Russian Forces Again Check Von Hindenburg HARRISBURG flfiSifii TELEGRAPH LXXXIV — No. 249 PASSENGER TRAIN HITS AUTOMOBILE AT HUMMELSTOWN Sideswiped and Turned Over Into Ditch on Top of Autoists GUESTS AT FOX HOME Chauffeur Seriously Injured; Six Others Have Narrow Escape Seven persons en route from Hum melstown to Gettysburg this morning had a miraculous escape from death, when the automobile in which they were riding was struck by a train on the Middletown and Hummelstown branch of the Philadelphia and Read ing Railway. The accident occurred at the Main street grade crossing, TTummetstown. The auto was sideswiped and was turned over into the ditch, the occu pants falling under the car. Those in the car were: Ralph Mulligan, chauffeur, Phila delphia, left leg badly cut and bruised, head cut, and internal injuries; taken to the National hotel. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gay, Phila delphia, scalp wounds, slight lacer ations of the face and body bruises. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Barnes, Phil adelphia, scalp wounds. Miss Mary Fox,Hummelstown, slight outs and bruises. Robert T. Fox, assistant district at torney, Hummelstown, slight cuts and bruises. The party were overnight guests at the home of Robert T. Fox, Hummels town. They left, about 8.40 this morn ing, intending to make a brief stop in Harrisburg. The train left Hummelstown for Middletown at 8.50 and wtas traveling at five miles an hour, according to Paul Werner, en gineer, and S. D. Hartz, the conduc tor. The crossing is at the west end of Main street. %The automobile reached the crossing just about the time the train came around the surve a short distance north of Main street. The chauffeur made every effort to turn his car away from the engine, and this, it Is believ ed prevented a more serious accident. Engine Sideswipes Auto The engine sideswiped the automo bile turning the car over into a ditch near the road. All the passengers fell [Continued on Page 7.] Delaware College Gets Present of $500,000 Wilmington, Del., Oct. 23. Official announcement was made this morning of a gift of a half million dollars to Delaware College by an interested • itizen whose identity the college trustees are not permitted to disclose. Of this sum $300,000 will be applied to new buildings and $200,000 set aside as an endowment fund to provide reve nue for maintenance. From the same anonymous source Delaware College received gifts of ground adjoining the present college property to be used for extension pur poses, the ground so acquired costing nearly $200,000. To Organize Young Men's Hebrew Association The organization of a Young Men's Hebrew Association and Ladies" Aux iliary ip Harrisburg will in all proba bility be effected at a mass meeting to be held this evening in the audi torium of the Technical high school building. The movement for the or ganization was launched here several months ago and already has a large following. It Is proposed that the association when formed will be affiliated with the National Council, Young Men's He brew Association, of New York. In addition to speaking there is to be music by the Y. M. H. A. orchestra. It is expected that representatives of every Jewish family in the citv will attend. Louis Brenner, field secretary of the National Council, Y. M. H. A., New York, is scheduled to be present and make an address. The other speakers will he Dr. George A. Treitnan, of this city; Harry Zable, president of the B'Nai congregation, of Reading, who will speak in Yiddish, and M. Brenard Hoffman, vice-president of the Young Men's Hebrew Association of Pennsyl vania. The meeting will lie free, but chil dren will not be admitted. [THE WEATHER, For Harrlilinrg and vl.-lnKv: Fair to-night and Sunday] nllfchtly warmer Sunday, For Eastern I'enunvlvnnln s Fair to night with front; Sondny fair, ■lightly warmer; gentle to mod erate northerly winds. * liT River The Snnquehannn river and nil Ita branched villi full to-night and Sunday except the lower portion of the main river will reniafn n»arly stationary to-night. A stage of about 4.S feet Is Indi cated for Harrlahurg Sunday morning. General Conditions The pressure has Increased over the greater part of the l.ake Re gion and eontluuea high over the central districts. It continue* low over northeast* era, extreme southeastern ana southwest era districts and lias decreased decidedly la the ex treme Northwest. It la cooler In the Atlantic States and over the greater part of the I.ake Re flon. Tempers!urei Si a. m.. 4S. Rum Rises, s. m i sets, (lilS p. m. Moon: Rises, 5i4R p. tn. Hlver Stage 1 ,V 2 feet above low water mark. Ye*terd«y'a Weather Highest temperature. «7. lowest temperature, SO. Mean temperature, BS. Normal temperature, 52. GREAT BATTLE IN PROGRESS ON ITALIAN FRONT Italy's Soldiers on Offensive to Relieve Pressure on Serbian Border AUSTRIAN LINE PIERCED Russian General Says His Troops Will Land on Bul garian Coast Soon Italian front. Advices from Rome and Vienna indicate that the offensive movement of the Italians undertaken presumably to relieve pressure on the Serbian front. Is under full headway. An official communication from Rome states that this move is In progress on the Tyrol and Trentino frontiers, along the whole front to the sea. The latest reports l'rom Vienna state that the Italians were repulsed with heavy lossts, although they suc ceeded In reacning the Austrian po sitions in some places. The Italian staff, however, announces a series of important successes. It Is stated the Austrian line was pierced in several sectors and that many Austrian posi tions were captured. German troops are following up their recent offensive movements on the French front but apparently no fighting of great importance has de veloped. The official report from Paris to-day mentions three German attacks and says that in each instance the attacking parties were dispersed. In Lorraine French forces occupied a German trench. Difficulties Encountered An announcement made by the Ser bian minister to Greece indicates that the invaders of Serbia are meeting with great difficulties. The minister asserts that the Austro-German of fensive south of Danube and Save has been suspended for the time beingr, and that In some sections the Serbians have resumed the offensive. The mln ! ister also asserts that after reaching Vranya, on the main Serbian railroad, Bulgarian troops vacated the town. Greek newspapers publish a note setting forth the position of the Greek Government. Greece makes known her purpose of maintaining a friendly attitude toward the entente powers, but considers that It is not in their province to interpret the Greco-Ser bian treaty under the terms of which, it is contended by the allies, Greece is obliged to assist Serbia. A Russian general detailed to the Serbian head quarters Is quoted as having said that, within a fortnight Russian troops will land on the Bulgarian coast. The German Federal Government has decided to assume control of food throughout Germany to equalize dis tribution and prices. Hitherto the state provincial authorities have per formed this function. It Is stated In Berlin that the food supply Is abun dant. Germans Deny Only 358 Vessels Have Been Sunk By Associated Prest Berlin, Oct. 23, by wireless to Say vllle, "Competent German authori ties deny the official announcement made in London on October 20th that only 183 British merchant vessels and 175 British fishing vessels had been j sunk by submarines up to October I 14,' says the Overseas News Agency. "These authorities state that up to the middle of October, 289 English trad- I ing ships had been sunk and that up ;to September 14, 275 fishing vessels had been destroyed, as shown by statements published from time to time in English newspapers. These reports do not disclose all the facts, and the actual number of ships sunk in reality is still larger." Federal Government to Control Prices By Associated Press Berlin, Oct. 23, by .wireless to Say ville. The German Federal govern ment to-day decided to assume con trol of the price and supply of victuals throughout Germany. Up to the pres ent time the State provincial authori ties had been considered competent to hand the food situation. OBSERVE KM PRESS' BIRTHDAY By Associated Press Berlin, Oct. 23.—8y wireless to Say i ville. The streets of Berlin were (decorated gayl.v and Hags were dis played on the public buildings and private houses in honor of the birth day yesterday of the Empress. All the grandchildren of the Empress visited her at Potsdam. SEEK NORMA I, CONDITIONS By Associated Press London, Oct. 23. —It is learned in banking circles that further plans are under consideration for bringing back normal conditions in the American ex change market. Bankers concerned in this undertaking say it has not been advanced sufficiently to make public its nature at this time. GERMANS DRIVEN BACK By Associated Press Paris, Oct. 23, 2.35 p. m. Yesterday evening detachments of German troops endeavored to advance from their trenches near Bois en Hache and Givenchy, but they were quickly dis persed. according to the official state ment given out by the war office this afternoon. Railroads Planning to Move Italian Reservists By Associated Press Pittsburgh. Pa., Oct. 23. —Railroads here to-day arranged to move some 4,000 Italian reservists from West Virginia and Western Pennsylvania who have been ordered to join their regiments. Small bodies of 100 or less were sent to New York every night last week, but It was planned to move the main body In four special trains not later than next Wednesday in order that they might immediately embark on the waiting steamship. HARRISBURG, PA. y SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 23, 1915. MAYOR ROYAL IS DRIVEN TO EN LAW BY MOTOR CLUB j% yfiC, 7?t o-y *-r~4 p i<s at <y a *f NOTE OF CHIEF HUTCHISON TO POLICEM.*N WARNING OFFICER TO LET MAYORS PARTICULAR FRIENDS VIOLATE TRAFFIC ORDINANCE AT WILL. Accused of Letting Friends Who Violated Traffic Ordinance Down Easily; Fined Poor Jitney Drivers; Farmers at Market Houses Who "Stood in" With Royal Were Free to Do as They Pleased Instructions to enforce the ci'y traf fic regulations were Issued to all the patrolmen yesterday by Mayor John K. Royal. The orders were passed according to the mayor at the "urgent request of the Motor Club of Harrisburg." For months this club has been en deavoring to have the traffic conditions bettered and regulated in the city streets and repeated requests, and even demands had been made by members of the club to have the chief executive insist upon the enforcement of the laws. The Fortunate Ones In some instances, say motorists, there have been prosecutions but these offenders as a rule are jitney driv ers or chauffeurs who have no politi cal or personal standing with Mayor Royal or his friends: the fortunate ones who enjoy these privileges are not prosecuted but officers have been tip ped off not to "push them too hard because they're friends of the mayor." Council's attention was officially called to the laxity of the mayor's attitude in this respect several weeks ago when the Motor Club sent a com munication to the body declaring that the rules wtere not being enforced and suggesting that the presence of the ordinance on the statute boo"ks was useless unless some effort was made to enforce the law without regard to personal feeling or favor. Mayor Much Hurt Mayor Royal was much hurt at the Motor Club's letter. He mourned the action in quite a speech at the Council session. Members of the Club, however, are weary of spending time and money in an effort to regulate traffic condi tions and in prosecuting violators when their efforts amount to nothing through the lack of co-operation by the police department. Many an inci dent has been mentioned of the fail ure of Mayor Royal to enforce these Important rules governing the oper ation of vehicular and motor traffic. Here arc a few of them: A Few of the Offenses One well-known citizen allownd his machine, with the engine running to stand along the curb for close to an hour; then, with "cut out" open he "UPPER END" IS STRONG FOR TICKET Republican Campaigners Meet With Enthusiastic Reception at Lykens and Wiconisco Republicans in the upper end of the •county rallied in large numbers last evening to hear the Republican candi dates discuss the. issues of the'cam paign at Lykens and Wiconisco. The meetings were among the largest held in those towns in years. [Continued on Page 7.] EMPEROR WANTS VICTORY IX FBGHT -WICKEDLY" STARTED Amsterdam, via London, Oct. 23. — Emperor William replying to the con gratulations extended by the King of Bavaria on the occasion of the 500 th anniversary of the Hohenzollern gov ernment telegraphs: "Although it is painful to mo after my long reign of peace to be obliged to take up arms In defense of the freedom and honor of the fatherland, T with Your Majesty and all German princes confidently trust that the good Lord will continue in support of * just cause and grant us and our loyal allies a victorious issue of- the light I wickedly begun against us." 1 hustled through the Market street subway without regard for the many teams passing up and down the ap proaches. In brief these are three distinct vio lations of the traffic laws. A police man arrested the offender but he released "because he was a friend of the mayor." That officer too, by the way, got a quiet tip to "go a little easy hereafter with the particular citi zen as "he wias a friend of the mayor." On another occasion a similar in stance occurred in Market street where an officer stopped an offender who was haled before the mayor—and the word of censure was passed to the policeman because of his "harsh methods." He, too, was given to un derstand that this sort of thing couldn't be tolerated with "the friends of the mayor." It was even suggested that the policeman apologize. True, all offenders weren't treated thus: Who the Mayor "Soaked" One modest jitney driver was haled before "His Honor" and fined $lO for violation of the traffic regulations. He hadn't the money to pay his fine: he hadn't a friend "at court" as it were—and he got a ten-day sentence in jail. The real story of Mayor Royal's in sistency however is the story of John A. Fackler, evidently a "friend" of no little standing wfith the mayor. Fack ler repeatedly violated the traffic reg ulations at the Verbeke street market house and Patrolman A. L. Heagy, after warning him, haled the offender before the city's chief executive. Fackler was released. And a day or so later Patrolman Heagy got this little note from Col. Hutchison, chief of police: Officer Hca«y: The Mayor requests that sou do not give John A. Fackler any trouble at Broad Street Market to-morrow about his wagon until you can make u report to me about it. He is a {treat friend of the Mayor's. .1, B. H.. . Chief. Affidavit to this effect was sworn to by Heagy before Alderman George A. Hoverter on August 27, 1915. STOCKYARDS AT ANNVELLE BURN Six Steers and Four Hogs Lost at Stables of Harry Longenecker Annville, Pa., Oct. 23.—This morn ins the stockyards 'and stables of Harry Longenecker, near the Phila delphia and Reading station here, were totally destroyed by fire entailing a loss of about $2,000, with no Insurance. Six steers and four hogs were burned to death. The fire was probably caus ed by a spark from a passing freight engine. WANTS CONGRESS TO PROTECT DVESTOFP INDUSTRY IN V. S. New York, Oct. 23.—Recommenda tions will be made to Congress to en act legislation to protect the dyestuff Industry In America from unfair com petition by European producers afterl the war as a result of a meeting of the I New York section of the Society of Chemical Industry. Dr. Edward Pratt, chief of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, addressing the meeting last night said that by January 191. J. at least 16,000 tons of dyfestuffs would be produced annually ift America. ■ , THINK SUFFRAGE WILL WIN OUT Declare Defeat in Jersey Pre sages Victory in Penn sylvania STIRS ZEAL OF WORKERS Says All Four Amendments Must Stand or Fall Together Strange though it may seem there Is considerable elation at the offices of the Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Association in this city over in Pennsylvania of the result bf the New Jersey election. This effect strictly speaking Is not a reaction, but it is distinctly different from what is usually produced by a reverse. Of first importance in the informa tion coming to suffrage headquarters is the response to the warning which was a part of the statement made by Mrs. Frank M. Roessing, head of the Pennsylvania suffrage forces, after the New Jersey returns were in. In this statement Mrs. Roessing called atten tion to the fact that the New Jersey election indicated that all four of the proposed changes In the Pennsylvania constitution would stand or fall to gether. This, apparently, is now thoroughly understood all over the State. TnformaUon is also reaching here that the fate of the movement In New Jersey has had the effect of stimulat ing the zeal of Its friends In this State. The real nature of the opposition was uncovered during the concluding days of the New Jersey campaign and it is realized that there must be a united front by the friends of good govern ment if the cause Is to win in Penn sylvania. As far as can be learned here, and this Is a pretty good place to learn things about politics throughout the State, the political organizations are maintaining a "hands off" attitude and will so continue throughout the rest of the campaign and on election day. Dr. Samuel A. Baer, Former H. H. S. Principal, Dies in Maryland Word was received in this city this afternoon of the death of Dr. Sam uel A. Baer, instructor of pedagogy at the Maryland State Normal School at Froatburg, Md.. and a former principal of the Harrtsburg High school, now the Central High school, this city. Dr. Baer died at Frostburg last even ing following a stroke of paralysis yes terday morning. He is survived by his widow, two sons, Joseph, a lieuten ant in the United States army, and Carl, a civil engineer, and a daughter, Mrs. Jatnes R. Klnslow,. of Charlotte. N. C., whose nusband was the first president of the Harrisburg Rotary Club. Dr. Baer wtas principal of the Cen tral High school until the Spring of 1904 when he resigned and went to Reading where he remained until about six years ago. He was succeed ed here by Dr. Frederick E. Downes, who was later elected superintendent of the Harrisburg school district. Dr. Baer was 70 years. Echo of World's War in Dauphin Courts in Drug Action Today The Inevitable e ho of the world's war was heard in the Dauphin county courts this morning when L M. Leber man's Sons, Incorporated, filed an ac tion agalst Dr. J. N. Clark, a druggist, for the recovery of $165 on a bill for glycerine. Leberman alleges that on September 15 he ordered 1,500 pounds of glycerine from Dr. Clark at the latter's quoted price of twenty-four cents a pound. After waiting a month Clark failed to deliver the goods and the plaintiff had to buy It elsewhere at fifty-five cents a pound. The additional cost, he says, amounted to $465, and he therefore sued for that sum. Dr. Clark, it is contended, was un able to supply the goods as he figured because of the lack of the drug brought about by the demand for its use In the trenches of European battlefields. Club Cyclists Who Break Traffic Rules Will Be Requested to Resign Members of the Keystone Motor cycle Club who violate! city traffic regulations more than one time and are reported to the board of directors of that organization will be asked to resign, it was announced to-day. Co-operation with the city authori ties is urged by the officers of the club and every member has been notified of the penalty for violating traffic rules. It was said at the meeting of the board recently that, little trouble has been | experienced in the city with motor cyclists, but in order to prevent any possible violations the question of membership was fixed as a penalty. Willingness was shown on the part of the members, it is said, to comply entirely with city regulations. NEW ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUNS STOP ENTENTE'S PLANES By Associated Press New Tork, Oct. 23. One reason why the aircraft of the nations of the entente are not now making so many attacks upon German cities as here tofore is that the Germans have in vented a new anti-aircraft gun with an accurate range of more than 10,- 000 feet, according to Lieut. Paul Arbon of the British Army Aviation Corps. Lieut. Arbon, who arrived here yesterday on board the Baltic from Liverpool was sent over to in spect some machines being built In the United States. GERMANS SUSPEND OPERATIONS Athens, Oct. 22, via Paris, Oct. 23. —The Serbian minister to Greece an nounces that the German operations In tt\e north of his country have been temporarily suspended. The Serbians are said to have assumed the offensive and at certain points to forced back the invaders. The German en trenchments, he stated, extended only a few kilometers along the line south j of Belgrade. BIG CELEBRATION CLOSES TONIGHT "Everybody's" Parade Will Be Last Feature of Centen nial Program BAZAR GREAT SUCCESS Committee Endeavoring to Raise Enough Money to Clear Indebtedness Special to The Telegraph West Fairview, Pa., Oct. 23.—With the passing of "Everybody's" parade this evening, West Fairvlew's centen nial celebration will be brought to a close. Elaborate plans have been made for the final feature and hundreds of pieces of red fire will be set off to help illuminate the town. The West Fair view Band will head the procession and all of the liomecomers and resl [Continucd on Page Von Hindenburg's Drive Has Again Been Checked By Associated Press London, Oct. 23, 12.37 p. m.—The latest official news from Petrograd j gives some indication that Field Mar shal Von Hindenburg's drive toward the Baltic port of Riga has again been checked and that nearer the center of the German lines, German counter attacks have been repulsed. Fighting on the left bank of the Styr continues and the Russians assert they have made further captures of large num bers of men. In Caucasus lively actions, in which cavalry Is taking an important part, are reported. Vienna acknowledges Austrian troops have re tired in Gallcla under the pressure of superior Russian forces. CARRANZA'S CONFIDENTIAI, AGENT RETURNS TO MEXICO By Associated Press Washington. D. C., Oct. 23. —Bear ing official notification of the recogni tion by the United States and the Latin Republics of the government in Mexico represented by General Venu stiano Cari'anza, Eliseo Arredondo, confidential agent here for Carranza, left to-day for Saltillo, Mexico, to meet his chief. He w;ill personally convey to General Carranza notes of recogni tion from Secretary of State Lansing and the diplomatic representatives i here of the Latin-American countries. middleweight champion pugilist, to-day beat on points m Jimmy Clabby, of Hammond Ind., the world middleweight C champion, at the stadium here. 1 Brcwnsville, Tex., Oct. 23.—Ranchmen living along the « Rid Grande, near McAllfen fifty miles west of here, to-da'y I appealed to Governor Ferguson for protection for their lives i and property. If this cannot be had their appeals say, they ' ask immunity from prosecution in order that they may at 1 their own risk cross the Rio Grande and get back property stolen frorp them and taken to Mexico. % Philadelphia, Oct. 23.—William H. Donner, president C of the Cambria Steel Company and chairman of the Board S of the Pennsylvania Steel Company, is a rival of Charles M. % Schwab for the purchase of a controlling interest in Pen; % sylvania Steel, according to the latest turn in the ne- \ chwab to take over Pennsylvania X St-el and merge it with the Bethlehem Steel Corporation un- % doubt< Jly have met a snag, according to reports here th: 4 afternoon. m New York, Oct. 25.—Business booked by the steel mills 1 durixii; the week, made public to-day show that the enormous m ' total of nearly 800,000 tons was contracted for. Inquiri< ft for supplies, it is stated, which are pending, are even in ft greater volume. m Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 23.—A man believed to be Har- ft M vey Herman, Jr., 58 Fountain street, New Haven, Conn., who m m disappeared a few hours before the hour set for his wedding m J ceremony, committed suicide in a hotel here to-day. % Washington, Oct 23. Formation of an American a Trust Company, similar in organization to the Netherland:. m Overseas Trust, to handle American products abroad with \ assurances that they will not reach the belligerents was an- f nouncsd to-day by Secretary Redfield of the Department a of Commerce. a Newark, N. J., Oct. 23.—The Rev. Louis R. Palment in- g dieted for arson, was acquitted. ■ New York, Oct. 23. T. Waldo Story, the sculptor, died % at his home here to-day. He had been seriously ill for some # days, suffering from a brain clot, * W MARRIAGE UCENSES C I Harry M. '"(Tft. Sand Hcnoh, and Mnrj- C. Pflffer. Derry Chvreh. f Karl S, Prtmell and ftuaan R. Oavla, New fumbrrland. a Harry M. Rra«h#am and Crnra Wlaenford, f John F. Moore, IVnbrook, and Katie Mubtna Rhine, Derry Cfenrefc. ft Joaeph Daniel Sllve and Sadie Agnea Sltea, Halifax. 1 POSTSCRIPT— 18 PAGES GOVERNOR ASKS STATE ATTACHES TO HELP CENSORS Chief of All Departments Re quested to Have Employes Stop Unlicensed Films IN INTEREST OF PUBLIC Dr. Brumbaugh Says That Hp Has Heard of Unlicensed Films Being Displayed Governor Brumbaugh has addressed a letter to the head of each depart ment of the State government asking them to request a llattaches of their offices to assist in the proper enforce ment of the law governing moving pic tures in Pennsylvania by promptly re porting every film displayed without State license. Similar requests will he made of all State officers and district attorneys and other officers will be in vited to help. i The Governor's letter is as follows: j 'lt has come to my attention that here and there throughout the State moving picture films have been displayed that have not been approved by the Pennsylva nia State Board of Censors for Moving Picture Films. It is of the utmost importance that only films approved by the Board of Censors of this Common wealth should be exhibited in this State. Will you. therefore, be kind enough in the interest of a proper enforcement of this law to request of all employes of your depart ment. who at any time in attend ance at a public moving picture exhibition should see displayed any film not approved by the Pennsylvania Board of Censors, immediately to notify the Board of the time, the place and the character of such film. This co-operation on the pari of your people will be greatly ap preciated." FRENCH WOMAN EXECUTED By Associated Press Amsterdam, Oct. 23. via t-ondon. The Telegraaf publishes an article from its Antwerp correspondent under the title "the paternal administration of Belgium" In which it is said that some weeks ago a French woman, Madame Louise Frenay wai executed
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers