p~A _ Telegraph Want MWill Quickly Rent flat Vacant Room""] DEATHS IttmG George W. Kwlng, aged 61 years, October 23, 1015, at his late residence, 127 Maclay street. , Relatives and friends, as well as all \ organisations of which lie was ai member are invited io attend the set* I vices on Tuesday afternoon, at - o'clock, from St. Paul's Episcopal ( Church, Second and Kmcrald streets. ( Rurial In Paxtang Cemetery. Body , ran be viewed this evening he- ! tween the hOUfS Of 7 and !>. j ICVF—On Sunday, October 24, ll>lo, j Mrs. MatiMu W.. wife of Dr. W. U Duff, at her home, 930 North Sixth street. . __ Funeral services will be held on Tuesday evening, at 7:30 o clock, from her late residence. Funenl 1 private. Huntl Hunt lnf,«.lon. Pa. V l <• II Died, October 23. 1915, i Rebei . i:. SuUbaugh. aged t years. Relative.* and friends are invited to J attend the services 'rum the real-, dence «»f her daughter, Mrs. I* rank Bowers, 1734 Wood street, on Mon day evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Further i services In the United Church. Millersburg, Pa., on Tuesday j JJOST j LOST- Hupodoroeter. Reward If **e• | urncd to .)ohn Black and ton, 201 bouth j ev en teen th stret. | UOS'D The person seen picking: up : handbag in the 25c Department i tore. Salurdav. had better return same j 0 store and avoid further trouble. |/)8T Cray crochet bag. Thursday | fternoon, about Pennsylvania rftation r on Market street to V. W. C. A. Con- ; lined return trip ticket to MUlersburg. tewnrd If returned to font and butt lepartment. Bowman Co. j LOST A small bunch of keys last i \ enlng on Cumberland street between j 'hint and Green. Reward if returned 1 ii 1122 Gre.n street. [ FOLNI) | FOUND The best results have j ound by the Indies who had their Suits i nd Coats remodeled to the latest Etyle j y th'- Ladies' Tailor, H. L Powell. J-5 j I-irth' Third street. Estimates free. | FOUND That Eggert'a Steam Dye- j #• French Cleaning Works. 1245 i 1 irket St„ do the very bes. work In he city. Call either phone for Toot I l*e call and deliver. i iXKLi' WAAX£I> —Mule WANTED —lien to leain to Income j tactical chauffeurs. We give you | ur unlimited si>o practical course ; o>v for $-iii. We practice you from he time jou stall un repairing audi riving automobiles until you giaduate. iitrt> Cents per Hour guaranteed as ooti as they are competent ot repan-| ig piivate cars. Auto Transportation t chool. .North Cameron street. j WANTED Collector and solicitor oi an otd established i-urporatlon. team position year around to right j tn>.' Saiarv not less tnan slo.Ou ai ii. Aimless, wilh reteionces, H., I , ■are >•: Telegraph. WANTED Collector: salary and! • uumisMoii; slaie experience, ii any. : ;:i and v. here lust . inptoyeii. Adilress.j , Jti.;, care of i'elegraph. i WANTED Shoe cutters for wo-j lens, misses' and children's shoes. J ,pp.> liarri.-burg Shoe Alts. Co., \er- . . II street, Harrisburg. Fa. _ J — Man to work in grocery ' tore; reference and expeiience, nere last employed. U., 31 ill, care oi , 'eleßiJiph. | WANTED Twenty laborers at 'north aim Emerald streets. WANTED Painters wanted at nee. Apply Oohl Af Bruaw, 3lu Straw- [ ui ry. I COST CLERK V. \ \TEU FI^R.ViANEN I' position Willi manu- ' HeturinK <oncern at Hagersiown, Aid.. ■in nssiired advancement for nrigni, J lean-cut, ambitious young man 1 -'>- i .vun at least two years experience II eosi '.eepTng and .similar records. | lust oe neat penman alio quicK and cciirate at rlgtires. .No consideration 11! be except appinant .states ullj nationality, education, expcri iicc, age snfl salary expected to siart. ; Correspondence eoniideiitlal. Address j ;os .: 11 x. care of Harrisburg Teiegraph., it ANTED Young men ot «ood ; huracter, between 1. anil years, to jam to assist iii house-to-house so i lung and • ollevtlng. Work will be; ut ot the cii>. No < xperiencc neces-| ry. Permanent. Salary, ?10 weekly nd* coinmlsßioii, with good chance of , dvanc. nient. Address "Opportuntty," are of Telegraph. WANTED White boy, 16 years, for j eneral linht work. Appiy to Donald-[ ■ •ii I'aper Companj, Il;t-lli .North bee nd street. WANTED Stonemasons wanted ! ,pply at 03t» North street, Thompson | AKM V OF THE UNITED STATES—j I K.N WANTED Ablebodled, unmar ied men I)' tween ayres of IS and 35; [ ittzens of United States, of good char- ! etei and temperate habits, who can! peak, read and write the Knglish I jiißiiaßi-. I'or information apply to 1 leeruiting Oftlcer, Itergnet Hu;!dlntj, i (1 A: .Market Ms., Harrisburg, l J a. WANTED Men for labor work and j lixins concrete. Apply 1700 North i econd street. City. WANTED Two tlrst-i lass house j ainters, at once. Apply G. W. Bixler, i 2'.' Peffer street. MACHINISTS WANTED First-! lass men for uight work oil lathe, I Inner, simper, slot let', milling machine. I orl/.ontal and vertlcnl boring mills, | ear cutter, turret lathe, etc. This is ; lai-hine tool work and only good men j ced apply. Newton Machine Tool | forks, Twenty-third and Vine streets, i 'hiladelpliia. MACHINISTS WANTED Boring Mill and Lithe hands who can . fork from blue prints. Must be first- | lass, experienced machinists. Apply Imployment Department, "iVestlng ouse Electric & Mfg. Co.. East Pitts urgh, Pa. I i WANTED Tinsmith and sheet! letal worker. Steady work. tJooil pay. l ipply at once to Hershey Employment i 'iireau. WANTED Machinist on general j epair work. Steady work. Apply at ' nee to Hershey Employment Bureau, j WANTED, AT ONCE First-class | ill 1 Wrights. Immediate employment, i tddress J. F. Creswell, P.-o. P.ox 261, .ancasler. Pa., or call at Hotel Plaza, I 'iiursday afternoons or evenings. WANTED First-class toolmalters. I roti'ers, millers, drillers, rifiers, barrel- 1 ;:rners, blacksmiths and steam ham ler men to make drop fcrges. Also ten for b.irrel rolling Address P. O ;ox 254. Lancaster. Pa. ' ' 1 ■' ' ' - Houses icr Sale 1612 PE.N \ ST. 3-story brick dwell! Nic with R ! room?, bath and furiiact. A very reasonable priced house in a /rood neighborhood <122 HEII.I ST. !!-story brick building with 7 rooms, bath, furnace nnd store- , room. Sl« AND nis Ml I.BKHItV BT. Three-story fram« Itoise in rooms and hath. Building Is In fair , condition and rented at S2u a month. Size up. the property and tell us j what it is worth to you: perhaps we j can do busine .. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. nru. n STAT »■; Inßsrancf buret > Bonda w l '"'" A MONDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MaIe WANTED One or two engineers to run hoisting engine anil traveling crane. Experienced men only need ap ply. Williams &- Freedman, Tenth be j low Mulberry, or Junk Yard, Hoffman's | Woods. HELP WANTED —Female WANTED Young woman for housework on farm, about tlve miles ! from city. No milking. Apply 1004 j Green street. Harrisburg, or Box F, j 3164. care of Telegraph. WANTED Several ladles to can vass. Apply in person to Grand Union Tea Co.. 208 North Second streot. City. . WANTED White girl for sreneral housework. Good place to right party. | Call or address. Riverside Drive, | next door to Academy. | WANTED Experienced girls for | edge stitching, tip stitching and fox- I ing. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Manufac | turing Co., Vernon street. WANTED—Experienced sew i ing machine operators on ladies' and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laun j dry State street, rear entrance. WANTED A few bright | learners. Applj- Silk Mill, corner j North and Second streets. : WANTED White girl for general housework. Inquire at 1521 Derry | sti eet. WANTED White girl to assist I with housework and care of children; jno washing; go home night; refer- I ence required; wages. $2.50 per week. I Apply Bell phone 127f>R. I WANTED Girls over 16 to i strip tobacco. Also experienced : Rollers, Bunchniakers Packers, 1 Filler and Binder Strippers. YVel ! fare looked after by trained nurse. | Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. j HELP WANTED—MaIe unil Female j WANTED Janitor, middle-aged | white man and wife, without children, i for apartment building. Free rent of I I three steam-heated rooms and bath and, I good wages, with extra pay for woman j if she will help with housework and j Ido light washing. Good position for j | honest, sober, trustworthy couple. Ap- I ply to John Smith, Engineer, Elllott j Fisher Company. i MEN, WOMEN, common schooling, j desiring Government positions. S7» (monthly, write for list 15 immediately. Philadelphia Civil Service School. Phila. j SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe j WANTED Middle-aged man de . sires position as Janitor in an apart ment house, ("all. or address, John Cas i satl. Penbrook, Pa. < WANTED— Young man wants work jof any kind. Call, or address, 434 Cumberland street. SITUATIONS WANTED—I'CDiaIo i WAITED White woman desires position as cook, or day's work of any j kind. Apply 1210 Apple avenue. WANTED Woman wants position as housekeeper. In or out of city; best of references. Call, or address, 158 I East Main street, Middletown, Pu. WANTED White woman desires i | position as housekeeper for a widower, either in or out of city. H., 3167, care j of Telegraph. WANTED By middle-aged woman, day's work of any kind. Address 1767 ' North Seventh street, City. I WANTED Neat colored girt desires • day's work of any kind. Call, or ad | dress, 1521 Fulton street. WANTED By colored woman, i housecleanlng by the day. Call 405 ! Bailey street. Steelton. WANTED Colored woman desires I work of any kind. Apply HOW Currant ■ street. WANTED Aliddle-aged white wo ] man desires day's work. Call, or uil ! dress, 434 Cumberland street. WANTED A respectable colored woman would like washing to do at ' home. Bell phone BI6J. Address 111 | South Dewberry avenue, City. j KEAI. ESTATE FOK SALE KOR IMMEDIATE SALE ! A valuable North Second street resl i dence. Most desirable residential lo i cality In city. A bargain. Price and | terms tor the asking. Address "Home,' { care of Harrisburg Telegraph. ! WHAT will you offer for 273 Briggs | street, city? Lot, 20x107; seven-room | frame house. Rents for $22. Purt cash t and mortgage. Must have your offer by i November 1. Address O. F., No. 3147, | care of Telegraph. | FOR SALE 216 Pine stroet. Lot about 24 ft. front, back to South street. I Room on South street for garage. Three-story brick house, two baths, city steam heat, 14 rooms. Call 559J , Bell phone or at house for terms. FOR SALE 1837 N. Second St.; 3- I story brick dwelling; 9 rooms, bath and I furnace; porches; lot. 21x87; side en l trance; immediate possession. Brinton j Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. '■ FOR SALE 26 acres farm. 2',4 iml tea east of Middletown; 20 acres tillable, 6 acres good timber; good buildings, well and cistern and runplng I water on place; variety of fruit; adapt led for truck and poultry. For pnrtlcu ! lars address H. E. Albert. R. D No. 2, j Middletown, Pa. Price reasonable. I RIVERSIDE PROPERTY FOR SALE j Brick ■ — 8 rooms bath gas | electric light furnace porches I lot, 24x131 corner considerable ' fruit and shrubbery garage. Bell 1 Realty Co., Bergner Building. I SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE j—frame house—bath porch front I lot, 35x150 variety of fruit prop ! erty In good condition. Price, $2,100. I Inspect- it. Bell Iteally Co., Bcrgm-i --| Building. ONE RESTAURANT FOR SALE One good one is enough. Rent, includ- I ing residence, $::5. Only $">Oo required —possibly less located at 1107 North Third street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner j Building. FOR SALE l2 Acres; 4la miles east of Harrisburg: 10-mlnute walk from Llnglestown trolley line; frame dwelling, containing 8 rooms; large porches: frame stable; chickenhouse and pig pen: buildings nearly new; j high elevation. Brinton-Packer Co., I Second and Walnut streets. HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT j FOR RENT— -1837 N. Second St S3T>.OO i ;JH N. Second St 311 IM) i 161 4 N. Fifth Si 18.00 | Camp 11 111. Market St 35.110 ' • 'anip mil. N. Bowmsn Ave, fur j nished a.1.00 j >"amp Hill. X. Bowman Ave 30.00 '•nip Hill. N. Bowman Ave 25.00 • Camp H I H N". E. Cor. Bowman ; and Chestnut 22.50 '.'amp Hill, Page St 20.n0 |Cam p Hl!'. Cumberland st 18.00 ll.emciyit' !"!. 1 r Air 18.00 t Washington Heights 17.00 Bl: IN'Ti IN-PACK F.P. C< >.. j Sottonn and Walnut Stv FOR nt'N'T - Ttvi-stir;.- hrlck li"ti>e; r i'.wm« nn.l hath: a'l lipprove jineni?; sUani heat: electrl unil gas; window shades; Derry street, Paxtans, J $19.00. Call 100 Paxtans avenue. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT j FOR KENT Stone house with six rooms, in Coxestown; large yard; prop erty in good repair; possession imme diately Apply 1100 North Front street, i Harrisburmr. Pa. FOK RENT Six-room houses, with stables, half mile north of Penbrook, at fedgemont. Hent. $6.00. Inquire of O. Hartman. 38 North Twelfth street, Cll\. or William BreiiNeman. Penbrook. APARTMENT FOK RENT in center or . ft: ; three rooms, kitchenette and bath; porch in rear; electric light; sas; I city vapor heat Hent. $35. Address K. j I)., care of Telegrap.. j KOOMS FOK RENT I FOR RENT Second floor front room, facing "Capitol Park:" stailon | ary washstand (hot and cold running water; electric light; adjoins large bathroom; use of Bell phone. 410 North street. FOR RENT Three rooms, well fur nished for light housekeeping, all con veniences, in private family, West End. Address A., 3172, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT l.arge, attractive room; electric lights, bath and phont. privileges; private family. 121 State I street. FOR KENT Three or four furnish ed rooms; bath: steam heat; third floor front, near Capitol. Suitable for a gen tleman. Reference required. Address n„ 5175. care of Telegraph. For Rent Delightful room, all conveniences, for single person or mar ried couple. Apply 209 State street. FOR RENT ln private home, two furnished rooms for housekeeping; gas range and sink with wateK In kitchen; privilege of bath; option of third room. I No. 240 North Fourteenth street. | ROOMS FOR RENT With bath, electric light, heat, telephone, all con veniences, neatly furnished in solid mahogany. Also an apartment, com plete. four rooms, bath and kitchen. 800 North Second. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms for ladies and gentlemen. Rent reason able. Apply 4 South Fourth street, next to the Metropolitan Hotel. FOR RENT Well furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen; separate beds, dressers and closets; centrally located. Call alter 5 P. M„ third floor apartment, 18 North Third street. I FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms I In fine location; use of bath and tele- I phone. Apply at 203 State street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms- on second floor, next to bath; one front, all conveniences. Including j phone; central location. Inquire 1232 Market street. ROOMS WANTED j WANTED Two or three furnished l rooms for light housekeeping. Ad | dress R., 3166, care of Telegraph. j U.M'tK.MnllLl) KOOMS | *29 RROAD STREET Built espect | aly for light housekeeping, single or I with kitchenettes; arrangements | strictly private; stoves furnished free; j laundry, phone and bathroom prlvl- I leges: lockers for surplus furniture. 1321-23 Wallace street; remodeled and newly papered throughout: ar rangements, two rooms and a kitchen with running water, range and cabinet. Dally inspection invited. Inquire on premises, or 107 Hoas street. Phone 779 M. OFFICES FOK RENT I FOR RENT A desirable first floor j office In the Telegraph Building. In quire Superintendent, Business Office Telegraph. WANTED WANTED Bakery located In coun try town. Address N„ 25, care of Tele l graph. POSITIVELY highest cash prices paid for Ladles" and Men's cast-off good Clothing and Shoes; also Furniture and Carpets. Send postol to 636 Herr jstr.et. City. FOR SALE ' FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the j Telegraph Business Oftice. j FOR SALE. STEAM BOILERS Two | slightly used rilstlron square sectional boilers. One 926 sq. ft. and one 2,340 sq. ft. capacity. Fisher Bros.. 1001 Capital street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE F. P. gasoline light machine and a National cash register in A 1 condition, to be wold cheap. In quire at 430 A Market street. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE Two barber chairs and case, in good condition. Will sell sepa rately. Call, or address, 1519 North Fifth street. FOR SALE Closing out all my fancy pigeons, chickens, horses, wagons and harness; bargain if sold at once. Call Bell phone 507-R-3. A. B. Davis, Penbrook. Pa. ONE FORD ROADSTER FOR SALE. CHEAP. If sold at once. Call 1315 Swatara street. FORD TOURING CAR FOR SALE Electric lights, cut-out. speedometer, electric shoe. etc. Condition guaran teed. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Ask for Mr. Seville, Metropolitan Hotel. FOR SALE Two computing scales, one slicing machine. Inquire .1. M. Shatzer, 529 South Sixteenth street, • Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone 2408 R. TOR SALE Roadster, cost $1,600 new. Extra back seat and top. Will sell for S3OO. Excellent mechanical condition and newly painted. Musi sell this week. Address R. F. G., care of Telegra ph. FOR SALE Men's Suits, $13.50 up. Ladies' Suits, $20.00 up. Men's Suits pressed, 50c; Women's Suits, 75c. S. Freedman. 1529 North Third stret. FOR SALE 1916 Pullman; only run five hundred miles. Reason for selling, leaving the city. Will sell heap. Call 2711 M. Bell phone. j FOR SALE Two white Poodle I Puppies, 9 weeks old; thoroughbred. I Apply 238 Hummel street. FOR SALE One square pedestal diningroom table, mahogany library table and one oak bedroom dresser; also two oddfehairs No dealers need apply. Apply 1232 Market street. City. LARGE LINE of Automobile Robes, Horse Blankets. Trunks. Traveling Bags. Suit Cases and Leather Special ties; repaired and made to order. Har risburg Harness and Supply Company. Second and Chestnut. I FOR SALE One hunting dog. well | broke, male. Will sell cheap. Apple ] 226 South Fifteenth street. FOR SALE Square piano. In good | condition. Price, SIO.OO. t'all 1329 j Green street. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS—S. ('. Smiths, Underwoods. Densmore, etc. i Sio.oo up. Typewriter Office, 211 1,0- I cust street. Opposite Orplieum Thea ! I er. FOP. SALE Blacksmith shop ami toil!-, cheap; ill health reason for sell ' inc. Address W., 3162. car o/ Tele graph. ' , FOR SALE - Folding gocart at sac rifice. Also first-class high chair. Ad [dt css JU, 31*1, care of Telegraph. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH BALDWIN GOES UP FOUR POINTS Rails Again Negligible Factor in Markets; Bethlehem Declines By Associated Press New York. Oct. 25. Those indus trials which come within the scope of war shares furnished further diversion on the resumption of trading to-day. Maxwell Motor issues were again to the fore, the common advancing io the new high of 80. Baldwin Locomotive rose four to I 16. and General Electric as much at 18(1%. while National Enamel ing added 2% to last week's sudden rise at 36 I *. American Car, Amerlimn Locomotive. Crucible Steel and Ameri can Linseed were higher by one to al most two points. Reactions of two to four points set in after the first upward FOR SALE FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—so for 25c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department, The Tele graph Printing Company. FOR SALE Restaurant located on Market street, doing good business. A bargain if sold at once. Good reasons for selling. Address D„ 3015. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT FOR RENT Suite of desirable of fices, on first floor, centrally located; city steam; also basement, suitable for business. Apply to Mrs. Miller, 15 South Third street. HUSIN JESS O I*POIM CN IT I lis ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapera: experience unnecessary. Send lor par ticulars. Pieso Syndicate. 793. Lock port, N. Y. IF you will make your monthly pay ments regularly and take care of the property, you can buy a $1,500 house with very little cash. Opportunity for right man. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. AUTO BUSINESS PROPOSITION FOR SALE Only $1,500 required pros perous business font, including heat, S2O. You watit a business. This may be your opportunity. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. A REAL PROMOTER who IF honest and aggressive can make a comfortable fortune out of clean, legitimate busi ness now well under way; present owner unable to properly swing; 110 cash, but just energetic services of right man needed. Address M., 3171. care of Telegraph. 1 MADE $50,000 iu five years in the mall order business, began with $5. Send for tree booklet. Tells how. Hea eoclc, 355 Lockport. N. Y. 11l SI NESS PERSONALS FOR falling hair try Gross Quinlns Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, tba Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market ■treet, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Uell 1960. IIAtIIJNO It. \. HARTUAN, Hoarding .Stable mill \ utliuial Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general'haul ing. 11. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2503 R. TO HIRE TO HlßE—Masquerade costumes and full dress suits; also full lot of hair goods, including wigs, beards, etc. Ap ply Brenner's, 424-426 Walnut, or Bell phone 1251,1. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO T»OAN on Real Estate security 111 any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa. WE LEND MONEY in amounts from $5.00 to $300.00 in compliance with act of June 17, 191 G. Payments to suit borrower. Small loans a specialty. Up-to-date method. Positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGES Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STOHVGE IN 3-»lor.v lirlck Initialing, rear 40S Market street. tloiiselielik good M in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. Dleuer, Jeweler, 40M Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Mary Ayres, late of Harris burg. Pa., deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamentary upon the estate of said decedent have been granted to the un dersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to REV. ALEXANDER AYRES. New Cumberland. Pa. IN RE OPENING AND GRADING OF MARKET STREET FROM TWENTY FIRST STREET TO EASTERN CITY I.INE. HARRISBURG, PA. NOTICE Is hereby given that the Viewers appointed by the Court of Common Plens of Dauphin County to view and ascertain the damages and benefits arising from the above men tioned proceeding, and to assess the same according to law. have filed their report in the said Court to No. 635 Sep tember Term, 1915, 011 the 25th day of October, 1915. The schedule of assess ments contained therein is as follows: SCHEDULE OPENING - i Y t r.f £* 3 £■§ *i. i* s Sj * J* £* City of Harrisburg 720 None None Anna C. Doeline. . . 11,235 None None Union Real Estate Investment Com pany 15,450 None None GRADING NORTH SIDE City of Harrisburg 24 S4O 14 Anna C. Doehne. . . 456 762 66 Annu Doehne... 230 384 68 Kd. F. Doehne.... 330 551 86 SOI TH SIDE Estate of Charles L Bailey, de ceased 100 167 25 ! Union Ileal Estate Investment Com pany 100 167 25 Investors Realty Co 200 334 50 I'nion Iteal Estate Investment Com pany 450 752 63 Union Real Estate Investment Com pany 290 185 03 Total $3,646 00 I'nless exceptions thereto be tiled within thirty days after October 25. 1915. sold report will be confirmed ab -1 solutcly. HA 11IIY FA IIN KSTOCK, i:. CLARK I'iiV, HEN. FALL G. SMITH, Viewer*. movement. Rothlehetn Steel declined ton to 575. Ralls were again a nejjlible factor. SEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by Chandler Bros. & Co., 3 North Market Square. New York, Oct. 25. Open. Close. Amer Beet Sugar «6 6514 American Can 63 63 Am Car and Foundry Co. 91% SB% Amer Loco 74% 71% Amer Smelting 92% 92% American Sugar 112% 112% Amer Tol and Tel 124% 124% Annconda ,• 75% 74% Atchison 106% 106% Baldwin Locomotive .... 14C 141% Baltimore and Ohio .... 92% 92% Bethlohem Steel 675 580 Brooklyn R T 86% 86% California Petroleum ... 18% 18% Canadian pacific 171 171 Central Leather 58% 59% Chesapeake and Ohio .. 57% 57% 1 Chi, Mil and St. Paul... 92% 93% Chicago, R I and Pacific lff% 17 Chino Con Copper .... 49% 49% Col Fuel and Iron .... 59% 59% Consolidated Gas 141'™ 141 W CrJcuble Steel 95 92 Distilling Securities ... .48% 48% Erie 36% 39% do Ist pfd 55 56% General Electric C 0... 180% 180 Goodrich B F 78% 77 Great Northern pfd ... 121% 121% Gt Northern Ore subs.. 52% 51% Inspiration Copper ~.. 45% 44'aI Interboro- Met 22% 22% Interboro Met pfd 78% 78%' Kansas City So 28% 28% Lehigh Valley 77 77% Mex Petroleum 83% 90 Miami Copper 34% 34% Missouri Pac 5 4 % National Lead 67% 67% New York Central .... 100% 100% N Y, N H and H 81 81 Northern Pacific 112 112% New York, O and W .. . 29 % 30 Norfolk and Western . 117 116 Penna R R 58% 58% Pittsburg Coal 39% 38% Pittsburgh Coal, pfd .. 109 107 Press Steel Car 7 2 71% Railway Steel Spg ;... 48% 49 Ray Con Copper 25% 25% Reading 79% SO% Republic Iron and Stl.. 54% 54% Southern Pacific 98% Q% Southern Ry 21 20% Southern Ry pfd 59 59 Studebaker 189% 184% Tennessee Copper ..... 63 % 63 Third Ave 61% 61% Union Padiic 135% 186 U S Rubber 54% 55 V S Steel 86% 85% U S Steel pfd 115 % 115% Utah Copper 70% 69% Virginia-Carolina Chem 4 8 50% Western Union Tel .... 80% 80% Weslinghouse Mfg ... 72% 74 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Philadelphia,! Oct. 25. Wheat Higher; No. 2. red, spot and October, 5H.09f01.i1; No. 2. Southern, red, $1.07 @1.09. Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local, 75% #76%c; steamer. No. 2, yellow, local, 74%©75%e. Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 45® 46c; tsp>. 3, white, 41®. 42c. Braiv—The market Is steady; city mills, per ton, $24.00; western do., none here; Spring, per ton, $22.50. Refined Sugars - Market steady; powdered, 5.35 c; tine granulated, 5.25 c; confectioners' A. 5.15 c. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extras, 28% c; nearby prints, fancy, 32c. Eggs*— The market Is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts free cases, $10.20 per case; do., current receipts, free cases. $9.60 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $10.20 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $9.60 pur case. Live Poultry—Market higher; fowls, 15@16c; old roosters, 11#12c; broil ing chickens, 16@H7c; Spring chickens 15®! 16c; Spring ducks, 13®15c; old dlicks, 13@15c. Dressed Poultry Market lower; fresli killed fowls, fancy, 18 V& <@>l9o; average, 17%tgil8c; do., unattractive, average, 15(f»16c; do., roosters. 13 broiling chickens, nearby, 22ifT25c; broiling chickens, western, 14<ft)19c; broiling chickens, western. 14((ii20c; I Spring chickens, western, 14®) 20c; Spring ducks, nearby. 16»<>17c: d" western, 10® 12c; ice packed fowls, 14 ©lßc. Potatoes Market steady; Penn sylvania, fancy, per bushel, 73@75e; Pennsylvania, fair to gooo, per bushel. 60SJ>65c; Jersey, No. 1, per basket. 40® 50c: Jersey, No. 2. per basket, 20tfp25c. Flour Market nominal; winter, winter straights. $5.20(5)5.'t0; do., pat ent. $5.50@5.75; Spring, firsts, clear. [ $5.005.20; do., straights. $5.25@5.50; do., patents, $5.G0®5.85; do., favorite brands, $66.00<®6.50. Hay Market firm; No. 1, large bales. $21.00<?t)21.50; medium bales, $21.00021.50; No. 2. do.. $19.50@20.00; No. 3, do., $16.00(8)17.00. Light mixed, $19.00®19.50; No. 1. do., SIB.OO<SJ) 18.50: No. 2, do.. $15.00@16.00. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia, Oct. 25.—Stocks closed lrresrular. Cambria Steel 68% General Asphalt 34% General Asphalt. Pfd 71% UkP Superior Corporation 9% Lehigh Navigation 77% Lehigh Valley 77 Pennsylvania Railroad 68% Philadelphia Electric 27 Philadelphia Company 46% Philadelnhia Company, Pfd 36 Reading 80% Reading, Gen. Mrtgs 94 Storage Battery 71% Union Traction 43 United Gas Improvement 85% United States Steel 85% Warwick Iron and Steel 10% CHICAGO CATTLE By .Associated Press Chicago. 111., Oct. 25. Hogs Re ceipts, 18,000; slow. Bulk of sales, $6.90 <9 7.55: light, $6.90® 7.90; mixed, $6.85(5) 8.00; heavy, $6.65®8.00; rough, $6.65® 6.85; pigs. $4.00®7.25. Cattle Receipts, 18,000: easy. Na tive beef cattle. $6.00®'10.40: western steers, $6.70®)8.80; cows and heifers, $2.55f58.35; calves. s7.2s<S> 10.75. Sheep Receipts, 19,000; weak. Westerns, $5.90@6.50; lambs, $6.50» 8.80. CHICAGO ROAItl) OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Oct. 25.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat December, 1.01%; May, 1.03%. Corn—December, 58%: May, 59%. Oats —December, 38%: May. 39»i. Pork —December, 13.50; January, Ribs —October, 9.37; January, 8,87. I^xrd 8.77: January, 8.97. YOUR PKINTING 7«EED9 wl" oe best supplied where the facili ties for such work are the beat. When you consider that the prlrjted material you use represents a cash In -1 vestment which you calculate should ! bring to you many times Its cost— ' THE PRICE OF QUALITY SHOULD l " BE THE CONSIDERATION If clients arc to see the printed mate rial you use; your thought should be which doesn't mean that the price need, or should be. exorbitant. The Telegraph Printing Co. p"oducea i the highest grades of work lc Xs re spective lines. 1 Ail of it is based upon quality at prices 1 which are most fair for the work. We arc printing specialists, as well aa being leaders In the associate lines; ; binding, designing and photo-engrav ing. !To employ our services means ne 1 greater effort than to phone ua. | TH E TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. I Either phone. OCTOBER 25, 1915. Middlebrook Ssys He Is Personally Responsible By Associated Press New Haven. Conn.. Oct. 26. Louis S. Middlebrook, captain of the Yale 1916 nine, in a statement made public here to-day, says he feels "almost per sonally responsible" for the debarring of Captain Arthur M. Milburn and four other baßeball players from Intercol legiate athletics for violation of the summer baseball rule. He says he un derstood the conditions under whlc'a i the men were playing at Quogue, L. 1., ] wnere the infraction occurred, but did | not know they constituted a violation j of the Yale rule. Bomb Falls on Piazzetta of Cathedral of St. Mark By Associated Press Rome. Oct. 25. via Paris, 4:25 P. M.— j Teutonic aeroplanes last night made two separate attacks with Incendiary bombs on the city of Venice, according ' to an official announcement given out I here to-day. One of the bombs fell upon the roof 1 of a church and crushed the celling, j which was ornamented with sculpture, j Another missile fell upon the Piazzetta 1 of the Cathedral of St. Mark and in I front of the Ducal palace. BOY SHOOTS MOTHER Load of Shot Goes Through Bedroom Floor Carlisle. Pa.. Oct. 25.—Mrs. W. H. Rudy, wife of a prominent butcher liv ing in Fairview township. York coun ty, was shot Saturday morning when her 5-year-old son crawled from bed and began to play with a shotgun in the room. The lad, who had been left alone, obtained his father's gun and started to play soldier. He pulled the trigger and the load of shot went through the floor and into the pltchen below, lodging in the head and should ers of his mother, who was at work. Her condition is critical. TO HEAR TRAFFIC OFFENSES WEDNESDAY Until further notice all traffic offend ers will be heard by Mavor John K. Roval on Wednesday afternoon of each week, it Is announced by Joseph P. Thompson, acting chief of police. 1 For next Wednesday afternoon | there are six cases on the list. - One lis that of T. M. Trostle. 1718 North ! Third street, a jitney driver. It Is' said that he run down 14-year-old' John Arnold of 1413 Cowden street. I Friday. ARRESTS CRM' SHOOTERS j Three arrests were made by Amos j Dralienstadt. sergeant, following 11 > Sunday raid on a rran e-anie. Two I »vc:re colored men. Edward Hughes and j James Polndexter. The white man { said his name was James Conrad. Tli" j game tves in progress on "Sauerkraut" I hill, back of Clovferly Heights. In the | game were seven men and bovs. They got away. The men arrested were recognized, and were captured later.. This afternoon the case was heard he fore Mayor John K. Royal. MRS. SULSRAUGH Mrs. Rebecca S. Sulabaugli. aged 74 I vears. died Saturday at the home of I her daughter. Mrs. Frank Bowers, | 1734 Wood street. Mrs. Sulsbaugh had been 111 for sometime. Funeral services will he held this evening at the home of the daughter. The Rev. | George F. Schaum, nnstor of Harris 1 Street United Evangelical Church will ; officiate. To-morrow morning the body will be taken by Hooven & Son to Millersbnrg. Services will also be b»|d in the Fvangelieal Church at that t'lace. Burial will be made in Kil linger cemetery. AGED COUPLE TO RETIRE Mr. and Mrs. David Handshaw who have attended their stall at the Ver beke Street Market for 48 years, an nounced Saturday that thoy are going Ito retire and spend the few remaining years in a little cottage which tliey recently bought near Hershey. The couple are now 79 and 74 years old respectively, and for many years they have lived along the Jonestown road near Paxtonla. ' BULGARIAN ATTEMPT FAILS By Associated Press Gradek, Serbia, via Saloniki. Oct. 25, 7 p. m., and Paris, Oct. 25, 9.45 p. m. The double attempt of the Bulgar ians to cut the railwav at Veles and in the Volando sector lias been com pletely defeated. «R HORSES BURKED TO DEATH \ , By Associated Press South Bend, Ind.. Oct. 25. Culver Military Academy lost Its black horsfe troop early to-day. the sixtv-flve horses being burned to death when crossed wires In the barn started a fire which destroyed the building. The troop will be replaced. , Two Story Bungalows S2BOO ftlght of these now ready, seventy-flve more of various designs to be creeled. The bungalows are 16x46 feet with 8-foot porches; size of lot 19x85 and eight feet between pairs. Six large rooms and bath; seven closets; floors finished for rugs: steam heat; electric, gas and modern In ever>- respect. Prominent street; fine location. Greatest value ever offered; terms easy. Low interest. No taxes for 1915. Call any time except Sunday, 800-814 South Seventeenth street. Anyone who wants a home can own one of these houses. "[ 800 TWTW i (MM I SON i 810 J 812 j 814 T I I I I Sold ( | / | j J. E. DARE SEVENTEENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS Both Phones 1 : ———- John Wanamaker Opens University in Store Special to The Telegraph Philadelphia, Oct. 25.—A new and advanced step in higher educational work, which may extend its Influence to places of employment throughout the United States, was inaugurated to day at the Wanamaker store when John Wanamaker presented his em ployes with a new hall and fifteen classrooms, which will serve as the j nucleus for a university, j For more than eighteen years em i ployes of the Wanamaker store have j been able to advance themselves along educational lines through the medium j of courses provided by the John Wana ; maker Commercial Institute- Now It | is proposed to give employes courses In [higher education, comparable with the best universities in the United I States. Big Trade War After Peace Is Predicted I Special to The Telegraph New York, Oct. 25.—That the pres ent war will lead to an entire readjust ment of tariffs by the nations of the world is prophesied by the Americans, the publication of the National City Bank. A world-wide trade war will probably follow the declaration of peace, says the article. Many manu facturers in this country are beginning to urge the necessity of protecting American industries against a flood of cheap goods. Some urge a protective tariff and some urge merely effective emergency provisions. GERMANY EXPRESSES REGRET By Associated Press Berne, Switzerland, Oct. 25, -via Par is, 11 a. m.—The Federal government announces that the German minister has expressed his government's deep regret for the aqf of a German aviator In dropping bombs recently on Chaux de Fonds and has promised to pay in demnity for the death or injury of Swiss citizens and damage to property. FRANK R. LEIB & SON Real Estate and Insurance Of fice, No. 18 North Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Elegant Suburban Home on . West Third St., New Cumber land. Detached dwelling on lot 50x140; has all improve ments. FOR RENT i 10,000 sq. ft. floor space in building northwest comer Court and Cranberry streets. Use of elevator. Possession at once. 1006 North Second St., third floor apartment. 4 rooms and bath. All improvements. Rent, $30.00. 1531 N. 4th St., 3-story frame dwelling, 8 rooms and bath. All imp. Possession at once. Rent, $16.00. MONEY ' Jk To Housekeepers, Work. |\ logmen and Salaried Em. ■ ployes. I LEGAL, RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY • N. MARKET SQUARE Room 21 4th Floor Spooner Building mJ 11
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