4 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS WILD TURKEYS IN PERRY COUNTY Hunters Killed Many Fine Spe cimens During First Week of Season SQUIRRELS AND COON SHOT Nearly All Hunters Got Limit Allowed by Game Laws \ By Special Correspondent* Blaln, Pa., Oct. 23. R. M. Smith sprained Ills right ankle by stepping into a hole in the yard.—The Rev. J. W. Keener spoke in St. Peter's Re formed Church, near Bridgeport, on Sunday evening.- Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Dromgold and daughter I<ee returned from a visit to the Panama-Pacific Exposition.—Mr. and Mrs. J. 1,. Stum and daughter, of Harrisburg, are here on a visit.—J. M. L,. Wentzel, of Har rlsburg, visited here. —Victor Kutz, of f'arlisle. is visiting his sister, Miss Calanthla Kutz. — T. C. Droneberger "ltd Clark Anderson each shot a tur key on Saturday. Others who killed turkeys were Dr. E. C. Kistler, D. U. Hench, Roy Arnold, George Mumper, Raymond Wurley and W. F. Gray.— J. E. Dare, Samuel Morrow and Kel b r Davis, of Harrisburg. killed fifteen soulrrels and Mr. Dare a turkey.— George Deohn, Howard Dehart and f'hester Wentzel, of Harrisburg, an(\ Charles Bickle and Robert Dehart, of Reading, bagged twenty-nine squirrels. Mr. and Mrs. James Kenney, of Ha serstown, Md., aro visiting Mrs. Jennie Gutshall, —H. C. Henry. Miles Shannon and Robert Gray killed a young 'coon that weighed 10 pounds on Monday night.— A. D. Garber, of Florin, shot the limit of squirrels.—S. L. Rickard visited in Harrisburg and I^ewistown. BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. K\# Who Your Win* ||ld dows and IJf Signs? We Want To for the most excellent reasons, because we're In the business and need the money and be cause our rates arc so low and our work so superior you can't afford to do It yourself; we use no chemicals. Harrisburg Window Cleaning Co. OFFICE—BOB EAST ST. Bell Phone 631-J Never Mind How Strong Yeu Are— What d'ye Know? That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?" To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains —not brawn—that win, "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat and victory between "wages" and "salary" between you and the Boss. What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert In some line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman, superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you CAN "make good" on,a big job? For 28 years the I. C. S. have been showing men how to do better work and earn bigger salaries. Every month over 400 students write of promoUons or salary Increases through L C 8. training. What the X. C. S. are doing for these men thev can do for YOU. r No matter where you live, how old you are, what houn you work, or how limited your education—lf you can read and write and are ambitions to learn the I. C. S. can train you In your own during your spare time, for a more Important and better-paying: position. Mark and mall the attached coupon—lt won't obligate you in the least—and the I. C. S. will show you how you can acquire this salary-raising ability by their simple and eaay methods. It will cost you nothing to InvesUgate—it may cost a life time of remorse If you don't Mark and Mall the Cnunon NOW. "upon I INTERNATIONAL {CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS j $ Box 1331, Scranton, Pa. Please explain without any obligation to me how I can qual* 5 C tfy for the posltlo.-i before which I mark X. f 5 ' Electrical E»*i»Mr Mechanical Drafts Show Card WrlM» 5 t -Elec. Lighting Supt. Refrigeration Engineer Adv.rtl.iria t <C Electric Wlreman Civil Engineer Salesraanehla i i Tel. A Tel. Engineer Surveyor Teacher •' S Architect Loco. Fireman A Bag. Engllah Branchaa ■ J Architectural Draft ama a flrll Service Agriculture r i E ®* ,n r ,r S J,,I JL OT M *" Cl,rk Poultry Fannin. < ? Balldlag Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb. * SteamFM. ? J Concreta fonatructloa Steno. A Typewriting Chemistry ? f Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Automobile Rnnateg ■{ J Nam* i 5 St. and No. j J CltJ , state ..... ij it J SATURDAY EVENING, TWO GOOD FARMS SOLD AT AUCTION Properties of Mrs. Kmma Her shey Near Landisville, Lancaster County [NEEDLE GUILD FORMED " s , 2 ' Thirty-two Young Women of Mount Joy, Organize and Elect Officers Momit .loy, Pa.. Oct. 2R. Auc tioneer Jonas Minnich on Monday sold for Mrs. Kmmn Hershey a farm of l>> acres near to Martin Miller for $5,500 and on Tuesday a farm of 15 acres for $5,000. —On Tuesday evening thirty-two young women of the Lutheran Church met at the home of Mrs. George' Brown and organized the Needle Guild So ciety by electing the following officers: Mrs. Annie Witmer, president: Mrs. Frank Schoch, vice-president: Miss Helen Krall. secretary, and Miss Ber tha Missemer, treasurer. —Mrs. Amanda Eshleman, of North Platte, Neb., spent Saturday in town. This was her first visit to the town in thirty-three years. —Miss Elizabeth Reesor, of Harris burg, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. J. R. Missemer.—On Sunday, October 81. the Lutheran Church will have "every member present" services. In the morning the pastor, the Rev. How- | ard Kern, will preach on "What Is j Man?" and In the evening on "The I Home of the £oul."—Harry S. Hinkle, j one of the stalwart Democrats of town, I Is a candidate for postmaster to sue- j teed J. Fred Fenstermacher, the prea- | ent Republican incumbent.—Mrs. A. | L. Clay and Mrs. Fred Wood, of Mil- j ton. Vt., are guests of Dr. Newpher.-- i J. R. Garvin and son James, of T>an- i caster, were guests of Dr. J. J. New- I pher on Sunday.—Miss Dora Rush, i Miss Kathryn Brandt, Miss Emily Ceu- j pold, Miss Tillie Fretag and Walter i Rush were auto visitors on Sunday with J. W. McOlr^nls. —Martin N. Bru baker celebrated his eightieth birth day on Monday.—lrvin Starr, of Allen- | town, has been the guest of her friend. Miss Viola Baker.—Mrs. C. K. Mohler. j ol* Harrisburg, is spending a week j with the family of E. F. Baker.- j Christian H. Newcomer sold the Rail road House at Landisville to the Penn sylvania Railroad Company for sfi,ooo. i It is a three-story brick building and ' will be torn down to make improve- j ments. i DR. CHASE'S Blood and Nerve Tablets , Fill the shriveled arteries with pure, rich blood, increase the weight in solid flesh and 1 muscle that give you strength, the brain and . nerves with fresh vital fluid that force new | life and vigor into every part of the body. "WEIGH YOURSELF BEFORE TAKING Price 50 cents; Special Strength 75 cents. Dr. Chase Co., 224 N. 10th St. Philadelphia. Pa. j FAMILIES OF EIGHT SISTERS AND BROTHER HOLD REUNION NEAR MOUNT JOY Moont .Toy, Pa., Oct. 23. A family reunion was held at the residence of Jacob Brown, a prominent farmer, half a mile east of Mount Joy. in honor of Mrs. Browli's brother and eight sisters, together with the families. Forty-six members of the various families were present, all of whom are In the above group. A special feature of the day wts the rlnner served by Mrs. Brown, with a number of able assistants. Mrs. Heck and Daughter Return Home From Turkey By Special Correspondence Dauphin, Pa., Oct. 23.—Mrs. George Heck has returned home from an ex tended trip to l.aucaster, Philadelphia, and Atlantic City. Miss Anna Houck was the week-end guest of Miss Katli erine Shall, at Huminelstown. —Mr. and Mrs. George Crous«\ of Kenovo, and Mrs. Adelaide Arnold, of Lebanon, were week-end guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Crouse.—Mrs. Mary Cofrode is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Walter Speece at Speeceville. Mrs. Harry M. Reed and Mrs. Bevtha Hennlnger spent Sunday at Pittsburgh. Miss Carrie Hoffman, of Mlddletown. was the week-end guest of Mrs. Frank E. Williams. P. B. Young and Mr. and Mrs. Graw, of Had donllold, N. J., motored home on Tues day. after a week's camping at Camp Bayard, about seven miles from here. They were accompanied as far as Phil adelphia by Mrs. Robert Fulton Stirl ing and Miss Margaret Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Singer, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Singer, all of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Singer. Miss Cora Cofrode left for Johnstown, on Sunday. Miss Anna Hoffman and her guest. Mrs. Frank Sanford, of Washington, D. C., spent Thursday at .Gettysburg. Herbert Greenawalt, of Elizabeth, N. .1., is tbe guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Green await. Walter J. Shaffer is spend ing the week-end in New York City. The Rev. L. O. Heisler, of Harrisburg, i was the truest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. 1 Sheetz, on Wednesday. Mrs. 'Maurice Lewis, of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Thomas I Stuart Halter, of Frederick, Md., were guests of Mrs. Blanch Robinson. William Bell Corbett, of Harrisburg. | spent Sunday with William Bell Gross. ---Mrs. Frank McDonald, of Harris -1 burg, spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. George GUday. Mrs. William Kodenhaver, of Harrisburg, spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sellers. Mr. and Mrs. Fdward Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Scott, Miss Hazel Johnson, and Miss Leona Scott, all of Harrisburg, were the Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank .1. Wallls. Miss Sabra Clark spent several days with Miss F. Dorothy Helman, of 227 Kmerald street. Harris burg. Mrs. Sarah Blessing and daughter. Mary, and Miss Mary Fager, all of Harrisburg, were week-end guests of Mrs. J. W. Hawthorne. '' rank Davidson, of Tacoma, Washing ton, is spending the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Charles Shaffer. Miss Helen Louise Wallis was the guest of Miss Mary Witmer, of Maclay street, Harrisburg, for several days. Free man C. Gerberich, Miss Carrie Ger berich, and Miss Anna Hauck spent to- j day at Philadelphia. Mrs. Joseph Downing, and Miss Kdna Sprenkel, of i Harrisburg. spent Fridav with Mrs. J. I TJ. Hawthorne. Mrs. William P.! Clark spent several days with Mrs. I Harry Robinson, at 1421> North Front street. Harrisburg. Mrs. Lewis Heck and daughter, Emma Dorothy, wife and daughter of Lewis Heck, who is an at tache of the American ernbassv at Con stantinople are visiting J. Lewis Heck, of Heckton Mills, after recently returning from Turkey. Miss l« % Dorothy Helman and Miss Mary Wit mer, both of Harrisburg. are the week end guests of Miss Helen Louise Wal iis. --- Henry Moore, a student at the Harrisburg Academy spent Sunday at Camp Bayard. MW CATCHING SKUNKS By Special Correspondence ! iiiiHlnauKlc'H Church, Fa., Oct. 23. li— Adam M. Keller is spending the I week nt Amos Heniperly's. William | McHaftey is busy catching skunks which are very numerous. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Moses Kromis, a son.— j Mr. and Mrs. Deavan and brother j made a trip to Lebanon. Allen | Donges has made his home in his I bungalow watching his vegetables so | they will not be stolen. Mr. and | Mrs. Paul Ungle visited friends at j \ ian. Uncle Ainos Kreiser of West I Hanover was a visitor on Tuesday.— j Mrs. Jacob C 5. Bomgardner visited i friends at 1-obanon. I i !-WS—— PERFECT HEALTH 15 EVERY WOMAN'S BIRTHRIGHT. When a girl becomes a woman, when a woman becomes a mother, when a woman passes through the changes of middle life, nre the three periods of life when health and streugthare most needed to withstand the pain and dis tress often caused by Revere organic l disturbances. | At these critical times women are j best fortified by the use of Dr. Pierce's I favorite Prescription, an old remedy | of proved worth that keeps the entire female 6y6tem perfectly regulated and in excellent condition. Heading, Pa.—"l was badly run §down some years ago. I was in a tired - out, worn - out. condition. After taking two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription I felt it up until 1 had tnken six bottles. It. is a very goo'J medicine and I was pleased ant satisfied with it."— Mrs. D. H. Lupfer 322 Franklin Street, Reading, Pa. Mothers, if your daughters are weak, lack ambition, are troubled with head aches. lassitude and are pale and sick ly. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is just, what they need to surely bring the bloom of health to their cheeks and make them strong and healthy. Rick women are invited to Consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. Address In valids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. T. The modern improvement in pills —Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They help Nature, instead of fighting with her. Sick and nervous headache, bili ousness, costiveness, and all derange-> ments of the liver, stomach and bowels are prevented, relieved, cured. ttARRISBUHO TELEGRAPH" Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania By Special Correspondence Hfrry-Kbnrg.—Mis* L<epa Hartman. of Milton, spent Sunday under the paren tal roof. Miss Annie Hunk left for Scottdale. where she expects to spend the winter with her brother, the Rev. Irvin Hunk. Mrs. M. S. Daniel re turned from a two weeks' visit to Philadelphia and Hershey. Miss Catherine Williams, of Kyerett, is vis iting her mother, Mrs. Anna M. Snyder. — mass meeting was helu at Bowman's Hotel on Tuesday even ing- Communion services will he held in the Reformed Church to-mor row morning:, at 10 o'clock, by the Rev. 11/I 1 / Wehr. with preparatory services this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Swab and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur lioke; of Kllzabethville, called on their sister, Mrs. Oscar Hoover, on Sunday. Dalmntin.—Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Binga man spent Sunday at Harrisburg. C. C. Bowen. of Sunbury, was the guest of his brother-in-law. George Aumil ler, on Monday. Albert ZeTgler, who is employed at Swatara, visited his family over Sunday. Mrs. Merslnger, of Harrisburg, spent several days with relatives here. Garret Blngaman, of Sunbury, spent Tuesday here. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Delbert visited at Heg lm; on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sclinee. of Mt. Pleasant Mills, are visit ng relatives here. W. C. Bubb vis ited his daughter. Mary, at Rucknell university, Lewisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Shannon spent a day at Sunbury. Plkei«%vn. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, of Harrisburg, spent sev eral days with Thomas Ramsey.—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kbersole - md children visited Hershey and Midd'.®town on Sunday. Mr. a*nl Mrs. K. K Strohm and daughter, Mildred, spent cVjnday with Mr. and Mrs. Truman Strohm, at Bismark. Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Brown and son and Mr. and Mrs. Galen Funk, of ILebanon, were week-end guests of Miss Priscilla Ramsey and tt. H. Brown. Miss Goldie Wade spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Mabel Aungst, near L*inglestown.—Mrs. Rosanna Shlve. of Harrisburg. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. My Hughes. Miss Nelle Jones, of Harrisburg. is the guest of Mr. and . Irs. Joseph Hoen shelt. —• The Rev. Jonas Martin at tended the ministerial meeting of the Churches of God at Harrisburg on Mon i*l* Z7 r * anf * M rs - Simon Weaver vis ited Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver, at Pen brook. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Uunkle spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Wade, at IJnglestown. . Air. and Mrs. Charles Pletz, of Fishing Creek Valley, spent Sunday with Wil liam Brown. Sellnsgrovr. Mrs. John McCarrel, of Harrlsburg, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Scharf. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Arbogast, of Elkhart. Ind., are visiting at the home of the latter's sis ter, Mrs. Krdley. Misses Dorothv and Christine Sclioch. students at the Ship pensburg State Normal School, after spending several days here, have re turned to Shippensburg. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Biles, of Harrlsburg, are visit >nsJ:l,c latter's parents, Mr. and Mis. A H. Witmer, on the Isle of Que. Misses Christine Sohniuk and Grace and Maria Geiselman, of Hanover, are vis it. home of iheir uncle. Dr. Charles T. Aikens. Miss Edna Klinger, a teacher in the public schools of Middleburg. was a visitor at the home of Miss Sue Tool. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Doebier, of Harrisburg. spent last weelt with their parents, here. Mrs. A. W. Hamuer. of Wllliamstown. spent the week with her cousin. Mrs. I. N. Catherman. rhnmpmntimn. Mrs. D. H. Spotts is spending the week with her ntec%, Mrs. J. Frank Patterson, at Mlftlin town. Mrs, W. K. Applebaugh, of baston is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. G. Haldeman. Mrs. Simon W. Cam eron and Mrs. D. B. Treibley were guests of Holmes Books, near Mexico, on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. W H Haines are attending a medical con vention at New York City. Jona than Keiser, Misses Rose Keiser Bertha Reams and Marlon Cameron spent Saturday in Mifflin county.—Mi and Mrs. Gilbert lb Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brant, oi Newport, and Mrs. Sloanmaker, of Huntingdon, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Shu man. Dr. S. F. Melz was in Philadel phia this week. Mr. and Mrs. Kugene Cameron, of Harrisburg, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sausman.— Mr. anil Mrs. bemuel /-eiders, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Harry McClellan, of Altooua. spent the week with their mother, Mrs. Joseph Wetz ler, who will accompany Mrs. McClel lan homo to spend the winter. Mi ami Mrs. John Sieber and Mrs. Chris tian Sleber, of Indiana, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. 11. Branthoffer. Mr. and Mrs. M. I! Bastress. Mrs. Maggie Klein and daughter. Ruth, of Somer set, Ohio, are visiting in Kurtz Val ley. I nlmi Deposit. Mr. and Mrs. George I.*>dge, of Harilsburg, visited the latter s mother. Mrs. L.ydTa Ramb ler. on Sunday. Jonas Kbersole, of Bachmansville. visited his sister Mrs Emma Forry, on Sunday. Mrs. Henry Miller and two sons. Harry and Paul, spent .Sunday at Palmyra. Mr. and Mrs. John Rambler entertain ed 11. Uhoads and family, of Harris burs;. on Sunday. John Fausnacht spent Sunday at Pittsburgh. Mrs Jacob Spangler, of Palmyra, is spend inK-some time with her daughter. Mrs. Tlllle Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John M Baker and son, John, accompanied bv Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fausnacht and son, Harry, spent Sunday at Carlisle, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Trexler —- Preaching services will be held. In'the United Brethren Church to-morrow evening by the pastor, the Rev. George W. Hallman. Mrs. Henry Miller spent Saturday at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. B. Alexander, of Harrisburg were quests of Mrs. Maggie Hartman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Faus nacht spent Sunday at Pottstown. Miss Lizzie l«andls returned home on Sunday after spending some time at Ellzabethtown with her sister. Mrs. Emma Hershey. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Kelfrer and son, Harry, spent Sundav at Annville with Mrs. Kleffer's brother, John Whitmyer. Mrs John Schlepfer spent Sunday at Harrisburg. —Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Kohr and son accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Randolph, of New Cumberland, spent Sunday at Mechanicshurg Miss Ruth Stauffer and Miss Esther Herr, of Her shey. visited the former's uncle. Frank H. StaulTer, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kspenshade, accompanied by Mrs. Lizzie Rambler and daughter Mary, spent Sunday at Elizabethtown. Wormleyahiirjr. Miss Blxler, of New York. Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Hoover. Mrs. A. J, Wright Is entertaining her sister from Brooklyn. Y. Mrs. Ralph Echrack and Forest Ranger Saw 32 Wild Turkeys in Flock —Before Season Opened By Special Correspondence New Germantown, Pa., Oct. 23. Ed. P. Middleton was in New Bloom field on Wednesday. J. Mcßarnett, of New Bloomiieltl was in town on Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Briner, son, Donald and the former's brother, William Briner, foreman of the Perry County Demo crat office of New Bloomfleld were the guests of Mrs. Briner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Trostle. Forest Ranger H. N. Hart saw 32 wild tur keys in one flock on the old Barnhart farm before the game season opened. The following persons have killed turkeys: George M. College, Ed. Col lege, Harry Wilson. Dale McConnell, Clark Anderson, Adam Miller, Floyd Morrow, William Miller, David Beas ton and Wilbur Beaston. William Wilson ancf daughter, Mary, of Alex andria, Pa., and sister, Mrs. S. Fried ley of Jersey City, N. J., are visiting their sister, Mrs. B. S. firing and their aunt, Mrs. T. Potter Hays of New — Mr. and Mrs. Vaye of Baltimore, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Keira. Justice of the Peace John A. Rhea visited his daugh ter, Mrs. Blaine Bower of Shiremans town recently., Mrs. Showers of Center, was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. John H. Briner of Mt. Pleasant. James O'Donel, Ira C. Morrison and Miss Mary Gutshall visited friends in Elllottsburg. Miss Maude Smith spent Sunday with Rosooe Morrow and family. S. B. Trostle has a pear tree and strawberry plants in bloom. 0. D. Wingert Returns to His Home From Hospital By Special Correspondence Mlllerstown, Pa., Oct. 23. —Clarence Kipp, of Philadelphia, was the guest of William Kipp this week. The Rev. Ray Pierson. of East Waterford, was the guest of D. M. Rickabaugh and family on Tuesday. Mrs. Roy Coates and daughter, Dorothy Coates, are at Chambersburg. bloyd Gates, of Tyrone, spent Sunday with his fam ily at the home of Mrs. Robert Patton. Miss Zella Cathcart spent the week end at Harrlsburg with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Messersmith. Elwood Brown, of Chambersburg, spent Sunday with his uncle. D. L. Farner. O. D. Win gert. yrho has been in the Harrisburg Hospital for several weeks and who underwent an operation, returned home Tuesday, accompanied by his son, Rudolph, of Enola. Mrs. Rus sell Martin, of Andersonburg, visited her father, Amso Stahl, over Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin. of Pittsburgh, spent Wednesday with his sister, Mrs. Samuel Seiders. Mrs. Hulda Knight, of Duncannon, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Banks Page. Jacob Dietrich ac companied his daughter, Mrs. Wil liam Brindle, to her home at Gran ville, where he will visit for several weeks. Mrs. Roland Harrison and sons, Roland and Wingert, of Claren don, Virginia, are visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Wingert.—y" Earl Patterson, of Philadelphia, Is visiting his aunt. Miss Elizabeth Pat terson.—Those who took advantage of the excursion to Pittsburgh Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. John Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Reislnger, bewls Dimm, Banks Page, D. Gilbert Ricka baugh. Hoy Atticks-nnd Kd. Beacham. —Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson, H. G. Rippman and Charles Rippman at tended the Rippmuii-Joncs wedding at Newport on Tuesday evening.— Mrs. Sarah Dongenecker, of Avalon, is visiting her brother. D. M. Ricka baugh.—Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patton and James Kipp and family, of Har rishurg, spent Sunday with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kipp. Dillsburg High School Purchases New Piano By Special Correspondence Dillsburg Pa., Oct. 23. —While at tending the Hagerstown fair, Chester Shank of Dillsburg. and Miss Susan Decker, of Heidlersburg, were se cretly married. They will live in Dills burg. Communion services will be held to-morrow morning in the Franklin church by the Lutheran congregation, in charge of the Rev. G. H. Eveler. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bennett and Miss Ruth Garrett, of Harrlsburg, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Shriver over Sunday. Mrs. Daniel Klmmel is confined to her home by illness. Dillsburg High School has purchased a new piano.— Mr. and Mrs. William Krall, of near Philadelphia, visited the latter's moth er, Mrs. A. L. Helkes. Prof. Charles Smith, of bansford, Pa., visited rela tives in Dillsburg on Sunday. Con gressman D. F. bafean, of York, spent Saturday in Dillsburg. South Moun tain bodge of Odd Fellows took five candidates for membership to Harrls burg on Monday night where they were given the work of the order by the Harrisburg lodge. The Rev. O. E. Krenz, former pastor of Cal vary United Brethren Church, who was appointed an evangelist at the last meeting of the conference, began his work at Carlisle Junction on Sun day night. daughter. Gladys, spent Sunday at Co lumbia visiting her parents. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Renshaw and Mrs. Wesley Geiger, spent several days at bebanon. Henry Sipe is suffering with bloodpolson. Mr. and Mrs. Kilns Arney and Mr. and Mrs. frank Arney, of New Buffalo, were Mechan- Icsburp visitors on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mlpple were on n trip at Milton. Mrs. Montelt entertained her two daughters on Sunday, Mrs. Shoe maker from Bonnymead and one from Steelton. OCTOBER 23, 1915. Harrisburg Laymen Will Speak at Church Services By Special Correspondence l/Cwisbcrry, Oct. 23. Two laymen I of Harrisburg will speak in the Meth odist Episcopal Church to-morrow < morning, 'TCiere will be no preaching [service in Ibe evening, as the pastor, the Rev. Edward Jackson will accom pany these laymen to Usburn, where they will hold a service in the Metho dist Episcopal Church. Nathan Stickel of Decatur, 111., and Charles Spangler of Rossville, called on rela tives at Lewisberry on Wednesday. Miss Mildred Rinesmith returned home from a visit with her grandpar ents in Carlisle. Miss Catharine Prowell, of near Llsburn, is teaching the Pedland school, in Newtierry town ship as the teacher, Bruce G. Ncbln ger. is 111 with typhoid fever. Paul Stetler, of l>emoyne, spent several days with the families of O. D. Byers and J. C. Harlacker. Mr. and Mrs. Wise and soh of New Cumberland spent Sunday with Mrs. Wise's sister, Miss Bessie Kunkel and Mrs. Annie Eaird. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Erney spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Boring. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sutton were guests of relatives "at Harrisburg. The Methodist Episco pal Sunday school has purchased new song books. Frank Miller of Har risburg, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bower. A feature of the morning service on Rally Day will bfe the singing by the men of Mrs. E. A. Pennington's class in the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school. CHIC KKN DINNER FOR CHURCH By Special Correspondence .Montamloii, l'a., Oct. 23.—The La dies' Aid Society of the Baptist Church will hold a chicken and noodle soup dinner and supper at the home of Mrs. Howard Swengle Saturday, Oc tober .10.—Teachers Institute will be held in the high school building on Saturday. October 30.—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sharpless and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sharpless, of Bloomsbhrg, were guests of their aunt, Mrs. Charles Frey.—Clayton Detweller, of Philadel phia, was a visitor at Elmer Shaffer's, The Rev. F. I<. Artley, the newly ap pointed Methodist minister, has moved into the parsonage. In the near future he will be married to Miss Grace Hart man. of Buckhorn.—Mr. and Mrs. E. Stone and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Stansbury, of Carbondale, on £unday called at the home of Mrs. Charles J'rey.—Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Frank, of Wllliamsport, spent Sunday at H. F. Frank's. —Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Saber, of Danville, were visitors over Sunday with Angus Fairchild and family. , UHIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIHIUIIIHUIIIIH^ J Scientists discover the cause of 1 t bleeding gams 1 The old idea that bleeding gums of Senreco Tooth Paste. | and loose teeth (symptoms of Senreco contains the best cor- I pyorrhea) are due to little pieces rective and preventive for pyor | of tartar or bone under the gums, r hea known to dental science. I has been exploded. Scientists Used daily it will successfully pro- I have made the astounding discov- t ect your teeth from this disease. | ery that this disease is caused by a Senrec(J also contains the best i 0 germ which is round in every , , , , . , ( .» harmless agent tor keeping the ■. a human mouth. A ° , , . *1 ? This germ is the most active teeth clean and white It ha, a 1 and destructive enemy of your "fishing , and leaves a I teeth. Are you protecting them wholesomely clean, cool and pleas g against it? You can ward off its ant taste in the mouth. • • | constant attack "and escape the Start the Senreco treatment | dread results of the disease by tonight—full details in the folder I using the proper corrective Cf% wrapped around every tube, and preventive treatment in Symptoms described. A your daily toilet. V~~?h 25c two oz. tube is sufficient To meet the need for this \ for six or eight weeks of the 111I II treatment and to enable \l/l Py° rrh * a treatment. Get . . i ~ UtT/\\ Senreco at your druggists everyone to take the neces- to<jay> or s J d 4c in st 8 a B sary precautions against or coin for sample tube and r this disease, a prominent \ f o ]d er . Address The Sen dentist has put his own I \V tanel Remedies Co., 506 prescription before the pub- Union Central Bldg., Cin lic in the convenient form Sampl* si™ cinnati, Ohio. &uuaim*cjimHiiiiiit:in:iiiiiMirjiiimiiiiiKojHiiiMimiauii!u«iiiaiiiiiiitiiiiunimiiiinc£DJiiiiiiimnni*numiit]iiiiii(iiiMr]miiiro(M| Save This Coupon for v The American Government * ASfD The Panama Canal f BY FREDERIC J. HASKIN J V THE BOOKS THAT SHOW UNCLE SAM AT WORK. U ' THE HARRISMJRG TELEGRAPH 1 A HOW TO GET THESE BOOKS—Out out this coupon and present it at our office with 98 cents, to cover the cost of prp- Y | ductlun and handling. Fifteen cents extra If sent by mail. SOME FACTS ABOUT THESE BOOKS—Both .are th* I I same size and bound exactly alike In heavy cloth. Esoh has about 400 pages printed on fine book paper. Both are pro- I fusely illustrated with official etchings, drawings and maps. * OUR GUARANTEE—This Is not a money-making propo- Y f , sition. We are distributing these patrlotlo books at cost I I ' solely because of their educational merit. NEWPORT SUNDAY SCHOOL PARADE Children of Town and Vicinta Will March to Reformed Church LED BY GERMANIA RAND Miss Mina Jane Kramer Enter tains Members of Philoma thaean Club ftv Special Correspondence Newport, Pa.. Oct. 28.—Mrs. Clar ence Stewart Smith has gone to Wil mington. Del., for several weeks' visit. Miss Mary Wright, a graduate nurse of the Episcopal Hospital, Philadel phia, who has been spending several months at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wright, ha. entered the Municipal Hospital ai Philadelphia to take a post-graduatf course in contagious diseases. H Chcston Frank, of Harrisburg, spent several days with his mother, Mrs. .T C. Frank. - Miss Ursula Brown, ol Frostburg, Md.. is a guest of her sis ter. Mrs. Horace Agnew Moore.—Mrs Annie Foreman, of Altoona, is spend ing this week with her sister. Mrs J. Keeley Everhart. Mrs. Williatr Dorwart and Miss Elizabeth Dorwari were quests at. the Margerum-Frecl wedding at Miliersburg 011 evening.—Miss Claire A. Demaree is entertaining her cousin. Miss Mary K McKee, of Harrisburg. Miss Marj Catherine Blatzer was in Harrisburi on Wednesday.—To-moYrow afternooi a parade of the Sunday school chil dren of town and those of the sur rounding districts, headed by the Ger mania band, will take place. Afte: traversing the several streets of tin borough a mass meeting in the Inter est of Sunday schools and their worl and influence will be held in the He formed Church of the Incarnation Addresses will be given by several o the local ministers and by W. D. Reei a Sunday school worker of Philadel plila.—Miss Mina Jane Kremer enter valued the members of the Pkllo mathean Club at her home, near Mi! lerftown. yesterday. The guests wen Mrs. be wis A. Carl, Mrs. John Henr: Jones, Mrs. William C, Ney, Mrs. Edltl Barton Brandt, Sirs. I-I. Munson Corn ing Mrs. William C. Fickes. Mrs. Man rice Wolf. Misses Olive Viola Adams Claire Rebecca Demaree, Edith Pear Grnbb, Katherine Marie T-iiggctt, UeUl Et'genia Rlppman. Selma Vernal Ste phens, Nelle McKenzie Kough. Fran ces Marie Kraiss. Mae Elizabeth l,ong Marguerite Uertrude, Rippman am Eva Miriam Robinson. CHOIU S Ml Kit FKATtlirc U WKMIKII'N St'NDAV SCHOO By Special Correspondence (•rantvllle, Pa., Oct. 23.—Mr. and Mr! Benjamin Hetrick, of Hummelstowr spent the week-end here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Hetrick an Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ungle.—Holy munion was celebrated by Shell's «II thcran Church, last Sunday morning.- Mrs. Harriet Wagner and Mrs. Milto Wagner, of visited relative here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stucke; of Hershey, ahrt the Rev. and Mrs. ( 11. Uittner and daughter, were guest of William Klein and family, 011 Sun dav. Holy Communion will be cele brated by /.ion's Lutheran Church to morrow morning. Mr. and Mrs. .Tarn Rank, of Fredericksburg, spent Sunda with William Hetrick, at Shellsville.- Irvin Ungle and Harvey Hess eac shot a wild turkey and a number o squirrels. John Kunta, of Shells ville. Is having a forre of men install ing a heating and lighting; system i his home. William Klein, of Shells ville, who was 111, is able to be abou the house again. Rally Day service were held by Wonrlch's Lutheran an Reformed Sunday School last Sundaj A special feature of the program wa the excellent music furnished by th :hoir.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers