats; plain with white i $1.50; wool mixed. $2.00 to vests, pants and union suits; in nat- striped collar, or plain white collar; combination effects; From the Main Floor Shoe Store $3.00; silk and wool, $5.00. Ural cotton, wool and cotton and daintv embroidered styles and others All that is worth while in shoes for all the family; and j Underwear, #I.OO > #l!So ; i,S sHitl S Prices arc $5.50, $5.95, $6.95, $7.95. dependable makes only. , Men's Scarlet «< no to *3.50. BOWMAN'S Thira Floor? —Men's Shoes $1.98 to $lO. I —Girls' Shoes. #I.OO to s:{. and $1.50. Children's Union Suits, 50e ~Bo^h S „. Sh Tl' f J sß ' -Baby Shoes. «0e to $1.50. | , «««.'. Underwear 39<- and .TO<- "«« lined ' » hi<e —Boys Shoes, $1.1.t to $.?. , heavy cotton, lleece lined. rwwr.l' TT o usi SPSfc | Underwear - heavy Children s Union Suits, SI.OO - ... i: i , * \ natural wool, ribbed. M A > \V7I T /"* rj * f i fleece lined, medium and BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. When It Comes to 3. I omt or CHILDREN'S embroidery class to-morrow /! rV /} inf I . ; morning, 9.30 to li. /jA | Jp\ il /( / Good Business Judgment Ready With NJ\ 1 JfaV —there's little doubt that in clothes-buying, a man will decide Striped Taffetas—green and blue Plaid Taffetas, combination of j'-nlh mj( I°j \ upon a particular suit only after lie has convinced himself of three combinations; brown and blue; pin, white, green and brown; 36 inches / .1 • double, 1 and 2-tnch stripes; .36 in- wide. Yard, $1.50. Mffl \W in S ' Ix It /it h 7 ches. Yard, $1.50. Striped Taffetas, fine grade black j/rW}} j \\\ /j i\ i W t' \X/-11 F# 11/ * 9 " Colored Plaid Taffetas, in with white stripes, self colored Co- Wr/J/ J ( \\\ /I\\ llw' 1 N Will It wvCCLT . navy, Copenhagen. Boiling green, penhagen stripe and pin stripes 011 F/j ( / I \\\ [ \\\ U * J I \ IV >. It the Price Consistent ? white and black; 36 inches. Yard, I brown; 27 inches wide. Yd., SI.OO. // H u\ A L -il /I \ \ 1 We'd like everv man to ask- $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. Gros De Londres, in Copenhagen, W// Vy El /l\ 1-iin-icolf time t* i Velvets, Velveteens, Costume with self colored figure; 36 inches S~jT himself these questions atter he Velvets, Corduroys and Suiting wide. Yard, $1.50. j—V(IT has inspected Bowman Suits and Panne \*elvet, in .various shades. Striped Taffetas, combination of Overcoats, at Yard, 51)e, SI.OO. $1.50 up to gold, brown and Burgundy; 36 in- m \1 FT $-1.25. ches. Yard, $1.50. » \ "J BOWMAN'S—Main Floor g r w sl*c.oU overcoats? 0 Women s Gloves in a Learn of thc Superiority of Bow- Special Sale To-morrow man Medium Priced Suits yet to be made. Taken from our regular stock of dependable makes, and . *.. , ~ , . , . . . , fc May we show you the numer- everv pair guaranteed. (lood range of sizes. . ] he h , el S ht , ol the se f so " 510 ", Id br »,>K » record-breaking day, 9 °us patterns and sn-les? Glae. Kid P i q ue ol superior - Chamois Lisle: 16-bntton UmeJ, as our stock of Women s Outer Apparel been so slsVslß?s2o Tntinnflade'"' Pat" , Ma >' state our belief that in variety they are unexcelled, •JOOIJ puooas—s.KVKAvoa lonaoic autumn Miaacs. r air, and chamois color. Pair, 85£; 3 while superior workmanship and up-to-the-minute styles are the TA nvr> A+l Ail* s\-£ C»vt 1 White Doeskin; excellent qual- Fownes* Kid Gloves in a com- Every new fabric, acceptable to Fashion, is represented, in -1 lit? its io J~iTl fill OT lOUICLVtTieSS ity; especia,ly serviceable and- plete assortment. .Made of French eluding poplins, Duvetyne, velvet, broadcloth, gabardine, wliip- y _ perfect fitting; two-clasp. Pair, kid with latest stitching. Known cords, mixtures and serges. TnP Hliwmnn Hsrf i rifTlPt 0 $1.25; 3 pairs, $3.50. for the perfect fitting qualities. Newest shades are W VI/ 11 i/lA,! t 1 I lit' V>L// I Lis I BOWMAN'S—Main l'loor. n AC • L *?• t 1 ** _ Since taking up quarters on the main floor, our Hat Corner has M . 1 1"! 7tV P""'"" won a host of frUnds; but, to be sure, there are many men who N ° W Showln S We " "* """> and black have not learned about the ultra-stylish hats to be found there. Van Raalte Veils $25 00 tO $49 50 "The Plattsburg"' a military idea, is only one example of the Well known to readers of Ladies' Home Journal. Q , many shapes and shades shown. Van Raalte veils> in bordered styles J at 59< . to co.SO. Splendid line of suits, at Derby Mats, in plentiful numbers. t Van Raalte veiling—+l inches wide, at and BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG &s£s£& TEtEGRAPH OCTOBER 29, 1915 3
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